Collaborative e-Writing Using Cloud Computing for

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bachelor degree. The results show ... and when it comes to collaborating on a document, the author emails a ... the cloud because the users will save their work on servers in a remote ... collaborative e-writing is any form of writing that takes.
Collaborative e-Writing Using Cloud Computing for Final Year Project Jusoh Yacob1 , Nor Hazreeni Hamzah2 , Maziah Mahmud 3 , Nurul Bariyah Ibrahim 4 , Manzur El-Hassan Abd Aziz5

Abstract—Managing writing activities of a university student in preparing the Final Year Project (FYP) is very intensive and challenging. We propose the LATEX template created from Overleaf for a collaborative writing tool environment used to embed such collaborative e-writing activities in Final Year Project (FYP). Overleaf provides tools for managing collaborative writing for Final Year Project (FYP) in groups. Google Form has been used to develop the questionnaires and collect primary data from 91 students who have completed the Final Year Project (FYP) for bachelor degree. The results show that 86.8% of students always use the Overleaf with mean of writing per week which is 14.11 hours or 2.02 hours per day. 58.2% whose strongly agree that collaborative e-writing with Overleaf has a positive effect. To get the cloud-based effectiveness model by using the Overleaf template, binary logistic regression is used. It is found that the collaborative e-writing using cloud computing for Final Year Project (FYP) writing process will be easier and can be monitored continuously by group members and supervisors are significant for the model. Index Terms—collaborative e-writing, cloud computing, binary logistic regression, Overleaf template.

I. INTRODUCTION According to [3], collaboration is defined as individuals working together in groups towards the shared goal collectively. The way we collaborate on documents did not change with the introduction of the desktop computer into mainstream society. With the old technology of internal and external hard drives, authors save documents on a hard drive, and when it comes to collaborating on a document, the author emails a copy an attachment to a co-author or editor. [6] define the term collaborative writing as projects where written works are created by multiple people together. In a true collaborative environment, each contributor has an almost equal ability to add, edit, and remove text. Using collaborative writing tools can provide substantial advantages to projects ranging from increased user commitment to easier, more effective and efficient work processes. [4] stated that with new cloud-based technologies, authors are able to share, edit and save documents or presentations in the cloud because the users will save their work on servers in a remote location rather than individual hard drives. Then, collaborative e-writing is any form of writing that takes advantage of the possibilities afforded by digital technology. [2] in their research found that computer technology has become an essential tool for educators to ensure that teaching and learning (T&L) process becomes more interesting and effective. The use of Cloud Computing will enhance T&L process which is differ to traditional techniques. Cloud Computing is the interactive way for educators to collaborate with students along T&L process.

This research is based on the application of Overleaf, that is a platform of Cloud Computing. The concept of Cloud Computing has many definitions. According to [5], Cloud Computing is a platform that can be directly access through the Internet and does not require any software installation in personal computer or devices. Furthermore, this research focuses on the process of writing (i.e. writing activities) and the final product of writing (i.e. report) using the template approved by Overleaf [7]. The process of writing can be decomposed into a sequence of writing activities, such as workshop of how to use Overleaf in writing paper, intensively the using of template, familiarity of using the popular commands in the template, collaborative writing among group members and supervisors, and so on. According to [1], Cloud Computing technologies enable institutions that do not have the technical expertise to support their own infrastructure to get access to computing on demand. Cloud Computing makes it possible for almost anyone to deploy tools that can scale on demand to serve as many users as desired. Service providers enjoy greatly simplified software installation and maintenance and centralized control over versioning; consumers can access the service anytime, anywhere, share data and collaborate more easily and keep their data stored safely in the infrastructure. Moreover, [1] stated the applications tools based on Cloud Computing are low-cost, web-based and easily accessible by students as long as there is a constant Internet connection via mobiles devices and computers. II. V IRTUAL AND COLLABORATIVE WRITING E NVIRONMENTS A. About Overleaf Founded in 2012 and with over 600,000 registered users, Overleaf is an academic authorship tool that allows seamless collaboration and effortless manuscript submission, all underpinned by cloud-technology. By providing an intuitive online collaborative writing and publishing platform, Overleaf is making the process of writing, editing and publishing scientific documents quicker and easier. Researchers and academics can now write, collaborate, and publish with a single click, directly from the Overleaf web-app. Publishers and institutions are partnering with Overleaf to provide customized writing templates, simple reference tool linking and one-click publishing submission links. B. Final Year Project (FYP) template The template for the Final Year Project (FYP) using the Overleaf template is generated using LATEX. This template is

