College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise. 1. Meet our .....
teaching reading and writing, assessment of student learning and instructional ...
University of South Carolina
College of
Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Meet our College of Education Faculty! “The Promise of Education is one of the most essential elements of American society and the democratic process. Our College is at the center of retooling and transforming the educational landscape.” Dean Watson offers in this opening the essence of this faculty. We are committed to tending to the children, to elevating teaching to an artful practice, and to illuminating the important impact we have every day. As such we have collected a community of scholars and teachers similarly committed to these ideals. In the pages to follow you will find a College of Education that stands ready to assist our community and our state. Please review the many areas of expertise of College of Education faculty members and let us know how to help. We have provided a comprehensive directory of the expertise and research interests of our faculty. Once you identify the faculty member(s) who share your interests, consult the alphabetical directory to read a brief biography and then visit our website at for more detailed information. As part of the mission of the College, “we are committed to developing and sharing our expertise and leadership as well as offering a forum for educational dialogue and advancement.” To that end, we welcome the opportunity to participate in projects and research that allow us to expand our knowledge and share our expertise. Sincerely, Zach Kelehear Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs
Areas of Expertise Assessment and Analysis Action Research Pamela Jewett Assessment Diane DeFord Tammiee Dickenson Fred Greer Robert Johnson Diane Monrad Irma Van Scoy Kenneth E. Vogler Educational Measurement Tammiee Dickenson Christine DiStefano Program/Policy Analysis Diane Monrad Doyle Stevick Xiaofeng Steven Liu Statistics Michael Seaman Xiaofeng Steven Liu
Bethany Bell Christine DiStefano Test Development Robert Johnson
Bullying Russ Haber
Counseling Character Development Moody Crews Kathy Evans Marriage and Family Counseling Ryan Carlson Donna Gibson Josh Gold Russell Haber
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Curriculum Development Panayiotis Doutis Rhonda Jeffries Kathleen Marshall Susan Schramm-Pate
Early Childhood Education Angela C. Baum Gloria Boutte Nancy Freeman Herman Knopf Susi Long Erin T. Miller Meir Muller Beth Powers-Costello Irma Van Scoy Kerrie Welsh Program Administration Nancy Freeman Herman Knopf
Educational Philosophy Progressive/Constructivist Education Craig Kridel Meir Muller Religious Education James Carper
Elementary Education Kelley Buchheister Paul Chaplin Amy Donnelly Thomas Hodges Margo Jackson Tambra Jackson Tasha Laman Kenneth E. Vogler Elizabeth White
English Language Learners Julia Lopez-Robertson Kate Niehaus Lucy K. Spence
Freedom Schools Tambra Jackson
Health Issues Bethany Bell William H. Brown Paul Murata Gary Nave David Phillips
Toni Torres-McGehee Susan Yeargin
History of Education Christian Anderson James Carper Katherine Chaddock Craig Kridel Nicholas Mariner Lynda Nilges-Charles
Home Schooling James Carper
Human Growth and Development Kellah Edens Margaret Gredler Matthew Irvin
International Education Kara Brown Peter Moyi Payal Shah Doyle Stevick David Virtue
Instructional Technology Edwin Dickey Susan Quinn Jeremy Searson Cheryl Wissick Instructional Design Kellah Edens Social Media in the Classroom Cheryl Wissick
Leadership CD-12 Edward Cox Lynn Harrill Diane Harwell James Hudgins Zach Kelehear Sandra Lindsay Phillip Young Human Resources Ed Cox Joseph Flora Phillip Young
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Higher Education Christian Anderson Jennifer Bloom Katherine Chaddock James Hudgins Michelle Maher Julie Rotholz Lemuel Watson Mentoring Zach Kelehear Michelle Maher School Law Jesulon Gibbs Supervision Lynn Harrill Diane Harwell James Hudgins Zach Kelehear
Literacy Diane DeFord Amy Donnelly Pamela Jewett Tasha Laman Susi Long Erin T. Miller Heidi Mills Victoria Oglan Diane Stephens Mary Styslinger Elizabeth White
Multiculturalism Daniella Cook Kathy Evans
Pedagogy Mathematics Education Kelley Buchheister Paul Chaplin Edwin Dickey Thomas Hodges Jan Yow Middle Level Education Nathan Carnes David Virtue Kenneth E. Vogler Toni Williams Science Education Nathan Carnes Christine Lotter Stephen L. Thompson
Secondary Education Edwin Dickey Christine Lotter Victoria A. Oglan Kimberly Smoak Mary Styslinger Jan A. Yow Social Studies Education Paul Chaplin Kimberly Smoak David Virtue Kenneth E. Vogler Teaching Fellows Kimberly Smoak
Physical Development Athletic Training Shelley McDaniel James A. Mensch Paul Murata Jeremy Searson Toni Torres-McGehee Military Athletic Training James A. Mensch Motor Development Karen French Eva Monsma Physical Education Panayiotis Doutis Karen French Rachel Harvey Murray Mitchell Eva Monsma Gary Nave Lynda Nilges-Charles David Phillips Susan Yeargin Sport Psychology Eva Monsma Sports Medicine Paul Murata
Professional Development Angela C. Baum Christine Christle Bruce Field Thomas Hodges Heidi Mills Stephen L. Thompson Linda Winburn
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Rural Education
Special Education
Matthew Irvin
Schools and Communities Cassie Barber Bethany Bell Kara Brown Michelle Bryan Daniella Cook Bruce Field Nancy Freeman Thomas Hudson Matthew Irvin Sandra Lindsay Erin T. Miller Kate Niehaus C. Spencer Platt Kerrie Welsh Linda Winburn
Social Justice and Equity Allison Anders Gloria Boutte Michelle Bryan Nathan Carnes Daniella Cook Jesulon Gibbs Margo Jackson Tambra Jackson Rhonda Jeffries Tasha Laman Susi Long Julia Lopez-Robertson Nicholas Mariner Erin T. Miller Peter Moyi C. Spencer Platt Beth Powers-Costello Susan Schramm-Pate Payal Shah Lemuel Watson Toni Williams
William H. Brown Christine Christle Erik Drasgow Fred Greer Thomas Hébert Mike Kelly Kathleen Marshall Anthony Plotner Susan Quinn Les Sternberg Cheryl Wissick Mitchell Yell Autism Erik Drasgow Deafness Mike Kelly Gifted and Talented Education Fred Greer Thomas Hébert Law Mitchell Yell Learning Disabilities Mike Kelly Post-Secondary Kathleen Marshall Anthony Plotner Response to Intervention (RTI) Diane Stephens Universal Design for Learners Cheryl Wissick
Student Affairs Jenny Bloom Julie Rotholz
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Allison D. Anders AREA EXPERTISE
Qualitative research methodologies, social justice and education, cultural studies, feminist theory, sociology of education
The experiences of targeted youth in k-16 education settings; qualitative research methodologies; feminist methodologies; narrative; post-critical ethnography; community based research, critical service learning
Allison Daniel Anders, Ph.D., is an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Studies. Using ethnography and qualitative research methodologies, she studies the everyday experiences of targeted youth and the k-16 educational settings they navigate. Her research includes work with incarcerated youth and children with refugee status and analyses of alliance criteria articulated by LGBT-identified educators and professionals in higher education for LGBT communities and communities of color. She has taught undergraduate-level courses in social justice and education in correctional institutions and institutions of higher education and graduate-level courses in sociology of education, and qualitative research methodologies in institutions of higher education.
