B. L. Joshi
Raj Bhawan Lucknow - 227 132
Governor, Uttar Pradesh
lR;eso t;rs Date : 10 October, 2012
Message I am pleased to learn that the Institution of Engineers (India), Uttar Pradesh State Centre, Lucknow and the Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers, Lucknow Centre have taken joint initiative to organize first major event on Cloud Computing at Lucknow. Among developing nations, India has one of the strongest bases of IT leadership and it is through such initiatives at the national level that its foundation is strengthened. No doubt Cloud Computing promises to be the next generation IT enabled service which will change the way people live and work. I extend my hearty wishes to organizers for the success of the Seminar.
(B. L. Joshi)
I am happy to learn that the Institution of Engineers IE [I] UP State Centre , Lucknow is th th organizing an All India Seminar on Cloud Computing on 13 /14 October 2012. Cloud Computing is in vogue today, however what needs to be explored is Cloud Storage since it does not have the same characteristics as cloud computing in terms of agility, scalability, elasticity and multi-tenancy. Since the sixties, cloud computing has developed along a number of lines, with Web 2.0 being the most recent evolution. However, since the internet only started to offer significant bandwidth in the nineties, cloud computing for the masses has been something of a late developer. When data is distributed it is stored at more locations increasing the risk of unauthorised physical access to the data. For example, in cloud based architecture, data is replicated and moved frequently so the risk of unauthorised data recovery increases dramatically. The manner that data is replicated depends on the service level a customer chooses and on the service provided. Different cloud vendors offer different service levels. Risk of unauthorized access to data can be mitigated through the use of encryption, which can be applied to data as part of the storage service or by on-premises equipment that encrypts data prior to uploading it to the cloud. I hope that the forthcoming seminar will address this most contemporary and topical issue and put forward new ideas for exploitation of the Cloud.
New Delhi 12 Oct 2012
SP Kochhar Lt Gen
The Institution of Engineers (India) AN ISO 9001 : 2008 CERTIFIED ORGANIZATION (ESTABLISHED 1920, INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER 1935) HEADQUARTERS: 8 GOKHALE ROAD, KOLKATA 700 020, INDIA Web Site: http://www.ieindia.org
“92 Years of Relentless Journey Towards Engineering Advancement for Nation Building”
Message It is my immense pleasure to note that our Uttar Pradesh State Centre of The Institution of Engineers (India), is organizing All India Seminar on “Cloud Computing” under the aegis of Computer Engineering Divisional Board of the Institution at Lucknow during 13 Oct – 14 Oct 2012. I am confident that the Seminar will bring together all experts from various engineering fields, academic institutions, industries and consultants to exchange their experiences and views on the subject. I convey my hearty greetings to the Organizers and wish the Seminar a grand success.
(S L Garg)
Resi: 55, Sector 6, Panchkula 134 109 Ph: (0172) 2560629, Mobile: (O)9316015464, E-mail:
[email protected]
lg oh;± djokogS
Dr. S Pal
The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) #2, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi - 110 003 Tel. : +91-11-43538800-99 +91-11-24631810 Fax : +91-11-24649429 E-mail :
[email protected] Website : http://www.iete.org http://www.iete.info
President Former : Prof Satish Bhawan Professor, Senior Advisor, Satellite Navigation (ISRO), Distinguished Scientist, Associate Director & Prog Director, Satellite Navigation-ISRO Satellite Centre
09 Oct. 2012
Message I am glad to learn that the IETE Lucknow Centre and the Institution of Engineers - India are jointly organizing a Seminar on 'Cloud Computing' from 13th to 14th October 2012 at Lucknow. Cloud Computing is the lattest incarnation of mass computational technology that uses the internet and central remote servers to maintain data and applications. This technology allows for much more efficient and cost effective computing by centralizing storage, memory, processing and bandwidth, which takes care to a larger extent the fear of obsolescence. Development of Cloud Computing in India is also coming up fast in line with the developments taking place all over the world. The biggest concerns about cloud computing are : security, secrecy, integrity and privacy. Besides these, it is also required to concentrate on issues like setting up a nodal agency to create a Cloud Computing strategy to support India's e-governance program; development of standards as well as legal framework and risk management programs to deal with issues such as security and privacy in the Cloud Computing context. I am confident that the sharing of scientific information & knowledge among researchers, developers, scientists, engineers, students and R&D organizations in this Seminar will help resolve the relevant issues and plan actions for the future growth of Cloud Computing. I convey my best wishes for the grand success of the Seminar.
The Institution of Engineers (India) AN ISO 9001 : 2008 CERTIFIED ORGANIZATION (ESTABLISHED 1920, INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER 1935) 8 GOKHALE ROAD, KOLKATA 700 020, INDIA http://www.ieindia.org
Sheel Bhadra Sinha, FIE Chairman, CPDB, IE(I), Kolkata
Message I congratulate the organizers and the Convener for choosing a subject of topical interest for the All India Seminar at Lucknow. Recently, the subject of the Seminar has come under focus for sustainability issues i.e., the amount of energy required to run the servers employed for cloud computing as compared to that required for present day servers. Much energy is being used on these servers which are highly under utilized. According to Gartner's forecast, the cloud computing will surpass US$ 148.8 billion in 2014, and India's spending by 2015 on green IT and sustainability efforts would be around US$ 70 billion. I hope that the outcome of the Seminar will be beneficial in addressing this aspect as well. I am sure that the occasion will offer opportunity for mutual sharing of knowledge, expertise and experience amongst the participants. The recommendations that will come out of the deliberations would be learning points to the participants and fruitful inputs for framing the policies at the state and national levels. I convey my best wishes to the organizers and wish the event a grand success.
( S. B. Sinha, FIE )
Mahamaya Technical University C–22, Sector-62, Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar. U.P. Tele: +91 120 2400706, Mob: +919650977991, e-mail:
[email protected].
Professor S. K. Kak B. Sc. Electrical Engg. M. Tech Microwave Engg. Ph.D. Digital Communication Professor of Communication Systems & Salzburg Fellow Vice Chancellor
Message It is a pleasure to know that Institution of Engineers (India) Lucknow Centre and Institute of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers, Lucknow Centre are jointly organizing an All India Seminar on the topic of “Cloud Computing”. While Internet and World Wide Web brought in a revolution in the way we work, live and communicate today, similarly the "Cloud Computing" is going to be a game changer in the way we will do computing and use computers for providing services in the future. It is a paradigm shift in terms of scalability of computing power, economy of operations, efficient use of computing resources, and green computing. It is the only possible way forward as it is going to democratise and harmonize the computing and IT based services and access. This Cloud is not only going to shower applications but also reduce & remove the dependence on the resources to run them as per need while also make all constrains of hardware ownership & software license a matter of bygone era. I am sure that the deliberations in the seminar will be intense, highly focused and at the leading edge of knowledge in this area, while keeping the ground realities of the common users concerns of security, privacy, accessibility and vulnerability as the main themes. Also it shall define ways in which the individuals and the corporate creativity, innovation and product outreach into an addressable & solvable framework can be evolved so as to reap a rich harvest of utilities for every section and at every level of society. The efforts that must have been put in by Dr. Apoorva Agha and his team will be well rewarded by the enrichment that the seminar shall provide to every participant as the top ranking professional speakers that have been lined up will deliver the state-of-art in this novel and expanding area. The motivation and insight such events can generate in students and other budding professionals through the demonstrated power of scholarship by hard work, devotion & sincerity is the real key to the quality of the seminar's achievements and depth of its proceedings. My best wishes to the organizers, sponsors, and participants for the success of this seminar and greetings to all the delegates, participants, authors, guests & invitees.
S. K. Kak
Dr. R.K. Khandal Vice Chancellor
GAUTAM BUDDH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY (Formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University) I.E.T. Campus, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-226 021 (U.P.)
Dated : 01-10-2012
Message We are glad to learn that IEI would be organising an all India Seminar on Cloud Computing during Oct. 13-14, 2012 at UPSC, Lucknow. Bringing various stake holders on a common platform to develop a 360º understanding on a subject like "Cloud Computing" by way of organising an all India Seminar is a wise thought and IEI deserves kudos for that. Just like any other technological development taking place in different fields to bring efficiency and optimisation of available resources for sustainability, Cloud Computing is one such evolutionary innovation having huge potential for varied operations, industrial as well as others. When any technological advancement is put to use, it always brings a lot of complexities which need to be understood and resolved by all those concerned with them. The way this seminar has been planned, we have no doubt that the targeted objectives would be achieved while addressing the complexities involved in Cloud Computing. Looking at the list of topics to be covered in the seminar, the outcome would certainly be in accordance with the expectations of the participants. The seminar would certainly result in creating linkages of the industry with various stake holders of Cloud Computing, including the academics. While recording our appreciation for the efforts being made by IEI in bridging the gaps at various levels to bring the state-of-the-art of technologies (e.g. Cloud Computing) to the targeted beneficiaries, we wish the organisers of this seminar a big success.
(Dr. R. K. Khandal) Vice Chancellor
Phones : (Off.) : +91-522-2732194, (Fax) : +91-522-2732189, (Res.) : +91-522-2731631 Email :
[email protected],
[email protected] Website : www.uptu.ac.in
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Office of the Chief General Manager Telecom
U.P. (East) Telecom Circle, Lucknow-226 001
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
nwjHkk"k ua-% dk- 2623600 QSDl % 0522&2274299
lUns'k eq>s ;g tkudj cM+h izlUurk gks jgh gS fd bULVhV~;w'ku vkWQ bathfu;lZ ¼bafM;k½] mÙkj izns'k] LVsV lsaVj] y[kuÅ ,oa bULVhV~;w'ku vkWQ bysDVªkWfuDl ,oa VsyhdE;wfuds'ku bathuh;lZ] y[kuÅ lsUVj }kjk 13&14 vDVwcj 2012 dks la;qä :i ls ^DykmM dEI;wfVax* ij ,d vf[ky Hkkjrh; lsehukj dk vk;kstu fd;k tk jgk gSA fiNys o"kks± esa ^DykmM dEI;wfVax* dh fo/kk] lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh ds {ks= esa ,d izeq[k rduhd ds :i esa fodflr gks jgh gSA cnyrh rduhd vkSj lekt dh mÙkjksÙkj izxfr ds ifjizs{; esa ;g lsfeukj ,d ehy dk iRFkj lkfcr gks ,slh esjh cgqr&cgqr 'kqHkdkeuk;sa] bl vk;kstu ds lkFk gSA
¼vfuy dqekj iqjokj½ eq[; egkizca/kd] mÙkj izns'k ¼iwoZ½] ifjeaMy] y[kuÅ
THE INSTITUTION OF ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERS (LUCKNOW CENTRE) 3-D, Khushnuma Complex, 7, Meera Bai Marg, Lucknow-226001. Tel.: 2207779, E-mail:
[email protected]
lg oh;± djokogS
A.K. Jain, ITS Principal General Manager, BSNL, Lucknow & Chairman, IETE Lucknow Center
Message It's a matter of great pleasure in acknowledging and welcoming the participation of the entire esteemed guest on the occasion of national seminar on "Cloud Computing" being organized jointly by IE & IETE Lucknow. The topic chosen is most appropriate in the present fast growing competitive era where the need of large amount of data, different hardware systems, variety of application software, multiplicity of users and the cost of a project has become everybody's concern. The management of all these ingredients by a single user is not only cumbersome but also very costly and hence any project either does not take off or becomes non-profitable. Therefore the pooling or sharing or hiring becomes only alternate for a viable solution of a project. This is where the cloud computing concept has become the need of hour. We at IE & IETE took a decision to take this topic for the seminar for the benefit of everybody. The cloud computing precisely is internet based computing where virtual shared Servers provide software, infrastructure, platform, device and other resource and making available to customers on a pay-asyou-use basis. Cloud computing is a next stage of internet evolution providing the means through which everything — from computing power to computing infrastructure, applications, business processes to personal collaboration — can be delivered to you as a service wherever and whenever you need. It can have different architecture. There can be Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Community Cloud and Hybrid Cloud. The clients can use any type of cloud providers be it Software (as a Service-SaaS), Platform (as a Service-PaaS), Infrastructure (as a Service-IaaS). Cloud Computing has got inherent benefits like reduction in upfront capital expenditure on hardware and software deployment. Consumption is usually billed on a utility or subscription model. Users can terminate the contract at any time and are often covered by Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with financial penalties. This reduces risk and uncertainty, and ensures return on investment (ROI). It provides location independence, as long as there is access to internet. Increased flexibility and market agility because of the Quick deployment model of cloud computing. Cloud Computing allows the enterprise to focus on its core business. Secure and cost affective compared to traditional standalone applications. It is easy to maintain as they don't have to be installed on each user's computer. It has got many more features which will be deliberated in these two days national seminar. I look forward for your cooperation and good wishes for the success of seminar
(A.K. Jain, ITS) Principal General Manager, BSNL, Lucknow & Chairman, IETE Lucknow Center
The Institution of Engineers (India) AN ISO 9001 : 2008 CERTIFIED ORGANIZATION
8 GOKHALE ROAD, KOLKATA 700 020, INDIA http://www.ieindia.org
Ph. Direct : (91) (33) 2223 8230 Fax : (91) (33) 2223 8345 E-mail :
[email protected]
Maj Gen R K Sanan, VSM (Retd) Secretary & Director General
“92 Years of Relentless Journey towards Engineering Advancement for Nation-building”
Message I am extremely glad to learn that Uttar Pradesh State Centre of The Institution of Engineers (India) is organizing an All India Seminar on “Cloud Computing” during 13–14 Oct. 2012 at Lucknow in association with IETE, Lucknow Centre under the aegis of Computer Engineering Division Board of IEI. I am sanguine the Seminar will provide a unique platform to the experts to share their experiences and ideas on the topic. The recommendations that will emerge out of the deliberations would be learning points for the participants. I convey my hearty greetings to the participants of the Seminar and best wishes to the organisers.
Maj Gen R K Sanan, VSM (Retd)
[email protected]
Er. Apoorva Agha, F.I.E., FIETE, Past Chairman IE(I), UPState Centre & Convener, All India Seminar on Cloud Computing, IE(I), U P State Centre, Lucknow.
Message On behalf of the Institution of Engineers (India), U.P. State Centre, Lucknow and the Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers, Lucknow Centre, I extend a very warm welcome to all our distinguished guests, delegates and specially students who have all converged here to attend the All India Seminar on Cloud Computing. In the traditional computing models of buying and installing computer hardware and software for IT enablement, individuals and companies end up buying makes & models readily available in the market from reputed/trust worthy vendors. However, a careful analysis of this trend reveals that a large potential of these resources are barely used. This increases the cost of investment in the IT infrastructure without using it. Cloud Computing customers consume resources as a service and pay only for what they use, and release the resources when they do not require to use them anymore. These resource can then be used by others on demand from the cloud service providers. After the Industrial revolution, Internet was considered to be the next major revolution. Now, the cloud computing promoses to be the next major revolution after the Internet. As per the current trends, companies are accelerating their trust in cloud solutions. Scalability remains the top reason for adopting the cloud. Security remains the primary inhibitor followed by regulatory compliance and vendor lock-in for the migration by sensitive businesses. In the foreseeable future, cloud users are likely to shift sentiments with regard to public v/s hybrid cloud platforms. With the increase in trust in the cloud, big data is emerging as a major focus for vendors and end-users alike and mobile cloud computing will act as a catalyst to push the momentum. Mobile devices for the cloud would be smaller, more efficient having longer battery lives as the cloud will do the heavy computing and send the information to the mobile device over the network. The cloud computing would thus be network intensive and this throws a challenge to the pundits of network technologies to explore newer designs and models for matching the requirement. The cloud at present, is in its infancy and therefore there is a huge potential for professionals and IT companies to explore and evaluate the present day technologies and policies governing their use. Acknowledging these aspects relating to the next generation of IT enablement using the cloud computing technologies, the IE(I) and IETE joined together to provide a platform to the amalgam of professionals and eminent experts from the academia, industry and the service providers to discuss threadbare and recommend the road map for taking us to the next generation of cloud enabled computing. I once again welcome all the participants and express my sincere gratitude to all those who have contributed in bringing this Seminar to you. With deepest regards,
(Apoorva Agha)
INVITATION CARD FOR INAUGURAL SESSION The Institution of Engineers (India), U.P. State Centre, Lucknow and The Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers, Lucknow Centre
cordially invite you to the Inaugural Session of
Platinum Sponsor
All India Seminar on Cloud Computing
where information lives
lg oh;± djokogS
BSNL Connecting India Silver Sponsor
on Saturday, 13 October 2012 at 9.30 am at the IE(I), UP State Centre, Engineers'Bhawan, River Bank Colony, Lucknow Major General P. K. Mallick,
Chief Signals Officer, Hqs. Central Command, Lucknow has very kindly consented to be the Chief Guest
Shri Abhishek Mishra,
Hon'ble Minister of State for Protocol, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh shall grace the occasion as the Guest of Honour
Shri N. K. Gupta,
Director, Consumer Fixed Assets, BSNL Board, New Delhi shall deliver the Keynote Address
Er. S.B. Bhargava, FIE Hony. Secretary, IE(I)
Er. S.C. Mishra, FIETE Hony. Secretary, IETE
Er. Apoorva Agha, FIE, FIETE Convener
Er. A.K. Jain, FIETE Chairman, IETE
Er. S.C. Jain, FIE Chairman, IE(I)
Programme overleaf
Programme 9.30
30 min
Fellowship & Registration
10.00 am
5 min
Dignitaries escorted to dais and presentation of bouquet
10.05 am
10 min
Lighting of Lamp and Saraswati Vandana
10.15 am
5 min
Welcome Address by Chairman, IETE
10.20 am
10 min
Introduction to Theme & Seminar by Convener
10.30 am
35 min
Keynote Address by Shri N.K. Gupta, Director, CFA, BSNL Board, New Delhi
11.05 am
20 min
Address by Guest of Honour, Shri Abhishek Mishra, Hon'ble Minister for Protocol, Government of Uttar Pradesh
11.25 am
20 min
Release of Souvenir & Address by Chief Guest, Maj Gen. P.K. Mallick, Chief Signals Officer, Hqs. Central Command, Lucknow
11.45 am
5 min
Presentation of Mementos
11.50 am
5 min
Vote of Thanks by Hony. Secretary
11.55 12.15 20 min
Presentation by Platinum Sponsor
12.15 12.45 30 min
Press Conference
12.15 1.15
Inaugural Lunch
1 hr
"Cloud Computing"
Contents l
Messages v
His Excellency the Governor of Uttar Pradesh
Message From Lt Gen SP Kochhar, AVSM and BAR, SM, VSM, ADC & Senior Colonel Commandant Corps of Signals
President IE(I), Kolkata
President IETE, New Delhi
Chairman CPDB, Kolkata
Vice Chancellor MTU, Greater NOIDA
Vice Chancellor GBTU, Lucknow
CGM T UP(E), BSNL, Lucknow
Chairman, IETE Lko Centre, Lucknow
Secretary & Director General IE(I), Kolkata
Convener, All India Seminar on Cloud Computing
Invitation Card for Inaugural Session
Invitation Card for Valedictory Session
About The IE(I)
Committee of IE(I), UP State Centre
About IETE
Committee of IETE Lucknow Centre
Seminer Committees
Address by Hon’ble Chief Guest
Cloud Computing
Mr. N. K. Gupta, Director, CFA, BSNL Board , New Delhi - Keynote Speaker 8.
Security And Privacy In Cloud Computing
Er. J. M. Suri, DDG Telecom Engineering Centre, DOT, New Delhi 9.
Standardization Aspects In Cloud Computing
Er. B. K. Nath, Director(I),Telecom Engineering Centre, New Delhi 10. BrihaspatiSync and Brihapsati-4: P2P Live Lecture Delivery and LMS Design Dr. Y. N. Singh, IIT Kanpur
"Cloud Computing"
11. Cloud Computing Shaping The Future of Business
Dr. Upendra Kumar, UPTEC Computer Consultancy Ltd., Lucknow 12. Security Issues And Challenges In Cloud Computing
Col. Inderjit Sing Barara, New Delhi 13. Cloud Computing: Relevance For Mobile Service Providers
Er. N. K. Srivastava, Ex. Sr. DDG, TEC, DOT, New Delhi 14. Cloud meets Big Data to Bring Transformation in Every walk of Life – Opportunities for India
Mr. P. K. Gupta, Senior Director And Chief Architect, Backup Recovery System Division Asia Pacific and Japan 15. Impact Of Cloud On IT Services Management: A Practitioner’s Approach
Monalisa Sarkar, Global Consulting Practice ,Tata Consultancy Services, Lucknow 16. Cloud Computing Resource Management and Security Issues
Dr. S.K. Dwivedi, System Manager, CSJM University, Kanpur 17. Cloud Computing and Security
Dr. Brijendra Singh Prof. Lucknow University, Lucknow 18. Undrstant The Cloud Computing Stack :Iaas And Paas
Dr. D. S. Kushwaha, Systems Manager, IET, Lucknow 19. Cloud computing: Potentials for and Application in Biomedicine
Dr. M. Abbas, Chief Scientist, Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow. 20. Application of Cloud Computing in Modern Era
Prof. G.N.Pandey, Adjunct Professor, Allahabad 21. Mobile Cloud Computing
Saurabh Dixit,Department of Electronics and Communication, BBD University, Lucknow 22. Cloud Computing Business And Security
Mr. D. C. Misra, System Manager, GBTU, Lucknow 23. A Taxonomy and Survey of Cloud Computing [Security Issues and Challenges]
Radhey Shyam, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, SRMGPC, Lucknow, 24. Semantic Web : A Brief Introduction
Dr. M. Abbas, Chief Scientist, Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow. 25. Introduction and Future Scope of Cloud Computing
Mr. Ankit Maurya, AITM, Varanasi 26. Network Requirement For The Cloud Computing
Mr. Anand Ranjan, BBDU, Lucknow
"Cloud Computing"
27. Cloud Computing Research and Development Trent
Mr. Saurabh Pandey AIMT,Lucknow 28. An Overview On Mobile Cloud Computing
Ms. Shivi Chaturvedi, MANIT, Bhopal 29. Mobile Cloud Computing: A Lookup
Mr. Archit Agarwal, MMMEC, Gorakhpur 30. Open Security Issues And Challenges In Cloud Computing
Ms. Supriya Srivastava,MMMEC, Gorakhpur 31. Improved Hybrid Intrusion Detection System (IHIDS) : Mitigating False Alarm In Cloud Computing
Mr. Ajit Kumar Gautam, GBU, Greater Noida. 32. Weak Spots in Cloud Computing and Their Revelations
Mr. Prateek Kumar Varshney, SRMGPC, Lucknow 33. Analysis of Disaster Recovery Plans In Cloud Computing
Ms. Ekta Saxena, IISE, Lucknow 34. Cloud Computing for Biometrics Applications: Indian Scenario
Ms. Madhumita Karmakar, CSIR- Indian Institute of Toxicology Research ,Lucknow 35. Cloud Computing and Education
Ms. Khushboo Tripathi, HBTI, Kanpur 36. A Concept Paper On Application of Zig-Bee for Robotic Control Using Cloud Computing
Mr. Prabhat Kashyap, SRMGPC, Lucknow 37. Role of Cloud Computing Process in Investigations of Extra Terrestrial Life and Intelligence Dr. Alka Misra, Department of Mathematics & Astronomy, University of Lucknow, Lucknow
"Cloud Computing"
ABOUT THE INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS (INDIA) since 1921, and a quarterly bulletin was started in June, 1923. The Registered office of the Institution was transferred to 26, Chowringhee Road, on 1st July, 1923 and thereafter to 8-Easpande Row East on 1st July, 1926.
HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: Initially, Indian Society of Engineers was formed on 3 January, 1919 with its temporary office at New Customs House, Bombay. The Rules were drafted and a constitution drawn up and published in a “Green Book” in March 1919. This Green Book was widely circulated and the movement was warmly supported by Govt. of India. A substantial guarantee fund was readily raised. The subscription was Rs. 15 for Members and Rs.12 for Associate Members per Quarter. Major W.H. Brady was appointed Secretary of the Organinsing Committee on 23rd April 1919. rd
In 1927, the Council announced the first list of accepted educational qualification for exemption from Section A and B of the Associate Membership examination of the Institution. The first examination was held in 1928 where 4 candidates were declared successful. Lt. Col. RDT. Alexander was mainly instrumental for the Council’s decision in 1929 to propose the erection of a suitable Headquarters building and as a consequence, followed the decision to establish permanently the headquarters of the Institution in Calcutta. The Government of Bengal agreed to lease at a favorable rates suitable plot of land. A building fond was started for the collection of funds for the same. Lord Erwin the then Viceroy laid the foundation of the Institution of Engineers (India) building on 19th December, 1930. The building after construction on the laid plot was opened by Viceroy Lord Willingdon on 28th December, 1931. The Office of the Institution was moved to 8, Gokhale Road, Calcutta on 1st January, 1932.
In Simla Meeting on 16 July, 1919 a revised code for the body was presented for consideration. The Chairman of the drafting Committee was Shri T.R.J. Ward. The name of the Society was changed to ‘The Institution of Engineers (India)’. The revised code was printed in a Brown Book in August 1919 and circulated again to representative Engineers. An executive Committee was thus formed with Major Wills as Chairman. The memorandum of Association, Articles and Bye laws were finally delivered on 3rd November, 1919 and the Registration of which was done in Madras. The Institution was thus registered under the Indian Companies Act of 1913 on 13th September, 1920. Necessary permission was later secured to move the Registered Office to Calcutta and office was opened in rented premises at D-5, Buildings, Clive Street on 11th November 1919.
On 9th September, 1935, during the Presidentship of Rai Bahadur B.P. Verma, the Royal Charter was granted by His Majesty the King Emperor George V. The grant of Royal Charter in 1935 was an outstanding event in the history of the Indian professional bodies as it was the first Royal Charter given to a body which had its origin and functions in India. Because of the Royal Charter, now held by the Institution, the Corporate members have right to inscribe “Chartered Engineer (India)’ after their names. It implies they are qualified engineers and members of the Institution, that owing to its qualities, had been deemed worthy to hold a Charter under the King’s hand, it also implies that the Institution was recognized at the time of grant of Royal Charter as the representative body of engineers in India. The
Sir Thomas Wills who had taken over from Sir Thomas Holland as Chairman of the Organising Committee, became the first President of the Institution but retired from India before the expiry of his normal term of office. He was succeeded by Sir Rajendra Nath Mukherjee in November, 1920. The Institution was formally inaugurated at an impressive ceremony in the Hall of the Asiatic Society of Bengal on 23rd February, 1921 and were followed by those of South India and North-West India in 1927. The journal of the Institution has been flourishing
"Cloud Computing"
Institution was constituted as a body Corporate not withstanding the changes in the Indian constitutional structure after independence since the grant of Charter in 1935 and also the Charter was at the date of the commencement of the Constitution of India a law in force in the territory of India.
U.P. State Centre: The U.P.State Centre which is the oldest Centre in India was established in 1921. First Annual General Meeting was held on Novembner 10, 1921 at Kanpur which was inaugurated by Mr. A.W.E. Stendley, MLC as first Chairman. The State Centre was housed in a rented building in Kaiserbagh, Lucknow. In 1930 a library with a reading room well equipped with technical books was established for members. The present building of U.P. State Centre at River Bank Colony, Lucknow was constructed in 1958 and was inaugurated by Shri Hafiz Mohd. Ibrahim, Minister for Irrigation & Power, U.P. Govt. on the occasion of 38th Annual convention of the Institution of Engineers (India). There are 8 Local Centres within U.P. State Centre located at Agra, Allahabad, Anpara, Aligarh, Bareilly, Ghaziabad, Kanpur, and Varanasi. At present there are 6786 Corporate Members, 3959 Non Corporate members, and 49960 Senior Technician/Technician members within U.P. State Centre.
PRESENT ACTIVITIES: The IE(I) promote and advance the art, science & practice of the myriad field of engineering and technology. Today it is multidisciplinary nationwide organization having an overall membership of over 5.5 lac the largest body of its kind in the whole Asia with international status and bilateral relations with many sister societies round the world. As on today the IE(I) has 103 state & local centers spread all over India. The IE(I) is the pioneer body of introduce nonformal engineering education programme, successful completion of which is recognized as equivalent to a degree in engineering by Govt. of India, U.P.S.C., State Govts. And Public & Pvt. Sector organizations.
Grades of Membership:
The IE(I) is engaged in dissemination and updating engineering & technological knowledge by organizing seminar, symposia, continuing education course, workshops conferences etc. at national & international level. The IE(I) publishes quarterly journals separately for various engineering disciplines containing R & D papers. It also highlights glimpses of emerging engineering and technological scenario & holistic view of entire profession in various fields & state of art review through TECHNORMA. The EI(I) also published monthly newsletter IE(I) NEWS focusing on new developments techniques, process and other issues of topical interest as well as calendar of technical activities. The IE(I) also extends library services at its all centres.
The Institution of Engineers (India) offers following grades of corporate membership. (i) Associate Member of The Institution of Engineers (AMIE): Person must be graduate in any branch of engineering or Section ‘B’ holder of IE(I) with 5 years experience in a position of responsibility related to the engineering work or as an engineering teacher in accredited Engineering (Institution with a minimum age of 26 years. (ii) Member of The Institution of Engineers (MIE): Minimum experience of 10 years as detailed above with a minimum age of 32 years. (iii) Fellow of The Institution of Engineers (FIE): Person must be an engineering graduate or Section ‘B’ holder with 15 years experience in the profession of engineering in a position of high responsibility or should have retired from such a position with a minimum age of 40 years.
The IE(I) has Engineering Staff College of India at Hyderabad for continuing education, National Design & Research Forum at Bangalore to encourage design talents, Rural Management Forum at Calcutta to encourage multi-faced development of Rural India. Water Management Forum at Ahmedabad and Sustainable Development Forum at Patna to promote the water resources management and sustainability in totality.
Fresh Engineering Graduates or Section ‘B’ holders with a minimum age of 21 years may be enrolled as Associates. But the Associates are not treated as corporate members.
"Cloud Computing"
STATE CENTRE COMMITTEE (2010-12) The Institution of Engineers (India), UP State Centre, Lucknow Er. Sukamal Chand Jain, FIE-104104-1 (EL)
Ar. Shyam Behari Bhargava, FIE-017612-1 (AR)
Honorary Secretary
Er. Girish, FIE- 107054/8(EL)
Immediate Past Chairman
Er. Bhola Nath Agarwal, FIE-106322/3 (MC)
Immediate Past Honorary Secretary
Er. Sharat Kumar Goel, FIE-108094 (AS)
Aerospace Engg. Division
Dr. Jaswant Singh, FIE-103093-7(AG)
Agricultural Engg. Division
Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Gupta, MIE-118769-9 (CH)
Chemical Engg. Division
Er. V.B. Singh, FIE-015220-6 (CV)
Civil Engg. Division
Er. Mahendra Kumar Agarwal, FIE-016566-9 (CV)
Civil Engg. Division
Er. Madan Mohan, F-003946-9 (CV)
Civil Engg. Division
Er. Apoorva Agha, FIE-111235/6, (CP)
Computer Engg. Division
Er. Ranvir Singh, FIE-105556 (EL)
Electrical Engg. Division
Er. Jata Shankar Mishra, M-121608-7 (ET)
Electronics & Telecom Engg. Division
Er. Sumer Kumar Agarwal, M-114553-8 (EN)
Environmental Engg. Division
Er. D.S Rai, FIE-7685/2 (MR)
Marine Engg. Division
Er. Madhu Chandra Jain, F-017012-3 (MC)
Mechanical Engg. Division
Er. R.K. Dwivedi, FIE-109918 (MC)
Mechanical Engg. Division
Er. Jamal Nusrat, FIE15245-1 (PR)
Production Engg. Division
Er. Chandra Bhushan Gupta, F-101416-8 (TX)
Textile Engg. Division
ER. V.L. Malhotra, FIE-012409/1 (EL)
Council Member
Brig. Janaki Pant, F-114632-3 (CO)
Chairman, Agra Local Centre
Prof. Kr. Khalil Ahmad Khan, FIE-102816/9 (ET)
Chairman, Aligarh Local Centre
Prof. L. K. Mishra, FIE-113957 (CV)
Chairman, Allahabad Local Centre
Er. Tribhuvan Tiwari, FIE – 116216-7 (ET)
Chairman, Anpara Local Centre
Er. K.B. Agarwal, F-116491-7 (MC)
Chairman, Bareilly Local Centre
Er. R.R. Tanwar, FIE-015562-0 (EL)
Chairman, Ghaziabad Local Centre
Dr. S. N. Singh, FIE – 111778-1 (EL)
Chairman, Kanpur Local Centre
Dr. S. N. Mahendra, FIE -017595-8 (EL)
Chairman, Varanasi Local Centre
"Cloud Computing"
The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers Brief Description
Our Resource-Membes
Founded in 1953, The Insitutition of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) is a leading professional society devoted to the advancement of Electronics, Telecommuncation, Information Technology and other related disciplines. IETE serves its more than 70,000 members both individuals and industries/organizations through its 59 Centres spread all over India including one abroad.
The IETE offers a variety of membership grades from Student Member to Honorary Fellow, As members progress over the years they become eligible for more advancement membership classifications.
Corporate Membership Honorary Fellow (HF) : A coveted honour conferred on eminent persons who have made exceptional contribution in the field of science and technology.
Government of India, Ministry of Science and Technology, Department of Science & Industrial Research has recognized IETE as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (SIRO) and the Institution has also been notified as an Educational Institution of National Eminence by the Government of India.
Distinguished Fellow (DF) : Highest class of elected membership; only IETE Fellows are eligible for nomination/election. Fellow (F)
Based on professional competence and recognition.
Members (M) Demonstrated by academic qualifications and work experience.
The objectives of the Institution include : l
P romote and conduct basis engineering and continuing technical education programmed for human resource development.
Associate Member (AM) : Based on pass in AMIETE or equivalent Engg. Degree.
Provide a forum for discussion on national policies and to provide suitable inputs to policy makers.
Student Members
Organize conferences, symposia and work-shops involving all concerned professionals, students and industry associations for the advancement of the discipline.
Student (D)
: Preparing for DIPIETE
Student (G)
: Preparing for AMIETE
Student (P)
: Student Post Graduate preparing for ALCCS Examination : Belonging to IETE Students’ Forum at Engg. Colleges.
Stimulate research and development in the discipline.
Student (FG)
Bring out quality publications for all levels of readership.
Students (FD) : Belongings to IETE Students’ Forum at Polytechnics.
Honour outstanding professionals.
Facilitate inter-disciplinary interaction with other organizations and individuals within and outside the country for the promotion of the discipline.
Organization Member Organizational Member (Org. Mem) : Open to Institutions ? Organizations / Companies engaged in the broad areas of electronics, telecommunications, computer, science and information technology.
Undertake socially relevant programmed with Electronics, Telecommunications and IT as tools.
"Cloud Computing"
A & B. and practical examination, project and seminar.
Others Diploma Member (DM) : Based on pass in DIPETE or equivalent Engg. Diploma. Associate (A) : Based on competence in Technical ? non-technical areas of interest to IETE. Membership forms for Corporate Organizational Membership can be down loaded from IETE Website:-
services and by a large number of Universities/Institutions for higher studies. Permitted to appear for GATE ; ME / M.Tech. Entrance tests.
Advanced Level Course i n Computer Science- ALCCS (since 1982)
http://www.iete.org or http://www.iete.info
Recognized equivalent to M.Tech. in Computer Science; Unique 6-semester part-time evening programme, being conducted at New Delhi, Hyderabad and Chennai. Comprises Theory, laboratory sessions and project work in industry/user agency.
Professional Manpower Development Recognizing that information and knowledge are primary resources. IETE has been engaged from the very beginning, in establishing national standards for different levels of professionals in their discipline. As a result, new career opportunities have opened up for student members through IETE examinations, viz., DipIETE. AMIETE and ALCCS. The regulations/syllabi for all these are drafted by specialists and are revised periodically. The examinations are conducted at 46 Centres in India and abroad.
Continued Know ledge Up-gradati on - A Race against Obsolescence Developing and improving technical and professional competencies, particularly in the working environment is the greatest challenge that professionals face today. To help members avoid technological obsolescence and to achieve the mission of advancing the profession, IETE offers access to latest developments in the technology via conferences, workshops, publications and brain - storming sessions.
These examinations have received recognition for Government of India for superior and Subordinate services and for higher education by a large number of Universities and Institutions. Consisting of a Board of Examinations advised by eminent Academia, the Institution has maintained a very high standard along with a transparent system. The examinations are :-
Annual Technical Convention : On themes of current technological interest. Mid - Term Symposium
DIPIETE (since 1987)
International conferences
Eligibility for admission : Recognised by 10+ level; Govt of India, Comprises sections for subordinate posts A & B, and & services and State practical examination, Governments & Union projects and seminars Territories
Memorial Lectures :
AMIETE (since 1956)
Bhabha Memorial Lecture
Vikaram Sarabhai Memorial Lecture
J C Bose Memorial Lecture
C V Raman Memorial Lecture
Zonal Seminars
Eligibolity for admission : Examination recog10+2 level; with PCM nized by the Govt of or Diploma in Engg. India & UPSC for Comprises sections superior posts &
Exhibitions Symposia, Workshops, Contact Programmes, Round Table Conferences
"Cloud Computing"
Opportunity to refer technical papers in libraries
a common page for all the three journals. The connection to these sites has been provided at existing IETE websites at www.iete.org and www.iete.info for existing users. The website address details are as follow.
Opportunity to publish and review technical papers Academic-Industry interaction IETE Student’s Forum (ISF)
(a) www.ietejournals.org-common for all the three journals
Edusat elan (e-learning)
(b) http://jr.jetejournals.org - Journal of research
(c) http://tr.ietejournals.org - Technical Review
The IETE is well recognized as a leading publisher of articles in the field of electronics, telecommunications, computer science and information technology. Its quality information products in clude magazines, journals, books, technical reviews, news letters conference records and other electronic media publications. The publications support the members through out the information curve.
(d) http://je.jetejournals.org - Journal of Education
On-line Manuscri pt Management System (OMMS) On-line manuscript management system for all three journals is functioning. Authors, editors, reviewers, readers and students can access on-line submission system and submit articles. review on-line by Reviewers and know the status of articles of all the three journals from any computer at any time. On-line system is available at following addresses.
IETE Journal or Research (dissemination orginal research work) Biomonthly; Covers research/academic oriented papers based on original work and technology reviews on emerging topics. It reports fundamental and applied research work being undertaken inthe country in the areas of interest.
(a) www.journalweb.com/ietetr - For Technical Review (b) www.journalonweb.com/ietejr - For Journal of Research
IETE Technical Review (updates technical knowledge)
(c) www.journalonweb.com/ieteje - For Journal of Education
Bimonthly; Covers design/development oriented review papers of topical interest to keep the members abreast of the state-of-the-art technologies in the race against obsolescence.
IETE Newsletter Biomonthly : Covers IETE news and useful information for corporate members.
IETE Journal of Educati on (enabl es technical qualifications)
Conference proceedings, whi te paper on technology
Biannually; Provides supplementary resources to the students for preparing for their qualifying examinations and broadening their understanding of concepts.
At present, IETE publishers over 2000 pages annually in Technical Journals (many special issues), Conference P roceedings and IETE Book Series. Student members recieve free IETE Journal of Education. Other members receive one of the other two jounrals and the Newsletter. IETE also publishers white papers / policy papers on matters of national significance in the field of Electronics, Telecom and IT.
IETE Journals website The websites have been developed, starting from
"Cloud Computing"
Recognizing Excellence : IETE Awards The Institution forsters advancement of the profession and stimulates its members and others in the profession for higher level of accomplishment by recognizing excellence through annual awards, medals and prizes. It confers twenty two awards for outstanding achievments, eight Corporate awards and eight awards for best papers appearing in our journals and fifty four awards for students members for academic excellence in various examinations.
By establishing research seats. Presently we have two research seats in the following areas :
“Emerging Wireless Technologies” sponsored by Tata Teleservices Ltd (TTL).
“Microwave Engineering” sponsored by International Radar Symposium India (IRSI)
IETE Network IETE HQ The IETE HQ is well organized to meet the needs of membership activities and conduct the affairs of IETE under the direct supervision of the Council. I has a fulltime Secretary General, number of Officers and is adequately staffed. It functions from its own building in New Delhi. IETE HQs is a modern towering RCC structure of 6 floors, with novel architectural design. It is a landmark in the Institutional Area on Lodi Road, New Delhi.
IETE - Industry Interaction IETE has always been closely associate with the industry by promoting interaction through seminars, workshops and discussions. Industries join IETE directly as organizational members and their representatives find a place in the Council of the Institution.
