attention-grabbing chairs. And he has recruited to the cause an ensemble of
global design celebrities — Philippe starck, richard Meier, Aldo rossi, robert
Venturi, ...
2010 Collab student design competition: TABLETOP Accessory Set
Competition Brief
Collab Philadelphia Museum of Art
The 2010 Collab Student Design Competition has been underwritten by a grant from Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation
Collab Philadelphia Museum of Art
2010 Collab student design competition: Tabletop ACCESsORY SET
Collab will hold its Eighteenth Annual College Student Design Competition at the Philadelphia Museum of Art on Monday, November 15, 2010.
Competition Brief
This year’s competition will be held in conjunction with the Museum’s exhibition Alessi: Ethical and Radical celebrating the innovative products of the Italian manufacturer Alberto Alessi, recipient of Collab’s 2010 Design Excellence Award. Alberto Alessi, head of the world-famous design factory that bears his name is the grandson of Giovanni Alessi, who founded the family business in 1921 to make metal house wares. Alberto has cultivated a distinctive design aesthetic by pursuing an unlikely vision: that homey domestic items are as worthy of first-rate creative thinking as grand buildings or attention-grabbing chairs. And he has recruited to the cause an ensemble of global design celebrities — Philippe Starck, Richard Meier, Aldo Rossi, Robert Venturi, Ron Arad, and Ettore Sottsass, to name a few. The exhibition will be on view from November 21, 2010 through April 10, 2011, at the Collab Gallery, Perelman Building, Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Th eme Alessi is widely regarded as the world’s most innovative and influential maker of kitchen and tabletop accessories. Alberto, believes “…design is a new form of art and poetry but with the strange destiny of bringing a little bit of joy to people.” He encourages his many world-renowned and young designers with this agenda so they create new forms for standard house wares. Tabletop accessories cover a wide-range of functional objects we use in the kitchen or dining room. They can include: salt and peppershakers, creamer and sugar bowls, napkin holders, toothpick holders, cork screws, etc. Most people buy them in sets so that the designs are coordinated. Sometimes the designs are part of a larger thematic context that includes teakettles, dinnerware patterns, serving or cookware sets. Ch al l en ge Students will design a Tabletop Accessory Set that includes at least 4 pieces of your choosing. The products should have a central design theme or vocabulary that is targeted for the American market. Submissions will include: a full-scale model of one of the pieces, and a presentation board that illustrates the rest of the grouping. Any materials and technology can be considered, and the pieces must be mass reproducible.
2010 Collab student design competition: Tabletop Accessory Set Competition Brief
Sub missions All submissions must include the following components: 1. Presentation board*: 11" x 17" presentation board, mounted vertically (portrait format) on 1/2" foamcore, containing: • Design statement outlining concept, technical and materials information • A final high-resolution image of the design * Please note: Student’s name should NOT appear on front of board. 2. Model: 3-Dimensional model — projects should be full scale, where applicable.
3. CD: A CD containing: • 300 dpi image of tabletop accessory set in JPG format • Microsoft Word document with design statement and registration form information 4. Registration Form: A completed Registration Form, which can be found at the end of this document or downloaded at Forms may be photocopied. Instructions: All entrants must complete a Registration Form form and place it in a sealed
envelope along with the CD. The envelope is to be securely taped to the back of the presentation board and submitted with 3-D model. Please Note: Each entry board must be void of any identifying characteristics representing
the entrant’s school or name. All entries must include all above stated components.
Incomplete entries cannot be guaranteed for consideration. Addendum: Models may also be adjusted to fit the constraints of their materials and/or production (i.e. 3-D printers). Please note scale where applicable.
Date & Locat i on f or sub mis s i ons
ntries are to be submitted by 9:00 a.m. on Monday, November 15, 2010 E at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Entries are to be hand-delivered to the Seminar Room, accessed through the West Entrance of the Museum. Pr izes
First Prize: $1,000; Second Prize: $750; Third Prize: $500; Two Honorable Mentions.
