Cohomology of $\mathbb {N} $-graded Lie algebras of maximal class ...

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arXiv:1512.07676v2 [math.RA] 11 Jan 2016

YURI NIKOLAYEVSKY AND IOANNIS TSARTSAFLIS Abstract. We compute the cohomology with trivial coefficients of Lie algebras m0 and m2 of maximal class over the field Z2 . In the infinite-dimensional case, we show that the cohomology rings H ∗ (m0 ) and H ∗ (m2 ) are isomorphic, in contrast with the case of the ground field of characteristic zero, and we obtain a complete description of them. In the finite-dimensional case, we find the first three Betti numbers of m0 (n) and m2 (n) over Z2 .

1. Introduction A Lie algebra g is said to be N-graded, if it is the direct sum of subspaces gi , i ∈ N (the homogeneous components), such that [gi , gj ] ⊂ gi+j . Obviously, finite-dimensional N-graded Lie algebras are necessarily nilpotent. A great deal of attention in the literature has been focused on N-graded Lie algebras for which the homogeneous components gi are “the smallest possible”, that is, all of dimension one or, in the finite-dimensional case, dim gi = 1, for i ≤ n := dim g, and gi = 0, for i > n. With the additional condition that g is generated as an algebra by elements e1 and e2 , spanning g1 and g2 respectively, one obtains that the subspaces C0 = g, Ck = ⊕∞ i=k+2 gi , k > 0, are the terms of the central descending series. This defines the N-graded filiform Lie algebras in the finitedimensional case [15] and the N-graded Lie algebras of maximal class [12] (also called narrow algebras). In characteristic zero, these algebras have been completely classified. In the infinite-dimensional case, one gets just three algebras [7], and independently [12, Theorem 7.1]. We list them here with their presentations: m0 = Span(e1 , e2 , . . . ),

[e1 , ei ] = ei+1 , i > 1,


m2 = Span(e1 , e2 , . . . ),

[e1 , ei ] = ei+1 , i > 1,

V = Span(e1 , e2 , . . . ),

[ei , ej ] = (j − i)ei+j , i, j ≥ 1.

[e2 , ej ] = ej+2 , j > 2,

(2) (3)

In the finite-dimensional case in characteristic zero, the classification of finite-dimensional N-graded filiform Lie algebras was established in [11]: one obtains the “truncations” of the above three algebras, in particular, m0 (n) = Span(e1 , . . . , en ), [e1 , ei ] = ei+1 , 1 < i < n,


m2 (n) = Span(e1 , . . . , en ), [e1 , ei ] = ei+1 , 1 < i < n, [e2 , ej ] = ej+2 , 2 < j < n − 1, (5) and V(n), plus another three infinite series, and five one-parameter families of lowdimensional algebras. The picture is more complicated in positive characteristic: by [5], 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 17B56, 17B50, 17B70, 17B65, 17B30. Key words and phrases. Lie algebra of maximal class, characteristic 2, cohomology, Betti number. The first named author was partially supported by ARC Discovery grant DP130103485. 1



there are uncountably many isomorphism classes of Lie algebras of maximal class; the construction of all such algebras in odd characteristic is given in [6], and in characteristic two, in [10], with m0 and m2 being the simplest possible cases. The cohomology of N-graded Lie algebras of maximal class has been studied extensively over a field of characteristic zero [7, 8, 15], and at present is well-understood. In [8], Fialowski and Millionschikov gave a full description of the cohomology with trivial coefficients of the algebras m0 and m2 ; the Betti numbers of V are found in [9]. In the finite-dimensional case, the cohomology of m0 (n) were found in [3] (see also [2] and [8]). However, already for m2 (n) over a field of characteristic zero, our present knowledge is limited to the first two Betti numbers [11, 15]. The study of the cohomology of Lie algebras of maximal class over fields of positive characteristic is much less developed. The cohomology of the Heisenberg algebra is found in [4, 13]. A recent result by Tsartsarflis [14] states that over a field of characteristic two, the algebras m0 (n) and m2 (n) have the same Betti numbers (in contrast with the case of characteristic zero), and furthermore, every algebra of the so called Vergne class admits a dual, non-isomorphic algebra, with the same Betti numbers. In this paper we study the cohomology with trivial coefficients of the Lie algebras m0 and m2 , and their finite dimensional truncations, m0 (n) and m2 (n), over the field Z2 . Let V = Span(e1 , e2 , . . . ) and let {ei } be the dual basis for V ∗ . Define the operator D1 on V ∗ by D1 e1 = D1 e2 = 0, D1 ei = ei−1 , for i >P 2, and extend it to Λ(V ) as a derivation. l i+l+1 (note that the sum on For ω ∈ Λ(V ) and ei ∈ V ∗ , define F (ω, ei ) = ∞ l=0 (D1 ω) ∧ e the right-hand side is finite). Our main result in the infinite-dimensional case is as follows. Theorem 1. The cohomology rings H ∗ (m0 ) and H ∗ (m2 ) over the field Z2 are isomorphic. The respective cohomology classes of the cocycles e1 , e2 , F (ei1 ∧ ei2 ∧ · · · ∧ eiq , eiq ),


where q ≥ 1, 2 ≤ i1 0, then 2 −1−x = y

y+x y

mod 2.

