Coastal Dynamics 2013
Katerina Kombiadou , Romaric Verney2, Martin Plus3 and Florian Ganthy4
Abstract A three-dimensional hydrodynamic model has been modified to describe the complex interactions between hydrodynamics, sediment dynamics and biological parameters in the presence of Zostera noltii by three-way coupling of the modelling parameters (hydrodynamics, sediment and biogeochemical dynamics). The model is applied in the Arcachon Bay, an area with high environmental significance and high presence of dwarf-grass meadows. Results from preliminary applications of the model are presented and discussed; the effectiveness of the coupled model is assessed through comparison of modelling results with available field measurements of sediment concentrations and seagrass growth parameters. The model generally reproduces sediment dynamics and dwarf-grass growth in the domain well and the produces satisfactory results regarding the effects of seagrass to the local hydrodynamics. Key words: Zostera noltii, sedimentation, Arcachon lagoon, intertidal mudflats
1. Introduction The high environmental significance of vegetated beds has drawn scientific interest to the study of the flow and/or ecosystem dynamics in their presence over the last decades. It is a well documented fact that the presence of aquatic vegetation has a strong impact on local hydrodynamics and as well as on the transport and deposition of sediments (e.g. Gacia et al., 1999). The interference of seagrass to the flow results to reduced flow velocities near the bed and, therefore, to reduced shear conditions that could favour deposition and decrease resuspension of newly deposited matter. However, the increase of turbulence near the interface between the canopy and the unrestricted flow and the development of instabilities may lead to intense mixing in the zone that could affect the local deposition rates. At the same time, the leaf blades bend under hydrodynamic forcing, thus changing the local forces balance and producing a canopying effect that could prevent particles from settling through the leaves and deposited particles from resuspending, while the rhizome and root system of the plants act as a stabilizing agent against erosion. It, thus, becomes evident that the local sediment balance is highly complex and dependant on the vegetation type and density. The effects of vegetated beds on local hydrodynamics has been investigated for different types of aquatic plants by insitu measurements (Gacia et al, 1999; Bouma et al., 2005a, Temmerman et al., 2005) and flume experiments using natural (Grizzle et al., 1996; Bouma et al., 2005b; Lefebvre et al., 2010) or artificial vegetation (Nepf and Vivoni, 2000; Lopez and Garcia, 2001; Ghisalberti and Nepf, 2002; Fonseca and Koehl, 2006; Nepf and Ghisalberti, 2008; Bouma et al., 2009). Three distinct areas have been identified in vegetated flows: a low-velocity area within the canopy, a transition zone of increased shear at the interface and a free-stream velocity layer above the canopy (Lefebvre et al., 2010). The penetration of shear-scale turbulence into the canopy is limited by the canopy drag, while a mixed layer can form at the interface of the canopy, leading to the formation of Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities and coherent vortices within the mixing layer (Ghisalberti and Nepf, 2002). The vortex street in a vegetated shear layer creates a pronounced oscillation in the velocity profile, which in turn is responsible for the synchronous, largeamplitude waving (monami) of flexible canopies (Ghisalberti and Nepf, 2006), while waving can be 1
LER/AR, Ifremer, Quai du Commandant Silhouette, Arcachon 33120, France.
[email protected] DYNECO/PHYSED, Ifremer, BP70, 29280 Plouzané, France.
[email protected] 3 LER/AR, Ifremer, Quai du Commandant Silhouette, Arcachon 33120, France.
[email protected] 4 DYNECO/PHYSED, Ifremer, BP70, 29280 Plouzané, France.
