197, 173]187 Ž1996.
Coincidence Theorems for Admissible Multifunctions on Generalized Convex Spaces* Sehie Park † and Hoonjoo Kim Department of Mathematics, Seoul National Uni¨ ersity, Seoul 151]742, Korea Submitted by Helene ´` Frankowska Received January 18, 1994
We defined admissible classes of maps which are general enough to include composites of maps appearing in nonlinear analysis or algebraic topology, and generalized convex spaces which are generalizations of many general convexity structures. In this paper we obtain a coincidence theorem for admissible maps defined on generalized convex spaces. Our new result is applied to obtain an abstract variational inequality, a KKM type theorem, and fixed point theorems. Q 1996 Academic Press, Inc.
1. INTRODUCTION Recently the first author introduced admissible multifunctions Žmaps. and generalized convex Žor G-convex. spaces which are adequate to establish theories on fixed points, coincidence points, KKM maps, variational inequalities, best approximations, and many others. For details, see w74, 75, 77, 78, 80x. Our admissible classes of maps are very general enough to include composites of important maps which appear in nonlinear analysis or algebraic topology. And our concept of generalized convex spaces is a generalization of many general convexities which were developed in connection mainly with the fixed point theory and the KKM theory. See w80x. In this paper we obtain a coincidence theorem for admissible maps defined on G-convex spaces. This new result is applied to obtain an abstract variational inequality, a KKM type theorem, and fixed point theorems. Each of our results includes a large number of known theorems as particular cases. See References. * This paper was supported in part by Non-directed Research Fund, Korea Research Foundation, 1993. † E-mail:
[email protected]. 173 0022-247Xr96 $12.00 Copyright Q 1996 by Academic Press, Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
The origin of our coincidence theorem is known as the Fan]Browder fixed point theorem due to Fan w27x and Browder w16-17x. In fact, using his own generalization of the classical KKM theorem w51x, Ky Fan w27x established an elementary but very basic ‘‘geometrical’’ lemma for multifunctions. Later Browder w16x restated this result in the more convenient form of a fixed point theorem by means of the Brouwer fixed point theorem and the partition of unity argument. Since then, there have appeared numerous generalizations and applications in various fields such as fixed point theory, minimax theory, and variational inequalities. Many of these results are unified and improved in this paper.
2. PRELIMINARIES A multifunction Žor map. F: X y(Y is a function from a set X into the power set 2 Y of Y, that is, a function with the ¨ alues Fx ; Y for x g X and the fibers Fy y s x g X: y g Fx 4 for y g Y. For A ; X, let F Ž A. s D Fx: x g A4 . For any B ; Y, the Ž lower . in¨ erse and Ž upper . in¨ erse of B under F are defined by Fy Ž B . s x g X : Fx l B / B 4 and Fq Ž B . s x g X : Fx ; B 4 , resp. The Ž lower . in¨ erse of F: X y(Y is the map Fy: Y y( X defined by x g Fyy if and only if y g Fx. Given two maps F: X y(Y and G: Y y( Z, the composite GF: X y( Z is defined by Ž GF . x s GŽ Fx . for x g X. For topological spaces X and Y, a map F: X y(Y is upper semicontinuous Žu.s.c.. if, for each closed set B ; Y, FyŽ B . is closed in X. A map F: X y(Y is compact provided F Ž X . is contained in a compact subset of Y. Note that composites of u.s.c. maps are u.s.c. and that the image of a compact set under an u.s.c. map with compact values is compact. Let denote the closure. Let V be the fundamental system of neighborhoods of the origin 0 in a topological vector space Žsimply, t.v.s.. E. In E, a convex hull of its finite subset will be called a polytope. Given a class X of maps, XŽ X, Y . denotes the set of maps F: X y 1(Y belonging to X, and X c the set of finite composites of maps in X. A class A of maps is defined by the following properties: Ži. A contains the class of C of Žsingle-valued. continuous functions; Žii. each F g A c is u.s.c. with nonempty compact values; and Žiii. for any polytope P, each F g A c Ž P, P . has a fixed point, where the intermediate spaces of composites are suitably chosen for each A.