generated according to the standard set by UiTM. The features of this standard include the designing of the front pages, margin, table of contents, list of figures, list of tables and bibliography. For a writing project which requires collaboration, collaborative e-writing using cloud computing is a wonderful tool for students. Finding time outside of class to work on a writing project can be challenging, but with this FYP template via Overleaf, students will not have any problems finding time. One student can work on it right after the class and another can complete his part at other time. It is because, the FYP template is on cloud, students can access the document anytime, anywhere with their phone, tablet, or computer. Even when students are in the same room working on the FYP template at the same time, collaborative e-writing allows students to work simultaneously in the FYP template. When the students are in the FYP template at the same time, they can see where their peers are working and what changes they are making as they happen. That means no more worries of two or more students modifying the same section differently. Also, the supervisors will be able to monitor the progress of their students without any delay. By using this FYP templates, students no longer need to edit the margin for each pages. For example, when a student writes a section or subsection, the table of content (TOC) is generated automatically with the corresponding page. This template provides the TOC with dotted lines between the contents and the page numbers. This is done by entering command \renewcommand \cftdotsep{5} in the file uitmkelantan.cls. If we do not want the dotted lines in the TOC, we just replace 5 with \cf tnodots into \renewcommand\cf tdotsep{\cf tnodots}. Furthermore, graphs, images and tables can be generated or created easily by using FYP template. Then the captions for each graphs, images and tables will be automatically generated in the list of figure and the list of table sections. Likewise for bibliographies, when students have found and read articles or references, they just need to write in a bibtex file that is ready format. When they write and need to cite the reference paper, the reference list is automatically generated in the section of references and the names of authors are arranged in alphabetical order. III. M ETHODS The objective of this research is to study the positive effectiveness of collaborative e-writing on cloud using Overleaf template. Binary logistic model will be built to express the relationship between independent variables that affect the dependent variable which is the positive effectiveness. The independent variables are, making work easier, student’s collaborative e-writing and sustainability of Overleaf use to influence the dependent variable of the positive effectiveness of using Overleaf. Theoretical framework for this investigation is as shown in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Theoretical frame work

Based on the theoretical framework, questionnaires were created using Google Forms and distributed online to the 90 students of the CS249 and CS241 programs respectively. A total of 91 responses have been received. After the data are analyzed using SPSS, the following results are obtained. IV. R ESULTS A. Descriptive analysis A sample size of 91 students comprised of CS249 (Bachelor of Science (Hons) (Mathematics)) and CS241 (Bachelor of Science (Hons) (Statistics)) of 78 (85.7%) and 13 (14.3%) respectively. Of these, 80 (87.9%) are female while 11 (12.1%) are male. A total of 25 (27.5%) respondents are very frequent, 44 (48.4%) are frequent and 22 (24.2%) are sometimes using cloud computing as shown in Table 1. TABLE I D ESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF DEMOGRAPHY Item Q1-Gender Q2-Program Q3-Use cloud computing Q4-Keep using Q5-Application usage Q6-Place or area Q7-Average use Q8-Other use Q9-Dealing with supervisors

Male–11(12.1%) CS241–13(14.3%) Sometimes 22(24.2%) No–2(2.2%) Others Others–9(9.9%) Others Others Others

female–80(87.9%) CS249–78(85.7%) Very often–25(27.5%) Often–44(48.4%) Yes–89/(97.8%) Overleaf–79(86.8%) In campus/home–82(90.1%) ≥ 14/week − −34(37.4%) Article(9.9%) & note(3.5%) Face-to face & cloud(71.4%)

Figure 2 shows a few example of Cloud Computing and the percentage of usage. 86.8% of respondents always use Overleaf on cloud.

Fig. 2. Example of Cloud Computing

The mean answer for items for independent variables of making work easier is 8.1569. While the mean answer for items for independent variable of collaborative e-writing process is 7.8330. The mean answer for the others are shown in Figure 3.


0 Man CS241 Others

Q4-Keep using Q5-Application usage Q6-Place or area Q7-Average use Q8-Other use Q9-Dealing with supervisors

No Others Others Others Others Others

1 Woman CS249 Very often Often Yes Overleaf,. . . In campus/home ≥ 14 Article & note Face-to face & cloud

Using SPSS, it is found the the factors that are significantly influence the positive effectiveness are FYP writing process becomes easier (Q22 lebih mudah 9) and can be monitored continuously by group members and supervisors (Q24 pantu penyelia re). The following results have been obtained.

