International Journal of Research in Computer and ISSN (Online) 2278- 5841 Communication Technology, Vol 3, Issue 3, March- 2014 ISSN (Print) 2320- 5156
Classification Rules Using Decision Tree for Dengue Disease N K Kameswara Rao, Dr. G P Saradhi Varma, Dr.M.Nagabhushana Rao
Assoc.Professor, IT Dept., SRKR Engineering College, Bhimavaram, AndhraPradesh, India,
[email protected] Professor & HOD, IT Dept., SRKR Engineering College, Bhimavaram, AndhraPradesh, India,
[email protected] Professor CSE Dept., Swarnandra College of Engineering & Technology, Narasapuram, AndhraPradesh, India,
[email protected]
Abstract— Spatial data mining becomes more interesting and important as more spatial data have been accumulated in spatial databases. Spatial patterns are of great importance in many GIS applications that yield equal to association rules of a business i.e. On Line Transaction Processing (OLTP). Mining the spatial co-location patterns is an important spatial data mining task with broad applications. Certain operations that incorporate methods of analyses and summarization are very much crucial for organizations having large data sets of spatial data. . Decision tree is one of the learning algorithms which possess certain advantages which make it suitable for discovering rules for data mining application. The decision tree has been applied to classify the population in an area based on the chances of hitting a disease. This paper intended to discover the rules for the disease hit using decision tree algorithm. The paper also explores what rule can act in this area for the future prediction. The objective is to creating a prediction model, using decision tree for predicting the chances of occurrences of dengue diseases in a tribal area.. Keywords— Clustering, Data Mining, Decision Tree, Prediction. 1. Introduction: The present period of age is often referred as the information age. Everyone believes that information leads to power and success, because of sophisticated technologies such as computers, satellites, cell phones, Internet etc., we have been gathering tremendous amounts of information. Initially, the Computers are used to store large amount of digital data. We started collecting and storing all sorts of data, counting on the power of computers to help sort through this combination of information. Unfortunately these massive collections of data stored on contrasting structures were very rapidly become crushing. This initial chaos has led to the creation of structured databases, database management systems (DBMS), data marts and data warehouses. The efficient database management systems are necessary for effective and efficient retrieval of any information from large collections whenever it is needed; it is also very important assets for management of a large amount of data storage. The propagation of database management systems has also contributed to recent massive gathering of all sorts of information. Nowadays there is far more information than we can handle, from business management and scientific data, to satellite pictures, text
reports and military intelligence. Data mining system is useful for not only for information retrieval but also for decision-making. But dealing with huge collections of data, we have now created new needs to help us make better choices. These needs are automatic information stored, and discover of new patterns in raw data. The main objective of data mining is to dig out the previously known important information from database[1]. Data mining is a technique that has a huge number of applications in extensive varieties of fields to be familiar with convinced patterns or trends. After analyzing the information we can do conclusions and make decisions based on the logic. Once we are capable to predict the behavior of analyzed data, we can comfort to take strategic decisions to achieve certain goals [2]. The first stage is Exploration. The objective of the exploration stage is to identify important parameters and decide their nature. The large number of parameters can be reduced to a range for easy to deal with them. The next stage is pattern identification. We can select the best one for making the best predictions. Deployment is the third stage. After finding the highly predictable consistent pattern in the second stage we can move to this stage. The method that is used with data mining to make predictions is called modeling. The purpose of data mining is to take the model and place it in a situation where the answer is unknown. [3] 2. Related Work: 1. Analyze the database for the creation of an unsupervised model to identify the most significant parameters of affected area. And to predict the chances of hitting the disease using the supervised classifier model. 2. To build a model for classifying the population based on disease hit. 2.1 The role of data mining in prediction process: Data mining is used to analyze data from different perceptions and summarize them into useful information that can be used to predict the trend analysis. Prediction is a task of culture a pattern from examples and using the implement a model to predict future values of the target variable. The best way to create and use a data mining model is to know the user to understand what is happening when an instant action can take directly. More numbers of tools are available to analyze the data. They are used to