Examples of A are C, the Kakutani maps K Žwith convex values. w50x, the Aronszajn maps M Žwith Rd values. w33x, the acyclic maps V Žwith acyclic values. w25x, the O’Neill maps N Žwith values consisting of one or m acyclic components, where m is fixed. w33x, the approachable maps A in w31x, uniform spaces w8x, admissible maps in the sense of Gorniewicz ´ permissible maps of Dzedzej w24x, and others. For details, see w80x. A class A cs is defined as follows: F g A cs Ž X, Y . m for any s-compact subset K of X, there is an F˜ g A c Ž K, Y . such that F˜x ; Fx for each x g K. A cs is due to Park w77x. Further, a class A ck is defined as follows: F g A ck Ž X, Y . m for any compact subset K of X, there exists an ˜ ˜ ; Fx for each x g K. F g A c Ž K, Y . such that Fx k w A c is due to Park 74, 77, 78x and will be called admissible. Note that A ; A c ; A cs ; A ck. Examples of A cs are K cs due to Lassonde w58x and Vcs due to Park et al. w81x. Note that K cs contains K, Fan]Browder type maps w16, 27x, and T in w58x. For a nonempty set D, let ² D : denote the set of all nonempty finite subsets of D. For a set A, let < A < denote the cardinality of A. Let D n denote the standard n-simplex, that is,
D n s u g R nq 1 : u s
Ý is1
l i Ž u . e i , l i Ž u . G 0,
Ý is1
li Ž u . s 1 ,
where e i is the ith unit vector in R nq 1. Let X be a set Žin a vector space. and D a nonempty subset of X. Then Ž X, D . is called a con¨ ex space w77x if convex hulls of any nonempty finite subsets of D are contained in X and X has a topology that induces the Euclidean topology on such convex hulls. A subset A of X is said to be D-con¨ ex if, for each N g ² D :, N ; A implies co N ; A, where co denotes the convex hull. If X s D, then X s Ž X, X . becomes a convex space in the sense of Lassonde w55x. A generalized con¨ ex space or a G-con¨ ex space Ž X, D; G . w80x consists of a topological space X, a nonempty subset D of X, and a map G: ² D : y( X with nonempty values such that Ž1. for each A, B g ² D :, A ; B implies G Ž A. ; G Ž B .; and Ž2. for each A g ² D : with < A < s n q 1, there exists a continuous function fA : D n ª G Ž A. such that J g ² A: implies fAŽ D J . ; G Ž J ., where D J denotes the face of D n corresponding to J g ² A:. We may write G Ž A. s GA for each A g ² D :. For an Ž X, D; G ., a subset C of X is said to be G-con¨ ex if for each A g ² D :, A ; C implies GA ; C.
Note that GA does not need to contain A for A g ² D :. If D s X, then Ž X, D; G . will be denoted by Ž X; G .. Any convex space Ž X, D . becomes a G-convex space Ž X, D; G . by putting GA s co A. The major particular forms of G-convex spaces can be adequately summarized by the following diagram. In the diagram, we may regard Horvath’s pseudoconvex spaces as S-contractible spaces and Joo’s ´ pseudoconvex spaces as spaces with simplicial convexity, resp., for simplicity. For details, see w80x. A convex subset of a t.v.s.
A metric space with Michael’s convex structure w64x 1959
Lassonde’s convex space w55x 1983 6
Komiya’s convex space w53x 1981 6
S-contractible space w82]84x 1980 Žpseudoconvex space w39x 1983.
Bielawski’s simplicial convexity w11x 1987 ŽJoo’s ´ pseudoconvex space w48x 1989.