APEX FORUM IETE is promoting in nationa interest, an Apex Forum (AF-IETE) to provide a platform for exchange of meaningful ideas amongst;
Join the IETE Fraternity The IETE has completed more that 57 years of dedicated service to the Nation. We have our own physical infrastructure at 34 Centres and efforts are on to provide similar facilities to the remaining ones. We plan to have our own information infrastructures as well linking IETE HQ with all the Centres. In the last five decades, we have significantly contributed towards intellectual vitality of our corporate, students and organizational members. Our efforts to bridge the gap between availability and demand of qualified engineers has been of a great service to the profession, the Nation and to the world at large. We have been sensitive to our environment with a strong sense of identity and innate ability to build a community which is tolerant and constructive and develop human resource with the ability to thrive in competitive environment. Please note that IETE will provide you the following :-
Policy makers / Implementers Industry Leaders Leading Academicians / Research Organizations Eminent Professionals Action plan resulting out of these activities is actively pursued for advancement of the Profession.
Research Initiative One of the major objectives of the Institution is to stimulate research and development in the discipline. The Institution endeavours to achieve the worthwhile objective by following a two-pronged strategy; l
Encouraging research in the discipline by publishing “Journal of Research” which reports fundamental and applied research work being undertaken in the country and abroad. Publication in internationally recognized.
Leadership opportunities l
Provides a space to interact with peers as well as
"Cloud Computing"
eminent professionals and mobility in the membership growth. l
Free personal subscription to Newsletter and Technical Review.
Invitatons to attend and participate in numerous loca/regional/national/international technical programmes at concessional rates.
Participation in meetings with R&D/Industry leaders and others to discuss scientific/technical/ professional issues.
Opportunity to review technical papers, write articles and participate in IETE Committees.
Opportunity ot participate as speaker and also as delegate in various seminars, workshops and technical lectures on topical subjects and cutting edge technologies.
Free subscription of IETE Journal of Education.
New career opportunities, viz., DipIETE, AMIETE and ALCCS; and improved job opportunities.
Computer Training Programme for the Blinds : As part of our social responsibility, IETE trains visually challenged persons to make them more acceptable in society. No fee is charged from such students. Training imparted is on computer Fundamentals, Internet browsing and Microsoft Office applications.
Lecture and Content Delivery
Access to India’s most comprehensive source of publications in electronics, telecommunications, computers etc. at IETE HO and at its centres/ Sub-Centres.
Availability of IETE publications at concessional price.
IETE uses latest trends in the delivery of lectures in its Diploma and Degree Courses with the aim of “Reading the Unreached.” Through e-lan portal of IETE, more than 1100 video lectures are delivered from teaching end at IETE Noida Centre and simultaneously received at Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Chandigarh, Delhi, Hyderabad, Palakkad, Pune, Kolkata, Imphal and Mankapur in interacting mode.
Reimbursement of Membership subscription by some Govt. Departments and other organizations.
Skill Development
Consideration for a large number of annual awards, prizes etc. given to honour outstanding contributions.
Easy access to latest information through library facilities at various Centres.
Listing in annual corporate membership directory.
Availability of Tech-literature and reciprocal at concessional rates and facilities from other societies under MOU.
Reciprocal facilities from selected similar institutions in India and abroad.
Interaction with experts in the discipline from industry, MNC’s Government and NGO’s for professional advancement.
Besides many of the above benefits, student’s members of IETE would gain from :
Taking into consideration the huge unemployment amongst the youth of the country skill development is the need of hour. The Ministry of Human Resources Development, Planning Commission and Prime Minister of India are focused on enlarging the scope of skill development. An open house discussion on National level workshop at IETE took place on 3 March 2011, The representatives of AICTE and eminent persons from industry attended the programme. The Governing Council of IETE has taken a decision to accredit the courses of Institutions that are engaged in skill development training programme. The training programme is designed by these institutions and are accredited by IETE with a focus on working professionals and youngsters who are continuously looking for various avenues to up grade their knowledge and sills after completing their school and college
"Cloud Computing"
education, so as to prepare themselves will in a competitive job market.
being organized by the Institution at HQs and all Centres/ Sub-Centres on 2nd November year by choosing an appropriate technical topic to debate on.
On-line Payment IETE Students Day
In main function of IETE HQ, students are always invited. An interactive forum has been created on the web whereby the students can interact with IETE HQ. Through online facility, students and members can deposit fee through credit card/debit card. Also students can get syllabi form Axis Bank selected Branches.
In order to provide a platform to give opportunities to students to display their knowledge and abilities in technical and non technical areas, IETE has decided to celebrate “Students Day” on 1st February every year, All IETE Centres / Sub-Centres celebrate the day by holding technical paper presentation, quiz contest and other technical/non technical activities.
IETE Foundation Day is another annual Flagship event
"Cloud Computing"
IETE LUCKNOW CENTRE (Executive Committee 2012-14) Elected Members :
Special Invitees :
S.N. Name
Shri VK Singh IET Lucknow
Brig.Retd V KChopra AMITY
Imdt Past Chairman
Shri N Malvia Retd HOD(EC) IET Lucknow
Shri Anish Kumar Jain
Shri Om Vir Singh,
Shri Suresh Chandra Mishra
Hony Secretary
Shri SCTiwari Asst.Director SRMCM
Shri Arun Kumar Singh
Hony Treasurer
Shri S.I.H Rizvi
Member EC
Shri Sushil Agrawal,Director Bansal Institute, Lucknow
Shri Om Prakash Agarwal
Member EC
Maj Gen Retd KK Ohri PVC AMITY
Dr. Ganga Ram Mishra
Member EC
Dr SMPradhan(Retd) CE.AIR/DD
Lt Col(Retd.) Ajay Gupta
Member EC
Shri Shabbir Ahmad Ex Director BSNL Board, New Delhi
Shri Anil Kumar,
Member EC
Shri D K Mishra NIELIT Lucknow
Shri Atul Sharma
Member EC
Shri Prabhakar Dubey
Member EC
10. Shri S P Kalsi Ex CGM U P East Telecom Circle, Lucknow 11. Shri G P Dwivedi Retd AIR
Co-opted Members : 1.
Shri B. B. Lal Retd. BSNL
Shri Saurabh Dixit BBD
Shri Alok Sinha retd BSNL
Shri AkGarg BSNL Addl GM BSNL
Shri Satish Kumar Sr GM BSNL
12. Shri Nuzahat Husain IIT Lucknow 13. Shri V K Jindal, Doordarshan 14. Dr. Mrs.Neelam Shrivastava, HOD E & C IET, Lucknow
"Cloud Computing"
Asst. Prof. Shashi Kant Gupta, M CSCET, Lucknow
Er. S.L. Garg, FIE President IE(I), Kolkata - Chairman
Asst. Prof. Shubham Swaroop, M CSCET, Lucknow
Er. S.B. Sinha, FIE, Chairman, CPDB, IE(I), Kolkata, - Co-Chairman
Asst. Prof. M ayank Jaiswal, GITM , Lucknow
Prof. B.D. Chaudhary, FIE, M NNIT, Allahabad
Asst. Prof. Satyendra Kumar Singh, IISE, Lucknow
Prof. A.K. M isra, FIE, M NNIT, Allahabad
Asst. Prof. Sanchita Ghatak, JIM , Lucknow
Dr. H.S. Sharma, FIE, Ex. President IETE, N. Delhi
M r. Satish Tiwari, Sr. Proj. M anager, TCS Lucknow
Prof. G.N. Pandey, FIE, Ex. VC, Chitrakoot University
Er. Ashok Singh, M IE, LM -ISET, M -PECA, Lucknow
Prof. Sanjay Jasola, FIE, VC, Hill University, Dehradun
M r. Sanjaya Kala, Dir. HRD, ECC, Allahabad- Prog. Secretary
Prof. Brijendra Singh, Deptt. of CS, Lucknow University
Brig. S.V.S. Chowdhry, FIE, M ember CPDB, IE(I), Kolkata
Er. S.C. Jain, FIE Chairman, IEI UPSC, Lko.- Org. Chairman
Er. Suneel Grover, FIE, M ember CPDB, IE(I), Kolkata
Er. A.K. Jain, FIETE, Chairman, IETE Lucknow Centre
Er. Prakask K. Kulkarni, FIE, M ember CPDB, IE(I), Kolkata
Er. Satish Kumar, GM (WLL), BSNL, Lucknow
Er. D. Ramakrishna, FIE, M ember CPDB, IE(I), Kolkata
Er. A.K. Garg, Addl. GM , Central, BSNL, Lucknow
Er. Bharat Patel, FIE, M ember CPDB, IE(I), Kolkata
Er. Atul Sharma, Addl. GM , Sales, UP(E), BSNL, Lucknow
Er. N.K. Srivastava, Ex. Sr. DDG, Telecom Engg. Centre, DOT, Delhi
Er. M ukesh Gupta, SDE (M M ), UP(E), BSNL, Lucknow
Er. Shabbir Ahmad, Ex. CGM , BSNL, UP(E), Lucknow
Er. Arun Kumar Singh, Dean, GITM , Lucknow
Dr. V.K. Jain, DG, HR Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad
Prof. Narendra Kumar Kohli, FIE, HBTI, Kanpur
M r. S. M ajumdar, FIE, Ex. Addl CE, UPSEB, Lucknow
Prof. Bansal A. Balkishan, M IE, AM ITY Univ. Ghaziabad
M r. C.V. Singh, FIE, FCSI Ex. VP, Tata M otors, Lucknow
M r. Deepak Sharma, Pr. Systems Analyst, NIC, Lucknow
M aj. Gen. R.K. Sanan, VSM (Retd.), S&DG, IE(I), Kolkata
Dr. Vimal M ishra, M IE, Head, Comp. Engg, GGP, Allahabad
Brig. Janki Pant, FIE, C&M D, 509, Army B. Workshop, Agra
M r. Anil Kumar Srivastava, GM , Computronics, Lucknow
Col. R.K. Jaiswal, FIE, CAO, IIM , Lucknow
M r. Anil Kumar Gupta, DGM , NWO-CFA, BSNL, Lucknow
Dr. Nitin Jain, Head Deptt. of EC, BBDESGI, Lucknow
Prof. J.P. Saini, FIE, Principal M M M EC, Gkp.- Prog. Chairman
M r. Radhey Shyam, Asstt. Prof. CSE, SRM GPC, Lucknow
Prof. V.K. Singh, Institute of Engineering & Technology, Lucknow
Er. S.C. M ishra, Hony. Secretary, IETE, Lucknow Centre
Prof. A.K. Sharma, FIE, M M M EC, Gorakhpur
Er. S.B. Bhargava, Hony. Secretary, IE(I) UPSC, Lucknow
Prof. Pradeep Kumar Singh, FIE, M M M EC, Gorakhpur
Dr. D.S. Kushwaha, System M gr. IET, Lko. - Org. Secretary
Prof. Rakesh Kumar, FIE, M M M EC, Gorakhpur
Prof. Raghuraj Singh, M IE, HBTI, Kanpur
Er. Apoorva Agha, FIE, FIETE,
Prof. B.D.K. Patro, M IE, RVS Institute, Agra
Incharge Computer Centre, Allahabad High Court.
Prof. Anupam, M IE, IIIT, Allahabad
Dr. M . Abbas, M IE, Chief Scientist, CDRI, Lucknow
Prof. Neelendra Badal, AM IE, Deptt. of CSE, KNIT, Sultanpur
"Cloud Computing"
Maj Gen PK Mallick
Headquarters Central Command PIN-900450 C/o 56 APO
Chief Signal Officer Tele Mil : 2710 (O) 2711 (R)
ADDRESS BY MAJ GEN PK MALLICK, CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER HQ CENTRAL COMMAND CHIEF GUEST ALL INDIA SEMINAR ON CLOUD COMPUTING ORGANIZED BY THE INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS IE [I] UP STATE CENTRE LUCKNOW ON 13 OCT 2012 I consider it a honour and privilege to be the Chief Guest at All India Seminar on Cloud Computing organized by the Institution of Engineers IE [I] UP State Centre Lucknow 13th/14th October 2012. Cloud computing is IT offered as a service by a vendor, rather than infrastructure and applications that are built and maintained by an organization, which greatly reduces or even eliminates the need for an organization to build and maintain its own IT infrastructure. By leveraging shared infrastructure and software applications services, cloud computing allows an organization to build new IT solutions and offer new services more quickly and costeffectively than building it themselves. It provides elastic resources that enable application services to dynamically scale-up or scale-down based on the user demand. Its computing-as-a utility model enables users to pay only for the resources they actually use. This elasticity of resources, without associated financial premium for this flexibility, has the potential to lower the cost of providing information technology and increase the speed in which technology is made available to consumers. I extend a hearty welcome to all the Invited Speakers, all those who have contributed Papers, the IETE Lucknow to make this Seminar a great success. Er Apoorva Agha, Convenor, Er Anish Jain Chairman IETE Lucknow need to be complimented for hosting such a great event. Mr Sanjaya Kala, Programme Secretary has been very persistent in his efforts and I specially compliment him as well.
"Cloud Computing"
Cloud Computing Shri N. K. Gupta Director, CFA, BSNL Board, New Delhi
Keynote Speaker at the Inaugural Session
The CIO remains under severe pressure. Aligning with the business and demonstrating a return on Investment for IT remain a constant challenge, with the continued drive towards globalization while balancing the risk of doing so. Disposal of electronic equipment and data centre power consumption, technological obsolescence, managing skill set is an area of concerns for the organizations and specially CIO.
provisions servers as needed to cope with increases or decreases in demand. Cloud Infrastructure is the foundation of the cloud pyramid in the delivery of IT infrastructure through virtualization. Virtualization allows the splitting of a single physical piece of hardware into independent, self governed environments, which can be scaled in terms of CP U, RAM, Disk and other elements. The infrastructure includes servers, networks and other hardware appliances delivered as either Infrastructure “Web Services”, “farms” or “cloud centres”.
Hence more and more organizations specially the small and medium enterprises are adopting the Cloud computing for meeting their business requirements. Cloud computing a set of disciplines, technologies, and business models used to deliver IT capabilities (software, platforms, hardware) as an on-demand service
Cloud Providers offer services that can be grouped into three categories. 1. Software as a Service (SaaS) 2. Platform as a Service (Paas) 3. Infrastructure as a Service (Iaas):
Cloud computing is a computing paradigm, where a large pool of systems are connected in private or public networks, to provide dynamically scalable infrastructure for application, data and file storage. Cloud computing allows consumers and businesses to use applications without installation and access their personal files at any computer with internet access. A simple example of cloud computing is Yahoo email, Gmail, or Hotmail
In SaaS, a complete application like CRM, HRM, ERP, Billing Accounting etc. are offered to the customer, as a service on demand. A single instance of the service runs on the cloud & multiple end users are serviced. On the customer’s side, there is no need for upfront investment in servers or software licenses In PaaS a layer of software or development environment is encapsulated & offered as a service, upon which other higher levels of service can be built. The customer has the freedom to build his own applications, which run on the provider’s infrastructure. PaaS providers offer a predefined combination of OS and application servers, such as LAMP platform (Linux, Apache, MySql and PHP), restricted J2EE, Ruby etc. Google’s App Engine, Force.com, etc are some of the popular PaaS examples.
Cloud Computing has High scalability Agility High availability and reliability Multi-sharing Services in payper-use mode. Cloud computing is delivered through essentially three components i.e. i) Cloud Applications ii) Cloud Platform and iii) Cloud infrastructure. Cloud platform provides a computing platform or framework as a service. Cloud computing platform dynamically provisions, configures, reconfigures and de-
IaaS provides basic storage and computing
"Cloud Computing"
capabilities as standardized services over the network. Servers, storage systems, networking equipment, data centre space etc. are pooled and made available to handle workloads.
consumers. In many instances, the actual storage location is not disclosed, adding onto the security concerns of enterprises. In the existing models, firewalls across data centers (owned by enterprises) protect this sensitive information. In the cloud model, Cloud Service providers are responsible for maintaining data security and enterprises would have to rely on them.
However Cloud computing besides having a number of benefits have challenges as well like Data P rotection, Data Recovery and Availability and Management Capabilities of Cloud Service providers.
Despite there being multiple cloud service providers, the management of platform and infrastructure is still in its infancy. Features like “Autoscaling” for example, are a crucial requirement for many enterprises. There is huge potential to improve on the scalability and load balancing features provided today.
Data Security is a crucial element that warrants scrutiny. Enterprises are reluctant to buy an assurance of business data security from vendors. They fear losing data to competition and the data confidentiality of
"Cloud Computing"
Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing J.M. Suri, DDG(I), TEC Cloud computing promises to have far-reaching effects on the systems and networks of organizations implementing the same. It is a new computing paradigm that is still emerging. Technology advances are expected to improve performance and other qualities of services from public clouds, including privacy and security. However, many of the features that make cloud computing attractive, can also at odds with traditional security models and controls. Various features make cloud computing attractive for cloud service providers as well as user organisations. But these very features have also led to concerns regarding protection of security and privacy of data in a cloud. Security challenges are there in all kinds of clouds – Public, Private, Hybrid, Community etc. However, the issues are manageable to a great extent when the organization has control over the cloud infrastructure, especially the private clouds. Since, a public cloud is one in which the infrastructure
and other computational resources that it comprises are generally owned by a service provider and made available to the general public over the Internet, the security challenges here are formidable. Accountability for security and privacy in public cloud deployments cannot be delegated to a cloud provider and remains an obligation for the organization to fulfill. Organisation should ensure that any selected public cloud computing solution configured, deployed, and managed should meet the security, privacy, and other requirements of the organization throughout the system lifecycle. This presentation focuses on various aspects of cloud security and what implementation is feasible in a cloud environment. It discusses the threats, technology risks, and safeguards for public cloud environments, key security and privacy issues in public cloud computing and precautions that can be taken to mitigate them.
"Cloud Computing"
Standardization Aspects in Cloud Computing (B.K. Nath, Dir(I), TEC) Cloud computing has become increasingly popular in recent years with great potential for growth in future. However, despite the rapid growth there hasn’t been any unified action for development of comprehensive cloud-computing standards. There are many groups working on standardization and that too on the various aspects of it. Lack of unified standards could make cloud computing trickier to use. It could restrict implementation by limiting interoperability among cloud platforms and causing inconsistency in areas such as security and interoperability. For example, the lack of standardization could keep a customer trying to switch from a private to a public cloud from doing so as seamlessly as switching browsers or e-mail systems. In addition, it would keep users from knowing the basic capabilities they could expect from any cloud service. Variety of standards – specially addressing issues such as data privacy and encryption - are hurting wider cloudcomputing adoption. Since cloud computing is relatively
young, so the lack of standardization - which usually occurs with more mature technologies - is not altogether surprising. And some experts say the market’s immaturity makes it too difficult for any one organization to mandate standards. Globally important preliminary work has been done by NIST and ITU but these are yet to be converted into globally acceptable standards. This presentation focuses on some of these aspects of cloud computing and the efforts made by global organizations like NIST, ITU, ENISA, CSA etc. in this area. Standards in this area are still evolving so the standards are not yet frozen. In India, TEC, which is a technical arm of the Department of Telecommunications, has also recently come out with a proposed standard, based on the recommendations of NIST and ITU, on cloud computing infrastructure for the benefit of the Telecom service providers and other organizations interested to set up their own cloud computing infrastructure.
"Cloud Computing"
BrihaspatiSync and Brihapsati-4: P2P live lecture delivery and LMS design Dr. Yatindra Nath Singh Electrical Engineering Department IIT Kanpur-208016
service providing peers. Closest to this situation is indexing service provided by DNS servers which provide IP address when name is known, or search engines which provides the index of web server when keywords are given. But the indexing services of search engines only list the web server which usually are alive for longer duration and are less dynamic. P2P systems can also use centralized indexing servers where all peers periodically update the services which they can provide. This may be sandboxed virtual machines for provisioning computing services, or specific documents searchable by keywords.
At IIT Kanpur, we have been developing LMS named Brihaspati. It has gone through evolution over last ten years. Currently, we have been pursuing Brihaspati-3. This system work as web server which is accessed by the users using their browsers. At the same, the computing power, storage capacity in computing machines, and bandwidth availability in the network has lead to new possibilities. User machines are very powerful. In order provide services over client server paradigm, the servers have to be powerful. This has lead to evolution of clusters of servers which act as single large capacity server. The deployment of clusters not at single place but in distributed fashion is more logical. The users are provisioned services using servers closest to them. The content moves among the servers across the globe for better performance. We have now been looking further and want to have a system where client machines itself act as servers as well as client. They can ask for resources from their peers and as well as provide services to them. We can terms this as user cloud. In general the services provided to other peers can be computational capability via virtual machines, storage, messaging, media streaming. We have been pursuing development of storage, messaging, content sharing (Brihaspati-4) and media streaming (BrihaspatiSync) to form such a user cloud.
Alternatively, distributed hash table (DHT) methods can also be used for maintaining the distributed index. Thus high reliability and availability of server infrastructure is not needed. Usually multiple copies of each index entry can be maintained, which becomes useful when peers quit. Peers joining and leaving the network is expected to be very frequent phenomenon as peers are running on user machines. This is commonly referred as churn rate problem in P2P systems. All peers need not participate in DHT index maintainence. Lots of peer entities are also expected to behind firewalls or NATs (network address translation). Usually such peers will be in private IP islands. Such peers cannot be contacted by other peers as usually in such scenarios incoming TCP, UDP connections are not permitted. In order to support such peers, we also need special peers which are outside firewalls/NATs and permit incomming connections. The peers behind firewall/NATs can connect to these peers for availing proxy services.
P2P system basics
In any P2P system, a peers first of all have to find the other peer who can and is willing to provide services to him. Conventionally, the simpler solution is to have an indexing server which maintain the index of the
We typically call the set of peers forming P2P
"Cloud Computing"
network, being used for query resolution as query resolution network. Once the response to a query is received, the peers directly interact and recieve/provide the service.
other using the security certificates which are signed by some common authority accepted by all the peer entities. Every content that a peer group member want to share will be encrypted with peer group key. It will be published by putting the entry in the distributed index. All peer groups can search for this in the distributed index, and fetch the content from the peer. We also need to ensure that there are certain minimum number of copies of each content. In case a peer exits, and copies are less than minimum, more of them can be created for redundancy and reliablity.
In BrihaspatiSync, we have envisaged the transmission of live lectures over internet. But it is done without any servers. Currently, we use Brihaspati-3 server as centralized indexing server for this purpose. The lecture transmitting peer entity will register itself on centralized index or distributed index as a provide of lecture stream. Any other client willing to receive the stream will query for the stream over query resolution mechanism. Once it gets the list of peers who are willing to provide the media stream, it can connect to them and gets the feed. Now it can also provide the feed to someone else, hence it can also register itself as feed provider with the indexing mechanism. Any peer who is already providing the sufficient number of feeds, can remove itself from the indexing mechanism. The advantage of such P2P multicast of media stream is that one need not depend on multicast support of the network. It leads to formation of overlaid multicast topology. The algorithm has been further extended to provided the reliability of the system.
Currently, BrihaspatiSync is already functional. Although many features which have been envisaged are yet to be built to make it true P2P system. Brihaspati4 is being built using JXTA. Once it is mature enough, we shall put it in repository for volunteers to develop. As of now BrihaspatiSync using centralized indexing server and Brihaspati-3 as a web service is already functioning.
We would like to acknwoledge IIT Kanpur, ERNET India, DEITy – MCIT, NMEICT – MHRD, sourceforge.net for support by way of resources, bandwidth and funding over last ten years. We would also like to thanks to all the volunteers who have contributed by testing, developing patches, giving us ideas for new features.
The overlaid multicast network for each lecture stream will be disjoint. Only common entity between peers receiving and forwaring the different multicast stream is the same query resolution mechanism. Further in order to resolve the congestion issues in the network, we need build multiple media layers which are added or dropped depending on bandwidth conditions. Further the topology optimization mechanism for best quality reception by each peer entity is essential for maintaing the quality of lecture feed distribution.
Future directions
http://brihsvn.iitk.ernet.in/repos subversion repository of the code. http://brihsvn.iitk.ernet.in/ Installation of Brihaspati-3 services. https://brihaspati.iitk.ernet.in:8443/brihaspatisync_client BrihaspatiSync services.
This P2P system is being envisaged for replacing Brihaspati-3. In this system, the peers will be able to form peer groups. All the peers can authenticate each
http://sourceforge.net/projects/brihaspati Code distribution site.
"Cloud Computing"
Cloud Computing Shaping the Future of Business Dr. Upendra Kumar UPTEC Computer Consultancy Ltd. Today’s the word of IT has changed completely with the explosion of new applications, devices, data and computing power at the same time with the rapid obsolescence in technologies makes maintaining an on premise IT infrastructure a challenging task. Cloud computing has arrived with a promise that will help businesses focus on their core processes and simultaneously provide them with computing resources on demand over internet without the overhead of maintaining them.
with the traditional way businesses have been using IT. It also talks about how business can benefit from each layer and what is significant for them for making the best out of the available cloud services. It also outlines how they can integrate cloud computing into their business and issues they should consider in evaluating a cloud service provider. Businesses can benefit tremendously from the cloud as they can reduce IT costs, provide better responsive web sites (scalable & dynamic), get access to new technologies, incorporate more flexible working practices, & get rid of worries of maintaining their servers and data up and running all the time.
This presentation examines the different delivery models of cloud services (ie. SaaS, PaaS & IaaS), their examples and brings out the advantages and differences
"Cloud Computing"
Security Issues and Challenges in Cloud Computing Inderjeet Singh
ABSTRACT Cloud Computing promises to provide a flexible IT architecture, accessible through internet from lightweight portable devices. In a cloud computing environment, the entire data resides over a set of networked resources, enabling the data to be accessed through virtual machines. Since these data-centres may be located in any part of the world beyond the reach an d control of users, there are multifarious security and privacy challeng es that need to be understood and addressed. Also, one can never deny the possibility of a server breakdown that has been witnessed, rather quite often in the recent times. Thus, despite the potential gainsachieved from the cloud computing, the organizations are slow in accepting it due to securityissues and challenges associated with it. Security is one of the major issues which hamper thegrowth of cloud. The idea of handing over important data to another company is worrisome; suchthat the consu mers need t o be vigilant in und erstan ding the risks of data breaches in t his newenvironment. This paper introduces a detailed analysis of the cloud computing security issuesand challenges focusing on the cloud computing types and the service delivery types. Keywords: Cloud Computing, Infrastructure, security issues, Software as a Service (saas) Platform as a Service (paas) Infrastructure as a Service (Iaas)
security ranked first as the greatest challenge issue of cloudcomputing as depicted in figure-1.
INTRODUCTION For years the Internet has been represented on network diagrams by a cloud symbol until 2008when a variety of new services started to emerge that permitted computing resources to beaccessed over the Internet termed cloud computing. Cloud computing encompasses activitiessuch as the use of social networking sites and other forms of interpersonal computing; however, most of the time cloud computing is concerned with accessing online software applications, datastorage and processing power. Cloud computing is a way to increase the capacity or addcapabilities dynamically without investing in new infrastructure, training new personnel, orlicensing new software. In the lastfew years, cloud computing has grown from being a promising business concept to one of the fastgrowing segments of the IT industry. But as more and more information on individuals andcompanies are placed in the cloud, concerns are beginning to grow about just how safe anenvironment it is. Despite of all the hype surrounding the cloud, customers are still reluctant todeploy their business in the cloud. Security issues in cloud computing has played a major role inslowing down its acceptance, in fact
From one point of view, security could improve due to centralization of data and increasedsecurityfocused resources. On the other hand concerns persist about loss of control over certainsensitive data, and the lack of security for stored kernels entrusted to cloud providers. If thoseproviders have not done good jobs securing their own environments, the consumers could be introuble. Measuring the quality of cloud providers’ approach to security is difficult because manycloud providers will not expose their infrastructure to
FIGURE 1: Results of IDC survey ranking security challenges
"Cloud Computing"
customers. The following section highlights securityissues and challenges in cloud computing while focusing onthe cloud computing deployment types and the service delivery types.
additional burden of ensuring allapplications and data accessed on the public cloud are notsubjected to malicious attacks. Therefore, trust and privacyconcerns are rife when dealing with Public clouds with theCloud SLA at its core. A key management consideration,which needs to be answered within the SLA deals withensuring that ample security controls are put in place. Oneoption is for both the CSP and client mutually agree insharing joint responsibility in enforcing cloud checks andvalidation are performed across their own systems. Thealternative option will be for each party to set out individual roles and responsibilities in dealing with cloud computingsecurity within their utilization boundaries.
CLOUD COMPUTING ARCHITECTURE AND SECURITY IMPLICATIONS Cloud Deployments Models In providing a secure Cloud computing solution, majordecision is to decide on the type of cloud to be implemented.Currently, there are three types of cloud deployment modelsoffered, namely, a public, private and hybrid cloud. These,together with their security implications are being discussedbelow.
Hybrid cloud Hybrid cloud is a private cloud linked to one or more external cloud services, centrally managed,provisioned as a single unit, and circumscribed by a secure network. It provides virtual ITsolutions through a mix of both public and private clouds. Hybrid Cloud provides more securecontrol of the data and applications and allows various parties to access information over theInternet. It can also describe configurations combining virtual and physical, colocatedassets -for example, a mostly virtualized environment that requires physical servers, routers, orother hardware such as a network appliance acting as a firewall or spam filter.
Private cloud Private cloud is set up within an organisation’s internalenterprise datacentre. It is easier to align with security,compliance, and regulatory requirements, and provides moreenterprise control over deployment and use. In the privatecloud, scalable resources and virtual applications provided bythe Cloud Service Provider (CSP) are pooled together and available for cloudusers to share and use. It differs from the public cloud in thatall the cloud resources and applications are managed by theorganisation itself, similar to Intranet functionality. Utilisationon private cloud can be much more secure than that of thepublic cloud because of its specified internal exposure. Onlythe organisation and designated stakeholders may have accessto operate on a specific private cloud. Public Cloud Public cloud is a model which allows users’ access to thecloud via interfaces using mainstream web browsers. It istypically based on a pay-per-use model, similar to a prepaidelectricity metering system which is flexible enough to caterfor spikes in demand for cloud optimisation. This helps cloudclients to better match their IT expenditure at an operationallevel by decreasing its CapEx on IT infrastructure. Public clouds are less secure than the other cloud modelsbecause it places an
FIGURE 2: Cloud deployment model
"Cloud Computing"
Cloud Computing Service Delivery Models
moving into the cloud will need higher levels of security providedat the host.
Following on the cloud deployment models, the next security consideration relates to the variouscloud computing service delivery models. Three main cloud service delivery models are: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-asa-Service (SaaS).
Platform as a service (PaaS) PaaS is a service that provides an end user a facility to develop his own application which will run on the platform or environment provided by the cloud service of some other company. PaaS cloud layer works like IaaS but it provides an additional level of ‘rented’ functionality. The use of virtual machines act as a catalyst in the PaaS layer in Cloud computing. Virtual machines must be protected against malicious attacks such as cloud malware. Therefore, maintaining the integrity of applications and well enforcingaccurate authentication checks during the transfer of data across the entire networking channels is fundamental.
Software Services (services on demand) – Gmail, Google Calender Platform Services (resources on demand) – Google App engine Infrastructure Services (physical assets as services) -IBM Blue house, VMWare, Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure Platform, Sun Parascaleetc
Software as a Service (SaaS) As the name suggest SaaS provides a software services to the end user. SaaS is a software distribution model in which applications are hosted by aCSP and made available to customers over a network.SaaS is becoming an increasingly prevalent delivery model as underlying technologies thatsupport web services and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) mature and new developmentalapproaches become popular. Web-based email and Google Documents are perhaps the bestknown example of SaaS. End user gets the access to use the software utility but he has no rights to change or to modify it. Software is not installed on end user computer it is configured in cloud. End user has to pay for the service according to their requirements. The architecture of SaaS-based applications is specifically designed to support manyconcurrent users (multitenancy) at once. SaaS applications are accessed usingweb browsers over the Internet therefore web browser security is vitally important. Informationsecurity officers will need to consider various methods of securing SaaS applications. WebServices (WS) security, Extendable Markup Language (XML) encryption, Secure Socket Layer(SSL) and available options which are used in enforcing data protection transmitted over the Internet.Following key security element should be
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) IaaS is a service where a set of virtualized computing resources, such as storage and computing capacity, are hosted in the cloud.Customers deploy and run their own software stacks to obtain services. This greatlyminimizes the need for huge initial investment in computing hardware such as servers,networking devices and processing power. IaaS and other associated services haveenabled startups and other businesses focus on their core competencies without worrying about provisioning and management of infrastructure. Cloud has a compelling value proposition interms of cost, but ‘out of the box’ IaaS only provides basic security (perimeter firewall, loadbalancing, etc.) and applications
"Cloud Computing"
carefully considered as an Integral part of the SaaS deployment process: l
Data Security
Network Security
Data locality
Data integrity
Data access
Data Segregation
Authorization and Authentication
Data Confidentiality
Web Application security
Data Breaches
Virtualization vulnerability
Identity Management on sign-on process
services in the Cloud. Cloud vendors and clients’ need to maintain Cloud computing security at all interfaces.
SECURITY ISSUES AND CONCERNS There are numerous security issues for cloud computing as it encompasses many technologies including networks, databases, operating systems, virtualization, resource scheduling, transaction management, load balancing, concurrency control and memory management. Therefore, security issues for many of these systems and technologies are applicable to cloud computing. For example, the network that interconnects the systems in a cloud has to be secure and mapping the virtual machines to the physical machines has to be carried out securely. Data security involves encrypting the data as well as ensuring that appropriate policies are enforced for data sharing. Various security concerns in a cloud computing environment are as under:Security concern #1:With the cloud model control of physical security is lost because of sharing computing resources with other companies. No knowledge or control of where the resources run.
Combining the three types of clouds with the delivery models we get a holistic cloud illustration asseen
Security concern #2: Companiesviolating the law(risk of data seizure by (foreign) government). Security concern #3:Storage services provided by oneCSP may be incompatible with another CSP’sservices if user decides to move from one to the other (e.g.Microsoft cloud is incompatible with Google cloud). Security concern #4:Who controls theencryption/ decryption keys? Logically it should be thecustomer. Security concern #5:Ensuring data integrity of the data(transfer, storage, and retrieval) really means that itchanges only in response to authorized transactions. Acommon standard to ensure data integrity does not yetexist.
FIGURE 3: Cloud computing service delivery models
in Figure 3, surrounded by connectivity devices coupled with information security themes.Virtualized physical resources, virtualized infrastructure, as well as virtualized middlewareplatforms and business applications are being provided and consumed as
Security concern #6:In case of Payment Card Industry, Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) data logs must be provided to security managers and regulators.
"Cloud Computing"
Security concern #7:Users must keep up to date withapplication improvements to be sure they are protected.
minimal assurances to customers. So, there are some important issues, e.g., data protection, outages, and price structures, that need to be taken into account by the customers before signing a contract with a CSP. Few basic questions related to SLA are uptime i.e. are they going to be up 99.9% of the time or 99.99% of the time? And also how does that difference impact your ability to conduct the business? Is there any SLA associated with backup, archive, or preservation of data. If the service account becomes inactive then do they keep user data? If yes then how long
Security concern #8:Some government regulations have strict limits on what data about its citizens can bestored and for how long, and some banking regulatorsrequire thatcustomer’sfinancial data remain in their homecountry. Security concern #9:The dynamic and fluid nature of virtual machines will make it difficult to maintain theconsistency of security and ensure the auditability of records
Cloud Data Management:Cloud data can be very large (e.g. text-based or scientific applications), unstructured or semi-structured, and typically appendonly with rare updates Since service providers typically do not have access to the physical security system of data centers, they must rely on the infrastructure provider to achieve full data security. Even for a virtual private cloud, the CSP can only specify the security setting remotely, without knowing whether it is fully implemented. The infrastructure provider, in this context, must achieve the objectives like confidentiality, auditability. Confidentiality, for secure data access and transfer, and auditability, for attesting whether security setting of applications has been tampered or not. Confidentiality is usually achieved using cryptographic protocols, whereas auditability can be achieved using remote attestation techniques. However, in a virtualized environment like the clouds, VMs can dynamically migrate from one location to another; hence directly using remote attestation is not sufficient. In this case, it is critical to build trust mechanisms at every architectural layer of the cloud.
Security concern #10:Customers may be able to suecloud service providers if their privacy rights are violated,and in any case the cloud service providers may facedamage to their reputation. Concerns arise when it is notclear to individuals why their personal information isrequested or how it will be used or passed on to other parties.
CLOUD COMPUTING CHALLENGES Adoption of cloud computing is associated with numerous challenges because usersare still skeptical about its authenticity. Research is still in progress to identify and address the challenges of meeting the requirements of next generation private, public and hybrid cloud computing architectures, also the challenges of allowing applications and development platforms to take advantage of the benefits of cloud computing. Many existing issues have not been fully addressed, while new challenges keep emerging from industry applications. Some of the challenging issues in cloud computing are given below.
Data Encryption:Encryption is a key technology for data security. Understand data in motion and data at rest encryption. Remember, security can range from simple (easy to manage, low cost and quite frankly, not very secure) all the way to highly secure (very complex, expensive to manage, and quite limiting in terms of access). You and the provider of your Cloud computing solution have many decisions and options to consider. For example, do the Web services APIs that you use to
Service Le vel Agre eme nts (SLA’s ):Cloud is administrated by SLA that allow several instances of one application to be replicated on multiple servers if need arises; depending on a priority scheme, the cloud may minimize or shut down a lower level application. A big challenge for the Cloud customers is to evaluate SLAs of CSP. Most vendors create SLAs to make a defensive shield against legal action, while offering
"Cloud Computing"
access the cloud, either programmatically, or with clients written to those APIs, provide SSL encryption for access, this is generally considered to be a standard. Once the object arrives at the cloud, it is decrypted, and stored. Is there an option to encrypt it prior to storing? Do you want to worry about encryption before you upload the file for cloud computing or do you prefer that the cloud computing service automatically do it for you? These are options, understand your cloud computing solution and make your decisions based on desired levels of security.
management is more important than ever. And, it is not really all that different. What level of enforcement of password strength and change frequency does the service provider invoke? What is the recovery methodology for password and account name? How are passwords delivered to users upon a change? What about logs and the ability to audit access? This is not all that different from how you secure your internal systems and data, and it works the same way, if you use strong passwords, changed frequently, with typical IT security processes, you will protect that element of access.
Migration of virtual Machines:applications are not hardware specific; various programs may run on one machine using virtualization or many machines may run one program. Virtualization can provide significant benefits in cloud computing by enabling virtual machine migration to balance load across the data center. In addition, virtual machine migration enables robust and highly responsive provisioning in data centers. Virtual machine migration has evolved from process migration techniques. More recently, Xen and VMWare have implemented “live” migration of VMs that involves extremely short downtimes ranging from tens of milliseconds to a second.
Energy Resource Management:Significant saving in the energy of a cloud data center without sacrificing SLA are an excellent economic incentive for data center operators and would also make a significant contribution to greater environmental sustainability. It has been estimated that the cost of powering and cooling accounts for 53% of the total operational expenditure of data centers. The goal is not only to cut down energy cost in data centers, but also to meet government regulations and environmental standards. Designing energy-efficient data centers has recently received considerable attention. This problem can be approached from several directions. For example, energy efficient hardware architecture that enables slowing down CPU speeds and turning off partial hardware components has become commonplace. Energy-aware job scheduling and server consolidation are two other ways to reduce power consumption by turning off unused machines. A key challenge in all the above methods is to achieve a good trade-off between energy savings and application performance.
Interoperability:This is the ability of two or more systems work together in order to exchange information and use that exchanged information. Many public cloud networks are configured as closed systems and are not designed to interact with each other. The lack of integration between these networks makes it difficult for organizations to combine their IT systems in the cloud and realize productivity gains and cost savings. To overcome this challenge, industry standards must be developed to help cloud service providers design interoperable platforms and enable data portability. Organizations need to automatically provision services, manage VM instances, and work with both cloud-based and enterprise-based applications using a single tool set that can function across existing programs and multiple cloud providers. Thus, there is a need to have cloud interoperability.
Multi-te nancy:There are multiple types of cloud applications that users can access through the Internet, from small Internet-based widgets to large enterprise software applications that have increased security requirements based on the type of data being stored on the software vendor’s infrastructure. These application requests require multi-tenancy for many reasons, the most important is cost. Multiple customers accessing the same hardware, application servers, and databases may affect response times and performance for other
Acce s s Controls :Authentication and identity
"Cloud Computing"
customers. For application-layer multi-tenancy specifically, resources are shared at each infrastructure layer and have valid security and performance concerns.
there are some workable solutions such as tweaking the ISO 27001 and using it as the default measurement standard within the framework of the SAS 704. Currently, one of the main problems is that there are many fragmented activities going in the direction of Cloud accreditation, but a common body for the coordination of those activities is missing. The creation of a unified accreditation body to certify the Cloud services would also be a big challenge [23].
