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2015 c 1(

11017 cmakw3 (Courtesy: Thozhilvartha)

1O6fli 1. Studyof Fungus: (A) Mycology (B) Histology (C) Immunology (I)) Osteolo&v 2. The followingeggs are bilestained except: (A) Ascaris lumbricoids (B) Theniasolium (C) Thchuristrichura (I)) Hook worm 3. Urine crystals showing envelop appearance: (A) Uric acid (B) 'friple phosphate (C) Calcium oxalate (D) Cholesterol crystal 4. In which parasitic infection DEC Provocation test is used? (A) Wuchereria bancrofti (B) Ascaris lubricious (C) Entamoebahistolytica (1)) Thpe worms 5. Use of Cryostat in histopathology: (A) Automatic tissue processor (B)Cutting bone tissue (C) Cutting frozen tissue (D) Cutting fixed tissue 6. 1'pe of Rh antibody: (A) 1gM (B) IgG (C) IgE (D) IgA 7. Under ideal conditions blood collected in CPD-A can be stored: (A) 14 days (B) 21 days (C) 24 days (D) 35 days 8. Name of the instrument used to measure Sodium and Potassium: (A) Colorimeter (B) Spectrophotometer (C) Flame photometer (1)) Fluorimeter 9. Culture media for Fungus: (A) RUM (B) SDA (C) U (D) PTA lft The contentofcryoprecipitate: (A) Factor Xl (B)FactorVl (C) Factor VIII (I)) Factor IX 11. Who is known as Father of Bacteriology? (A) LouisPasteur (B) Anton Von Leeuwenhock (C) Christian Grant (D) RobertKoch 12. Anticoagulant used for blood sugarestimation: (A) Fluoride-oxlate mixture (B) EDTA (C) WintrobesmLxture (D) Thsodiumcitrate 13. Routinely used histopathology fixative: (A) 100% Formalin (B) 50% Formalin 40%Formalin 10% Formalin l4. The hluehubofdisposableneedle indicate: (A) 22 Gauge (B) 21 Gauge (C) 23 Gauge (11)26 Gauge 15 The following are biological hazards except: (A) °utaeinia (B) AIDS (C) hepatitis (D) Thberculosis lG.ASO test is used todetect: (A) Staphylococci (B) Micrococci (C) Haemophilus (11) Streptococci 17 md the MCII of a sample of blood havingHhl2gm% and RBC count4 million/mm3: (A) 3Pg (B) :30Pg (C) 300l'g (D) 3000Pg 18 Which vitamin defmcwncv causes Scurvy? (A) VitaminA (B) Vitamin B (C) \ itamin C

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(I)) Vitamin I) 19. The main sugar present insenien: (A) Glucose (B)Lactose Sucrose (D) Fructose 20. 'l'ndalisation is the moist heat sterilisation method: (A) atl60°C (B) atlOO°C Below lOO'C (D) Above 100°C 21. The only horizontal bone in the skeleton: (A) Clavicle (B) Scapula (C) Humerous (1)) Ulna 22. Spirometer is used to measure: (A) Lung volume (B) lleart rate (C) Glomerular filtration rate (I)) Endocrine activity 23.Acid fastness of organism is due to: (A) Carbonic acid (B) Hyaluronic acid (C) Mycolic acid (I)) Butyric acid 24. The abnormal urinaryconstituent present in obstructive jaundice: (A) Ketonebody (B) Bile salt (C) Bence-Jonesprotein (D) Bilirubin 25. WBC having blue black granules: (A) Neutrophil (B) Eosinophil (C) Lymphocyte (D) Basophil 26. Name commonly used staining method in cytology: (A) AFB (B) Il&E (C) PM' (I)) Negative staining 27. The type of microscope used for the best demonstration of living unstained spirochetes: (A)Contpound microscope (B) Polarizing microscope (C) Fluorescentmicroscope (I)) Dark ground microscope 28. Possible blood group of offspring having A-group father and A-group mother: (A) A, B A, (I (C) Aonly (D) Oonly 29. The following are used to detect bacterial motility except: (A) Streak culture Hangingdrop (C) Mannitol medium (D) Craigestube 30. Crystals seen in amoebic dvsenterystool: (A) Calcium oxalate (B) Charcot-Leydon (C) Thplephosphate (D) Iron crystal :31. Which isnotaketonebody? (A) Acetic acid (B) Acetone Beta-hydroxyhutoricacid (I)) Acetoacetate 32. Cob-web clotofCSF indicate: (A) Citococcal meningitis (B) Encephalitis (C) Poliomelitis (D) Thberculosisnteningitis 33 \orktngprincipleofphotoelectru colorimeter: (A) Beer Lamberts law (B) Landsteinerslaw Mendelianlaw (D) Newtonslaw 34. Which iscomeunderRFT? (A) Cholesterol (B) Creatinine (C) SGP'I' (I)) Bilirubin 35. Special staining used to demonstrate reticulocyte: (A) Negative staining (B) Regressive stain ing (C) Supravitalstaining (11) Progressise staining :36. The following are the stagesofESR except: (A) Stage ofaggregation (B) Stage of sedimentation