[email protected] 2
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potentially important for larval settlement to seagrasses (Grizzle et al., 1999). A turbulence maximum is generally found to occur at the water-canopy interface (Gambi et al., 1990; Ghisalberti and Nepf, 2002; Lefebvre et al., 2010). Upstream of the canopy, the flow adjusts over a length scale proportional to the canopy width, while the length scale of the interior adjustment region depends on the canopy flowblockage (Rominger and Nepf, 2011). Regarding the flow of emergent and submerged canopies, the velocity profile is determined by the variation in vegetative drag for the case of emergent vegetation, whereas once a canopy becomes submerged, the vertical penetration of turbulent stress defines a vertical exchange zone (Nepf and Vivoni, 2000). There are generally two different approaches to modelling the velocity profile through and above submerged vegetation: a two-layer approach, which separately describes flow in the vegetation layer and in the upper layer (Righetti and Armanini, 2002; Defina and Bixio, 2005; Rominger and Nepf, 2011), and a suitably modified turbulence modelling approach, in which the drag due to vegetation is taken into account not only in the momentum equation but also in the turbulence closure scheme (Fischer-Antze et al, 2001; Lopez and Garcia, 2001; Temmerman et al., 2005). It must be noted that stiff and bending canopies present different effects to the hydrodynamics (Ghisalberti and Nepf, 2009). However, it is possible to describe the changes in the canopy configuration under shear forcing; Backhouse and Verduin (2008) developed a Lagrangian plant model to simulate the movement of plants under oscillatory flow. Large-scale modelling applications for the investigation of the hydro-sedimentary effects of the presence of vegetated beds have also been implemented. Temmerman et al. (2005) formulated a model for the three-dimensional effects of vegetation on the flow, combined to a sediment transport model; their results advocate that vegetation has a pronounce impact on flow routing and on the spatial sedimentation patterns. Milbradt and Schonert (2008) developed an object-oriented holistic framework for ecohydraulic simulation of vegetated flows based on a fuzzy logic rule-based system and applied it to predict seagrass around and island in the North Sea. Ganthy (2011) also worked on the impacts of Zostera noltii on hydro and sediment dynamics with extensive laboratory and field experiments. The laboratory experiments (Ganthy 2011) were conducted in a recirculating flume, using natural dwarf-grass plants of different characteristics, and included deposition and erosion tests with velocity profile and suspended sediment recordings; the results showed the strong effects the presence of the aquatic plants have on the flow and on suspended sediment concentrations in the flume. The field campaigns (Ganthy et al., 2013a) were implemented in an intertidal mudflat of variable meadow coverage and included continuous monitoring of bed altimetry, tide and wave recordings and monthly sampling and analysis of sediment parameters and meadow characteristics. The survey revealed that the bed accreted in all vegetated stations, accretion that was positively correlated with the seasonal growth of the meadows, while during the seasonal degeneration of dwarf-grasses the meadow continued to retain sediment, preventing erosion of the bed. It becomes evident that the interactions between seagrasses, flow and sediment pathways are highly complex and it would be very difficult to extrapolate experimental data to study these phenomena in the scale of a coastal region. In that aim, we focused on the development of a three-way coupled mathematical model to describe the flow, sediment and biological parameters’ dynamics in the Arcachon lagoon (SW France). The bay of Arcachon (Fig.1) is a triangular-shaped, enclosed, mesotidal environment that consists of an intricate network of main and secondary channels and of the intertidal area that is partly occupied by dwarf-grass, at depths of 0.3-3.1m above the lowest astronomical tide. The sediment is mainly sandy in the channel system and ranges from sand to muddy sand in the intertidal area. Seven rivers discharge in the bay, with the two largest (Eyre and Porges) to provide the bulk freshwater and sediment influx to the domain. The Bay of Arcachon is and area of high ecological productivity, with the largest abundance of Zostera noltii in Europe (Auby and Labourg, 1996), even though a reduction of their surface has been documented during the last decade; the total surface of dwarf-grass meadows in the Arcachon bay was reduced by 33% between 1989 and 2007 that corresponds to a total loss of 22.8km2 (Plus et al, 2010). The most recent (2007) mapping of the Zostera meadows in the intertidal area of the Arcachon lagoon reports a vegetated surface of 45.7km2 with high (75%) coverage in the western part of the lagoon and lower (25%) in the eastern (Plus et al., 2010). The corresponding densities of the meadows range from 4000 to 9000 shoots/m2 (low) during winter and from 11000 to 22000 shoots/m2 (high) during summer (Auby and Labourg, 1996). The present paper focuses on the presentation of the model and characteristic results from applications in the Arcachon lagoon and their correlation with corresponding field measurements. The main objective of the model development is the need for investigation of the receding trends observed in the dwarf-grass
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coverage and the possible impacts a continuing regression can have on the primary productivity in the domain and on sediment dynamics and vice versa.
