Coherent Integration for Maneuvering Target Detection ... - IEEE Xplore

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Xiaolong Li, Guolong Cui, Wei Yi, and Lingjiang Kong. Abstract—This letter considers the coherent integration problem for a maneuvering target, involving range ...


Coherent Integration for Maneuvering Target Detection Based on Radon-Lv’s Distribution Xiaolong Li, Guolong Cui, Wei Yi, and Lingjiang Kong

Abstract—This letter considers the coherent integration problem for a maneuvering target, involving range migration (RM) and Doppler frequency migration (DFM) within one coherent pulse interval. A new coherent integration method, known as Radon-Lv’s distribution (RLVD), is proposed. It can not only eliminate the RM effect via jointly searching in the target’s motion parameters space, but also remove the DFM and achieve the coherent integration via Lv’s distribution (LVD). Finally, several simulations are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness. The results show that for detection ability, the proposed method is superior to the moving target detection (MTD), Radon-Fourier transform (RFT), and Radonfractional Fourier transform (RFRFT) under low signal-to-noiseratio (SNR) environment. Index Terms—Coherent integration, Doppler frequency migration, Radon-Lv’s distribution, range migration.



HE detection of maneuvering targets attracts much more attentions for modern radar because of the increasing demands in applications [1]–[4]. Unfortunately, it becomes more challenging for the radar target detection technology because these high maneuvering targets often have low radar cross section (RCS), which results in weak radar returns. It is known that the coherent integration can increase the signal-to-noiseratio (SNR) and thus improve the radar detection ability [5]–[7]. However, the complex motions of maneuvering targets, e.g., high velocity and acceleration, involves the range migration (RM) and Doppler frequency migration (DFM) within one coherent pulse interval, which result in serious performance loss for the coherent integration processing. The Keystone transform (KT), via rescaling the time axis for each frequency, has been employed to correct the RM and achieve the coherent integration for high speed moving target [8]–[10]. Besides, a novel Radon Fourier transform (RFT) was

Manuscript received September 15, 2014; revised October 29, 2014; accepted January 09, 2015. Date of publication January 12, 2015; date of current version March 11, 2015. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61201276, 61178068, and 61301266, the Fundamental Research Funds of Central Universities under Grants ZYGX2012Z001and ZYGX2013J012, the Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation under Grant 2014M550465, and by the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University under Grant A1098524023901001063. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Prof. Simon Maskell. The authors are with the School of Electronic Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu City, China (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LSP.2015.2390777

proposed to realize the coherent accumulation for the moving target with RM [11]. Nevertheless, the DFM induced by the target’s acceleration cannot be mitigated by KT or RFT and thus it will suffer integration performance loss in case of the DFM. To remove the DFM and obtain the coherent integration for a maneuvering target with acceleration, the Radon transform with minimum entropy criterion was studied in [12]. However, the entropy criterion based method has a higher demand on the input SNR, so it is not suitable for weak target signal detection. The Radon-fractional Fourier transform (RFRFT) was then presented to eliminate these two migrations (RM and DFM) simultaneously and achieve the coherent accumulation for the maneuvering targets under low SNR background [13]. Recently, a new signal analysis method, known as Lv’s distribution (LVD), has been reported to provide improved detection ability of linear frequency modulated signals by integrated the signal energy in the centroid frequency-chirp rate (CFCR) domain [14]–[16]. Compared with the fractional Fourier transform (FRFT), LVD is able to achieve a better performance on signal concentration and detection in the CFCR domain without requiring more computational cost [15]. Inspired by this, we propose a novel method, known as Radon-Lv’s distribution (RLVD), to realize the coherent integration for maneuvering targets. RLVD can not only remove the RM effect via jointly searching along range, velocity and acceleration directions, but also eliminate the DFM effect and achieve the coherent integration via LVD. Several simulations are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness. The results show that for detection ability, RLVD is superior to moving target detection (MTD), RFT, and RFRFT under low SNR background. The rest is organized as follows. In Section II the signal model is presented. In Section III the coherent integration method via RLVD is proposed. In Section IV several numerical experiments are provided. In Section V conclusions are given. II. SIGNAL MODEL Suppose that the radar transmits a linear frequency modulated (LFM) signal, i.e., (1) where


is the pulsewidth,

is the

frequency modulated rate, is the carrier frequency, denotes the pulse is the slow time, repetition time, is the number of coherent integrated pulses, and is the fast time.