Server consolidation:Increased resource utilization and reduction in power and cooling requirements achieved by server consolidation are now being expanded into the cloud. Server consolidation is an effective approach to maximize resource utilization while minimizing energy consumption in a cloud computing environment. Live VM migration technology is often used to consolidate VMs residing on multiple underutilized servers onto a single server, so that the remaining servers can be set to an energy-saving state.
Platform M anagement:Challenges in delivering middleware capabilities for building, deploying, integrating and managing applications in a multi-tenant, elastic and scalable environments. One of the most important parts of cloud platforms provide various kind of platform for developers to write applications that run in the cloud, or use services provided from the cloud, or both. Different names are used for this kind of platform today, including on-demand platform and PaaS. This new way of supporting applications has great potential. When a development team creates an on-premises application (i.e., one that will run within an organization), much of what that application needs already exists. An operating system provides basic support for executing the application, interacting with storage, and more, while other computers in the environment offer services such as remote storage.
Reliability & Availability of Service: Challenge of reliability comes into the picture when a cloud provider delivers on-demand SaaS. The software needs to have a reliability quality factor so that users can access it under any network conditions (such as during slow network connections). There are a few cases identified due to the unreliability of on-demand software. One of the examples is Apple’s MobileMe cloud service, which stores and synchronizes data across multiple devices. It began with an embarrassing start when many users were not able to access mail and synchronize data correctly. To avoid such problems, providers are turning to technologies such as Google Gears, Adobe AIR, and Curl, which allow cloud based applications to run locally, some even allow them to run in the absence of a network connection. These tools give web applications access to the storage and processing capabilities of the desktop, forming a bridge between the cloud and the user’s own computer. Considering the use of software such as 3D gaming applications and video conferencing systems, reliability is still a challenge to achieve for an IT solution that is based on cloud computing .
CONCLUSION Although Cloud computing can be seen as a new phenomenon which is set to revolutionise theway we use the Internet, there is much to be cautious about. There are many new technologiesemerging at a rapid rate, each with technological advancements and with the potential of makinghuman’s lives easier. However, one must be very careful to understand the security risks andchallenges posed in utilizing these technologies. Cloud computing is no exception. In this paperkey security considerations and challenges which are currently faced in the Cloud computing arehighlighted. Cloud computing has the potential to become a frontrunner in promoting a secure,virtual and economically viable IT solution in the future.
Common Cloud Standards : Security based accreditation for Cloud Computing would cover three main areas which are technology, personnel and operations. Technical standards are likely to be driven by organizations, such as, Jericho Forum1 before being ratified by established bodies, e.g., ISO2 (International Standard Organization). For the operational elements,
"Cloud Computing"
Cloud Computing: Relevance for Mobile Service Providers N.K. Srivastava Ex. Sr. DDG, TEC, DOT, New Delhi
The presentation examines the suitability and relevance of “Cloud Computing”, which has an IT overtone at present, to the needs of Mobile Telephony applications and services. The technology is particularly interesting for low ARPU markets like India so that the present growth of mobile services and revenues can be sustained by optimizing network infrastructure especially with respect to VAS services with low penetration. The paper compares the concept of “Cloud Computing” to the established developments in telecom Network with regard to “IN” services”
get the requisite routing indicator for implementation of “Free Phone “ services. The interworking between the SCP and SSP was standardized. At present, the various inter-connections in a telecom network are, in any case, being moved over the “internet”. This model offers itself to be compared with “Private Cloud” as well as “Platform as a Service”. Need of the hour is to use models such as “ Private Cloud”, “Hybrid Cloud” and “community Cloud” to optimize resources to implement VAS services. Important services , using Cloud computing Model, are Ad Orchestrator, Life Store, Managed Services ,Legal Intercept Services, Common EIR . Telecom Service Providers have to look at Cloud computing Model as a low OPEX solution for services which yield low ARPU as well as take time to penetrate. In addition to the services suggested above, MMS and Location Based services should be migrated to the “Community Cloud” model.
Cloud Computing is not really a new concept for Telecom Services.The limitation of traditional voice switches to handle non-geographic routing is known to the telecom engineers. In Intelligent Network (IN) implementation, routing database was implemented in a separate server called “Service Control Point” (SCP) so that voice switch( Service Switching Point) could
"Cloud Computing"
“Cloud meets Big Data to bring Transformation in Every walk of Life – Opportunities for India” PK Gupta Senior Director and Chief Architect, Backup Recovery Systems Division, Asia Pacific and Japan Cloud meets Big Data to bring Transformation in Every walk of Life: IT no more means Information Technology, it is being transformed into Industry in Transition. Cloud computing is transforming IT Infrastructure, Big Data is transforming businesses forcing to transform yourself in this information age. Cloud computing is biggest transformational technology in this decade after 65 years of computing from mainframe to minicomputers to PC/microprocessors to Networked/distributed computing to Cloud (IT as a Service) now. Big Data is going to be even bigger transformational technology as it shapes up.
PaaS, SaaS, RaaS, DRaaS etc. Lot of new application platforms and end user mobile computing techniques are evolving as never before. How do we stay ahead instead of drawing into the information overload? Big Data is not just about huge volume of data, we should be looking at data velocity, variety and complexity. It gives us new insight into customers, products and operations. It also helps in providing contextual and location-aware delivery to any device, anywhere, anytime, any type. In the world of cloud and big data, trust and security are essential. Data protection and data privacy laws are key to the success. Legal compliance, risk and governance is must to move to next level. We are moving form old static security world to new dynamic security world. How we do protect our businesses and ourselves to operate effectively, a key question to ask.
This session will focus about 2 technologies and few other key technologies which are making big impact such as Open Source, Mobile technologies and Social Media. These technologies are not only transforming business processes and applications but changing the way people live, work, communicate and enjoy life. Virtualization is key enabler for cloud computing, all IT professional need to understand this foundation technology. As Enterprise IT transforms, various new terms have come in the market such as private cloud, public cloud, hybrid cloud, community cloud, ITaaS,
On individual side, as IT and business transform, how do we enable our people? What are the new IT roles? What are the opportunities for students and teachers? How do we do more with less by reducing the cost and increasing agility? At the end, with all the complexities, how do we have fun?
"Cloud Computing"
Impact of Cloud on IT Service Management: A Practitioner’s Approach Monalisa Sarkar, Vanishri Veloo, Avaneet Soni, Shubhendu Dutta and Aradhana Arora Global Consulting Practice, Tata Consultancy Service, Lucknow Email:
[email protected]
Write up for a White Paper for All India Seminar on Cloud Computing *Lucknow* Topic: ‘Impact of Cloud on IT Service Management: A Practitioner’s Approach Secondly, this paper introduces the concept of cloud and the recent trends of cloud adoption across the globe. One such trend is illustrated below:
A write up on the paper Cloud is being leveraged today by many organizations to achieve a myriad set of outcomes with minimal investment on capital expenditure. Cloud is indeed a buzzword today its implications are far and wide. Most organizations are eager either to explore Cloud or to migrate to Cloud.
Source: Forrsights Strategy Spotlight: Cloud In Asia Pacic Excluding Japan, Q3 2011
However, adopting cloud is not only a decision related to embracing a new technology but every organization must make an informed decision based on clear understanding of the impact of cloud on its existing Service Management processes as well. This paper firstly introduces the basic concepts of Service Management and explains why IT Service Management is a key element to manage services provided by any organization irrespective of the domain. This is illustrated by the below image:
Figure 2: Cloud Adoption Continues To Grow Across Regions
Thirdly, this paper details out: l
The Key considerations related to IT Service Management and the foundational elements that must be established by an organization before adopting cloud services from a provider
The key aspects of those Service Management processes that should be focused on in order to succeed and sustain in a Cloud based environment
The k ey changes re quired in the Service Management processes due to the adoption of the Cloud based ITSM tool
For enterprises to gain benefit from the use of cloud computing, a clear gove rnance s trate gy and management plan is imperative. This paper also suggests
Figure 1: Service Management is essential for any Service Provider
"Cloud Computing"
essential steps for identifying and implementing the control objectives that are necessary for effective governance in this future operating model, addressing the following key aspects: l
Managing increased risks - involving security, compliance, projects and partners
Ensuring continuity of critical business processes & IT knowledge
Communicating clear enterprise objectives internally and to third parties
Handling ever increasing regulatory requirements
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Last but not the least, this paper provides the reader an insight into the critical success factors that will allow a seamless migration to Cloud and continual sustenance into the new operating model.
Global Consulting Practice, TCS
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"Cloud Computing"
Cloud Computing Resource Management and Security Issues Dr. S. K. Dwivedi System Manager CSJM University, Kanpur ABSTRACT With the rapid development of Internet, Cloud Computing has a vast area of the application su ch as security services, enhance efficiency of system by utilizing resources in cost effective manner. Cloud computing is simply a service that is sold and delivered on demand over the internet. Firstly, models of cloud computing discussed in this paper are: Service Model and Deployment model. Well-known service providers and vendors for these services of cloud computing are investigated. Secondly, the cloudlet relationship architecture and the resources management for them are described. Latter the security and privacy issues of cloud computing are discussed. Finally, the paper will be concluded on the benefits and applications of cloud computing. Key words: cloud computing, models, cloudlet, resource management, security and privacy
exist many problems in cloud computing today, a recent survey shows that data security and privacy risks have become the primary concern for people to shift to cloud computing [3]. A “Cloud” is a virtualized pool of computing resources It is a popular saying that provision of various kinds of software and service via Internet is the target and sense of cloud computing, which is also aliased as Utility Computing. While at the same time, hardwares and softwares that are used to provide services sustain the upper-class applications as an entity that is called cloud.
1 INTRODUCTION Nowadays, Cloud computing platforms are growing very terribly faster. Most IT departments are forced to spend a great deal of time and energy on its implementation, maintenance, and upgrade projects that too often don’t add significant value to the company’s bottom line [1]. More and more, IT teams are turning to cloud computing technology to minimize the time spent on lower-value activities and allow IT to focus on strategic activities with greater impact on the business. Cloud computing is not a new concept; it is originated from the earlier large-scale distributed computing technology. However, it will be subversion technology and cloud computing will be the third revolution in the IT industry, which represent the development trend of the IT industry from hardware to software, software to services, distributed service to centralized service.
2 CLOUD COMPUTING MODEL Computing models are classified into two categories: Service Model and Deployment Model as shown in fig. 1 and discussed below. 2.1 Service Model
The core concept of cloud computing is reducing the processing burden on the users’ terminal by constantly improving the handling ability of the “cloud”, eventually simplify the users’ terminal to a simple input and output devices, and busk in the powerful computing capacity of the cloud on-demand. All of this is available through a simple Internet connection using a standard browser or other connection [2]. However, there still
SaaS (Software As A Service): Is the most widely known and widely used form of cloud computing. It provides all the functions of a sophisticated traditional application to many customers and often thousands of users, but through a Web browser, not a “locally-installed” application. SaaS eliminates customer worries about application servers, storage, application development and related, common concerns of IT.
"Cloud Computing"
Highest-profile examples are Salesforce.com, Google’s Gmail and Apps, instant messaging from AOL, Yahoo and Google, and VoIP from Vonage and Skype. 2)
security, regulatory compliance and quality of service (QoS).
PaaS (Platform as a Service) :Delivers virtualized servers on which customers can run existing applications or develop new ones without having to worry about maintaining the operating systems, server hardware, load balancing or computing capacity. These vendors provide AP Is or development platforms to create and run applications in the cloud – e.g. using the Internet. Managed Service providers with application services provided to IT departments to monitor systems and downstream applications such as virus scanning for e-mail are frequently included in this category.
Private cloud: In the private cloud, computing resources are used and controlled by a private enterprise. It’s generally deployed in the enterprise’s data center and managed by internal personnel or service provider. The main advantage of this model is that the security, compliance and QoS are under the control of the enterprises.[4]
Hybrid cloud: A third type can be hybrid cloud that is typical combination of public and private cloud. It enables the enterprise to running statesteady workload in the private cloud, and asking the public cloud for intensive computing resources when peak workload occurs, then return if no longer needed [5].
Well known providers would include Microsoft’s Azure, Salesforce’s Force.com, Google Maps, ADP Payroll processing, and US Postal Service offerings. 3)
IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service): Delivers utility computing capability, typically as raw virtual servers, on demand that customers configure and manage. Here Cloud Computing provides grids or clusters or virtualized servers, networks, storage and systems software, usually (but not always) in a multitenant architecture. IaaS is designed to augment or replace the functions of an entire data center. This saves cost (time and expense) of capital equipment deployment but does not reduce cost of configuration, integration or management and these tasks must be performed remotely.
Fig 1 Cloud Computing Model
Vendors would include Amazon.com (Elastic Compute Cloud [EC2] and Simple Storage), IBM and other traditional IT vendors.
According to the functions, cloud computing based information infrastructure is composed of calculate cloud, storage cloud and data cloud, which provide calculate resource, storage and database separately.
2.2 Deployment Model 1)
Community cloud: Several organizations jointly construct and share the same cloud infrastructure as well as policies, requirements, values, and concerns. The cloud community forms into a degree of economic scalability and democratic equilibrium.
Public cloud: In public clouds, multiple customers share the computing resources provided by a single service provider, Customers can quickly access these resources, and only pay for the operating resources. Although the public cloud has compelling advantages, there existing the hidden danger of
Calculate cloud: It is task execution services that calculate cloud provides and can assign tasks to computer clusters including virtual machines and return results in a short time.
"Cloud Computing"
Storage cloud: It is storage services that storage cloud provides, which allows users to store their data at remote disks and access them at anytime from any place. Storage cloud is expected to meet the requirements for maintaining user data and information, high availability, reliability, performance, replication and data consistency.
Data cloud: It is structure database services that data cloud provides, which includes functions as data management, search language and so on.
how the cloudlets in different department of the information system work together and support the system. It is divided into zone cloudlet and local cloudlet, which are both cluster structure inside but seen as a unified node above the layer. Moreover, this framework can quickly expand with the size of the information organization it severed for. The basic dual-layer framework can expand to three or more layers, and also can be multiple used to build a more complex but more fitting infrastructure framework for the information organization framework, based on the request[6] .The cloudlet relationship architecture shown in fig 2.
All the three class of clouds form a flexible computing platform allows the application providers implementing their applications for and deploying them on the cloud.( RRMCC) 3 CLOUD COM PUTING MANAGEMENT
Before knowing the resource management of cloud computing, it is necessary to understand the cloudlets and their relationship architecture. According to the technology implemented, cloud computing based information infrastructure consists of nodes layer, cloudlet layer and cloud management layer.The cloud management to the end-users of the cloud.
Fig. 2 Cloudlet Relationship Architecture
3.1 Cloudlets Architecture
3.2 Resource Management
The concept of cloudlets is emerged from concept Hierarchical Model [6] to support information service for the department they belong to. Cloudlets refer to the infrastructures consisted of local physical equipments attach to different department inside the cloud computing based environment. To the users, Cloudlets are super datacenters that can provide copious information, data business, and application services, or so called an information cloud. Though, it is the cloudlets that lie inside the cloud and implement all kinds of information services, which consist of separated, located in different level and belong to different department machines.
All clusters In the local cloudlet, coupled tightly, and by using virtualization the cloudlet node can dynamically build some loosely-coupled virtual resource. This structure is named Virtual Resource Cloudlet. It is constituted by the cloudlets which have the similar functions, and locate on the same geographical and logical layer. The virtual resource cloudlet is the balance of all the local cloudlets, in order to manage the similar service requests in less cost, and provides the capability that the local cloudlet doesn’t have. This work mode has the characteristics below:
The hierarchical structure of information must be considered when the cloud computing based information system infrastructure is designed. Dual-layer cloudlet relationship architecture is also proposed to demonstrate
Virtual resource cloudlet is unique for the service request it responses, and aims at only one service request at a time.
The framework and organization of virtual resource cloudlet are dynamic. Any cloudlet in the same
"Cloud Computing"
layer can initiate the organizing of virtual cloudlet and the node initiates the request will be considered as the origin node.
4.1 Availability The goal of availability for Cloud Computing systems is to ensure its users can use them at any time, at any place. Many Cloud Computing system vendors provide Cloud infrastructures and platforms based on virtual machines. The current Cloud system vendors who are providing infrastructures and platforms based on virtual machine (e.g. Amazon, Skytab) offer the ability to block and filter traffic based on IP address and port only to secure their systems, but these facilities are not equivalent to the network security controls in most enterprises. As for redundancy, large Cloud Computing system vendors (e.g., Amazon, Google) offer geographic redundancy in their Cloud systems, hopefully enabling high availability on a single provider. In a word, Cloud Computing systems are able to provide available services in nature through hardening and redundancy strategies.
The node management of cluster, local cloudlet and zone cloudlet also constitute a three-level hierarchical management structure and form the cloud information management system(CIMS)[]: l
Node layer management module is in charge of collecting the information of nodes and can provide information of every single node to resource scheduling and information sharing.
Cloudlet layer management module is in charge of collecting the status messages of the cloudlet under its control, including load status inside the cloudlet, information shared list of the cloudlet, topology list of the node inside the cloudlet, information shared list of virtual cloudlet and so on.
Zone management module collects the status messages of zone cloudlet, organizing structure information of virtual cloudlet and so on.
4.2 Confidentiality Confidentiality means keeping users’ data secret in the Cloud systems. The confidentiality in Cloud systems is a big obstacle for users to step into it. There are two basic approaches (i.e., physical isolation and cryptography) to achieve such confidentiality, which are extensively adopted by the Cloud Computing vendors. The Cloud system offerings (e.g., data, services) are transmitted through public networks. There is no physical isolation could be achieved. Alternatively, Virtual Local Area Networks, and network middle boxes (e.g. firewalls, packet filters) should be deployed to achieve the virtual physical isolation [7].
This kind of multiple framework which combines peer to peer cloudlets and hierarchical structure together constitute a topology with the characteristic of both P2P and hierarchy. When a node receives a task, the zone cloudlet management module chooses the local cloudlet that will have shortest runtime and the lowest cost if it runs the task and organize a virtual resource cloudlet for the very task.
4 SECURITY Cloud computing allows providers to develop, deploy and run applications that can easily grow in capacity , work rapidly , and never fail , without any concerns on the properties and the locations of the underlying infrastructures. Cloud Computing systems are secure if users can depend on them (i.e. SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, and so on) to behave as users expect.It contains 5 goals, say availability, confidentiality, data integrity, control and audit, to achieve enough security[8]. Though, few Cloud Computing systems can achieve the five goals together nowadays.
Encrypted storage is another choice to enhance the confidentiality. For example, encrypting data before placing it in a Cloud may be even more secure than unencrypted data in a local data center. 4.3 Data Integrity Data integrity in the Cloud system means to preserve information integrity (i.e., not lost or modified by unauthorized users). As data is the base for providing Cloud Computing services, such as Data as a Services,
"Cloud Computing"
Software as a Service, Platform as a Service, keeping data integrity is a fundamental task. The challenges for data integrity associatedwith data storage in the Cloud Computing system are as follows. Firstly, in terms of the current development of state for hard disk drivers (or solid state disks or tapes), their capacity increases are not keeping pace with the data growth [9]. Therefore, to scale up the data storage in the Cloud Computing systems, vendors need to increase the population of hard drives (or solid state disks or tapes).
additional layer in the virtual operation systems) reinforces the Cloud Computing developers to focus on providing virtualized capabilities instead of specific hardware to being provided.
Secondly, disk drives (or solid state disks) are getting bigger and bigger in terms of their capacity, while not getting much faster in terms of data access.
In this section, a few privacy acts to illustrate those acts are not applicable in the new environment are discussed. Data storage in the Cloud Computing system which is located in multi regions to make the system more lenient may also raise the privacy problems which are presented in this section.
5 PRIVACY Privacy issues exist for a long time in the computing literature, and many law acts have been published to protect users’ individual privacy as well as business secret.
4.4 Control Control in the Cloud system means to regulate the use of the system, including the applications, its infrastructure and the data.
5.1 Legal Issues
Cloud computing system always involves distributed computation on multiple large-scale data sets across a large number of computer nodes. Even more, every Internet user is able to contribute his or her individual data to the Cloud Computer systems which are located on the other side of the Internet, and make use of them. Hence, efficient and effective control over the data access in the Cloud Computing system and regulate the behaviors of the applications (services) hosted on the Cloud Computing systems will enhance the security of systems.
Cloud service provider is one type of third party that maintains information about, or on behalf of, another entity. As the existence of the third party many privacy acts are not applicable in this new environment. That’s to say information stored with a third party may have fewer or weaker privacy protections than information in the possession of the creator of the information and in the management of storer of the information.
4.5 Audit
Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) [12]: In 1986, (ECPA) provides some protections against government to access the electronic information that is stored in the storage device of the third parties (e.g., Internet service providers).
USA PATRIOT Act (UPA) [10] : The USA PATRIOT Act, as originally enacted in 2001 and amended in 2005, includes provisions allowing the FBI to access any business record.
There are some acts those fail to protect the information to be disclosed to government [11]. List of such acts are as below:
Audit means to watch what happened in the Cloud system. Auditability could be added as an additional layer above the virtualized operation system (or virtualized application environment) hosted on the virtual machine to provide facilities watching what happened in the system. It is much more secure than that is built into the applications or into the software themselves, since it is able watch the entire access duration. For such kind of scenarios, three main attributes should be audited: Events, Logs and Monitoring.
Some acts are failed to protect the information to be disclosed to private parties [8]. These are Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA),
Such a new feature (i.e., auditability added as an
"Cloud Computing"
Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), Video P rivacy Protection Act (VPPA), Cable Communications Policy Act (CCPA). Changes to these acts should be made to adapt the new Cloud Computing environment.
in various IT systems. By taking advantage of the cloud, overall IT expenditures are also reduced with a lower price of hardware, software, infrastructure and personnel. However, despite the significant benefits and practically limitless applications offered by cloud computing, the current technologies are not being used with its full potential. Applications in cloud computing in scaled organizations such as large company, the government and the military departments are an irresistible trend in IT industry.
5.2 Multi location Issue Cloud system means to offer huge computer resource to users, including infrastructure, platform, services (e.g., storage, computing power, and so on). Hence, a business has to trust the Clouds system vendor and store its private data to the Cloud system. That’s to say the business’s data are stored in someone else’s computer. List of few problems that may occur if the private data are stored in multi-locations [13] is given below. 1)
After exploring several issues in this paper, it was found that cloud computing has approximately infinite computing capability, good scalability, service ondemand and so on, also challenges at security , privacy and legal issues. Therefore, it is believe that there is still tremendous opportunity for researchers to make groundbreaking contributions in this field.
Multi-location of the private data: It is rather dangerous, if the business stores its private data in the third party’s device. Firstly, the Cloud service provider may go out of business. Secondly, the Cloud service provider may decide to hold the data as hostage if there is a dispute. Thirdly, it is rather important for a company to understand in which country its data will be hosted. That’s because the location of the data directly affects the choice of the law that will be applied on its private data.
7 REFERENCES [1] http://www.cnw.com.cn [2] Rich Maggiani, solari communication. “Cloud computing is changing how we communicate”. [3] Randolph Barr, Qualys Inc, “How to gain comfort in losing control to the cloud”.
Multi-location of the service provider: The Cloud service client (e.g., business user or private user) also need to make sure how the Cloud service provider performs their declared services. Thus, the Cloud service client is able to keep a direct relationship with the provider, and control over its own private data.
[4] Tharam Dillon, Chen Wu, Elizabeth Chang, 2010 24th IEEEInternational Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications ,“Cloud computing: issues and challenges”. [5] June13,2009,http://se rver.zol.com.cn/ 183/ 1830464.html.
Data transfer across the borders: If a global company that wishes to take advantages of services hosted on Cloud Computing systems, it has to make clear which countries are hosting its private data and providing Cloud services, and the their individual laws govern its data. Privacy is an important issue to be solved before more users step into Cloud literature.
[6] Han Xingye, Li Xinming, Liu Yinpeng, “ Research on Resource Management for Cloud computing based Information system” International Conference on Computional and Information sciences ,2010, pp 491-494. [7] M. Armbrust, A. Fox, R. Griffith, A. Joseph, R. Katz, A. Konwinski,G. Lee, D. P atterson, A. Rabkin, I. Stoica, et al., “Above the clouds: A Berkeley view of cloud computing,” University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep, 2009.
6 CONCLUSIONS Cloud Computing has become increasingly popular
"Cloud Computing"
[8] M. Zhou, R. Zhang, W. Xie, W. Qian and A. Zhou, “ Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing: A Survey”, 2010, Sixth International Conference on semantics, Knowlwdge and Grids. 2010 IEEE, pp. 105-112.
P rivacy and Confidentiality from Cloud Computing,” www.worldprivacyforum.org/pdf/ WPF Cloud Privacy Report.pdf, 2009. [12] R. Burnside, “Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986: The Challenge of Applying Ambiguous Statutory Language to Intricate Telecommunication Technologies, The,” Rutgers Computer & Tech. LJ, vol. 13, p. 451, 1987.
[9] J. F. Gantz, C. Chute, A. Manfrediz, S. Minton, D. Reinsel, W. Schlichting, and A. Toncheva, “The diverse and exploding digital universe,” IDC Future Report, 2008.
[13] J. Bardin, “Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing,” www.cloudsecurityalliance.org/guidance/ csaguide.pdf, 2009.
[10] M. McCarthy, “USA Patriot Act,” Harv. J. on Legis., vol. 39, p. 435, 2002. [11] R. Gellman, “Privacy in the Clouds:Risks to
"Cloud Computing"
Cloud Computing and Security Dr. Brijendra Singh Professor of Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, University of Lucknow, Lucknow Cloud computing is a new and emerging technology that changes the way IT architectural solutions are put forward by means of moving towards the theme of virtualization: of data storage, of local networks (infrastructure) as well as software. Cloud computing is a network-based environment that focuses on sharing computations or resources. Actually, clouds are Internet-based and it tries to disguise complexity for clients. Cloud computing refers to both the applications delivered as a service over the Internet and the hardware and software in the datacenters that provide those services. Cloud providers use virtualization technologies combined with self-service abilities for computing services via network infrastructure. Cloud computing is one of the today’s most exciting technologies due to its abilities to reduce costs associated with computing while increasing flexibility and scalability for computer processes, which will be discussed during talk. We will also discuss that how cloud computing helps IT enterprises with the use of various techniques to optimize and secure application performance in cost-effective manner. Cloud providers often have several powerful servers and resources in order to provide appropriate services for their users but cloud is at risk similar to other Internet-based technologies. Thank you very much for provide me opportunity to deliver a talk on very important subject.
2. Massive scalability
Cloud computing is a general term used to describe a new class of network based computing that takes place over the Internet, basically a step on from UTILITY COMPUTING.
Although organizations might have hundreds or thousands of systems, cloud computing provides the ability to scale to tens of thousands of systems, as well as the ability to massively scale bandwidth and storage space.
Five attributes are as: 1.
Multitenancy (Shared resources)
3. Elasticity
Massive scalability
Pay as you go and
Users can rapidly increase and decrease their computing resources as needed, as well as release resources for other uses when they are no longer required
Self-provisioning of resources.
4. Pay as you go
1. Multitenancy (Shared resources)
Cloud computing is paid for like a utility. Users pay for only the resources they actually use and for only the time they require them.
Unlike previous computing models, which assumed dedicated resources (i.e., computing facilities dedicated to a single user or owner), cloud computing is based on a business model in which resources are shared (i.e., multiple users use the same resource) at the network level, host level and application level.
5. Self-provisioning of resources Users self-provision resources, such as additional
"Cloud Computing"
products, proprietary open source, hardware or software, or just off-the-shelf PCs.
systems (processing capability, software, storage) and network resources. l
Cloud computing defined as: “it is the access of data, software applications, and computer processing power through a ‘cloud’ of online resources”
In general, they are built on clusters of PC servers and off-the-shelf components plus Open Source software combined with in-house applications and/ or system software.
Cloud Models In this section, we will discuss cloud models, which has been divided into delivery models and Deployment models:
Delivery Models: (a) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): IaaS is the foundation of cloud services. It provides clients with access to server hardware, storage, bandwidth and other fundamental computing resources. For example, Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) allows individuals and businesses to rent machines preconfigured with selected operating systems on which to run their own applications.
Today, the latest example of cloud computing is web 2.0; Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, and other service providers now offer browser based enterprise service applications (such as web mail and remote data backup). Now that cloud computing has emerged as viable and readily available platform, many users from disparate backgrounds (for example financial institutions, educators, or cyber criminals) are sharing virtual machines top perform their daily activities. This environment requires an implicit level of trust as well as an explicit level of vigilance to ensure success.
(b) Platform as a Service (PaaS): PaaS builds upon IaaS and provides clients with access to the basic operating software and optional services to develop and use software applications (eg database access and payment service) without the need to buy and manage the underlying computing infrastructure. For example, Google App Engine allows clients to run their web applications (i.e. software that can be accessed using a web browser such as Internet Explorer over the Internet) on Google’ infrastructure.
Basic Cloud Characteristics: l
The “no-need-to-know” in terms of the underlying details of infrastructure, applications interface with the infrastructure via the APIs.
The “flexibility and elasticity” allows these systems to scale up and down at will – utilising the resources of all kinds (CPU, storage, server capacity, load balancing, and databases).
The “pay as much as used and needed” type of utility computing and the “always on!, anywhere and any place” type of network-based computing.
Cloud are transparent to users and applications, they can be built in multiple ways - branded
(c) Software as a Service (SaaS): Software as a Service (SaaS), builds upon the underlying Iaas and PaaS provides clients with integrated access to software applications. For example, Oracle SaaS Platform allows independent software venders to build, deploy and manage SaaS and cloud-based applications using a licensing economic model. Here, users purchase a license and support for components of the Oracle SaaS Platform on a monthely basis.
"Cloud Computing"
Deployment Models: l
Probl ems Associ ated Computing:
Public Model:Cloud infrastructure is available to the general public, owned by org selling cloud services
Private Model: Cloud infrastructure for single org only, may be managed by the org or a 3rd party, on or off premise
Community Model: Cloud infrastructure shared by several orgs that have shared concerns, managed by org or 3rd party
Hybrid Model: Combo of >=2 clouds bound by standard or proprietary technology
Ultimately, if v
the cloud provider’s security people are “better” than yours (and leveraged at least as efficiently),
the web-services interfaces don’t introduce too many new vulnerabilities, and
the cloud provider aims at least as high as you do, at security goals, then cloud computing has better security.
These complexities create many issues related to security as well as all aspects of Cloud computing
Clouds typically have a single security architecture but have many customers with different demands
Cloud security issues may drive and define how we adopt and deploy cloud computing solutions
Highly sensitive data is likely to be on private clouds where organizations have complete control over their security model
Lack of trust (mechanisms)
These problems exist mainly in 3 rd party management models Self-managed clouds still have security issues, but not related to above
Consumer’s loss of control v
Data, applications, resources are located with provider
User identity management is handled by the cloud
User access control rules, security policies and enforcement are managed by the cloud provider
Consumer relies on provider to ensure
Data security and privacy
Resource availability
Lack of Trust in the Cloud:
Clouds are massively complex systems that can be reduced to simple primitives that are replicated thousands of times
Loss of control
Monitoring and repairing of services/resources
Analyzing Cloud security: l
Loss of Control in the Cloud: l
Cloud computing definitely makes sense if your own security is weak, missing features, or below average.
Cl oud
Most security problems stem from:
Cloud Computing: Who should use it ? l
w i th
A brief deviation from the talk v
(But still related)
Trusting a third party requires taking risks
Defining trust and risk v
Opposite sides of the same coin (J. Camp)
People only trust when it pays (Economist’s view)
Need for trust arises only in risky situations
Defunct third party management schemes v
Hard to balance trust and risk
"Cloud Computing"
e.g. Key Escrow (Clipper chip)
By using the Cloud infrastructure on “pay as used and on demand”, all of us can save in capital and operational investment!
Clients can:
Is the cloud headed toward the same path?
Multi-tenancy Issues in the Cloud l
Conflict between tenants’ opposing goals v
Put their data on the platform instead of on their own desktop PCs and/or on their own servers.
They can put their applications on the cloud and use the servers within the cloud to do processing and data manipulations etc.
Tenants share a pool of resources and have opposing goals
How does multi-tenancy deal with conflict of interest? v
Can tenants get along together and ‘play nicely’ ?
If they can’t, can we isolate them?
The term cloud is used to describe and to reflect this class of Internet centric computing infrastructure being transparent (users do not need to know what is behind the scenes!), highly scalable (scale up and down as needed), ondemand, pay as needed and as used.
After so many years, Cloud Computing is today network based computing over Internet.
How to provide separation between tenants?
Conclusion: l
Cloud computing enables companies and applications, which are system infrastructure dependent, to be infrastructure-less.
"Cloud Computing"
Understanding the Cloud Computing Stack: Iaas and Paas Dr D S Kushwaha*, Jyotsna Sinha** and Amarendra Singh*** *Institute of Engineering & Technology, Lucknow (U.P.) **R C Institute of Technology (affiliated to GGSIP University, New Delhi) ***K N I T Sultanpur (U.P.) ABSTRACT Cloud Computing is a model for enabling convenient, on demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (example servers, networks, application and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. In simpler words “cloud computing “is using the internet to access application, data or services that are stored or running on remote servers. There are three categories of cloud computing services. These different categories are called “layers” of the cloud. These three layers –1. SaaS – Software as Sevice – are applications designed for end user delivered over the web. 2. IaaS – Infrastructure as a service – is the hardware and software viz servers, network, operating system. 3. PaaS – Platform as a service - is a set of tools and services designed to make coding and deploy those application that are quick and efficient. The differences between these three categories have blurred in. The objective of this paper is to draw a clear distinction between PaaS and IaaS and to understand how these components are related. Keywords: Cloud, layers, IaaS, Paas, Saas
1. INTRODUCTION “Cloud” is a metaphor for the Internet and “Cloud Computing” [1] is using the Internet to access application data or services that are stored on running on remote servers. It applies that any company offering an Internet-based approach to computing, storage and development can technically be called Cloud Company. There are three categories of Cloud Computing services. These categories are called “layers” [2] of the cloud.
Cloud Computing provides the end user with the ability to utilize parts of bulk resources and that these
2. LAYERS OF THE CLOUD The layers of the cloud computing are as a stack sit on another. The layer which set on top is Softwareas-a Service (SaaS) [3], in the middle is the Platformas-a-Service layer (PaaS) and at the bottom is Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
The characteristics of the cloud are i)
On-demand self service: The ability receives services without the long delays.
Broad network access: The ability to access the service via standard platform like desktop, Laptop, mobile etc.
Resource Pooling: Resources are pooled across multiple customers.
Rapid elasticity: Capability can scale to cope with demand peak.
Measured service: Billing is metered and delivered as a utility service.
Figure 1: Layers of Cloud Computing
"Cloud Computing"
2.1 SaaS (Software as a Service) - It is also called “on demand Software” this is a software delivery model in which software and data are hosted centrally and accessed using a web browser via Internet i.e. SaaS is a software distribution model in which a third party hosts and make software application available to end users via the Internet[4]. With SaaS a provider license an application to customers either as a service on demand, through a subscription in a “pay-as-yougo” model, or at no charge when there is opportunity to generate remove from streams other than the user, such as advertisement.
web without worrying about the complexity behind the science. 2.2.1 Important Features
2.1.1 Important features l
Data can be added to the SaaS application.
The software application can be accessed without any additional hardware or software.
Data & software application are hosted centrally.
Web access to commercial software.
Software is managed from a central location.
Software delivered in a “one to many” model.
Application hosting, development, testing and deployment environment.
Other integrated services such as database integration, security and storage [7].
Web based user interface creation tools help deploy different user Interface scenario.
Tools to handle billing and subscription management.
Some PaaS solution include project planning and Communication tools
2.2.2 Types of PaaS There are basically four types of PaaS solution l
Social Application Platform:- Face book is a type of this platform where in third party can write new application that are made available to end users.
Business Application Platform:- CRM solution provided by the companies.
Raw Compute Platform:- Amazon Infrastructure is the example where developers can upload & execute their application.
Web Application Platform :- Google provides APIs to developers to build web applications is an example of this type
Examples: l
Email account such as different mail Google
CRM (Customer Relation Management) system such as Sales force.
HRM (Human Resource Management) such as Kenexa.
2.2 PaaS (Platform as a Service) - PaaS provides developers with a platform to write and create their own SaaS application. PaaS provides developers with the necessary tools to create, test, host and maintain the applications [5]. PaaS can be defined as a computing platform that allows the creation of web application quickly and easily without the complexity of buying and maintaining the software infrastructure beneath it. PaaS is analogous to SaaS except that, rather than being software delivered over the web, it is a platform for the creation of software. PaaS is based on metering or subscription model so users only pay for what they use [6]. User takes what they need over the
2.3 IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)- It is also called Hardware as a Service(HaaS). It is a way of delivering Cloud Computing infrastructure Servers, storage, network and operating system as on demand service. Instead of purchasing servers, software, datacenter space or network equipment, clients buy those resources as a fully outsourced service on demand. IaaS operates on a “Pay as you go” model ensuring that the users pay for only what they are using. Virtualization [8] enables IaaS providers to offer almost unlimited instances of service to customers and make cost effective use of the hosting hardware thus dynamic
"Cloud Computing"
scaling, usage based pricing, reduced costs and access to superior IT resources are few of the many benefits of IaaS, In Infrastructure as a Service provides maximum flexibility because anything that can be virtualized can be run on these platforms [9]. 2.3.1
server size operating system application software etc. and has complete responsibility for the maintenances of the system.
Types of IaaS -
IaaS can be obtained as i)
Public cloud: Is the infrastructure that consists of shared resources, deployed on a self service basis over the internet [10].
Private cloud: Is the infrastructure that emulates virtualization but does so on private network.
iii) Hybrid cloud: It is the combination of traditional dedicated hosting alongside public and private cloud networks. 2.3.2 Important features l
Resource is distributed as a service.
Has a variable cost utility pricing model.
Generally includes multiple users on a single piece of Hardware. Ex. Amazon, Microsoft, VMW , Rackspace and Red Hat.
Fig 2: Cloud Services Defined
4. Conclusion 3.
Differences between PaaS & IaaS
“Cloud” Computing builds on decades of research in virtualization distribution computing utility computing and networking web and software services. It implies a reduced information technology overhead for the enduser, great flexibility, reduces total cost of ownership and on demand service. For organization that want to move to cloud computing should understand the different aspect of cloud computing, assess their situation and then decide upon the type of solution that can cater for their unique needs We can conclude the a major difference between IaaS and PaaS is the amount of control over the system available to users of the service. IaaS provides total control where as PaaS typically provides no control. This means virtually no administration cost for PaaS where as IaaS has a administration cost similar to a traditional computing infrastructures.
If we define PaaS- it is Platform as a Service which includes hardware (server, networks, load balancers etc) and software (operating system, databases, application (servers etc) [11]. Now if we define IaaS it is infrastructure as a service which includes hardware (server, networks, load balancers etc) and software (operating system, databases, application (servers etc) On the surface the features of both PaaS & IaaS are same but the major difference lies in the amount of control a user have over the service[12]. For example in PaaS, if a user is using Azure he has no control over the operating system, system security or installation of software application all operating system updates versions security patches etc are controlled and implemented by vender. Where as in IaaS a user have full control. A user selects a configuration which defines
"Cloud Computing"
Challenges”, October 8, 2007, http://www-03.ibm. com/press/us/en/pressrelease/22414.wss
References [1] Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2): http:// w w w . a m a z o n . c o m/ g p / b r o w s e . h t m l node=201590011, accessed Dec 2008.
[7] IBM, “IBM Introduces Ready-to-Use Cloud Computing”, http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/ en/ pressrelease/22613.wss, November 15, 2007.
[2] MICHAEL BELL, “Introduction to Serviceoriented Modeling”, Service-oriented Modeling: Service Analysis, Design, and Architecture. Wiley & Sons, 3. ISBN 978-0-470-14111-3, 2008.
[8] Virtualization – The ability to increase computing efficiency http://broadcast.rackspace.com/ h o s t in g _ k n o w le d g e / w h it e p a p e r s / Revolution_Not_Evolution-Whitepaper
[3] W. M. BULKELEY, “IBM, Google, Universities Combine ‘Cloud’ Foces”, Wall Street Journal, October 8, 2007, http://online.wsj.com/public/ article print/SB119180611310551864.html
[9] Scalability and fast provisioning – for IT at web scale – http://broadcast.rackspace.com/ h o s t in g _ k n o w le d g e / w h it e p a p e r s / Revolution_Not_Evolution-Whitepaper.pdf
[4] http://www.cca-forum.org/
[10] http://www.qrimp.com/blog/blog.The-Differencebetween-IaaS-and-PaaS.html
[5] M. HSU (ED.), “Special Issue on Workflow and Extended Transaction Systems”, IEEE Data Engineering, Vol. 16(2), June 1993.
