Collaborative Testing of Web Services Hong Zhu, Member, IEEE CS, and Yufeng Zhang Abstract – Software testers are confronted with great challenges in testing Web Services (WS) especially when integrating to services owned by other vendors. They must deal with the diversity of implementation techniques used by the other services and to meet a wide range of the test requirements. However, they are in lack of software artefacts, the means of control over test executions and observation on the internal behaviour of the other services. An automated testing technique must be developed to be capable of testing on-the-fly non-intrusively and non-disruptively. Addressing these problems, this paper proposes a framework of collaborative testing in which test tasks are completed through the collaboration of various test services that are registered, discovered and invoked at runtime using the ontology of software testing STOWS. The composition of test services are realized by using test brokers, which are also test services but specialized in the coordination of other test services. The ontology can be extended and updated through an ontology management service so that it can support a wide open range of test activities, methods, techniques and types of software artefacts. The paper presents a prototype implementation of the framework in semantic WS and demonstrates the feasibility of the framework by running examples of building a testing tool as a test service, developing a service for test executions of a WS, and composing existing test services for more complicated testing tasks. Experimental evaluation of the framework has also demonstrated its scalability. Index terms – Software Engineering, Software testing, Distributed/Internet based software engineering tools and techniques, Testing tools, Ontology, Web Services, Semantic Web Services, Service composition.
1. INTRODUCTION The research on testing Web Services (WS) has been growing rapidly in recent years [1, 2, 3, 4]. Most research efforts fall into the following classes. A. Generation of test cases. Techniques have been developed to generate test cases from syntax definitions of WS in WSDL [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17], business process and behavioural models in BPEL [18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26], ontology based descriptions of semantics in OWL-S [27, 28, 29], and other formal models of WS such as finite state machines and labeled transition systems [30, 31, 32], grammar graphs [33, 34], and first order logic [35], etc. These techniques have addressed various WS specific issues, such as the robustness in dealing with invalid inputs and errors in invocation sequences, fault tolerance to the failures of other services that it depends on and broken communication connections, and security in the environment that is vulnerable to malicious attacks, and so on. B. Generation of testbed. A service often relies on other services to perform its function. However, in service unit testing and also in progressive service integration testing, the service under test needs to be separated from other services that it depends on. Techniques have been developed to generate service stubs [36] or mock services [37] to replace the other services for testing. C. Checking the correctness of test outputs. Research work has been reported in the literature to check the correctness of service output against formal specifications, such as using metamorphic relations [38], or a voting mechanism to compare the output from multiple equivalent
_________________________________ • Prof. Hong Zhu is with the Department of Computing and Electronics, School of Technology, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford OX33 1HX, UK. Email:
[email protected]. • Mr. Yufeng Zhang is with the Department of Computer Science, The National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China. Email:
[email protected].
—————————— services [39, 40], etc. D. Testing tools. A number of prototypes and commercial tools have been developed to support various activities in testing WS, such as Coyote [6], WS-FIT [7], TAXI [41], PLASTIC [42], LTSA-WS [32]; just to mention a few. However, despite the advances made in the past few years, great challenges remain. In particular, it is still an open question how to cope with the following difficult issues in WS testing [3, 43, 44]. A. The lack of software artefacts. A service oriented application commonly consists of parts (i.e. services) owned by many different stakeholders. Thus, typically, developers of a part have no access to the design document, source code, even the executable code of the other parts. These software artefacts are crucial to perform test activities efficiently and effectively. B. The lack of control over test executions. A service oriented application is intrinsically distributed, and typically contains parts running on hardware owned by other stakeholders. Thus, a tester often lacks control over the executions of the other owners’ parts. C. The lack of a means of observation of internal behaviour. Another consequence of distributed ownership in service-oriented applications is that testers often lack the means to observe the internal behaviours of the components owned by other vendors. It is widely recognized that a testing technology for WS must also meet the following requirements. A. Capability of dealing with diversity. The distributed and shared ownership of services also implies that the parts of a service-oriented application may operate on a variety of hardware and software platforms with different deployment configurations and delivering services of differing quality. Testing has to be performed in a heterogeneous environment. On the other hand, different service requesters may well have different test requirements to meet their own business purposes. Testing must
deal with all such varieties and their combinations. B. Capability of testing on-the-fly. A typical scenario of service-oriented computing is that a service requester searches for a required function in a registry, and then dynamically links to the service and invokes it. It is widely believed that testing before the invocation is necessary especially in mission critical applications. Such testing, called testing on-the-fly, differs from traditional integration testing due to the fact that the time of testing is just before the invocation while all parts to be integrated are already in operation. C. Capability of testing non-intrusively and non-disruptively. A consequence of testing on-the-fly is that, from a service provider’s point of view, the test invocations of a service must be distinguished from the real ones so that the normal operation of the service is not interrupted by test activities. On the other hand, from a client’s point of view, test invocations should also be distinguished from real ones so that they do not actually receive the real services and do not pay for such test invocations as real services. D. Capability of full automation. The requirement of testing on-the-fly eliminates the possibility of manual testing. Thus, all test activities must be performed automatically. It has been recognized that to address all these issues, testing WS should be a collaborative effort contributed to by all stakeholders [40, 41, 44]. In this paper, we present a framework for collaborative testing in which testing activities are accomplished through interactions among multiple participants. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 outlines the framework and illustrates it with a typical scenario. Section 3 presents a prototype implementation of the framework. Section 4 demonstrates the feasibility of the framework by a run example. Section 5 reports the experiments that evaluate the scalability. Finally, section 6 concludes the paper with a comparison of related works and a discussion of future work.
WS interface to enable other programs to connect as service requesters. Its binding to the bank’s WS is static. However, since insurance is an active business domain, new insurance providers may emerge and existing ones may leave the market from time to time, the broker’s software binds dynamically to multiple insurance providers to ensure that the business is competitive on the market. The structure of the system is shown in Fig. 1. GUI Interface
Bank B Services Insurer A1’s Services
CIB Services Insurer A2’s Services
CIB’s service requester WS Registry Insurer An’s Services
Fig. 1 Structure of Car Insurance Broker Services
The developer of CIB’s service must test not only its own code, but also its integration with other WS, i.e. the WS of the insurers and the bank. This paper focuses on the integration with dynamic binding. The following discusses how the challenges can be resolved in the proposed framework.
2.2. The Proposed Framework The key notion of the framework is test services (T-service in short), which are services designated to perform various test tasks [44]. A T-service could be provided by the same organization of their normal services or by a third party that is independent of the normal service provider but specialized in testing. For the sake of clarity, we use functional service (or F-service in short) to denote the normal services in the sequel.