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Assume that there is a moving target with slant range at . Neglecting the high-order components, the instantaneous range between radar and the target satisfies

B. Introduction of LVD Let us consider a LFM signal expressed as (6)

(2) where is the total integration time, and denote respectively the target’s radial velocity and acceleration. The received baseband echoes can be stated as [11]

where , and denote respectively the constant amplitude, centroid frequency and chirp rate of the LFM signal. Its parametric symmetric instantaneous autocorrelation function (PSIAF) is defined as [14], [15]

(7) (3) where is the target reflectivity, is the light speed, and denotes the wavelength. After pulse compression (PC), the compressed signal can be expressed as

where denotes a constant time-delay related to a scaling operator. It can be seen from (7) that the time variable and lag variable couple with each other in the exponential phase term. To remove the coupling, do a variable transform as follow (8) where

is a scaling factor. Then, inserting (8) into (7), we have

(4) where is the bandwidth of the transmitted signal. Equation (4) shows that the target’s envelope changes with the slow time after PC. When the offset exceeds the range resolution, i.e, , the RM effect would occur. Additionally, the phase of (4) is a quadratic phase function of slow time due to the target’s radial acceleration, which would lead to DFM and make the target energy defocused. Both RM and DFM will crete difficulties during the coherent integration processing. In the following, RLVD is presented to remove the migrations (RM and DFM) and achieve the coherent integration. III. RLVD

(9) According to [14], [15], we generally use the parameters and for obtaining a desirable CFCR representation. Then performing two dimension (2D) FT on (9) with respect to and , we obtain the LVD as follows (10) From (10), it can be seen that the LVD is able to accumulate the energy of a LFM signal as a obvious peak in the CFCR domain. C. Definition of RLVD

Based on the coupling relationship among radial velocity, RM and Doppler frequency of the moving target, RFT is presented to obtain the coherent integration for a target with RM. The definition of standard RFT is as follows [11]

We borrow the idea of RFT and LVD and propose a novel transform known as the RLVD to achieve the coherent integration for the maneuvering target. Without loss of generality, the definition of RLVD is given as follows. Suppose that is a two dimensional complex function defined in the plane and the line equation representing accelerated motion is used for searching lines in the plane. Then the RLVD of the compressed signal shown in (4) is defined as



is a two-dimensional complex function dewhere plane and . RFT can extract fined in the the observation values in the range-slow time plane according to the searching motion parameters and finally integrate the target’s energy as a peak by accumulating these observations with Fourier transform (FT). Unfortunately, RFT is only suitable for the target with constant radial velocity and would become invalid in the case of DFM.

where denotes the LVD operator. By (11), the coherent can be obtained with integration outputs of respect to different searching pairs. Only when the searching initial slant range, searching radial velocity and searching radial acceleration are respectively equal to , and , can reach its maximum value. Then based on the peak location, the target can be detected and the motion parameters of target can be estimated.

In this section, the RLVD is proposed based on the standard RFT and LVD. Hence, we give a brief introduction for the RFT and LVD first, and then, the RLVD is proposed. A. Introduction of RFT


For comparison, the RFRFT introduced in [13] is also given (12) denotes the operator corresponding to the RFRFT of where angle . Interestingly, the RLVD has similar parts as RFRFT and they both use the signal along the target’s trajectory. The main difference lies in the way of accumulation, using LVD or FRFT. Therefore, the proposed method is named as RLVD. Compared with MTD, RFT and RFRFT, the advantages and differences of RLVD are as follows: 1) The RLVD combines the merits of RFT and LVD, so it not only has the same integration time as RFT but also works as a useful tool for nonstationary and time-varying signal processing. Besides, since RLVD can deal with RM and DFM for maneuvering targets, the integration time of RLVD is much longer than MTD and RFT. Thus, the integration gain and detection performance will be further improved. 2) Although the RLVD is superior to the MTD and RFT for coherent integration of a maneuvering target, the improved performance comes at a cost in computational complexity. In addition, the accumulation way of RLVD is LVD, which can obtain a better performance on signal concentration and detection than FRFT without requiring more computational complexity [15], [16]. Hence, compared with RFRFT, RLVD can acquire a better detection ability with similar computational cost. 3) Similarly to RFT and RFRFT, RLVD can also be used to achieve the coherent integration for multiple targets due to the excellent cross term suppression ability of LVD [14]–[16]. Furthermore, if the scattering intensities of different targets differ significantly, the CLEAN technique could be employed to eliminate the effect of the strong target [17]–[19]. In this way, the coherent integration of strong moving target and weak ones can be achieved iteratively. D. Properties of RLVD As a new kind coherent integration method, RLVD satisfies some important properties. They are listed as follows. Asymptotic Linearity: Assume that , where and are constant coefficients, then we have (13) where and denote the cross terms. From (13), we can see that the RLVD of contains both auto terms and cross terms. Fortunately, the cross terms in (13) can be ignored relative to the auto terms because of the excellent cross-terms suppression ability of LVD [14], [15]. Then, (13) can be approximated as