Christian Anderson AREA EXPERTISE
History of higher education, governance of higher education, comparative higher education RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative and historical methods BIOGRAPHY
Christian K. Anderson is assistant professor of higher education. His primary research focus is on the history of higher education and the organization and governance of higher education (particularly the role of faculty). These two areas intersected in his dissertation on the history of the development of faculty senates at research universities. He has done work on comparative higher education, especially on the role of students and faculty in the governance of Latin American universities. He takes a group of students abroad every other year as part of a course on comparative higher education and has thus far done trips to Taiwan, the Dominican Republic, and Cuba. He has also enjoys doing work related to “academic fiction”—the study of depictions of higher education in novels and film. Dr. Anderson earned his Ph.D. in higher education from Penn State University in 2007. He earned an MPA (1998) and BA in Spanish (1995) from the University of Utah. Previous to pursuing his doctoral degree he was assistant dean of the College of Humanities at Utah.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Advocacy; parent and community engagement; community outreach, conflict management
Cassie Barber is a clinical instructor with the Department of Educational Leadership and Policies who serves as executive director of the SC School Improvement Council (SC-SIC). SC-SIC provides training, resources and technical assistance to every public school in the state in support of their local School Improvement Councils whose members include more than 14,000 parents, educators, high school students and community representatives. Previously Barber worked for the SC Healthy Schools initiative at the SC Department of Education and for the Alliance for South Carolina’s Children, a nonprofit child advocacy organization. While working for the Alliance, Barber led a coalition of more than 40 nonprofit organizations that championed a common legislative agenda for children that successfully addressed education, health, social and economic issues in the SC General Assembly. Barber also coordinates the SC Education Policy Fellowship Program from which she graduated in 2005. An initiative of the Institute for Educational Leadership in Washington, DC, the Fellowship provides intensive professional development for established and emerging leaders from all stakeholder groups focused on education policy, leadership and networking. Barber, a certified family and civil mediator, is also a Fellow of the Diversity Leaders Initiative sponsored by The Riley Institute at Furman University.
Professional development, Field-based teacher preparation RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Infant/Toddler development and care, Preschool education, Centerbased child care, family child care BIOGRAPHY
Dr. Angela C. Baum received her Ph.D. in Early Childhood Education from Iowa State University. She is an Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education in the Department of Instruction and Teacher Education at the University of South Carolina. Her expertise lies in the areas of early childhood teacher preparation and leadership development within the child care work force. She is actively engaged with the South Carolina Department of Social Services in several projects focused on improving the quality of child care in the state of South Carolina. While at USC, she has received two teaching awards—the Mortar Board Excellence in Teaching Award and the College of Education Early Career Teaching Award. She actively presents, at both the state and national level, on topics related to the preparation of early childhood professionals. Her work has been published in journals such as Young Children, Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, Early Childhood Education, and Action in Teacher Education. College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Applied statistics and data analysis RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Multilevel modeling, growth models, cross-classified random effects models, secondary data analysis, general statistical applications and analysis BIOGRAPHY
Bethany A. Bell is an Assistant Professor in the Educational Psychology, Research, and Foundations program. She specializes in applied statistics and data analysis of education and public health data. In particular, she primarily conducts methodological research focused on the functioning of linear and non-linear multilevel models under a variety of conditions (i.e., sample size, violation of assumptions), as well as statistical issues associated with complex sample data. In her methodological research, she focuses on understanding the intricacies and nuances of “real world” data conditions in an effort to help social and behavioral science researchers conduct more robust analyses. Her substantive research is focused on how schools, neighborhoods, and policies influence a variety education and health outcomes, including educational attainment and obesity. A key dimension of Dr. Bell’s scholarship is her collaboration with faculty across campus, including faculty in Public Health, Psychology, and Social Work. These collaborations allow her to utilize her interdisciplinary training and skills through a variety of research projects and publications.