[11] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Software_as_a_service
[6] IBM, “Google and IBM Announced University Initiative to Address Internet-Scale Computing
[12] http://www.salesforce.com
"Cloud Computing"
Cloud computing: Potentials for and applications in Biomedicine M. Abbas 1 and Mukesh Srivastava2 1
Chief Scientist (
[email protected]); Senior Technical Officer (
[email protected]) Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow
Cloud computing (CC) means different things for different people. Every expert has his or her own definitions. So without giving a formal definition to CC, let us see what it means to people involved in the area of CC. For vendors, it is just a business opportunity which they will try to avail rather desperately. IT professional managing local data centers will be a bit hesitant as it may sound to them loosening the grip over their IT divisions. However, as their time will be saved by adopting CC, they can put more effort on developing tools for ICT. The real beneficiaries will be those who will be able to expedite their data processing work with the help of local IT managers and cloud service providers. The beauty of CC is that any organization ranging from big enterprises to Kirana shops can take benefits from it. CC is going to be the “next BIG thing” in the world of computing.
HP + Intel + Yahoo!
IBM + Amazon
Cisco + NetApp
Bharti Airtel + Microsoft India
BIG Data : Driver for CC
Presently, marketing business analysts are the main people involved with BIG data. They are followed by scientific researchers. In areas like Meteorology, Remote sensing, Genome research, data of large size are generated on daily basis. The next could be government especially through e-governance related activities.
Main Players Google
3.1 Sources of BIG data
Service Providers
Yahoo! + Tata’s Computational Research Lab (CRL)
Due to advancements in mobile devices and lab instruments involving sensors, it has become possible to collect data fast. According to an estimate, presently 2.5x1018 bytes of data are created every day. Thus, came the concept of BIG data. BIG data is a collection of data so large and complex that it is very difficult to handle using conventional data management tools. However, BIG data may vary in size. For one person 100 gigabytes (GB) may be a big data while for the other 100 terabyte (TB) may be a point of panic.
Before embarking upon the main topic, it is important to discuss from customer’s perspective topics such as cloud service providers and big data.
3.2 Management of BIG data Managing Big data is really challenging. Recently,
"Cloud Computing"
new concepts and techniques have been developed. One such concept is data store. It is a general concept that includes all types of data repositories like databases, schema-less data stores and flat file, etc. Other important techniques are discussed below l NoSQL databases RDBMS uses Structured Query Language (SQL) for data manipulation. Just to represent a class of DBMS which do not use SQL, they are termed as NoSQL databases. NoSQL databases are not primarily built on tables. l Apache Hadoop
it was a qualitative and descriptive field. Now it is quantitative and predictive science. 4.1 Pote ntial of Cloud Computing for Biomedicine There are multiple service providers, both commercial and open-source including Amazon web Services (AWS), Rackspace, GoGrid, Nimbus and Eucalyptus. (1) IaaS is popular with computational biologists because it offers more flexibility for designing computing projects. Three AWS products, namely, Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Elastic Block Storage (EBS), and Simple Storage Service (S3) have great potential for biomedicine.
It is an open source software framework that supports data-intensive distributed applications. Hadoop has been derived from Google’s MapReduce and Google File System (GFS) papers.(Wiki) l Analytic data bases Analytic Database is specifically designed to support business intelligence and analytic applications, typically as part of a data warehouse. Business analysts, corporate executives and other workers can run query and reports against an analytic database. Vertica Analytic Database is very popular in this category.
4.2 Cloud Computing Applications in B iomedicine Bio-medicine field is greatly benefited by cloud services. We shall discuss here three important areas (Genome research, biomedical literature mining and Medical image management) that have already received significant research focus and commercial implementation: 4.2.1
3.3 Cloud Computing for Big Data Analytics l The discovery and communication of meaningful pattern in data is termed as analytics. It requires extensive computation. The algorithms and software used should be effective and most current. Marketing business people use the word analytics. The most general term is data mining used by the scientific community. l Important methods from multivariate statistics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) such as classification, clustering, PCA etc, time series data analysis, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Genetic Algorithm (GA) etc. are used for Big Data Analytics. l For the purpose of data storage and analysis, cloud services are very effective in Big Data Analytics
Cloud Computing for Genome Research
Efforts in next-generation sequencing (NGS), comparative genomics and proteomics have already successfully incorporated the cloud to expedite their data processing. The challenge remains to decide how to take best take advantage of the flexibility of CC to conduct these and other analysis (2-5) 4.2.2 Biomedical literature mining: A promising area for cloud computing Huge amount of important biomedical information is hidden in the bulk of research articles in biomedical fields. Also the publication related biological databases are in great expansion. There is an urgent need to distill knowledge that is hidden in text of published papers and to present it to the users in a coherent and concise form. (6) For this we need text mining. Literature text mining include four main modules: Information Retrieval, Name Entity Recognition, Information Extraction and Knowledge Discovery
4. Biomedical field In recent years the field has changed a lot. Earlier
"Cloud Computing"
Information Retrieval It is to gather relevant text by querying databases of biomedical papers. Example: PubMed ii. Name Entity Recognition It is to find biological entities (e.g. genes, proteins) within text. Example: Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). It contains about 30,000 terms and mainly used for indexing articles in MEDLINE. iii. Information Extraction It is to identify predefined relationships among biological entities from explicit statements in text. Example: InfoPubMed iv. Knowledge Discovery It is to elicit relationships hidden in the information derived by the previous module. Example: GeneWays To realize the full potential of text mining, new methods that integrate complex text, biological and raw experimental data are needed. For enabling biologists to exploit biological knowledge more effectively, extensive compute power is required. This power will be provided by cloud service providers. It is expected that use and evaluation of state-of-art text mining technologies and services via the cloud will become available.
The issue of regulation
There are two schools of thoughts regarding regulation. One group feels that the government should stay out of it and let competition and market forces guide the business of CC. The other group feels that as lot of regulation is there for banking which deals in money, there should be equal regulation for cloud service providers as they deal in data which is as important as money for customers.
Acknowledgement Authors are grateful to the director CDRI for granting permission to present the paper. The ideas and views expressed in the paper are those of the authors’ and not necessarily of the institute they serve.
References 1.
4.2.3 Medical Imaging in Cloud Digital- Imaging has been accepted by the healthcare enterprises. Researchers in medical imaging have multiple challenges for storing, indexing, maintaining viability, and sharing their data. (7) Recently the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Image Share project has started. To use RSNA Image Share, patients create an account and password and then are given accesses to import their images and report into the personal health record account. This way it decreases unnecessary radiation exposure that can be caused by physicians ordering duplicate examinations with the records not being easily available.
Vincent A. Fusaro, et al (2011). Biomedical Cloud Computing with Amazon Web Services, PLoS Computational Biology, Vol. 7 pp 1-6. Langmead B, Schatz MC, Lin J, Pop M, Salzberg SL (2009). Searching for SNP s with cloud computing. Genome Biol. 10 R134. Schatz MC (2009) CloudBurst: highly sensitive read mapping MapReduce. Bioinformtics 25: 1363-1369 Wal DP, Kudtarkar P, Fusaro VA, Pivovarov R, P atil P etal. (2010). Cloud computing for comparative genomics. BMC Bioinformatics. 11: 259. Halligan BD, Geiger JF, Vallejos AK, Greene AS, Twigger SN (2009). Low cost, scalable proteomics data analysis using Amazon’s cloud computing services and open source search algorithms. J Proteome Res 8: 3148-3153. Alberto Faro, et al (2011). Combining literature text mining with microarray data: advances for system biology modeling, Briefings in Bioinformatics, Vol. 13, 61-82 Steve G. Langer. (2011). Challenges for storage in Medical Imaging Research. Journal of Digital Imaging. 24: 203-207.
"Cloud Computing"
Application of Cloud Computing in Modern Era Prof. G.N. Pandey Adjunct Professor – Allahabad Cloud computing is the use of computing resources (hardware and software) that are delivered as a service over a network (typically the Internet). The name comes from the use of a cloud-shaped symbol as an abstraction for the complex infrastructure it contains in system diagrams. Cloud computing entrusts remote services with a user’s data, software and computation.
Since the 1970’s the evolution of cloud computing has been seen in the form of Platform as a service, Software as a service, Virtual private server, Virtual server hosting and infrastructure as a service. The cloud computing deals greatly with Customer and Partner Collaboration and also it takes account into self-service P ortals, Mobility Solutions, Risk Management and Compliance, Virtualization and Business Intelligence and Analytics in large number of percentage.
End users access cloud-based applications through a web browser or a light-weight desktop or mobile app while the business software and user’s data are stored on servers at a remote location. Proponents claim that cloud computing allows enterprises to get their applications up and running faster, with improved manageability and less maintenance, and enables IT to more rapidly adjust resources to meet fluctuating and unpredictable business demand.
The cloud computing provides public cloud and private cloud services which in turns leads to a Delivery Model comprising of Managed Operations, Shared Services and Mixed Models of Finance and software. The cloud computing is having crucial operations in Banking sector by having a large number of applications in credit decisions such as Lenders, minimizing Loan Risks and avoiding ATM Frauds. The
Cloud computing relies on sharing of resources to achieve coherence and economies of scale similar to a utility over a network. At the foundation of cloud computing is the broader concept of converged infrastructure and shared services.
Figure 2: cloud computing as integrated process
Figure 1: seven elements in cloud computing
"Cloud Computing"
Cloud computing makes interoperability between different Banks by providing appropriate package and assembly. Customer and Bank relationship grow faster because of this modern technology. In Education E Library, unive rs al Digital Library & other E leaning Resources could be used for providing both skill based & knowledge based training for capacity building specially to drop out from class 8th , class 10th , class 12th .Similarly a large percentage of ours graduate could be made employable through online training. It provides Smarter Classroom with Cloud computing facility which enhances open source learning and tries to strengthen network services. The cloud computing has a specific place in college and in autonomous institutes. In schools the architecture of cloud computing deals with Datacenter Infrastructure and have an optimum interface between End student and Virtual school management.
Figure 3: usages of cloud computing layer wise
smart building and smart transport system to handle climate change. The cloud computing also having a position in conservation of renewable energy, power Distribution and Health care wherein it provides support for hospital management by means of virtual cart containing details of treatment. The patient monitoring is very quick by using modern computing.
Agriculture is a prime sector of Economy where cloud computing supports Irrigation System, Remote Sensing having mobile field reporting system which maintains agriculture information repository. In short Farmers need not to invest capital for Servers, Software’s and maintain them since they can share their information with each other over cloud.
Cloud computing defines E Governance as: The best definition of e governance is to deal with every citizen through single line communication. For this proper internet penetration both rural & urban India is essential. It may be mention that at present internet connectivity is limited to 11% of the total population. This should be strengthen at higher priority. On the other side the penetration o mobile phone has been greatly accelerated touching to about 950 million at present. Both combined together could be of great service in serving every individual citizen in the country.
Cloud computing for Environmental sustainability deals with transforming in the way people and business use technology could reduce annual man-made global emissions. The cloud computing lowers carbon emission due to multi tenancy, quick provisioning and making optimization of resources which makes use of efficient datacenters and virtualization and helps in smart grid,
"Cloud Computing"
Mobile Cloud Computing Saurabh Dixit1 and Arun Kumar Singh2 1. Department of Electronics and Communication, BBD University, Lucknow 2. Dean (Academics), Goel Institute of Technology and Management, Lucknow Email:
[email protected];
[email protected] ABSTRACT Over the past few years cloud computing has emerged as a widely accepted computing paradigm built around core concepts such as on-demand computing resources, elastic scaling, elimination of upfront capital and operational expenses, and establishing a pay-as-you go business model for computing and information technology related services. With the widespread adoption of virtualization, service oriented architectures and utility computing there has been a significant development in the cloud support structures to deliver IT services within QoS bound, service level agreements and security and privacy requirements. Mobile Computing is a concept which extends computing services to wireless applications. Mobile Cloud Comp uting (MCC) is a blend of Cloud co mputing and Mobile computing can be defines as a rich mobile computing technology that leverages unified elastic resources of varied clouds and network technologies toward unrestricted functionality, storage, and mobility. It serves a multitude of mobile dev ices an ywhere, anyt ime through t he chan nel of Ethern et or Internet regardless of het erogen eous environments and platforms based on the pay-as-you-us e principle. MCC is an amalgam of three foundations, namely cloud computing, mobile computing, and networking. This paper throws light on mobile cloud computing architecture, its background, key technology, privacy and data ownership issues, current research status, and its further research perspectives as well. Multiple access scheme over various radio access technology is also explored. Keywords: Cloud computing, Mobile cloud computing, smartphones, mobile applications
transparent services such as data storage, accessing and computing to clients. According to the top ten strategic technology trends for 2012 [1] provided by Gartner (a famous global analytical and consulting company), cloud computing has been on the top of the list, which means cloud computing will have an increased impact on the enterprise and most organizations in the years to come. Meanwhile, smartphones are considered as the representative for the various mobile devices as they have been connected to the Internet with the rapid growth of wireless network technology. Ubiquity and mobility are two major features in the next generation network which provide a range of personalized network services through numerous network terminals and modes of accessing. The core technology of cloud computing is centralizing computing, services, and speci?c applications as a utility to be sold like water, gas or electricity to users. Thus, the combination of a ubiquitous mobile network and cloud computing generates a new computing mode, namely Mobile Cloud Computing. As
I. INTRODUCTION Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) which combines mobile computing and cloud computing, has become one of the industry buzz words and a major discussion thread in the IT world since 2009. Over the past few years, advances in the ?eld of network based computing and applications on demand have led to an explosive growth of application models such as cloud computing, software as a service, community network, web store, and so on. As a major application model in the era of the Internet, Cloud Computing has become a signi?cant research topic of the scienti?c and industrial communities since 2007. Commonly, cloud computing is described as a range of services which are provided by an Internet-based cluster system. Such cluster systems consist of a group of low-cost servers or Personal Computers (PCs), organizing the various resources of the computers according to a certain management strategy, and offering safe, reliable, fast, convenient and
"Cloud Computing"
an inheritance and development of cloud computing, resources in mobile cloud computing networks are virtualized and assigned in a group of numerous distributed computers rather than in traditional local computers or servers, and are provided to mobile devices such as smartphones, portable terminal, and so on. Meanwhile, various applications based on mobile cloud computing have been developed and served to users, such as Googles Gmail, Maps and Navigation systems for Mobile, Voice Search, and some applications on an Android platform, MobileMe from Apple, Live Mesh from Microsoft, and MotoBlur from Motorola. According to the research from Juniper, the cloud computing based mobile software and application are expected to rise 88% annually till 2014, and such growth may create US 9.5 billion dollars in 2014. While mobile cloud computing is expected to make a great contribution to our daily lives, it will also, however, bring numerous challenges and problems. In short, the core of such challenges and problems is just how to combine the two technologies seamlessly. On one hand, the task is to ensure that mobile devices adequately make best use of advantages of cloud computing to improve and extend their functions. On the other hand, to overcome the disadvantages of limited resources and computing ability in mobile devices in order to access cloud computing with high ef?ciency like traditional PCs and Servers. Thus, in order to solve the mentioned challenges and point out further research, getting a thorough understanding of the novel computing paradigm - mobile cloud computing, is necessary. Section II throws further light on the two constituent technologies-Cloud Computing and Mobile Computing, while Section III introduces the basic model of mobile cloud computing, its background, key technology, privacy and data ownership issues, current research status, and its further research perspectives as well. Section IV highlights the multiple access schemes followed by conclusion.
Computing(MCC), as a new phrase, has been devised since 2009. In order to help us grasp better understanding of Mobile Cloud Computing, let’s start from the two previous techniques: Mobile Computing and Cloud Computing.
A. Mobile Computing Mobility has become a very popular word and rapidly increasing part in today’s computing area. An incredible growth has appeared in the development of mobile devices such as, smartphone, P DA, GP S Navigation and laptops with a variety of mobile computing, networking and security technologies. In addition, with the development of wireless technology like WiMax, Ad Hoc Network and WIFI, users may be sur?ng the Internet much easier but not limited by the cables as before. Thus, those mobile devices have been accepted by more and more people as their ?rst choice of working and entertainment in their daily lives. So, what is Mobile computing exactly? In Wikipedia, it is described as a form of human-computer interaction by which a computer is expected to be transported during normal usage [2]. In [3] Mobile Computing is described as generic term characterizing the application of small, portable and wireless computing and communication devices. Mobile computing is based on a collection of three major concepts: hardware, software and communication. The concepts of hardware can be considered as mobile devices, such as smartphone and laptop, or their mobile components. Software of mobile computing is the numerous mobile applications in the devices, such as the mobile browser, anti-virus software and games. The communication issue includes the infrastructure of mobile networks, protocols and data delivery in their use. They must be transparent to end users.
II. BACKGROUND As a development and extension of Cloud Computing and Mobile Computing, Mobile Cloud
Features: the features of mobile computing are as follows:
mobility: mobile nodes in mobile computing network can establish connection with others, even ?xed nodes in wired network through Mobile
"Cloud Computing"
Support Station (MSS) during their moving. b)
Diversity of network conditions: normally the networks using by mobile nodes are not unique, such networks can be a wired network with highbandwidth, or a wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN) with low-bandwidth, or even in status of disconnected.
Frequent disconnection and consistency: as the limitation of battery power, charge of wireless communication, network conditions and so on, mobile nodes will not always keep the connection, but disconnect and consistent with the wireless network passively or actively.
Dis-symmetrical network communication: servers and access points and other MSS enable a strong send/receive ability, while such ability in mobile nodes is quite weak comparatively. Thus, the communication bandwidth and overhead between downlink and uplink are discrepancy.
Low reliability: due to signals is susceptible to interference and snooping, a mobile computing network system has to be considered from terminals, networks, database platforms, as well as applications development to address the security issue.
Challenges: Compared with the traditional wired network, mobile computing network may face various problems and challenges in different aspects, such as signal disturbance, security, handoff delay, limited power, low computing ability, and so on. due to the wireless environment and numerous mobile nodes. In addition, the Quality of Service (QoS) in mobile computing network is much easier to be affected by the landforms, weather and buildings.
Cloud computing provides on-demand calculation for the consumers and enterprises, eliminating many limitations of the computer applications. With cloud computing people will not be constrained and confused by physical resources any more. On the contrary, they can use the Internet at anywhere and anytime with any electronic devices like, smart phones, tablets netbook and so on. Mobile cloud computing will be a main branch of the development of cloud computing in the future. The clients of mobile cloud computing can also enjoy the interest of new Internet without the limitation of fixed equipment.” Cloud computing[7] is the use of computing resources (hardware and software) that are delivered as a service over a network (typically the Internet). The name comes from the use of a cloud-shaped symbol as an abstraction for the complex infrastructure it contains in system diagrams. Cloud computing entrusts remote services with a user’s data, software and computation.
Fig. 1: Generic Cloud Computing Architecture
B. Cloud Computing Cloud computing [4-6] is the hottest research area in IT industry. Cloud computing provides resources and computing infrastructure on-demand basis to consumers. Cloud computing brings along a new cycle of development of Internet. The consumers can use applications and services on the clouds through internet.
Nowadays, both hardware and software of mobile devices get greater improvement than before, some smartphones such as iP hone 4S, Android serials, Windows Mobile serials and Blackberry, are no longer just traditional mobile phones with conversation, SMS,
"Cloud Computing"
Email and website browser, but are daily necessities to users. Meanwhile, those smartphones include various sensing modules like navigation, optics, gravity, orientation, and so on which brings a convenient and intelligent mobile experience to users. In 2010, Google CEO Eric Schmidt described mobile cloud computing in an interview that ‘based on cloud computing service development, mobile phones will become increasingly complicated, and evolve to a portable super computer’. In the face of various mobile cloud services provided by Microsoft, Apple, Google, HTC, and so on, users may be confused about what mobile cloud computing exactly is, and what its features are.
can be laptops, PDA, smartphones, and so on which connects with a hotspot or base station by 3G, WIFI, or GPRS. As the computing and major data processing phases have been migrated to ’cloud’, the capability requirement of mobile devices is limited, some low-cost mobile devices or even non-smartphones can also achieve mobile cloud computing by using a crossplatform mid-ware.
A. Concept and principle Similar with Cloud Computing, there are a lot but no consensual de?nitions on what mobile cloud computing is. In this paper, we consider it is a novel computing mode consisting of mobile computing and cloud computing, which provide cloud based services to users through the Internet and mobile devices. On one hand, the mobile cloud computing is a development of mobile computing, and an extension to cloud computing. In mobile cloud computing, the previous mobile device-based intensive computing, data storage and mass information processing have been transferred to ’cloud’ and thus the requirements of mobile devices in computing capability and resources have been reduced, so the developing, running, deploying and using mode of mobile applications have been totally changed. On the other hand, the terminals which people used to access and acquire cloud services are suitable for mobile devices like smartphone, PDA, Tablet, and iPad but not restricted to ?xed devices (such as PC), which re?ects the advantages and original intention of cloud computing. Therefore, from both aspects of mobile computing and cloud computing, the mobile cloud computing is a combination of the two technologies, a development of distributed, grid and centralized algorithms, and have broad prospects for application. As shown is the Fig. 2, mobile cloud computing can be simply divided into cloud computing and mobile computing. Those mobile devices
Fig. 2: Mobile Cloud Computing Architecture
Although the client in mobile cloud computing is changed from PCs or ?xed machines to mobile devices, the main concept is still cloud computing. Mobile users send service requests to the cloud through a web browser or desktop application, then the management component of cloud allocates resources to the request to establish connection, while the monitoring and calculating functions of mobile cloud computing will be implemented to ensure the QoS until the connection is completed. Mobile cloud computing[8-9] are 3+ combination, that is the combination of mobile computing, mobile Internet and cloud computing. Mobile computing is to share resources and exchange data of computers or other intelligent terminal equipment such as mobile phones. The nature of mobile cloud computing is the ability of providing valuable, accurate and real-time information for any user at anywhere and anytime. Mobile cloud computing integrates the advantages of mobile computing, mobile networks and cloud computing. It means that any intelligent terminals such as mobile phones and personal computers can obtain services in wireless environment. Mobile cloud
"Cloud Computing"
in memory, 5 to 10 times in storage capacity and 10 times in network bandwidth. Normally, smartphone needs to be charged everyday as dialling calls, sending messages, sur?ng the Internet, community accessing, and other internet applications. According to past development trends, the increased mobile computing ability and rapid development of screen technology will lead to more
computing can also called cloud computing in mobile networks. Handheld devices from the mail transceiver to the operating system are different from each other, limited by the convenience, CP U processing ability, storage, keyboard and screen, battery life and bandwidth, especially storage and computing power. A major advantage of cloud computing is the cloud provides high-capacity storage and high-speed computing capacity, just like a group of servers in network.
2) Challenges and Solutions[11] Challenges Limitation of mobile devices
B. Challenges and solutions
Quality of Communication
The main objective of mobile cloud computing is to provide a convenient and rapid method for users to access and receive data from the cloud, such convenient and rapid method means accessing cloud computing resources effectively by using mobile devices. The major challenge of mobile cloud computing comes from the character of mobile devices and wireless networks, as well as their own restriction and limitation, and such challenge makes application designing, programming and deploying on mobile and distributed devices more complicated than on the ?xed cloud devices [10]. In mobile cloud computing environment, the limitations of mobile devices, quality of wireless communication, types of application, and support from cloud computing to mobile are all important factors that affect assessing from cloud computing. Table 1 gives an overview of proposed challenges and some solutions about mobile cloud computing. 1)
Division of application services
Solutions Virtualization and Image, task migration Bandwidth upgrading, Data delivery time reducing Elastic application division mechanism
C. Issues with security and privacy: Security concerns: The advancement in technology has also brought new security risks with in it. Everyone wants the protection of his/her data and is curious about it. In mobile cloud computing the security issue has two aspects. One is mobile device security and the other is cloud security. Mobile devices utilize the clouds for computing resources and applications. Nowadays smart phones have built in special security features to protect them from miss usage. Google Device Policy Application [12] has the facility for users to remotely lock or clear the information of a stolen or lost mobile device. Some counter measures e.g. Cloud access protection and embedded device identity protection can be adopted for better security of smart phones and clouds [13].
Limitations of mobile devices: While discussing mobile devices in cloud the ?rst thing is resourceconstrain. Though smartphones have been improved obviously in various aspects such as capability of CPU and memory, storage, size of screen, wireless communication, sensing technology, and operation systems, still have serious limitations such as limited computing capability and energy resource, to deploy complicated applications. By contrast with PCs and Laptops in a given condition, these smartphones like iPhone 4S, Android serials, Windows Mobile serials decrease 3 times in processing capacity, 8 times
D. APPLICATION OF MOBILE CLOUD COMPUTING The applications[14] based on mobile cloud computing are everywhere. By mobile cloud computing, the cell phone directing system of Google, voice seeking system of cell phone and the services on Android platform are amazing. Another extraordinary application is the MOTOBLUR service proposed by Motorola in October, 2009, which is a typical example of mobile cloud computing and put
"Cloud Computing"
traditional SMS, Gmail, MySpace, Twitter, FaceBook together to a small screen, therefore, clients can keep in touch with the outside world easily. Various applications of MCC include Mobile commerce, Mobile learning,E-healthcare.
as terminal locations and capabilities and user pro?les, can be used by the mobile cloud controller to locally optimize the access management (cf. Fig. 1). In a more and more fragmented and heterogeneous wireless network landscape and with an increasing demand for high data rates or even on-demand scalable transmission bandwidth as for MCC scenarios, the need for ef?cient network access management across different radio access technologies (RATs), referred to as “heterogeneous access management” (HAM), becomes eminent. Radio resources are of course limited due to physical, technology-speci?c and regulatory constraints. Context, either provided by terminals, network nodes or from sensors deployed in the user’s environment, will be utilized to signi?cantly reduce the waste of scarce radio resources and ef?ciently manage wireless access across heterogeneous RATs. The issue of network selection in an environment of diverse wireless access possibilities is widely addressed in today’s research. HAM describes a concept for controlling radio resource allocation and utilization, as e.g. bandwidth, power, etc., across various RATs, where the main goals are to optimize overall system performance and to enable seamless mobility. HAM decisions and actions may be in?uenced by network operator policies, service level agreements, user preferences, user location information or as a result of sophisticated resource utilization analysis. Further, the integration of a multitude of wireless access networks under a cross-layer contextaware architecture has shown to increase user satisfaction and network throughput. An Intelligent Radio Network has been proposed by Andrea et al[15] for MCC.
IV ACCESS SCHEME FOR MCC: The most critical issue in MCC is probably to guarantee a wireless connectivity that meets the requirements of mobile cloud computing with respect to scalability, viability, energy- and cost-ef?ciency. For MCC, various concepts, evaluation methodologies and performance results for intelligent mobile access schemes that exploit context information provided by the Mobile Cloud need to be examined. Today, context and location information is already used by a broad variety of applications, in particular context-aware services for mobile terminals. These services exploit data collected from terminal sensors (e.g., GPS, gyro, proximity detectors), sensor networks, or network sensors measuring network status and load. Not only consumer applications but also network services exploit this information. Classical so-called “intelligent access” concepts are assuming that all categories of dynamic context information (user pro- ?les, terminal status and sensor information, external sensor networks, and network status) can be used to optimize the mobile access. The requirements on the wireless connectivity for Mobile Cloud Computing differ in a number of important details from these classical heterogeneous access scenarios: l
MCC requires an “always-on” connectivity for a low data rate cloud control signaling channel.
MCC requires an “on-demand” available wireless connectivity with a scalable link bandwidth.
MCC requires a network selection and use that takes energy-ef?ciency and costs into account.
V. CONCLUSION Mobile cloud computing is the most emerging branch of cloud computing and a well-accepted technology with fast growth. The goal is to utilize cloud computing techniques for storage and processing of data in mobile devices. Mobile cloud computing will provide benefits to the mobile device users and applications enterprises. Mobile industry has expanded swiftly and constantly. The number of mobile users has been
The solution presented in [15] assumes that we deploy MCC in a heterogeneous access scenario with a wide range of different radio access technologies available, e.g., GPRS, WCDMA/HSPA, LTE, WiMAX, cdma2000, WLAN, and that context information, such
"Cloud Computing"
[9] Longzhao Zhong; Beizhan Wang; Haifang Wei; “Cloud computing applied in the mobile internet” 7th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE), 2012 Page(s): 218 - 221
increased rapidly and also smart phones and other sophisticated mobile devices are in the range of almost every individual. The internet usage and mobility concern has reached to hype, so we can foresee mobile cloud computing as next big revolution. Various kinds of internet services using mobile cloud computing will also be popular with people’s daily life. Mobile cloud computing will not only become popular but also develop continuously during all challenges.
[10] Weiguang Song; Xiaolong Su; “Review of Mobile Cloud Computing” 3rd International Conference on IEEE Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN), 2011Page(s): 1-4 [11] Han Qi; Gani, A.; “Research on Mobile Cloud Computing: Review, trend and perspectives” Second International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and it’s Applications (DICTAP), 2012 Page(s): 195 202
REFERENCES [1] Michael Miller. Cloud Computing Web-Based Applications That Change the Way You Work and Collaborate Online, 2009.4. [2] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_computing
[12] Device policy for Andriod: Overview for Users. [Online]. Available: http://www.google.com/ s u p p o r t / m o b i l e / b i n / answer.py?hl=en&answer=190930.
[3] Dixit and Tripathi, “Mobile Computing” Thakur publisher, 2006 [4] Kang Chen, Weimin Zheng. Cloud Computing System examples and current research situation [J]. Software Journal, 2009 (5) : 1337-1348.
[13] S. Yang and C. Hsu, “An ontology-supported ubiquitous interface agent for cloud computing, “Example on Bluetooth wireless technique with Java programming”, in International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, pp. 29712978, September 2010.
[5] Peng Wang. Approaching Cloud Computing[M]. Beijing: People’s Delivery and Electricity Press, 2009. [6] Quan Chen, Qianni Deng. Cloud Computing and its key techniques. Computing Applications. 100 I - 9081 (2009) 09 - 2562 - 06.
[14] Hoang T. Dinh, Chonho Lee, Dusit Niyato and Ping Wang; “A survey of Mobile Cloud Computing: Architecture, Applications and Approaches” Wireless Communications and Mobile ComputingWiley
[7] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_computing [8] JiSu Park; HeonChang Yu; KwangSik Chung; EunYoung Lee; , “Markov Chain Based Monitoring Service for Fault Tolerance in Mobile Cloud Computing,” IEEE Workshops of International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (WAINA), 2011, pp.520-525, 2225 March 2011
[15] Andreas; Mannweiler, Christian; Schneider, Joerg; Schotten, Hans D. “Access Scemes for Mobile Cloud Computing” Eleventh International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), 2010 Publication Year: 2010 , Page(s): 387 - 392.
"Cloud Computing"
Cloud Computing Business & Security D.C. Misra System Manager, Gautam Buddh Technical University, Lucknow ABSTRACT The evolution of cloud computing over the past few years is potentially one of the major advances in the history of computing. However, if cloud computing is to achieve its potential, there needs to be a clear understanding of the various issues involved, both from the perspectives of the providers and the security. While a lot of research is currently taking place in the technology itself, there is an equally urgent need for understanding the businessrelated issues surrounding cloud computing. However, despite the surge in activity and interest, there are significant, persistent concerns about cloud computing that are impeding momentum and will eventually compromise the vision of cloud computing as a new IT procurement model.
adoption over the next five years in India. The total cloud market, which was about $400 million in 2010, is expected to grow by a whopping 60 percent annually with private cloud dominating the landscape,’ Zinnov chief executive Pari Natrajan said.
Cloud Computing business A new study released recently points out that the rising cloud computing sector has the potential to create about 100,000 new jobs in India. ‘Of the projected $4.5billion total cloud computing market in India by 2015, private cloud will account for $3.5 billion, generate about 100,000 additional jobs and save about 50 percent of cost of IT operations for Indian enterprises,’ the study ‘P rivate Cloud Landscape in India’, by Zinnov Management Consulting and global IT firm EMC Corporation, revealed.
‘Cloud computing will reshape the Indian IT market by generating new opportunities for vendors and driving changes in traditional IT offerings,’ Natarajan added. To combat network issues and avail top notch services in the internet and IT industry, with better functionality without the trouble of adding personnel, infrastructure and software you need Cloud Computing. Cloud Computing has its fare share of hold over the internet world and rapidly growing to a fully fledged environment to offer matchless solutions to clients and customers across the globe. Cloud computing facilitates consumers as well as business establishments to utilize applications without installing them and get access to their personal files across the internet. It centralizes memory, storage, bandwidth and processing to allow highly efficient computing to consumers. The most common example of cloud computing facilities are the web mail services we use in day to day life, like gmail, yahoo mail and other mail servers.
Multiple servers are employed in cloud computing technology as a single platform through a digital network (website) under secured environment. It also has access to a range of applications and tools for reducing the cost of IT operations. Cloud computing is useful and is fast emerging as the next big IT service in India. Its pay-as-you-go model eliminates capital intensive investment by companies, especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in setting up IT infrastructure. Spend on using cloud by information technology and back office firms, telecos, BFSI (banking, financial services and insurance), manufacturing and government organisations is set to increase to 8.2 percent over the next five years from 1.4 percent in 2010.
Types of Clouds There are four different types of clouds that one can subscribe and one can subscribe to as per
‘There will be an increased preference of cloud
"Cloud Computing"
requirement. For a home user or small business owner public cloud service can meet all the requirements. 1.
Public Cloud – A public cloud can be accessed by any subscriber with an internet connection and access to cloud base .
Private Cloud-A private cloud is established for a specific group or organization and limits access to just that group.
Community Cloud-A community cloud is shared among two or more organizations that have similar cloud requirements
understand the implications of their data residing in the cloud service provider’s data center and under its protection. It’s critical that an agency understands the controls its cloud provider has in place. Large -scale cloud providers are expected to be more secure than smaller or less established companies out there offering cloud services, because they have the experienced personnel, resources, and infrastructure that smaller organizations might lack.
Software as Service (Saas) Providers l
Google Apps
Zoho Office
Oracle On Demand Apps
Cloud providers
NetSuite ERP
There are three types of cloud providers that one can subscribe :
Platform as Service (Saas) Providers
Hybrid cloud-A hybrid cloud is essentially a combination of at least two clouds ,where the clouds included are a mixture of public, private or community.
Software as Service (SaaS)- A SaaS provider gives subscribers access to both resources and applications. SaaS makes it unnecessary for you to have a physical copy of software to install on your devices. SaaS also make it easier to have the same software on all of your devices at one by accessing it on the cloud. In SaaS agreement you have least control over the cloud.
Amazon E2C
Salesforce.com Force.com
Infrastructure as Service (Iaas) Providers
Platform as Service(PaaS)-A PaaS system goes a level above the Software as Service setup .A PaaS provider gives subscriber access to the component that they require to develop and operate application over the internet.
IBM Blue Cloud
Cloud computing growing fast in India
Infras tructure as Se rvice (IaaS)-In IaaS agreement, as the name states, deals primarily with computational infrastructure. In this agreement subscriber completely outsources the storage and resources, such as hardware and software, that they need.
According to IDC, India is facing an information explosion with digital data growing from 40.000 petabytes in 2010 to 2.3-million petabytes in 2020 – with the cloud in the middle as Indian companies look for leveraging cost advantages.
Cloud Computing Service Providers
As a testament to this development, several research analysts have published predictions on the cloud growth in India:
The list of cloud computing solutions and service providers continues to grow daily. Data owners need to
"Cloud Computing"
According to a Gartner survey, Indian companies expect to adopt new cloud services in 2011 much faster than originally anticipated, with two-thirds of CIOs expecting the majority of IT to be running in the cloud within the next four years.
hosted service which allows you to access your own server in short time period. TCS is the place where you can get end to end IT solution to any problem you have, for example, you can have business software, bandwidth, network and different types of hardware. It is offering IaaS.
Cloud computing in India could be a billion dollar market, smelling this prospect more and more companies are starting to provide cloud computing based services to Indian website owners and business houses. Here we provide a list of top 10 cloud computing providers in India looking to match and compete against world class cloud venders such as Microsoft, Salesforce.com, Google or Amazon etc.
OrangeScape is known to have made different complex business solutions applications in several industries. Numbers of world class clients are associated with the company. Wolf Frame work s – browser based on demand platform – provides reasonable cloud services. The company was founded in 2006 and since then has been delivering software and services for different applications.
Infosys Technologies – you can choose this company to take its cloud computing services effectively and selectively. Large numbers of organizations are already associated with the company which is based in Bangalore.
Zenith InfoTech – one of the best Indian companies offering IaaS – is known for its high ambitions in IT and long list of clients. This company is expecting more clients in few years.
Re liance DataCente r– based on the Microsoft platform for Enterprises and SMBs – is offering its Reliance Cloud Computing Services under the banner of small division of Reliance Communications. RDC is getting popularity all over India because it has the potential of delivering largest cloud infrastructure.
Data Protection and Security Implementing a cloud-computing solution incurs different risks than with dedicated agency data centers. Risks associated with the implementation of a new technology service delivery model include policy lags, implementation of dynamic applications, and securing the dynamic environment.
Synage – the company is based in Mumbai, India– is offering DeskAway as the flagship products of the company. Its service name is SaaS which is delivered all over the world over the internet. It is available on zero installation charges, but you have to pay monthly or yearly subscription charges.
The cloud environment is very dynamic. New capacity is continually added and networks are optimized to provide efficient service. As a result, cloud providers must conduct continuous security assessments to ensure that changes in configurations and infrastructure do not introduce vulnerabilities. The assessments should be done in a prescribed manner following written policies. The vendor should be required by contract to notify the customer immediately upon discovery of a security issue affecting the client’s data or service. Additional periodic assessments should be performed by a mutual agreed upon independent third party.
Netmagic Solutions does not have the potential of competing with other providers but it is determined to become a big provider in future with collaboration with established giants providing cloud services. Wipro Te chnologie s is preferred because it has adopted new and very common trends in open standards and software engineering. The company is offering its services as Wipro w-SaaS. SynapseIndia is the place where you are not supposed to have to set up your own cyn.in server. It is a cloud
Data leakage has become one of the greatest
"Cloud Computing"
organizational risks from a security standpoint. Virtually every government worldwide has regulations that mandate protections for certain data types. The cloud provider should have the ability to map its policy to the security mandate you must comply with and discuss the issues. At a minimum, the data that falls under legislative mandates, or contractual obligation, should be encrypted while in transit and at rest. Further, a yearly risk assessment just on the data in question should be done to make sure the mitigations meet the need. The cloud provider also must include data leakages in its security incident response and notification policy
Before introducing a cloud computing system, you should carry out a risk assessment of these hazards and their potential impact on your business. Service providers operate - and usually host - all the server requirements for a cloud computing system. These can include database management systems for data-intensive applications, such as those required for e-commerce or customer relationship management. High levels of data protection are necessary for such applications, and you should check your contract or service level agreement (SLA) to find out what security measures your provider takes to protect your data.
The main data protection risks to your business are: l
loss of data by third-party service providers
unauthorised access to your data
malicious activities targeting your service providereg hacking or viruses
poor internal IT security compromising data protection
Conclusion : Cloud fears largely stem from the perceived loss of control of sensitive data. Current control measures do not adequately address cloud computing’s third-party data storage and processing needs. Trusted Computing and applied cryptographic techniques should be used to address these issues.
"Cloud Computing"
A Taxonomy and Survey of Cloud Computing [Security Issues and Challenges] [Extended Abstract] Radhey Shyam1 , Pooja Srivastava2 and Dr D S Kushwaha3 1
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, SRMGPC, Lucknow, India Email:
[email protected] 2
Department of Electronics & Communication, SRMGPC, Lucknow, India Email:
[email protected] 3
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, IET, Lucknow, India Email:
[email protected] ABSTRACT
Cloud computing holds the potential to reduce the requirements for setting up of high-cost computing infrastructure for IT-based services that the industry needed. It is committed to provide a flexible IT Solution. This would permit to exponential increase in the capacity and capabilities of the existing and approaching software’s. In a cloud computing environment, the whole data resides over networked resources, and data can be accessed through virtual machines. Since the data may be located in any part of the country. The main interest is to focus on security issues and its challenges and no one can deny the possibility of a server failure, which must be addressed in cloud computing environment. The motivation behind this survey paper is too detailed and analyzes the many uncertain issues related to the cloud computing adoption. Keywords— Infrastructure; Data; Security Issues; Virtual Machine; Services
may be substantial. It has been illustrated through Figure 1.