Scaling: For a nonzero real number , if applying the scaling property of LVD [14] easily leads to

, (15)

Frequency and Chirp Rate Shift: For any real numbers , and , if


(16) then (17) will cause which indicates that the two-order modulation of the chirp rate shift and the one-order modulation or translation will cause the frequency shift. E. Procedure of the Coherent Integration Algorithm Via RLVD To summarize, the procedure of the proposed integration algorithm based on RLVD can be described as follows: • Input: raw data , searching area of initial slant range , searching area of radial velocity and searching area of radial acceleration . • Process: Step 1) Perform pulse compression on and ob. tain the compressed signal Step 2) Determine the searching interval of initial slant range, radial velocity and radial acceleration, respectively, i.e., , and [13]. Then the searching number of initial slant range, radial velocity and radial acceleration are respectively , and . Where round denotes the integer operator. Step 3) Determine the the moving trajectory of target to be searched for according to the searching parameters pair , i.e., (18) where

, ,

; ;

, . Step 4) Perform the RLVD to achieve the coherent integration based on the searching trajectory. Step 5) Go through all the searching parameters and obtain the integration outputs in the RLVD domain. Step 6) Make a detection decision and estimate the motion parameters based on the peak location of RLVD. • Output: detection result and motion parameters estimation of target. IV. NUMERICAL RESULTS

(14) Hence, RLVD satisfies the asymptotic linearity, which is helpful to the detection of multiple LFM signals.

This section is devoted to evaluating the performance of the proposed method via computer simulations, where the parameters of radar are shown in Table I. For the sake of comparison, we will also simulate the MTD, RFT and RFRFT.





Fig. 2. Coherent integration for multiple targets via RLVD. (a) Result after pulse compression. (b) Coherent integration result of target A km). (c) Coherent integration result of target B ( km). (

Fig. 1. Coherent integration for a weak target via MTD, RFT, RFRFT and RLVD. (a) Result after pulse compression. (b) Result after pulse compression without noise. (c) MTD. (d) RFT. (e) RFRFT. (f) RLVD.

A. Coherent Integration for A Weak Target We first evaluate the coherent integration performance for a weak target via MTD, RFT, RFRFT and RLVD in Fig. 1, where the motion parameters of a maneuvering target are km, m/s, and m/s . Fig. 1(a) shows the result after pulse compression, which indicates that the target energy is totally buried in the noise with dB. To show the target’s trajectory clearly, the pulse compression result without noise is also given in Fig. 1(b). It can be seen that serious RM occurs. Fig. 1(c) and Fig. 1(d) show respectively the integration results of MTD and RFT. Because of the RM and DFM, MTD and RFT become ineffectiveness. Moreover, Fig. 1(e) and Fig. 1(f) show the integration results of RFRFT and RLVD, respectively. We can see that the RLVD obtains a much larger noise margin than that obtained from the RFRFT, which implies that a better detection ability can be achieved. B. Coherent Integration for Multiple Targets We also analyse the coherent integration performance of RLVD for multiple targets in Fig. 2, where the motion parameters of two maneuvering targets are listed in Table II. Fig. 2(a) shows the result after pulse compression. Fig. 2(b) and Fig. 2(c) show respectively the integration result of target A and target B based on RLVD. It can be seen that the targets’ energy is accumulated as two obvious peaks in the corresponding RLVD domain, which is helpful to the target detection. C. Coherent Integration Detection Ability The detection performances of MTD, RFT, RFRFT and RLVD are further investigated by Monte Carlo trials. For simplicity, we only consider the target A in the scene. We combine the constant false alarm (CFAR) detector and the four methods

Fig. 3. Detection probability of MTD, RFT, RFRFT and RLVD.

as corresponding detectors. The Gaussian noises are added to . the target echoes and the false alarm ratio is set as Fig. 3 shows the detection probability of the four detectors versus different SNR levels and in each case, 1000 times of Monte Carlo simulations are done. The simulation results show that the probability of the detector based on RLVD is superior to the others thanks to its ability to deal with the RM and DFM as well as the better performance on signal concentration. V. CONCLUSIONS In this letter, we have addressed the coherent integration problem for the maneuvering targets, involving RM and DFM with the coherent integration time. A new coherent integration method, i.e., RLVD, is proposed. RLVD accomplishes the data extraction on the pulse-compressed signal with a three-dimensional searching along range, radial velocity and radial acceleration directions. Then, LVD is used for the successive coherent accumulation. Finally, several simulations are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness. The results show that RLVD is superior to the MTD, RFT, and RFRFT in terms of detection ability. A possible future research work might concern the coherent integration for the targets with motion-order higher than acceleration [20]–[22].


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