Great condition; NISSAN LAUREL $1,900 great condition; TOYOTA CORONA
$1,500 couple of dents; If interested please 'phone Dave on 22915 or view at
Little ...
For Sale, Positions Vacant, Wanted to Buy, Notices, For Rent etc FOR SALE Dave Pitcher is selling his Dad’s cars. All have been garaged. TOYOTA GRANDE MARK II $2,500. Great condition; NISSAN LAUREL $1,900 great condition; TOYOTA CORONA $1,500 couple of dents; If interested please ‘phone Dave on 22915 or view at Little Green Lane (over from Yelavich Panel Repairs MAZDA FAMILIA. Auto. Rego to 02/09. Great runner. $1,500. Please ‘phone 23889 NISSAN BLUEBIRD in excellent condition. Only one owner. A good family car. Seats five in comfort. Priced to sell at $4,995. Please ‘phone 22054 VIBRANT BUSINESS FOR SALE “Knick Knacks on Norfolk” • Long established • Prime location in busy Norfolk Mall • May be purchased with or without stock • Very affordable business opportunity • Buy now and benefit from Christmas trading Enquiries to: Norfolk Island Real Estate Tel/fax: (6723) 22429
[email protected] MAZDA FAMILIA. 1994. Auto. 12 months rego. Very good condition. $2,900ono. Please ‘phone 22628 Sunday - Friday. SOFA, 4 SEATER, good condition. $180.00ONO. Ph 22769 ALUMINIUM SLIDING DOORS. 4m x 2.1m, 3.6m x 2.1m. $200 each. Please ‘phone 23252 or 50522 GARAGE SALE: SATURDAY 15TH AT 197 STOCKYARD ROAD (WAN GUUD TERN) 10AM-4PM Girls clothes, shoes, school uniforms size 8-14. Womens clothes size 16-20. Potted plants, kitchen utensils, bookcase, chest of drawers, gas heater, small fish tank, 5 piece outdoor setting, DVDs, cooking magazines, books, toys, baskets, gardening tools and hoses, lots more. 2 cars also for sale Familia sedan $2200, Nissan station wagon $4500 SHED SALE - SATURDAY 22nd NOVEMBER Electronic Organ (wit circuit). Sun lounge bed. Crockery. Tents. Ifo toilets. Books. All sorts of odds and ends. See next weeks paper for location and time. CORNER FISH TANK. Perfect Christmas present. Contact Tye on 22589
Centrally located land Level frontage to New Cascade Road, with highly attractive valley beyond. Zoned rural residential. Almost 5 acres - asking $230,000 Level land of more than 3/4 acre. Desirably close to school and town. Cleared, fenced, hedged and neatly kept. Sea view. $185,000 - make an offer.
3 bedroom residence. Desirable Main bedroom with ensuite. landscaped amongst trees, Attractively with desirable outlook.
Pavilion style building with verandah facing the valley views. Call for more details. - $320,000. Amazing views to the sea. Two bedroom residence with adjacent flat and carport. Plenty of living room space. Very attractive terraced gardens leading to well kept and secluded swimming pool. Deck running full length of the residence. More details on request. $275,000.
Rentals 1 Bedroom flat. Taylor’s Road.
$110.00 per week (GST incl). Comfortable Family Living bathrooms. bedrooms, with 3 Modern house, fully three2bedroom week (GST Incl) $180.00 furnished. town. and per to school Walk Level block. Garage. One bedroom Studio unit, central location. $100.00 per week (GST Incl). Only $150 per week!