2.2.1. Service Specific T-services Ideally, each F-service should be accompanied with a special T-service so that test executions of the F-service can be performed by the corresponding T-service. Thus, the normal operation of the original F-service is not disturbed by test requests and the cost of testing are not charged as real invocations of the F-service. The F-service provider can distinguish real requests from the test requests so that no real world effect is caused by test requests. To ensure the testing carried on a T-service faithfully represent the functional services, the following two principles should be observed in the design and implementation of T-services. (a) A T-service should act in the same way as its functional service as much as possible so that when a test passed by the T-service implies that the F-service is also correct on the test cases. (b) A T-service should have a ‘firewall’ so that effects on the real world are stopped and the normal operation of the F-service is not disrupted. An implication of principle (a) is that the business logic that a service implements may be duplicated by its corresponding T-service in order to test it adequately. On the other hand, an exact copy of the F-service may not achieve the goal of T-service according to principle (b). It is worth noting that in certain special cases the T-service
2. FRAMEWORK FOR TESTING WS This section elaborates the framework, illustrates it with a typical scenario and identifies the technical challenges.
2.1. A Typical Scenario Suppose that a fictitious car insurance broker CIB is developing a web-based system that provides online services of car insurance. In particular, they provide the following services to their end users. The end users submit car insurance requirements to CIB and get quotes from various insurers that CIB is connected to, and then select one to insure the car. To do so, CIB takes information of the car, its usage, and the payment. It uses the WS of its bank B to check the validity of user’s payment information, pass the payment to the selected insurer and takes commissions from the insurer and/or the user. The car insurance broker’s software system has a user interface to enable interactive uses, and a 2
can be absent and all testing are performed on the F-services. For example, if a service contains no internal state and has no effect on the physical real world, the T-service can be a simple duplicate of the F-service, even be the F-service itself. When the development and maintenance of a T-service is too expensive, or testing the service on-the-fly is unnecessary, the role of T-service can be performed by the F-service, or an identical copy of the real F-service. For example, the American’s IICMVA (Insurance Industry Committee on Motor Vehicle Administration) requires that each insurance company provides a WS for online verification of car insurances and maintains two identical environments, one for test and one for production [45]. A T-service that only provides this test execution function can be regarded as a mock service [37]. However, in addition to this, a T-service accompanying an F-service should also provide further support to other test activities. For example, the formal specification of the semantics of the service, the internal design, such as UML diagrams, of the F-service, the configuration of the hardware and software platform, the service policy, even the source code etc., are of particular importance to testers. These kinds of information can be released to trusted T-services subject to preserve the intellectual property rights and privacy, but withheld from the general public. Moreover, many test activities rely on the information of system internal behaviours, such as the measurement of code coverage, the checking of the internal states of the program during test executions, etc. These can also be provided by the accompanying T-services. Therefore, the T-service accompanying an F-service can be much more than simply a mock service [37].
plans, searches for capable testers for each subtask, invokes testers and returns test results to users. It controls the process of testing. A test broker not only bridges the gap between the users and testers, it can also monitor the dynamic behaviours of T-services and keep a repository of tests performed on each service for future choices of T-services and optimization of test efforts.
2.2.4. Registry and Matchmaker In our framework, T-services interoperate with each other via SOAP messages. They need to advertise their service descriptions in a service registry to be discovered and invoked at runtime to achieve testing on-the-fly with a high degree of automation. Because of the complexity of the semantics of the service descriptions, we use Semantic WS registry to register T-services, which is composed of a UDDI registry and a Matchmaker [46]. Fig. 2 illustrates the structure of the framework. Match maker
Tester T1
Test Broker
Tester T2
T-service of A1
T-service of A2
T-service of A3
F-service A1
F-service A2
F-service A3
Ontology Management
UDDI Registry
Fig. 2 Reference Architecture of the Framework
2.2.5. Ontology Manager We use an ontology of software testing to provide a standard set of vocabulary for encoding the information passed between T-services. This makes automatic processing of test tasks feasible. The extendibility of our framework is achieved by dynamic management of the ontology through another special service, i.e. the ontology management service (OMS). It provides services to update the ontology. It is worth noting that, first, the framework focuses on the management aspect of testing rather than any specific testing techniques or tools. Most existing works on WS testing are complementary to our framework in the sense that their methods, techniques and tools can be implemented as T-services. The framework facilitates their integration by providing the interfaces and collaboration mechanisms and ensuring the availability of software artefacts that they require. The loosely coupled framework lays a foundation for composing various T-services by the utilization of Semantic WS technology. Second, the framework is based on the model of WS applications as a network of services interconnected through messages, where services can be dynamically discovered and linked to at run time. The internal structure that a service is implemented is not taken into consideration in the model. This has two implications. First, the framework can be applied to all services that are implemented with any internal structure. Therefore, it is generally applicable. On the other hand, the technology neither takes the advantages of the information about the internal structure of services, nor addresses testing prob-
2.2.2. General purpose testers Besides service specific T-services that accompany F-services, a test service can also be a general purpose test tool that performs various test activities, such as test planning, test case generation, and test result checking, etc. A general purpose T-service can be specialized in certain testing techniques or methods such as the generation of test cases from WSDL or BPEL using certain WS testing techniques mentioned in Section 1. For the sake of convenience, such general purposes T-services are also called general testers in the sequel to distinguish them from service specific T-services.
2.2.3. Test Brokers One particular type of general purpose T-services that will greatly improve the collaboration between the parties involved in WS testing is test broker. As discussed in Section 1, test tasks are usually too complicated to be performed directly by one T-service. A solution to this problem is to introduce test brokers, which compose and coordinate other T-services to carry out test tasks. Typically, there are multiple test brokers; for example, each specializes in one type of testing processes. As a coordinator, a test broker receives test requests, decomposes the task into subtasks and generates test 3
lems due to such internal structure.
