... pointed at anyone - they may not see the bow is not. loaded. A bow should never be loosed from full draw without an
Bowmen Of Lyme Club Statement The aim of the Club is to provide the facility for its members to take part in all forms of archery. The club is not run by a Committee; it is run by its members under the guidelines of the Committee. The smooth running of the Club is the responsibility of each and every member. There are no full-time officers or employees to look after large scale (or mundane) tasks and the Club relies upon each member to pull his/her own weight. Every member is expected to support a proportion of the Club's working parties and fund-raising projects. In addition, each member will be expected to act in a responsible manner and ensure club equipment and premises are always fit for subsequent use, and assist in setting out and tidying up of the field. The Club reserves the right to implement Rule 23 of the Constitution.
Administration All members of the Bowmen of Lyme are affiliated to the G.N.A.S. (Grand National Archery Society) via County (Cheshire), and Region N.C.A.S. (Northern Counties Archery Society). Bowmen of Lyme GNAS Details; Club: GNAS Number: County: Region:
Bowmen Of Lyme BB936 Cheshire NCAS
Each Archer will be given a G.N.A.S Number once their membership has been ratified. Each Club can send 1 Representative to each County Meeting. Each County can send 1 Representative for every 10 Clubs to Regional Meetings. Each Region can send Representatives to National Council Meetings.
Guidelines Below is a list of guidelines to help ensure the smooth running of the club.
It is up to every member to keep the Club hut tidy and take home their litter.
Keeping Club equipment in good order, e.g. target bags etc., makes it easier next time the equipment is used.
Although we are here to enjoy ourselves, excessive noise on the line can put people off, and it would not be tolerated at competition. See list on etiquette.
Take care of the shooting line, e.g. foot markers instead of digging ditches. The line soon gets muddy when the ground is wet, so please tread carefully.
No target score can be included for Club records or classification unless witnessed.
All score sheets must be correctly filled in, in ink, and include the round, date, signatures, and put into the Record Officer's box for collection. Note: misses are recorded with an `M'.
Additional safety rules for shooting field archery must be understood and implemented before shooting in the woods.
Never offer criticism of other archers' style, faults etc., unless requested.
Gates should be shut to prevent livestock escaping.
The gate into the archery field should be closed once shooting commences.
Do not leave the last person at the Club to shut all the gates. Sharing this responsibility also ensures that no Club member is stranded due to car breakdown.
Make all new members welcome by introducing yourself and helping them with any problems.
Safety The potentiality of any bow to cause injury is obvious but, as long as the rules which have been drawn up to ensure safety on the range is followed, there is little likelihood of danger. Even experienced archers need to be reminded of safety rules because one can tend to get rather casual as confidence grows. Note:
The rules listed below are in addition to the GNAS Rules of Shooting.
A loaded bow should not be drawn except on the shooting line in the direction of the target.
A drawn bow, either loaded or unloaded, should never be pointed at anyone - they may not see the bow is not loaded.
A bow should never be loosed from full draw without an arrow for fear of breaking the bow.
Fraying strings or those with broken strands should be discarded.
Never shoot an arrow where it may go out of sight.
Never shoot an arrow straight up into the air.
When bracing a bow, take care to ensure it cannot slip and injure the archer and that the string is firmly located in the nocks and along the string groove.
Never use arrows that are too short for you so as to prevent any arrow being drawn inside the bow.
Bracers should always be worn to keep sleeves out of the way and to afford some measure of protection in the case of a bad shot.
Loose clothing, ties, badges, jewellery etc., which might foul the string should be discarded.
After shooting walk, don’t run, to one side of target, so that arrows that have fallen short are not trodden on.
Do not stand in front of a target, as an archer withdraws his arrows.
Remain at least 5 yards behind shooting line when not actually shooting.
Only go up to targets or recommence shooting on the signal of Field Captain or person in charge. The whistle code in common use is: 1 blast to commence shooting; 2 blasts to move forward and collect arrows; a series of short blasts to interrupt shooting for any reason. Anyone who sees cause for the shooting to stop in the interests of safety must call FAST - the traditional order to archers to stop shooting and come down.