ISLAND REALTY Ph: 22601 David Bell
On 50702 or 22596 a/h; On 50701 or 22240 a/h: 24119 22601 After Hours:
[email protected] Phone:
[email protected] email:
[email protected]
David Buffett
On 51155 or 22005 a/h;
[email protected]
LOCAL BUSINESSTHE NORFOLK ISLAND SPRINGWATER CO. Plenty of potential, fully equipped, showing healthy profits, very minimal hours required - asking $25,000 - contact vendor - email
[email protected] ph 50396 BUSINESS FOR SALE - Norfolk Fish shop has just been renovated, and is available for sale or lease. Great position opposite P.O. and Visitors Centre. Lease just the shop, or shop plus plant & equipment. Long or short lease to suit. Talk to me. 23778 TWO CHEST FREEZERS. 4’ x 3’. $200 each. 1 UPRIGHT SIDE BY SIDE FRIDGE FREEZER. $500. Excellent condition. Offers will be considered. Please ‘phone 24050 99 YAMAHA WR400F MOTORCYCLE $3,000. 99 YAMAHA 800 JETSKI with trailer. $4,000. 2001 Seadoo 900 fuel injected JETSKI with trailer $5,000. All in great condition. Accept credit cards. Please ‘phone 22897 GARAGE SALE TODAY! SATURDAY 15th NOVEMBER. 8.00am - 1.30pm. Cars, couches, toys, clothes, Ninetendo games, kitchenware etc. 39 Selwyn Pine Road. Next to Astyx. WANTED TO BUY. 1 KING OR QUEEN SIZE BED in good condition. Please ‘phone 22974 POSITIONS VACANT CHEF wanted for Patisserie. Good pay and conditions. Will work with the right person. Great opportunity to own your own business. Phone 23778 for more info. Governor’s Lodge Resort requires an EXPERIENCED CHEF for a la carte work. Must be able to work weekend and night shifts. Apply in the first instance to Jo Kelly. Ph: 24400
GARDENING HELP REQUIRED. Mainly on call and some weekend work. Apply to P.O. Box 25, Norfolk Island. PLUMBER REQUIRED. Please phone 22451 or 50339 CARPENTER / JOINER wanted. Contact Roy at Rocky Point Joinery, ph 22285. This is a TEP renewal. FOR RENT THE NEW PATISSERIE is available for Lease to the right people. Renovated and ready to go now. Lease or buy stock and plant. Talk to me. 23778 OFFICE BUILDING FOR RENT Fully renovated office building in the town centre on Westpac Lane. 2 offices, reception room, storeroom, kitchenette and full bathroom. Contact Lou 50777 to arrange inspection MOOLOOLABA UNIT AVAILABLE (21 DEC - 4 JAN) - 3 bedroom fully furnished, lovely decor, on the canal (1st from beach) - 2 minute walk to the restaurant strip, Coles and beach - very relaxing and nice outlook over the water Please contact Diane O’Brien - dobrien02@yahoo. or call dad (John Lorking) 22744 if you have any questions. WORK WANTED HAILEY KIERNAN WILL BE ON UNI BREAK 24 NOV-8 FEB AND IS LOOKING FOR PART TIME OR FULL TIME WORK, day or night. Has experience in waitressing, bar work, childcare & office work. Please contact Jasmine Kiernan Ph 24338/53484 NOTICES MILTS will be closed from 12th to 24th November. Please leave a message or answer phone and I will return your call.
Memory Keeping at Its Best
Sessions every Tuesday night at 7.00pm. Come and share ideas and have some fun in the process
Contact your local agent Jo Snell for all your Creative Memory Scrapbooking needs. Regular sessions and workshops. Themed workshop once a month. Brochures and Creative Memories Gift Certificates available. Enquires to Jo on 22159 (b/h), 23615 (a.h), 50947 (mobile)
ROSS SAMPSON SOLICITOR - office at 19 Ferny Lane (on Airport side of NI Leagues). Instructions accepted for wills, deceased estates, residential & business purchases, sales, mortgages, leases, subdivisions, ART reviews. Call 24091 email
[email protected] BANYAN PARK PLAY CENTRE ENROLMENTS FOR 2009 Enrolments for Banyan Park are now being taken for 3 and 4 year olds. Enrolment forms can be collected from Banyan Park Play Centre and should be completed prior to FRIDAY 12th DECEMBER 2008. Early submission is encouraged to avoid disappointment. Inquiries Ph 22415. MEETINGS AND AGMS AGM CAT WELFARE & WILDLIFE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION OF NORFOLK ISLAND. Tuesday 18th November 6.30pm Rm 16 Norfolk Island Central School. A good attendance is requested. Enquiries to Margaret Christian 22800 or Margaret Adams 23650 The AGM of the ASSOCIATION OF NORFOLK ISLAND ARCHERS will be held at 7.00pm on Monday, 24th November. Venue to be advised. For further details please contact either President Jonno Snell on 22159 or Secretary Marie Auckram.
Chiswick Cottage
ART AND CRAFT SHOP Locally made Childrens’Wear, Craft, Local Photography, Art, Books and much more!
NOW OPEN FROM 2pm WED, SAT, SUN Two Chimney’s Road • Steele’s Point
lk The Norfo R ISLANDE
more spaper for munity New “Your Com 1965 FOUND
k orfol The NNDER A L S I
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Lunch - Monday to Sunday 12midday to 2.00p.m. Dinner - Monday to Sunday 6.00p.m. - 8.00p.m. Friday open until 9.00p.m. (Private Functions Catered for)
• Live Entertainment • • Big Screen TV • Squash Courts •
‘Phone 22440
LONG. 167056’E
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9.38am 10.27am 11.18am 12.13pm 1.11pm 2.13pm 3.15pm 4.14pm
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3.50pm 4.43pm 5.37pm 5.30am 6.27am 7.30am 8.39am 9.51am
0.3 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
“Norfolk Island’s Community Newspaper for more than 40 Years”
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Open 7 Days from 11.00a.m. visitors welcome
The Norfolk Islander
s” than 40 Year
rs to Successo eer c. 1885 News c. 1933 . c. 1951 lk Island Pion d Monthly : W.I.N The Norfo Norfolk Islan .E. c. 1949 c 1932 : The kly c. 1943 : N.I.N kly News 5 d Wee The Wee Price $2.7 : Norfolk Islan lk News c. 1965 incl GST s c. 1935 Norfo Time N.I. Y 2008 The JANUAR AY, 26th SATURD 4 me 43, No.