 Proof. By Kummer’s Theorem, a binomial coefficient qt with 0 ≤ t is odd if and only if there is a place in the binary representation where q has 0 and t has 1 and, when 0 ≤ t ≤ q, if and only if there is a place in the binary representation where both q − t and t have 1.  p (a) For 2 y+x = 1 mod 2, the binary representation of 2p + x must have a 1 at all the places where the binary representation of y does. But as y < 2p , this implies that the binary representation of x has a 1 at all the places where the binary representation of y does, which contradicts the fact thatp y > x. (b) First suppose x ≥ 0. Then 2 −1−x is even if and only if there is a place in the y p binary representation where 2 − 1 − x has 0 and y has 1 if and only if there is a place  y+x in the binary representation where x has 1 and y has 1 if and only if y is even.    p p Now let x < 0. So y+x = 0. Denote z = −x − 1 ≥ 0. Then 2 −1−x = 2 y+z and y y    p 0 ≤ z < y ≤ 2p − 2 by our assumption. By part (a), 2 y+z = zy mod 2, and yz = 0   2p +z as z < y. So y+x = mod 2.  y y  p −2l) To apply Lemma 3(b) to the binomial coefficients 2 −1−(r−k+N from (20) we need r−k+l 1 1 1   to check few inequalities. We have r−k ≥ a−k = (n − k + 1) ≥ (n − n + 1) = 3 3 2  1 1  ( 2 n + 1) ≥ 1 and so r − k + l ≥ 1 and (r − k + l) + (r − k + N − 2l) ≥ 1. 3 Furthermore, r − k + l, r − k + N − 2l ≤ r − k + N ≤ b − k + N = ⌊ 12 n⌋ + N − 1, and ⌊ 12 n⌋ + N − 1 = ⌊ 12 n⌋ + k − m − 2 ≤ 2⌊ 21 n⌋ − m − 2 = 2⌊2p−1 + 12 m⌋ − m − 2 ≤ 2p − 2.



So the hypotheses of Lemma 3(b) are satisfied with x= r − k + N − 2l, y = r − k + l. p −2l) −l So Lemma 3(b) gives 2 −1−(r−k+N = 2(r−k)+N mod 2, for every l = 0, . . . , N. r−k+l r−k+l  P N −l N −l 2(r−k)  2(r−k)+N −l , and hence the leftVandermonde’s identity gives = i=0 i r−k+l−i r−k+l hand side of (20) is congruent modulo 2 to     N −l  N  X X  X 2(r − k) N 2(r − k) N −l N = i, l, N − l − i r − k + l − i r − k + l − i i l i=0 i,l≥0;i+l≤N l=0      X 2(r − k) 2(r − k) N + = r−k+i−l r − k + l − i i, l, N − l − i i>l≥0;i+l≤N   X  2(r − k) N + r−k i, i, N − 2i i≥0;2i≤N =0

mod 2,

   2(r−k) = r−k+i−l and 2(r−k) = 2 2(r−k)−1 . This completes the proof of necessity. r−k r−k To prove the sufficiency we explicitly produce, for any 2 ≤ k ≤ m, a vector x ∈ Zb−a+1 2 such that Ax = (1, 0, . . . , 0)t ∈ Z2k−1 :  Xp−1  m−k , j = 1, . . . , b − a + 1. (21) xj = s=0 n − (a + j − 1) − 2s


2(r−k) r−k+l−i

By Lemma 2 we need to show that for all i = 1, . . . , k − 1,  p−1   m−k n − (a + j − 1) + 2(i − 1) X (a + j − 1) + (i − 1) − k s=0 n − (a + j − 1) − 2s

b−a+1 X  j=1

mod 2 = δ1i . (22)

We first show that the expression on the left-hand side of (22) can be rewritten as p−1 X X n − (a + j − 1) + 2(i − 1) s=0 j∈Z

