CMAC Newsletter - Eurocontrol

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Contacts: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]. CMAC Newsletter. EUROCONTROL. Directorate ...
February 2012 I N°11 EUROCONTROL

CMAC Newsletter Mission trajectory role playing exercise Directorate Single Sky

On 6th and 7th December 2011, CMAC conducted at EUROCONTROL premises a 2-day workshop aiming at consolidating the mission trajectory concept for steps 1, 2 and 3. The workshop was a united effort by the 4 CMAC units and the CMAC SESAR programme manager. Most of the CMAC experts involved in the SESAR projects and a contracted expert from CASSIDIAN participated in this role playing exercise. The exercise was supported by the LARA ASM support system developed by EUROCONTROL and by a realistic scenario with a basic fighter training mission followed by an air-to-air refuelling. It resulted in a refinement of the mission trajectory concept and a consolidated understanding of the basic assumptions and issues surrounding the mission trajectory. This is valuable knowledge for all CMAC experts providing effort in the SESAR operational, technical and transversal work packages. It is a fundamental step in the process to review the “Introduction to Mission trajectory” document which we intend to update throughout 2012. The workshop proved very useful for the coordination between CMAC experts who, on a daily basis, participate in SESAR projects to provide part of the military expertise, especially as the 2012 SESAR Master Plan update is progressing.

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LARA - as an efficient and mature airspace management support system - was a perfect support to the scenario and to all the actors of the role playing exercise. It helped in structuring the discussion and in raising several issues which will have to be addressed in the various SESAR projects as from now on. According to all participants this event was highly appreciated. Follow-up events will be organized by CMAC with the same objectives as the programme will progress. The participation in the next workshop might be extended to experts outside CMAC and might address more specific issues.