CIB’s WS and a search request for finding a proper tester is submitted to the service registry. The search request message should contain the information about the capability of the required tester. The search result is a list of testers, from which a test broker TB capable of handling the task is selected. The test request is then sent to TB. The test request message contains the information about the test task including the service to be tested, the test adequacy to achieve, and the criterion for checking output correctness, etc. The test broker TB decomposes the test task into a sequence of subtasks and searches for appropriate testers for each subtask by submitting search requests to the registry. It then selects one tester for each subtask. In this example, we assume two testers TG and TE are selected. The former performs the sub-task of test case generation and the latter invokes test executions, checks the correctness of test output and measures the test coverage. To generate test cases, TG sends a request to insurer A’s T-service to obtain its design model. After checking the trustworthy of tester TG, the insurer A’s T-service releases its design model to TG. After successfully obtained the design model, TG produces a set of test cases and returns a test suite to the test broker TB. The test broker then passes the test cases to TE, requests for the test invocation of the insurer A’s services using the test cases and requests it to check the output correctness and to measure the test coverage. TE performs these tasks by collaboration with the insurer A’s T-services. The test results are then returned to the test broker TB. Finally, TB assembles a test report containing information about test output correctness and test adequacy. The test report is sent to CIB, which is used to determine whether the dynamic link will take place.
2.3. Illustration in the Typical Scenario We now illustrate how the framework addresses the issues in testing WS using the scenario given in section 2.1.
2.3.1. Architecture By applying the framework to the scenario, we have the following architecture shown in Fig. 3, where normal service invocations are depicted in solid line arrows and T-service invocations are denoted by dash line arrows. In particular, each of the bank B’s WS, CIB’s WS and insurer Ai’s WS has an accompanying T-service. These T-services are registered to the UDDI registry. A test task can be accomplished through collaborations between these T-services. Tester T1
Tester T2
Test Broker TB
WS Registry
CIB’s service requester Bank B’s T-service Bank B’s F-service
CIB F-services
CIB T-services Insurer An’s F-service
Insurer A1’s F-service Insurer A1’s T-service
Insurer A2’s F-service
Insurer An’s T-service
Insurer A2’s T-service
Fig. 3 System Architecture in the Typical Scenario
2.3.2. Collaboration process Consider the situation that the CIB intends to establish a dynamic composition with insurer A and to test the service on-the-fly. It delegates the testing task to a test broker TB. Fig. 4 shows a typical example of collaboration processes managed by TB. 1. Search for testers
3. Request of test service
16. Test report Intended composi6. Request to tion of services generate test
2.4.1. Semantic complexity of communications The various parties that participate in the registration, discovery and invocation of T-services communicate with each other through SOAP messages. These messages are complex in semantics. In particular, a T-service must publish its services with a clear and accurate description of its capability so that capability-based search of testers can be performed. The diversity of testing methods, test activities, test environments, and software artefacts used and produced in testing make the description of capability very complicated. Searching for appropriate T-services for a test task must match test tasks with T-service capabilities. This is also a complicated issue since test tasks are not in one-one correspondence to capabilities. Finally, test tasks must be submitted to T-services with parameters of a wide range. Typically, a test task involves multiple software artefacts, such as test cases, the service to be tested, output of test executions, the test oracle to check correctness of output, and so forth. The parameters are
5. Lists of testers
Test Broker TB 9. Test cases
15.Test results Tester TG: Insurer A’s Generation of T-service 8. UML diagram in XMI test cases Insurer A’s F-service
From the illustrative scenario given above, we can identify a number of technical issues that are crucial to the practical implementation of the framework.
Registry (UDDI + Matchmaker)
2. List of testers CIB 4. Search for testers T-service CIB F-service
2.4. Key Technical Issues
10. Request to invoke test executions
7. Request service design model
13. Request data on test coverage 14. Test coverage 11. Test invocation of services
Register Tester TE: Test invocation and test result checking
12. Outputs of test executions of services
Fig. 4 The Collaboration Process in a Typical Scenario
The process starts with the generation of a test task by 4
3.1. STOWS: Ontology of WS Testing
therefore often of high complexity. To deal with semantic complexity, we employ ontology of software testing. In general, ontology defines the basic terms and relations comprising the vocabulary of a topic area as well as the rules for the combination and extension of the vocabulary [47, 48]. In Section 3.1, we will demonstrate that the ontology of software testing developed in agent-based approach to software testing [69, 70] can be easily adapted for testing WS and implemented in Semantic WS technology. It provides a set of standard terminology for T-service registration, discovery and invocation.
STOWS (Software Testing Ontology for WS) is proposed in [44] based on the ontology developed in [69, 70]. It was adapted for WS testing. Concepts in STOWS are classified into three categories: elementary concepts, basic testing concepts and compound testing concepts. The elementary concepts are those general concepts about computer software and hardware based on which testing concepts are defined. They include the simple objects involved in software testing, such as the types of Hardware and Software artefacts and their Format, etc. The basic testing concepts include Tester, Artefact, Activity, Context, Method, and Environment. These basic concepts are combined together to express compound testing concepts, which include Task and Capability. The following describes the concepts one by one.
2.4.2. Process complexity of interactions Test processes are complicated, too. Test activities in a testing process are usually interdependent and must be performed in the right order. A variety of testing tools must be used and T-services invoked. Failure to perform a test task may also occur for many different reasons. Thus, interactions among these services may be very complicated as well. Controlling and monitoring such complicated processes thus play a key role to the success of the framework. Our solution to this issue is to employ a special kind of T-services, called test brokers, to control and monitor the testing process using appropriate mechanisms, such as service orchestration and chorography. Great efforts have been reported in the literature on service composition. We believe that such approaches are applicable to our framework because the framework does not require any changes to the service oriented architecture.
3.1.1. Basic testing concepts Tester. A tester refers to a particular party who participates in a test activity. Generally speaking, testers can be human beings, organizations and software systems. In the service oriented framework, T-services perform the test tasks, thus they are testers, too. It can be an atomic T-service, or a composition of T-services. One important property of tester is its capability, which reflects the capability to perform test tasks. Activity. There are various test activities including test planning, test case generation, test execution, result validation, adequacy measurement and test report generation, etc. Artefact. Various kinds of artefacts may be involved in test activities as input/output, such as test plan, test cases, test results, program, specification and so forth. The most important property of class Artefact is Location, whose value is an URL referring to the location of the Artefact. Each type of artefacts is a subclass of artefact, and inherits the properties from Artefact. The subclasses of Artefact can be added into the ontology using the ontology management services. Context. Test activities may occur in different software development stages and have various test purposes. The concept context defines the contexts of test activities in testing processes and test methodologies. Typically, the contexts include unit testing, integration testing, system testing, regression testing, etc. Method. For each test activity, there may be multiple applicable test methods. Method is a part of the capability and also an optional part of test task. Test methods can be classified in a number of different ways. For example, test methods can be classified into program-based, specification-based, usage-based, etc. They can also be classified into structural testing, fault-based testing, error-based testing, etc. Structural testing methods can be further classified into control-flow testing, data-flow testing, etc. Therefore, test methods are represented as a hierarchy in the ontology. Environment. It is the hardware and software configu-
2.4.3. Extendibility and flexibility of the framework Because of the rapid development of WS technology and expansion of its application areas, the ontology of software testing must be extendible and flexible in order to cope with new testing techniques and methods, new test requirements, and new software artefacts under test and/or their presentation formats. Our solution is a centralized public service of ontology management. Users of the ontology can extend the ontology by submitting extension request to add new concepts and relationships to the ontology. However, extension, revision and deletion of existing concepts and relations must under tight control so that the registration, discovery and invocation of existing T-services are not affected by changes to the ontology.
