Client Satisfaction Survey 2015 - BAS IT Services

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Mail Services. 21. Payroll. 22. Physical ... The survey was accessible through links in emails, websites, and QR codes i
Business and Administrative Services (BAS)

Client Satisfaction Survey “Delivering on the Promise”



BAS Client Satisfaction Survey

Table of Contents Letter from the Vice Chancellor Overview

2 4

Introduction Facilitators Methods

4 5 5



Participation Data Use of Services Net Promoter Score Department outcomes

7 7 9 10

Accounting Affirmative Action Architects & Engineers BAS Information Technology (BASIT) BAS Shared Services Emergency Management & Continuity Planning Environmental Health & Safety Equipment Management Fleet Services Human Resources Logistics Services Mail Services Payroll Physical Plant Police (UCPD) Printing & Reprographics Procurement Risk Management Student Business Services Transportation & Parking Services


10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29



BAS Client Satisfaction Survey

Overview Introduction This report represents the first annual Client Satisfaction Survey, conducted from April 20th through May 1ST, 2015. The survey asked faculty, staff, students, and community members to evaluate the quality of services delivered by Business and Administrative Services (BAS) units: Accounting Affirmative Action Architects & Engineers BAS Information Technology (BASIT) BAS Shared Services Emergency Management Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S)

Equipment Management Fleet Services Human Resources Logistics Services Mail Services Payroll Physical Plant

Police (UCPD) Printing & Reprographics Procurement Risk Management Student Business Services Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS)

This survey was initiated in 2014 by Vice Chancellor Ron Coley as one of the metrics in BAS’ Balanced Scorecard; a strategic management framework that embeds organization strategy into daily operations. Each perspective of BAS’ Balanced Scorecard (Client/Customer, Resource, Process, and People) includes campus and BAS strategic objectives, measures of those objectives, target values of those measures, and strategic initiatives.

This survey was conducted under the auspices of the BAS Leadership Team, composed of the Vice Chancellor, Associate Vice Chancellors, and Directors. The purpose of the survey is:  To systematically assess current strengths and weaknesses from the viewpoint of our customers;  To establish a baseline of data upon which to measure future gains; and  To inspire engagement and commitment to excellence. 4

Facilitators The survey was developed by the BAS Client Satisfaction Survey Committee composed of representatives from several BAS departments through the organizational unit.

Committee members John Freese (Chair) Cassandra Greenawalt Dolores Cordova Drew Hecht Irma Henderson Kelly Murphy Kenneth Mueller Mariela Roberts Pauline Librenjak

Police (UCPD) Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) Logistics Services Architects & Engineers Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS) BAS Information Technology (BAS IT) Physical Plant Human Resources Financial Services

Advisors and Staff Support Georgianne Carlson Janette de la Rosa Ducut, Ed.D. Robin Ripley Tomika Davis Gary Coyne

CFAO & Organizational Excellence Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) Human Resources BAS Shared Services Undergraduate Education

Methods This study attempted to measure customer and client satisfaction in faculty, staff, and students at the University of California Riverside. An online survey was used to obtain data, which was collected from the period April 20, 2015 to May 1, 2015. Prior to beginning the survey, a Committee was formed to determine survey questions, plan marketing efforts, and accomplish tasks required to execute the project. Questions were developed after extensive review of similar efforts at other institutions, and through review of the literature related to customer satisfaction involving what is known as the “Net Promoter Score”. Validity of questions was attempted through administrative review, feedback obtained from piloting the survey with a small focus group. Quantitative methods were discussed with the Office of Evaluation & Assessment to obtain direction on baseline results. Refer to the “Survey Questions” section provided at the end of this report for a sample. The University hosts several campus email distribution lists that send direct messages to the target populations. Using this list, the Vice Chancellor of Business & Administrative Services (BAS) sent a personal email invitation to participate. The survey was accessible through links in emails, websites, and QR codes in written literature (e.g., posters, postcards, table tents, etc.). To increase the accessibility of the survey, a kiosk station was installed in the Building Services & Grounds facility lobby. The survey was offered in both English and in Spanish. During the survey period, participants were asked to evaluate several variables as it related to the BAS organizational unit and its subsidiary departments. They were allowed to complete the survey anonymously, to encourage honest and candid feedback. For those that chose to volunteer, the survey provided a way of submitting contact information. 5

After completing the survey, participants were redirected to a separate website thanking them, announcing when results would be available, and inviting them to enter into a raffle for a $10 gift card. The raffle collected contact information using a second online survey; responses of which were completely separate from the Client Satisfaction Survey responses. The online survey tool allowed for data to be entered directly into a database once participants submitted their responses. This database was password controlled by only two administrators on campus; the survey creator and an analyst. Once the survey closed, data was extracted into spreadsheets for processing. Descriptive statistics were produced in order to assess the varying levels of client satisfaction. These statistics were generated using Microsoft Excel software features for statistical analysis. Specifically, data was described in terms of the frequency, mean, and range. Bar charts, column charts, pie charts, and infographics were produced to visually display the data. These graphs allowed the analyst to illustrate distribution of responses for each question. This process identified several limitations to the study, which are described as lessons learned later in this report.