Jennifer L. Bloom AREA EXPERTISE
Appreciative Advising
Jennifer L. Bloom, Ed.D. is a Clinical Professor and Director of the Master’s degree program in the Higher Education & Student Affairs Program housed in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policies at the University of South Carolina. Dr. Bloom also directs the Office of Appreciative Education at the University of South Carolina that sponsors the annual Appreciative Advising Summer Institute, an on-line Appreciative Advising course, the process for Certifying Appreciative Advisers, and other exciting initiatives related to Appreciative Advising and Appreciative Education. Prior to her appointment at the University of South Carolina in August, 2007, she served as the Associate Dean for Student Affairs & the Medical Scholars Program at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at UrbanaChampaign. Dr. Bloom has co-authored four books, four book chapters, and sixteen articles. The first book, Career Aspirations & Expeditions: Advancing Your Career in Higher Education Administration, was released in 2003. The second book, The Appreciative Advising Revolution, was released in September 2008. In November 2011, the third book, Appreciative College Instruction: Becoming a Positive For Change in Student Success Courses, was College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
published. Her fourth book, Increasing Persistence: Research-based Strategies for College Student Success was released July 31, 2012.
Culturally Relevant Pedagogy; Urban Education; Critical Multiculturalism; African American Language; African American Students RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Mixed Methods BIOGRAPHY
Dr. Gloria Boutte is the Department Chair for the Department of Instruction and Teacher Education. She holds the academic rank of professor and is the Yvonne and Schuyler Moore Child Advocacy Distinguished Chair at the University of South Carolina. For nearly three decades, Dr. Boutte’s scholarship, teaching, and service have focused on equity pedagogies and teaching for social justice. Dr. Gloria Boutte is the author of two books: Multicultural Education: Raising Consciousness and Resounding Voices: School Experiences of People From Diverse Ethnic Backgrounds. She has received over $1,700,000 in grants and has published over 75 articles. Her published works have been reprinted and are frequently cited. Additionally, she has presented nationally and internationally on curriculum, instruction, and diversity issues. Dr. Boutte is the founder of the statewide Center of Excellence for the Education and Equity of African American Students (CEEEAAS).
Comparative and international education, language policy, teacher migration, minority education in Europe RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Educational ethnography BIOGRAPHY
Kara Brown is an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Studies. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in social foundations, comparative education, and qualitative research methods. Brown’s research focuses on language policy, minority schooling and teacher practice. Brown’s work appears in Anthropology of Education Quarterly, European Education, European Journal of Language Policy, as well as chapters in several edited volumes. Her research has been funded by the Spencer Foundation, Fulbright, the International Research and Exchange Board (IREX), the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies, and the University of South Carolina.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Community-based services for young children and their families, young children’s social and emotional competence, preschool inclusion, and young children’s physical activity in preschools
Research, Policy, and Practice for Children (birth to six) and Their Families
Dr. Brown has held professional positions as a preschool teacher, director of an early intervention program for young children with and without developmental delays, teacher educator, researcher, and child advocate. He earned a doctorate from Vanderbilt University (1985) and joined the faculty at the University of South Carolina (USC) in 1995. In addition to his work in the College of Education, he is a member of the USC Research Consortium on Children and Families, a member of an interdisciplinary research team at the USC Arnold School of Public Health, and he became a South Carolina Policy Fellow in 2011. He received the USC College of Education Research Award in 2007. Dr. Brown has written multiple articles, chapters, and two books about services, practices, and policies for young children and their families. He was a past editor of the Journal of Early Intervention and is an editorial board member for Topics in Early Childhood Special Education and Behavioral Disorders. He has extensive experience in preservice, inservice, and professional development and technical assistance for practitioners working with young children and their families.
Race in Education, Critical Race Theory, Qualitative Research Methodologies RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative Methodology and Culturally Responsive Evaluation Practice BIOGRAPHY
Michelle Bryan is an Associate Professor of Social Foundations of Education in the Department of Educational Studies. She earned her B.A. in American History and African American Studies, M.A. in Teaching (Secondary Social Sciences) and Ph.D. in Culture, Curriculum and Change from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Michelle teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on the role of race and racism in education, as well as on qualitative research methods. Her research interests include critical race theory in education, anti-biased and anti-racist education practice, the use of qualitative methodologies in educational research and evaluation, and culturally-responsive evaluation practices. Michelle has also been involved in the field of program evaluation for the past ten years conducting evaluations of college access programs, University/K-12 partnerships, higher education diversity initiatives, as well as school reform efforts. Recently, she concluded a 2-year term as the co-director of the American Evaluation Association’s Graduate Education Diversity Internship Program. Michelle’s work has been published in the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, Multicultural Perspectives, and New Directions in Evaluation. She is an active
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
member of the American Educational Research Association, the American Evaluation Association, the American Educational Studies Association, and the Critical Race Studies in Education Association.
Kelley Buchheister AREA EXPERTISE
Mathematics Education, Elementary and Early Childhood Methods, Student Learning, Mathematical Representations RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative Methodology BIOGRAPHY
In July of 2011 Dr. Kelley Buchheister joined the Early Childhood faculty at the University of South Carolina. At USC she teaches three different courses to junior and senior Early Childhood Education majors: Teaching Mathematics in Early Childhood; The Young Child, Development, Care, and Education; and Family Dynamics in Early Childhood. She is the course co-coordinator for the mathematics methods course. Her research interests include investigating students' interpretations of mathematical representations and the classroom factors that contribute to students' success translating across multiple modes of representation. Moreover, she is interested in understanding the orientations various stakeholders (e.g., families, teachers, administrators, teacher educators) have related to the teaching and learning of mathematics in the primary grades. Kelley received her doctorate degree in Curriculum and Instruction focusing on Mathematics Education at the University of Missouri-Columbia. There she engaged in teaching and research responsibilities focusing on education courses for pre-service elementary and special education teachers. Kelley’s research involved investigating primary students’ difficulties with number and operation. She also received her master’s degree in Elementary Education with an emphasis in Mathematics and Science at the University of South Florida in 2006. Prior to becoming a professor at USC, Kelley taught elementary and middle school in Pinellas County, Florida. She taught children ranging from Kindergarten through sixth grade and enjoyed collaborating with special education and teachers of English Language Learners (ELLs) as her classes often included a high number of mainstreamed students.