3. IMPLEMENTATION IN SEMANTIC WS The Web Ontology Language OWL is a semantic markup language for publishing and sharing ontologies on the World Wide Web [49]. It is designed for applications that need to process the content of information. It is a part of the growing stack of W3C recommendations related to the Semantic Web. In this section we adapt the ontology of software testing developed in [69, 70] and discuss how it is implemented in OWL.
ration in which a test activity is performed.
hasOutput properties indicate that the service takes a Program as input and produces TestCase as output. By representing capability and task concepts in profiles, OWL-S/UDDI Matchmaker can be employed to perform semantic-based search of T-services.
3.1.2. Capability of T-services and Test Tasks The capability of a T-service represents its capability of performing test tasks. The class Capability in the ontology defines the aspects that affect the capability of a service to perform tasks, including the activities that the service can do, the test methods that the service uses, the artefacts that the service consumes and produces, the context in which the service performs test activities, and the environment in which test activities are carried out, etc. Therefore, it is composed from several basic test concepts. The structure of Capability is shown in the UML class diagram given in Fig. 5. Task describes the test task to be carried out. It is used in service invocation. A test task also has six aspects: the activity to be performed, the context of the activity, the required test method and test environment, and the input and output artefacts. The compositions are in the same structure as capability, but have different semantics. The structure is shown in Fig. 5. Capability
Fig. 7 An Example of Service Profile
3.3. T-Service Registration and Discovery
Method Context
http://... /testingontology.owl#TestCaseGeneraton http://.../testingontology.owl#Program http://.../testingontology.owl#TestCase
The OWL-S/UDDI Matchmaker (Matchmaker for short) extends UDDI registry with a capability based service matching engine [46, 51 ]. It provides three levels of matching between capability and search request. a) Exact matching: the capabilities in the registry and in the request match exactly. b) Plug-in matching: the service provided is more general than that in the request. c) Relaxed matching: there is a similarity between services provided and that in the request. The Matchmaker also provides filters for users to construct more accurate service discovery: which are namespace filter, domain filter, text filter, I/O type filter and constraint filter [52]. With these filters, users can construct necessary compound filters to control the precision of matching. The matching engine returns a numeric score for each candidate so that the higher the score, the more similar between the candidate and the request. Therefore, selection from the candidates can be based on the scores that tagged by the Matchmaker on the candidate services. We have used Matchmaker to enhance the registration and discovery of T-services with semantic information. A T-service provider must first register the service with its profile that defines its capability by using the API provided by the Matchmaker. A service search request is also submitted to the Matchmaker.
Capability Data
Fig. 5 The Structure of Capability and Task
3.2. Representation of STOWS in OWL In OWL-S, semantic descriptions are presented in the form of service profiles and used in service registration and discovery. The vocabulary of a subject domain is defined in a data model as classes with subclass relations. To implement the ontology STOWS, we represent the concepts, including elementary, basic and compound concepts, as classes in OWL data model. To use the ontology for the registration, discovery and invocation of T-services, the compound concepts capability and task are transformed into service profiles. In OWL-S, a service profile contains the IOPR (Inputs, Outputs, Preconditions and Results) and a classification of the service [50]. Fig. 6 shows how the concept of capability is represented in service profile. C a p a b ility A c tiv ity C o n te x t E n v iro n m e n t M e th o d In p u tA rte fa c t O u tp u tA rte fa c t
S e r v ic e P r o file S e rv ic e C la ssific a tio n IN P U T C o n te x t E n v iro n m e n t M e th o d
3.4. Ontology Management Service (OMS)
A rte fa c ts O U TPU T A rtifa c ts
The terms used in the capability and test task description must be first defined in the ontology. However, it is impossible to build a complete ontology of software testing given the huge volume of software testing knowledge and the rapid development of new testing technique, methods and tools. Therefore, the ontology must be extendable and open to the public for updating. An ontology management mechanism is provided to enable the
Fig. 6 Mapping Between Capability and Service Profile
In the service profile of T-service, the test context, the environment and the method aspects are represented as input parameters Context, Environment and Method. For example, Fig. 7 shows a part of a service profile, whose serviceClassification is TestCaseGeneration. The hasInput and 6
population of the ontology. It is delivered as a WS to facilitate the public access to the mechanism. The ontology management service (OMS) is implemented using the Protégé-OWL API, which is an open source Java library for OWL and RDF. Using the API, OWL data model stored in OWL files or databases can be loaded, changed and saved, queries be made, and reasoning performed using a description logic inference engine [53]. Therefore, the manipulation of the ontology can be implemented as operations on OWL files. Fig. 7 shows the structure of OMS.
which checks the operations on the ontology to ensure that the new class to be added does not exist in the ontology and that the class to be deleted has no subclasses in the hierarchy. Due to the openness of ontology management, there is a risk of errors caused by update during task executions. If the update is only to add a new concept to the ontology, there should be no effect on existing tasks and services, thus no risk of such errors. However, if the update changes or deletes an existing concept or relation, a task running at the time of update may be affected if messages of the task use the changed concept or relation and rely on the ontology to understand the messages. In such cases, errors may occur due to the updates during execution. How to prevent such errors and reduce the risk of such errors remains an open question that deserves further research.
Ontology Management Service Manager
Update Log
Conflict Checker
Ontology Data Model
DeleteClass UpdateClass
Authority Checker
3.5. Composition of T-Services Using Brokers As discussed in Section 2.4.2, the interactions among T-services can be complicated. The composition of T-services is a key technical issue for the success of the framework. One of the most promising mechanisms of service collaboration is service brokers. This mechanism is also well supported by OWL-S [54]. However, different from the approach taken in [54], our test brokers do not play the role of registry. A test broker is just a T-service composition and it self is a T-service as well. There may be multiple test brokers owned by different vendors. We have developed a prototype test broker to demonstrate the feasibility of the approach. Fig. 9 shows the architecture of our prototype test broker. It receives test tasks from service requesters, decomposes a test task into a sequence of subtasks, sets a test plan, searches for other T-services capable of performing the subtasks, and then invokes the T-services according to the plan to carry out the subtasks and passing information between them. Finally, it assembles the results from the services and reports to the service requester. The broker is composed of the following four modules.
