The DCC network includes facilities in Aachen. (Germany), Beijing, Chicago, Singapore and Venice. (Italy). Each center h
McKinsey’s Digital Capability Centers (DCC) are a global network of Industry 4.0-focused capability centers to drive digital transformation of companies around the world. Offering services from experiential learning and capability-building to piloting new technologies, the DCCs support companies at every stage of their digital transformation journey. The DCC network includes facilities in Aachen (Germany), Beijing, Chicago, Singapore and Venice (Italy). Each center has been founded in partnership with a leading industry consortium, government organization, or research institution.
The Singapore facility is a collaboration with the Advanced Remanufacturing and Technology Center (ARTC) to develop digital manufacturing and industrial design expertise for Asia. It is located at the Clean Tech Park in the Jurong Innovation District. DCC Singapore simulates real life gearbox, showcasing its use of digital solutions in the company’s transformation journey. Each technology showcase is designed to be especially relevant to regionally-important sectors including discrete manufacturing, semiconductors, oil and gas, electric power, and mining.
Our Solution Each DCC has been founded in partnership with leading industry players. In the context of DCC Singapore, McKinsey and technology provider Cloudleaf have collaborated in setting up a demonstrator for Product Traceability. The technology of Cloudleaf’s Sensor Fabric™ collects location and telemetry data from enterprise operations with indoor, out-door, and in-transit
coverage to provide real-time actionable insights. Leveraging the platform to demonstrate the potential gains of Industry 4.0, McKinsey has designed learning modules to educate practitioners on the approach to diagnose their organization’s readiness to adopt such technologies, calculate the business case in terms of return on investment and implement the technology at their own sites.