H-space w2]4, 41, 43x 1987
G-convex space w80x 1993
3. MAIN RESULTS We begin with the following coincidence theorem: THEOREM 1. Let Ž X, D; G . be a G-con¨ ex space, Y a Hausdorff space, S: D y(Y, T : X y(Y maps, and F g A ck Ž X, Y .. Suppose that Ž1.1. for each x g D, Sx is compactly open in Y; Ž1.2. for each y g F Ž X ., M g ² Sy y : implies GM ; Ty y; Ž1.3. there exists a nonempty compact subset K of Y such that F Ž X . l K ; SŽ D .; and
Ž1.4. either Ži. Y _ K ; SŽ M . for some M g ² D :; or Žii. for each N g ² D :, there exists a compact G-con¨ ex subset L N of X containing N such that F Ž L N . _ K ; SŽ L N l D .. Then there exists an x g X such that F x l T x / B. Proof. Since F Ž X . l K is compact and covered by compactly open sets Sx by Ž1.1. and Ž1.3., there exists an N g ² D : such that F Ž X . l K ; SŽ N .. Case Ži.. Since Y _ K ; SŽ M . for some M g ² D : by Ži., we have F Ž X . ; SŽ A., where A s M j N s x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x nq1 4 g ² D :. Then, there exist a fA g CŽ D n , X . such that fAŽ D n . ; GA and fAŽ D J . ; GJ for ˜ ; Fx for each each J g ² A:, an F˜ g A c Ž fAŽ D n ., Y . such that Fx nq 1 Ž . 4 x g fA D n , and l i is1 the partition of unity subordinated to the cover nq 1 Sx i l F˜fAŽ D n .4is1 of F˜fAŽ D n .. Define a continuous map p: F˜fAŽ D n . ª D n by nq1
pŽ y . s
Ý is1
li Ž y . ei s
li Ž y . ei
for y g F˜fA Ž D n . ,
igN y
where i g Ny m l i Ž y . / 0 « y g Sx i m x i g Sy y. By Ž1.2., we have Ž fA p . y g fAŽ D N . ; GN ; Ty y for each y g F˜fAŽ D n .; that is, y g y y ŽTfA p . y. Since pF˜fA g A c Ž D n , D n ., pF˜fA has a fixed point z g D n ; that is, z g Ž pF˜fA . z. Put x s fAŽ z .. Since py z l Ž F˜fA . z s py z l F˜ x / B, for any y g py z l F˜ x, we have y g F˜fAŽ D n ., Ž fA p . y s fAŽ z . s ˜ x, and y g ŽTfA p . y s T x. Therefore, py z l F˜ x ; T x and hence T x l F˜ x ; T x l F x / B. Case Žii.. For an N g ² D : such that F Ž X . l K ; SŽ N ., consider the set L N in Ž1.4.. ˜ ; We claim that F˜Ž L N . ; SŽ L N l D . for F˜ g A c Ž L N , Y . satisfying Fx Fx for each x g L N . In fact, note that F˜Ž L N . l K ; F Ž X . l K ; S Ž N . ; S Ž L N l D . . On the other hand, F˜Ž L N . _ K ; F Ž L N . _ K ; SŽ L N l D . by Ž1.4.. Therefore, we have F˜Ž L N . ; SŽ L N l D .. Note that F˜Ž L N . is compact since it is the image of the compact set L N ˜ Therefore, F˜Ž L N . ; SŽ A. for some A s x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x nq14 g under F. ² L N l D :.
For the remainder of the proof, we can just follow that of Case Ži. and show that T x l F˜ x ; T x l F x / B for some x g L N . This completes our proof. Remarks. 1. If X is a convex space with GA s co A, then Ži. implies Žii.. In fact we can choose L N s coŽ M j N .. However, in general, we cannot say Ži. « Žii. for G-convex spaces. 2. Note that the Hausdorffness of Y is necessary for the partition of unity argument in the proof. If F is single-valued we do not need to assume the Hausdorffness of Y. 3. Note that Ž1.2. generalizes the following: Ž1.2.9 for each x g D, Sx ; Tx and Ty y is G-con¨ ex for each y g F Ž X ., as in Park w77, Theorem 5x for convex spaces and w73, Theorem 3x for H-spaces. 