Figure 1: Bathymetry of the Arcachon lagoon and location of the area in the map of France; the rivers of the area and selected stations are noted on the map.
2. Model description The modelling platform includes the coupling of hydro-sediment dynamics and biogeochemical cycles regarding the effects and growth of Zostera noltii (Fig.2). More specifically, the Model for Applications at Regional Scale (MARS) (Lazure and Dumas, 2008) was modified to describe the 3-dimensional hydrodynamic response of the flow to the aquatic vegetation, taking into account the loss of momentum due to drag exerted on the blades, the increase in turbulence and the bending of the leaves under forcing; drag resistance was included as an additional friction force, while the production and dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy due to the restricted flow were included in the κ-ε turbulence closure scheme (Temmerman et al., 2005). The model parameters were calibrated and validated using laboratory flume experiments, with good correlation between measured and simulated hydrodynamics (Ganthy et al., 2013b). Information regarding the growth and characteristics of the Zostera noltii meadows in the domain are provided by the biogeochemical modules, while the primary productivity and the growth of the dwarf-grasses are in turn highly affected by the changes to local hydrodynamics and suspended sediment concentrations (attenuation of photosynthetically active radiations, PAR). At the same time, the effects of aquatic vegetation to the sediment dynamics were taken into account both directly, through the calibrated values of settling and sediment erodibility parameters, and indirectly, through the changes to the benthic shear by the corresponding changes to the near-bed hydrodynamics caused by the presence of leaf blades.
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Figure 2: Schematic outline of the interaction between the main modelling parameters.
To calibrate sediment dynamics we used available deposition and erosion experiments conducted in a recirculating flume for bare sediment and for different characteristics of natural Zostera noltii meadows (Ganthy, 2011). Initial calculations based on the deposition experiments showed that the settling velocity in the cases of vegetated bed experiments is underestimated by the model when calculated using the same function as for the bare sediment case. This indicated that leaf density and bending play a significant part on the settling of sediment trough the canopy; the flexible blades produce a canopying effect under shear that can either inhibit settling through a highly dense and bent canopy, or trap sediment and reduce resuspension in cases of lower densities and/or slightly inclined blades. Based on these considerations, the settling velocity was modified to express the direct effects of seagrass leafs to the sediment settling rate (ws): − h w s = w s0 ⋅ can ⋅ 2 e h leaf
( LAI − LAI0 )2 LAI04
In the above equation ws0 is the initial settling velocity (for unvegetated bed), hcan and hleaf are the bent and unbent leaf height and LAI is the Leaf Area Index that equals the total leaf surface per vegetated area [m2/m2]. The ratio of hcan/hleaf expresses leaf bending and LAI the density of the canopy, while the constant parameter LAI0 was estimated at 4. Similarly, the presence of the bent canopy was found to have a direct impact on the erosion rates calculated based on the available erosion experiments; leaf canopying, in this case, causes reduction of the erodibility of the sediment due to the physical obstruction the bent blades pose to the sediment flocs that are mobilized during erosion, which can lead the flocs to resettle after collision with the canopy. This effect was taken into account in the calculation of the erosion rate (ε), which is calculated by the corresponding erosion rate for the bare sediment case (εbs) and an exponential function of LAI:
ε = ε bs ⋅ 2 ⋅ exp ( −0.4 ⋅ LAI )
It should be noted that the sediment transport modules describe the main processes that control the transport and near-bed dynamics of both coarse and fine sediment classes. The biogeochemical model (Guillaud et al., 2000, Huret et al., 2013), describes the planktonic food chain (photosynthesis, respiration, grazing, excretion, etc.), nitrogen, phosphorus and silicon cycling (mineralization processes and fluxes at the water–sediment interface), coupled with a module that describes the growth of Zostera noltii seagrasses (adapted from Plus et al., 2003). Seven state variables represent the macrophytes: the above and belowground biomass, the density of shoots per square meters and the above and the below-ground nitrogen and phosphorus pools. Contrary to the phytoplancton, that growth relies on the nutrient available in the water column (in addition to the PAR and the water temperature),Zostera noltii can uptake nutrients by their