Relationship Education, Intimate Partner Violence, Couples Counseling RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Quantitative Dyadic Data Analysis, Research Design for Economically Disadvantaged Participants BIOGRAPHY
Ryan Carlson graduated with his PhD in Counselor Education from the University of Central Florida. Prior to joining the faculty at the University of South Carolina, he spent seven years as a lead administrator, including Project Director, of three multi-year, multi-million dollar federally funded grants at UCF’s Marriage & Family Research Institute. As such, Ryan’s College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
research experiences include developing and evaluating strategies to recruit and retain economically disadvantaged couples in relationship interventions. Ryan has published in peer-reviewed journals and presented nationally on topics such as outcomes in relationship education for low-income couples, strategies for effectively recruiting low-income couples, intimate partner violence, and supervision of student counseling student interns. Ryan is a Florida Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Florida qualified supervisor for mental health counselors and marriage and family therapists, and Nationally Certified Counselor. He has counseled individuals and couples in both private practice and community mental health settings, as well as supervised graduate student counseling interns.
Science teacher education, behavior management, middle level education, equity and diversity RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Inquiry teaching and learning issues, preservice teachers’ images of science teaching and learning, and middle school education BIOGRAPHY
Dr. Nate Carnes is an Associate Professor in the Department of Instruction and Teacher Education (ITE). He holds a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and a Doctor of Philosophy in Education Administration from Miami University (OH). He holds two Master of Education degrees from Wright State University that focus on science education. His dissertation focused on middle school science instruction in a large urban school system. Dr. Carnes currently teaches science methods courses for the Elementary MAT, Middle Level, and Secondary Science degree programs, as well as a Middle Level organization course that focuses on behavior management strategies and issues. His research interests include inquiry teaching and learning issues, preservice teachers’ images of science teaching and learning, and middle school education. He has served science education organizations at the international and regional levels. He has been co-principal investigator and external evaluator for several funded projects. In addition to his university-based responsibilities, Dr. Carnes serves as a student advocate and mentor in the Lexington/Richland County District 5 school system.
History of American education RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Religion and Education, Faith-Based Schools, and Dissenting Schools BIOGRAPHY
James C. Carper is a professor of Social Foundations of Education in the Department of Educational Studies at The University of South Carolina, where is has been a faculty member since 1989. His research interests include the history of education in the United States, education and religion, and private schools. In addition to co-editing several books on religion and education, he has published essays in History of Education Quarterly, College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Educational Forum, Journal of Church and State, Educational Leadership, Educational Policy, Mid-America, and Kappa Delta Pi Record. He is the past president of Associates for Research on Private Education.
Katherine Chaddock AREA EXPERTISE
Higher Education Administration RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Higher Education history and leadership, federal policy in higher education BIOGRAPHY
Katherine Chaddock is a professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policies, and the former chair of that department. She has taught for 17 years in the higher education program area, with courses on college and university administration and governance, state and federal policy in higher education and the evolution of American higher education. Prior to her faculty position, she served as an administrator at the University of Utah and American University. She is the author of seven books of institutional and biographical history, as well as several dozen chapters and articles. Dr. Chaddock holds a B.S. in Journalism from Northwestern University, a Master of Public Administration from the University of Southern California and a Ph.D. in Educational Administration from the University of Utah.
Elementary Math and Social Studies methods, Classroom Management and Nature of Teaching, Democratic Classrooms, Professional Development Schools, Mentoring, Supervision
Paul Chaplin is a clinical senior instructor in the Elementary Education Program. When working with future teachers, he emphasizes the importance of using physical knowledge to support young learners gaining a greater understanding of math concepts. Teaching candidates under his guidance know the importance of the student/teacher relationship in building a viable learning community. He has conducted numerous presentations addressing these two topics at the local, state and national level. He is presently a board member for the National Association for Professional Development Schools and is affiliated with the National Network for Education Renewal. He has been working in public education as a teacher, facilitator, and instructor for over thirty-six years.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Christine Christle AREA EXPERTISE
Teacher education, field supervision, mentoring, professional development RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Mixed Methods, Single Case BIOGRAPHY
Christine Christle is an associate professor in Special Education Programs. She coordinates and supervises teacher candidates in field placements, and teaches various courses. Dr. Christle also serves as the major student adviser for the Masters Special Education Programs. Her research-to-practice agenda involves teacher training, professional development, and interventions for students who are at risk for a host of negative outcomes. She is principal investigator for a five-year, Special Education Preservice Training Improvement Grant funded by the federal Office of Special Education Programs. Dr. Christle has published articles and book chapters on best practices in special education and interventions for at-risk students. She consults with schools and districts, and provides professional development workshops for districts, state agencies, and national organizations.
Critical Multicultural Education, Black Education, Culturally Competent Teaching, Critical Race Theory, Community Engagement and Urban Education RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative Methodology and Mixed Methods BIOGRAPHY
Daniella Ann Cook is an assistant professor in the Department of Instruction and Teacher Education (ITE) at the University of South Carolina, where she teaches courses in secondary social studies methods. Originally from Cincinnati, Ohio, she received her masters and doctoral degrees from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Prior to joining the faculty at USC, Dr. Cook served as an Assistant Professor of Education at The University of Tulsa and the Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Research Network on Racial and Ethnic Inequality in the Social Science Research Institute at Duke University. Her interdisciplinary research concentrates on understanding how class, race and power affect the everyday schooling lives of students, teachers and communities traditionally under-served by public education across diverse contexts. Most recently, she conducted an ethnographic study of black educators in New Orleans to explore urban school reform narratives with an explicit focus on their effects on black communities during the single largest displacement of African American educators since desegregation. Dr. Cook is actively involved in several professional organizations including the American Educational Studies Association (AESA) where she serves as the Graduate Student Coordinator. In addition to presenting at international and national conferences, Dr. Cook has published in a wide range of journals including The Journal of Culture and Mathematics, Southern Anthropologist, Voices in Urban Education and the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Leadership Development, Superintendency, Emotional Intelligence RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Quantitative and Mixed Methods BIOGRAPHY
Edward Cox is an associate professor of educational leadership. His research agenda emphasizes leadership assessment and development particularly at the principalship and central office level. He has published 28 articles over the last ten years, chaired 18 dissertation committees to completion and coauthored articles with seven Ph. D. graduates. He has taught graduate level courses in the principalship, superintendency, and dissertation preparation. Prior to his work at the University of South Carolina he served as a superintendent of schools and high school principal. He regularly consults with school districts, state and federal agencies as well as business organizations. He has been working in public education as a teacher, counselor, administrator and professor for thirty five years.