Results Participation Data Participation rates are based upon the number of surveys fully completed and submitted by UCR Faculty, Staff, and students. Although the survey was open to them, Affiliated Community Members did not participate in the survey. In total, 529 survey responses were collected. Cohort Staff1 Students Faculty / Academic1 Total

Survey Participants 396 74 59 529

Target Population 2,770 21,000 1,431 25,201

Participation Rate 14% 0.4% 4% 2%

A majority of responses are from staff members (75%); the rest are comprised of student (14%) and Faculty / Academic (11%) submittals. The participation rates for each cohort are not representative of the target audience population at UCR. The relatively low response rate(s) is a limitation of the survey. There was a small fraction of students and faculty who responded, and no mechanism to ensure the sample was statistically random. Therefore, it is very unlikely that the responses would be representative of those groups.

Use of Services BAS unit services are used with varying degrees of frequency by faculty, staff, and students. The frequency of use for each BAS department is listed below and are arranged by those used most “Frequently” by faculty, staff, and students.

Faculty / Academic use of BAS Services


Faculty & Staff FTE & Unduplicated Headcounts, October 2014 Payroll, (excluding Student Employees); retrieved May 17, 2015 from:, (Using Faculty and Staff Headcount totals) 7

Use of Services (continued)

Staff use of BAS Services

Student use of BAS Services


Net Promoter Score The Net Promoter Score (NPS) was developed to assess what extent respondents would recommend a certain service, product or company2. This client satisfaction metric is calculated based on the question, “How likely are you to recommend [Department name] services to a friend or colleague?” Responses are provided on an 11point rating scale, ranging from 0 (not likely at all) to 10 (extremely likely), and are categorized into three categories: detractors, passives or promoters3. 

 

Promoters (score 9-10) are engaged and enthusiastic clients who regard BAS units as credible and whose operations are conspicuous for their excellence. Promoters will continue to use BAS unit services, promote them, and refer others. Passives (score 7-8) are neutral, and while perhaps satisfied, are unenthusiastic clients. Passives are not dissatisfied; however, they are not willing or motivated to embrace or promote BAS unit services. Detractors (score 0-6) are unhappy clients who are unlikely and unwilling to embrace, promote, or refer BAS unit services.

To determine the NPS, the percentage of total responses which are promoters are subtracted from the percentage that are detractors. NPS does not consider neutral responses in the final score.

NPS = % Promoters (9-10) - % Detractors (0-6) NPS = 23% - 50%

NPS = -27 The overall NPS for BAS units, as determined by the 2015 Delivering on the Promise survey, is -27.


NPS based on responses from each participant group (role) are displayed in the table below. The NPS for each BAS unit can be found at the bottom of that unit’s survey results page.

BAS Overall Net Promoter Score As a general administration and service provider, how likely are you to recommend BAS to a friend or colleague?

BAS NPS (Overall)


BAS Unit Promoters, Passives, and Detractors

Net Promoter Score, by Participant Group

Based on highest NPS rankings, Staff members are most likely to recommend BAS to a friend or colleague. 2 3

Net Promoter Score (NPS) – Best Practice. (June 10, 2011). Retrieved June 1, 2015, from The Net Promoter Score and System – Net Promoter Community. (n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2015, from



Quality of Service Rank your level of satisfaction regarding the unit’s: professionalism, availability of information, responsiveness, technical competency, and vale provided to you!

The Accounting Office supports the campus mission by providing accounts payable, post award administration, banking, and general accounting services. The unit is responsible for maintaining the campus general ledger and financial applications, ensuring accurate financial information and reports are readily available to the campus and external parties, coordinating external audits, and advising on applicable laws, regulations, policies and procedures. The Payroll Office is part of the Accounting Office, but for the purposes of this survey the unit is separately defined. Frequency of Use How frequently do you use Accounting Services?

At least 55% of users were either satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of Accounting services in each category. The most positive responses were in regards to the unit’s professionalism and competency. The most dissatisfied and very dissatisfied reactions were in the Responsiveness and “Availability of Information” categories.

Net Promoter Score How likely are you to recommend Accounting Services to a friend or colleague? A majority of participants indicated that they never use department services (37%), followed by those who indicated frequent use (24%) of 26 or more times per year. 38% of respondents use services either infrequently (1 – 5 times per year) or occasionally (6 – 25 times per year).

Use of Services

63% 63% of respondents use Accounting services, versus 37% who “never” do so.

Net Promoter Score, by Participant Group Value Rank the overall value the unit adds to your work and/or experience at UCR

Role Faculty Staff Student

Overall Value


Of those who use them, 51% of respondents feel that Accounting services offers much value or exceptional value to their work and/or experience at UCR.

NPS -70 -9 -38

Accounting Services *Overall Net Promoter Score


* NPS calculated excluding responses from those who “never” use the unit services. For more information regarding NPS, refer to page 9. 10

Affirmative Action

Quality of Service Rank your level of satisfaction regarding the unit’s: professionalism, availability of information, responsiveness, technical competency, and vale provided to you!