plan week, the of Earlier this Members nt Executive rs” Governme 40 Yea lk Island gement of than Norfo mana more and the met with Boeing per ffor wspa Norfolk Air possibilities for ity Ne 965 un 1 to discuss D ft. For r Comm NDE nt 3aircra g1 has “You replaceme FOU 193 Boein 195 5 c. hs, to c. . montW.I.N ws c. 188 some ssors ly Ne : Norfolk Air’s neer Month Succe 1949 sing nd Pio nd been running E. c. analy k Isla rfolk Isla : N.I.N. nts and s. 3 Norfol No requireme suitable aircraft The future route eting, c. 194 5 : The lling on ekly and planned 1932 mode ws c Island We ws c. 196 08 e’s current Director, Product Markle was y Ne k Y 20for the airlin k Ne , Regional Weekl 5 : Norfol from Seatt much NUAR Norfol The George Alabi mercial Airplanes 193 th JA and provided es c. , 12 Com RDAY for Boeing Island for a few days 737 series aircraft. N.I. Tim The SATU lk generation aviation history, Norfo in in on the new .2 information is the most successful many new features , No on e 43 with ct series ded and much This pa Volum being upgra capacity and range ices im er and is now said planes great ation. fuel pr EnergyChristian rld e GPS giving the s incorporat ent fuel utilis WorldNorfolke Neville spiral insewo in the more effici rtantly, the new plane ired Navigation k Financing upward increa s” Norfol her r for ar Most impo ms (GLS) and Requ would enable con Ye tinu in a furt orted to tanker Ministet the ilities, which most weather ing Syste thaan 40resulted ducts imp st recent vious Land capab ) ay in pre mo has tod e th off ce (GNP pro a yearprices roleum ts from the n for the raise its Performan to land and take mor lk Island to tha roil of pet ded cos prices Norfolk Airand finally make Norfo higher Energy sale eer fo cost nd. 51 5 Lan rably Norfolk 33 whole , the spap 9 6 conside c.l 19 conditions ation. 19 be: new N.wil 1Isla New s with Ozjet D were nt, forcing ws .I.8 litre Thec. 200 iation destin E ity W per negot es. g : round D me 6 derin a range recent uar 49y ship mun 1885pric ly Ne $ 1.8 per litre UN Jan19 to - ole sale nt is consi has access to om Following 2 r c. FO onth 14. c. P) Governme rC sors whee $ 1.9 per litre come eMfrom lk Air .E (UL ctiv 7 I.Nrol cces Pion that Norfo carrying capacity. effe “You Norfolk Island $ 1.6 be wel level Isllead Su and lk : er to ensure er y not 43 (ADO) Isl rfo Un19 of options rn aircraft with great rred options, one of es ma antly low l supply sel65 rfolk e No c.Die 08 pric ific prefe No : Th ration kly c. 19 20se new a sign old fue istian more mode has identified its osene Ythe The 1932 d Wee ws Ker the New Gene hile are still at been if thece”, Mr ChrEnergy lk Air UAR c “W Ne an aircraft like lk Island. Norfo N e in pla y k in ws lk Isl rfolk hav the the result rfol JA , Ne rfo th news, y would remained of No cushion inst No which could pictured serving Norfo being considered kly No the nts had to ent , 19 aga l still than Wee 35 : AY me blishm bled us extent Boeing 737 range of options is more modern aircraft wil RD The c. 19 arrange“The esta7 has ena to some es. We to TU es While a that the change to SA said. ober 200 communityrld oil pricendeavour on Tim es ey ted ercial Airplan N.I. nd ek . n and the effects it is expec in Oct in wo The during 2008 Source: Boeing Comm ate e th ublic : Norfolk idIslaincrease r the situatio 3 will occur o. moder seholds”. would logufor P ation ,N ���� e ce to hou the rap e to monito rgy ����� ia pla 43 the in and d ������ ior Vic Ene er s s t e tha continuchanism businesse Norfolk prices in ition ���������� ive omes un lum L Sen ���������� that olesale compet Vo ruct tc rem r ttoday tween put me Island ch, RS
BONUS! ess Acc Unlimited to Archives e n li On
FOUNDED 1965 email :
[email protected] Telephone (int + 6723) 22159 • Fax (int + 6723) 22948