Counselor Education RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Ethics and Character Development, Career Development, and At-risk students BIOGRAPHY
Dr. Crews holds a Bachelors degree in Educational Psychology and a Master’s degree in Guidance and Counseling from the University of Georgia. His Ph.D. is in Counselor Education from the University of South Carolina, where he currently serves as a Clinical Assistant Professor of Counselor Education. Prior to that he served as the School Counseling Program Coordinator in the Department of Counseling, Leadership and Educational Studies in the College of Education at Winthrop University. His current teaching assignment includes courses in the Ed.S. program in school counseling and the Ph.D. program in counselor education. He has experience as a school counselor at all levels, K-12.
Literacy education, teacher professional development, and assessment of student learning and instructional decision-making RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative and Quantitative Methods BIOGRAPHY
Dr. Diane DeFord is a Full Professor of in the program of Language and Literacy and the Swearingen Literacy Chair. She has a particular emphasis College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
reading and writing development, teachers’ learning, assessment processes, and instruction decision-making based upon student strengths and needs. She has written two books, an assessment system (The Dominie Reading and Writing Assessment Portfolio) for kindergarten through 8th grades, book chapters, research monographs and technical reports, journal articles, and books for children. She has taught graduate-level and undergraduate courses on a range of topics from the history of literacy education, methods of teaching reading and writing, assessment of student learning and instructional decision-making. She has led large implementations of such initiatives for teachers’ and literacy coaches’ professional development and student intervention services such as Reading Recovery, Literacy Collaborative, and the South Carolina Reading Initiative. Dr. DeFord consults with schools, state agencies, and administrators related to her areas of expertise. She has worked in public education as a teacher, administrator in higher education, and as a professor since 1971.
Tammiee Dickenson AREA EXPERTISE
Educational research and measurement RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Applied statistics BIOGRAPHY
Dr. Tammiee Dickenson earned her Ph.D. in Educational Research and Measurement from the University of South Carolina (USC) and is Director of the Office of Program Evaluation in the College of Education at USC. Dr. Dickenson specializes in applied statistical analysis techniques appropriate for educational settings. Her research interests include multilevel modeling, quasi-experimental designs, and item response theory. Dr. Dickenson is a member of the American Educational Research Association, the National Council of Measurement in Education, the American Evaluation Association, and is a board member of the South Carolina Educators for Practical Use of Research. She has presented numerous papers at annual meetings of these organizations. Dr. Dickenson has experience as an evaluator and research collaborator on education projects in a variety of content areas funded by state and federal sources. Dr. Dickenson began her career as a secondary mathematics teacher and prior to her current position at USC, she was an instructor with the Department of Statistics and worked as a statistician with the Office of Institutional Assessment and Compliance.
Mathematics Education, Technology Education, Teacher Education RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Comparison Studies BIOGRAPHY
Dr. Edwin Dickey is a Professor of Education at the University of South Carolina and currently serves as Director of Educational Outreach for the College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
College of Education and the Associate Department Chair for Instruction and Teacher Education. A native of Brazil and educated in U.S. Department of Defense Schools in Europe, he received his doctoral degree from the University of South Carolina in Secondary Education with an emphasis in mathematics. Dr. Dickey’s research interests include uses of technology in mathematics education, methods of introducing pre-service and in-service teachers to the uses of technology in education, and uses of the Internet in education. He has been involved in teacher education and consulting projects in Africa, Asia, and South America. Dr. Dickey has held several leadership positions with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) including chair of the Mathematics Teacher Editorial Panel, chair of the 1999 Annual Meeting Program Committee, and founding chair of the Editorial Panel for NCTM’s electronic journal, ON-Math. Most recently he has help NCTM launch a High School Interactive Institute addressing Reasoning and Sense Making. He has been Principal Investigator or External Evaluator for several funded projects, and has published articles across a wide range of venues.
Christine DiStefano AREA EXPERTISE
Educational measurement RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Educational & psychological measurement BIOGRAPHY
Christine DiStefano is an associate professor in the Educational Research and Measurement program of the Department of Educational Studies. She earned a doctorate in Educational Measurement and a master’s degree in Statistics from the University of Georgia. Dr. DiStefano teaches courses in classroom assessment, testing and measurement, and structural equation modeling. Her research areas of interest include scale development, structural modeling with survey data, and assessing behavioral/emotional competencies of young children.
Literacy pedagogy and assessment, inquiry-based instruction, responsive teaching practices RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative Methodology BIOGRAPHY
Amy Donnelly is an associate professor of Elementary/Language and Literacy in the Department of Instruction and Teacher Education at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, South Carolina. Dr. Donnelly was the founding Principal and Research Specialist at the Center for Inquiry, initially a University/Public School small public school of choice. Dr. Donnelly has devoted her career to working collaboratively with in-service and preservice teachers to expand their vision of literacy, inquiry-based instruction, and literacy assessment. Her recent work involves helping teachers better understand how to use data to grow reading proficiency, helping teachers College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
use standards to craft quality literacy instruction in elementary classrooms, and the role of language plays in helping teachers create transformative literacy practices.