An n oun ceme nt Entrants are asked to return to the Seminar Room at The Philadelphia Museum of Art on OF W INNERS the same day at 3:00 p.m. for the announcement of the winners and a feedback session with the judges. A reception for the students will follow. Student work will also be presented during the Alberto Alessi Design Excellence Award event on November 20, 2010, at 6:30 p.m. Students and faculty are encouraged to attend the event. For tickets and information, call the Museum Ticket Center at 215.235.7469 Pub l ication After the competition, a selection of the winning projects will be published on the Philadelphia Museum of Art website and presented in the Collab Journal. Retur n of e nt ri e s All entries must be picked up on the day of the competition following the student awards presentation. The Museum cannot be responsible for any projects left at the Museum after 5:00 p.m. on Monday, November 15, 2010. El igib il ity Students submitting projects to the Collab Student Design Competition must be currently enrolled in a college or university. All entries must be solo and cannot be delivered by post or by email. All students must be physically present to deliver their work on the morning of the competition and be present to hear the judges’ decisions later that day. No joint or team projects will be accepted.
2010 Collab student design competition: Tabletop Accessory Set Competition Brief
Competitio n JUDGES
H arry Allen Harry got his start in the cosmetics industry but quickly branched out into furniture, lighting, product and interior design. His high-concept Reality line of home goods for Areaware, has become a tremendous commercial success. His recent design of the Corian® Design Studio in Philadelphia, a gallery dedicated to one material and its manufacturing potential, has received rave reviews. Harry’s systematic design process and long-standing interest in art, new materials, and innovation contributes to his success. Clients include: Aveda, IKEA, Johnson & Johnson, Knoll, Magis, Moss, Sony, Swarovski, Target, Umbra, Vitra, to name a few.
C arla Diana Carla is currently Senior Interaction Designer at Smart Design, Founding Partner at Spank Design, and the Creative Director at Carla Diana Design. Previously, she was a Senior Design Technologist at Frog design, Creative Director at Planetii, Interface Guru at Sarkissian-Mason, Designer at Karim Rashid’s studio, visiting Assistant Professor of Industrial Design at Georgia Institute of Technology and Professor of Interactive Design at Savannah College Art. Carla holds an MFA in Design from Cranbrook and a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from Cooper Union.
Richard Kratchman Rick is one of the owners of Kitchen Kapers. He has been inspiring a little homemade fun at Kitchen Kapers for over 35 years! After traveling to Milan for a trade show in the late 80’s Rick fell in love with contemporary design, and Kitchen Kapers started carrying product lines such as Alessi and Serafino Zani. Today, Rick and Kitchen Kapers continue searching the globe for great contemporary products, which can be sold in his 14 locations and Internet site.
D iane Minnite Dee is the Research and Collections Assistant in the Department of European Decorative Arts at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. She has a master’s degree in Art History, with a special concentration in the history of architecture. Her responsibilities at the PMA range from eighteenth- and nineteenth-century European furniture to modern and contemporary design. Recent curated shows include: Visual Delight: Ornament and Pattern in Modern and Contemporary Design, and an exhibition for spring of 2011 which will celebrate the Museum’s collecting of contemporary decorative arts since its founding in 1876.
D iane 0’Donnel Diane has worked with contemporary design manufacturers since the early 1980’s. She collaborated with Italian design agent Luigi Felicetti and set up distribution for companies in the United States such as Alessi, Arte Cuoio, Omas, and Tek, among others, and helped to create the distribution for American Companies in Europe including Zelco Industries and Hot Sox. She has worked in sales and management for design firms and currently represents several name brands with her own company-marketing designs to museums nationwide.
About Colla b Collab is a collaboration of design professionals supporting the modern and contemporary design collections at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. A volunteer committee founded in 1970, Collab is dedicated to enriching the Museum’s collections with outstanding examples of massproduced and unique designs, and to making the collections accessible to the general public, students, and the design community. Now among the most important in the country, the design collections of more than 2,000 objects range from appliances and furniture to ceramics, glass, posters, wallpapers, and lighting.
2010 Collab student design competition: Tabletop Accessory Set Competition Brief
In str uctio ns All entrants must complete the Registration Form form and place it in a sealed envelope along with the CD. The envelope is to be securely taped to the back of the presentation board and submitted with 3-D model. ntries are to be submitted E by 9:00 a.m. on Monday, November 15, 2010, at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Entries are to be hand-delivered to the Seminar Room, accessed through the West Entrance of the Museum.
Student’s Name
Email Address
Telephone Number
College or University
Name of Student’s Professor
Professor’s Email
AGREEMENT By submitting an entry to this competition, the undersigned acknowledges that the work submitted is original and the intellectual property of the applicant. Collab and The Philadelphia Museum of Art claim no responsibility or accountability in any form whatsoever for any misrepresentations or other legally infringing matters of authorship. Collab and The Philadelphia Museum of Art reserve the right to publish and/or reproduce images of all submissions
Student’s Signature