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International Journal of Research in Computer and ISSN (Online) 2278- 5841 Communication Technology, Vol 3, Issue 3, March- 2014 ISSN (Print) 2320- 5156 analyze data in verity of dimensions, categorize and summarize the identified relationships into different formats and finding correlations or patterns among different fields in large relational databases. Types of data analysis: visualization, Rule induction, nearest neighbor method, clustering, generic algorithm, decision tree model etc. The ability to convert the feeling in to the facts is the main advantage of data mining. Data mining can be used to support or refuse the feelings of people. It can be used to add credibility to the feelings. Unexpected patterns are not considered when the mining process is going in Data mining. One of the advantages of data mining algorithm in prediction of infectious diseases are able to select the correct parameters, they helped to analyze the facts and reasons behind to cause the disease, to formulate comparative reports over standard norms, to know the information flow etc.[4]. 3. Literature review: Generally, every year after completion of rainy season some epidemics are hitting to the people. Because the lack of living standards in slum areas most of the people in those areas effected by epidemics. Less hygienist and poverty is the main classes of victims of epidemics for these areas. The main factors for causing the epidemic are Poor hygienist, Rapid climate change, Drinking water contamination Unplanned sewage disposal system etc. There are much water borne and mosquito-borne diseases such as Cholera, Dengue fever, Malaria, Typhoid, Diarrhea, Jaundice, brain fever etc. Every rainy reasons, Hundreds of people were admits in the hospital due to some contagious disease and some of them were even loss their life. More types of epidemics effecting in this season. The main reasons for causing these epidemics are contamination of drinking water, non uniform change in climatic whether condition, mosquitoes because of water stagnation due to unplanned sewage disposal system. Poor health of population in the slums resulted by poverty and old age, Living conditions like personal hygienist, hygienist of the society, lack of health awareness or insufficient knowledge in observing hygienist, per-capita income of the inhabitance etc are also some of the reasons behind this calamity. Water-borne disease is, simply, any illness resulting from ingestion of or contact with water. Like foodborne diseases, water-ingestion illnesses are either infections or intoxications. Organisms responsible for infections are mainly bacteria. These organisms usually occur in water contaminated with sewage (eg, especially bird and mammal excrement) or by infected persons or animals. Intoxications may be chemical in nature (eg, copper, lead, insecticide poisonings) and usually occur as a result of metal leaching into water (from pipes or containers) and through the accidental spillage or seepage of chemicals into water supplies. They can also occur through toxins produced by blue-green algae (cyanobacteria), eg, Anabaena, Microcystis or Oscillatoria. These organisms
have caused even deaths in southern part of India through drinking pond water,. Illnesses acquired through contact with water are caused by bacteria. 3.1Data selection and analysis: To find the prediction of infectious disease hit, different kinds of data were collected from different sources 8 different areas are selected contains two urban, two rural and two tribal areas and 2 hill areas in East Godavari District in Andhra Pradesh. 2424 records are collected from the above 8 areas. After each rainy season, some contagious disease is hitting in many families in these areas. This is repeating since the last several years. So, all the data have been collected from atleast two from each family. The main parameters were education, income, hereditary factors, area located, drainage facilities, drinking water facilities, toilet facilities, waste disposal, electricity, approaches to hospital, roads, educational institutions, livelihood etc and created a database. Based on different parameters classified the population into different levels and created suitable model based on the selected algorithm. 3.2 Data collection: The raw data used in the research were collected from health department, Hospital, Urban Local Body, inhabitants from the above areas, Doctors from various hospital, health officers, different records from urban local body, on site observation etc. The same type of data collected from inhabitants inside the slum as well as outside the slum. To ensure the consistency of result, missing values were also dealt with. Irreverent records and duplicated data were eliminated to reduce the size of data set. Data synchronization was also carried out. 4. Selecting data mining Algorithm: The segmentation of population according to the hit of disease may be viewed as a clustering problem. For applying the clustering technique, the data set was further reduced to only one area with hereditary disease history. This is to identify the people who are effected by the disease and finally become conflicting. Eight five inhabitants come under this category. Thus from the above data set, the unsupervised model was built only with the records of people who tends to become insolvent. The unsupervised model was built with k-means clustering algorithm. It aims to break the collected data into separate "clusters" grouped by like characteristics. This types of data using a top-down approach as it starts with a predefined number of clusters and assigns observation to them. This method is relatively efficient in processing large data set. The problem of predicting inhabitance insolvency may be viewed as classification problem. The distribution of inhabitants is uneven (87% solvent and 13% insolvent). So with these characteristics the