Panayiotis Doutis AREA EXPERTISE
Physical Education Teacher Education RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Scholarly interests focus on K-12, pre-service, in-service, curriculum and instruction practices BIOGRAPHY
Panayiotis Doutis is a Clinical Assistant professor in the Department of Physical Education, where he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in physical education curriculum and instruction, and has served as an undergraduate director for several years. His scholarly interests focus on K12, pre-service, in-service, curriculum and instruction practices. He has coedited a book on Physical Education in the 21st Century and authored or coauthored several published pieces in various journals. He earned his doctoral degree at the Ohio State University, and has been at the University of South Carolina for 10 years.
Severe disabilities, applied behavior analysis, positive behavior support RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Single-case research designs BIOGRAPHY
Erik Drasgow is a Professor of Special Education and Chair of the Department of Educational Studies at the University of South Carolina. He has been in the field of special education for almost 25 years and is a nationally recognized expert in autism, early language intervention, and positive behavior support. Dr. Drasgow has more than 70 publications, and has published in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Journal of Autism and Other Developmental Disorders, and Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. He has conducted workshops and given presentations across the country in his areas of expertise and has provided technical assistance for more than 20 years to families, teachers, related practitioners, and paraprofessionals.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Educational psychology and instructional design RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Educational psychology and instructional design BIOGRAPHY
Kellah Edens is Associate Professor of Educational Psychology and Research. Kellah teaches graduate level courses on life span development, applications of learning theory and principles to multimedia learning, and cognitive psychology, and also undergraduate educational psychology courses. She has developed and taught a number of totally online courses for over a decade. Her scholarship focuses on technology-based instructional strategies, visually-based instructional strategies, and instructional design guided by contemporary learning theories and principles. Kellah's research has been published in Contemporary Educational Psychology, Studies in Art Education, Action in Teacher Education, College Teaching, Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, Science and School Mathematics Journal, and Journal of Research in Technology Education. Kellah has also collaborated on and evaluated several NSF grants focusing on informal, selfdirected science learning in museums and schools.
Counselor Education (Career, school, multicultural, and feminist counseling) RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Quantitative Methodology and Mixed Methods BIOGRAPHY
Kathy M. Evans is an Associate Professor at the University of South Carolina and Program Coordinator for the Counselor Education program. Dr. Evans’ research interests and publications focus on multicultural, career, and feminist issues. Included in her publications are numerous articles, book chapters and books she has either authored, co-authored or edited. Her most recent publication is a co-authored book with her colleague and USC graduate, Mary Fawcett, entitled “Experiential Approach for Developing Multicultural Counseling Competence.” Dr. Evans has been President of the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision and Secretary of Chi Sigma Iota Honor Society International. She is currently enjoying her third term on the editorial board for the Journal of Counseling and Development and is Co-Chair of the Association for Counselor Education Supervision/National Career Development Association Joint Commission for the Preparation of Career Counselors.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
School-university partnerships, Professional Development Schools RESEARCH EXPERTISE
School-university collaboration, clinical supervision BIOGRAPHY
Bruce E. Field is the College of Education’s executive director of schooluniversity partnerships and clinical experiences. He came to the University of South Carolina in 2001 from Northern Illinois University, where he was a professor of twentieth century U.S. history and the coordinator of the secondary teacher certification programs in history and social studies. Prior to that, he was a high school history/social studies teacher in Wyoming, Illinois, and Virginia. Bruce played a key role in the 2005 creation of the National Association for Professional Development Schools, having served as that organization’s inaugural president. He remains active in the NAPDS and also is one of the chief coordinators for the annual Professional Development Schools National Conference directed by the University of South Carolina’s College of Education.
Educational Administration, Human Resources Management, Leadership Development and Online Learning RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative Methodology and Mixed Methods BIOGRAPHY
Joe Flora, Ed.D, is Clinical Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policies at the College of Education, University of South Carolina. He has taught graduate courses in educational administration at the College since 2005. Flora has focused on educational reform for the last several years, including school improvement, charter schools and online learning. In his writing and consulting, Flora has emphasized the alignment of talent, systems and incentives in improving districts and schools. Prior to his work in higher education, Flora served as an assistant superintendent for human resources in several school districts, including Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools in North Carolina.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Early childhood education, professional ethics, childcare quality RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative Methodology BIOGRAPHY
Nancy Freeman is an associate professor of early childhood education in the Department of Instruction and Teacher Education and Director of the Yvonne and Schuyler Moore Child Development Research Center at USC. Freeman is the co-author of two books on professional ethics and a text on childcare administration. She is Past-President of the National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE), has served on its board for many years, and is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education published by NAECTE. She has directed projects to enhance the quality of the childcare workforce in South Carolina that have been funded by the South Carolina Department of Social Services for many years. She teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in early childhood education and has taught in public schools and in childcare and been a childcare director. She has been working in early childhood education as a teacher, program administrator, and early childhood teacher educator for 30 years.
Development of sport expertise, motor development RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Quantitative research methods BIOGRAPHY
Karen E. French is a professor in the Department of Physical Education and Athletic Training. Her research interests include the development of motor skills in children and development of cognitive memory processes which underlie decision making in sports and games. She has published over 40 refereed articles in premier journals in sport and exercise science. She is a fellow in the American Academy of Kinesiology and a fellow in the Research Consortium of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. She has worked in public education as a teacher and coach in the public schools, as a university administrator, or as a university professor for thirty years.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Assessment, Professional Identity Development, School Counseling, Marriage, Couples, and Family Counseling RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative and Quantitative Methodologies BIOGRAPHY
Donna Gibson is an associate professor of counselor education, teaching in the areas of school, marriage, couples, and family counseling as well as in the counselor education and supervision doctoral program. Her primary research interests focus on assessment, leadership and professional identity development in professional counselors, counselors-in-training, and counselor educators and are reflected in over 30 published works, including her recent co-edited book on social class issues and the helping professions. In addition to her research in the counseling profession, she has served as President of the American Counseling Association division, the Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education. Currently, she is the Editor of the Counselor’s Bookshelf, an on-line resource for counseling professionals hosted by Chi Sigma Iota International. She has practiced as a psychologist and counselor in public schools, mental health agencies, hospitals, and private practice. In addition to her university responsibilities, she provides pro bono counseling as a licensed professional counselor.