I. INTRODUCTION The rapid growth in the availability of cloud services and high speed broadband connectivity, such as provided by the National Broadband Network, present opportunities and challenges to all levels. Cloud computing is Internet—”Cloud” based development and use of computer technology “computing” [1][2][3][7]. Cloud computing advocates are claiming that cloud computing will “transform the way IT is consumed and managed, promising improved cost efficiencies, accelerated innovation, faster time-to-market, and the ability to scale applications on demand. According to Gartner [9] while the publicity grew exponentially during 2008 and has continued through 2009 and 2010, it is clear that there is a major paradigm shifts towards the cloud model and that the benefits
Figure 1. Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies 2008
"Cloud Computing"
The shape of the cloud is emerging, and it is developing rapidly both conceptually and in reality. However, the legal/contractual, economic and security aspects of cloud computing are still relatively immature [4][5]. Cloud computing describes a new supplement, consumption and delivery model for IT services based on Internet, and it typically involves the provision of dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources as a service over the Internet [1].
The consumer needs nothing but a personal computer and Internet access [4][6][8].
The f ollowing Figure 2 & 3 illustrating the Definition of Cloud Computing in the form of three levels like Application (SaaS), Platform (PaaS) and Infrastructure (IaaS)—
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_computing cite_note-gartner-2
II. TYPES OF COMPUTING There are number of computing schemes apart from the Cloud computing, which are as follows— a)
Grid Computing — “A form of distributed computing and parallel computing, whereby a ‘super and virtual computer’ is composed of a cluster of networked [2].
Figure 3. Different levels of Cloud
Utility Computing— “Packaging of computing resources, such as computation and storage, as a metered service similar to a traditional public utility, such as electricity”[2][3].
Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources like networks, servers, storage, applications, and services that may be speedily provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. This cloud model promotes availability and is composed of five essential characteristics, three service models, and four deployment models [4][5][10].
Autonomic Computing— “Computer systems have the capability of self-management” [3].
The Cloud computing definition given by NIST and ICT—
“Cloud Computing is a new way of delivering computing resources, not a new technology” [4][6][8].
IV. CLOUD COMPUTING ARCHETECTURE The Cloud computing architecture of a cloud solution is the structure of the system, which comprises on premise and cloud resources, services, middleware, and software components, geo-location, the externally visible properties and there relationships. The cloud computing architecture has been shown in following Figure 4 & 5. This cloud model promotes availability and is
Figure 2. Different level’s definition of Cloud
"Cloud Computing"
over the exact location of the provided resources like storage, processing, memory, network bandwidth, and virtual machines but may be able to specify location at a higher level of abstraction like country, state, or data centre [4]. 4)
Rapid elasticity — capabilities can be rapidly and elastically provisioned, in some cases automatically, to quickly scale and be rapidly released to quickly scale in. To the consumer, the capabilities available for provisioning often appear to be unlimited and can be purchased in any quantity at any time [3].
Measured Service — cloud systems automatically control and optimise resources utilisation by leveraging a metering capability at some level of abstraction appropriate to the type of service like storage, processing, bandwidth, and active user accounts. Resource utilisation can be monitored, controlled and reported; providing transparency for both the provider and consumer of the utilised service [3].
Figure 4. Level’s of Cloud Computing
V. VARIOUS SURVEYS a) Figure 5. Cloud Computing Architecture
How “the cloud is going to change everything,” “Everything” has already changed, say the 511 business IT professionals, all from companies with 50 or more employees, responding to our InformationWeek 2012, State of Cloud Computing Survey. Adoption of public cloud services has been on a consistent upward pace for the past four years, since we began keeping track. One-third of 2012 respondents’ organizations are already receiving services from a cloud provider, and an additional 40% are in the planning or evaluation stages. Just 27% say they won’t consider it. In our 2008 cloud survey, people couldn’t even agree on a definition—21% of 456 respondents from companies of all sizes said cloud was “pretty much a marketing term used randomly.”
composed of five essential characteristics — 1)
On demand self service — a consumer can unilaterally provision computing capabilities, such as server time and network storage, as needed automatically without requiring human interaction with each service’s provider.
Broad network access — capabilities are available over the network and accessed through standard mechanisms that promote use by heterogeneous thin or thick client platforms like mobile phones, laptops, and PDAs.
Resource pooling — the provider’s computing resources are pooled to serve multiple consumers using a multi-tenant model, with different physical and virtual resources dynamically assigned and reassigned according to consumer demand. There is a sense of location independence in that the customer generally has no control or knowledge
State of Cloud Computing (2012)—
b) Surveys on Cloud Computing In June 2009, a study conducted by Version One found that 41% of senior IT professionals actually don’t know what cloud computing is and two-thirds of senior
"Cloud Computing"
finance professionals are confused by the concept, highlighting the young nature of the technology [6].
Lost control comes with handing over our data and information
In Sept 2009, an Aberdeen Group study found that disciplined companies achieved on average an 18% reduction in their IT budget from cloud computing and a 16% reduction in data centre power costs [6].
Depending on third-party to ensure the security and confidentiality of data and information
If our cloud host disappears, where does our information go?
e) Survey carried out by the IBM
Figure 7. IT’s Responsibility for Cloud Computing
Figure 6. Cloud Computing Familiarity among Industry people
c) Advantages of Cloud Hosting Hosting our information on an outsourced system—that is maintained by a third-party can really free up space and cut costs. With cloud hosting, we can Access our data at all times— 1)
A physical storage centre is no longer needed.
Most have a pay structure that only calls for payment only when used.
Relieves burden on IT Professionals and frees up their time in the office.
Easily scalable so companies can add or subtract storage based on their own needs.
Figure 8. Uses of Cloud Computing in Different discipline
Figure 9: Familiarity of Cloud Computing in different age groups
d) Disadvantages of Cloud Hosting If you are going to move all of your information to data centers situated outside your company, then security should be of highest importance [4][5].
VI. CONCLUDING REMARKS Since the data is spread all over the network leads to security issues and challenges, despite of that, there
"Cloud Computing"
to entertain your kids.
are a number of strategic opportunities, where cloud services can be utilised by Industries as well as Government agencies. The Cloud based services may be preferred, where they reveal the value for money.
Medical treatments simplified: it can contribute massively in the fields of medical sciences. As most of the contemporary treatment require computer assistance, as data have to be searched for various things like DNA samples and other biochemical procedures and hence cloud computing is going to play its part in the most of the therapies.
Weather Forecasting: It is believed that with increased level of computing coupled with improved climate models it will be lot more easily makes weather forecasts.
Education f or all: With lot of educational institutions offering free course material for everyone over the Internet it is here cloud computing can play a great role delivering education on the doorsteps of learners over an interface
Freedom from Wallets: With the advent of mobile phones the concept of traditional wallets has gone for toss. Now everything right from your contact details to your shopping related needs and your air ticket for vacations to clicking the pictures of happy moments, everything can be done by you smart phone. The cloud has made it possible.
Paperless society: You have seen pile of wastepaper in the offices or dustbins full of torn paper. Now these things are going to change. There is no need to cut trees for making paper as we can do most of the transactions and communications online.
VII. FUTURE OF CLOUD COMPUTING With arrival of cloud computing the conventional way of computing has gone for a sea change. And this new addition in the computing is not a flash in the pan as it is going to rule the roost in the future. As per some expert opinions, it is going to be the face of future cloud computing. And hence, the future of cloud computing seems very promising. The following points make the future of cloud computing bright. 1)
Presence of Internet will boost its future: The cloud computing will becomes important with the availability of high-speed, broadband Internet. The airlines are offering satellite based Wi-Fi services in flights. In a mass drive to connect every village with Internet wireless Internet services are offered through the help of satellite. This increasing presence of Internet is opening new vistas in educations and healthcare. No more software updates: Most of the computer professionals loose lots of their time and efforts downloading different versions of software so that they can access the various programs and data with little efforts. Most of the softwares are on the cloud servers so you don’t need to down and install for little use. Hardware optional: With the arrival of Cloud Computing it is no longer necessary to purchase hard drives with large storage capacity, as it can be stored on cloud. So keep the fear of loosing your data away. All your data with complete back up can be stored on the cloud. So with rising popularity the computers will act as an interface to communicate with Cloud Computing.
10) Get your location: The location services offered by some social networking sites like twitter in US and foursquare assist helps people to locate their family and friends. With the help of cloud computing, the locations services are going to be better 11)
Entertainment unlimited: As hardware is no more mandatory, so there is no limit on entertainment options. Uploading latest software and buying games from the market is going to be things of the past. In the future, there will be mobile 3D games
A boon to Digital media: Arrival of cloud could be a boon for the digital media. Now independent artists and creative writer can reach to more and more peoples and thus ending the monopoly of certain media organizations.
"Cloud Computing"
12) The New Age lifesaver: It may appears ridiculous and exaggerated to many but with the arrival of computing one can store the medical records on cloud in a single digital repository and one can access it from the any part of the world.
[2] R. Maggiani, Communication Consultant, Solari Communication, “Cloud Computing is Changing How we Communicate”, 2009 IEEE International Professional Conference, IPCC, pp. 1-4, Waikiki, HI, USA, July 19- 22, 2009. ISBN: 978-1-42444357-4.
13) A new age safety system: With the help of cloud computing, records of cars including number. Driving license and address detail of the owner can be stored on the cloud in case the car is stolen one and recovered by some security agency in far off locations, they can instantly inform the owner of the car. It also lessens the burden of the various police and security organizations in a given region.
[3] Harold C. Lin, Shivnath Babu, Jeffrey S. Chase, Sujay S. Parekh, “Automated Control in Cloud Computing: Opportunities and Challenges”, Proc. of the 1st Workshop on Automated control for data centres and clouds, New York, NY, USA, pp. 13-18, 2009, ISBN: 978-1-60558-585-7. [4] Peter Mell, Timothy Grance, “The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing”, Jan, 2011. http://docs. ismgcorp. com/files/external/Draft-SP-800145_cloud-definition. pdf
14) An efficient tool in disaster management: With improved location services the disaster management team find it easy to help the victims in the time of emergency. This facility will prove a boon in helping those in the need. Most of the times, when an aircraft meets an accident, it is hard to find the location of the wreckage of the aircraft. The cloud computing in conjunction to Satellite and aerial imagery can help find the location in a very short span of time.
[5] Meiko Jensen, Jorg Schwenk, Nils Gruschka, Luigi Lo Iacon, “On technical Security Issues in Cloud Computing”, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD-II, 2009), pp. 109-116, India, 2009. [6] B. P. Rimal, Choi Eunmi, I. Lumb, “A Taxonomy and Survey of Cloud Computing Systems”, Intl. Joint Conference on INC, IMS and IDC, 2009, pp. 44-51, Seoul, Aug, 2009. DOI: 10. 1109/NCM. 2009. 218.
15) Now everyone is entrepreneur: With arrival of cloud anyone can turn entrepreneur. It provides easy solution to various IT problems faced by of new start-ups
[7] W.M. Zheng. “Opportunities and Challenges to Cloud Computing”. http:// w w w. w s n c s . z j u t . e d u . c n / d o w n l o a d / 20101204153234194.pdf, 2010.10.19
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers, their comments helped improve this manuscript.
[8] M.V. Luis, R. M. Luis, C. Juan, L. Maik. “A Break in the Clouds: Towards a Cloud Definition”. Computer Communication Review, vol.39, pp.5055, 2009
REFERENCES [1] L. Wang, Gregor Laszewski, Marcel Kunze, Jie Tao, “Cloud Computing: A Perspective Study”, New Generation Computing- Advances of Distributed Information Processing, pp. 137-146, vol. 28, no. 2, 2008. DOI: 10. 1007/s00354-0080081-5
[9] w w w . g a r t n e r . c o m / i t / . . . / KeyInitiativeOverview_Cloud Computing.pdf [10] Jansen, Wayne & Grance, Timothy. “Guidelines on Security and P rivacy in P ublic Cloud Computing”, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2011.
"Cloud Computing"
Semantic Web: A Brief Introduction M. Abbas 1 and R. Abidi2 1
Central Drugs Research Institute, Lucknow;
[email protected]
National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, Lucknow; email-
[email protected]
The huge volume of data (whether they are raw data sets, articles, chapters, images, multimedia files or encyclopedia) on the current web, exists in heterogeneous, unstructured and semi-structured form. Files having text, images, sound etc are basically ‘Unstructured Data’. Web pages may be considered as ‘Semi-structured Data’ and the tables in RDBMS are examples of ‘Structured Data’.
There are two aspects of semantic web: 1.
The first is its architecture, the technology stack used for creating the semantic web infrastructure.
The second is the concept of ontologies which are used for creating semantic web itself.
Figure given below depicts the semantic web stacks. Details may be found in (2)
With much difficulty, humans are capable of using the web to carry out different tasks. Machine cannot accomplish these tasks without human intervention because Web pages were designed to be read by humans and not machines. The concept of ‘Semantic Web’ came after realizing difficulties of the current web. The purpose of this paper is to discuss very briefly the important concepts, techniques and tools which have been developed to realize the semantic web.
Resource Description Framework (RDF) It was conceived as a framework to represent information about anything in such a way as to be understandable and interpretable by machines also. Semantic web also provides ease for information integration across different content, information applications and systems.
It is a framework for representing information about resources in a graph form. All data in the semantic web use RDF as the primary representation language. RDF schema (RDFS) RDFS can be used to describe taxonomy of classes and properties and use them to create light weight ontologies.
Semantic web has formally been defined by Sir Tim Berners-Lee (2001) as “an extension of the current web in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation.” (1).
Web ontology language (OWL) OWL is a language derived from description logics,
"Cloud Computing"
and offers more constructs over RDFS.
different fields of knowledge exist on the internet. A general process of ontology creation by reuse
The process involves the following four stages:
It is an RDF query language. It is considered as one of the key technologies of semantic web. Rule Interchange Format (RIF) It was originally envisioned as a rule language for the semantic web.
Ontology discovery
Selection of suitable ontology for reuse
Integration of ontology
Evaluation of ontology
What is Ontology?
Some important tools for semantic web
Ontology can be defined as the basic terms and relations comprising the vocabulary of a topic area as well as the rules for combining terms and relations to define extensions to the vocabulary. The technology of ontology started before the development of web pages. Subsequently, web enabled ontologies were developed. Before the concept of semantic web came (in 2001), it was considered a knowledge based system. Presently, ontology is the core technology for ‘Semantic Web’. Therefore, understanding ontology as computer model of knowledge representation and reasoning is the key issue in the semantic web.
Several standards and languages for the semantic web have evolved over the years with OWL being the most comprehensive. Detail may be found in (3). Some important tools are given below:
Ontology Building
OWL ontologies form a special class among online ontologies. OWL-API was primarily designed to support the manipulation of the structure of the language (5).
Ontology editor – Protégé Protégé ontology editor is the most popular tool amongst ontology developers. It has a user-friendly interface with all the necessary features for development of ontology (4).
In the beginning, ontologies were built right from scratch. As a result a number of methodologies were developed for ‘Ontology Building’. Subsequently the idea of building ‘Ontology’ by reuse of existing ontologies emerged. For this approach also, a number of methodologies were developed. Thus, emerged a new field in IT known as “Ontology Engineering”
Semantic web search engines Semantic search is an application of the semantic web designed to improve traditional web searching. Two popular SW search engines are
Ontology Engineering It is a discipline that encompasses the methods and methodologies for building ontologies, tool suites and languages that support them.
Some important techniques for Semantic Web Several concepts and techniques that already used in IT are very important for SW. Three such techniques are given below:
Ontology engineering through reuse in semantic web
As constructing ontologies involve high cost, the reuse of existing ontologies offers a much cheaper alternative than building new ones from scratch. Presently, more than 10000 online ontologies from
Word sense disambiguation
It governs the process of identifying which sense of a word is used in a sentence, when the word has multiple meanings. For humans, it is easy but developing
"Cloud Computing"
experimental data tagged and connected via biomedical ontologies
algorithms to replicate this human activity may be a difficult task. This area is well-researched. A variety of techniques have been developed to accomplish this task l
Details of the above projects may be found on Wikipedia.
Hash table
Concluding Remarks
A hash table is a data structure that uses a hash function to map identifying values, known as keys (e.g. – a person’s name), to their associated value? (e.g. – their telephone number). In many situations, hash tables are very efficient l
The Semantic web is an extension of the actual World Wide Web (WWW) that aims to make the web content machine understandable. A number of concepts, techniques and tools have been developed in recent years to realize semantic web. We have touched upon a few important tools. Those interested in this area are advised to start using some tools from semantic web and then, set a direction and pace for themselves to distill knowledge from the semantic web resources.
Adjacency matrix
Graph theory is a well known subject in computer science. Adjacency matrix is a matrix representation for a graph. It is used as a data structure.
DBpedia :
Authors are grateful to the Director CDRI for granting permission to present the paper. The ideas and views expressed in the paper are those of the authors’ and not necessarily of the institutes they serve.
It is an effort to publish structured data extracted from Wikipedia. It allows SW agents to provide inference and querying over the Wikipedia-derived data set. l
It uses RDF to describe the relationships people have to other people and the things around them.
Berners –Lee T., J. Henler and O. Lassila (2001). The semantic web. Scientific American, Vol. 279, no 5.
Semantic Web Architecture (On line).
Liyang, Yu. (2007). Introduction to semantic web and semantic web services. C.R.C. Press
Stanford Centre for Biomedical Informatics Research, “What is protégé?” (On line).
University of Manchester, “The OWL- API” (On line).
GoPubMed : It is a knowledge based search engine for biomedical texts. The search engine allows finding relevant search results significantly faster then PubMed.
NextBio: Database consolidating hi-throughput life sciences
"Cloud Computing"
Introduction and Future Scope of Cloud Computing Ankit Maurya* and Dr D S Kushwaha** *Ashok Institute of Technology & Management, Varanasi (India) **Institute of Engineering & Technology, Lucknow (India) ABSTRACT In this paper “Introduction and future scope of cloud computing” is presented. Cloud computing is a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over the Internet. Cloud computing customers consume resources as a service and pay only for what they use. KEYWORDS: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Data as a service (Daas), Test environment as a service (TEaas), Desktop as a service (Daas), API as a service (APIaas)
works like a utility: You only pay for what you need, upgrades are automatic, and scaling up or down is easy.
IINTRODUCTION Everyone is talking about “the cloud.” But what does it mean?
A cloud can be private or public. A public cloud sells services to anyone on the Internet. (Currently, Amazon Web Services is the largest public cloud provider.) A private cloud is a proprietary network or a data center that supplies hosted services to a limited number of people. When a service provider uses public cloud resources to create their private cloud, the result is called a virtual private cloud. Private or public, the goal of cloud computing is to provide easy, scalable access to computing resources and IT services.
Business applications are moving to the cloud. It’s not just a fad—the shift from traditional software models to the Internet has steadily gained momentum over the last 10 years. Looking ahead, the next decade of cloud computing promises new ways to collaborate everywhere, through mobile devices.
II DESCRIPTION Life before cloud computing: Traditional business applications have always been very complicated and expensive. The amount and variety of hardware and software required to run them are daunting. You need a whole team of experts to install, configure, test, run, secure, and update them.When you multiply this effort across dozens or hundreds of apps, it’s easy to see why the biggest companies with the best IT departments aren’t getting the apps they need. Small and mid-sized businesses don’t stand a chance.
Cloud computing is the use of computing resources (hardware and software) that are delivered as a service over a network (typically the Internet). The name comes from the use of a cloud-shaped symbol as an abstraction for the complex infrastructure it contains in system diagrams. Cloud computing entrusts remote services with a user’s data, software and computation. There are many types of public cloud computing:
Cloud computing: a better way. With cloud computing, you eliminate those headaches because you’re not managing hardware and software—that’s the responsibility of an experienced vendor like salesforce.com. The shared infrastructure means it
Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
Platform as a service (PaaS)
Software as a service (SaaS)
Storage as a service (STaaS)
Security as a service (SECaaS)
"Cloud Computing"
Data as a service (DaaS)
Test environment as a service (TEaaS)
Desktop as a service (DaaS)
API as a service (APIaaS)
for: l
Centralization of infrastructure in locations with lower costs (such as real estate, electricity, etc.)
Peak-load capacity increases (users need not engineer for highest possible load-levels)
Cloud computing exhibits the following key characteristics:
Utilizationand e fficie ncy improvements for systems that are often only 10–20% utilized.
Agility improves with users’ ability to re-provision technological infrastructure resources.
Application programming interface (API) accessibility to software that enables machines to interact with cloud software in the same way the user interface facilitates interaction between humans and computers. Cloud computing systems typically use REST-based APIs.
Reliability is improved if multiple redundant sites are used, which makes well-designed cloud computing suitable for business continuity and disaster recovery
Scalability and elasticity via dynamic (“ondemand”) provisioning of resources on a finegrained, self-service basis nearreal-time, without users having to engineer for peak loads.
Performance is monitored and consistent and loosely coupled architectures are constructed using web services as the system interface.
Security could improve due to centralization of data, increased security-focused resources, etc., but concerns can persist about loss of control over certain sensitive data, and the lack of security for stored kernels.Security is often as good as or better than other traditional systems, in part because providers are able to devote resources to solving security issues that many customers cannot afford. However, the complexity of security is greatly increased when data is distributed over a wider area or greater number of devices and in
Cost is claimed to be reduced and in a public cloud delivery model capital expenditure is converted to operational expenditure. This is purported to lower barriers to entry as infrastructure is typically provided by a third-party and does not need to be purchased for one-time or infrequent intensive computing tasks. Pricing on a utility computing basis is fine-grained with usage-based options and fewer IT skills are required for implementation (inhouse).The e-FISCAL project’s state of the art repositorycontains several articles looking into cost aspects in more detail, most of them concluding that costs savings depend on the type of activities supported and the type of infrastructure available in-house.
De vice and location independence enable users to access systems using a web browser regardless of their location or what device they are using (e.g., P C, mobile phone). As infrastructure is off-site (typically provided by a third-party) and accessed via the Internet, users can connect from anywhere.
Virtualization technology allows servers and storage devices to be shared and utilization be increased. Applications can be easily migrated from one physical server to another.
Multitenancy enables sharing of resources and costs across a large pool of users thus allowing
"Cloud Computing"
Telco (Network Operators) - Becomes the Cloud Computing technology provider
IV CONCLUSION To summarize, the cloud provides many options for the everyday computer user as well as large and small businesses. It opens up the world of computing to a broader range of uses and increases the ease of use by giving access through any internet connection. However, with this increased ease also come drawbacks. You have less control over who has access to your information and little to no knowledge of where it is stored. You also must be aware of the security risks of having data stored on the cloud. The cloud is a big target for malicious individuals and may have disadvantages because it can be accessed through an unsecured internet connection.
multi-tenant systems that are being shared by unrelated users. In addition, user access to security audit logs may be difficult or impossible. Private cloud installations are in part motivated by users’ desire to retain control over the infrastructure and avoid losing control of information security. Maintenance of cloud computing applications is easier, because they do not need to be installed on each user’s computer and can be accessed from different places.
If you are considering using the cloud, be certain that you identify what information you will be putting out in the cloud, who will have access to that information, and what you will need to make sure it is protected. Additionally, know your options in terms of what type of cloud will be best for your needs, what type of provider will be most useful to you, and what the reputation and responsibilities of the providers you are considering are before you sign up.
III FUTURE SCOPE In today’s world, new business opportunities heavily depend on their IT infrastructure availability. Cloud computing technology in India will dramatically change the way we compute. Some of the obvious segments that can directly reap the benefits are listed below: 1.
Schools, Colleges & Universities - Embrace R&D and provide access to the latest technologies at an affordable price. New Innovative Business Firms - Start-ups need not invest for their IT infrastructure cost and consume as their business grows. In fact, you can run your business on the Cloud J with an office at home.
Long Tail Business Units - A small petty shop can use a CRM available on the Cloud to send SMS greetings to their customers.
Multimedia Content Providers - Multimedia digital content can be distributed to various consumers for a lower price.
Lewis, Grace. Cloud Computing: Finding the Silver Lining, Not the Silver Bullet.
Dormann, Will & Rafail, Jason. Securing Your Web Browser..
Jansen, Wayne & Grance, Timothy. Guidelines on Security and Privacy in Public Cloud Computing. National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2011
Strowd, Harrison & Lewis, Grace. T-Check in System-of -Systems Technologies: Cloud Computing (CMU/SEI-2010-TN-009). Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 2010.
Lewis, Grace. Basics About Cloud Computing.
"Cloud Computing"
Network Requirement for the Cloud Computing Anand Ranjan and Anju Yadav BBDU, Lucknow ABSTRACT As the technology grows and new era of cloud computing arises, which reduces the high configured and costly components of network access machines (PC, Laptop, Smartphone, etc). But making cloud computing feasible and real-time in nature it is the responsibility of network which provide the launch pad for such application. Cloud computing will require the fast and efficient network access among the machines with mobility. Deploying such fast network in wireless mode has become quite challenging, because of different types of fading in the environment. So reliability of cloud computing becomes question mark with wireless operation. After a long research effort to deal with fading, technology could now help us to some extent in providing the fast connectivity over some agreed qualities of service (agreed Qos) for such application. Recent ly MIMO (Multiple Input and Mult iple Out put) technology helps in providing the reliable wireless network for application like cloud computing. By the virtue of that know users could feel the real time access of server with mobility. MIMO deploys Diversity techniques to overcome the fading effects. Instead of dealing with single transmitter and receiver antenna in traditional wireless communication, MIMO deploys the multiple antennas at receiver or transmitter or both. Such multiple antenna arrangement not only mitigate the fading effect but also increases the reliability of wireless network under the bandwidth constraints. Depending upon the nature of fading different diversity technology could be deployed. It is found in the results of calculation that Outage probability decreases as the number of antenna increase. So it becomes trade- off between the number of antenna selected (with cost or space). Index Term: MIMO, transmitting antennas ( M T ), receive antennas (M R), Fading, diversity, channel capacity, bit error rate (BER)
has multiple (M T) transmitting antennas and multiple (M R ) receive antennas and, finally, MIMO multiuser (MIMO-MU), which refers to a configuration that comprises a base station with multiple transmit/receive antennas interacting with multiple users, each with one or more antennas.
1. INTRODUCTION We will start by examining a few terms that are part of the MIMO antenna systems. These terms will be used throughout this paper. We shall first discuss the MIMO system model. This will be followed by a study of frequency-flat MIMO channel capacities for cases when the channel is known to the transmitter and when it is unknown to the transmitter. This study will be carried out both for deterministic as well as for random channels. 1.1 MULTI ANTENNA SYSTEM Figure 1 illustrates different antenna configurations used in defining space-time systems. Single-input singleoutput (SISO) is the well-known wireless configuration, single-input multiple-output (SIMO) uses a single transmitting antenna and multiple (M R) receive antennas, multiple-input single-output (MISO) has multiple (M T) transmitting antennas and one receive antenna, MIMO
Figure 1
"Cloud Computing"
We now examine the meaning of certain terms.
diversity schemes are selection diversity, maximal ratio diversity, and equal gain diversity.
Basically the effectiveness of any diversity scheme lies in the fact that at the receiver we must provide independent samples of the basic signal that was transmitted. In such an event we are assured that the probability of two or more relevant parts of the signal undergoing deep fades will be very small. The constraints on coherence time, coherence bandwidth, and coherence distance ensure this. The diversity scheme must then optimally combine the received diversified waveforms so as to maximize the resulting signal quality.
Multipath fading is a significant problem in communication. In a fading channel, signals experience fades (i.e., they fluctuate in their strength). When the signal power drops significantly, the channel is said to be in a fade. This gives rise to high bit error rates (BER). We resort to diversity to combat fading. This involves providing replicas of the transmitted signal over time, frequency, or space. There are three types of diversity schemes in wireless communication. 1.2.1 TEMPORAL DIVERSITY
We can also categorize diversity under the subheading of spatial diversity, based on whether diversity is applied to the transmitter or to the receiver.
In this case replicas of the transmitted signal are provided across time by a combination of channel coding and time interleaving strategies. The key requirement here for this form of diversity to be effective is that the channel must provide sufficient variations in time. It is applicable in cases where the coherence time of the channel is small compared with the desired interleaving symbol duration. In such an event, we are assured that the interleaved symbol is independent of the previous symbol. This makes it a completely new replica of the original symbol. 1.2.2. FREQUENCY DIVERSITY This type of diversity provides replicas of the original signal in the frequency domain. This is applicable in cases where the coherence bandwidth of the channel is small compared with the bandwidth of the signal. This assures us that different parts of the relevant spectrum will suffer independent fades. 1.2.3. SPATIAL DIVERSITY This is also called antenna diversity and is an effective method for combating multipath fading. In this case, replicas of the same transmitted signal are provided across different antennas of the receiver. This is applicable in cases where the antenna spacing is larger than the coherent distance to ensure independent fades across different antennas. The traditional types of
Receive diversity: Maximum ratio combining is a frequently applied diversity scheme in receivers to improve signal quality. In cell phones it becomes costly and cumbersome to deploy. This is one of the main reasons transmit diversity became popular, since transmit diversity is easier to implement at the base station.
Transmit diversity: In this case we introduce controlled redundancies at the transmitter, which can be then exploited by appropriate signal processing techniques at the receiver. Generally this technique requires complete channel information at the transmitter to make this possible. But with the advent of space-time coding schemes like Alamouti’s scheme, it became possible to implement transmit diversity without knowledge of the channel. This was one of the fundamental reasons why the MIMO industry began to rise. Space-time codes for MIMO exploit both transmit as well as receive diversity schemes, yielding a high quality of reception.
Therefore, in MIMO we talk a lot about receive antenna diversity or transmit antenna diversity. In receive antenna diversity; the receiver that has multiple antennas receives multiple replicas of the same transmitted signal, assuming that the transmission came
"Cloud Computing"
transmitted by two different polarized antennas and received correspondingly by two different polarized antennas at the receiver. Different polarizations ensure that there is no correlation between the data streams, without having to worry about coherent distance of separation between the antennas.
from the same source. This holds true for SIMO channels. If the signal path between each antenna pair fades independently, then when one path is in a fade, it is extremely unlikely that all the other paths are also in deep fade. Therefore, the loss of signal power due to fade in one path is countered by the same signal but received through a different path (route). D.
The more the diversity, the easier we can combat fades in a channel. Diversity is characterized by the number of independent fading branches, or paths (routes). These paths are also known as diversity order and are equal to the number of receive antennas in SIMO channels. Logically, the higher the diversity order (independent fading paths, or receive antennas), the better we combat fading. If the number of receive antennas tends to infinity, the diversity order tends to infinity and the channel tends to additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN).
Angle dive rs ity: This applies at carrier frequencies in excess of 10 GHz. At such frequencies, the transmitted signals are highly scattered in space. In such an event the receiver can have two highly directional antennas facing in totally different directions. This enables the receiver to collect two samples of the same signal, which are totally independent of each other.
This is illustrated in Figure 2. In the figure, the sharp drops in power are called ‘‘fading margins.’’ Note that with rising diversity order, the fading margins come down in intensity. This has been measured over a time period of 900 samples.
Spatial multiplexing offers a linear (in the number of transmit-receive antenna pairs or min (M R , M T ) increase in the transmission rate (or capacity) for the same bandwidth and with no additional power expenditure. It is only possible in MIMO channels. Consider the case of two transmits and two receive antennas. This can be extended to more general MIMO channels.
Figure: 2
The bit stream is split into two half-rate bit streams, modulated and transmitted simultaneously from both the antennas. The receiver, having complete knowledge of the channel, recovers these individual bit streams and combines them so as to recover the original bit stream. Since the receiver has knowledge of the channel it provides receive diversity, but the system has no transmit diversity since the bit streams are completely different from each other in that they carry totally different data. Thus spatial multiplexing increases the transmission rates proportionally with the number of transmitreceive antenna pairs. 2. MIMO SYSTEM MODEL
In the category of spatial diversity there are two more types of diversity that we need to consider. These are: C.
We consider a MIMO system with a transmit array of T M antenna and receive array of R M antennas. The block diagram of such a system is shown in Figure 3
Polarization diversity: In this type of diversity horizontal and vertical polarization signals are
"Cloud Computing"
3 RANDOM CHANNELS We now consider the case when H is chosen randomly according to a Rayleigh distribution in a quasistatic channel. This is a real-life situation encountered, for example, in wireless LANs with high data rates and low fade rates. We assume that the receiver has perfect knowledge of the channel and the transmitter has no knowledge of the channel. Since the channel is random, the information rate associated with it is also random. The cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the information rate of a flat fading MIMO channel is shown in Figure 4 for a2 × 2 systems. The SNR is 10 dB and the channel is unknown to the transmitter.
Figure 3
Reference [1] 2.2 MIMO SYSTEM CAPACITY The system capacity is defined as the maximum possible transmission rate such that the probability of error is arbitrarily small. We assume that the channel knowledge is unavailable at the transmitter and known only at the receiver. The capacity of MIMO channel is defined as
C max I (s; y) f (s)
Where f ( s ) is the probability distribution of the vector s and I (s; y) is the mutual information between vectors s and y.
Figure 4
CDF of information rate for i.i.d. channel matrix
I(s; y) log 2 det (I M R
ES HR SS H H ) bps/Hz with a 2 × 2 system and SNR = 10 dB. MT N O 3.1 ERGODIC CAPACITY
And MIMO capacity define as
max Tr (RSS) MT
log2 det (IMR
The ergodic capacity of a MIMO channel is the ensemble average of the information rate over the distribution of the elements of the channel matrix H. It is the capacity of the channel when every channel matrix H is an independent realization
Mathematical Expression for the cases when channel unknown to transmitter, channel known to transmitter (Water-pouring principle) and Deterministic channels (SIMO & MISO channel capacity) mention in the reference [1].
Ergodic capacity for different antenna configurations with M R = M T = M Ergodic capacity of an M = 4 channel with and without channel knowledge at the transmitter. The
"Cloud Computing"
Figure 5
Figure 7
Figure7 shows the 10% outage capacity for several MIMO cases, when the channel is i.i.d. and unknown at the transmitter. We note that as the SNR increases, the capacity increases and as the number of antennas increases, so does the capacity. 4 BIT ERROR RATE COMPAIRSION AMONG TRADITIONAL SISO and MIMO WIRELESS CHANNEL The BER performance of 16 QAM Alamouti scheme with different antenna combinations in slow Rayleigh fading channel. Figure 6
difference in ergodic capacities decreases with SNR. Note: The ergodic capacity when the channel is known to the transmitter is always higher then when it is unknown. 3.2 OUTAGE CAPACITY: Outage capacity is the capacity that is guaranteed with a certain level of reliability. We define p% outage capacity as the information rate that is guaranteed for (100-p) % of the channel realizations, that is, P(C COut ) = p% . We show 10% outage capacity in Figure 7.
Figure 8
"Cloud Computing"
Comparison of performance—STBC, MRC, and SISO.
of multi antenna array system (MIMO). Dealing with the Cloud Computation Apps which is to be deploy at application layer, we cannot ignore the requirement and research effort at physical layer which may increase the overall cost of cloud computing.
(Toga M. Duman and Ali GhrayebSpace_Time_Codes_and_MIMO_Systems) Wiley
(Ning Kong, Member, IEEE, and Laurence B. Milstein, Fellow, IEEE) - Average SNR of a Generalized Diversity Selection Combining Scheme
Richard van Nee, Ramjee Prasad -OFDM for Wirless Multimedia Communications (Artech House 2000)
Siavash M. Alamouti- A Simple Transmit Diversity Technique for Wireless Communications
Figure 9
BER performance for STBC of 3 bit/s/Hz on Rayleigh fading channels with one receive antenna.
Anand Ranjan received the B.Tech degree in Electronics Engineering and MBA in IT and Marketing from UP. Technical University.
We shall then investigate the effects of the physical parameters of the channel, such as fading correlation, line-of sight problems and cross-polarization discrimination (XPD) problems of MIMO antennas and their impact on channel capacity. This will be followed by a study of the phenomenon of keyhole effect or degenerate channels and the effect of such channels on MIMO capacity. Also a similar study of MIMO capacity on frequency-selective channels. Moving towards the details analytical expression for the different fading channels for the comparative analysis of all channel and try to find the fading channel which is general in nature and applicable in all scenarios.
He has been involved in deployment project of 2G and 3G network for different telecom operator in India and abroad from more than five year. At present he is enrolled with BBDU lucknow for his M.Tech. degree in wireless communication and sensor network. Anju Yadav received the B.Tech degree in Electronics and Communication form IET Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia, Avadh University, Faizabad, (UP). She has been teaching in many Engineering College in Lucknow circle. At present she is enrolled with BBDU lucknow for her M.Tech. degree in wireless communication and sensor network.
6. CONCLUSION As the SNR increases, the capacity increases and as the number of antennas increases, so does the capacity and Bit Error Rate BER also improves in case
"Cloud Computing"
Cloud Computing: Research and Development Trend Saurabh Pandey1 , Sandeep Kumar Pandey2 and Himanshu Pandey3 1
EC-Final Year student, AIMT, Lucknow
[email protected] 2
EC- Final Year student, AIMT, Lucknow
[email protected]
CSE-IIIrd year student, AIMT, Lucknow
[email protected] ABSTRACT
With the growt h and development of parallel computing, distributed computing, grid comp uting, a new computing model has come into the scene. The concept of computing comes from grid, public computing and SaaS. It is a new method that shares basic framework. The basic principles of cloud computing is to make the computing be assigned in a great number of distributed computers, rather than local computer or remote server. This article introduces the application field, the merit of cloud computing, such as, it do not need user’s high level equipment, so it reduces the user’s cost. It provides secure and dependable data storage center, so user needn’t do the awful things such storing data and killing virus, this kind of task can be done by professionals. It can realize data share through different equipments. It analyses some questions and hidden troubles, and puts forward some solutions, and discusses the future of cloud computing. Cloud computing is a computing style that provides power referenced with IT as a service. Users can enjoy the service even he knows nothing about the technology of cloud computing and the professional knowledge in this field and the power to control it. Keywords- Cloud Computing –SAAS–Google Apps; Grid computing-ITaasS
Virtualization is the main character. Most software and hardware have provided support to virtualization. We can virtualize many factors such as IT resource, software, hardware, operating system and net storage, and manage them in the cloud computing platform; every environment has nothing to do with the physical
I. INTRODUCTION Cloud computing is an extend of changing with the need, that is to say the manufacturer provide relevant hardware, software and service according to the need that users put forward. With the rapid development of the Internet, user’s requirement is realized through the Internet, different from changing with the need. In fact cloud computing is an extend of grid computing, distributed computing, and parallel computing. Its foreground is to provide secure, quick, convenient data storage and net computing service centered by internet. The factors that impel the occurring and development of cloud computing include: The development of grid computing, the appearance of high quality technology in storage and data transportation, and the appearance of Web2.0, especially the development of Virtualization. The character of cloud computing is in the virtualization, distribution and dynamically extendibility.
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platform. Carries on the management, the expansion, the migration, the backup through the hypothesized platform, all sorts of operations will be completed through the virtualization level. Distributional refers to the physical node which the computation uses is distributed. level, In view of the cloud computation, the virtualization technology’s fusion and the application should face the high-quality hypothesized main engine, the application and the resources, as well as aspects and so on virtualization memory.
the history data and present data to make the collected information more accurate and provide more intelligent service for users and enterprise. The users need not care how to buy servers, software, solutions and so on. Users can buy the computing resource through internet according to their own needs. Cloud computing does not depend on special data center, but we can look it as the inevitable product of grid computing and efficiency computing. However, compared with general network service, cloud computing is easy to extend, and has an simple management style. Cloud is not only simply collecting the computer resource, but also provides a management mechanism and can provide services for millions of users simultaneously. Nowadays, virtualization is entering every field of data center. It has become useful tool and improved service capacity. When the storage and computing capacity of the server cluster are surplus, we need not purchase servers, all we need to is to add a virtual machine running on the server. If the cluster is large enough, the request of adding server will have marginal effect, and then we can save the money that should be used in purchasing new servers. At the same time, cloud computing provides powerful supports for SAAS (software as a service).
II. WHAT IS CLOUD COMPUTING A. The background of cloud computing In recent 10 years, Internet has been developing very quickly. The cost of storage, the power consumed by computer and hardware is increasing. The storage space in data center can’t meet our needs and the system and service of original internet can’t solve above questions, so we need new solutions. At the same time, large enterprises have to study data source fully to support its business. The collection and analysis must be built on a new platform. Why we nee d cloud computing? It is to utilize the vacant resources of computer, increase the economic efficiency through improving utilization rate, and decrease the equipment energy consumption.
It integrates all the companies that provide similar services in the internet in order that users can compare and select service providers. Cloud computing provides dependable and secure data storage center, provides immense possibility for internet application, provides infinite space for storing and managing data, provides powerful computing capacity for users to complete all kinds of application. Future computer may only be used for connecting internet to implement services based on cloud computing. Users will change their habit of using computer totally, from services centered by desktop to services centered by Web.