The Affirmative Action unit seeks to support UCR’s commitments to: equitable treatment of all students, faculty, and staff; and to supporting diversity and equal opportunity in its education, services, and administration, research and creative activity. The unit coordinates programs, policies, practices, procedures, and initiatives to ensure equal employment opportunity principles are ingrained into all aspects of UCR's campus employment environment, such as: Recruitment, selection, retention, separation, and advancement. Frequency of Use How frequently do you use Affirmative Action Services?

At least 50% of users were either satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of Affirmative Action services in each category, except for Responsiveness. The most positive responses were in regards to the unit’s Professionalism and Competency. The most dissatisfied and very dissatisfied reactions were in the Responsiveness and “Value to you!” categories.

Net Promoter Score How likely are you to recommend Affirmative Action Services to a friend or colleague? A majority of participants indicated that they never use the department services (68%), followed by those who indicated infrequent use (20%) of 1 – 5 times per year. 12% of respondents use services either occasionally (6 – 25 times per year) or frequently (26+ times per year).

Use of Services

32% 32% of respondents use Affirmative Action services, versus 68% who “never” do so.

Value Rank the overall value the unit adds to your work and/or experience at UCR

Net Promoter Score, by Participant Group

Role Faculty Staff Student

Overall Value


Of those who use them, 37% of respondents feel that Affirmative Action offers much value or exceptional value to their work and/or experience at UCR.

NPS -76 -19 0

Affirmative Action Services *Overall Net Promoter Score


* NPS calculated excluding responses from those who “never” use the unit services. For more information regarding NPS, refer to page 9. 11

Architects & Engineers (A&E)

Quality of Service Rank your level of satisfaction regarding the unit’s: professionalism, availability of information, responsiveness, technical competency, and vale provided to you!

Capital Programs, Architects & Engineers (A&E) provides the Riverside campus with a physical environment which supports the teaching, research and public service goals of the university. A&E is committed to working in partnership with the faculty, campus administration, students, and the community-at-large to anticipate and meet the evolving needs of the campus, consistent with the high academic standards of the University of California. Frequency of Use How frequently do you use A&E Services?

More than 50% of users were either satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of A&E services in regards to Professionalism and Competency. The most dissatisfied and very dissatisfied reactions were in the Responsiveness, “Availability of Information”, and “Value to you!” categories.

Net Promoter Score How likely are you to recommend A&E Services to a friend or colleague? A majority of participants indicated that they never use the department services (76%), followed by those who indicated infrequent use (14%) of 1 – 5 times per year. 10% of respondents use services either occasionally (6 – 25 times per year) or frequently (26+ times per year).

Use of Services

24% 24% of respondents use Architects & Engineers services, versus 76% who “never” do so.

Value Rank the overall value the unit adds to your work and/or experience at UCR

Net Promoter Score, by Participant Group

Role Faculty Staff Student

Overall Value


Of those who use them, 38% of respondents feel that Architects & Engineers offers much value or exceptional value to their work and/or experience at UCR.

NPS -81 -33 100

A&E Services *Overall Net Promoter Score


* NPS calculated excluding responses from those who “never” use the unit services. For more information regarding NPS, refer to page 9. 12

BAS Information Technology (BAS IT)

Quality of Service Rank your level of satisfaction regarding the unit’s: professionalism, availability of information, responsiveness, technical competency, and vale provided to you!

BAS IT manages operations and projects that align people, processes, and technology. The unit is committed to providing a range of supporting services including: IT and project management, systems analysis and design, application and web development, server and security administration, and desktop support. The projects, systems, and applications BAS IT manages range from department specific to campus wide. The department supports 9 divisions, 32 departments, and over 600 people. Frequency of Use How frequently do you use BAS IT Services?

More than 75% of users were either satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of BAS IT services in each category. The most positive responses were in regards to the unit’s Professionalism and Competency. The most dissatisfied and very dissatisfied reactions were in the “Availability of information” and Responsiveness categories.

Net Promoter Score How likely are you to recommend BAS IT Services to a friend or colleague? A majority of participants indicated that they never use department services (57%), followed by those who indicated occasional use (19%) of 6 – 25 times per year. 16% of respondents report infrequent use (16%) of 1 – 5 times per year, while 7% use services on a frequent basis of 26+ times per year.

Use of Services

43% 43% of respondents use BAS IT services, versus 57% who “never” do so.

Net Promoter Score, by Participant Group Value Rank the overall value the unit adds to your work and/or experience at UCR

Role Faculty Staff Student

Overall Value


Of those who use them, 70% of respondents feel that BAS IT services offers much value or exceptional value to their work and/or experience at UCR.

NPS -32 37 -25

BAS IT Services *Overall Net Promoter Score


* NPS calculated excluding responses from those who “never” use the unit services. For more information regarding NPS, refer to page 9. 13

BAS Shared Services

Quality of Service Rank your level of satisfaction regarding the unit’s: professionalism, availability of information, responsiveness, technical competency, and vale provided to you!

BAS Shared Services offers support for the BAS organization’s operational and administrative campus service departments. The unit also provides BAS Department/Unit specific support and BAS Departmental support. Frequency of Use How frequently do you use BAS Shared Services?

