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Submitted Ph.D thesis for evaluation to JNTUH, Hyderabad on “Critical Success ... Worked as a Assistant professor for MBA courses in St.John's P.G College,.
CURRICULUM VITAE SUJAENDRA SWAMI.P Teaching Assistant (MBA) National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research [NIPER] (Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Govt. of India]

Balanagar, Hyderabad 500037, INDIA Mail: [email protected], Mobile: 09000919140 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aim to be associated with progressive and growth oriented institutions that gives scope to apply my knowledge and skills with hard work and dedication for the growth of the student community as well as academic curriculum, and to be part of the team that dynamically works to brighten the institution name and fame.

Academic Background: S.No Degree Ph.D (Thesis Submitted) 1

University JNTUH-Hyderabad

Division ----

Year 2008 -13



Annamalai University





Osmania University





Osmania University



Work Experience (5 Years)  Working as Teaching Assistant for MBA (Pharm.) in NIPER-Hyderabad from April 2013.  Worked as Academic Assistant in School of Management Studies, JNTUH for MBA courses from Nov. 2011 to March 2013.  Submitted Ph.D thesis for evaluation to JNTUH, Hyderabad on “Critical Success factors for Six sigma Implementation in Service Sector” under the supervision of Dr V M Prasad, Professor, SMS,JNTUH.  Worked as a Assistant professor for MBA courses in St.John’s P.G College, ibrahimpatnam from 8/2005 to 7/2006  Worked as a Assistant professor for MBA courses in Ronald Ross P.G College, ibrahimpatnam from 7/2006 to 9/2008

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Subject Taught: General: Strategic Management, Technology Management, Management Information system, ERP, Human Resource Management Specialization: Compensation Management, Performance Appraisal, Organization Development, Consumer Behavior, Service Marketing. Training Programs/Refresher Courses/Work Shops Participated 1) Participated in a 3 week Refresher Course titled “Innovation & Technology Management” Organized by UGC-Academic Staff college-JNTUH, Hyderabad, during 13-10-2008 to 4-11-2008. 2) Participated in a 4 week Refresher Course titled “Manufacturing Strategies” Organized by UGC-Academic Staff college-JNTUH, Hyderabad, during 8-32010 to 31-3-2010. 3) Participated in a 3 week Refresher Course titled“ Advanced Trends in Web Mining & Data Warehousing” Organized by UGC-Academic Staff collegeJNTUH, Hyderabad, during 18-10-2010 to 08-11-10. 4) Participated 3 week AICTE sponsored Staff Development Program (SDP) on “Research methodology for Management Teachers” Organized by GRIET, Hyderabad in May 2nd -16th, 2012. Workshops: 1) Participated in one day workshop titled “Workshop on MBA Project work” Organized by Department of Business Management, Osmania University on December 18, 2006. Research Publications, Seminars, Conferences Participated & Presented I) International: 1) Sujendra Swamy.P & Dr V M Prasad “Human Resource Factors for Six sigma Success” Review of Management and Engineering Economics, Romania (ISSN 1583-624X) March 2011, Vol.10 Pp 91-105. Page 2 of 5

II) National: 1) Rajesh Kumar & Sujendra Swami “B-School Quality Parameters in Andhra Pradesh” “Intercontinental journal of Marketing Research Review” Vol 1,Iss 4, June 2013. 2) Sujendra swamy.P & Dr V M Prasad “Six sigma in Higher Education” University News

(ISSN 0830-0445) March 18-23, 2010 vol; 140.pg14-21.

