BANDHU. ORGANIZATION PROFILE. A. B. C. Name and address: Of the
organization. Chief Contact Person. Date & Year of. Establishment. BRIGHT ...
Name and address: Of the organization
At: Madhuban (3 Lane) P/o: Puri, Dist: Puri (Orissa) Ph.No: (06752) - 225576 (O) Mobile: 9437422467 E-mail:
[email protected] B.
Chief Contact Person
Date & Year of Establishment
Act under which registered: S.R. Act XXI of 1860 Regd. No. 201881/20 of 2000-01 F.C.R.A. Regn. No.
Nature of Organization:
It is a non-government social development organization.
Area of operation:
Throughout state of Orissa.
Target Group:
Present Activities :
Tribal people, Disability people, rural people, Women & Children Youth, SC/ST/OBC Community etc. Women Empowerment Programme Child Welfare Programme Disaster Management Programme Consumer Welfare Programme R.C.H. Programme Condensed Programme For Adult Women Programme Gender Equality Programme Women Labour Welfare Programme Environment Protection Programme Health Programme Women Trapping Programme Disability Rehabilitation Programme 1
Youth Training Programme Entrepreneurships Development Programme Microfinance Programme for Rural Poor Women Tribal Development Programme Vocational Training for Youth Programme Padmakeshari Award Ambruta Santan Award Sri Gundicha Prakasani Award Environment Award
I. Award Received
J. Present Staffs
K. Volunteer Staffs
L. Organisation Bank Account:
-AXIS BANK LTD. A/C No-464010100004978 ♦ -STATE BANK OF INDIA A/C No-10205047114 ♦ -HDFC BANK A/C No-1222560002269 ♦ -BANK Of INDIA A/C No-3607
Objectives of Society: Regular review over its achievements and the felt needs aspiration and priorities of the society in general and the target groups in particular have justified the purpose of its functional continuity and structural reorganization during different times. New and fresh objectives have been inserted into for undertaking programmes relating to the newer issues and concerns. Accordingly its agenda supports to the following objectives at present: Undertaking efforts for the general well being including socio-economic rehabilitation of the disadvantaged group of people, women, youth and children. Undertaking programmes relating to health, education and environmental reform in rural and urban areas. Undertaking programmes for the amelioration of restrictive social order, appertaining to the leprosy affected people, beggars, Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes. Undertaking programmes for popularization and promotion of cottage industries, handicrafts and rural agro based enterprises as a viable means for the solution of unemployment problem in rural areas. To undertake programmes for facilitating great involvement of the youth and women towards national integration, cultural amity, religious tolerance and regional co-operation. To promote the social economics and educational advancement of the area it services. 2
To help the rural poor by providing low cost shelters, agricultural implements short term crop loans and income generation activities loan for eradication of poverty in grass root sector. MISSION BANDHU believes in and strives for achieving the goals of and means for social justice through a participatory process. Keeping people on the front seat. BANDHU fights for people who fight against misery, poverty, sufferings of people due to natural disasters or man made exploitations. Segregation, marginalization secularization and discrimination and help them in all possible manner in order to empower them to help themselves in achieving true citizenship and a better quality of life. PHILOSOPHY Oriented towards sustainable development through effective utilization of human resource with application of indigenous methods and judicious use of natural resources for greater social responsibility. APPROACH Helping the rural farmers and artisans to improve their quality of life through constructive work. Organizing income generation programmes to help improvement of quality of life in the deprived communities. Assisting the helpless women, children and engaging them in productive activities. Guiding the Youth towards a constructive direction and utilizing their energy for development of backward area. Awakening youth mass for the welfare of the society. GOAL Transform the present condition of people's poverty and suffering into self reliant and self supporting communities and to live in peace and harmony with others. To development various socio-economic and welfare programmes for the upliftment of women, landless small and marginal farmers and disables. To create proper awareness among people with regard to pollution sanitation, ecology and environment through training courses and awareness campaigns.
TARGET GROUP Women and Children Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Community. Leprosy affected people. Old and aged people. Beggars, Street children and rag-pickers. Physically and mentally handicapped people and children. Youths INTERVENTION STRATEGY Peoples Rural Appraisal Technique. Group Motivational and Awareness Generation Programme. Institutional and Non-institutional service measures. Survey and Social Investigations. Campaign and message dissemination, conducting of information and knowledge, sharing and educational programmes like seminars, symposia work shops etc.