Fig. 8 The Structure of OMS
OMS provides a WS interface to read and update the ontology data model, which is open to the public. The kernel of OMS is the Manager module. It provides three services to users: AddClass, DeleteClass and UpdateClass to add new concept, delete concept and revise concept of the ontology. For example, suppose that a T-service is developed to generate test cases using a new method not included in the ontology, say data mutation. Then, a new test method name ‘DataMutation’ can be added to the ontology as a subclass of test method. If a new T-service is to be registered that generates test cases from a new formal specification language called FSL, then a new type of software artefacts called ‘FSL’ can be added to the ontology as a subclass of software artefact, rather than a subclass of test method. The relationship between classes in Ontology is represented as properties of classes. Adding or removing a relation can be done by applying operations on the ontology file via OMS. For example, if a subsumes relation from branch testing to statement testing is to be added, a ‘Subsumes’ property can be added to class ‘BranchTesting’ with the value that refers to the class ‘StatementTesting’. However, to prevent misuses of the ontology management service, restrictions on the manipulation of the data model are imposed through two technical solutions. First, we classify the classes in the ontology into two types: elementary classes and extended classes. Elementary classes are those that form the framework of the ontology STOWS. None of them could be pruned down from the ontology hierarchy to avoid structural damage to the ontology. The extended classes are those classes attached to the framework to populate the ontology with concrete concepts and instances of the concepts. They can be added by the users and deleted from the hierarchy. We have implemented an Authority Checker, which checks delete operations to ensure that the class to be deleted is extended class. Second, we have also implemented a Conflict Checker,
Knowledge-Base of Software Testing
Test Broker
Ontology Management Service
Task Analyzer
Tester Search Module
Testing Service Requester
Communication Module
UDDI Registry
Task Execution Module Tester T1
Tester T2
Tester Tn
Fig. 9 The Structure of a Test Broker
Communication Module provides an interface to the users. It receives test requests in the form of test tasks and sends out test results also in SOAP format. It transfers test tasks to Task Analyzer and gets test results from the Task Execution Module. Failures to fulfill test requests are also reported to the requesters through this module. Task Analyzer decomposes a test task into several subtasks and produces test plans according to codified knowledge of software testing processes. It also keeps the 7
track record of test plan executions for each task so that back tracking can be made when a subtask fails. Tester Search Module searches for testers for each subtask in the test plan generated by the Task Analyzer. A failure to find a suitable tester for a subtask is reported to the Task Analyzer and an alternative test plan may be generated or the whole testing process fails. Task Execution Module executes the test plan by invoking the testers and passing information between them. A failure to carry out a subtask is reported to the Task Analyzer and an alternative tester will be employed if any, or an alternative test plan is generated if possible. Otherwise, the whole testing process fails. The knowledge-base of software testing processes plays a central role in the test plan generation. It can be considered as a finite set of templates of test plans with parameters like task, input and output artefacts. A test task is then checked against the templates one by one and a test plan is produced by instantiating the template when a match is found. Each template can be regarded as a collaboration pattern of T-services. They can also be regarded as heuristic rules about how to compose and coordinate T-services. This significantly reduces the size and complexity of the space in which T-services are searched for and combined. Therefore, the complexity of T-service composition and collaboration can be reduced.
In this section, we demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach by a running example that implements the typical scenario described in Section 2. As shown in Fig. 11, the running example consists of the following WS. y CIQS: the WS of the PingAn Insurance Company in China that provides the car insurance quote service to the customers. The WS is developed by wrapping the web-based application(1). It is the web service to be tested. y TCE: a service specific testing service that executes the test cases for CIQS. y TCG: a special purpose WS testing tool that generates test cases for car insurance quote service according to a standard format of online car insurance. y CIB: the WS of the car insurance broker CIB. It acts as the testing requester. It generates and submits test tasks to the test broker to test CIQS. The following gives some technical details of the registration, search and invocation of testers in the running example. CIB: Car Insurance Broker
Request testing CIQS
Test Broker
Search testers
TCG: Test Case Generator
TCE: Test Case Executor for CIQS
CIQS: Car Insurance Quote Service
Fig. 11 The Web Services in the Running Example
4.1. Registration of Testers We have built a UDDI registry server using Matchmaker. The WS involved in this running example are all registered on this UDDI registry. Take the registration of TCG as an example, the service takes the WSDL file of the service to be tested as input and generates test cases as output. These artefacts are stored in files and referred to through URLs to the file locations. To describe this service, the following new classes were added into the ontology. y WSDL: a subclass of ServiceDescription, which is in turn the subclass of Artefact. It stands for the WSDL document of a service. y ServiceTesting: a subclass of Context that stands of service testing. y RandomTestingMethod: a subclass of Method that stands for the random testing method in test case generation. y CarInsuranceQuoteServiceTestCase: a subclass of TestCase that stands for the test case file for testing car insurance quote service. In its service profile, the serviceClassification is set as TestCaseGeneration. The Input artefact is specified as the
Fig. 10 Process Model of Test Broker
Fig. 10 shows the process that the test broker interacts with Matchmaker and other T-services. It is worth noting that test tasks and capabilities have the similar structure and the corresponding semantics so that test requests (i.e. test tasks) can be easily transformed into search request (i.e. tester capabilities). Similarly, tester capabilities can be transformed into test subtasks according to the test plan and submitted to the testers. In the implementation of the prototype test broker, we used the Mindswap OWL-S API to parse task and capability profiles and to invoke T-services automatically [55].
class WSDL. As described in the previous section, the service profile has three parameters that represent the aspects of the service capability. The context of TCG is ServiceTesting. Its environment is of type Environment, which is the ancestor of all the classes that stand for test environments. It imposes no specific requirement on the environment. Its method is RandomTestingMethod. The output artefact is of type CarInsuranceQuoteServiceTestCase.
For each subtask in the test plan, the broker translates it into the corresponding capability description and constructs a service profile. The test broker then submitted the service profile to the Matchmaker to search for appropriate testers. In this case, testers TCG and TCE were discovered for the subtasks, respectively. The test planning finished with each subtask associated with a tester, and the test plan was passed to the execution module for executing the subtasks.