4. If F is compact, then by putting K s F Ž X . , condition Ž1.4. holds automatically. Particular forms for compact admissible maps. 1. For convex spaces instead of G-convex spaces, Theorem 1 includes Browder w16, Theorem 1x, Tarafdar and Husain w102, Theorem 1.1x, Ben-El-Mechaiekh et al. w10, II, Theoreme 3.1, 4.1, 4.2 and Corollaire 3.4x, Simons w91, Theorem 4.3x, ´ ` w Takahashi 97, Theorem 5x, Browder w18, Theorem 4x, Komiya w54, Theorem 1x, Granas and Liu w35, Theorem 4.1x, Lassonde w58, Theorem 4x, Park et al. w81, Theorem 1x, and Park w77, Theorem 2x. 2. For other particular types of G-convex, Theorem 1 includes Komiya w53, Theorem 1x, Bielawski w11, Propositions 4.9 and 4.12x, Horvath w42, Corollaire 6 and 7; 41, I, Theorem 29; 43, Corollary 4.2x, and Park and Kim w79, Corollary 3.2x. Particular forms for non-compact admissible maps. 1. For convex spaces, Theorem 1 reduces to Park w77, Theorem 5x, and for H-spaces it reduces to Park and Kim w79, Theorem 1x. 2. For V instead of A ck , Theorem 1 reduces to Park w70, Theorem 1x, which includes earlier works of Browder w16]18x, Tarafdar w98]101x, Tarafdar and Husain w102x, Ben-El-Mechaiekh et al. w9, 10x, Yannelis and Prabhakar w104x, Lassonde w55, 56x, Ko and Tan w52x, Simons w92, 93x, Takahashi w97x, Komiya w54x, Mehta w62x, Mehta and Tarafdar w63x, Sessa w89x, Jiang w45]47x, McLinden w61x, Granas and Liu w34, 35x, Park w66]68x, and Chang w19x. 3. For an H-space X s Y and F s 1 X , Theorem 1 contains Horvath w39, Theoreme 4.1; 40, Theoreme 2 and Lemme 1; 41, I, Theorem 29; 43, ´ ` ´ ` Theorem 3.2x, Ding and Tan w23, Theorems 10]12 and Corollaries 2]4x, Ding et al. w22, Corollaries 3]5x, Tarafdar w101, Theorem 2x, Chen w21, Theorem 2x, and Park w72, Theorem 6; 73, Theorem 4x.
Among the numerous applications of Theorem 1, we give an abstract variational inequality: THEOREM 2. Let Ž X, D; G . be a Hausdorff G-con¨ ex space, h: X ª wy`, `x with h k `, p: X = X ª Žy`, `x, q: D = X ª Žy`, `x, F g A ck Ž X, X ., and K a nonempty compact subset of X. Suppose that Ž2.1. q Ž x, y . F pŽ x, y . for Ž x, y . g D = X, and pŽ x, y . q hŽ y . F hŽ x . for x g X and y g Fx; Ž2.2. for each x g D, y g X: q Ž x, y . q hŽ y . ) hŽ x .4 is compactly open; Ž2.3. for each y g F Ž X ., x g X: pŽ x, y . q hŽ y . ) hŽ x .4 is G-con¨ ex; and Ž2.4. either Ži. Y _ K ; D x g M y g X: q Ž x, y . q hŽ y . ) hŽ x .4 for some M g ² D :; or Žii. for each N g ² D :, there exists a compact G-con¨ ex subset L N of X containing N such that F Ž LN . _ K ;
D y g X : q Ž x, y . q h Ž y . ) h Ž x . 4 .
xgL NlD
Then there exists a solution y 0 g F Ž X . l K of the ¨ ariational inequality q Ž x, y 0 . q h Ž y 0 . F h Ž x .
for all x g D.
Moreo¨ er, the set of all solutions y 0 is a compact subset of F Ž X . l K. Proof. Define maps S: D y( X and T : X y( X by Sx s y g X : q Ž x, y . q h Ž y . ) h Ž x . 4
for x g D,
Tx s y g X : p Ž x, y . q h Ž y . ) h Ž x . 4
for x g X .