Stage ofpacking (I)) Stage of agglutination 37. Bacteria having Chinese letter patternarrangement: (A) Clostridiuin (B)Spirochete (C) Actinomycete (1)) Corynebacterium 38. Which of the following is not a volumetric glassware? (A) Graduated pipette (B) Standard flask (C) Beaker (D) Measuring cylinder 39. Name the RBC inclusion body: (A) Spherocyte (B) Siderocyte (C) Leptocyte (D) Acanthocyte 40. Ingredients of Buffy coat: (A) WBC and Platelets (B) RBCand platelets (C) Plasma and platelets (D) Platelets only 41. Select the anaerobic culture media: (A) XLI) (B)LJ (C) PTA (D) RCM 42. Select the chemical under explosive category: (A) Ammonia (B)Picric acid Benzidine acid (D) Formaldehyde 43. The maximum depth of skin wound made bylancet: (A) 3mm (B) 0.3mm 3cm (1)) 1cm 44.Interferons are produced by the action of: (A) Bacteria (B)Fungus (C) Virus (D) Parasite 45. Which cell component is known as 'powerhouse' ofacell? (A) Endoplasmicreticulum (B) Mitochondria (C) Rihosome (D) Nucleus 46. Anaentia is the characteristic feature of all parasitic infections except: (A) Malaria (B) Ancylostomiasis (C) Filariasis (D) Amoehiasis 47. Action ofheparin to prevent blood coagulation: (A) Precipitate calcium (B)Chelation (C) Antithrombin (D) ShrinkingofRBC of 48. Generation time Mycobacterium tuberculosis: (A) 2 seconds (B)20seconds (C) 20minutes (11)20 days 49. The dilutions prepared by RBC pipette: (A) 1/100,1/200 (B) 1/10,1/20 (C) 1/S0, 1/500 (11)1/2,1/4 50 Best method of steriliiing plastic syringes: (A) Dring (B) Moist heat (C) Radiation (11) Hot air oven Sl.Lumbarpuncturesiteinadults: (A) Between LI and 1.2 (B)Between L2 and L3 (C) Between L3 and IA (11) Between IA and N 52. Causatise agent of Enteric feser (A) Haeniophilus (B)Proteus (C) Vihrio (11) Salmonella 53. Leucocytes present in normal CSF: (A) Eosinophtl (B)Lymphocyte (C) Neutrophil (D) MonocSrte 54. Most accurate linemoglobin