(a + j − 1) + (i − 1) − k

m−k n − (a + j − 1) − 2s

mod 2,

so that there is no contribution from the values j ≤ 0 and j ≥ b−a+1. The latter is easy: for the first binomial coefficient to be nonzero we need to have n − (a + j − 1) + 2(i − 1) ≥ (a + j − 1) + (i − 1) − k which gives 2j ≤ n + k + i + 1 − 2a ≤ n + 2k − 2a, as i ≤ k − 1, so j ≤ ⌊n/2⌋ + k − a = b − a + 1. To prove the former, we first look at the second binomial coefficient, from which we get m − k ≥ n − (a + j − 1) − 2s , so j ≥ n−a+1+k −m−2s ≥ n− 31 (n+2k +1)− 23 +1+k −m−2s = 31 (2p+1 +k −m−3·2s ). Now if s < p − 1 the expression on the right-hand side is positive, as m ≤ 2p , and we are done. Suppose s = p − 1. Then we have j ≥ 13 (2p−1 + k − m), which still implies j > 0 unless m = 2p−1 + k + l, l ≥ 0, in which case we have j ≥ − 31 l. Then   p     p 2 + 2p−1 + 3k + l + 1 l+1 2 + m + 2k + 1 p−1 = =2 +k+ a= 3 3 3


and the first binomial coefficient has the form


, where

x = n − (a + j − 1) + 2(i − 1) − 2p = m − (a + j − 1) + 2(i − 1) = 2p−1 + k + l − (a + j − 1) + 2(i − 1) = l + 1 − ⌈(l + 1)/3⌉ + 2(i − 1) − j, y = (a + j − 1) + (i − 1) − k = 2p−1 + ⌈(l + 1)/3⌉ + j + i − 2. Note that as i ≥ 1, we have x ≥ 0 if j ≤ 0. Also if j ≤ 0, then as i ≤ k − 1, we have y ≤ 2p−1 + ⌈(l + 1)/3⌉+ k − 3 ≤ 2p−1 + l + k − 2 = m − 2 < 2p . Moreover, if j ≤ 0, then as i ≤ k−1, we have y−x = (2p−1 +⌈(l + 1)/3⌉+j+i−2)−(l+1−⌈(l + 1)/3⌉+2(i−1)−j) = 2p−1 + 2 ⌈(l + 1)/3⌉ − (l + 1) + 2j − i ≥ 2p−1 + 2 − (l + 1) − k = 2p − m + 1 > 0. So p the hypotheses of Lemma 3(a) are satisfied, and hence the binomial coefficient 2 y+x is even. So it remains to establish that  p−1 X X n − (a + j − 1) + 2(i − 1) m−k mod 2 = δ1i , (23) n − (a + j − 1) − 2s (a + j − 1) + (i − 1) − k s=0 j∈Z for all i = 1, . . . , k − 1. A clear advantage of (23) is that it “takes care of itself” – we do not have to worry about the limits. Changing the summation variable in (23) to h = n − (a + j − 1) − 2s we obtain that (23) is equivalent to p−1 X  X s=0 h∈Z

  m−k 2s + 2(i − 1) + h mod 2 = δ1i . h n − 2s + (i − 1) − k − h


Now for a polynomial P ∈ Z2 [t] and l ∈ Z we denote {P }l the coefficient of tl in P . Consider the polynomial Px,y (t) = (t2 + t)x (t2 + t + 1)y . We have X X  x + h y  X y x + h X y  x+h+s 2 x+h tl , t = (t + t) = Px,y (t) = l−x−h h s h h l∈Z h∈Z h,s∈Z h∈Z so the left-hand side of (24) equals p−1 X

{P2s +2(i−1),m−k }n+3(i−1)−k =


X p−1


(t + t)

2s +2(i−1)


(t + t + 1)





X p−1 s=0 2p




(t + t) (t + t)



(t + t + 1)




= {(t + t)(t + t)



(t + t + 1)



P p+1 s s+1 s 2 2s = t2 +t mod 2). modulo 2 (since as (t2 +t)2 = t2 +t2 in Z2 [t] and so p−1 s=0 (t +t) Now, if in the expansion of the latter polynomial we take t from the first parentheses, then the maximal degree of t in the resulting terms will be 1 + 4(i − 1) + 2(m − k) ≤ 2m − 1 + 3(i − 1) − k < n + 3(i − 1) − k, as i ≤ k − 1 and n = 2p + m, m ≤ 2p . It follows



that p−1 X

{P2s +2(i−1),m−k }n+3(i−1)−k = {t2 (t2 + t)2(i−1) (t2 + t + 1)m−k }n+3(i−1)−k p


= {(t + 1)2(i−1) (t2 + t + 1)m−k }m+(i−1)−k X = {(t + 1)2(i−1) }i−1+l {(t2 + t + 1)m−k }m−k−l l∈Z

