Promoting Gandhinagar as Solar and Carbon Neutral City in ... Systems like Solar power packs, solar water heaters, solar
Climate Change Action & Adaptation Climate Change Department Government Of Gujarat
Gujarat- Action Against Climate Change First and only State to form a separate Climate Change Department. Allocated a budget of Rs. 110 crores for 2010-11 for Climate Change activities. Process initiated towards formation of a comprehensive State Action Plan for Climate Change. Action already initiated along the various missions of NAPCC.
National Solar Mission Preparation of comprehensive solar policy in 2009
aiming at 500 MW by 2014.
Implementation of 34 projects of 716 MW already started. Power Purchase Agreements signed with 29 companies
for 400 MW expected to generate 6400 lac Units of Electricity p.a. Further applications for 788 MW applications from 78 Developers received as of 13-8-2010, against payment of EMD @ Rs.10 lacs / MW
GoG signed MoU with Clinton Climate Initiative for
setting up of a 3000 MW Solar Park
Solar Mission…………………..contd Renewable Purchase Obligation increased from 2% to 10%. Promoting Gandhinagar as Solar and Carbon Neutral City in
Solar street lighting and load management already introduced. Design and construction of carbon neutral climate change
complex in Gandhinagar. Systems like Solar power packs, solar water heaters, solar airconditioners to be installed in government owned and government aided institutions and organizations. Allocated an amount of Rs. 19 crores in 2010-11 for the above.
Green Solar projects worth Rs. 22 crores to be initiated in
Includes installation of solar (PV) power operated grids;
connected or stand alone decentralized power plants which will have higher geographical dispersion.
National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency Reduced electricity transmission losses from 31% to 22% in four years
through Jyotigram Yojana( Energy reforms). Highest number of Certified Emission Reductions credits in India – 33.482 million Major project towards energy efficiency in Government buildings like Sachivalay, High Court, etc by introduction of CFL & T5, solar powered lighting, improved load management systems, etc. Savings of around Rs. 4.5 crores in last 6 years. GUDC has commissioned the Largest Urban Energy Efficiency Programme (MEEP) in major municipalities. Aims at 30% energy savings. Industrial Energy Audit schemes being streamlined and exploration to link for bundling under CDM. Rs. 21 crores allocated for energy efficiency schemes in 2010-11.
National Mission on Sustainable Habitat Compost plants for all Urban Local bodies planned with 75
operational. First ever Methane recovery plant for power generation from Sewage in Surat. Total installed capacity is 3.5 MW. More than 1.28 crores of KWH electricity generated. 52000 tCO2 emissions reduced. Project also put up for CDM approval.
Construction of fly overs to reduce vehicular emissions
due to traffic congestion. Systematic phasing out of petrol diesel vehicles in Ahmedabad/
Gandhinagar through GR to augment fuel efficiency and control air pollution. 500 PUCs across the state for strict compliance of emission norms. Ahmedabad drops to 4th rank from 66th for Air pollution.
Sustainable Habitat Mission…..contd Statewide gas grid of 1500 kms commissioned with another
800 kms in pipeline. Switching over of 3.5 lakh vehicles to cleaner fuels Provided 4 lakhs domestic CNG/LNG connections in towns and
Successful implementation of BRTS in Ahmedabad. Further
planning in Surat and Rajkot. GoI conferred Best Mass Rapid Transit System in India Award
2008-09. Received 2010- Sustainable Transport Award in Washington. Received Joint Runner Up Award from International Transport Forum and International Association for Public Transport (2010)
National Water Mission o Creation of statewide drinking water grid includes 1987 kms o
o o o
of bulk pipelines and 1.15 kms of distribution pipelines. Creation of 4 lakh micro water harvesting structures. o Ground water levels have risen over last eight years in Gujarat. Upto 3.57 Lakh hectares area brought under Participatory Irrigation management to ensure water efficiency. PINS scheme actively implemented in command areas to promote drips/ sprinklers. Micro irrigation in 1.3 lakh hectare saving 741 KWH of energy.
National Mission for a “Green India” o Planted more than 30000 hectares of mangroves in last
decade. o Total mangrove cover is now 936 kms proved by satellite imagery. o With a successful social forestry and JFM programme, in 2008-09 around 68,000 hectares of land was taken for plantation. o Around 20,000 hectares of land was undertaken for plantation outside forest area. o During Van Mahotsav 2008-09 more than 11.72 crore sapling have been distributed.
National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture In
each agro-climatic zone there is a agrometeorological field established providing weather based advisory to farmers. Agriculture Universities focusing on creating a Climate data bank. Researches initiated on breeding of heat and phototype insensitive crop varieties, erection of poly houses, etc. Established 3 Specific Centres at Anand, Navsari and Junagadh for critical climate analysis and to study likely impacts of Climate Change on agriculture production. Thus despite 0.1oC to 0.9oC rise in temperatures in the state at various locations, agriculture growth recorded at 9.6% per annum.
National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change MoU with TERI for technical Guidance in 2008. Vertical Partnership development at International level with
World Bank, “The Climate Group”, etc. First state to conduct an orientation training for policy makers and planners in collaboration with TERI. Gujarat University has established Management Education Centre for Climate Change Promoted a Solar Research Centre at Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University for enhanced solar research. Proposed creation of Climate Change Trust fund to support research, development and dissemination of commercially viable green technologies.
Strategic Knowledge Mission…contd Research planned on various mitigation and adaptation
measures in collaboration with reputed institutions. Impact on Agriculture, Health and Vector Borne Diseases Vulnerability assessment of sea level rise in coastal areas. Household Carbon footprint Calculation. Generation of widespread consciousness amongst the people at large to achieve desirable lifestyle changes through IEC Bal Urja Rakshak Dal programme with 3600 schools covering 50,000 students. Integration on CC in school curriculum. Pilot Project to develop a cadre of Women as “Agents of Change”.
Climate Change Department Government Of Gujarat