B. Cloud computing principle It is difficult to define the cloud computing. Computing is a virtual pool of computing resources. It provides computing resources in the pool for users through internet. Integrated cloud computing is a whole dynamic computing system. It provides a mandatory application program environment. It can deploy, allocate or reallocate computing resource dynamically and monitor the usage of resources at all times. Generally speaking cloud computing has a distributed foundation establishment, and monitor the distributed system, to achieve the purpose of efficient use of the system.
Cloud computing’s blueprint is coming: in the future, we only need a notebook pc or a mobile phone, then we can Complete what we want through net service including the huge tasks such as supercomputing. So end-user is the true owner of cloud computing. The
Cloud computing collects all the computing resources and manages them automatically through software. In the process of data analysis, it integrates
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aim of application of cloud computing is to combine all the resources, and let anyone can use it. From the most basic significance, cloud computing is to utilize software and data of the internet..
5. MSP (management service provider) This is one of the ancient applications of cloud computing. This application mostly serves the IT industry instead of end users. It is often used in mail virus scanning and program monitoring.
C. Cloud computing style Though people have different views on the cloud computing, they have already reached an agreement on the basic style on it. Its style is as follows:
6. Commercial service platform The commercial service platform is the mixture of SAAS and MSP(Mixed signal Processor), this kind of computing provides a platform for the interaction between users and service provider. For instance, the user individual expense management system can manage user’s expense according user’s setting and coordinate all the services that users purchased [10].
1 SAAS (Software as a service) This kind of cloud computing transfer programs to millions of users through browser. In the user’s views, this can save some cost on servers and software. In the provider’s views, they only need to maintain one program, this can also save cost. Salesforce.com is so far the most famous company that provides this kind of service. SAAS is commonly used in human resource management system and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). Google Apps and Zoho Office is also providing this kind of service.
7. Integrating internet It can integrate all the companies that provide similar services, so that users can compare and select their service provider. D. The characters of cloud computing 1 Ultra large-scale The scale of cloud is large. The cloud of Google has owned more than one million servers. Even in Amazon, IBM, Microsoft, Yahoo, they have more than hundreds of thousands servers. There are hundreds of servers in an enterprise. Cloud enlarge the user’s computing power.
2 Utility Computing Recently Amazon.com, Sun, IBM and other companies that provide storage services and virtual services are appearing. Cloud computing is creating virtual data center for IT industry to make it can provide service for the whole net through collecting memory, IO equipment, storage and computing power to a virtual resource pool.
2. Virtualization Cloud computing makes user get service anywhere, through any kind of terminal. The resources it required come from cloud instead of visible entity. You can complete all you want through net service using a notebook pc or a mobile phone. Users can attain or share it safely through an easy way, anytime, anywhere. Users can complete a task that can’t be completed in a single computer.
3 Network service Net service has a close relation with SAAS. The service providers can help programmers develop applications based on internet instead of providing single machine procedure through providing API (Application Programming Interface). 4 PAAS (Platform as a service)
3 High reliability
Platform as a service, another SAAS, this kind of cloud computing providing development environment as a service. You can use the middleman’s equipment to develop your own program and transfer it to the users through internet and servers.
Cloud uses data multi-transcript fault tolerant, the computation node isomorphism exchangeable and so on to ensure the high reliability of the service. Using cloud computing is more reliable than local computer. [11].
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4 Versatility
time to make cloud computing a big business. The number registered developer reached 440,000 in less than two years, among them there are many enterprise users. Amazon’s earnings related with cloud computing had reached more than one hundred million dollars. Cloud computing has become one of the most businesses that increase rapidly. Cloud computing developed very quickly in our country.
Cloud computing doesn’t aim at certain special application. It can produce various applications supported by cloud, and one cloud can support different applications running it at the same time. 5. High extendibility The scale of cloud can extend dynamically to meet the increasingly requirement.
B. Cloud computing application and advantage
6. On demand service Cloud is a large resource pool that you can buy according to your need; cloud is just like running water, electric, and gas that can be charged by the amount that you used. 7. Extremely inexpensive Because the cloud’s special fault tolerance can be built by very inexpensive nodes, the centered management of cloud make the enterprise needn’t undertake the management cost of data center that increase very fast. The versatility can increase the utilization rate of the available resources compared with traditional system, so users can fully enjoy the low cost advantage. You can spend only a few hundred dollars and a few days to accomplish a task that you must do it spending thousands of dollars and several months before.
Cloud computing do not need high quality equipment for user, and it is easy to use.
Cloud computing provides dependable and secure data storage center. You don’t worry the problems such as data loss or virus
Cloud computing can realize data sharing between different equipments.
Cloud provides nearly infinite possibility for users to use internet.
IV. CLOUD COMPUTING EXISTENCE: QUESTION AS WELL AS HIDDEN DANGER A. Cloud computing existence question First, if you use cloud computing without technical layout, that is very dangerous. It is just like using electric. If a company or a family think electric is infinite, you can use it casually, then not only it is a big waste, but also it will cause fire hazard of failure of power because of large power consumption. So layout is very important.
Second, if the initial investment of every project is small, it is probable that many projects will be launched in haste. It is just like that someone has many children, but he can’t foster them. Finally, its result is variable, so the requirement will change with it. The management cost will increase sharply.
A. Cloud computing present situation Amazon is using Elastic Compute Cloud( EC2) and Simple Storage Service (S3) to provide computing and storage service for enterprises. The payment of services include storage server, bandwidth, CPU resource and monthly charge. Monthly charge is like the telephone’s monthly charge. Using storage server and bandwidth are charged by content. Using CPU is charged by time. Apart from the above, users must pay for the network flow. Amazon didn’t spend much
So we must know clearly, that cloud computing can actually solve some existing questions. But it will bring some new questions as well. In fact whether you choose it is a kind of balance between old and new questions.
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B. Cloud computing hidden danger
prevents others visit) the procedure, perhaps is worth studying, but must first solve limits Domain 0 Admin the privileges, does not let him intrude each Virtual OS Instance at will inside, consults each data file.
In the middle ten days of February this year, the Amazon network host service, S3 (Simple Storage Service) was broken down for 4 hours. This made people think about the security of cloud computing again. Since Amazon provides S3, it has attracted a lot of entrepreneur on Web 2.0 put their website on the data center of Amazon to save a large hardware investment. But when security questions appear, the confidence of these entrepreneurs will decrease. When users are using cloud computing, they will let other store their data, so it will happen that losing business or user’s private information. Now cloud computing is still not admitted by users. The production or service of cloud computing is not stable and believable. It only one of the hazard of cloud computing.
Also has some detail aspect also to pay attention: In it trusts in the stand do not open the suspicious email; If opens the document, must guarantee that the network visit underwent the encryption; Guarantees own cloud AP I (application programming interface) the key security, if some people have gotten so far as your visit key, can visit your all data. Requests the provider to provide many for you the key, uses in protecting the different risk category each group of data. Must place the production data in an account, to place the development data in another account. This may reduce some people to intrude the risk which Pentyl entire development machine does not bring; And Responsible Bill” the (HIPAA) related laws and regulations. Finally, I thought that the cloud calculates the provider to be able to prove, he realizes to the cloud computing environment security crack; One have not waited for others to point out where has the security crack.
In fact, the most worrying question is the privacy of cloud computing. It is reported by world privacy forum that the data based on cloud computing include: the client’s record, tax data, finance data, Email, health record, word processing document, excel and PowerPoint document. The most popular business application based on internet is salary and client account management. This information is very sensitive. These things happened more than once, and every time the data loss is very big. C.
We thought that the encryption cannot 100% place guarantee data not decipher. Much less encrypts to the application procedure is a very big modification, is one consumes the resources very much the work. Perhaps thorough settlement’s means do not have. Can only depend upon to the cloud calculates supplier’s trust. No matter what an incoming letter they will not steal the data. Then, how can the people be far away from the puzzle which the security problem brings, a best solution is constructs a perfect safe supervisory system.”But I believed that once the field found the more perfect safety control solution, the cloud computing popularization application unrest will be irresistible.
The Berkeley paper ’s solution is the data encryption. The data encryption can alleviate with has no intention or the evil intention disclosed that an information related part of privacy risk - this kind of encryption already aims at the memory on the cloud computing service provider’s server’s data, but also aims at transmits to end-user’s data. In addition, implements the double factor proof scheme to control some people the data which visits the cloud computing service provider to save, guarantees hopefully only then may visit the data the user to be able right to see the data. May also through the hypothesized decompose ration user secret room (through encryption technology for each user assignment independent virtual space,
V. THE FUTURE OF THE CLOUD COMPUTING The following is a summary of ten cloud computing industry trends:
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Cloud computing is widening, but focus on an open platform mainly.
Windows Azure is mostly a better platform of Exchange.
Google would increase the area of investment in the enterprise; more business users will use Google Apps.
The first batch of SaaS 1.0 companies will face the risk of bankruptcy.
The number of firms who abandon the use of its own server increased significantly.
Private cloud computing services have been popular.
Business Intelligence (BI) will be SaaS’s next target.
SAP or Oracle will enter PaaS (Platform as a Service, PaaS, and Platform as a service) area.
Enterprise adoption and use of social networks faster.
this way can undoubtedly bring about lower costs, higher profits and more choice; for large- scale industry, After the financial turmoil will be the cost of infrastructure for large-scale compression seems likely; developers, when in the face of cloud computing, through the PaaS model can effectively improve their own capacity, Therefore, the impact of cloud computing on the ISV is the largest of the many roles; for engineers and developers are concerned, the advent of cloud computing will shrink to the development of comprehensive Web- centric development, so that a lot of complex technology to reduce the learning accelerated the pace of career development. There is the advent of cloud computing is bound to birth a number of new jobs. The clouds will grow in size as soon as available bandwidth and the corresponding service model mature enough, cloud computing will bring a revolutionary change in the Internet. Cloud computing announced a low-cost super-computing services to provide the possibility, while there are a large number of manufacturers behind, there is no doubt that cloud computing has a bright future.
10. Force.com the creation of software products worth at least 1 billion dollars.
VI. CONCLUSIONS Among the many IT giants driven by trends in cloud computing has not doubtful. It gives almost everyone has brought good news. For enterprises, cloud computing is worthy of consideration and try to build business systems as a way for businesses in
http://searchcloudcomputing.techtarget.com/ sDefinition/0,,sid201_gc i1287881, 00.html
Hayes, B ”Cloud Computing.” Communication of the ACM51,7(July 2008):9-11
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An overview on Mobile Cloud Computing Shivi Chaturvedi1 and Dr. Ajay Somkuwar2 1
Ph.D. Student, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg. Aisect University, Bhopal
[email protected] Mb. No. 09897687046 Mailing Address: 47, Lokmanya Ganj, Charbagh, Lucknow (U.P) 2
Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg. MANIT, Bhopal (M.P.)
[email protected] ABSTRACT
Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is emerging as one of the most important branches of cloud computing. In this paper, MCC is defined as cloud computing extended by mobility, and a new ad-hoc infrastructure based on mobile devices. It provides mobile users with data storage and processing services on a cloud computing platform. Because mobile cloud computing is still in its infancy, we aim to clarify confusion that has arisen from different views. Existing works are reviewed, and an overview of recent advances in mobile cloud computing is provided. We investigate representative infrastructures of mobile cloud computing and analyze key components. Moreover, emerging MCC models and services are discussed, and challenging issues are identified that will need to be addressed in future work.
smartphones [8], and other similar devices. Cloud computing is also a new style of computing in which dynamically scalable resources are provided as virtualized services [9]. This allows service providers and users to adjust their computing capacity depending on how much is needed at a given time or for a given task.
I INTRODUCTION Since the first computer was invented in 1946, people have dreamt of using computing resources as a utility—like water, electricity, gas, or the telephone. There has been a long-held perception that computing will one day be the fifth utility. Cloud computing [1]-[6] might be the most promising way of realizing this dream.
II Mobile Cloud Computing
In recent research on cloud computing, one of the most important issues has been how to sweep up data and programs from desktop PCs [1] and install them in the compute cloud. Cloud computing refers to applications delivered as services over the Internet and also the hardware and systems software in the data centers that provide those services [2]. However, whether it is called cloud computing or on-demand computing, Software as a Service (SaaS) or Internet as platform, the overriding idea is a shift in the geography of computation.
Definitions of mobile cloud computing can be divided into two classes. The first refers to carrying out data storage and processing outside mobile devices [5]. Mobile devices are simply terminals in cloud computing, only intended to provide a more convenient way of accessing services in the cloud. The benefit of this is that storage and computing limitations of mobile devices are avoided, and a new level of security is provided by centralizing maintenance of security-critical software. The second class of definitions refers to computing where data storage and processing are also carried out on mobile devices [9]. The infrastructure of the cloud is different from that of data-center “pay-as-you-use” cloud computing. Each node is owned by a different
In general, cloud computing is web-based processing [7], whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided on demand to computers,
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user and is likely to be mobile. Using mobile hardware for cloud computing has advantages over using traditional hardware. These advantages include computational access to multimedia and sensor data without the need for large network transfers, more efficient access to data stored on other mobile devices, and distributed ownership and maintenance of hardware. Why do we need mobile cloud computing? There are at least three possible explanations. First, mobility support is very important in allowing users access to cloud services. Service availability is considered the first obstacle [9] for cloud computing. Mobile cloud computing exploits information about a user’s location, context, and requested services and significantly evolves the heterogeneous access management schemes for traditional heterogeneous access scenarios. This is called “intelligent access” [6]. It can noticeably improve user experience.
satellite) that establish and control the connections (air links) and functional interfaces between the networks and mobile devices. Mobile users’ requests and information (e.g., ID and location) are transmitted to the central processors that are connected to servers providing mobile network services. Here, mobile network operators can provide services to mobile users as AAA (for authentication, authorization, and accounting) based on the home agent (HA) and subscribers’ data stored in databases. After that, the subscribers’ requests are delivered to a cloud through the Internet. In the cloud, cloud controllers process the requests to provide mobile users with the corresponding cloud services These services are Accepted in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing developed with the concepts of utility computing, virtualization, and service-oriented architecture (e.g., web, application, and database servers).
Second, the capacity of mobile devices has increased dramatically with the growth of mobile users, especially with the prevalence of Smartphone users. Each mobile device has storage, computing, sensing, and power resources. By using these resources, applications or services can be easily accessed by users inside and outside the mobile network. Third, there are still some obstacles to implementing cloud computing, and mobile computing technology can help overcome these obstacles. For example, long WAN latencies are a fundamental obstacle when a mobile device executes a resourceintensive application on a distant high-performance server or cluster. A solution is to instantiate customized service software on a nearby cloudlet and then to use that service over a wireless LAN.
IV APPLICATIONS OF MOBILE CLOUD COMPUTING Mobile applications gain increasing share in a global mobile market. Various mobile applications have taken the advantages of MCC. In this section, some typical MCC applications are introduced
III Archi tectures of Mobi l e Cl oud Computing
A. Mobile Commerce Mobile commerce (m-commerce) is a business model for commerce using mobile devices. The m commerce applications generally fulfill some tasks that require mobility (e.g., mobile transactions and payments,
From the concept of MCC, the general architecture of MCC can be shown in Fig. 1. In Fig. 1, mobile devices are connected to the mobile networks via base stations (e.g., base transceiver station (BTS), access point, or
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mobile messaging, and mobile ticketing). The mcommerce applications can be classified into a few classes including finance, advertising and shopping
friends in popular social networks as Twitter and Facebook. MeLog [51] is an MCC application that enables mobile users to share real-time experience (e.g., travel, shopping, and event) over clouds through an automatic blogging. The mobile users (e.g., travelers) are supported by several cloud services such asguiding their trip, showing maps, recording itinerary, and storing images and video
The m-commerce applications have to face various challenges (e.g., low network bandwidth, high complexity of mobile device configurations, and security).
B. Mobile Learning
V Conclusions
Mobile learning (m-learning) is designed based on electronic learning (e-learning) and mobility. However, traditional m-learning applications have limitations in terms of high cost of devices and network, low network transmission rate, and limited educational resources [35], [36], [37]. Cloud-based m-learning applications are introduced to solve these limitations. For example, utilizing a cloud with the large storage capacity and powerful processing ability, the applications provide learners with much richer services in terms of data (information) size, faster processing speed, and longer battery life. [38] presents benefits of combining mlearning and cloud computing to enhance the communication quality between students and teachers. In this case, a smartphone software based on the open source JavaME UI framework and Jaber for clients is used.
Wireless and mobile computing technologies provide more possibilities for accessing services conveniently. Mobile devices will be improved in terms of power, CPU, and storage. Mobile cloud computing has emerged as a new paradigm and extension of cloud computing. In this survey, terminologies and concepts are clarified, and a definition of mobile cloud computing is provided based on an understanding of underlying technologies and applications. Existing work has also been surveyed and two classes of architecture framework are described for mobile cloud computing. For future research, there are still some challenging issues related to the models of mobile cloud computing and services. They are: (1) Mobile devices are constrained in storage and processing capacity. How can efficient use be made of the limited resources for cloud computing?
C. Mobile Healthcare The purpose of applying MCC in medical applications is to minimize the limitations of traditional medical treatment (e.g., small physical storage, security and privacy, and medical errors [42], [43]). Mobile healthcare (m-healthcare) provides mobile users with convenient helps to access resources (e.g., patient health records) easily and quickly. Besides, m-healthcare offers hospitals and healthcare organizations a variety of ondemand services on clouds rather than owning standalone applications on local servers.
(2) There are several operating systems for mobile devices, especially mobile smartphones. These include Android, Symbian, Chrome, and MeeGo Is it possible to provide a general access platform for mobile cloud computing on top of these various OS platforms? (3) From Hyrax and Cloudlet, mobile devices act not only as clients but also as components of clouds. What is the impact of mobility of mobile devices on performance of the cloud? What are the benefits and disadvantages?
D. Other Practical Applications
(4) Users in mobile clouds are still exposed to security threats both inside and outside the cloud. What is the best solution for such a mobile environment?
A cloud becomes a useful tool to help mobile users share photos and video clips efficiently and tag their
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Demand and applications of mobile cloud computing will grow rapidly, and researchers and developers should pay more attention to this area of cloud computing research and development.
[5] Expert Group Report, “The Future of Cloud Computing. Opportunities for European Cloud Computing Beyond 2010,” 2010. [Online]. Available: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/ssai/docs/ cloud-report-final.pdf
[6] M. Satyanarayanan, “Mobile computing: the next decade,” in Proceedings of the 1st ACM Workshop on Mobile Cloud Computing & Services: Social Networks and Beyond (MCS), June 2010.
[1] B. Hayes, “Cloud computing,” Communications of the ACM, vol. 51, no. 7, pp. 9-11, Jul. 2008. [2] M. Armbrust et al., “A view of cloud computing,” Communications of the ACM, vol. 53, no.4, pp. 50-58,Apr.2010.
[7] M. Satyanarayanan, “Fundamental challenges in mobile computing,” in Proceedings of the 5th annual ACM symposium on P rinciples of distributed computing, pp. 1-7, May 1996.
[3] R. Buyya et al., “Cloud computing and emerging IT platforms: Vision, hype, and reality for delivering computing as the 5th utility,” Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 599606,Jun.2009.
[8] M. Ali, “Green Cloud on the Horizon,” in Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing (CloudCom), pp. 451 - 459, December 2009.
[4] “Cloud Computing,” Wikipedia. [Online]. Available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_computing
[9] http://www.mobilecloudcomputingforum.com/
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Mobile Cloud Computing: A Lookup Archit Agarwal and Ankit Pandey Madan Mohan Malaviya Engineering College, Gorakhpur ABSTRACT Mobile cloud computing is a model for transparent elastic augmentation of mobile device capabilities via ubiquitous wireless access to cloud storage and computing resources, with context-aware dynamic adjusting of offloading in respect to change in operating conditions, while preserving available sensing and interactivity capabilities of mobile devices. In mobile cloud computing, mobile devices can rely on cloud computing and information storage resource to perform computationally intensive operations such as searching, data mining, and multimedia processing. However, the actual realization of these benefits is far from being achieved for mobile applications. and open many new research questions. This paper, explores the mobile cloud computing epitome from various aspects, as well as its inherent challenges and explores the potential scope for research. This work briefly checks the current status in mobile application models and their drawbacks and we categorize, examine and compare different novel promising application models that fit to mobile cloud computing paradigm and compare them. We conclude with recommendations for how the improvement in load balancing can help building more powerful mobile cloud applications, thus catalyzing the rate of growth of mobile clouds.
mobility are two major features in the next generation network which provides a range of personalized network services through numerous network terminals and modes of accessing. The core technology of Mobile cloud computing is centralizing computing, services, and specific applications as a utility to be sold like water, gas or electricity to users.
INTRODUCTION Over the past few years, advances in the field of network based computing and applications on demand have led to an explosive growth of application models such as cloud computing, software as a service, community network, web store, and so on. As a major application model in the era of the Internet, Mobile Cloud Computing has become a significant research topic of the scientific and industrial communities .Commonly, cloud computing is described as a range of services which are provided by an Internet-based cluster system.
Commonly, cloud computing is described as a range of services which are provided by an Internet-based cluster system. Such cluster systems consist of a group of low-cost servers or Personal Computers (PCs), organizing the various resources of the computers according to a certain management strategy, and offering safe, reliable, fast, convenient and transparent services such as data storage, accessing and computing to clients Meanwhile, smart phones are considered as the representative for the various mobile devices as they have been connected to the Internet with the rapidly growing of wireless network technology. Ubiquity and
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Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
acknowledge the additional constraints and possibly some degree of lock-in posed by the additional functionality layers.
Infrastructure as a Service is a single tenant cloud layer where the Mobile Cloud computing vendor’s dedicated resources are only shared with contracted clients at a pay-per-use fee. This greatly minimizes the need for huge initial investment in computing hardware such as servers, networking devices and processing power. They also allow varying degrees of financial and functional flexibility not found in internal data centres or with collocation services, because computing resources can be added or released much more quickly and cost-effectively than in an internal data centre or with a collocation service . IaaS and other associated services have enabled start-ups and other businesses focus on their core competencies without worrying much about the provisioning and management of infrastructure.
Inherent Issues Although PaaS hides all the platform and hardware complexity form the developers, it increases chances of hacking of the system. Since the actual platform is far away somewhere on a cloud, hackers may leverage this loophole for malware command execution. Software as a Service (SaaS) Software-as-a-Service is a software distribution model in which applications are hosted by a vendor or service provider and made available to customers over a network, typically the Internet. SaaS is becoming an increasingly prevalent delivery model as underlying technologies that support web services and serviceoriented architecture (SOA) mature and new developmental approaches become popular. SaaS is also often associated with a pay-as-you-go subscription licensing model. Meanwhile, broadband service has become increasingly available to support user access from more areas around the world. SaaS is most often implemented to provide business software functionality to enterprise customers at a low cost while allowing those customers to obtain the same benefits of commercially licensed, internally operated software without the associated complexity of installation, management, support, licensing, and high initial cost.
Inherent Issues IaaS only provides basic security (perimeter firewall, load balancing, etc.) but applications moving into the cloud actually need higher levels of security at the host. Platform as a service (PaaS) Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) is a set of software and development tools hosted on the provider’s servers. It is one layer above IaaS on the stack and abstracts away everything up to OS, middleware, etc. This offers an integrated set of developer environment that a developer can tap to build their applications without having any clue about what is going on underneath the service.
Inherent Issues According to the Forrester study (2009), security concerns are the most commonly cited reason why enterprises are not interested in SaaS. Consequently, addressing enterprise security concerns has emerged as the biggest challenge for the adoption of SaaS applications in the cloud.
It offers developers a service that provides a complete software development life cycle management, from planning to design to building applications to deployment to testing to maintenance. Everything else is abstracted away from the “view” of the developers. Platform as a service cloud layer works like IaaS but it provides an additional level of ‘rented’ functionality. Clients using PaaS services transfer even more costs from capital investment to operational expenses but must
Low Bandwidth: Bandwidth is one of the big issues in mobile cloud computing since the radio resource for wireless networks is much scarce as
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compared with the traditional wired networks. 2.
public key infrastructure (PKI), to use of multiple cloud providers, standardisation of APIs, and improving virtual machine support and legal support.
Availability: Service availability becomes more important issue in mobile cloud computing than that in the cloud computing with wired networks. Mobile users may not be able to connect to the cloud to obtain service due to traffic congestion, network failures, and the out-of-signal.
Privacy : The mobile cloud model has been criticised by privacy advocates for the greater ease in which the companies hosting the cloud services control, thus, can monitor at will, lawfully or unlawfully, the communication and data stored between the user and the host company.
Legal : As can be expected with any revolutionary change in the landscape of global computing, certain legal issues arise; everything from trademark infringement, security concerns to the sharing of propriety data resources.
Open source : Open-source software has provided the foundation for many cloud computing implementations, one prominent example being the Hadoop framework .
Open Standards : Most cloud providers expose APIs that are typically well-documented (often under a Creative Commons license) but also unique to their implementation and thus not interoperable. Some vendors have adopted others’ APIs and there are a number of open standards under development, with a view to delivering interoperability and portability.
Security: As mobile cloud computing is achieving increased popularity, concerns are being voiced about the security issues introduced through adoption of this new model. The effectiveness and efficiency of traditional protection mechanisms are being reconsidered as the characteristics of this innovative deployment model differ widely from those of traditional architectures. Security issues have been categorised into sensitive data access, data segregation, privacy, bug exploitation, recovery, accountability, malicious insiders, management console security, account control, and multi-tenancy issues. Solutions to various cloud security issues vary, from cryptography, particularly
Computing Offloading: Offloading is one of the main features of mobile cloud computing to improve the battery lifetime for the mobile devices and to increase the performance of applications. However, there are many related issues including efficient and dynamic offloading under environment changes.
Extending battery lifetime: Battery is one of the main concerns for mobile devices. Computation offloading technique is proposed with the objective to migrate the large computations and complex processing from resource-limited devices (i.e., mobile devices) to resourceful machines (i.e., servers in clouds). This avoids taking a long application execution time on mobile devices which results in large amount of power consumption.
Improving data s torage capacity and processing power: Storage capacity is also a constraint for mobile devices. Mobile cloud computing is developed to enable mobile users to store/access the large data on the cloud through wireless networks. For example is the Amazon Simple Storage Service which supports file storage service. With cloud, the users can save considerable amount of energy and storage space on their mobile devices since all images are sent and processed on the clouds.
Improving reliability: Storing data or running applications on clouds is an effective way to improve the reliability since the data and application are stored and backed up on a number of computers. This reduces the chance of data and application lost on the mobile devices. In addition, mobile cloud computing can be designed as a comprehensive data security model for both service providers and users. For example, the cloud can be used to protect copyrighted digital contents (e.g., video, clip, and music) from being abused and unauthorized distribution. Also, the
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cloud can remotely provide to mobile users with security services such as virus scanning, malicious code detection, and authentication. 4.
different service providers can be integrated easily through the cloud and the Internet to meet the users’ demands.
Dynamic provisioning: Dynamic on-demand provisioning of resources on a fine-grained, selfservice basis is a flexible way for service providers and mobile users to run their applications without advanced reservation of resources.
Scalability: The deployment of mobile applications can be performed and scaled to meet the unpredictable user demands due to flexible resource provisioning. Service providers can easily add and expand an application and service without or with little constraint on the resource usage.
Multi-tenancy: Service providers (e.g., network operator and data centre owner) can share the resources and costs to support a variety of applications and large number of users.
Eas e of Integration: Multiple services from
CONCLUSION Mobile cloud computing as a development and extension of mobile computing (MC) and cloud computing (CC), has inherited the high mobility and scalability, and become a hot research topic in recent years. It implies a service-oriented architecture, reduced information technology overhead for the end-user, great flexibility, reduced total cost of ownership, on demand services and many other things. This paper discusses the concept of “Mobile cloud” computing, and the issues attached to this technology. The applications discussed clearly reveals the hidden power in this very new technology but the actual realisation of these are still not possible and it requires a great amount of research and development work in this field.
"Cloud Computing"
Open Security Issues and Challenges in Cloud Computing Supriya Srivastava1 , Itika Gupta2 , A. K. Daniel3 Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Madan Mohan Malaviya Engineering College, Gorakhpur-273010, U. P., INDIA
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT Cloud computing is a new computational paradigm that offers an innovative business model for organizations to adopt IT without upfront investment. It is an on-demand, scalable, agile technology solution which just another way of deploying and managing IT infrastructural assets, services and platforms. Indian organizations begin to adopt cloud computing and have realized cost saving on infrastructure and ease of use, there are still security is the major concern for large scale adoption. The proposed paper provide an overall security perspective of Cloud computing with the aim to highlight the security concerns and challenges with comparative study of existing solutions of security threats that should be properly addressed and managed to realize the full potential of Cloud computing. Keywords: cloud computing, attacks, challenges, security.
servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction”[2]. Multi-tenancy and elasticity are two key characteristics of the cloud model. Multi-Tenancy enables sharing the same service instance among different tenants. Elasticity enables scaling up and down resources allocated to a service based on the current service demands.
1. INTRODUCTION Cloud computing provides the next generation of internet based, highly scalable distributed computing systems in which computational resources are offered ‘as a service’. Cloud computing is a set of IT services that are provided to a customer over a network on a leased basis and with the ability to scale up or down their service requirements. Usually cloud computing services are delivered by a third party provider who owns the infrastructure. Cloud computing has features as scalability, resilience, flexibility, efficiency and outsourcing non-core activities. Cloud computing offers an innovative business model for organizations to adopt IT services without upfront investment. Despite the potential gains achieved from the cloud computing, the organizations are slow in accepting it due to security issues and challenges associated with it. Security is one of the major issues which hamper the growth of cloud. The idea of handling over important data to another company is worrisome; such that the consumers need to be vigilant in understanding the risks of data breaches in this new environment [3].
Both characteristics focus on improving resource utilization, cost and service availability. Cloud computing is a marketing term for technologies that provide computation, software, data access, and storage services that do not require end-user knowledge of the physical location and configuration of the system that delivers the services. Cloud computing providers deliver applications via the internet, which are accessed from web browsers and desktop and mobile apps, while the business software and data are stored on servers at a remote location. In some cases, legacy applications are delivered via a screen-sharing technology, while the computing resources are consolidated at a remote data centre location. At the foundation of cloud computing the broader concept are infrastructure convergence and shared services. This type of data centre environment allows enterprises to get their applications up and running
The cloud computing model is used for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks,
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masses. A cloud summit is organized by the Confederation of Indian industry (CII).
faster, with easier manageability and less maintenance, and enables IT to more rapidly adjust IT resources (such as servers, storage, and networking) to meet fluctuating and unpredictable business demand[1].
Bharti-Airte l launches cloud service s for business: Bharti Airtel, India’s leading telecom player, which has deployed cloud solutions for its own infrastructure, will now offers cloud services to business organizations on a pay-per-use model.
TAKE Solutions launches Take 10 for SMBs and e nterpris es: Take 10 has a subscription model and combines social and mobile business features on cloud.
Sonata Software strengthens cloud offerings: Sonata Software ties up with salesforce.com and Amazon Web Services to expand its portfolio of cloud-based offerings. Combining its products and platform engineering expertise with technology platforms like Windows Azure, force.com and AWS, Sonata Software is helping organization transform their businesses with cloud solutions.
HP adds new offerings to its converged cloud portfolio: The new solutions will help deliver converged cloud services for airline industry and build hybrid cloud environments. The new cloud print solution will help organization increase office productivity.
1.1 Evolution of Cloud Computing Amazon played a key role in the development of cloud computing by modernizing their data centres which were using as little as 10% of their capacity at one time. Amazon initiated a new product development effort to provide cloud computing to external customers, and launched Amazon Web Service (AWS) on a utility computing basis in 2006. In early 2008, Eucalyptus became the first open-source, AWS API-compatible platform for deploying private clouds. In early 2008, Open Nebula, enhanced in the RESERVOIR European Commission-funded project, became the first opensource software for deploying private and hybrid clouds, and for the federation of clouds. By mid-2008, Gartner saw an opportunity for cloud computing “to shape the relationship among consumers of IT services, those who use IT services and those who sell them” and observed that “organizations are switching from company-owned hardware and software assets to per-use service-based models” so that the “projected shift to cloud computing ... will result in dramatic growth in IT products in some areas and significant reductions in other areas.”
This work is mainly focused on the security issues of cloud computing. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides a related work on the architecture, virtualization, services and deployment model of cloud computing. Section 3 describes the security concerns, attacks and comparative study of existing solutions. Section 4 describes challenges in the deployment of cloud computing and finally we conclude in Section 5.
1.2 Cloud Computing Providers Gartner predicts that cloud computing will surge to 150 billion dollars by 2013. Some of the companies provide cloud computing services are Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Salesforce.com, Citrix, IBM, Mozyhome, Sun, cohensiveFT, Icloud, Nivanix, VMware, Flex scale, Joyent, Rack space, 3tera.
2. Related Work Cloud computing security challenges and issues discussed by various researchers. Researchers consider different perspectives including customers, developers and security engineers. They investigated the different security risks related to adopting cloud computing along with the affected assets, the risks likelihood, impacts, and vulnerabilities in cloud computing that may lead to
1.3 The shift to the cloud has just begun all over the world l
Cloud computing focus area for government: The government believes cloud computing can bring affordable services in the area of health care, education, e-governance and banking to the
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business logic of typical web applications.
such risks. The common architecture of Cloud computing is as follows:
2.1 Architecture: l
The hardware layer: This layer is responsible for managing the physical resources of the cloud, including physical servers, routers, switches, power and cooling systems. In practice, the hardware layer is typically implemented in data centres. A data centre usually contains thousands of servers that are organized in racks and interconnected through switches, routers or other fabrics. Typical issues at hardware layer include hardware configuration, fault tolerance, traffic management, power and cooling resource management.
The application layer: At the highest level of the hierarchy, the application layer consists of the actual cloud applications. Different from traditional applications, cloud applications can leverage the automatic-scaling feature to achieve better performance, availability and lower operating cost. Compared to traditional service hosting environments such as dedicated server farms, the architecture of cloud computing is more modular. Each layer is loosely coupled with the layers above and below, allowing each layer to evolve separately. This is similar to the design of the OSI model for network protocols. The architectural modularity allows cloud computing to support a wide range of application requirements while reducing management and maintenance overhead [5].
2.2 Virtualization
The infrastructure layer: Also known as the virtualization layer, the infrastructure layer creates a pool of storage and computing resources by partitioning the physical resources using virtualization technologies such as Xen, KVM and VMware. The infrastructure layer is an essential component of cloud computing, since many key features, such as dynamic resource assignment, are only made available through virtualization technologies.
The platform laye r: Built on top of the infrastructure layer, the platform layer consists of operating systems and application frameworks. The purpose of the platform layer is to minimize the burden of deploying applications directly into VM containers. For example, Google App Engine operates at the platform layer to provide API support for implementing storage, database and
Virtualization is a useful concept that allows abstraction and isolation of lower level functionalities and underlying hardware. This enables portability of higher level functions and sharing and/or aggregation of the physical resources. The virtualization concept has been around in some form since 1960s (e.g., in IBM mainframe systems). Since then, the concept has matured considerably and it has been applied all aspects of computing – memory, storage, processors, software, networks, as well as services that IT offers. It is the combination of the growing needs and the recent advances in the IT architectures and solutions that is now bringing the virtualization to the true commodity level. Virtualization, through its economy of scale, and its ability to offer very advanced and complex IT services at a reasonable cost, along with wireless and highly distributed and pervasive computing devices, such as sensors and personal cell-based access devices, the driving technology behind the next wave in IT growth. Not surprisingly, there are dozens of virtualization products, and a number of small and large companies that make them. Some examples in the operating systems and software applications space are VMware1, Xen – an open source.
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(security, compliance, jurisdiction, etc.), whether managed internally or by a third-party and hosted internally or externally. The costs are spread over fewer users than a public cloud (but more than a private cloud), so only some of the cost savings potential of cloud computing are realized.
2.3 Cloud Computing Services: The security consideration relates to the various cloud computing service delivery models. There are three main cloud service delivery models [2]: l
IaaS (Infras tructure as a Se rvice): Selling virtualized hardware.
PaaS (Platform as a service): Access to a configurable platform/API
SaaS (Software as a service): Software that runs on top of a cloud
Hybrid cloud: Hybrid cloud is a composition of two or more clouds (private, community or public) that remain unique entities but are bound together, offering the benefits of multiple deployment models. By utilizing “hybrid cloud” architecture, companies and individuals are able to obtain degrees of fault tolerance combined with locally immediate usability without dependency on internet connectivity. Hybrid cloud architecture requires both on-premises resources and off-site (remote) server-based cloud infrastructure. Hybrid cloud provides the flexibility of in house applications with the fault tolerance and scalability of cloud based services.
Private cloud: P rivate cloud is cloud infrastructure operated solely for a single organization, whether managed internally or by a third-party and hosted internally or externally. Undertaking a private cloud project requires a significant level and degree of engagement to virtualize the business environment, and it will require the organization to re-evaluate decisions about existing resources. When it is done right, it can have a positive impact on a business, but every one of the steps in the project raises security issues that must be addressed in order to avoid serious vulnerabilities.
2.4 Cloud Computing models Cloud Computing has various tasks and these tasks are categorised in following models: l
Public cloud: Public cloud applications, storage, and other resources are made available to the general public by a service provider. These services are free or offered on a pay-per-use model. Generally, public cloud service providers like Amazon AWS, Microsoft and Google own and operate the infrastructure and offer access only via Internet (direct connectivity is not offered).
Community cloud: Community cloud shares infrastructure between several organizations from a specific community with common concerns
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create virtual containers on the provider’s hardware for each of its customers. But CSA notes that attacks have surfaced in recent years that target the shared technology inside Cloud Computing environments.” So, investigate the compartmentalization techniques, such as data encryption, the provider uses to prevent access into your virtual container by other customers.
3. Security Issues in Cloud Computing User must be very careful to understand the security issues and challenges posed in utilizing these technologies. These top five security concerns [4] should be kept in mind: l
Secure data transfer: All of the traffic travelling between your network and whatever service being accessed in the cloud must traverse the Internet. Make sure data is always travelling on a secure channel. Also, the data should always be encrypted and authenticated using industry standard protocols, such as IPsec (Internet P rotocol Security), that have been developed specifically for protecting Internet traffic.
Although user should address these security issues with the cloud provider before entrust their data to its servers and applications.
3.1 Preventi on of Cl oud Computi ng Services: The Cloud Computing plays a major role for the development of human being. In India some of the IT industries are implementing Cloud Computing Technique in organisation. Measures should be taken to avoid following possible attacks in order to prevent Cloud Computing services.
Secure software interfaces: The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) recommends that user should be aware of the software interfaces, or APIs, that are used to interact with cloud services. ”Reliance on a weak set of interfaces and APIs exposes organizations to a variety of security issues related to confidentiality, integrity, availability, and accountability”. CSA recommends learning how any cloud provider integrates security throughout its service, from authentication and access control techniques to activity monitoring policies. Secure stored data: The data should be securely encrypted when it’s on the provider’s servers and while it’s in use by the cloud service. Cloud providers assure protection for data being used within the application or for disposing of data. User access control: Data stored on a cloud provider’s server can potentially be accessed by an employee of that company, and none of the usual personnel controls over those people. First, consider carefully the sensitivity of the data allowing out into the cloud. Second, suggestion should be given by the providers which specifics about the people who manage data and the level of access they have to it. Data separation: Every cloud-based service shares resources, namely space on the provider’s servers and other parts of the provider ’s infrastructure. Hypervisor software is used to
Denial of Service (DoS) attacks: Some security professionals have argued that the cloud is more vulnerable to DoS attacks, because it is shared by many users, which makes DoS attacks much more damaging. Twitter suffered a devastating DoS attack during 2009.
Side Channel attacks: An attacker could attempt to compromise the cloud by placing a malicious virtual machine in close proximity to a target cloud server and then launching a side channel attack.
Authentication attacks: Authentication is a weak point in hosted and virtual services and is frequently targeted. There are many different ways to authenticate users; for example, based on what a person knows, has, or is. The mechanisms used to secure the authentication process and the methods used are a frequent target of attackers.
Man-in-the-middle cryptographic attack s: This attack is carried out when an attacker places himself between two users. Anytime attackers can place themselves in the communication’s path, there is the possibility that they can intercept and modify communications.
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3.2 Comparison of existing Solutions for Security Threats: Solutions Mirage Image Managemen t System
Description This system addresses issues related to secure management of the virtual machine images that encapsulates each application of the cloud. Client based It helps to privacy reduce the risk manager of data leakage and loss of privacy of sensitive data processed in the cloud. Transparent It cloud transparently protection monitors the system integrity of cloud components. Secure and Provides efficient information access to management outsource and other data operations.