4.2. Submission of Test Tasks
4.4. Invocation
The service CIB plays the role of test requester. It constructs test tasks and submits them to the test broker, which in turn generates requests according to the test tasks and submits them to the Matchmaker to search for T-services. Fig. 12 shows a test task that CIB generated and submitted to the test broker requesting to test CIQS. The input artefact of the task is of type WSDL, and the output artefact type is CarInsuranceQuoteServiceTestResult.
The task execution module of the test broker called the testers associated to each subtask according to the order given in the test plan. Data were passed from one subtask to another by the construction of invocation message to the testers. In particular, the output artefact of the first subtask was passed to the second subtask. The output of the second subtask was the final result of the test, which was an OWL object. It was returned to the client.
http://.../CarInsuranceQuoteService?wsdl http://.../artefacts/testresult/fictitioustestresult.xml
5. EVALUATION To further evaluate the practical usability of the proposed approach, we have conducted a case study and some ex‐ periments to address the following research questions. a) Can a wide range of software testing tools be inte‐ grated into the framework? b) Can subtle differences between test services be proc‐ essed adequately? c) Can the system scale up efficiently?
5.1. Case Study: Dealing with Diversity To evaluate test brokers’ capability of dealing with the diversity of testers, we selected a wide range of software tools reported in the literature to see if they can be turned into testers. Table 1 gives the tools in the case study to‐ gether with 3 testers in our previous case studies [71]. Table 1. Testers integrated in the framework Name CASCAT [56] Test Case Format Translator Test Case Executor
Fig. 12 An Instance of Test Tasks in The Running Example
4.3. Decomposition of Task and Searching for Testers
Klee [57]
Once the test broker receives the test task, it generates a capability description from the test task and constructs a service profile according to the mapping given in Fig. 6. It then calls the Matchmaker to search for T-service providers. In this case, there is no tester that is capable of directly fulfilling the test task. Thus, the test broker decomposed it into subtasks and generated a test plan that consisted of two subtasks: Subtask 1: Generating test cases according to a car insurance industry standard. The input artefact of the task is of type WSDL. The output of this subtask is of type CarInsuranceQuoteServiceTestCase. Subtask 2: Executing test cases and reporting test results. Its input is of type CarInsuranceQuoteServiceTestCase and its output type is CarInsuranceQuoteServiceTestResult.
Magic [58] XML Comparator Java NCSS [59] Findbugs [60] PMD [61]
Description A CASOCC‐based test case generation tool Translate the test case generated by CASCAT into the format recognizable by Calculator Test Case Executor Executes test case for a numeric calculator web service Generate and execute test cases from C source code by symbolic execution Check conformance between component specifications and their implementations Compare XML files Measure two standard metrics for Java program Find bugs in Java program by static analysis A static analysis tool for finding potential bugs and other problems in Java source code
WSDL Based Test A WSDL based test case generation tool Case Generator* [5] Web Service Test Execute the test case generated by WSDL Based Test Case Executor* [5] Case Generator
In the case study, we have successfully described their functionalities in the STOWS ontology and registered to the Matchmaker. For those tools we can get the source code or executable code, they were also wrapped into web services and deployed to a server. For the others, stubs were deployed, which are marked with an asterisk 9
in Table 1. Moreover, for each of these T‐services, we have suc‐ cessfully conducted experiments with the broker to search and invoke them in both simple and complex tasks. For example, Klee was selected and invoked by the broker to execute tasks that require C source code as in‐ put, test result as output and symbolic execution as method. This case study shows that the approach is capable of dealing with a wide range of software testing, verification and validation tools.
5.2. Experiment 1: Dealing with Subtle Differences Experiments have also been conducted to test the system’s capability of dealing with subtle differences between testers so that appropriate ones are selected accurately. In this experiment, we applied the data mutation test‐ ing technique [62] to generate a large number of service profiles (called mutants) from a set of original profiles (called the seeds). These mutants differ from the seeds on only one parameter. They were generated by applying data mutation operators to a seed on the parameter. Let x be one of S (for service classification), I (for input artifact, O (for output artifact), M (for method), C (for context) and E (for environment). The data mutation op‐ erators are defined as follows. • RxF: Replace the x parameter in the seed profile (a class in the ontology) by its father in the ontology; • RxS: Replace the x parameter in the seed by one of its subclasses in the ontology; • RxB: Replace the x parameter in the seed by one of its brother classes in the ontology; • RxN: Replace the x parameter in the seed by a class in the ontology that has no relation to the parameter. For instance, if the ServiceClassification of a seed profile is TestCaseGeneration, then the RSB operator will generate profiles with TestCaseExecution and TestResultValidation as ServiceClassification, respectively, assumed that both classes are the sibling classes of TestCaseGeneration in the ontology. Sometimes a data mutation operator is not ap‐ plicable, because, for example, it may have no alternatives in the ontology. We have used the profiles of the testers in our previous case studies as the seeds and generated 167 mutants in total. These mutants were registered to the Matchmaker. An experiment was then conducted to search for test‐ ers with search requests matching the seeds and to see if mutants could be filtered out. The results of the experiment shows that the intended original profiles were always selected. The mutants were never chosen to execute test tasks although sometimes they are included in the search results together with their seeds. In particular, the search scores of these mutants turned out to be as follows: • Mutants generated by RxS operators (i.e. RSS, RIS, ROS, RMS, RCS, RES) have scores that are 1 point less than that of their seeds; • Mutants generated by RxF operators have scores that are 2 points less than that of their seeds. • Mutants generated by RxB and RxN (except ROB and 10
RON) have scores that are 3 points less than that of their seeds. • Mutants generated by ROB and RON operators were given much lower scores than their seeds by the Match‐ maker. This experiment shows that test services of subtle dif‐ ferences can be dealt with in our framework satisfactorily.