At least 70% of users were either satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of BAS Shared Services in regards to the unit’s Professionalism and Competency. The most dissatisfied and very dissatisfied reactions were in the “Value to you!” and “Availability of Information” categories.

A majority of participants indicated that they never use BAS Shared Services (70%), followed by those who indicated infrequent use (12%) of 1 – 5 times per year. 17% of participants indicated either occasional (6 – 25 times per year) or frequent use (26+ times per year).

Net Promoter Score How likely are you to recommend BAS Shared Services to a friend or colleague?

Use of Services

30% 30% of respondents use BAS Shared Services, versus 70% who “never” do so.

Value Rank the overall value the unit adds to your work and/or experience at UCR

Overall Value


Of those who use them, 52% of respondents feel that BAS Shared Services offers much value or exceptional value to their work and/or experience at UCR.

Net Promoter Score, by Participant Group

Role Faculty Staff Student

NPS -64 1 0

BAS Shared Services *Overall Net Promoter Score


* NPS calculated excluding responses from those who “never” use the unit services. For more information regarding NPS, refer to page 9. 14

Emergency Management & Continuity Planning

Quality of Service Rank your level of satisfaction regarding the unit’s: professionalism, availability of information, responsiveness, technical competency, and vale provided to you!

The Emergency Management (EM) program helps the University to prepare for, mitigate, respond to, and recover from, any incident. Emergency services include: emergency response, safety education, and personal preparedness education. The Business Continuity program helps ensure continuity of service and support for UCR faculty, staff, and students, helping them maintain viability before, during, and after an event. Frequency of Use How frequently do you use Emergency Management & Continuity Planning Services?

At least 70% of users were either satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of Emergency Management & Continuity Planning services in regards to Competency and Professionalism. The most dissatisfied and very dissatisfied reactions were in the “Availability of Information” and Responsiveness categories.

Net Promoter Score How likely are you to recommend Emergency Management & Continuity Planning Services to a friend or colleague?

A majority of participants indicated that they never use department services (74%), followed by those who indicated infrequent use (19%) of 1 – 5 times per year. 8% of participants indicated either occasional (6 – 25 times per year) or frequent use (26+ times per year).

Use of Services

26% 26% of respondents use EM & Continuity Planning services, versus 74% who “never” do so.

Net Promoter Score, by Participant Group

Value Rank the overall value the unit adds to your work and/or experience at UCR

Role Faculty Staff Student

Overall Value


Of those who use them, 55% of participants feel that EM & Continuity Planning services offers much value or exceptional value to their work and/or experience at UCR.

NPS -8 -1 -20

Emergency Management & Continuity Planning Services *Overall Net Promoter Score


* NPS calculated excluding responses from those who “never” use the unit services. For more information regarding NPS, refer to page 9. 15

Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S)

Quality of Service Rank your level of satisfaction regarding the unit’s: professionalism, availability of information, responsiveness, technical competency, and vale provided to you!

EH&S serves to provide leadership and services that enhance the research and educational process by integrating excellent health, safety, and environmental practices into the campus culture and activities. The unit provides technical assistance, consulting, and regulatory compliance support in a variety of fields including: biosafety, controlled substances, environmental health, environmental programs, fire & life safety, hazardous materials, laboratory / research, laser safety, radiation, safety and industrial hygiene, training, and waste management. Frequency of Use How frequently do you use EH&S Services?

At least 74% of participants were either satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of EH&S services in each category. The most positive responses were in regards to the unit’s Professionalism and Competency. The most dissatisfied and very dissatisfied reactions were in the “Value to you!” and “Availability of Information” categories. Net Promoter Score How likely are you to recommend EH&S Services to a friend or colleague? A majority of participants indicated that they never use department services (43%), followed by those who indicated infrequent use (29%) of 1 – 5 times per year. 17% of participants indicated occasional use (6 – 25 times per year) and 11% reported frequent use (26+ times per year).

Use of Services

57% 57% of respondents use EH&S services, versus 43% who “never” do so.

Net Promoter Score, by Participant Group

Value Rank the overall value the unit adds to your work and/or experience at UCR

Role Faculty Staff Student

Overall Value


Of those who use them, 62% of participants feel that EH&S services offers much value or exceptional value to their work and/or experience at UCR.

NPS -22 5 58

EH&S Services *Overall Net Promoter Score


* NPS calculated excluding responses from those who “never” use the unit services. For more information regarding NPS, refer to page 9. 16

Equipment Management

Quality of Service Rank your level of satisfaction regarding the unit’s: professionalism, availability of information, responsiveness, technical competency, and vale provided to you!

Equipment Management support the campus mission by ensuring the integrity of the campus equipment inventory by assisting departments with inventorial equipment records. In addition, this unit is responsible for equipment reporting to ensure compliance with Federal, State, university, and other agency requirements. Frequency of Use How frequently do you use Equipment Management Services?

At least 67% of participants were either satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of Equipment Management services in each category. The most positive responses were in regards to the unit’s Professionalism and Competency. The most dissatisfied and very dissatisfied reactions were related to Responsiveness and “Availability of information”.

Net Promoter Score How likely are you to recommend Equipment Management Services to a friend or colleague?