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International Journal of Research in Computer and ISSN (Online) 2278- 5841 Communication Technology, Vol 3, Issue 3, March- 2014 ISSN (Print) 2320- 5156 problem is difficult to solve. So a new data set had to be created specifically for data mining function. For the new set, calculated the hit ratio and eliminated the records whose hit ratio is less. By applying classification technique, reduced the data set and calculated the percentage of insolvency. We can see that insolvency is higher with less population. ID3 algorithm Used to make decision tree by employing a top-down greedy search through the given sets to test each attribute at every tree node and for classifying solvent and insolvent inhabitants. Some Attributes with Their Possible Values TABLE-1 No Attribute Possible Values 1 2
Income Employment
Low/Average/High Employed/Unemployed
3 4
Environmental Condition Members in the family
Good/Avg/Poor Below 5/ 6-10/Above 10
Sanitation Facility
Drinking water facility
Yes/No 0-10/10-20/20-30/30-40 /40-50/50-60/above 60
5 Pattern Evaluation: The clustering analysis is identified in three different clusters according to the difference in inhabitance disease hit. Cluster1- High hit ratio Cluster2- Medium hit ratio Cluster 3- Zero Hit ratio From the classification rules [10], the most significant non climatic risk factors were identified as less educated, poor hygienist, less sanitation, population immunity and control activities. The identified climatic risk factors were seasonal climate, rainfall, temperature variation, spread of deadly diseases, water surface temperature, prediction interval etc. The second objective was to build a classification model for solvent and insolvent inhabitants using supervised learning with the help of variables. 5.1 Reasons to become insolvent 1. Disease due to climatic risk factors 2. Disease caused due to non climatic risk factors. Made a decision on the population according to the way in which they become solvent [9]. The next objective was to use the classifier model built to be used for predicting people insolvency. Predictive accuracy of the model can be calculated as the percentage of test samples that are correctly classified. (97% have been correctly classified).Thus the model which used classification rules [5] is an effective method for grouping solvent and insolvent inhabitant in this context.
Fig-1 People effected dengue disaster Area-wise
Fig-2 People effected dengue disaster Gender-wise
Fig -3 People effected dengue disaster Sanitation-wise
Fig -4 People effected dengue disaster Agegroup-wise 6. Conclusion: Two types of models are created, by using real life problem application of this research study. 1. An unsupervised clustering model for identifying the significant characteristics of insolvent customers. 2. Supervised classification model for insolvency prediction.
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International Journal of Research in Computer and ISSN (Online) 2278- 5841 Communication Technology, Vol 3, Issue 3, March- 2014 ISSN (Print) 2320- 5156 The clustering model created to understand different group behavior for history of dengue disease effected and accordingly action taken. The knowledge extracted from the clustering model helped to identify the significant characteristics of insolvent population which formed a particular cluster. The supervised classification model was built on a data set. This model allowed predicting the insolvency of inhabitants well in advance so that the action measures can be taken against the insolvent people [4]. 97% of the prediction accuracy was achieved employing the decision tree classification model [5]. Overall performance is also good. This model also identified two kinds of patients-inhabitants become patient(insolvent)due to the climatic risk factors such as seasonal climate, rainfall data, spread of deadly diseases, water surface temperature, temperature and perception measurement etc and inhabitants who became patients those due to non climatic risk factors such as population immunity and control activities, vector abundance, family history etc. The prediction interval is also a factor for the analysis. 7. Acknowledgements: Sincere thanks to management, Principal and faculty members of our institute (Sagi Ramakrishnam Raju Engineering College).
N K Kameswara Rao did M Tech in Software Engineering from JNT University-Hyderabad. Presently he is working as Associate Professor in Information Technology Department, SRKREC – Bhimavaram. Dr. G P. Saradhi Varma did Ph. D in Computer Science & Systems Engineering from Andhra University-Visakhapatnam. Presently he is working as Director PG Courses, Professor and HOD in Information Technology Department, SRKREC – Bhimavaram. He Guided 15 Ph D. scholars. He published 26 National Journals, 37 International Journals and 6 books. Dr. M. Nagabhushana Rao did Ph.D in Spatial Data Mining from Sri Venkatateswara University-Tirupathi. Presently he is working as Professor in CSE Department, SCET – Narsapuram.
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