and Then Ž1.2. is satisfied, since Sy y ; Ty y for each y g X and Ty y is G-convex. Suppose that there exists a y 0 g F Ž X . l K such that y 0 f SŽ D .. Then the conclusion follows. Therefore we may assume that F Ž X . l K ; SŽ D .. Then all of the requirements of Theorem 1 are satisfied. Hence, there exists an x 0 g X such that Fx 0 l Tx 0 / B. Let y 0 g Fx 0 l Tx 0 . Then y 0 g Fx 0 and p Ž x0 , y0 . q hŽ y0 . ) hŽ x0 . , which contradicts Ž2.1.. Moreover, the set of all solutions y 0 is the intersection
F y g F Ž X . l K : q Ž x, y . q h Ž y . F h Ž x . 4
of compactly closed subsets of the compact set F Ž X . l K. This completes our proof. Remark. If X s K itself is compact, then y 0 g Fx 0 for some x 0 g X. Even for F s 1 X , Theorem 2 is a basis of existence theorems of many results concerning variational inequalities. See w32, 37, 70x. Particular forms. For F s 1 X , there have appeared a lot of particular forms of Theorem 2. See Brezis ´ et al. w13x, Juberg and Karamardian w49x, Mosco w65x, Allen w1x, Takahashi w96x, Gwinner w37x, Lassonde w55x, Park w69x, and Ben-El-Mechaiekh w6x. From Theorem 1 we obtain the following KKM theorem for G-convex spaces: THEOREM 3. Let Ž X, D; G . be a G-con¨ ex space, Y a Hausdorff space, and F g A ck Ž X, Y .. Let G: D y(Y be a map such that Ž3.1. for each x g D, Gx is compactly closed in Y; Ž3.2. for any N g ² D :, F Ž GN . ; GŽ N .; and Ž3.3. there exists a nonempty compact subset K of Y such that either Ži. F Gx: x g M 4 ; K for some M g ² D :; or Žii. for each N g ² D :, there exists a compact G-con¨ ex subset L N of X containing N such that F Ž L N . l F Gx: x g L N l D4 ; K. Then F Ž X . l K l F Gx: x g D4 / B. Proof. Suppose the conclusion does not hold. Then F Ž X . l K ; S Ž D ., where Sx s Y _ Gx for x g D. Let H: Y y( X and T : X y(Y be defined by Hy s D GM : M g ² Sy y :4 for y g Y and Tx s Hy x for x g X. Then all of the requirements of Theorem 1 are satisfied, and hence T and F have a coincidence point x 0 g X; that is, Tx 0 l Fx 0 / B. For y g Tx 0 l Fx 0 , we have x 0 g Ty y s D GM : M g ² Sy y :4 , and hence there exists a finite set M in Sy y ; D such that x 0 g GM . Since M g ² Sy y : implies y g Sx for all x g M, we have y g Fx 0 l F Sx: x g M 4 ; F Ž GM . l F Sx: x g M 4 ; that is, F Ž GM . o GŽ M .. This contradicts Ž3.2.. Remark. Condition Ž3.2. is equivalent to GN ; Fq GŽ N .. A KKM type theorem for this case different from Theorem 3 can be found in w70, Theorem 4x. Particular forms. 1. The origin of Theorem 3 goes back to Sperner w95x and Knaster et al. w51x for X s Y s K s D n an n-simplex, D its set of vertices, and F s 1 X . 2. For a convex space X, Theorem 3 reduces to Park w77, Theorem 7x. As Park noted in w70x, a particular form w70, Theorem 3x of w77, Theorem 7x for V instead of A ck includes earlier works of Fan w27]29x, Lassonde w55x,
Chang w19x, and Park w67, 68x. Moreover, Park w76x showed that w70, Theorem 3x also extends a number of KKM type theorems due to Sehgal et al. w88x, Lassonde w57x, Shioji w90x, Liu w59x, Chang and Zhang w20x, and Guillerme w36x. 3. For an H-space X and F s 1 X , Theorem 3 generalizes Horvath w39, Theoreme ´ ` 3.1 and Corollaire 3; 41, I, Theorem 1 and Corollary 1x, Bardaro and Ceppitelli w2, Theorem 1x, Ding and Tan w23, Corollary 1 and Theorem 8x, Ding et al. w22, Lemma 1x, and Park w71, Theorems 1 and 4; 73, Theorems 1 and 3x. From Theorem 1, we obtain the following: THEOREM 4. Let Ž X, D . be a con¨ ex space, E a Hausdorff t.