SPRDHR, SERD, and SRT series DVR CMS Software. Walkthrough. Create a
system password and input a valid email address to use should you need to ...
SPRDHR, SERD, and SRT series DVR CMS Software Walkthrough Create a system password and input a valid email address to use should you need to recover that password. Once created, type in the password you created, default username is SYSTEM, and click OK.
Now you will be at the main interface screen. To setup your first remote connection to a DVR, click on System Config in the bottom right corner.
SPRDHR, SERD, and SRT series DVR CMS Software Walkthrough Click on Device Manager and then the Add Region button, as shown by the arrows below.
Type a name for your new region. It could be anything you wish to call it, the name of the business, geographical location, etc. Click OK.
SPRDHR, SERD, and SRT series DVR CMS Software Walkthrough Click on the region you just created to highlight it.
Click the Add Device button.
SPRDHR, SERD, and SRT series DVR CMS Software Walkthrough Enter the Device name (any name for the DVR such as store number, home, etc.), Server IP address, Data Port (normally 2000), User Name (default admin), and Password (default 123456). Click OK.
You should now have your DVR listed with the correct number of cameras below it.
Click on the Live button in the lower right corner to return to the main screen now.
SPRDHR, SERD, and SRT series DVR CMS Software Walkthrough Click and drag the name of the DVR you just connected to and drop it into the first viewing window to the right. The software will begin streaming video from all of the cameras on that DVR. You can also drag individual cameras and place them in the viewing window of your choice.
Adjust the number of viewing windows on screen with the buttons at the bottom of the window.
SPRDHR, SERD, and SRT series DVR CMS Software Walkthrough You can connect to multiple DVR’s at one time, and be viewing them all on screen together. Or you can pick and choose cameras from each DVR that you wish to monitor by setting up camera groups. Connect to a second DVR by adding another device in System Config > Device Manager.
Then create a camera group in the right side window pane by clicking on the Add Group button.
Then select cameras from the list of DVR’s on the left and click the right arrow center screen to place them into your new camera group on the right.
SPRDHR, SERD, and SRT series DVR CMS Software Walkthrough
Click on the Live button to return to the main viewing screen. Then click on the Channel Group button located in the lower left of the screen.
Click Yes on the warning that pops up to stop the current live streams.
Click and drag your new camera group from the list on the left, and drop it in the first viewing window. All of the cameras in your group will begin streaming live video.
SPRDHR, SERD, and SRT series DVR CMS Software Walkthrough
SPRDHR, SERD, and SRT series DVR CMS Software Walkthrough
Remote Playback and Backup To play back recorded video remotely from the DVR click on Video Search in the lower right corner of the main screen. Your view should look like this:
Click on the Remote Playback tab at the top left of the screen.
SPRDHR, SERD, and SRT series DVR CMS Software Walkthrough Pick the DVR you want to review from the Select Device drop-down list.
Select a date.
And select one or more channels.
SPRDHR, SERD, and SRT series DVR CMS Software Walkthrough Then click on Search. All files matching the date and cameras you selected will be listed on screen, as well as a time line as shown below. Select a point on the timeline, or one of the files in the list and click on Play to review video.
The controls work just like a VCR. You can fast forward (depending on good network connection), pause, stop, and advance one frame at a time. You can also take snapshots from the video on screen to save or later print.
When you have an incident you would like to backup video from, click on the Backup button on the right hand side of the screen.
SPRDHR, SERD, and SRT series DVR CMS Software Walkthrough Click on the Remote Backup tab at the top of the screen.
Select a Start Time and End time to search for. Click on Select Channel and select which DVR, and the channel(s) you would like to backup.
Next to the Backup Path click on the Browse button and select a folder to save the backup to.
SPRDHR, SERD, and SRT series DVR CMS Software Walkthrough Then click on Search to get a list of files/events that match the date, time, and channels you selected.
Place a checkmark in the files you want to backup, and click the Backup button.
SPRDHR, SERD, and SRT series DVR CMS Software Walkthrough Your file(s) will be downloaded to the location you selected in the Backup Path. Open that folder in Windows to find the video files you just backed up, and double click on them to play.
SPRDHR, SERD, and SRT series DVR CMS Software Walkthrough You may also notice a codecsetup.exe file was downloaded as well. If you encounter an error playing the video file, it may be because you don’t have the correct codec installed. Double-click this file to install the codec and try playing the video again. You may need to restart Windows Media Player after installing the codec.