Family counseling, spirituality and counseling RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative Methodology and Mixed Methods BIOGRAPHY
Joshua Gold is a professor of counselor education. With a particular emphasis toward family counseling and the development of future counselor education faculty, he has two books in print as well as several book chapters. He has also published over 50 pieces in a wide range of outlets and has taught graduate-level courses in school counseling, family counseling and the PhD in Counselor Education.
Margaret Gredler AREA EXPERTISE
Instructional Design and Research
Margaret Gredler is a Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of South Carolina. Her research interests include the applications of learning theory to the classroom, misconceptions of Vygotsky’s cognitiveCollege of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
development theory, and issues in program evaluation. She is the author of Learning and Instruction: Theory into Practice (4th Ed.), Classroom Assessment, and Program Evaluation. She teaches learning theory, program evaluation, and a doctoral seminar on Vygotsky's theory.
Psychoeducational assessment, gifted education RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Cognitive & psychological development stressors, early identification of children at-risk for social/emotional and educational problems. BIOGRAPHY
Fred Greer is a research assistant professor in the Special Education program of the Department of Educational Studies. He earned his doctorate in school psychology at University of Georgia, specializing in assessment of infant and preschool children as well as identification of and intervention for gifted children. Greer is co-investigator on a federally-funded project for the validation of a behavioral screener for preschool-age children. He also is involved in a longitudinal evaluation of South Carolina's state-funded preschool program. Dr. Greer teaches courses on the characteristics of gifted children as well as classroom and special education assessment.
Counseling, Supervision, Consulting, Group Therapy, Family and Couples Therapy, Experiential and Transgenerational Issues RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Therapeutic Alliance BIOGRAPHY
Russell Haber, Ph.D. is an instructor in the Department of Counselor Education. He holds a diplomate from the American Board of Professional Psychology in the specialty area of Family Psychology. He is a Licensed Psychologist and also holds licenses to supervise Professional Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists. He is a Clinical Member and Approved Supervisor of the American Assn. of Marriage and Family Therapists. Haber is the author of a book on supervision, co-editor of a book on Consultation, and guest editor of an issue of the Journal of Strategic and Systemic Therapies about expanding resources of the family. He has extensively published articles/chapters in the fields of therapeutic use of self, supervision, social network resources, consultation, experiential and transgenerational family therapy, among other topics. He has been a facilitator at Satir Family Camp for the past 19 years and has presented his work in Italy, Belgium, Holland, Israel, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Republic of Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Thailand. Dr. Haber recently joined the faculty after serving 10 years as Director and 15 years as Director of Training at the Counseling and Human Development Center.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Leadership, Supervision RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative Methodology BIOGRAPHY
Lynn Harrill is a clinical professor in educational administration in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policies in the College of Education. Dr. Harrill’s responsibilities include teaching and advisement in the M.Ed., Ed.S., and Ph.D. degree programs in educational administration. In addition, Dr. Harrill serves as the program coordinator for the educational administration department (cd-12). His areas of emphasis include: curriculum development, instructional supervision, instructional leadership, superintendency, professional development, and literacy education. Dr. Harrill provides service to schools and districts across South Carolina as he conducts workshops and professional development seminars throughout the state. Before teaching at the university, he served in the public schools of Spartanburg, South Carolina as a high school English teacher, high school principal, and assistant superintendent for instruction. He has served the field of education for the past 37 years.
Physical Education Pedagogy RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Student Interest BIOGRAPHY
Rachel Harvey is a clinical assistant professor of physical education pedagogy with an emphasis in teacher education. Rachel has presented work at national, regional, and state conferences related to student interest in physical education, student teacher supervision, and teacher candidate physical activity levels. Several publications have also stemmed from this work. Rachel has served on regional and state boards for her professional organization. Previously, Rachel taught at the secondary level where she also coached two varsity teams and assisted in the athletic training program as an assistant athletic trainer. Rachel completed her undergraduate degree from the State University of New York College at Brockport, majoring in physical education with a concentration in athletic training. Rachel completed her Master’s and Doctoral degrees from the University of South Carolina majoring in physical education teacher certification and physical education pedagogy, respectively. Prior to completing her graduate work, Rachel worked for University Sports Medicine (Rochester, New York) as a clinical athletic trainer.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Instructional leadership, supervision, school administration
Diane Harwell is a clinical professor of educational leadership and coordinates the 9-hour principalship block of the MEd degree in educational administration. Harwell has three books in print in the area of researchbased effective instruction and is in process of revising one of them. She previously served as assistant principal and assistant to the director of middle and secondary education in a public school district in Columbia, SC, as well as being a consultant for school improvement and the coordinator of the administrators leadership academy at the South Carolina Department of Education. She has been working in public education as a teacher, administrator, and professor for over forty-five years.