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rhizomes and roots in sediment interstitial waters as well as from their leaves in the water column. Moreover, due to their higher tissue content in cellulose seagrass biomass is less labile than other organic detritus coming from plankton decay, it is thus more inclined to be exported outside the lagoonal system. The input parameters of the model include atmospheric forcing, exchanges at the open boundaries, inflow of freshwater, fine sediments and nutrients (nitrate, phosphate, silicate, and ammonium) from the 7 rivers of the area (Fig.1), while both sediment classes (sand and mud) can enter suspension during bed erosion of the bed. 3. Results The model is applied in the Bay of Arcachon in a computational grid that covers the aquatic domain of the lagoon, extending eastwards to longitude -1.46°E and at latitudes between 44.34 and 44.89°N (Fig.1). The bathymetry reaches depths of around 50m at the east-most open boundary. The horizontal discretization step is 235m and 10 sigma layers were used in the vertical inside the column and another 10 vertical layers were used for the description of the surface (1m) sediment of the bed. In the present section results from various simulations of the model in the Arcachon Bay are presented and discussed. These results include investigations of the effects of Zostera noltii to hydrodynamics and Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) concentrations in the domain, as well as the effective reproduction of dwarf-grass growth. It should be noted that the composition of deposited sand and mud obtained by hydro-sedimentary simulations (not shown here) is in good agreement with corresponding mud and sand content defined after core sampling. To investigate the effectiveness of the model to describe the effect of dwarf-grass populations to the local hydrodynamics and to access these effects in the Arcachon Bay, two simulations were implemented using different dwarf-grass densities (low: 4000-9000 shoots/m2 and high: 11000-22000 shoots/m2); their results were compared to a corresponding one that did not take into account the presence of vegetation (bare sediment case). The following figure presents the relative difference in near-bed velocities for high (Fig.3a) and low (Fig.3b) densities of Zostera noltii meadows, with reference to the bare sediment case; the values have been averaged over one tidal period. It can be noted that the velocities are reduced by a local maximum of 60% for the high density period (characteristic of summer conditions), while the average reduction in the western, highly vegetated, areas is of the order of 20-50%; the decrease in the eastern area is lower, ranging at 10-30%. The corresponding results for the low density period (characteristic of winter conditions) have similar spatial distribution, but significantly lower velocity attenuation that reached a local maximum of 35%. The reduction of near-bed velocities entails related reduction to the bottom shear stress and thus leads to higher deposition and lower resuspension rates at the locations of dwarf-grass presence. Following, results from applications of the fully-coupled model in the domain of Arcachon are presented and discussed.
Figure 3. Relative decrease of near-bed velocity [%] between unvegetated state and high (a) and low (b) density meadows; the red curve denotes the vegetated areas, while the values are time-averaged over one tidal cycle
Results of suspended sediment concentrations are compared with corresponding measurements collected by the Arcachon Bay Hydrological (Archyd) network at characteristic stations. Figure 4 shows the correlation of field data with two different simulations for 2009 and at four stations in the bay, two in the inner part (Jacquets and Comprian) and two at the entrance of the bay (Buoy07 and Buoy13). These
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simulations consider different values for the maximum settling velocities predicted by the model for the fine sediment fraction, with SIM1 to take into account twice the maximum sedimentation rate of SIM2 (2mm/s and 1mm/s, respectively). It can be noted that for Jacquets the correlation with the measurements is better for SIM2, while SIM1 significantly depreciates SPM. For the Comprian station, however, SIM2 predicts higher SPM concentrations than the ones measured in the field, while SIM1 approximates these measurements more accurately; a general observation regarding all stations is that SIM1 predicts very low (nearly zero) concentrations at low tidal velocities, while SIM2 improves the ‘floor’ SPM values significantly and, at the same time simulates, peak concentrations well over the measured ones. It should be noted that the Archyd measurements are conducted at low or high tide and, thus, when tidal circulation is near to be minimum. Therefore, the field recordings do not depict sediment dynamics at maximum tidal energy, while high-frequency measurements indicate that SPM concentrations in the domain can be higher than the ones measured by Archyd. For the two stations at the entrance of the bay SIM2 provides results that are closer to the insitu recordings; however, for Buoy07 the decrease in settling velocities did not change SPM concentrations significantly. This is probably due to location of the station, combined with the dominant circulation patterns in the bay, analysed further in the discussion section.