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isliniation method: (C) Klehsiella (A) Sahlis method (I)) Shigella (B) Gasometric method 72. ANA test is used to detect: (C)Spencersmethod (A) HbS (D)Drabkinsmethod (B) HI 55. Bullet shaped virus: (C) CT (A) Rabies (D) LECeII (B) Pox 73. Cross infections occurring in (C) lllV hospital: (D) Polio (A) Zoonotic disease 56. Total magnification of a (B) Endemic disease microscope using oil immersion (C) Pandemic disease objective and lOXeye piece: (I)) Nosocomial disease (A) 10 times 74. Culture media used to (B) 100 times differentiate Lactose fermenting (C) 1000 times and Non lactose fermenting (D) 10000 times bacteria 57. Causative agent of bacillary (A) U medium dysentery: (B) Mac Conkeyagar (A) Shigella (C) Selenite F broth E.coli (1)) Chocolate agar (C) Proteus 75. Bilirubin is the breakdown (1)) Vibrio productof: 58. Quick one stage method is used to (A) Haemoglobin detect: (B) Protein (A) Bleeding time (C) Fatty acid (B) Clotting time (D) Amino acid (C) Prothrombin time 76. Cell wall deficient bacteria has (D) Clot retraction time no definite shape. They are known 59. Name of test used to detect urine : as: urobilinogen: (A) Spirochaetes (A) Rotheras test (B) Mycoplasma (B) Ehrlichs test (C) Actinomycetes (C) Fouchet'stest (1)) Spirilla Hays test 77. Creatine isa chemical compound 60. Name the test associated with which is synthesized inhuman: Kirby-Bauer method: (A) Liver (A)VDRL (B) Muscle (B) ABST (C) Stomach (C) RPR (1)) Intestine Widal 78. Graves disease is an Endocrine 61. Albert staining is used to detect: disorder caused by: (A) Flagella (A) Hyperthyroidism (B) Spore (B) Hypo thyroidisni (C) Capsule (C) Hyperadrenalism (I)) Metachromaticgranules (D) Hypo adrenalism 62. Osmotic fragility of RBC is 79. Black water fever is associated increased: with the infection of: (A) Ilereditaryspherocytosis (A) Rtivax (B) Iron deficiencyanaemia (B) P. falciparum (C)Sicklecellanaemia (C) P.ovale (D) Polycythemia (D) P. malariae 63. Which ofthe following statement 80. Select the serum cholesterol is correct in case ofvirus? estimation method: (A) Multiplybybinary fission (A) Diacetylmonoxime method (B) Alkaline picrate method (B) Ribosomes are absent Sensitive to antibiotics (C) Biuret method (D) Growininaniniatemedium (D) Liebermann-Burchard method 64. Select Agglutinat ion reaction: 81. Name of present Governor of (A) Widal test Kerala: (B) VDRLtest (A) R.L.Bhatia (B) NikhilKumar (C) CRPtest (11) Schik test SheilaDikshit 65. The following are Romanowsky (D) Hansraj Bhardwaj stainsexcept: 82. Who founded Ananda Maha (A) Wrightsstain Sabha and Ananda Mat ham? (A) BrahntanandaSwamiSivayogi (B) Gientsastain (B) PanditKaruppan (C) Granisstain (C) Anand Ramlogan (I)) Jenners stain 66. A spectrophotomet er contains all (D) K. Kelappan Name the Guru of Chattampi the components of a colorimeter 83. SwamikalandAyrankali: except: (A) Light source (A) Thycaud Avva (B) Galvanometer Sree Narayana Guru (C) KarunakaraGuru (C) Photocell (D) AyyaVaikundan (11) Filter 84. Name the newspaper associated 67. Blue pus producing bacteria: with Vakkom Abdul Khader (A) Haemophilus Moulavi: (B) Pseudomonas (A) Swadeshabhiniani (C) Neisseria (B) Kesari (D) E.coli 68 Which is the specific method for (C) 1 jmanikshepam (D) Rajyasamacharant blood sugar estimation? 85. Who was the director of (A) OrthoToluidine 'Newspaper boy'? Folin-wu (C) Oxidaseperoxidase (A) LalJose (B) Padntarajan (D) Nelson-Somogy 69. Select Gram negative bacteria: (C) P.Rainadas (11) M.T.VasudevanNair (A) Staphylococci 86 To which of the following YakOV (B) Clostridium ( rigorevich Sinai related9 (C) Neisseria (D) Corynebacterium (A) Nuclear medicine 70. Which ofthe following isablood (B) Biology (C) Mathematics parasitic infection? (A) Filariasis (I)) Nanotechnohogy 87. Name the personwhoworkedon (B) Taeniasis thecommitteethatdraftedlndia's (C) A,scariasis Biological Ibis ersits Act 20tt2 (11) Amoebiasms 71. Bacteria produce swarming (A) Krishnaswamy Kasturi Rangan growth on solid media: (B) MadhavGadgil (C) OmmenV.Ommeii (A) E.coli ProU us (I)) P.C. Ceorge