= {(t + 1)2(i−1) }i−1 {(t2 + t + 1)m−k }m−k

mod 2,

where the last equality follows from the symmetry: for the polynomial f (t) = (t+1)2(i−1) we have f (t) = t2(i−1) f (t−1 ), so {(t + 1)2(i−1) }i−1+l = {(t + 1)2(i−1) }i−1−l , and similarly {(t2 + t + 1)m−k }m−k−l = {(t2 + t + 1)m−k }m−k+l .  Now if i > 1 we obtain {(t + 1)2(i−1) }i−1 = 2(i−1) = 0 mod 2, as required. If i = 1  l  h+l P m−k 2 i−1 l P 2 m−k we get {(t + t + 1) }m−k = { l l (t + t) }m−k = { l,h m−k t }m−k = l h  P m−k P m−k m−k−s l = , where s = m − k − l. The terms with s < 0 l s l m−k−l s s vanish, and the term with s = 0 is 1. For s > 0, consider the first place, counting from the right, where the binary expansion of s has a 1. Then by Kummer’s Theorem, for  m−k to be nonzero, the binary expansion of m − k must have a 1 at the same place, so s  the binary expansion of m − k − s will have zero at that place, thus m−k−s = 0. Hence s {(t2 + t + 1)m−k }m−k = 1 mod 2, as required. This concludes the proof of Proposition 2 and hence of Theorem 2(c).  Note that one can extract from the above proof an explicit basis for the space of three-cocycles of m0 (n) (and hence for H 3 (m0 (n))). We have the following theorem. Theorem 4. For n ≥ 4, n = 2p + m, 0 < m ≤ 2p and for 2 ≤ k ≤ m, define the numbers a = ⌈(n + 2k + 1)/3⌉, b = ⌊n/2⌋ + k − 1. Let Bn be the set of elements of m0 (n) of the form X  p−1  p−1  b X b X X X m−k m−k n+2k−2r,r r D l (en+2k−2r ∧er )∧er+l+1 , F (e , e )= s s n − r − 2 l≥0 n−r−2 r=a s=0 r=a s=0 for 2 ≤ k ≤ m, where D is the linear operator defined by (9) and the binomial coefficients are taken modulo 2. Then classes of the elements of the set [ {e1,i−1,i , 2 + ⌊n/2⌋ ≤ i ≤ n} ∪ Bt . 4≤t≤n

is a basis for the cohomology space H 3 (m0 (n)), n ≥ 4, over the field Z2 . Proof. We start with the elements e1,i−1,i , 2 + ⌊n/2⌋ ≤ i ≤ n. They are linearly independent cocycles and the space spanned by them has the correct dimension, which is the codimension of the space of coboundaries in the space spanned by e1ij , 1 < i < j ≤ n, by Proposition 1. It suffices to show that neither of them is a coboundary. But if it were so, then by homogeneity we would have had that e1,i−1,i is the coboundary of a linear combination of the elements ekl , 2 ≤ k < l ≤ n, k + l = 2i, that is, of the elements ei−k,i+k , k = 1, . . . , n − i (note that as i ≥ 2 + ⌊n/2⌋, we have



2i − n − 1 ≥ 2). But the coboundary of any such element is the sum of exactly two monomials, e1,i−k−1,i+k + e1,i−k,i+k−1, so the coboundary of any linear combination of them is a sum of an even number of monomials, hence cannot be equal to e1,i−1,i . As to the element from the sets Bt , no linear combination of them is a coboundary (as any coboundary is a multiple of e1 ). Moreover, from Proposition 2 (both the statement and the proof) it follows that they form a basis for the kernel of D, where the form of the elements given in the statement follows from Lemma 2 and Equation (21).  Example 1. For n = 4, . . . , 12, the space of 3-cocycles of m0 (n) is spanned by the threeforms e1ij , 1 < i < j ≤ n, and the three-forms from the following table in the rows labelled by the numbers less than or equal to n. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

e234 e245 + e236 e345 + e246 + e237 , e356 + e257 + e347 e256 + e247 + e238 , e456 + e357 + e258 + e348 , e467 + e278 + e368 + e458 e267 + e258 + e249 + e23(10)

367 268 358 349 + e24(10) + e23(11) , 11 e378 + e279 + e369 + e35(10) e +e +e +e + e25(11) + e34(11) e467 + e368 + e458 + e269 + e25(10) + e24(11) + e23(12) , 12 e478 + e289 + e379 + e469 + e45(10) + e35(11) + e25(12) + e34(12) , e489 + e38(10) + e47(10) + e28(11) + e46(11) + e27(12) + e36(12) + e45(12)