Advantages 1.The system stores all the revisions which allow the user to go back to the previous version. 2.Untrusted parties cannot access the image.
Limitations 1.Huge performance overhead. 2.Filters can not be hundred percent accurate.
This solutions Full solve many corporation is practical problems needed by the such as sales force service automation provider. problem, customize end user service problem. 1. Able to avoid false positives. 2.The system minimizes the visibility from the virtual machines. Fine grained access Typical control provides owner-writefor outsource data. user-read scenario.
4. Open Issues And Future Research Directions:
Self-healing: In case of application/network/data storage failure, there will always be a backup running without major delays, making the resource switch appear seamless to the user.
SLA-driven: Cloud is administrated by service level agreements that allow several instances of one application to be replicated on multiple servers if need arises; dependent on a priority scheme, the cloud may minimize or shut down a lower level application.
Multi-tenancy: The cloud permits multiple clients to use the same hardware at the same time, without them knowing it, possibly causing conflicts of interest among customers.
Service-oriented: Cloud allows one client to use multiple applications in creating its own.
Virtualized: Applications are not hardware specific; various programs may run on one machine using virtualization or many machines may run one program.
Line arly scalable : cloud should handle an increase in data processing linearly; if “n” times more users need a resource, the time to complete the request with “n” more resources should be roughly the same.
Data manageme nt - distribution, partitioning, security and synchronization of data.
4.2 Obstacles and opportunities The Obstacles and their respective opportunities to be focussed to improve security in cloud computing.
Several research works contribute to the security of Cloud Computing by tackling attacks as presented in the previous section. However, there are still some issues which need to be addressed. This section presents several open obstacles in security concern and possible research directions in the deployment of Cloud Computing.
Obstacles Availability/Business Continuity Data Lock-In Standardize APIs; Data Confidentiality and Availability Data Transfer Bottlenecks Performance Unpredictability
4.1 Research Challenges Challenges that need to be overcome for the deployment of cloud computing on a large enterprise scale [6]:
Opportunities Use Multiple Cloud Providers Compatible SW to enable Surge or Hybrid Cloud Computing Deploy Encryption, VLANs, Firewalls FedExing Disks; Higher BW Switches Improved VM Support; Flash Memory; Gang Schedule VMs
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Obstacles Scalable Storage Bugs in Large Distributed Systems Scaling Quickly
Reputation Fate Sharing Software Licensing
challenges have been discussed in the paper that can be considered for further research.
Opportunities Invent Scalable Store Invent Debugger that relies on Distributed VMs Invent Auto-Scalar that relies on ML; Snapshots for Conservation Offer reputation-guarding services like those for email Pay-for-use licenses
References [1] S. Subashini, ,Kavitha, V., “A survey on security issues in service delivery models of cloud computing,” Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. In Press, Corrected Proof. [2] Peter Mell, and Tim Grance, “The NIST Definition of CloudComputing,”2009, [3] Balachandra Reddy Kandukuri, Ramakrishna Paturi and Atanu Rakshit, “Cloud Security Issues,” in P roceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, 2009, pp. 517-520.
5. Conclusion The cloud holds the promise of accessing everything we want-from work files to personal photo albums-from anywhere and any device, instead of being chained to specific personal computers. Cloud computing have emerged as a boon for India since it provides an incredible scale of computing resources at fraction of the cost. It also levels the already flat world by providing the best of computing resources in the world to every individual and organization in India. There are still some worries about the reliability of cloud services as well as security issues, but, increasingly, the believers are out numbering the sceptics. Despite of the obstacles as well as opportunities and advantages, cloud computing raises several security issues and hence security is still the primary concern of many customers who want to leverage public cloud services.
[4] S. Arnold “Cloud computing and the issue of privacy.” KM World, pp14-22. Available: www.kmworld.com [Aug. 19, 2009]. [5] A Platform Computing Whitepaper. “Enterprise Cloud Computing: Transforming IT.” Platform Computing, pp6, 2010. [6] F. Gens. . “New IDC IT Cloud Services Survey: Top Benefits and Challenges” [7] Meiko Jensen, Jörg Schwenk, Nils Gruschka and Luigi Lo Iacono, “On Technical Security Issues in Cloud Computing,” in IEEE ICCC, Bangalore 2009, pp. 109-116. [8] Bernd Grobauer, Tobias Walloschek and Elmar Stöcker, Understanding Cloud-Computing Vulnerabilities,” IEEE Security and Privacy, vol. 99, 2010.
In this paper, we have described about the different security issues and possible attacks that can occur in a cloud computing environment. The Research
"Cloud Computing"
Improved Hybrid Intrusion Detection System (HIDS): Mitigating false alarm in Cloud Computing Ajeet Kumar Gautam*, Dr. Vidushi Sharma**, Shiv Prakash*** and Maanak Gupta**** *M.Tech, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida **Associate Professor, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida *** Associate Professor, MMM Engineering College, Gorakhpur ****MS, Northeastern University, Boston, USA ABSTRACT Cloud computing is one of the fastest growing fields in Information Technology. It is an internet based computation model in which customers’ login to the cloud to access data and applications stored on a remote server on pay-asyou-use basis. Gartner has estimated that the cloud market would be at $150 billion by 2013. The pace at which this area is booming has also led to some security issues as far as the security of customer information is concerned. Since login to the cloud is generally free, it is high likely that intruders could also get access to the servers and compromise the security. Organizations generally use an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) to mitigate such network attacks. Methodologies like Anomaly based, Signature based or honeypot are used in these IDS. Researchers have also hybridized methodologies like anomaly with signature, signature with honeypot etc. to reduce risks. But very few have tried to work on hybridization of anomaly and honeypot technology. In this paper, we have coupled the advantages of hybridization of Anomaly and Honeypot technology to develop hybridized IDS. Keywords - Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDPS), Hybrid Intrusion Detection System(HIDS), KFSensor, FlowMatrix, Packet Tracer
technology attracts the intruder by acting as a dummy server and the moment the attacker gets in trap, the honeypot creates its signature and stores it in the database of the firewall. The next time, whenever that intruder tries to attack again to the network, as the signatures are already present, the attacker would be prohibited to enter to the network. An important thing to be discussed here is that if a client is getting allude towards the dummy server of honeypot, it means, the client is an attacker. Hence, the demerit of anomaly based technology of creating false alarms is reduced to a great extent. We have used KFSensor for honeypot technology and FlowMatrix for anomaly based detection methodology. Following sections discuss and propose the research done in designing HIDS.
Hybrid intrusion detection systems [1][2] are those detection systems where we deploy more than one detection methodology. If we use only signature based detection methodology [3] in Intrusion Detection and Prevention System then it will be capable enough to capture only those attacks whose definition is stored in its database otherwise it will leave all other attacks. Similarly if we use only the anomaly based detection methodology [4], it will give us more false alarms. Thus all the Intrusion Detection Systems have some limitation. But, if we employ more than one intrusion detection methodologies than we can get a more secure intrusion detection system (HIDS) [5]. Anomaly based IDS generates large number of false positive alarms and we can reduce these false alarms by associating this technology with honeypot based technology. Honeypot
The paper is divided into four sections. Section II presents related work and in section III we have
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described the proposed approach and written an algorithm for the Hybridized IDS. Section IV describes architecture for proposed approach. Finally, conclusion has been provided in section V.
II. RELATED WORK There are number of hybrid intrusion detection systems that employ different detection methodologies, which researchers have gone through. A Hybrid Real Time Agent Based Intrusion Detection and Response System [6] were proposed to increase the security in wireless networks. The researchers have merged signature and anomaly based IDS. CAIDS (Cooperative anomaly and intrusion detection system) [7] is one such Intrusion Detection System. It integrates two different detection engines NIDS (Network Intrusion Detection System) and ADS (Anomaly Detection System). Another hybrid IDS scheme based on biological immunology and mobile agent [8] was developed that could be a solution to the security threats and system flaws from the transfer of immune pathological mechanisms into IDS. But due to rapid development of intrusion and attack techniques the proposed IDS is vulnerable to new threats due to negligence to immune pathology. An intelligent intrusion detection and response system [9] is based on hybrid ward hierarchical clustering analysis. It distinguishes between real attack and normal traffic. The results of the hybrid statistical analysis are feedback to the IDS’ alert monitor to identify real attacks and isolate benign traffic. This intelligent detection and response strategy enhances the ability of the IDS to accurately detect and respond to subsequent threats and benign traffic in critical segments of real network infrastructures. An adaptive network intrusion detection system [10] uses two stage architecture. In the first stage a probabilistic classifier is used to detect potential anomalies in the traffic. In the second stage a HMM based traffic model is used to narrow down the potential attack IP addresses. Many researchers integrate honeypot technology to intrusion detection system. Honeypots can attract an attacker towards it and work in cooperation with Fire Wall. The system
will refuse the visit of the intruder whose IP address is set in the Fire Wall as blacklist by the honeypot. AAIDHP (An Architecture for Intrusion Detection using Honey Pot) was developed which is based on honey pot technology. The approach solves the problems information overload, unknown attacks, false positives and false negatives. Many researchers have studied the feasibility of honey pot technology and intrusion prevention system together and have proposed a new intrusion prevention system model which is based on immune principle of intrusion prevention system and honeypot technology. From the above related work we can conclude that there are certain shortcomings to all the HIDS. We have gone through such as in a signature based IDS if an attacker attacks slowly and organized, the attack may go undetected through the IDS, as signatures include factors which are based on duration of the events and the actions of attacker do not match. For the unknown attacks there are no signatures updated or an attacker attack in the mean time when the database is updating. Thus, signature-based IDS fail’s to detect unknown attacks. Anomaly based IDS suffer from false-positive readings. In a honeypot technology it will not detect those attacks where an attacker did not communicate with it. Hence, there is a need to develop an Intrusion Detection System which can overcome the given problem.
We are proposing an improved HIDS that has coalesce the benefits of two individual Intrusion Detection Systems i.e. Honeypot and Anomaly based to derive a Hybridized IDS. We will try to present this scenario with the help of an example explained as below: A.
Scenario Example:
The chairperson of an organization (say- ABC) implements IDS (say- XYZ) to protect his organization’s network and the intruder sitting in some other network is trying to get access to the organization’s network.
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A.1. If ABC implements XYZ which is based on Honeypot Technology:
with network scanning for any type of attack either the known or unknown. We have designed architecture with different networking tools such as firewall, routers, switch and nodes. There are two nodes, one node installed with honeypot based IDS and at other installed with anomaly based IDS.
Honeypots are used for luring and trapping attackers, capturing information and generating alerts when someone is interacting with them. The activities of attackers provide valuable information for analyzing their attacking techniques and methods. However, the drawback with Honeypots is that they only track and capture activity that directly interacts with them. They cannot detect attacks against other systems in the network. Thus, we cannot implement honeypot alone in an organization. A.2. If ABC implements XYZ is only Anomaly based IDS: To overcome such a situation an anomaly based IDS is developed which is capable of detecting unknown attacks and all types of new attacks. It establishes patterns of data collected from normal network behavior. It takes periodical samples of the network activity and compares the samples with the pattern and if it finds any significant difference, it marks it as an anomaly. Thus we find that anomaly based IDSs are more capable of detecting abnormality but still not widely accepted by the people as it does not meet usability requirements and also buzz a lot of false alarms. A.3. If AB C imple ments XYZ which is both honeypot based and Anomaly based IDS:
Figure 1: Flowchart
If we combine both honeypot based IDS and the anomaly based IDS then we can get better results as honey pot based IDS can bring more and more attackers toward itself. Later we can make signature for these attacks and update it to database. Anomaly based IDS can hinder any unknown attack or anomaly in the whole network. Thus combining both the system will harden the IDS.
C. Algorithm for Improved Hybrid Intrus ion Detection System: To implement such a system we have designed architecture in the network lab as a real time implementation. An algorithm is presented in which explores the working of entire system within the organization. Through the algorithm we can clearly understand the types and time of the event that take place during the entire process of intrusion detection system.
B. Flow Chart for Improved Hybrid Intrusion Detection System: Figure 1 shows a flowchart that describes the entire working of IDS at the server end. The process starts
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Step 4: If an attack goes undetected by KFSensor, FlowMatrix will detect the attack for sure and for the next time we can make signature for the new attacks and update to the database.
IDS (Combination of Honeypot based and anomaly based IDS) Scan a network for attacks if(attack known or unknown){
run(KFSensor); notify run(FlowMatrix);
Before implementing the network in real time to analyze it properly, we initially configured and simulated the architecture on packet tracer [11][12]. This made it easy to configure all the network devices. Following Figure 2 shows the architecture design which is developed in packet tracer.
make signatures update database } if(terminate)
Design of a network in packet tracer
After Verifying and validating the system in packet tracer we had built the above architecture in the network lab with similar configuration. The architecture is depicted in figure 3 below-
stop execution else goto 1
We have made a network with nodes, routers and switches. Two nodes are servers and rest three is connected to the router through switch. Router helps to route packets to different networking devices and to connect LAN to WAN. The servers communicate with the nodes with the help of the router via switch. In both
The above algorithm is defined as: Step 1: Scan the network for any attack. Step 2: For any type of attack, either known or unknown attack run KFSensor and FlowMatrix. Step 3: Both the IDS will notify it to the administrator,
Figure 2: Network Design in Packet Tracer
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Figure 3: Architectural Design which is implemented as a real time in the Network Lab
servers we have installed different Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs). In one of the servers we have installed honeypot based IDS and in the other server anomaly based IDS. Honeypot attracts the attacker whenever he tries to perform a malicious activity across the network and later makes their signatures and updates it in the database. Anomaly based detection system analysis the network and records the normal network traffic and whenever it finds any anomalous behavior it buzzes an alert. Both these systems working together can strongly restrict an attacker coming to your private network. For a honeypot technology we have used KFSensor and for anomaly based IDS FlowMatrix.
works on the honeypot based technology. It is open source software which can be downloaded from the internet. KFSensor is installed in one of the node from where it disguise the attacker and the moment it allures the attacker, it adds the definitions of that attacker to the database for the next time and restrict the entry of that attacker or intruder to the main network of the organization. In the architecture discussed above we have installed KFSensor in one of the server and we record data to analyze and validate the algorithm. B.
FlowMatrix [15] is application software which one can downloaded from the internet free of cost. FlowMatrix is based on Anomaly based detection methodology. It compares the samples from the normal
A. KFSensor KFSensor [13][14] is a host based IDS which
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Figure 4: GUI of KFSensor
Figure 5: GUI of FlowMatrix
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[3]. Farzaneh Izak Shiri, Bharanidharan Shanmugam and Norbik Bashah Idris, “a parallel technique for improving the performance of signature-based network intrusion detection system”, Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN) in Proc. of IEEE, 2011, Pp. 692-696.
traffic with the regular samples obtained from the network and the moment it finds the difference between the normal and the regular sample it gives an alert. Figure 5 shows the GUI of Honeypot based respectively. Following figures 4 and figure 5 shows the GUI of Kfsensor and FlowMatrix respectively.
We’ve gone through numerous HIDS provided by different researchers and have found some shortcomings in them. Hence, in order to overcome their inadequacies, we have proposed a Hybrid Intrusion Detection System by fusing anomaly detection based methodology and honeypot based methodology. The methodologies used in this HIDS can overcome each other’s shortcomings. The discussed Improved Hybrid Intrusion Detection System can locate and identify the statistical data of any particular intruder. We have developed a framework and to implemented it in real time to record and analyze the data. We also developed the frame work in Packet Tracer before actually implementing it in real time. The fusion of the mentioned technological assets in designing the HIDS gives it a cutting edge in the field of cyber security in cloud computing, which puts it on the top spot. We’ve validated the algorithm on Hybrid Intrusion Detection System after creating the architecture in the Network Lab. The coding will be initiated in the future.
[4]. Mahbod Tavallaee, Natalia Stakhanova, and Ali Akbar Ghorbani, “Towards Credible Evaluation of Anomaly-Based Intrusion-Detection Methods”, Journal of Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews” in Proc. in IEEE, 2010, Pp. 516-524. [5]. Dwen-Ren Tsai, Wen-P in Tai and Chi-Fang Chang,“A Hybrid Intelligent Intrusion Detection System to Recognize Novel Attacks”, in Proc. of IEEE, 2003, Pp. 428-434. [6]. Vaidehi Kasarekar and Byrav Ramamurthy, “Distributed Hybrid Agent Based Intrusion Detection and Real Time Response System”, in Proc. in IEEE, 2004, Pp. 739-741. [7]. Marios D. Dikaiakos, Athena Vakali, Pankaj Mehra, Dimitrios Katsaros and George Pallis, “Cloud Computing: Distributed Internet Computing for it and Scientific Research,” in Proc. in Internet Computing, IEEE Vol. 13, 2009 Pp. 10-13. [8]. Xuan Wu Zhou, Xiao Yuan Yang, Ping Wei and Yu Pu, “A hybrid immune intrusion detection system based on mobile agent”, International Conference on Computer-Aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design (CAIDCD), in Proc. in IEEE, 2006, Pp. 1-5. [9]. Emmanuel Hooper, “An Intelligent Intrusion Detection and Response System Using Hybrid Ward Hierarchical Clustering Analysis”, International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, in IEEE, 2007, Pp. 11871192
VI. REFERENCES [1]. Jiqiang Zhai and Yining Xie, “Research On Network Intrusion Prevention System Based On Snort. International Conference on Strategic Technology, in Proc. in IEEE, (2), 2011, Pp. 11331136.
[10]. R Rangadurai Karthick, Vipul P. Hattiwale and Balaraman Ravindran, “Science Adaptive Network Intrusion Detection System using a Hybrid Approach”, Fourth International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS), in IEEE, 2012 , Pp. 1-7.
[2]. Moses Garuba, Chunmei Liu and Duane Fraites, “Intrusion Techniques: Comparative Study of Network Intrusion Detection Systems” In International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, in Proc. of IEEE, Pp. 592-598, 2008.
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[11]. CISCO (2008). “Packet Tracer 5.0 Brochure” Available:
[13]. Key Focus (2003) “KFSensor overview” Available: http://www.keyfocus.net/kfsensor/
http://www.cisco.com/web/learning/netacad/ d o w n l o a d s / p d f / PacketTracer5_0_Brochure_0707.pdf
[14]. Key Focus (2003) “KFSensor overview” Available: http://www.keyfocus.net/kfsensor/ download/
[12]. CISCO (2010). “”Cisco Packet Tracer Data Sheet” Available :
[15]. AKMA Lab (2010). “FlowMatrix download” Available: http://www.akmalabs.com/ downloads_flowmatrix.php
http://www.cisco.com/web/learning/netacad/ c o u r s e _ c a t a l o g / d o c s / Cisco_PacketTracer_DS.pdf
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Weak Spots of Cloud Computing and Their Revelations Prateek Kumar Varshney1 , Pallavi Singh2 and Radhey Shyam3 1, 3
Department of CSE, 2 Department of EI, SRMGPC, Lucknow 1 2
[email protected]
[email protected] 3
[email protected] ABSTRACT
Cloud computing is a comput ing paradigm shift in which tasks are assigned to a combination of connections, software and services accessed over a network rather than Personal Computer or individual application server. Cloud is a convenient place to back-up and share files but one should hesitate before uploading the sensitive data. The two major pitfalls of cloud computing are security and reliability. In this paper we will discuss both of these issues in a broader sense. To overcome these weak spots we have proposed an effectual and adaptable scheme with salient qualities. Client side encryption is an essential way to protect your important data without giving up on cloud storage. This could be achieved using client side application containing packages for all kinds of accessing devices (mobile phones, personal computer, tablets, etc.). This application will encrypt entire data using a unique passphrase (key) generated by the client itself. To ensure reliability we have proposed a Spear-Carrier with special functionality including parity check which would help to restore the data after meltdown. Keywords – Cloud computing; weak spots; Client-side Encryption; pass-phrase; Spear-Carrier; parity check; meltdown.
and on pay-per-use basis i.e. it is a subscription based service where you can obtain networked storage space and computer resources; striking out the constraint to be in the same physical location as the hardware that stores your data. [5]
1. INTRODUCTION Cloud Computing has invoked a new wave of evolution and has gained a lot of hype in the current world of Information Technology. It is now visualized as the next-generation architecture of IT enterprise as shown in Figure 1. [10] The Cloud Computing helps organizations to have dynamically scalable abstracted computing infrastructure that is available on-demand
1.1. Scooping Up Cloud Computing has given a new dimension to the complete outsourcing arena and they provide ever cheaper and powerful processor with these computing architecture. One way to think of Cloud Computing is to consider your experience with e-mail. Your e-mail client takes care of housing all of the hardware and software necessary to support your personal account. To access your e-mail you browse up to the e-mail client and log in to your account. [3] Your e-mail unlike other software viz. Word Processing program is not housed on your physical computer; you access it through an internet connection anywhere. 1.2. Review
Figure 1. General Model of Cloud Computing
There is a growing interest in Cloud Computing
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from consumers and providers. For instance cloud service spending worldwide rose by 20% in 2009 as per oncloudcomputing.com, in a year when overall IT spending dropped by about 4%. [6]
systems due to the fear about security threats and loss of control of data and systems”. [7] Cloud Computing inevitably poses new challenging threats for a number of reasons. In this paper we would focus on following major weak spots:
Telecom major Bharti Airtel on July 6, 2012 launched Cloud Computing services using HP’s technology to provide software and related infrastructure to business organizations on pay-per-use model. [2]
3.1. Security Data is the heart of every business, but is your data secure in a cloud? Data security has always been an important aspect of quality of service. Security can be overthrown in following manner: 3.1.1. Trespassing Currently the CSP encrypts your data to safeguard it from unauthorized access. But what about the data in transit? While uploading or downloading your data toand-fro the cloud, it is notably prone to hackers or intruders, who can easily reap your data or manipulate it. Industrious hackers can invade virtually any server, and there are the statistics that show that one-third of breaches result from stolen or lost laptops and other devices and from employees’ accidentally exposing data on the Internet, with nearly 16% due to insider theft. [1]
Figure 2. Worldwide IT Cloud Spending in 2012
Cloud Computing market in India is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 40% by 2014. [2]
3.1.2. Disgruntled Employees
A disgruntled employee can harm a company by launching a computer virus, changing or deleting files or exposing system passwords using his or her authenticated user name and password. It is very difficult to defend completely against a disgruntled employee, particularly one who has physical access to the systems.
The most basic service offered by the cloud is data storage whether it is simple photographs, favorite songs and even movies or documents. There is a lot of personal information and potentially secure data that people store on their computers, and this information is now being transferred to the cloud. Presently, the data transferred by the user to the cloud is encrypted by the Cloud Service Provider (CSP) at its side and the key is held by the CSP itself. [8] During retrieval the service provider decrypts the data using same key and provides the user with data access.
3.2. Redundancy Individual user’s data is redundantly stored in multiple physical locations to reduce the data integrity threats which ruins the memory as there are multifold copies of same data items. 3.3. Reliability
3. WEAK SPOTS According to a survey of more than 500 chief executives and IT managers of 17 countries they still “trust existing internal systems over cloud- based
When using cloud based services, one is entrusting their data to a third-party for storage and security. But is your CSP worthy of being reliant? We shall foresee the same in the following points:
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3.3.1. Data Dribbling
Cloud storage companies live and die by their reputation. But in today’s world nobody can be relied upon for personal data. As the service provider itself holds the encryption key so there are liabilities that your data may be exposed by the provider either for their own interest or under some encumbrance. [4] 3.3.2. Meltdown Though your cloud servers may be well efficient and secured but no one can hold the reins of natural disasters. User has to compromise with all his data if the cloud crashes due to any meltdown. [11] So how a CSP be relied upon for the data by the user with no local copies of it on his machine.
4. PROPOSED REVELATIONS Now after recognizing all the loop holes of cloud computing we would like to throw some light on our proposal to outrun these issues. Considering data security, basically the CSP tries to protect your data from intruders by converting it into an unreadable form. But your data needs local level encryption to be safeguard while in transit. This needs an installer program (a software or an application) containing packages for all devices (Personal Computer, laptop, tablet, Mobile Phone, etc.) and OS’ (Android, Mac, IO’s, etc.) to act as a middleware between your machine and CSP servers. [9] It would be a freeware and an open source product.
This software has an additive perk too, that is, it will only update the modified part of user’s data trimming down the redundancy. Once your data is behind the fences of security breach, its time to focus on another major issue of reliability. And to outrun this factor we have come with a conception of Spear-Carrier, which would act as a back-up cloud. For a cloud with n nodes, there will be exactly n nodes in the Spear-Carrier. Each cloud account will be automatically be linked and a copy of modified data item will be regularly updated in it. The user won’t have a direct access to it. But can request the CSP to provide with him backup copy of his data. The CSP after authenticating him can provide the user with a backup copy. Now, if there occurs some meltdown then all the data can easily be retrieved back from it. There will also be an additional feature of paritycheck in our system, which would continuously run at back end and will spontaneously alert the user of data tampering or data deletion done by any unauthorized user.
This software would encrypt your data at local machine using an user-generated pass-phrase, before uploading the data to the cloud. Thus, now if an intruder tries to access your data while it is in transit, it would be vague for him. Also, this software will upload encrypted copy of itself to the user’s cloud account to increase the data access portability. l
Portability of the software: As the software uploads its copy too into your cloud account, one can access his data anywhere at any time. If one has to access his data from another machine he can download the suitable package (whether for mobile, laptop or tablet etc.) from the uploaded copy of the software using the same pass-phrase which he had generated while uploading the data and can then retrieve his data back via this middleware.
Also, if any disgruntled employee tries to harm or manipulate your data then with above feature of parity check it could be known and the user can request the CSP to recover back his account. The CSP can restore back his account with the help of Spear-Carrier. Thus, now with this scheme we have tried to entail a new solution to observed weak spots of cloud computing.
Security of the software: This software is highly efficient and secured as it would upload an encrypted copy of itself so as to ensure that the CSP will not download the copy of it and decrypt the precious data from your account.
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Engineering, ISSN: 2277 128X, 2012.
5. CONCLUSION “Cloud” computing builds on decades of research in virtualization, distributed computing, utility computing, and, more recently, networking, web and software services. It implies a service-oriented architecture, reduced information technology overhead for the enduser, great flexibility, reduced total cost of ownership, on-demand services and many other things. In this paper we studied the loop holes of cloud computing and proposed an effectual and flexible scheme which would help to overcome these issues to a great extent. This scheme entails new solution to existing security issues and we envision several possible future researches on this area.
[2] http://www.oncloudcomputing.com/2012-07/ telecom-major-bharti-airtel-launches-cloud computing-service [3] Alexa Huth and James Cebula, “The Basics of Cloud Computing”, Carnegie Mellon University, 2011. [4] B. Shwetha Bindu, “Secure Data Storage In Cloud Computing”. International Journal of Research in Computer Science, 1 (1): pp. 63-73, September 2011. doi:10.7815/ijorcs.11.2011.006 [5] Victor Delgado, “Exploring the limits of cloud computing”, Kungliga Tek niska Högsk olan (KTH) Stockholm, Sweden, 2010. [6] http://www.oncloudcomputing.com/2009-07//listof-top-cloud-computing-solution-providers-towatch-in-2009/
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to sincerely thank ‘The Institution of Engineers (India)’ for conducting ‘All India Seminar on Cloud Computing, 2012’, where we got an opportunity to express our views on such a buzzing topic of current IT world.
[7] Kelton Research. Survey: Cloud Computing “No Hype”, but fear of security and control http:// tv.syscon.com/node/852659 [8] http://computer.howstuffworks.com/cloudcomputing/cloud-storage3.htm
We would also like to acknowledge with our great sense of gratitude to the reviewer who has brought up this proposal to this zenith.
[9] http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/5-ways-tosecurely-encrypt-your-files-in-the-cloud
[10] http://computer.howstuffworks.com/cloudcomputing/cloud-computing5.htm
[1] Pankaj Arora*, Rubal Chaudhry Wadhawan , Er. Satinder Pal Ahuja, “Cloud Computing Security Issues in Infrastructure as a Service”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Sof tware
[11] Mladen A. Vouk, “Cloud Computing– Issues, Research and Implementations”, Journal of Computing and Information Technology - CIT 16, 2008, 4, 235–246.
"Cloud Computing"
Analysis of Disaster Recovery Plans in Cloud Computing Ekta Saxena1 and Satyendra K Singh2 1 2
Student-BCA, IISE, Lucknow
Asst. Professor, IISE, Lucknow OBJECTIVE:
Large and medium/small-sized companies have significant ly increased their organizational data in recent years. Analyzing large data sets will become a key basis of competition, underpinning new waves of productivity growth and innovation. The ability to store, compound date, and then synthesize results in an extensive analysis has more than ever become accessible through digital storage and cloud computing technologies. When Amazon Web Services launched AWS Storage Gateway last month, the move seemed logical, almost expected. Carlos Escapa, CEO of VirtualSharp Software, argues that the real challenge lies not in restoring data, but in recovering services when disaster strikes. Cloud computing will soon disrupt the market for basic storage and data centre backup.
there’s good reason for that. While the cloud might not be for everyone, it has tremendous advantages for understaffed IT shops, and can offer businesses from sole proprietorship’s to multi-nationals with millions of employees services on par with anything that could be deployed internally. When a company moves services to an outside provider, they are also moving responsibility for all the related aspects of that service both when things are running normally, and when they are not. Disaster recovery in cloud computing is one of the most important things for any customer to consider.
INTRODUCTION: What is Cloud Computing? Cloud Computing is a use of hardware and software resources that are delivered as a service over a network. Cloud computing entrusts remote services with a user’s data, software and computation. Using software as a service, users also rent application software and databases. The cloud providers manage the infrastructure and platforms on which the applications run. End users access cloudbased applications through a web browser or a lightweight desktop or mobile app while the business software and user’s data are stored on servers at a remote location.
Why is disaster recovery important?
In a dedicated model, the infrastructure is dedicated to a single organization. This type of disaster recovery can offer a faster time to recovery compared to other traditional models because the IT infrastructure is mirrored at the disaster recovery site and is ready to be called upon in the event of a disaster. While this model can reduce RTO (Recovery Time Objective) because the hardware and software are preconfigured, it does not eliminate all delays. The process is still dependent on receiving a current data image, which involves transporting physical tapes and a data restoration process. This approach is also costly because the hardware sits idle when not being used for disaster recovery. Some organizations use the backup
Not long after the widespread adoption of computers, it became apparent that disaster recovery would become a necessary component of organizations’ IT plans. Business data must be backed up, and key processes like billing, payroll and procurement need to continue even if an organization’s data centre is disabled due to a disaster. Two distinct approaches to disaster recovery models emerged: dedicated and shared models. How Cloud Computing s upports dis as te r recovery? IT organization is discussing the cloud as a way to improve services, save money, or shift workloads, and
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infrastructure for development and test to mitigate the cost, but that introduces additional risk into the equation. The data restoration process adds variability into the process. Data restoration can take up to 72 hours including the tape retrieval, travel and loading process.
the data safe from any sort of calamity that happens at the organization’s data centre.
Shared Disaster Recovery Model:
One traditional challenge of disaster recovery is the lack of certainty that the planned solution will work when the time comes. Typically, organizations only test their failover and recovery on average once or twice per year, which is hardly sufficient, given the pace of change experienced by most IT departments. This lost sense of control has caused some organizations to bring disaster recovery “in house,” diverting critical IT focus for mainline application development. Cloud-based business resilience provides the opportunity for more control and more frequent and granular testing of disaster recovery plans, even at the server or application level. SmartCloud Virtualized Server recovery provides a DR Testing view in the portal so that IT can test the failover and failback process more frequently. Clients can generally tailor testing to their schedule. For example, a critical e-Commerce application can be tested prior to a peak online shopping period such as Cyber Monday. Or an online banking system can be tested after a version upgrade in order to ensure that the failover and failback process still works seamlessly.
In a shared disaster recovery model, the infrastructure is shared among multiple organizations. Shared disaster recovery is designed to be more cost effective, since the off-site backup infrastructure is shared between multiple organizations. After a disaster is declared, the hardware, operating system and application software at the disaster site must be configured from the ground up to match the IT site that has declared a disaster, and this process can take hours or even days. On top of that, the data restoration process must be completed resulting in an average of 48 to 72 hours to recovery.
CLOUD COMPUTING BENIFICIAL IN TERMS OF INTRUPTIONS ALSO Traditional disaster recovery methods also rely on “declaring a disaster” in order to leverage the backup infrastructure during events such as hurricanes, tsunamis, floods or fires. However, most application availability interruptions are due to more mundane everyday occurrences. While organizations need to plan for the worst, they also must plan for the more likely—cut power lines, server hardware failures and security breaches. The kinds of disruptions IBM has helped its customers respond to over the past few years. While weather is the root cause of just over half of the disasters declared, note that almost 50 percent of the declarations are due to other causes. These statistics are from IBM clients who actually declared a disaster. Thinking about all of the interruptions where a disaster was not declared. In an around-the-clock world, organizations must move beyond disaster recovery and think in terms of application continuity. The recovery of critical business applications rather than infrequent, momentous disasters, and build resiliency plans accordingly. Cloud Computing technology is also helpful in all these interruptions that are not declared as disasters as it keeps
DISASTER RECOVERY PLANS IN THE CLOUDS It is quite clear that digital data must be thoroughly protected and that executives must think strategically about how to prepare their organizations for unpredictable man-made or natural disasters, since the stakes are very high. Unfortunately, a Gartner research also states that only 35 percent of SMBs have a comprehensive disaster recovery plan in place. Technically, it is dependent on a single location and has operational back-up, cloud computing is viewed as a proper recovery solution to store critical information. However, there are still challenging aspects in using cloud computing for disaster recovery. Policies related to privacy, security, intellectual property, and liability are
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in the mist of uncertainty for some backing up data to the cloud. Cloud computing will change disaster recovery fundamentals. Companies will have solid cloud disaster recove ry plans customized on applications and businesses and based on recovery time objectives. Testing it periodically and having trained employees and IT specialists to implement it appropriately will provide more trust in cloud-based storage offerings. Considering cost savings and other benefits, SMBs could set the adoption trend in this area. Cloud computing facilitates for them disaster methods that were previously possible only in larger organizations.
for failover and failback, helping to enhance security and reduce risk.
DISASTER RECOVERY IS RIPE FOR CLOUD DISRUPTION Cloud computing will soon disrupt the market for basic storage and data centre backup. Dropbox, Box and other cloud-based backup tools for desktop and mobile devices have already been wildly successful. Similar tools, such as Riverbed, StorSimple and Ctera, are available for the server market, but they take a hardware-centric approach that has failed to garner a large market. Most companies have become pretty good at copying data. The real challenge is not restoring data, but going a level higher and recovering services when disaster strikes. That’s particularly important in the era of IT consumerization, it is useless to protect data and not protect the applications that exploit it. This is where current backup tools fall short. End users are concerned about how long the outage is going to last, not whether the data is safe. Disaster recovery is about minimizing downtime. The cloud has huge potential to make an impact here. By managing and scheduling all of the components involved in service delivery, the cloud could turn recovery time objectives into guarantees. Backup will be used to quickly restore data — including files, mailboxes, attachments and database tables. Disaster recovery will focus on continuity and service recovery, not data restoration. It will orchestrate all of the components involved in service delivery — from storage to hypervisors, operating systems, databases, middleware and applications — across collaborating clouds. This means that when a cloud disappears, another cloud will be ready to take over at the push of a button. There will be no need to worry about doing disaster recovery exercises, because clouds will do them on their own, continuously and accurately.
EFFICIENTLY SUPPORTING MIXED ENVIRONMENTS WITH VIRTUALIZES DISASTER RECOVERY The notion of a “server image” is an important part of traditional disaster recovery. As the complexity of IT departments has increased, including multiple server farms with possibly different operating systems and operating system levels, the ability to respond to a disaster or outage becomes more complex. Organizations are often forced to recover on different hardware, which can take longer and increase the possibility for errors and data loss. Organizations are implementing virtualization technologies in their data centers to help remove some of the underlying complexity and optimize infrastructure utilization. The number of virtual machines installed has been growing exponentially over the past several years. According to a recent IBM survey of Chief Information Officers, 98 percent of respondents either had already implemented virtualization or had plans to implement it within the next 12 months. Cloud-based business resilience solutions must offer both physical-to-virtual (P2V) and virtualto-virtual (V2V) recovery in order to support these types of environments. SmartCloud Virtualized Server Recovery supports virtualized, non-virtualized and mixed environments, including those with multiple operating systems. Clients should identify all servers that support a single business application and include those servers in a single Virtualized Server Recovery plan. The solution assures cross-server consistency across those servers
BENEFITS OF DISASTER RECOVERY IN CLOUD COMPUTING There are a lot of benefits with cloud computing – cost-effective resource use, rapid provisioning, scalability and elasticity. One of the most significant advantages
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to cloud computing is how it changes disaster recovery, making it more cost-effective and lowering the bar for enterprises to deploy comprehensive DR plans for their entire IT infrastructure. Cloud Computing delivers faster recovery times and multi-site availability at a fraction of the cost of conventional disaster recovery. Cloud computing, based on virtualization, takes a very different approach to disaster recovery. With virtualization, the entire server, including the operating system, applications, patches and data is encapsulated into a single software bundle or virtual server. This entire virtual server can be copied or backed up to an offsite data center and spun up on a virtual host in a matter of minutes. Since the virtual server is hardware independent, the operating system, applications, patches and data can be safely and accurately transferred from one data center to a second data center without the burden of reloading each component of the server. This can dramatically reduce recovery times compared to conventional (nonvirtualized) disaster recovery approaches where servers need to be loaded with the OS and application software and patched to the last configuration used in production before the data can be restored. Smart data center operators are providing full disaster recovery services that not only replicate the servers between data centers, but also replicate the entire network configuration in a way that recovers the network as quickly as the backed up cloud servers.
free. With more than 1,800 dedicated business continuity professionals and more than 160 business resilience centers located around the world. Our virtually unparalleled experience is based on more than 50 years of business resilience and disaster recovery experience and more than 9,000 disaster recovery clients. Using vast business process and technology expertise can help you design and implement a business resilience solution that meets your organization’s needs.
Gartner, “Gartner Says Cloud Consumers Need Brokerages to Unlock the Potential of Cloud Services”, http://www.gartner.com/it/ page.jsp?id=1064712.
REFERENCES Federal Cloud Computing Strategy, http://www.cio.gov/ documents/Federal-Cloud-Computing-Strategy.pdf Chief Information Officers Council, “P rivacy Recommendations for Cloud Computing”, http:// w w w. c i o . go v / D o c u m e n t s / P r i v a c y Recommendations-Cloud-Computing-8-192010.docx Office of Management and Budget, Memorandum 0716, http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/ omb/memoranda/fy2007/m07-16.pdf NIST SP 800-144, “Guidelines on Security and Privacy Issues in P ublic Cloud Computing”, http:// csrc.nist.gov/publications/drafts/800-144/DraftSP-800-144_cloud-computing.pdf NIST Cloud Computing Use Cases, http:// collaborate.nist.gov/twiki-cloud-computing/bin/ view/CloudComputing/UseCaseCopyFromCloud
Cloud computing offers a compelling opportunity to realize the recovery time of dedicated disaster recovery with the cost structure of shared disaster recovery. However, disaster recovery planning is not something that is taken lightly; security and resiliency of the cloud are critical considerations. SmartCloud Virtualized Server Recovery is hosted within the network of Resiliency Centers—so clients can feel confident that it is helping to protect their sensitive data. Second, there is no need to rush in—clients can start to work with SmartCloud Virtualized Server Recovery with as few as five virtual machines under managed contract—so getting started is easier and relatively risk
IETF internet-draft, “Cloud Reference Framework”, http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-khasnabish-cloudreference-framework-00 IBM, “Cloud Computing Reference Architecture v2.0”, http://www.opengroup.org/cloudcomputing/ doc.tpl?CALLER=documents.tpl&dcat=15&gdid=23840 GSA, “Cloud Computing Initiative Vision and Strategy Document (DRAFT)”, http://info.apps.gov/sites/ default/files/Cloud_Computing_Strategy_0.ppt
"Cloud Computing"
Cloud computing for bioinformatics applications: Indian scenario Madhumita Karmakar and Shailendra K Gupta CSIR - Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow, India
1. INTRODUCTION In contrast to traditional research methodology, where the studies were performed by focusing on a specific subsystem, building and intuitive model and refining the model using results from manually designed experiments, modern experimental techniques are based on high-throughput experiments, where massive data on the global behavior of biological systems are generated after a single automated experiment. The rapid exponential growth in high-throughput techniques for genome sequencing, gene expression, protein profiling urged the development of new algorithms and computational tools for acquiring, storing, analyzing and representing biological information. Research communities are demanding more and more knowledge processing and analytical tools with minimal capital expenditure. Cloud computing comes as a solution for scaling up the IT-enabled capabilities of research organizations from giga to tera- and penta- flops level by sharing the resources on the internet to handle data driven biological applications. The benefits of using cloud computing in terms of scaling up of computational capacity without the underlying cost involved in owning large infrastructure, develop to a situation that every organization want to be the part of this innovative and new technology. Many people are still unable to understand as exactly what the cloud computing is and, more importantly, how it can be benefited to them. In the layman’s term, cloud computing can be more or less explained as highly scalable computing resources provided as an external service through the internet on a pay-as-you-go basis. The cloud computing can be better understood by comparing it with the cybercafé environment. Peoples go to cybercafe for various
purposes, like, internet surfing, desktop publishing, scanning of documents, gaming, video conferencing etc. and pay for the services used and the time spend without any investment on the infrastructure component. Likewise, on the cloud computing, customer just had to pay what they actually use. Resources are accessible to them from the cloud at any time, and from any place through the internet. In the cloud computing there is no need to concern about how things are being going behind the scenes, users have to simply purchase the IT service they require. Because of these features, cloud computing has also been called utility computing. There is growing interest in approaches for efficient data analysis in Bioinformatics computing as essentially the field is seeing an exponential increase in the size of the data deluge. The data sizes shows that parallelism is necessary to process the information in a timely fashion. This is creating justified interest in new algorithms and programming models to directly address the data-specific issues unlike traditional parallel models such as MPI. In many of the biological applications at least the initial part of data analysis that is often most time consuming process, can be processed independently over a large distributed computational resources such as a commercially available Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud [1], or the academic DOE Magellan Cloud [2]. Many of the bioinformatics applications that require execution of large number of independent jobs or jobs with large number of tasks can be scheduled using cloud technologies such as MapReduce, Hadoop for their parallel execution. Some of the bioinformatics applications that are already implemented on cloud computing are described in the next section.
