Clinton Wastewater Treatment Plant System Expansion Stormwater

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Pursue formal written assurances from the state and federal regulatory agencies that as a policy, stormwater control is
Clinton Wastewater Treatment Plant Extract from the Advisory Board FY12 Integrated Comments and Recommendations The Authority should establish a source reduction program setting additional limits to discharges to the Clinton Wastewater Treatment Plant, not just for phosphorus, but for other components of plant influent as well.

System Expansion Extract from the Advisory Board FY12 Integrated Comments and Recommendations Explore financial incentives to attract new member communities to the waterworks system including, but not limited to: a. Offering a 5-year grace period before payment b. Allowing a multi-year payment plan c. Waiving interest on said payment plan.

Stormwater Extract from the Advisory Board Comments and Recommendations on the MWRA’s Proposed FY06 CIP Pursue formal written assurances from the state and federal regulatory agencies that as a policy, stormwater control is not the responsibility of the MWRA. MWRA received separate, formal written assurances from EPA (letter from R. Varney to F. Laskey dated March 16, 2005), and DEP (letter from R. Golledge to F. Laskey dated May 4, 2005) in this matter. EPA’s assurance was also referenced in the Federal District Court’s Compliance Order Number 195 dated April 6, 2005 (pg. 9).