Figure 4. Comparison of SPM concentrations in four stations in the Arcachon lagoon (Fig.1) simulated using two different sediment characteristics (red and blue curves) and from insitu measurements from the Archyd network (squares)
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To investigate the effect of the dwarf-grass on the SPM in the lagoon of Arcachon we compared two different simulations, one with obstructions (WO) and the other with no obstructions (NO); the comparison of the two cases is presented in Figure 5 for three locations in the bay (Fig.1): location 1 inside the vegetated area, location 2 in a medium depth, unvegetated area along the mudflats and location 3 in a deep channel area at the entrance of the lagoon. For locations 1 and 3 the model predicts much higher concentrations for the NO case compared to the WO one, while this is not the case for location 2 that is outside the meadow, where the two simulations have small-scale differences in SPM concentrations. These results are promising and support the effectiveness of the model to accurately describe the effects of vegetation to the local sediment dynamics; the presence of seagrass causes significant decrease of SPM due to the decrease of erodibility and the reduction of the near-bed velocities, while no significant changes in SPM are predicted for the unvegetated areas. The differences near the entrance of the bay are attributed to changes to the suspended sediment in the domain due to the effect of dwarf-grass; SPM in the meadows are lower (reduction of erosion/increase of deposition) in WO and therefore the total sediment in suspension is also reduced, compared to NO, which causes related changes to the SPM flushing from the lagoon. Thus, the results from the large-scale application of the model are in agreement with the theoretical background and interpretable in physical terms.
Figure 5. Comparison of SPM concentrations in three locations in the Arcachon lagoon (1, 2 and 3 in Fig.1) from two simulations, one including the effect of obstructions (WO: red curve) and one without their effect (NO: blue curve).
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Regarding the reproduction of the dwarf-grass growth by the model, a comparison of simulated timeseries of density and leaf biomass and corresponding values measured in the field (Ganthy et al., 2013b) near location 1 is depicted in Figure 6. The correlation of both parameters with the field recordings is satisfactory, with the simulated values to approximate the measurements adequately, both in terms of values and curve morphology. The model reproduces the life cycles of Zostera noltii accurately, with the peak in seagrass density to appear around the end of August and the corresponding peak in leaf biomass to follow one month later (end of September), periods that agree with related observations from the Arcachon lagoon. It is noted that results for other biological parameters (not shown here) also agree well with corresponding field measurements.
Figure 6. Evolution of simulated (curves) and measured (points) Zostera noltii density (in blue) and leaf biomass (in orange)
4. Discussion The model parameters regarding the effects of Zostera noltii to the local hydrodynamics and deposition and erosion rates were calibrated using flume experiments. Regarding hydrodynamics, the simulations showed an increase of the velocities at the canopy-flow interface and a growth of the shear layer downstream the leading edge of the canopy, observations that are in accordance with analogous flume experiments (e.g. Rominger and Nepf, 2011). The flow at the wake of the vegetation was also affected, with reduction of the velocities near the bed compared to the bare sediment and an upward shift of the local peak velocities due to the deflected flow. Directly upstream from the canopy the velocities are intensified, due to the transition from boundary-layer flow upstream of the canopy to a mixing-layer type flow within the canopy, effect that was more pronounced for highly dense meadows, due to increase of flow blockage. As for the settling rates and erodibility of the sediment, the simulated deposition and erosion experiments fit well with the corresponding flume recordings. The investigation regarding the sediment dynamics in the bay and the correlation between simulation and field recordings showed that the modelling results are sensitive to the values assigned to sediment settling velocities; setting relatively high settling rates to the fine sediment fraction produced results that generally compared well with corresponding field measurements, but with nearly zero concentrations during slack water, which contradicts our knowledge on the conditions in the field. On the other hand, decreasing settling was effective in terms of improving the lowest concentrations predicted by the model, but the corresponding peaks were well over the ones recorded by the Archyd network. However, given that the Archyd measurements are not conducted at maximum tidal circulation the actual maximum concentrations in the bay could be higher than the ones recorded by the network, supposition that is supported by high-frequency measurements. In any case, the settling velocities considered by the model should and will be fine-tuned further, if possible using field data at high frequency. The reduction of the settling velocity produced different results at the two stations near the entrance of the bay. The differences between SIM1 and SIM2 were significant for Buoy13, whereas for Buoy07 the two simulations provided similar results. This is probably due to location of the stations, combined with the