5.3. Experiment 2: Scalability Experiments have also been conducted to evaluate the scalability of test brokers in terms of its efficiency to deal with test problems of practical sizes. We identified three key dimensions of the sizes of test‐ ing problems that may affect usability: • The number of testers registered in the registry affects the time needed to search for a tester. • The size of the knowledge‐base of software testing affects the time needed to analyze a test task and to decompose it into a sequence of subtasks. In the experiment, we measure the size in terms of the number of test plan templates in the knowledge‐base. • The complexity of test task also affects the time needed to process the task. In the experiment, we use the number of different types of subtasks that it will be decomposed into as a simple measurement of its complexity. The experiments aim at estimating how broker’s exe‐ cution time depends on these factors. For each factor, we designed a set of contexts that each consists of a set of testers, a set of templates and a task. In each context, the broker was run for a number of times. The lengths of time spending on executing various modules of the test broker in the context were collected and their averages were cal‐ culated to reduce the random effect of the underlying system software and the network connection. The con‐ texts were constructed using the following repository. • Domain of testers: A repository of testers used in the ex‐ periments contains the testers developed in experiment 1, i.e. the set of real testers used in case studies plus their mutants. It contains a total of 178 testers. • Domain of test plan templates: A repository of test plan templates was also generated by applying the data mu‐ tation technique on the real templates of our test broker. A large number of mutants were generated. 500 tem‐ plates in total were actually used in the experiments. • Domain of test tasks: A small repository of test tasks were manually generated so that each task can be decom‐ posed into n different types of subtasks (n=1,2,…,5) ac‐ cording to the real test plan templates. The designs of the experiments and their main results are as follows. (1) The effect of the number of testers To find out how the number of testers registered in regis‐ try affects the execution time of the test broker, we se‐ lected at random subsets of mutant testers in the reposi‐ tory plus 11 real testers given in Table 1. The sizes of these subsets increase from 20 to 178 in a step of 10. In each case, the set of testers were registered to form a reg‐ istration state. A set of 11 test tasks were constructed so that each task can be fulfilled by one real tester.
ii) the testers fulfill the subtasks, and iii) the broker receives and unpacks the returned data from the tester. The time spent on c.ii) only depends on the performance of the tester(s). It is irrelevant to the efficiency of the broker. Therefore, it is omitted in our experiment. Fig. 15 shows the average lengths of execution times on different tasks with the number of different types of subtasks ranging from 1 to 5. A quadratic polynomial figure fits the curve very well with R2=0.9984.
In each registration state, every test task was submitted to the broker to search for the real tester that matches the task. The task is executed repeatedly for 30 times and the average lengths of execution time were calculated to re‐ duce random effects. Experimental data given in Fig. 13 shows that the average search time over 30×11 executions increases with the number of testers in the registry, but in almost a linear manner. Note that, our experiment results also show that the search time is independent of the test tasks. The details are omitted for the sake of space. 1800 1600 1400 y = 0.0055x2 + 5.9023x + 280.6 R² = 0.9935 1200 1000 800 600 400 Tester Searching Time 200 Trend Line 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Number of Testers
Fig. 13 Time spent on searching for testers
Fig. 15
(2) The Effect of the number of test plan templates The number of the templates in the knowledge base only affects the time spent by the task analyzer module of the broker. In the experiment, we selected at random sets of mutant templates plus one real template that matches the test task as the knowledge base. In each case, we place the real template at the end of the mutants to ensure that the longest time that the task analyzer will execute using the knowledge base. As shown in Fig. 14, when the size of knowledge base increases from 20 to 500 the time spent by the task ana‐ lyzer module also increases, but in an almost linear rate. 50 40 y = 3E‐6x + 0.0809x + 2.2562 R² = 0.9265 30 20 Task Analysis Time Trend Line 10 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Number of Plan Templates
In summary, the experiments show that the broker is capable of dealing with test problems of practical sizes with respect to the number of testers registered, the size of the knowledge-base, and the complexity of test tasks.
Fig. 14 Time spent by task analyzer
y = 16.059x2 + 920.55x + 230.63 R² = 0.9984
Testplan Generation Searching for Testers Invocation of Subtasks Total Time Trend Line
3000 2000 1000 0 1
3 Number of Types of Subtasks
Time dependence on the number of subtasks
6. CONCLUSION In this paper, we presented service oriented architecture for testing WS. In this architecture, various T-services collaborate with each other to complete test tasks. We employ the ontology of software testing STOWS to describe the capabilities of T-services and test tasks for the registration, discovery and invocation of T-services. The knowledge intensive composition of T-services is realized by the development and employment of test brokers, which are also T-services. We implemented the architecture in Semantic WS technology. Case studies have demonstrated the feasibility of the architecture and illustrated how to wrap up general purpose testing tools and turn them into T-services and how to develop service specific T-services to support the testing of a WS. Experimental evaluation also shows the scalability of the approach.
6.1. Related Work
(3) The effect of task complexity In this experiment, we generated a set of test tasks that are decomposed into different number of subtasks, which ranges from 1 to 5. The test broker was run on each task for 30 times. The lengths of execution time were collected and their averages were calculated. Note that in comparison with simple tasks that can be fulfilled directly by a tester, the test broker spends more time in processing a complex task on: a) the generation of task plan, b) the searching for testers of subtasks, c) the execution of subtasks, which can be further split into three parts: i) the broker prepares data for invoking testers,
There are two other frameworks for collaborations in testing WS proposed in the literature. Since 2003, Tsai and his colleagues and students have advanced a framework of collaboration for WS testing. In 2003 [63], a framework was first proposed, which consists of three types of elements: (a) test masters generate test cases based on test scenarios; (b) test agents invoke services using test cases generated by test masters; (c) monitors catch the data passed between WS and reports state changes to test agents. Tsai et al. soon realized that existing UDDI is insufficient to support collaborative testing in their framework and proposed an extension to the function of UDDI to enable collaboration [40, 64]. They proposed to add check-in and check-out services to UDDI 11
servers so that a service is added to UDDI registry only if it passes a check-in test. A check-out testing is performed every time the service is searched for. A service is recommended to a client only if it passes the check-out test. To facilitate such tests, they require test scripts being included in the information registered for the WS on UDDI. In [39, 40], Tsai and his colleagues went further to investigate the problem how to select a service from a large number of candidates by testing. They developed a test case ranking technique to improve the efficiency of group testing. More recently, in 2007 [65] and 2008 [66], the notion of test broker mentioned in [63] was further developed and a prototype implementation was reported. Test brokers in their framework are much more complicated than ours and aim to achieve many more functions, which include generating test cases, submitting test cases to the WS, coordinating tester and functional services, registering testers and recording the performance of testers, monitoring services and keeping a repository of tests performed for the evaluation of services and testers, etc. A fundamental difference between Tsai et al.’s framework and our framework is that they do not use ontology as the definition of the semantics of messages. Search for test services relies on keyword matching. Thus, the framework is weak in dealing with semantic complexity of software testing tasks and its components are more complex without employing semantic WS technology. Another difference is that they do not use knowledge of software testing process to generate test plans. Moreover, their components are not services. In particular, they invoke the real services for testing rather than employ service specific test services. An approach similar to Tsai et al.’s is taken by Bertolino et al. in their audition framework proposed in 2005 [30]. It requires an admission testing when a WS is registered to UDDI. This is equivalent to Tsai et al.’s check-in test. But, after a service is registered in a UDDI server, Bertolino et al. emphasize on run time monitoring services on both functional and non-functional behaviours, while Tsai et al. require check-out tests. Based on the audition framework, Bertolino and Polini recently proposed a framework called service test governance (STG) to incorporate testing into a wider context of quality assurance of WS [67]. Here, governance means imposing a set of policies, procedures, documented standards on WS development, etc. These rules are to be enforced by a certain organization. In addition to the admission test and runtime monitoring, STG also requires WS testing following standard processes. Although both Tsai et al. and Bertolino et al. recognised the need of collaboration in testing WS, the technical details about how to collaborate multiple parties in WS testing have not been addressed adequately. Moreover, both frameworks require revisions and extensions of WS standards, especially UDDI. Therefore, as Bertolino and Polini admitted in [67], “on a pure SOA based scenario the framework is not applicable”. Even if UDDI can support these frameworks, the extra