88, In IT1 InILI Ker:ila iei in two parts. \aiiii Imparts (A) Thivancore and Cochin Travancore-Malabar and Cochin (C) Tfavancore-Cochin and Malabar (I)) Malabar-Cochin and leavancore 89. Whichamongthefollowingzones is the coldestregion? (A) Savannah Temperate zone (C) Torrid zone (I)) Frigid zone 90. JurnaMasjidinDelhiwasbuilt by: (A) Shah.lahan (B) Akbar (C) Aurangazeb (D) Shershah 91. Longest Dam in India: (A) Bhakral)am (B) Hirakud Dam Thngabhadra Dam (D) Thien Dam 92. Whichpartofthe Constitution is dependable to formulate objectives for planning in India? (A) Preamble (B) Fundamental Rights (C) Fundamentall)uties (1)) I)irective Principles of State Policy 93. Which ofthe following is a natural hot water spring? (A) Perigee (B) Geyser (C) Lagoon (I)) I)elta 94. Khasi and Garo languages are spoken by the people of: (A) Assam Nagaland (C) Meghalaya (D) WestBengal 95. Energyofthe sun is called: (A) Photomerism (B) Phototropism (C) Isolation (D) Insolation 96. the term related to breaking up and decay of rocks by theactionofthesun,rain,windetc. (A) Weathering (B) Erosion (C) Denudation (D) Apogee 97. Name the country which was excluded recently from Group of Eight Count ries': (A) Canada (B) Iran (C) Italy (I)) Russia 98. Quit India Movement was launchedin: (A) 1924 (B) 1942 (C) 1920 (D) 1919 99. Rabindranathlagorewasbornin: (A) 1869 (B) 1950 (C) 1889 (D) 1861 lOO.Yearofanirresolutewarbetween India and Pakistan that led to 'Tashkent Pact between the two countries: (A) 1971 (B) 1965 (C) 1972 (D) 1966

JiNERYY I.A. 2.D, 3.13, SC, 6.13, 7.11, bC, liD, 9.B, iSA, 13.11, 14.C, 17.13, 18.C, 19.1), 21 .A, 22 .A, 23 C 26.C, 27.1), 25.D, 30 B 31 A 29 A :34.13, 35.C, 33A 37.[), 38.C, 39.13. 41.1), 42.11, 43.A, 47.C, 45.13, 46.D, 48.15-20hrs, 49.A, Sl.c, 52.11, 53.C, 56.C, 55.A, 57.A, GOB 61 1) 5913 65.C, 64 A 63 B 67.13, 69.C, 68.C, 73.11, 71.13, 72.1), Th.A, 76.13, 77.A, 711.13, 80.11, 8 1. cra cal s1 82.A, 83.A, 84.A, 86 C 87 B 88 C 90.A, 91.13, 92.D, 95.1), 94.C, 96.A, 99.11, 100.1) 98.13,

4.A, 8.C, 12.A, 16.D, 20.13, 24 B 28.13, 32 I) 36.1), 40.A, 44.C, SOC 54.D, 58.C, 62 A 66 1) 70.A, 74.B, 78.A,

85.C, 89 I) 93.13, 97.1),