¨ .s. containing X as a subset, F g A ck Ž X, E ., and V a con¨ ex open neighborhood of the origin of E. Suppose that there exists a nonempty compact subset K of E such that Ža. F Ž X . l K ; D q V; and Žb. for each N g ² D :, there exists a compact D-con¨ ex subset L N of X containing N such that F Ž L N . _ K ; Ž L N l D . q V. Then F has a V-fixed point x V g X; that is, Fx V l Ž x V q V . / B. Proof. Define S: D y( E by Sx s x q V for x g D and T : X y( E by Tx s x q V for x g X. Then Ž1.1. Sx is open for each x g D; Ž1.2. co Sy y s coŽŽ y y V . l D . ; Ty y s Ž y y V . l X for each y g E; Ž1.3. F Ž X . l K ; SŽ D . by Ža.; and Ž1.4. F Ž L N . _ K ; SŽ L N l D . s Ž L N l D . q V by Žb.. Therefore, by Theorem 1, F and T have a coincidence point x V g X; that is, Fx V l Ž x V q V . / B. Remarks. 1. Note that if F is compact, then, by putting F Ž X . s K, the coercivity condition Žb. holds trivially. 2. Note that X does not need to have the relative topology w.r.t. E. COROLLARY 4.1. Let X be a con¨ ex space, E a locally con¨ ex Hausdorff t.¨ .s. containing X as a subset, F g A ck Ž X, E ., and K a nonempty compact subset of E. Suppose that Ža. F Ž X . l K ; X; and Žb. for each N g ² X :, there exists a compact con¨ ex subset L N of X containing N such that F Ž L N . _ K ; L N . Then for each V g V , F has a V-fixed point.
Proof. This follows from Theorem 4 with X s D. Remark. Because of Ža. and Žb., we have F Ž X . ; X. COROLLARY 4.2. Let X be a nonempty con¨ ex subset of a locally con¨ ex Hausdorff t.¨ .s. E. Suppose that either Ži. F g A c Ž X, X . or, more generally, Žii. F g A cs Ž X, X .. If F is compact, then F has a fixed point x 0 g X; that is, x 0 g Fx 0 . Proof. Ži. For each V g V , by Corollary 4.1 with F Ž X . s K, there exist x V , y V g X such that y V g Fx V and y V y x V g V. Since F Ž X . is contained in the compact set K, we may assume that y V converges to some x 0 g K. Then x V also converges to x 0 . Since the graph of F is closed in X = K, we have x 0 g Fx 0 . Žii. Let M s co F Ž X . . Then M ; X since F Ž X . ; X and X is convex. Also M is s-compact w58, Proposition 1Ž3.x. Since F g A cs Ž X, M ., there ˜ ; Fx for each x g M. Therefore, by exists an F˜ g A c Ž M, M . such that Fx ˜ 0 ; Fx 0 . Ži., F˜ has a fixed point x 0 g M; that is, x 0 g Fx This completes our proof. Particular forms. Corollary 4.2 is due to Park w77, Theorems 3Žiii. and 4x and extends many known fixed point theorems for locally convex Hausdorff t.v.s. as follows: 1. For C instead of A c , Corollary 4.2 reduces to Hukuhara w44x which includes earlier well-known results of Brouwer w14x, Schauder w86, 87x, Tychonoff w103x, Mazur w60x, and Singbal w94x. 2. For K instead of A c , Corollary 4.2 reduces to Himmelberg w38x, which extends Kakutani w50x, Hukuhara w44x, Bohnenblust and Karlin w12x, Fan w26x, and Glicksberg w30x. 3. For K c instead of A c , Corollary 4.2 is due to Simons w92x, Lassonde w56x, and Ben-El-Mechaiekh w5x. 4. For K cs instead of A cs , Corollary 4.2 is due to Lassonde w58x. 5. For the class A of approachable maps instead of A c , Corollary 4.2 is due to Ben-El-Mechaiekh and Deguire w7, 8x. 6. For Vc instead of A c , Corollary 4.2 is due to Powers w85x and Park w70x. 7. For Vcs instead of A cs , Corollary 4.2 is due to Park et al. w81x. REFERENCES 1. G. Allen, Variational inequalities, complementary problems, and duality theorems, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 58 Ž1977., 1]10. 2. C. Bardaro and R. Ceppitelli, Some further generalizations of Knaster]Kuratowski] Mazurkiewicz theorem and minimax inequalities, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 132 Ž1988., 484]490.
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