UL = Upper-level courses; 3000/4000. You must complete a minimum of 45
semester hours of upper-level courses to graduate. LL = Lower-level courses; ...
Coastal Bend College to Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Bachelor of Science Criminal Justice Note: This is only a guide. It does not constitute an official degree plan. What you take at CBC (prior to transfer) Courses ENGL 1301 HIST 1301 or HIST 2301 MATH 1442 Core Natural Science w/lab Core Natural Science ENGL 1302 HIST 1302 or HIST 2301 if not taken Core Speech Core Social/Behavioral Sci. Core Humanities-Literature Two (2) Core KINE/DANC GOVT 2301 GOVT 2302 Core Visual or Performing Arts COSC 1401 or COSC 1436 CBC Total (Core Curriculum)
What you take at TAMU-CC (after you transfer) Hrs. 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 47
In addition to the core, you will also complete:
Courses CRIJ 1301 or CRIJ 1313 (Systems) CRIJ 1306 CRIJ 1310 CRIJ 2314 CRIJ 2328 CRIJ Elective CRIJ Elective Total Block CBC
Hrs. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 21
Courses Choose 1 from: Theory CRIJ 4331, 4335 Choose 1 from: Law Enforcement CRIJ 3302, 4351 Choose 1 from: Courts CRIJ 3310, 4313 Choose 1 from: Corrections CRIJ 3325, 4320, 4321 CRIJ 4345 CRIJ UL Elective (3000/4000) CRIJ UL Elective (3000/4000) CRIJ UL Elective (3000/4000) CRIJ UL Elective (3000/4000) CRIJ UL Elective (3000/4000) ENGL 3301 UL Electives to = 45 UL Single Foreign Language (LL) Single Foreign Language (LL) Estimate LL or UL Elective Must talk to TAMUCC academic advisor to be sure Total SCH; 45 UL SCH; and major requirements are met for graduation. Total TAMUCC SCH
Hrs. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 3 3 3
UL = Upper-level courses; 3000/4000. You must complete a minimum of 45 semester hours of upper-level courses to graduate. LL = Lower-level courses; 1000/2000. Opting for lower-level courses may result in additional hours needed towards degree completion. NOTE:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
CRIJ 4390 Special Topics. Must be approved prior to taking the course. Theoretical Perspectives: CRIJ 3315, 4331, 4335, 4322. Corrections: CRIJ 3320, 3325, 4320, 4321, 4324. Courts: CRIJ 3310, 4310, 4311, 4312, 4313. Law Enforcement: CRIJ 2328, 3302, 3340, 4340 ,4351. Please refer to the University catalog for policies, course descriptions, and pre-requisite information. Students who do not complete a TX public core prior to entering TAMU-CC are subject to TAMU-CC core. Max 4 SCH KINE to degree. Not taking specific course work may result in additional requirements. The sequencing of courses is critical to a timely graduation. You must talk to a TAMUCC academic advisor about sequence of courses, and make sure total SCH and UL SCH are met for graduation. You must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 throughout your academic career. A minimum of 120 total credit semester hours must be completed to earn a Bachelor’s degree. Foreign Language required for the degree. (6 SCH in a single FL) Computer competency must be met for graduation. Please see the University catalog for more information. Revised Fall 2009 catalog. Expires August 2016. (Only 66 SCH may transfer to official degree plans.)
How to use and interpret this guide Thank you for your interest in continuing your college education at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. For specific questions regarding this guide, contact the TAMU-CC Academic Advising Transition Center at 361.825.5931. Please note that this guide is NOT an official degree plan, and reflects courses a student can take at their institution prior to transferring, as well as the courses they will need to take upon enrolling at A&M-Corpus Christi. This guide is only to be used by students transferring to A&M-Corpus Christi. Faculty and academic advisors are continuously reviewing this guide to reflect the most current information and it is subject to change at any time.
TOP OF PAGE Lists the institution you will be transferring coursework from, as well as the program you wish to pursue upon transferring to A&M-Corpus Christi. LEFT-HAND COLUMN(S) Courses you have taken or will take at your institution prior to transferring that will apply towards your desired degree program (listed at the top of the guide). NOTE: You do not need to take all of the courses listed in this column in order to transfer. However, if you do not complete these courses prior to transferring, you will be required to take them or their course equivalents once enrolled at A&M-Corpus Christi.
RIGHT-HAND COLUMN(S) Courses you will take at A&M-Corpus Christi (after you transfer) that will apply towards your desired degree program. BOTTOM PARAGRAPH (bottom of page) The numbered paragraph shown at the bottom of the transfer guide outlines other requirements and important details pertinent to enrollment in your desired program. Students are strongly encouraged to make an appointment with the assigned academic advisor in their degree program during their first semester of attendance at A&M-Corpus Christi to discuss the establishment of an official degree plan. Students should also consult the University catalog for pre-requisites and other rules and regulations concerning their attendance at A&M-Corpus Christi.