burden on UDDI servers for performing audition test or check-in/check-out tests will make SOA impractical even if such tasks are delegated to a third party. Further more, it is hard to see how a universal standard on WS testing and quality assurance can fit all purposes and be acceptable by all sectors of industries. In [68], Tsai et al. discussed what is necessary to extend WSDL in order to support testing. They proposed to include the information like input/output dependences between operations, invocation sequences, and structural and functional features of WS. We believe that, although such information is necessary, it is still insufficient to support all aspects of WS testing. On the other hand, it is unnecessary to extend WSDL to provide such information. Information required for testing WS can be provided by using ontology and through T-services. The framework presented in this paper had its inception in 2006 [44] based on the author’s previous work on agent-based approach to testing web-based systems [69, 70]. A preliminary implementation and case study of the framework was reported in [71] without details about the test broker and ontology management service. Our approach differs from the others in that it implements collaborative testing of WS within the framework of service oriented architecture using ontology and also the concept of T-services. In this framework, various testing functions are provided by T-services, such as generating test plan and test cases, invoking test executions, collecting test results, checking output correctness, measuring test adequacy and coverage, and so forth. The collaborations between them are autonomous rather than enforced. That is, what to test and how to test is the choice of the service requester, and what and how to fulfil a client’s test request is the choice of test service provider. A T-service requester need to search for T-services, negotiate the cost of test, select a T-service provider and invoke the T-service at runtime. The test activities are then performed by a T-service provider. This framework is further enriched in this paper by incorporating two facilities. The first is an ontology management facility so that the software testing ontology can be extended and maintained through public services. The second is test brokers, which are also T-services but specialised in the composition of T-services so that complicated testing processes and interactions between T-services can be handled by such professionally developed T-services to simplify the uses of T-services. The approach has the following advantages in comparison with the existing work. First, it is scalable since T-services are distributed and there is no extra-burden on UDDI servers. Second, this approach can be implemented without any change to the existing standards of Semantic WS [72] as shown in this paper. Third, the need of dealing with variety is achieved through collaborations among many T-services and the employment of ontology of software testing to integrate multiple testing tools. Fourth, the automation of test processes for testing on-the-fly, especially the dynamic composition of
T-services, can be also achieved by employing ontology of software testing and test brokers. Moreover, test executions can be performed by running a separate T-service, thus they do not interfere with the normal operations of the services under test. Finally, when test tasks are performed by a trusted third party of professional T-services, documents and source code as well as other software artefacts can be released to the T-service provider with proper intellectual property protection.
Finally, we have only reported the main results of the evaluation case studies and experiments. More detailed will be reported separately due to the limitation of space. Further empirical study and evaluation of the proposed approach should be conducted, especially with regard to the costs associated to the design, implementation and operation of service specific T-services.
6.2. Future work
The test broker in the prototype is still very primitive. Further research on the design and implementation of more powerful test brokers will have a significant impact on the usability of the T-services. In particular, using knowledge of software testing processes to generate test plans seems a promising topic for further work. Such knowledge can be encoded in a process definition language such as BPEL. Therefore, a much more flexible and powerful test broker can be devised. Another direction to enhance the functionality of test brokers is to associate monitoring functions to brokers as in Tsai et al.’s approach so that the previous performance of T-services can be taken into consideration in the selection of testers. An issue that has not been addressed adequately is the testing of long running processes. A simple solution could be to allow testers to distinguish long running processes from short running tasks either in the test request message (i.e. in the test task description) or in the service description (i.e. in WSDL). An upper limit to the waiting time for test results should then be set accordingly to avoid infinite waiting. The broker could also set different running modes for short and long running tasks. For the latter, the broker may generate a new thread to execute the function. The ability of broker to handle long running processes is related to the platform on which the broker is deployed. The soap engine we used in case study, i.e. Apache Axis 1.4, is capable of supporting this. Moreover, as discussed in Section 1, a particular difficulty in testing WS is due to the lack of software artefacts to support test activities. The framework presented in this paper offers the opportunity to incorporate a trust mechanism so that design documents, source code and many other types of internal information of services can be delivered to trustable T-services. Further research on how such a trust mechanism to interoperate with the T-services needs to be worked out in detail. Another hard problem to be solved is associated to the management of ontology. Due to its openness, errors due to update during the execution of a task may occur as discussed in Section 3.4. How to prevent such errors and to reduce the risk is still an open question. Testing is one of the quality assurance activities for the development of services. It is worth investigating into how to extend and/or adapt the framework for a wider range of quality assurance activities such as static analysis and verification and dynamic monitoring of services, etc. This may need to extend the network model of WS to incorporate the internal structure of services.
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Hong Zhu is a professor of computer science at Oxford Brookes University, UK, where he chairs the Applied Formal Methods research group. He obtained his BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in Computer Science from Nanjing University, China, in 1982, 1984 and 1987, respectively. He was with Nanjing University as a lecturer and then associate professor from Sept. 1987. From Oct. 1990 to Dec. 1994, he was a research fellow at Brunel University and the Open University, UK, while on leave from Nanjing University. He returned to Nanjing University in Dec. 1994 and became a full professor in 1997. He moved to Oxford, England, and joined Oxford Brookes University in Nov. 1998 as a senior lecturer in computing and became a full professor in Oct. 2004. Prof. Zhu’s research interests are in the area of software engineering including software development methodology, software testing and quality assurance, agent technology and web based software, automated software development tools, etc. He has published two books and more than 150 research papers. Yufeng Zhang received his BSc degree and MSc degree from the National University of Defense Technology, China. He is currently a second year PhD Candidate at the National Laboratory for Parallel and Distributed Processing, School of Computer Science, the National University of Defense Technology, China. His research interests include software testing, debugging, model checking and service computing.