A majority of participants indicated that they never use department services (56%), followed by those who indicated infrequent use (28%) of 1 – 5 times per year. 11% of participants indicated occasional use (6 – 25 times per year), while 5% reported frequent use (26+ times per year).

Use of Services

44% 44% of respondents use Equipment Management services, versus 56% who “never” do so.

Value Rank the overall value the unit adds to your work and/or experience at UCR Net Promoter Score, by Participant Group

Overall Value


Of those who use them, 57% of participants feel that Equipment Management services offers much value or exceptional value to their work and/or experience at UCR.

Role Faculty Staff Student

NPS -67 11 0

Equipment Management Services *Overall Net Promoter Score


* NPS calculated excluding responses from those who “never” use the unit services. For more information regarding NPS, refer to page 9. 17

Fleet Services

Quality of Service Rank your level of satisfaction regarding the unit’s: professionalism, availability of information, responsiveness, technical competency, and vale provided to you!

Fleet Services provides the general campus with a variety of vehicles that are required to accomplish the University mission. Vehicles are provided at minimum cost with maximum cleanliness, mechanical reliability and optimum availability. Services include: daily vehicle rental, long term rental, gasoline/compressed natural gas sales and vehicle repairs. Frequency of Use How frequently do you use Fleet Services?

At least 78% of participants were either satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of Fleet services in each category. The most positive responses were in regards to the unit’s Competency and Responsiveness. The most dissatisfied and very dissatisfied reactions were in the Professionalism (8%) and “Availability of Information” category.

Net Promoter Score How likely are you to recommend Fleet Services to a friend or colleague?

A majority of participants indicated that they never use department services (47%), followed by those who indicated infrequent use (30%) of 1 – 5 times per year. 13% of participants indicated occasional use (6 – 25 times per year), while 10% reported frequent use (26+ times per year).

Use of Services

53% 53% of respondents use Fleet services, versus 47% who “never” do so.

Value Rank the overall value the unit adds to your work and/or experience at UCR

Net Promoter Score, by Participant Group

Role Faculty Staff Student

Overall Value


Of those who use them, 67% of respondents feel that Fleet services offers much value or exceptional value to their work and/or experience at UCR.

NPS 0 15 40

Fleet Services *Overall Net Promoter Score


* NPS calculated excluding responses from those who “never” use the unit services. For more information regarding NPS, refer to page 9.


Human Resources

Quality of Service Rank your level of satisfaction regarding the unit’s: professionalism, availability of information, responsiveness, technical competency, and vale provided to you!

The Human Resources division is responsible for campuswide policies and procedures to attract, develop and retain an effective, engaged and diverse workforce. Areas of responsibility include talent acquisition, compensation, employee development, employee and labor relations, affirmative action, workplace health and wellness, benefits, policies and programs. Frequency of Use How frequently do you use Human Resources Services?

At least 65% of participants were either satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of Human Resources services in each category. The most positive responses were in regards to the unit’s Professionalism and Competency. The most dissatisfied and very dissatisfied reactions were in the “Responsiveness” and “Availability of Information” categories. A majority of participants indicated that they infrequently use department services (42%) at 1 – 5 times per year. 23% Indicated that they never use them, followed by 20% who use services on an occasional basis (6 – 25 times per year). 15% of respondents use Human Resources on a frequent basis (26 + times per year).

Net Promoter Score How likely are you to recommend Human Resources Services to a friend or colleague?

Use of Services

77% 77% of respondents use Human Resources services, versus 23% who “never” do so.

Value Rank the overall value the unit adds to your work and/or experience at UCR

Net Promoter Score, by Participant Group

Overall Value


Role Faculty Staff Student

Of those who use them, 59% of respondents feel that Human Resources offers much value or exceptional value to their work and/or experience at UCR.

NPS -23 -1 -42

Human Resources Services *Overall Net Promoter Score


* NPS calculated excluding responses from those who “never” use the unit services. For more information regarding NPS, refer to page 9. 19

Logistics Services

Quality of Service Rank your level of satisfaction regarding the unit’s: professionalism, availability of information, responsiveness, technical competency, and vale provided to you!

Logistics Services manages the campus storehouse, receiving & shipping and excess property. The UCR Storehouse provides many value-added service to the campus, at competitive prices. Logistics services assumes responsibility for the receiving and distribution of shipments to requisitioning departments; excess property (surplus) is sold on campus and also online. Frequency of Use How frequently do you use Logistics Services?

At least 82% of participants were either satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of Logistics Services in each category. The most positive responses were in regards to the unit’s professionalism and “Value to you!” 18% were dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with the unit’s “Availability of Information.” Net Promoter Score How likely are you to recommend Logistics Services to a friend or colleague?

A majority of participants indicated that they never use department services (52%), followed by those who indicated infrequent use (18%) of 1 – 5 times per year. 17% of respondents use services frequently (26 + times per year), while 13% do so occasionally (6 – 25 times per year).

Use of Services

48% 48% of respondents use Logistics Services, versus 52% who “never” do so.