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2. Bioinformatics applications on the cloud computing 2.1 Whole Genome comparison Genomics applications require lots of parallel executions for whole genome comparison, functional annotation, Single Nucleotide P olymorphism (SNP) detection etc. The Message Passing Interface (MPI) framework, traditionally used for parallel job executions provides user to run parallel program on top of a parallel framework with efficient, fault-tolerant parallel computation. However, it requires complicated software development for customised use. To overcome this, some other simple framework like MapReduce and Hadoop was developed by Google and Apache Software Foundation respectively. Hadoop/MapReduce has been successfully implemented of many large scale genomics analysis [3-5]. Some of the utility programs developed are Crossbow for genotyping [6]; Bowtie for short read alignment [7]; SOAPsnp for accurate identification of SNPs from the alignment [8]. 2.2 CloudQTL Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) are the regions of the genome that are involved in the control of the phenotype or organism characteristic and is an essential tool for understanding the genetic basis of complex traits. With this aim, GridQTL was previously developed for QTL algorithms using Globus Toolkit. However, due to complex backend applications to perform calculations, it was very expensive to port these applications to new runtime environments. To overcome this problem, CloudQTL is developed using Eucalyptus [9] and OpenStack [10] middleware which implement Amazon’s EC2 API [11] using a prototype local cloud provided by Edinburgh University ECDF cloud. 2.3 Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) analysis An EST (Expressed Sequence Tag) corresponds to messenger RNAs (mRNAs) transcribed from the genes residing on chromosomes. Individual sequence of EST represents a fragment of mRNA, and the aims of EST assembly to re-construct full-length mRNA
sequences for each expressed gene. CAP3 is a major software that addresses the EST assembly developed by Huang and Madan [12]. The program performs several major assembly steps including overlaps, construction of contigs, construction of multiple sequence alignments, and generation of consensus sequences to large sets of gene sequences that require parallel execution. The parallel version of the program was successfully implemented in Hadoop, CGLMapREduce and Dryad framework for cloud computing. 2.4 PhyloD PhyloD is a module for the recognizing of HLAassociated viral evolution from the given sample data and also available as a web application[13]. PhyloDCloud is an effort to leverage Windows Azure as a computing platform and generate a scalable web-based application to process PhyloD jobs which are generally computationally very expensive. Web application of PhyloD is developed in such a way that user can submit reasonably large jobs with minimal manual involvement.
3. Important Bi oi nformati cs cl oud resources 3.1 Galaxy: Galaxy resource is an open, web-based platform develops for data intensive biomedical research. Its free on public server or user can create their own instance, User can perform, reproduce, and share complete analyses. The Galaxy framework is also implemented with Garuda Grid in India for open source drug discovery (OSDD) workflow. 3.2 Cloud BioLinux: With the help of Cloud computing the researchers with the ability to perform computations using a practically unlimited pool of virtual machines, using platforms such as Amazon EC2, Eucalyptus or Virtual Box. CloudBioLinux use these resources to allow instant access to biological software, programming libraries and data to the researcher.
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3.3 CLoVR:
algorithms can be used over cloud computing. The NKN is still in very infant stage and require lots of planning and efforts to provide zero-down time high-speed internet service. Data security and privacy is also a important concern to use publically available clouds that require uniform cloud policy. Finally, the redesigning of existing algorithms for cloud framework also require lots of efforts and in many cases, de novo computational algorithms for parallel execution of job need to be developed.
CloVR is a desktop application that integrates stateof-the-art genomic tools in a robust, user friendly, and fully automated software package with optional support for cloud computing platforms. CloVR present bundles push-button pipelines for microbial genomics. There are other feather are also present like single-genome projects, 16S rRNA sequence analysis, and metagenomic sequencing projects. Additional pipelines for comparative genome analysis, prokaryotic and eukaryotic RNA-sequencing and viral genomics are in the developing stage.
3.4 Crossbow: Crossbow is a software pipeline for whole genome resequencing analysis. It combines Bowtie, an ultrafast and memory efficient short read aligner, and SoapSNP, and an accurate genotyper. These tools are combined in an automatic, parallel pipeline that runs in the cloud (Elastic MapReduce) on a local Hadoop cluster, or on a single computer, exploiting multiple computers and CPUs wherever possible
2. 3.
3.5 Contrail New assembly program Contrail that uses Hadoop for de novo assembly of large genomes from short sequencing reads. Similar to other leading short read assembler, Contrail relies on the graph-theoretic framework of de Bruijn graphs.
4. Limitations The execution of data analysis using cloud computing require its submission on the cloud resources. As biological dataset is very large and heterogeneous in nature, network speed pose a significant carrier for data transfer. The molecular dynamic simulation job with around 50,000 atoms for 10 ns generated the output production files in terra bytes. To flow the data over clouds require very high-speed backbone such as Internet2 and JANET. In India, National Knowledge Network (NKN) is an attempt to provide this high-speed backbone to universities and research organizations in the initial phase so that computationally expensive
9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. http:// aws.amazon.com/ec2 DOE Magellan Cloud. http://magellan.alcf.anl.gov Lin J, Dyer C. Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce. Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies 2010;3:1–2010. Schatz MC. CloudBurst: highly sensitive read mapping with MapReduce. Bioinformatics 2009;25:1363–2009. Matthews SJ, Williams TL. MrsRF: an efficient MapReduce algorithm for analyzing large collections of evolutionary trees. BMC Bioinformatics 2010;11(Suppl 1):S15. Langmead B, Schatz MC, Lin J, Pop M, Salzberg SL. Searching for SNPs with cloud computing. Genome Biol 2009;10:R134. Langmead B, Trapnell C, Pop M, Salzberg SL. Ultrafast and memory-efficient alignment of short DNA sequences to the human genome. Genome Biol 2009;10:R25. Li R, et al. SNP detection for massively parallel whole-genome resequencing. Genome Res 2009;19:1124–2009. Eucalyptus: http://www.eucalyptus.com/ OpenStack: http://openstack.org/ Amazon EC2: http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/ Huang X, Madan A. CAP3: A DNA Sequence Assembly Program. Genome Res 1999;9:868-877. PhyloD: http://atom.research.microsoft.com/bio/ phylod.aspx
"Cloud Computing"
Cloud Computing in Education Khushboo Tripathi and Narendra Kohli Department of Computer Science & Engineering HBTI, Kanpur
[email protected] ABSTRACT Researchers have found the good solutions to manage their resources in education using cloud computing. In the present scenario, the economic crisis is one biggest problem in the world. The Cloud computing is an emerging new computing paradigm for delivering computing services. This computing approach relies on a number of existing technologies , e.g. the internet, v irtualization, grid co mputing, web services, etc. A use of Cloud Computing in education gives a new distinctiveness. In this article some of the advance uses of Cloud Computing in education are highlighted. Keywords: Cloud Computing, higher education, cloud strategy
and supported necessary data mining applications. Cloud computing infrastructures accelerated the adoption of different technological innovations in academia and its facilities and resources could be accessed by the colleges as on–demand. Also the basic features of cloud computing are presented and compared with the original “Grid Computing” technology. The introduction with the grid computing provides new services that will replace many types of computational resources currently used. In this perspective, grid computing plays a fundamental role in defining how cloud services will be provided. In the software-as-a-service (SaaS) cloud model, service providers supply the hardware and software products and interact with the user through a web portal. Services can be anything from Web-based email to inventory control and database processing. SaaS, the software deployment service provided by the Internet Service Providers (ISP) and the carrier companies is expected to change the current system architecture of the organizations and thus is accepted as another innovation for the network society. Cloud provides the opportunity of flexibility and adaptability to use the computing resources on-demand. Contrary to having only one service provider, different providers use different interfaces to their compute resources utilizing varied architectures and implementation technologies for customers. Although this creates a management
I. Introduction The term Cloud Computing is an important term in the world of Information Technology (IT). Cloud computing is a kind of computing which is highly scalable and use virtualized resources that can be shared by the users. Users do not need any background knowledge of the services. A user on the Internet can communicate with many servers at the same time and these servers exchange information among themselves. Cloud Computing is currently one of the new technology trends like broadband internet, fast connection and virtualization [1, 2]. All these have a significant impact on teaching and learning environment. Today.s cloud platforms such as Microsoft and Google are providing free services to students and staff at educational institutions which include email, contact lists, calendars, document storage, creation and sharing documents and the ability to create websites. Cloud computing affected their operations in three important areas: Security, Integration, and Timeto-Value. Cloud computing is an emerging application platform and aims to share data, calculations and services among users. The methods to model it with the challenges like user interface, task distribution and coordination issues. Cloud-based infrastructure had been optimized for wide area, performance networks
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problem, a common architecture facilitates the management of compute resources from different Cloud providers in a homogenous manner. Based on the literature review and analysis of the current cloud computing service provisions and applications in educational institutions, the conception of cloud technology and its impact on teaching and learning has been discussed in the paper. The paper is organized in six sections. II section explains about educational usage of cloud computing. Key issues have been discussed in section III. In section IV, benefits of Cloud Computing have been discussed. Section V discusses the Cloud Computing Economics in Education. Section VI discusses the conclusion.
hardware wherein the servers in data centers, whether owned by a firm or university for internal use or by the likes of Amazon or Google for public access. The next layer is virtualization. Virtualization allows a single physical server to run many independent virtual servers and is a necessary part of gaining the efficiencies (built on economies of scale) that cloud computing can offer those running the datacenters. Automating the allocation of computing resources amongst the virtual servers and tracking user resource use requires a management layer.
III. Key Issues in Cloud Computing The basic issues in cloud computing are strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in cloud computing technology.
II. Educational Usage of Cloud Computing
In general, the ability to scale up services at a very short notice obviates the need for underutilized servers in anticipation of peak demand. When an organization has unanticipated usage spikes in computing above its internally installed capacity, it has the ability to request more computing resources on the fly. Therefore the strength is highly needed in this perspective. Cloud computing offers organizations the ability to effectively use time distributed computing resources. Students like the arrangement too, since they are able to make full use of the Institution.s computer systems using powerful devices such as a Smartphone or a notebook. On the other hand, There are many issues that need to be resolved before cloud computing can be accepted as a viable choice in educational computing termed as its weakness in IT. Large organizations will also be wary of entrusting mission-critical applications to a cloud computing paradigm where students cannot commit to the high quality of service and availability guarantees that are demanded in such environments. There are several opportunities with reference to the cloud computing as one of the significant opportunities of cloud computing lies in its potential to help developing countries reap the benefits of information technology without the significant upfront investments that have stymied past efforts. In fact, cloud computing might do to computing in developing countries what mobile phones did to
The cloud can be described as on-demand computing for anyone with a network connection [4]. Access to applications and data anywhere, anytime, from any device is the potential outcome [5]. Cloud computing as implemented is substantially more complex than the user perspective of it suggests, and many of the potential benefits of the cloud actually stem from this. Many of the perspectives on the cloud adopt a ‘layers’ view to describe it. There are distinction clouds namely, private clouds: which exist within an organization and public clouds: which are used to provide services to users outside an organization. The starting point (the bottom layer) is the physical
Figure 1. Depiction of Cloud Computing
"Cloud Computing"
communications allow the governments and local firms to benefit from the effective use of information technology. Mashups represent another opportunity in cloud computing. In web development, a mashup is a web page or application that combines data or functionality from two or more external sources to create a new service in originally unintended ways. The threat is another important issue in cloud computing. One of the biggest threats to cloud computing is the possibility of backlash from entrenched incumbents. While we believe that many forward-looking organizations will see cloud computing as an opportunity to migrate to better computing practices that open up exciting opportunities for the in-house IT staff. There will probably be many other IT departments will view it as a threat to their corporate IT culture (in terms of data security, IT audit policies, etc.) or just in education privacy in the institutions. Perhaps the biggest factor that will impede the adoption of the cloud computing paradigm is regulation at the local, national, and international level. Regulation can range from data privacy and data access to audit requirements and data location requirements.
V. Cl oud Computi ng Economi cs i n Education
IV. Benefits of Cloud Computing In many senses the primary advantages the cloud brings are to do with cost and efficiency, which are closely intertwined [3]. Essentially the capital costs of computing can be done away with if an organization relies on the public cloud, buying virtual server time and storage space on demand. Expenditure on IT becomes operational, rather than capital. Moreover, the physical space required for racks of servers is no longer necessary and the organization no longer incurs energy costs for running and cooling its servers. For many startup in organizations, cloud computing offers access to computing power that would otherwise be beyond their reach. The entry barrier for large scale computing task is effectively removed by the cloud. As costs are incurred on a per use basis, the risks of committing to large capital purchases are removed. Scalability allows the organization to add capacity as and when it.s needed and to scale down as well as up, driven by demand.
Research topics will include pricing strategies for cloud computing providers, and issues in industrial organization such as revising the boundary of the firm with altered transaction costs. There are many different potential pricing policies available to providers, such as a flat fee, a pay-per-use fee, or a two-tier mix of flat and pay-per-usage fee. These can be analyzed in conjunction with capacity investment decisions and QoS guarantees. Researchers can examine which of these policies are best suited for an institution given a particular on demand structure. Researchers can draw from the wealth of extant literature on pricing web services and pricing of grid computing resources. Research methodologies might include educational organization. Recently, the IaaS provider anomaly opened Spot cloud, a cloud computing clearinghouse and marketplace for cloud service providers to sell their unused cloud capacity to sellers looking for cloud services at the best possible price. Amazon too allows for selling its unused cloud capacity at spot prices. Such models for pricing open up new vistas of research in auctioning for resources whose availability are uncertain. Another promising research area is investigating the role of enablers, and the circumstances under which they would end up delivering economic value to a cloud computing provider or to the entire value chain [6, 7, 8].
VI. Conclusion Cloud computing as an exciting development is a significant alternative today.s educational perspective. Students and administrative personnel have the opportunity to quickly and economically access various application platforms and resources through the web pages on-demand. This automatically reduces the cost of organizational expenses and offers more powerful functional capabilities. There will be an online survey to collect the required data for the use of cloud computing in the universities and other governmental or private institutions in the region. This will help us review the current status and probable considerations to adopt the
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cloud technology. Beginning with the outsourcing of email service seems attractive. The gradually removal of software license costs, hardware costs and maintenance costs respectively provides great flexibility to the university management. From the points of advantages provided by cloud, there is a great advantage for university IT staff to take them away the responsibility of the maintenance burden in the university. Cloud provides instant global platforms, elimination of hardware and software capacities and licenses, reduced cost, simplified scalability. Adopting cloud network redundancy eliminates disaster recovery risks and its high costs. There can always be new tools and applications to improve IT features.
Computational Sciences and Technology, 3 (2), pp. 111–118, 2010. [3] T. Ercan. “Effective Use of Cloud Computing in Educational Institutions,” International Journal of Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences,Vol. 2, pp. 938–942, 2010. [4] F.M. Aymerich, G. Fenu, S. Surcis, An Approach to a Cloud Computing Network. In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies, Ostrava, CZECH REPUBLIC, 120125, 2008. [5] K. Praveena and T. Betsy . Application of Cloud Computing in Academia. International Journal of Systems Management, 7 (3), 50-54, 2009 [6] N. Sclater. Cloudworks, eLearning in the Cloud,http://cloudworks.ac.uk/cloud/view/2430, 2009.
[1] Howard, Chris. Cloud Computing: An Executive P rimer, Burton Group Executive Advisory Program, April 20, 2009.
[7] T. Alford, G. Morton. The Economics of cloud computing, Booz Allen Hamilton, 2009.
[2] S. Sasikala and S. Prema. “Massive Centralized Cloud Computing (MCCC) Exploration in Higher Education”, International Journal of Advances of
[8] J. Gray. Distributed Computing Economics, ACM QUEUE, pp. 63–68, 2003.
"Cloud Computing"
A Concept Paper on Application of ZigBee for Robotic Control using Cloud Computing Prabhat Kashyap1 , Soniya Rana2 , Prashant Verma3 and Pooja Srivastava4 1, 2, 3, 4 1
Department of Electronics & Communication, SRMGPC, Lucknow
[email protected]; 2
[email protected]; 3
[email protected]; 4
[email protected] ABSTRACT
This paper aims at providing information regarding Cloud Computing in Robotics and its applications in the near future. Cloud computing is emerging as a wide field of research and applications and will be found relevant in our daily life in the near future. Cloud Robotics is a branch of Cloud Computing where the user can reprogramme the brain of the robot from anywhere in the world through a remote computer. The robot can be modified and controlled wireless ly using XBee radios connected to computer and robot for exchange of info rmation between the two machines. The two XBee radios communicate through a radio link with one radio programmed as Coordinator and the other as Router. Using Digi’s X-CTU software and FTDI232R XBee Adapter board, XBee radios can be interfaced with a computer to enable configuration of XBee, firmware updates, testing signal strength, and communications to other devices. Keywords— ZigBee, XBee, Cloud Computing, XCTU, Robotics
computer can send a command to the robot through the XBee radio to the receiver XBee radio connected to the robot. The command received by the robot is sent to its memory where it can search for the application associated with the command and execute that particular function.
In todays world that progresses at such a rapid rate and a lot of research being done in the field of autonomous robots there is a need to make the robots able to be modified according to the purpose through a remote host thus increasing the efficiency of the machine. Cloud Robotics provides a platform for robotics applications through a network usually Internet for reprogramming a robot far away from the user. The basis of Coud Robotics lies in Cloud Computing which provides computing resources over a network [11]. In this paper we are concerned with the providing an introduction to Cloud Computing and the possible use of XBee radios for establishing a link between the computer and robot.
The XBee radios are a series of low power digital wireless communication modules based on IEEE standard 802.15.4 i.e. ZigBee technology. The IEEE 802.15.4 standard standardises low data rate Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) devices[1]. ZigBee is the name of the technology based on the standard while XBee refers to the modules based on ZigBee technology. These XBee radios are manufactured by Digi International Inc. in two series namely XBee-S2 and XBee-PRO modules[10]. The transmission range of XBee-S2 varies from 30-100 metres while that of XBee-P RO module extends upto 1600 metres. The devices can communicate at 250kbps baud rate in 2.4 GHz frequency band which is used in India (40 kbps per channel in the 915 MHz band in USA and 20 kbps in the 868 MHz band in Europe).The output of the
The basic concept is if a working robot needs to be reprogrammed for a different application that is saved in the robot’s memory it can be achieved by making use of Cloud Computing by sending the information to a remote computer near the robot to which an XBee radio is connected. Upon receiving the information the
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XBee-S2 radio is about 1mW while in XBee-PRO it is approximately 63mW[7]. XCTU is the software developed by Digi International for configuring these radios. The ZigBee technology is widely used in embedded applications such as surveillance, wireless robot navigation, connecting peripherals etc. XBee radios can be configured in three modes- Coordinator, Router and End Device to form a network to cover a wider area. The device uses Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) coding and Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (OQPSK) modulation scheme in 2.4 GHz band providing a secure communication medium[4]. The following are the main components of the XBee Module: l
MC9S08GT60 microcontroller
MC13193 RF chip
This paper is mainly concerned with the configuration of XBee modules and using RF chip to act as transmitter/receiver[3].
II. OVERVIEW OF ZIGBEE TECHNOLOGY ZigBee is one of the new technologies designed to enable Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN) based around the new and emerging IEEE802.15.4 standard. As such, ZigBee has great potential for incorporation into personal robotics for control purposes, for telemetry and for just plain programming, to name a few. The IEEE 802 standards refer to Local Area Network (LAN) and Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) i.e. networks carrying variable sized packets. These standards use the lower two layers (Physical and Data link) of the OSI model. Further the 802.15 standard specifies WPAN devices and ZigBee technology that is 802.15.4 refers to low data rate WPAN devices as compared to the Bluetooth (802.15.1) specified for medium data rate WPAN device. But XBee radios score over Bluetooth in terms of transmission range power consumption, longer battery life and secure networking. The 802.15.4 standard defines two types of architecture layers namely, Physical and MAC (Medium Access Control) and two types of network nodes a Full Functional Device (FFD) and Reduced Function Devices (RFD)[1].
ZigBee radio can function in three modes in a mesh network: 1.
ZigBee Coordinator (ZC): The most capable device, the coordinator forms the root of the network tree and might bridge to other networks. There is exactly one ZigBee coordinator in each network since it is the device that started the network originally. It stores information about the network, including acting as the Trust Center & repository for security key. It acts as Full Functional Device[3].
ZigBee Router (ZR): An XBee router can act as an intermediate router, passing on data from other devices[3].
ZigBee End Device (ZED): A ZED contains just enough functionality to talk to the parent node (either the coordinator or a router). It cannot relay data from other devices. ZED and ZR act as Reduced Functional Device[3].
In this paper, configuration of XBee modules is explained using XCTU software. Along with robotic application to illustrated the effectiveness of the wireless communication between two modules.
III. CLOUD COMPUTING Cloud computing is the use of computing resources (hardware and software) that are delivered as a service over a network (typically the Internet). The name comes from the use of a cloud-shaped symbol as an abstraction for the complex infrastructure it contains in system diagrams. Cloud computing entrusts remote services with a user’s data, software and computation. End users access cloud-based applications through a web browser or a light-weight desktop or mobile applications while the business software and user’s data are stored on servers at a remote location. Proponents claim that cloud computing allows enterprises to get their applications up and running faster, with improved manageability and less maintenance, and enables IT to more rapidly adjust resources to meet fluctuating and unpredictable business demand. The application of engineering disciplines in the field of cloud computing. So in this paper we try to link the concept of ZigBee
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technology with Cloud Computing.
III. PROPOSED DESIGN The proposed design in this paper is a concept about how one amalgamate the two technologiesZigBee and Cloud Computing. The result of this paper show how a robot can be controlled using XBee radios and thus the implementation of robot control mechanism using Cloud Robotics can be visualised. This section describes hardware and software that are used for configuration of the XBee radios: A.
Fig. 1 XBee-S2 radio
XBee-S2Radios FTDI232R manufactured by Future Technology Devices International.
Two XBee-S2 radios as are needed one programmed as coordinator (FFD) and the other as router (RFD). The device require a supply voltage of 3.3V and its four pins need to be connected for transmission and reception purposes1.
The XBee can be configured using AT commands via the X-CTU terminal interface. The first step is to place the XBee into a Command Mode[7]. A specific sequence is required to enter Command Mode: 1.
A string of “+++” (with no Enter key pressed)
Another 2-second pause
The XBee will reply with “OK” when ready. The timeout value on Command Mode is fairly short, so too long a delay will cause it to exit the mode requiring you to re-enter the mode if needed.
Fig. 2 FTDI 232R based XBee Adaptor
The XBee USB Adapter provides a serial interface using the FTDI USB serial interface chip (FT232R) and virtual COM port drivers to emulate a serial COM port. This board provides the following features: 1.
Send/receive serial data between the PC and the XBee for communications and configuration.
Self-powered from USB for 5 V and 3.3 V.
To configure the XBee we have to enter modem configuration window and then to transmit data terminal window is used[10]. Fig. 1 shows an XBee S-2 radio.
Incorporates the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) line needed for firmware downloads.
B. FTDI 232R XBee Adaptor Board
X-CTU is a Windows-based application provided by Digi. This program was designed to interact with the firmware files found on Digi’s RF products and to provide a simple-to-use graphical user interface to them.
This is a USB connector, as shown in Fig2 which is used to connect the XBee radio to the computer. The chip for providing RS232 interface is named as
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In this project the XBEE radios is configured and controlled with this software. X-CTU is designed to function with all Windowsbased computers running Microsoft Windows 98 SE and above. Initially, the XBee functions need to be setup: PC setting, range test, terminal access using AT commands and modem configuration. Fig. 4 Device Test/Query Window
There are four main windows in XCTU software: 1. PC Setting Window
(Received Signal Strength Indicator).
This window in XCTU shown in Fig. 3 displays the serial COM ports enabled in the computer and allows modification in properties such as baud rate, flow control, parity etc. and enables selection of AT Command mode or API mode.
3. Terminal Window The terminal window as shown in Fig. 5 provides the space to type the data to be transmitted and displays the received data.
2. Range Test Window
4. XCTU Modem Configuration Window
This window is used to perform the range test of the connected XBee radio and also shows the RSSI
This window is used to configure the XBee radios and programming the radio for establishing the
Fig. 3 XCTU PC Setting Window
Fig. 5 XCTU Terminal Window
"Cloud Computing"
communication link.
Functions possible using Modem Configuration Window are:
Install XCTU and FTDI232R drivers in the computer.
Connect the XBee radio to the connector and then to computer.
Select the COM port displaying the FTDI232R connector on the PC Setting Window .
Set the baud rate to 9600 bits per second and select AT mode.
Downloading updated firmware files.
Reading the firmware parameters through the ‘Read’ option.
Modifying the firmware profiles.
Saving the changes in the radio by selecting the ‘Write’ option.
Select the Test/Query tab to communicate with the device and test for a valid connection.
Selection of the modem type/version as given by the test/query option.
Go to Modem Configuration window and press the ‘Read’ tab to open the device parameters.
Assigning a function set to work as Coordinator, Router or End Device and the mode as AT Command or API.
Follow the above steps on the other computer to connect the other XBee module.
Select the function of one radio as ‘ZigBee Coordinator AT’ and the other as ‘ZigBee Router AT’ and select ‘Write’ to save the configurations.
The five important parameters of use are PAN ID, Serial Number High, Serial Number Low, Destination Address High and Destination Address Low as shown in Fig.7 and Fig.8.
IV. IMPLEMENTATION The following steps need to be followed to configure two XBee radios:
10. Make the PAN ID of both devices on different computers same by assigning a 4-nibble hexadecimal number in the PAN ID window (eg. 3FFF). 11. Copy the Serial Number High and Serial Number Low of the Router into Destination Address High and Destination Address Low of the Coordinator. 12. Repeat the same operation to copy same parameters from Coordinator into Router. 13. Save the changed parameters in both devices by selecting the ‘Write’ again in both devices. 14. Go to the ‘Terminal’ window and type the text which will be transmitted to the other device and displayed on the ‘Terminal’ of XCTU on other computer. 15. Device can be checked for failure by typing ‘+++’ within one second on the ‘Terminal’ to which the device returns ‘OK’ on the same window denoting proper working of the device. Fig. 6 XCTU Modem Configuration Window
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Fig.8 XCTU modem configuration window to configure Coordinator XBee
Fig.7 XCTU modem configuration window to configure Router XBee
After the two XBee radios have been configured and communication link has been established between them and it can be verified by navigating a robot wirelessly through a computer. The XBee-S2 radio configured as Router is interfaced with a Microcontroller and navigating commands are sent by the XBee radio configured as Coordinator which is connected to the computer shown by following block diagram in Fig. 9.
V. RESULT ANALYSIS The result are given by using the XBee radios to send command for navigation of a wireless robot. The program for navigation is written in C language on the software Eclipse XP and transferred to the microcontroller ATmega16 through USBTiny connector.
Fig. 9 Block Diagram for robot control using XBee radio
XBee if (b==’w’) PORTC=0b10100000;
A. Pseudo Code in ‘C’ language
if (b==’a’)
b=getchar_uart(); // received character f rom
"Cloud Computing"
if (b==’d’)
if (b==’s’)
There are far too many people to try to thank them all; many people have contributed to the development of this paper. We owe our deep regards and honour to express our gratitude to
Prof. S.C Tewari, Associate Director and Head of Electronicc Wing, SRMGPC, Lucknow
Prof. I.P Singh , Head of Department, Electronics and Communication, SRMGPC, Lucknow
if (b==’ ‘) PORTC=0b00000000; B. Navigational Control
All the faculty members for providing us invaluable support, guidance, help and inspiration all through this paper.
The implemented robot is controlled through the computer and the controls are shown in the following table:
Table 1 Robot Movement Mechanism Character received w a d s ‘ ‘
[1] IEEE Standard for Part 15.4: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications for Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPANs), 2003.
Right motor Left motor Motion forward forward stop backward stop
forward Stop forward backward Stop
forward left turn right turn backward stop
[2] Zulkhairi Mohd. Yusof, Muhammad Firdaus Soed “Wireless Mobile Navigation using ZigBee protocol”,ECOC 2011.
VI. CONCLUSION Based on the above algorithm it is seen that the XBee radios are programmed to communicate when connected to computers or interfaced to a microcontroller and hence can be brought to use in different wireless applications provided they are configured properly in AT command mode and programmed as Coordinator and Router respectively. The command for robot control or its reprogramming can well be sent to the host computer from a cloud which in turn can be sent to the robot through the XBee radios. The field of wireless communication is growing at a rapid rate and ZigBee modules can find application in wide areas such as industrial automation and controlling, wireless sensor networks, environmental monitoring, health related application, greenhouse monitoring and control and in the field of robotics.
[3] Fabrice Andre, “ZigBee Tranceivers, XBee in Practice”, Technology Wireless, March 2007, pages 54-57. [4] Gascón, David (February 5, 2009). “Security in 802.15.4 and ZigBee networks”. Retrieved 9 December 2010. [5] Robert Faludi (24 December 2010). Building Wireless Sensor Networks: With ZigBee, XBee, Arduino, and Processing . O’Reilly Media, Inc.. ISBN 978-0-596-80773-3. Retrieved 7 June 2012 [6] Fei Ding; Guangming Song; Kaijian Yin; Jianqing Li; Aiguo Song; ,”Design and implementation of ZigBee based gateway for environmental monitoring system,” Communication Technology, 2008.ICCT 2008. 11th IEEE International Conference on , vol., no., pp.93-96, 10-12 Nov. 2008
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[7] ”ZigBee Alliance”, ZigBee Specifi-cation ,January 2008, (Rev. 17) [Online].Available: http:// www.ZigBee.org.
Authors Biography 1.
Miss Pooja Srivastava is Assistant Professor in Department of Electronics and Communication, SRMGPC. Her research interests include Communication, Error Control Coding, TURBO CODES, P attern Recognition and Image P rocessing, OFDM Systems and other transmission techniques, VLSI design of communication systems for wireless high speed data communications.
Prabhat Kashyap is a student of B.Tech IV year , Electronics and Communication, SRMGP C, Lucknow. His research interest are communication and Embedded Systems.
Soniya Rana is a student of B.Tech IV year , Electronics and Communication, SRMGPC, Lucknow. Her research interest are communication and Embedded Systems.
Prashant Verma is a student of B.Tech IV year, Electronics and Communication, SRMGPC, Lucknow. His research interest are Embedded Systems and Programming in C.
[8] Xiao, H., Gong, Y., Ogai, H., Zhang, J., Zou,X., Otawa, T., et al,”A data collection system in wireless network integrated WSN and ZIGBEE for bridge health diagnosis”, Paper presented at the Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference (2011), pp2024-2028. [9] Qian Zhang, Xiang-long Yang, Yi-ming Zhou, Liren Wang and Xi-shan Guo, ”A wireless solution for greenhouse monitoring and control system based on ZigBee technology”, Journal of Zhejiang University - Science A, 1584-1587, DOI 2007, 10.1631 [10] Martin Hebel, George Bricker, “Getting started with XBee RF Modules”, version 1.0. [11] Hannes Bistry, Jianwei Zhang, “A Cloud Computing Approach to Complex Robot Vision Tasks using Smart Camera Systems”, he 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems,October 18-22, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan.
"Cloud Computing"
Role of Cloud Computing Process in Investigations of Extra Terrestrial Life and Intelligence Dr. Neeraj Chaubey1 , Dr. Alka Misra2 and Shivani3 1
K.N. Institute of Technology, Faizabad road, Sultanpur- 228118 e-mail:
[email protected] (Camp office; C-1/76 Vikrant khand, gomtinagar, Lucknow-22601) 2
Department of Mathematics & Astronomy University of Lucknow, Lucknow- 226007 Email:
[email protected]
Department of Mathematics & Astronomy University of Lucknow, Lucknow- 226007 ABSTRACT
Exo-Biology a recently developed branch deals with origin, evolution, distribution and future of life and intelligence in the Universe. It also envisages life-detection missions, design and fabrication of space-flight missions, the design and fabrication of space flight instruments to evaluate habitability and detect biosignatures alongwith astrobiology mission and astronomical data. Cloud compu ting devices towards investigations in Exobiology, Astronomy and Space technolog y have been discussed in all aspects. Key Words: Cloud computing, Exobiology, Extra terrestrial life.
Introduction Most advocated towards the extraterrestrial origin of life and intelligence is the idea of life cloud given by Prof Fred Hoyle and his counter part Prof. N.C. Wikramasinghe giving rise to the search of pre-biotic molecules. Such pre-biotic molecules, formed due to chemical complexification in intergalactic space, have all the characteristics to create life under congenial circumstances. The pre-biotic molecules are apparently responsible for life and intelligence provided they come across the particular circumstances they need. Comets, like planetoids and meteorites, belong to the group of small heavenly bodies. Short period comets (period < 200 years) were probably responsible for the early bombardment of the protoplanets. More than 45 years ago, the chemist John Oro from the University of Houston, Texsas, suggested that biomolecules or their precursors could have been formed in space and brought to our earth by comets (Oro, 1961). Delsemme made
similar suggestions at the ISSOL Conference in Mainz in 1983 (Delsemme, 1984), which led to the idea that comets are important in the evolution of life. For more than ten years some scientists have believed that life has possibly existed on Earth for more than 3.5 billion years but it has not been taken as general consensus. However, it is irresistible fact that the life might have been originated long back on the scale of age of universe. As such, life was not originated on earth rather it came from the extra-galactic space and earth simply was infected out of it. It is a breakdown to the basic belief of the Life Sciences that the life was originated on the earth itself.
Emergence of Cloud Computing Devices A speculative kind of extraterrestrial life described by Arvidas Tamulis and co-authors that has similarities to Fred Hoyle’s Life cloud. It takes the form of a molecular quantum computing cloud that would be able
"Cloud Computing"
to absorb magnetic and light energy from stars and planets, process information, and move in space by using the radiation pressure. Tamulis and his colleagues pointed out the similarities to molecular quantum computers that will use photoactive molecules converting light energy to magnetic flops interacting and controlling the central generating element of ten quantum bits. An essentially requirement for quantum computing life would be long lasting coherent quantum states, which would only be possible at extremely low temperatures found in the interstellar dust clouds and on very cold planets.
Civilization and Technologies Exobiology has resulted to new ponderance in the realm of Space Science and Technology. Within our specific domain of limitations , and inference to the number of technologies ( and civilizations) appropriate to circumstances prevailing in our galaxy, contemporaneously, N are most widely described on the basis of formula given by Frank Drake that
and modifications in our peripherous frame work leads to Number of Technologies = Number of habitable
Technologi cal life span Main Sequence Life of Star
planets ×
Implications, in possible life configuration to clue the spots with probabilities to technology bearing civilizations need to be described in terms of observable Q in the sense of time varying gravity concept because galaxies are preceding under Hubble’s law and the coupling gravitational constant is no longer a universal constant (Chaubey,(2005)). Under such circumstances computer clouding can only be device for Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
Appl icati on of the cloud Computing i n Astronomy/Astrophysics/Exobiology Cloud computing is effective in supporting “highburst” or one-time computing needs. Generally, the cloud is too expensive to support science services on a 24/7 basis. The Gaia mission, a cornerstone mission of the European Space Agency, have produced a threedimensional map of the Milky Way by measuring positions and radial velocities of 1 billion stars. Astronomers worked on GUMS data set, which contains 1.6 billion stars by using a custom developed Java framework based on Hadoop on a virtual machine that contained a small subset of the GUMS data set installed on their laptops.By using their code working quickly were able to run the code against the full GUMS data set which was stored in the Amazon EC2 cloud. This provided a taste of the future possibility of processing close to the data, which will likely play a big role in astronomy in the era of “big data.”
N = N* fp ncfv fi icT Where N* = Number of stars formed where life can sustain. fp = Fraction of such stars to a planetary system nc = Number of such stars forming a star cluster fv = The fraction of such planets where the life has appeared. fi = The fraction on these different kinds of life that evolve to intelligence, civilization & technologies. Ic = sculling factor for particular cluster. T = time span to sustainence of such communicability. The models where Frank Drake equation is applied are invariably SAAS in computer clouding without which index form technology cannot be grasped.
Cloud computing is also according the satellites circling the globe independence from their human makers. These satellites relay information using standards that are easy to assimilate. Astronomers track them, but do not need to stay with eyes open because
Number of Technologies at a Time The Frank Drake equation with present knowledge
"Cloud Computing"
the objects have a semi-autonomous model of checking weather patterns, analyzing rock formation and helping with radio signals. They send reports back to the surface in preset times, meaning that they are in a private cloud that operates on its own, though the larger public can take advantage of their byproducts including clear radio signals and satellite television reception.
infrastructure. As our applications grow, we can add storage, RAM and CPU capacity as needed. Because cloud computing uses less physical resources, there is less hardware to power and maintain. Cloud computing can provide significant savings, better IT services, and a higher level of reliability in scientific applications and researches.
Science fiction movies and novels are no doubt becoming a stable reality through the interactions of cloud computing. The majority who know that they are some of the 99.9% who will never leave earth as space tourists can now live the experience when hidden behind their computer servers. They merely need to interact with other knowledgeable minds whenever a new rocket launches. They can follow it using the fruits of nanotechnology and cloud computing.
Cloud computing provides some strong benefits. Selecting a public or private cloud implementation will depend on your application, performance, security and compliance requirements, but with the proper deployment cloud computing can provide significant savings, better IT services, and a higher level of reliability.
Scientific computing is the research area where mathematical models and quantitative analysis techniques and computers are used to analyze and solve scientific problems. Today, data are getting bigger and models more complex. Scientists have to use powerful computer or super-computers to get results in an acceptable time frame. Unfortunately, sufficient computer cluster are not available for all scientists or the maintenance and administration costs for computer cluster environments exceed the available budgets. Cloud computing is “a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction”. Working with data in the cloud can vastly benefit all types of sciences. Cloud computing pools all of the computing resources that can be distributed to applications as needed – optimizing the use of the sum of the computing resources and delivering better efficiency and utilization of the entire shared infrastructure. Working with a public cloud or outsourced private cloud computing option, cloud computing delivers a better cash flow by eliminating the capital expense associated with building the server
Acknowledgement: Heartily thanks are due to Department of Science and Technology (D.S.T.) for financial support and encouragement.
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Chaubey, N; Reports, 2001 ISTE (of All India Council for Technical Education at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi).
Chaubey, N; 2005 Math.Sci.Net., (American Mathematical Society) MR 0601327, p. 6-9.
Hoyle,F., Wikramasinghe, N.C., AL-mufti, Olavesen, A.N.; 1982 Astrophys. And Space Sci., p. 489-492.
Nisbet, E.G., Plillinger, C.T.; 1981, Nature 289, p. 11-12.
Tamulis, A., Tamuliene, J., Balevicius, M.L., and Rinkevicius, Z,; 2001”Ab initio quantum chemical search of per linear transition state of azo-dye molecules and design of molecular logical machines.” Nonlinear optics, 27,481-488.
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