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dominant circulation patterns in the bay; the residual circulation within the entrance of the lagoon was found to be directed outwards (from the bay to the open sea) along Cape Ferret (Fig.1), while the residual fluxes are directed inwards along the Pyla coast (Plus et al., 2009). The ebb-dominated flow in the area is expected to lead suspended matter to exit the lagoon primarily through the westernmost channel (near Cape Ferret) of the opening. Thus, in cases of elevated SPM in the bay (SIM2) we would expect higher concentrations along cape Ferret (due to circulation that transports matter from the inner part) than along the Pyla coast. This outflow pattern, which is also supported by the findings of Cayocca (2001), is most likely the reason for the small differences in SPM between the two simulations in Buoy07. It is noted that the model works well in reproducing the particle entrapment in the vegetated areas of the bay, both in periods of growth and degeneration of the dwarf-grasses (Ganthy et al., 2013a). This effect was only observed inside the meadow, with a peak reduction in SPM of the order of 50%, whereas in the unvegetated mudflats the inclusion of the presence of the seagrass practically had no impact on the modelling results. It is important to highlight that the presence of vegetation had a strong impact on SPM throughout the year, even though during winter the degeneration of Zostera noltii and the increased wind forcing would be expected to increase the erodibility of sediment, compared to the low-energy and high meadow density summer period. Regarding the biological parameters, the simulations provided very satisfactory results; especially for the growth of the dwarf-grasses in the bay, the model reproduces the annual unimodal pattern of Zostera noltii growth and decay in the Arcachon Bay (Auby and Labourg, 1996; Ganthy, 2011).
Conclusions The present paper focused on the mathematical modelling of the interactions between hydrodynamics, sediment transport and biological parameters in the presence of Zostera noltii meadows and the presentation of preliminary modelling results from the Bay of Arcachon. The three-dimensional model is fully coupled and the changes to the local flow conditions due to the interference of the flexible Zostera blades directly feed both the sediment transport modules and the biological cycles in the domain, while information regarding the suspended matter in the column are linked to the primary productivity and eventually the growth of the dwarf-grass themselves, through changes to the light attenuation in the column. Of course, the simulated meadow characteristics (leaf height and density) provide direct feedback to the hydrodynamic modules. The hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics were calibrated using suitable flume experimental measurements with satisfactory results. Investigation of the impact of different dwarf-grass densities to the near-bed flow in the bay showed that during peak growth of the meadows the average reduction to the local velocities is of the order of 20-50%, while during degradation the changes are significantly lower, ranging between 10 and 20% on average. Simulated SPM concentrations in the bay were generally comparable with field measurements from the Archyd network, while, comparing the results of the coupled model with corresponding results with no effect of vegetation showed that the changes in SPM simulated by the model are concentrated almost exclusively in areas populated by dwarf-grasses. The final objective of the work is to apply the model to validate/disprove possible scenarios (e.g. changes in sediment/nutrient influxes) for the reduction in Zostera noltii coverage observed during the last decades in the lagoon. The coupled model will also be used for the investigation of scenarios regarding extreme hydro-meteorological conditions and their impacts on the spatial distribution of dwarf-grass and the related changes to the turbidity in the field. The preliminary results are encouraging regarding the effectiveness of the model to simulate the complex balance and interrelationship between hydro, sediment and biological parameters’ dynamics in the Bay of Arcachon and provide the basis for the further development and future applications of the model.
Acknowledgements The work presented was funded by SIBA (Syndicat Intercommunal du Bassin d’Arcachon) and IFREMER (Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer).
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