Value Rank the overall value the unit adds to your work and/or experience at UCR

Net Promoter Score, by Participant Group

Role Faculty Staff Student

Overall Value


Of those who use them, 76% of respondents feel that Logistics Services offers much value or exceptional value to their work and/or experience at UCR.

NPS -35 31 27

Logistics Services *Overall Net Promoter Score


* NPS calculated excluding responses from those who “never” use the unit services. For more information regarding NPS, refer to page 9. 20

Mail Services

Quality of Service Rank your level of satisfaction regarding the unit’s: professionalism, availability of information, responsiveness, technical competency, and vale provided to you!

Mail Services provides mailing and shipping services to the University. The department offers a wide range of services to meet UCR customers’ mailing needs, including: bulk mail, inter-campus mail, incoming and outgoing mail, and certified, registered, express, and insured mail. Standard A (bulk mail) provides cost effective solutions for all mass mailing needs: mass list maintenance, high speed labeling, ink-jet addressing, CASS certification, folding, inserting and metering. Frequency of Use How frequently do you use Mail Services?

At least 78% of participants were either satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of Mail Services in each category. The most positive responses were in regards to the unit’s Professionalism and “Value to you!” The most dissatisfied and very dissatisfied reactions were in the “Availability of Information” category. Net Promoter Score How likely are you to recommend Mail Services to a friend or colleague?

Although 29% of participants report that they never use the department services, they almost equally indicate frequent use (28%) of 26 + times per year, and infrequent use (27%) of 1 – 5 times per year. 16% Of respondents use services occasionally ( 6 – 25 times per year).

Use of Services

71% 71% of respondents use Mail Services, versus 29% who “never” do so.

Value Rank the overall value the unit adds to your work and/or experience at UCR

Net Promoter Score, by Participant Group

Role Faculty Staff Student

Overall Value


Of those who use them, 71% of respondents feel that Mail Services offers much value or exceptional value to their work and/or experience at UCR.

NPS -43 32 36

Mail Services *Overall Net Promoter Score


* NPS calculated excluding responses from those who “never” use the unit services. For more information regarding NPS, refer to page 9. 21


Quality of Service Rank your level of satisfaction regarding the unit’s: professionalism, availability of information, responsiveness, technical competency, and vale provided to you!

The Payroll unit supports the mission of the University as the central office responsible for payroll computes, tax & other withholding, reporting, garnishments and other deductions to ensure compliance with federal, state and university regulations. The payroll unit is part of the Accounting Office, but has been separately defined for the purposes of this survey. Frequency of Use How frequently do you use Payroll Services?

At least 74% of participants were either satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of Payroll Services in each category. The most positive responses were in regards to the unit’s Professionalism and “Value to you!” The most dissatisfied and very dissatisfied reactions were in the Responsiveness and “Availability of Information” categories. A majority of participants indicated that they never use department services (38%), followed by those who indicated infrequent use (25%) of 1-5 times per year. 18% of respondents use services frequently (26 + times per year) and 18% do so occasionally (6 – 25 times per year).

Net Promoter Score How likely are you to recommend Payroll Services to a friend or colleague?

Use of Services

62% 62% of respondents use Payroll services, versus 38% who “never” do so.

Value Rank the overall value the unit adds to your work and/or experience at UCR Net Promoter Score, by Participant Group

Overall Value


Role Faculty Staff Student

Of those who use them, 64% of respondents feel that Payroll Services offers much value or exceptional value to their work and/or experience at UCR.

NPS -64 15 7

Payroll Services *Overall Net Promoter Score


* NPS calculated excluding responses from those who “never” use the unit services. For more information regarding NPS, refer to page 9. 22

Physical Plant

Quality of Service Rank your level of satisfaction regarding the unit’s: professionalism, availability of information, responsiveness, technical competency, and vale provided to you!

Physical Plant is responsible for the maintenance, operation, repair and light alteration of the academic facilities at UCR. Physical Plant units include: Administration, Building & Special Services, Facilities Maintenance (Carpentry, Electrical & Fire Alarms, Hardware & Security Alarms, Painting, Plumbing, Sheet Metal & Welding, Sign Shop, Structural Maintenance and Repair Team, and Contracting, Design & Scheduling Office), Landscape & Refuse Services, and Energy & Utility Services. Frequency of Use How frequently do you use Physical Plant Services?

Although respondents were most satisfied with Physical Plant’s professionalism and competency, the unit did not receive scores above 69% in any quality of service categories. Participants were most dissatisfied with the department’s “Value to you!” and Responsiveness. Net Promoter Score How likely are you to recommend Physical Plant Services to a friend or colleague? A majority of participants indicated that they never use department services (33%), followed by those who indicated infrequent use (26%) of 1-5 times per year. 23% of respondents use services occasionally (6 – 25 times per year) and 18% do so frequently (26 + times per year).

Use of Services

67% 67% of respondents use Physical Plant services, versus 33% who “never” do so.

Net Promoter Score, by Participant Group

Value Rank the overall value the unit adds to your work and/or experience at UCR

Role Faculty Staff Student

Overall Value


Of those who use them, 46% of respondents feel that Physical Plant services offers much value or exceptional value to their work and/or experience at UCR.