3) Sujendra swamy.P & Dr V M Prasad “Success Aspects of six sigma Implementation” Global Journal of business Review (ISSN 0973-8533), Jan-July 2010 vol; 33-41. 4) Sujendra swamy.P & Dr V M Prasad “Six sigma Impact on Organization Performance” IASMS Journal of Business Spectrum (ISSN 0974-8016), JanJuly 2010, Vol 5, Pg 33-41. 5) Sujendra swami.P & Dr V M Prasad “Factors impact on Six sigma Success” CAMS Journal of Business Studies & Research (ISSN 0975- 7953), July – Sep 2010, Vol 1, No 3. Pgs 1-8. 6) Sujendra swami.P & Dr V M Prasad “Critical success factors for six sigma implementation” Journal of Contemporary Research in Management ( ISSN 0973-9785), July - Sep2010,

Vol 5,No 3, Pgs. 83-91.

7) Sujendra swami.P & Dr V M Prasad “Knowledge Management: A key Strategy to achieve Six sigma quality standards” TATVA (ISSN: 0973-0974), Oct-Dec, 2010 8) Dr Y.Jahangir & Sujendra Swami.P “TQM Practices in HBL Industries Limited” TATVA (ISSN: 0973-0974), Vol 8, No.2, Pgs.37-45,July, 2011. 9) Ch Srinagesh ,Gopu Venkata swamy & Sujendra Swami.P “Technical Education :A Study on Skills Requirement” Indian Journal of Training and Development ( ISSN 0971-5592), Vol, XXXXI, No .3, July-Sept, 2011.

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III) International Conferences 1) Presented a paper titled “Six sigma: Quality quest in software Industry “ in International Conference on Global Interdependence and Decision Science (ICGIDS)” organized by Administrative staff college of India, Hyderabad, during December 28-30, 2009. 2)

Presented a paper titled “Success factors in six sigma implementation” in “International Conference on Operations & Management Science (ICOMS)”Organized by IMT, Nagpur during February12-13,2010.

3) Presented a paper titled “Indian insurance Sector in Global Arena” in “International Conference on International Trade and Commerce” organized by Department of Commerce, Osmania University during 5-7 March, 2010. 4) Presented a paper titled“ Quality Wave: Impact on corporate Governance” in “2nd International Conference on Corporate Governance” organized by Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad-India & Waikato Business School, New Zealand during 9th-10th December, 2010. IV) National conferences 1) Presented a paper titled “Women Entrepreneurship in India” in” National Seminar on Women entrepreneurship: A key to National Development (UGC Sponsored) “Organized by Singareni collieries women’s Degree College during January 24-25, 2009. 2)

Presented a paper titled “Knowledge Management: A key strategy


successful Business and Human Resource Management practices” in “National Seminar on Global Economic Turbulence –Recrafting HR Strategies” Organized by Sri Krishnadevaraya Institute of Management, SK University during 30-31 January, 2009. 3) Presented a paper titled “ Achieving six sigma quality Standards-A Key Strategy in uncertain Times” in” National Seminar on Managing in an uncertain Economic Era-Embracing change in a service Economy (UGC sponsored)” Page 4 of 5

Organized by School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad during November 5-7,2009. 4) Presented a paper titled “ Six sigma impact on Organizational Performance” in National Seminar on Strategic Quality Management through innovation and Value creation” Organized by School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad during March 18-20,2010. 5) Presented a paper titled “Dynamic Tools for Six sigma implementation” in “National conference on Excellence in Manufacturing & Service organizations: The Six sigma way” Organized by School of Management Studies, JNTUH, Kukatpally during August 26-27, 2010. 6) Participated in State level Seminar on “Strategies for financial Inclusion” (Sponsored by NABARD) organized by School of Management studies, JNTUH, Hyderabad during February 26, 2010. 7) Presented a paper titled “Six sigma tactics for Green Management” in “National seminar on Green Management” organized by “Hyderabad Business SchoolGITAM UNIVERSITY” during April 2, 2011. Membership: Member, National Human Resource Development (NHRD)- Hyderabad chapter. Conference Organized: Successfully conducted Two day National Seminar on “Excellence in Service and Manufacturing Organizations: The Six sigma way “ at SMS-JNTUH on August 26 & 27-2010.

Personal Details Date of Birth



30 Years







Languages Known

Telugu, English, Hindi

Marital Status


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