Fig. 3. Mean answered by respondents

Analysis of other questionnaires for sustainability of Overleaf use are; LATEX basic notes, more advanced command, managing bibliography with Mendeley, bibliography created with Mendeley is easier and time saving as shown in Table II. Item Q30 shows that 80% of respondents know that the bibliography made by using Mendeley is easier and saves more time.

Fig. 4. Hosmer-Lemeshow



Do not know (37.4%)

Q28-More advanced command






Do not Know(20%)

Q29-Managing bibliography with Mendeley Q30-Bibliograpgy with Mendeley easy and time saving

B. Logistic regression

Fig. 5. Cross tabulation

The Hosmer-Lemeshow as in Figure 4 test the null hypothesis that predictions made by the model fit with the positive effectiveness of using overleaf template (p = 0.666 > 0.05). Figure 5 shows the model is accurate 91.1% of the time.

In order to obtain the logistic model, we recode the responses with answers of only 9 as 1 as the interest groups and the rest as 0 as reference groups. For demography section, we recode as follows:

Fig. 6. Variable in the equation

According to Figure 6, the model with just the Q 22 lebih mudah 9 and Q 24 pantau penyelia 9 are statistically significant predictor of the outcome (p < 0.05). The model can be written as: i) The logit form   P ln =z 1−P = β1 Q22 + β2 Q24 = 3.267Q22 + 3.173Q24 ii) The logistic function P = =

1 1 + e−z 1 1+

uously by group members and supervisors, thus the probability of positive effectiveness is P =

1 e−(3.267(1)+3.173(1))

1+ = 0.9984 = 99.84%

V. CONCLUSIONS Based on the objectives, it is proved that the model is fit by checking the assumption of classification table and Hosmer-Lemeshow test. It is found that there are two variables are significant for the binary logistic regression model. The variables are FYP writing process becomes easier and can be monitored continuously by group members and supervisors with significant level of p = 0.011 < 0.05 and p = 0.000 < 0.05 respectively.




P = probability of positive effectiveness with response of 1 (9).

The explanation of the final model as follows: 1) variable in the models: i. β1 = 3.267, means that one unit change in FYP writing process will be easier, the log of positive effectiveness(versus non-effectiveness) increases by 3.267. ii. β2 = 3.173, means that one unit change in can be monitored continuously by group members and supervisors , the log of positive effectiveness(versus non-effectiveness) increases by 3.173.

To further increase the effectiveness of collaborative e-writing of the Final Year Project (FYP) and other writings, suggesting the following: 1) To further enhance bibliography management, Mendeley should be adopted with Overleaf templates. 2) Overleaf writing workshops should frequently be made. 3) Collaborative e-writing is very easy to implement. Thus, the availability of the Internet in campus should be improved to encourage students to write in cloud. Similarly, students need to improve Internet access at theirs homes or home rental. 4) Students are advised to use the cloud on the lead in generating writing and reports. It is important to meet the current situation. 5) The process of collaborative e-writing should be improved, not only the quality of documents, but also the collaborative e-writing skills of the students involved.

2) Odds ratio: i. Exp(β1 )=26.245. This means that the odds ratio of being in the making work easier is 26.245 times more likely to achieve in positive effectiveness while the other variables in the model are held constant. Or it can be explained as ”Controlling for can be monitored continuously by group members and supervisors being making work easier increases the likelihood of positive effectiveness by 26.245 times.” ii. β2 = 23.886 means that by controlling for FYP writing process will be easier being can be monitored continuously by group members and supervisors increases the likelihood of positive effectiveness by 23.886 times. 3) Probability: If a respondent strongly agree with FYP writing process becomes easier and can be monitored contin-

VII. P OSSIBLE LIMITATIONS There are two possible limitations to the Overleaf template. Firstly, e-writing by using the FYP template depends very much on the Internet connection. If the Internet connection is slow, the time to write the project is much longer. Secondly, to use Overleaf for free as a platform for writing FYP, the storage space earn is limit up to 1GB and files per project are 60 only. Given that Overleaf pricing is structured in a way so that author will pay for only what author want to use. The price increases with the requisite storage and advanced features such as to protect their project or to retrieve full project history. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Acknowledgments addressed to respondents of the CS249 and CS241 Programs respectively, KTD and UiTM on anything related.

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