NPS -73 -18 22

Physical Plant Services *Overall Net Promoter Score


* NPS calculated excluding responses from those who “never” use the unit services. For more information regarding NPS, refer to page 9. 23

Police (UCPD)

Quality of Service Rank your level of satisfaction regarding the unit’s: professionalism, availability of information, responsiveness, technical competency, and vale provided to you!

The Police department (UCPD) serves to enhance quality of life by providing a secure and safe environment through professional service to the University community. Frequency of Use How frequently do you use UCPD Services?

At least 85% of participants were either satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of UCPD services in each category. The most positive responses were in regards to the unit’s “Value to you!” and competency. 88% of participants responded that they were satisfied or very satisfied with the unit’s Professionalism and Responsiveness.

A majority of participants indicated that they never use department services (43%), followed by those who indicated infrequent use (36%) of 1-5 times per year. 13% of respondents use services occasionally (6 – 25 times per year) and 8% do so frequently (26 + times per year).

Net Promoter Score How likely are you to recommend UCPD Services to a friend or colleague?

Use of Services

57% 57% of respondents use UCPD services, versus 43% who “never” do so.

Value Rank the overall value the unit adds to your work and/or experience at UCR

Overall Value


Of those who use them, 83% of respondents feel that UCPD services offers much value or exceptional value to their work and/or experience at UCR.

Net Promoter Score, by Participant Group

Role Faculty Staff Student

NPS 13 54 16

UCPD Services *Overall Net Promoter Score


* NPS calculated excluding responses from those who “never” use the unit services. For more information regarding NPS, refer to page 9. 24

Printing & Reprographics

Quality of Service Rank your level of satisfaction regarding the unit’s: professionalism, availability of information, responsiveness, technical competency, and vale provided to you!

Printing & Reprographics is established to provide full reprographics services to the general campus population. The department has two locations with services, including: full-color publications, Xerox and color laser copying, bindery, course packet printing, lecture notes, and sample tests, business cards, and lamination and fax services at copy centers. Frequency of Use How frequently do you use Printing & Reprographics Services?

At least 81% of participants were either satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of Printing & Reprographics services in each category. The most positive responses were in regards to the unit’s Responsiveness and Professionalism. 85% Percent of survey takers were satisfied or very satisfied with the department’s Competency. A majority of participants indicated that they never use department services (42%), followed by those who indicated infrequent use (33%) of 1-5 times per year. 18% of respondents use services occasionally (6 – 25 times per year) and 7% do so frequently (26 + times per year).

Net Promoter Score How likely are you to recommend Printing & Reprographics Services to a friend or colleague?

Use of Services

58% 58% of respondents use Printing & Reprographics services, versus 42% who “never” do so.

Value Rank the overall value the unit adds to your work and/or experience at UCR Net Promoter Score, by Participant Group

Overall Value


Role Faculty Staff Student

Of those who use them, 76% of respondents feel that Printing & Reprographics services offers much value or exceptional value to their work and/or experience at UCR.

NPS -3 31 52

Printing & Reprographics Services *Overall Net Promoter Score


* NPS calculated excluding responses from those who “never” use the unit services. For more information regarding NPS, refer to page 9. 25

Procurement Services & Business Contracts

Quality of Service Rank your level of satisfaction regarding the unit’s: professionalism, availability of information, responsiveness, technical competency, and vale provided to you!

The Procurement department supports the mission of the University by implementing and administering procurement policy in a manner consistent with need while addressing the goals of: cost effectiveness, positive vendor relationships and affirmative action in business contracting, professional conduct, protection of the University interests, assistance and information in support of University-wide activities, and preserving the public trust. The Business Contracts unit supports the mission of the University by providing professional support to the campus community by drafting and negotiating the appropriate contractual language related to revenue generating and other business agreements. The unit was identified on this survey as “Procurement”.

Frequency of Use How frequently do you use Procurement Services? At least 77% of participants were either satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of Procurement services in each category. The most positive responses were in regards to the unit’s Professionalism and “Value to you!” The most dissatisfied and very dissatisfied reactions were in the Responsiveness and “Availability of Information” categories. Net Promoter Score How likely are you to recommend Procurement Services to a friend or colleague?

A majority of participants indicated that they never use department services (59%), followed by those who indicated infrequent use (17%) of 1-5 times per year. 12% of respondents use services occasionally (6 – 25 times per year) and 12% do so frequently (26 + times per year).

Use of Services

41% 41% of respondents use Procurement services, versus 59% who “never” do so.

Net Promoter Score, by Participant Group

Role Faculty Staff Student

Value Rank the overall value the unit adds to your work and/or experience at UCR

Overall Value


Of those who use them, 70% of respondents feel that Procurement services offers much value or exceptional value to their work and/or experience at UCR.

NPS -59 31 50

Procurement Services *Overall Net Promoter Score


* NPS calculated excluding responses from those who “never” use the unit services. For more information regarding NPS, refer to page 9. 26

Risk Management

Quality of Service Rank your level of satisfaction regarding the unit’s: professionalism, availability of information, responsiveness, technical competency, and vale provided to you!