4. Cohomology of m2 In this section, we compute the cohomology of the infinite-dimensional Lie algebra m2 given by (2): m2 = Span(e1 , e2 , . . . ),

[e1 , ei ] = ei+1 , i > 1,

[e2 , ej ] = ej+2 , j > 2,

hence completing the proof of Theorem 1. First we state the following result for the truncation m2 (n). Corollary 1. The first three Betti numbers of the Lie algebra m2 (n), n ≥ 5, over Z2 are given by b1 (m2 (n)) = 2, b2 (m2 (n)) = [ 21 (n + 1)], and b3 (m2 (n)) = 31 (2p − 1)(2p−1 − 1) + 12 m(m − 1) + [ 12 (n − 1)], where n = 2p + m, 0 < m ≤ 2p . Proof. By [14, Theorem 1], the Betti numbers of m2 (n) and of m0 (n) over Z2 are the same. The claim then follows from Theorem 2.  Remark 2. It is easy to see that H 1 (m2 (n)) is spanned by the cohomology classes of e1 and e2 and that H 2 (m2 (n)) is spanned by the cohomology classes of the elements e1n + e2,n−1 , ei,i+1 + ei−1,i+3 + · · · + e2,2i−1 , where 2 ≤ i ≤ 21 (n + 1). A basis for H 3 (m2 (n))



can be found by applying the map f from [14, Definition 3] (see below) to the elements of the basis for H 3 (m0 (n)) constructed in Theorem 4; the resulting basis is the same. In the infinite-dimensional case, we follow the construction of [14]. As in the Introduction, let V = Span(e1 , e2 , . . . ), and define the operator D1 on V ∗ by D1 e1 = D1 e2 = 0, D1 ei = ei−1 , for i > 2, and then extend it to Λ(V ) as a derivation. Note that any ω ∈ Λq (V ), q ≥ 2, has a unique presentation in the form ω = e1 ∧ ξ + e2 ∧ η + ζ, where ξ ∈ Λq−1(e2 , e3 , . . . ), η ∈ Λq−1 (e3 , e4 , . . . ) and ζ ∈ Λq (e3 , e4 , . . . ). Note that ξ, η and ζ linearly depend on ω. Define the linear map f on Λ(V ) by setting f (e1 ∧ξ+e2 ∧η+ζ) = e1 ∧ξ+e2 ∧(η+D1 ξ)+ζ on the forms of rank at least two, and taking it to be the identity on V ∗ . The following properties of f are easy to check: • f is an involution, hence a bijection, and f −1 = f , • the restriction of f to Λ(e2 , e3 , . . . ) is the identity, • f preserves the homogeneous components: f (Λqk (V )) = Λqk (V ). The main feature of f is the fact that it interweaves the differentials of m0 and m2 . More precisely, consider m0 and m2 to have the same underlying linear space V , but to be defined by the brackets (1) and (2) respectively relative to the same basis {e1 , e2 , . . . } for V . Then for all ω ∈ Λ(V ), we have f d0 ω = d2 f ω,

f d2 ω = d0 f ω,


where d0 and d2 are the differentials on m0 and m2 respectively. The first equation is easily verified for ω = ei , and the proof for ω ∈ Λq (V ), q ≥ 2, is identical to the proof of [14, Proposition 1]. The second one follows, as f is an involution. Proof of Theorem 1. By (25), f bijectively maps cocycles and coboundaries of m0 to cocycles and coboundaries of m2 respectively. It follows that H ∗ (m2 ) is spanned by the classes of the images under f of the elements (13). As f acts on all those elements as the identity, we obtain that the basis for H ∗ (m2 ) is the set of the classes of the same cocycles. The fact that the multiplicative structure is preserved follows from the fact that the restriction of f to Λ(e2 , e3 , . . . ) is the identity and that multiplication by e1 is trivial in both H ∗ (m0 ) and H ∗ (m2 ). Multiplication by e1 is trivial in H ∗ (m0 ) because e1 ∧ ω is a d0 -coboundary, for any ω (see the proof of Theorem 3). To see that multiplication by e1 is trivial in H ∗ (m2 ), notice that for any ω in the list (13), one has Dω = 0 (which is essentially assertion (a) of Lemma 1), and so f (e1 ∧ ω) = e1 ∧ ω, which is then a d2 -coboundary, as f maps coboundaries to coboundaries.  Acknowledgements. We are very grateful to Grant Cairns for drawing our attention to the question, for many useful discussions and for his help which improved the presentation of this paper. References 1. The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, published electronically at, 2015.



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