Spectators should be at least 15 yards behind and 10 yards from ends of shooting line. See GNAS Rules for further clarification.
It is usual to have no more than 4 archers per target and targets spaced so that there is no chance of anyone passing near the fall of arrows.
No junior is allowed to shoot without an adult member being present.
Adults are permitted to shoot Target Archery on their own although it is advisable, for safety reasons, to shoot with a minimum of one other archer present. Clout archery and Field archery require a minimum of two archers to be present with one to shoot and the second to act as a look out. This is because the overshoot for these disciplines fall outside of the fenced area of the club grounds. Please see GNAS rules of shooting for further clarification.
Archery warning signs should be placed at the entry to the range and at the far end of the range to ensure that members of the public walking along the fence line at the end of our grounds are alerted to the fact that archery is in progress and that they should keep clear.
When shooting clout, there are additional red flags that MUST be placed out in the adjoining field to mark out the required overshoot area.
When shooting field archery, additional signs should be placed at both entrances to the field shoot area so that other members are alerted to the fact that you are in there and do not accidentally encroach on the overshoot area.
All overshoots should comply with GNAS Rules.
Etiquette The points below are not compulsory but are a matter of courtesy and consideration for other members within the club.
Do not touch another's tackle without permission.
Replace or return, in good condition, any borrowed tackle.
If you break another archer's arrow by carelessness, pay for it..The one exception to this is accidental damage caused by one arrow hitting another (either in the ground or target boss) which is just regarded as bad luck.
Wait until all arrows have been scored before going behind the target to retrieve arrows.
When calling scores, do so in groups of three, for example, `7, 7, 5', pause, `5, 5, 3'.
Help search for lost arrows.
Vacate your place on the line as soon as you have finished shooting, but do not move suddenly while someone near to you is about to shoot.
Stand well back from the line when not shooting and converse quietly - loud voices and laughter can be distracting.
Comparing scores up and down the line is bad form. Keep quiet about your score.
Do not talk to another competitor who obviously prefers to be silent.
Do not make any exclamation on the shooting line which might disconcert a neighbour in the act of shooting.
Thank the Target Captain at the end of each round for work on his/her behalf.
Do not leave litter.
If you must take pets and children to a shoot, keep them under control so as not to disturb other archers.
Should you wish to photograph an archer, permission should be sought, beforehand, from the archer in question - or in the case of juniors/vulnerable adults, their parent/guardian/nominated adult. Ref: GNAS Child Protection Policy
Shooting Times Morning Afternoon Evening
Sat Clout
Sun Target Target
The main times set aside for each discipline are shown above. All other times are available to members for shooting whenever they prefer. Field archery does not appear in the timetable as it does not interfere with the usage of the field. Sundays On Sunday all archers must turn up at 10 o’clock to assist in the setting out of the field for a 10:30am prompt start. Any archer not arriving in time would have to wait until first brew break to set their own target to prevent inconvenience to others. Archers arriving late on competition days shall not be allowed to make up any ends that they have missed (G.N.A.S. Rule 104G). Please Note; i) ii)
If you wish to shoot at a target already out and space is available, it is etiquette to request permission to join archers, it is not your right. Do not inconvenience archers already shooting when setting out your own target.
Weekdays No set times are laid down, other than in the timetable. However, when arriving, in consideration for archers already shooting, follow notes (i) and (ii) above. The park is open 8am to 8pm or dusk (whichever is the earlier), but note there is no admittance to the park after 8pm.
Events Calendar To give members an idea of the events that run throughout the year, some of the regular events are listed below; Events January February
Committee Meeting
Annual General Meeting Indoor Target Championships Club Clout Championships Beginners Lessons Start Easter Weekend Have-A-Goes
April May June
Rangers Evening
Club Field Championships Club Barbeque
August September
Club Outdoor Target Championships
Start of the Indoor Target Season
Start of the Frostbite and Portsmouth Competitions.
Christmas Meal
Location The location of the Bowmen of Lyme grounds within the park is shown on the map below.
The Paddock, Lyme Park, Disley, Stockport, SK12 2NX
Range Layout