Risk Management serves to protect the interests and assets of UCR by identifying potential risk exposures, devising strategies to eliminate or minimize losses, efficiently managing insurance and self-insurance programs, and collaborating closely with campus departments and stakeholders to promote a safe and secure campus environment. Frequency of Use How frequently do you use Risk Management Services?

At least 70% of participants were either satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of Risk Management services in each category. The most positive responses were in regards to the unit’s Professionalism and “Value to you!” The most dissatisfied and very dissatisfied reactions are related to “Availability of Information” and Responsiveness.

Net Promoter Score How likely are you to recommend Risk Management Services to a friend or colleague?

A majority of participants indicated that they never use department services (68%), followed by those who indicated infrequent use (21%) of 1-5 times per year. 8% of respondents use services occasionally (6 – 25 times per year) and 3% do so frequently (26 + times per year).

Use of Services

32% 32% of respondents use Risk Management services, versus 68% who “never” do so.

Value Rank the overall value the unit adds to your work and/or experience at UCR Net Promoter Score, by Participant Group

Overall Value


Role Faculty Staff Student

Of those who use them, 61% of respondents feel that Risk Management services offers much value or exceptional value to their work and/or experience at UCR.

NPS -87 14 25

Risk Management Services *Overall Net Promoter Score


* NPS calculated excluding responses from those who “never” use the unit services. For more information regarding NPS, refer to page 9. 27

Student Business Services Cashiers

Quality of Service Rank your level of satisfaction regarding the unit’s: professionalism, availability of information, responsiveness, technical competency, and vale provided to you!

Student Business Services/Cashier department supports the mission of the University by providing customer service in the areas of cashiering operations, billing receivables, disbursement of student aid, maintenance and collection of student loans and campus receivables. Frequency of Use How frequently do you use Student Business Services?

At least 72% of participants were either satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of Student Business Services in each category. The most positive responses were in regards to the unit’s Professionalism and “Value to you!” The most dissatisfied and very dissatisfied reactions were in the “Availability of Information” and responsiveness categories.

Net Promoter Score How likely are you to recommend Student Business Services to a friend or colleague?

A majority of participants indicated that they never use department services (61%), followed by those who indicated infrequent use (18%) of 1-5 times per year. 12% of respondents use services occasionally (6 – 25 times per year) and 9% do so frequently (26 + times per year).

Use of Services

39% 39% of respondents use Student Business Services, versus 61% who “never” do so.

Value Rank the overall value the unit adds to your work and/or experience at UCR Net Promoter Score, by Participant Group

Overall Value


Of those who use them, 62% of respondents feel that Student Business Services offers much value or exceptional value to their work and/or experience at UCR.

Role Faculty Staff Student

NPS 0 14 -18

Student Business Services *Overall Net Promoter Score


* NPS calculated excluding responses from those who “never” use the unit services. For more information regarding NPS, refer to page 9. 28

Transportation & Parking Services (TAPS)

Quality of Service Rank your level of satisfaction regarding the unit’s: professionalism, availability of information, responsiveness, technical competency, and vale provided to you!

TAPS enforces rules and regulations, which were adopted for the purpose of promoting safe and orderly parking and movement of vehicles at UCR. In accordance with these rules, TAPS manages parking enforcement, traffic control, and provides motorist assistance. Other services managed by TAPS include: parking permits, alternative transportation, citations, event parking services, visitor & guest services, mobility transport services, point-to-point shuttle, and parking lot & field operations. Frequency of Use How frequently do you use TAPS?

At least 67% of participants were either satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of TAPS in each category. The most positive responses were in regards to the unit’s Competency and Professionalism. The most dissatisfied and very dissatisfied reactions were in the “Value to you!” and “Responsiveness” categories. Net Promoter Score How likely are you to recommend TAPS to a friend or colleague? A majority of participants indicated that they infrequently use department services (47%; 1 – 5 times per year), followed by those who indicated occasional use (20%), of 6 – 25 times per year. 18% of respondents use services frequently (26 + times per year); 16% never use TAPS.

Use of Services

84% 84% of respondents use TAPS, versus 16% who “never” do so.

Role Faculty Staff Student

Value Rank the overall value the unit adds to your work and/or experience at UCR

Overall Value


Of those who use them, 54% of respondents feel that TAPS offers much value or exceptional value to their work and/or experience at UCR.

*NPS -40 2 -33

TAPS *Overall Net Promoter Score


* NPS calculated excluding responses from those who “never” use the unit services. For more information regarding NPS, refer to page 9. 29

BAS Client Satisfaction Survey

Survey Questions General questions 1. Which best describes your role at the University of California Riverside?* 2. Would you like to provide your contact information? (optional)  Name:  Email: 3. As a general administration and service provider, how likely are you to recommend BAS to a friend or colleague?* Department questions 4. How frequently do you use (department) services? * 5. Have you used services within the last year? 6. Rank your level of satisfaction regarding the: 

Attitude, professionalism, and courtesy

Availability of information

Accessibility and responsiveness

Professional / Technical competency

Value provided to you!

7. Please rank the overall value you feel the unit adds to your work and/or experience at UCR. 8. How likely are you to recommend (department) services to a friend or colleague? * 9. What are the primary reasons for your score?