Gifted and Talented Education RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative Methodology BIOGRAPHY
Thomas Hébert is Professor of Gifted and Talented Education. He was a teacher for thirteen years, ten of which were spent working with gifted students at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. Hébert taught in Maine, Georgia, Connecticut, and West Germany with the Department of Defense Dependents Schools. He coordinated programs for gifted high school students at Southeastern Massachusetts University. He was a researcher with the National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented. He also taught at the University of Alabama and the University of Georgia. Hébert’s research focuses on: social and emotional development of gifted students; culturally diverse gifted students; underachievement; and problems faced by gifted young men. He consults with school districts and educational organizations internationally and nationally. He is the author of Understanding the Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Students.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Mathematics teacher education and professional development RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Teacher identity; Teacher beliefs, attitudes, and dispositions BIOGRAPHY
In August 2012 Dr. Hodges joined the Instruction and Teacher Education faculty at the University of South Carolina. At USC he teaches courses in mathematics education to students in the Elementary Education program. Dr. Hodges is interested in the teaching and learning of mathematics at the elementary level. In particular, his research centers on how teachers view their roles as teachers of mathematics in relation to local and global expectations of mathematics instruction. Furthermore, he conducts research on the development of beliefs, attitudes, and dispositions towards mathematics teaching and learning among pre-service elementary teachers, which can then inform the design and assessment of mathematical experiences for pre-service teachers. From 2009 – 2012, Dr. Hodges was an assistant professor at Western Carolina University where he taught undergraduate and graduate courses in mathematics education to elementary and middle grades majors. He received his doctoral degree in Education with specialization in Mathematics Education from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Here he worked as a research assistant on the NSFfunded Appalachian Mathematics and Science Partnership project, researching instructional practices and contextual factors which influence those practices among a cohort of in-service teachers. Previous to working in higher education, Dr. Hodges taught mathematics in Nashville, TN.
Leadership, supervision, coordinating large projects, mentoring young leaders
James Hudgins is a Clinical Professor and Director of the Community College Leadership Alliance at the University of South Carolina. Prior to joining USC, Hudgins served as president of two community colleges and as President of the South Carolina Technical/Community College System. He has chaired thirty accreditation committees for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. He served on the Executive Committee of the Commission on Colleges and is the only two year college president to serve as president of the Commission on Colleges. In addition he served on the national board of the American Association of Community Colleges and the President's Academy. He served for eight years as vice-chairman of the Board of the Community College of the Air Force. In 1998, Hudgins was selected by the League for Innovation and the University of Texas through a national study of community college College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
presidents as one of the top fifty transformational community college presidents in America. For this recognition he received the Tom Peter's Excellence in Leadership Award at the League's national conference in San Francisco. In 2005, Hudgins was awarded the Order of the Palmetto by Governor Mark Sanford. Hudgins developed special expertise in strategic planning and institutional effectiveness related to accreditation and visited at least 100 community colleges to assist the institutions in developing planning and assessment programs in preparation for accreditation. He has co-authored two monographs on Institutional effectiveness and has written several articles for community college publications.
Parent and community engagement; advocacy; goal setting; media and constituent relations; communications
Tom F. Hudson is a Clinical Instructor with the Department of Educational Leadership and Policies and serves as Associate Director of the SC School Improvement Council (SC-SIC). He has 25 years of experience in communications, public information, media/constituent relations, and news reporting in the public, private, and education sectors. Hudson provides training, technical assistance, and other support to local SIC members, educators, and public officials statewide, and assists SC-SIC with program and policy development. His professional work has won awards from the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA), the SC Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association (SC/NSPRA), and the SC Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America (SCPRSA). Hudson currently serves as president of SC/NSPRA, and he has presented numerous trainings and workshops at professional conferences on the local, state, and national levels. A past member of the Beaufort County First Steps Board and past education committee chair for the Greater Columbia Community Relations Council, he is a Diversity Fellow of the Riley Institute at Furman University and a Fellow of the SC Education Policy Fellowship Program, and he has completed numerous professional development opportunities related to education, public/media relations, quality improvement, organizational leadership, and community mediation.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Adolescent development and learning, rural youth RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Quantitative Methodology, Person-Oriented Methods BIOGRAPHY
Matt Irvin is an assistant professor of educational psychology in the Department of Educational Studies. His research focuses on the academic, social, and behavioral development of adolescents from rural communities. This includes students’ risk and resilience, motivation and engagement, learning in online courses, youth with disabilities, and peer relations. He has published over 20 peer reviewed journal articles and received grant funding as principal investigator from the Centers for Disease Control and The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development. Dr. Irvin has taught graduate-level courses on educational psychology, learning, instructional theories, and adolescent development. He also recently developed and taught a seminar on youth in rural communities and schools. Before joining the University of South Carolina, Dr. Irvin was a research scientist with the National Research Center on Rural Education Support at the University of North Carolina. While there, he was an investigator on several large-scale survey research studies and cluster randomized controlled trials developing and evaluating the effects of schoolbased interventions.
Elementary Education RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Culturally Relevant Teaching Practices, Student Engagement BIOGRAPHY
Margo N. Jackson, MAT is a Clinical Instructor in the College of Education’s Elementary Program. She holds a MAT in Elementary Education and has classroom teaching experience at the primary and elementary grades. She is a former Reading Initiative teacher. Ms. Jackson’s research interest center around equity and culturally relevant teaching practices. In addition to her university-based responsibilities, she is very active in local schools. Ms. Jackson supervises teacher candidates completing clinical experiences and teaches the Nature of Classroom Management and Integrated Curriculum courses in the Elementary program. In addition, she teaches the Systematic Effective Teaching course in the MAT program.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Teacher Learning and Development RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Teacher Learning and Development BIOGRAPHY
Dr. Jackson has been a professional educator for over 15 years. She is a former elementary teacher, professional development specialist and education research assistant. She considers herself to be a scholar-activist and is committed to social justice issues pertaining to the historical and contemporary oppression, miseducation, and liberation of children of color in U.S. schools. She studies these issues within the field of teacher education where her research and teaching focus on teacher learning and development across the professional continuum specifically centered on preparing teachers for diversity, preparing teachers to teach for social justice, and culturally responsive teaching and pedagogy. Her current research projects focus on the preparation and support of program interns as teacher-activists at a Children’s Defense Fund Freedom School, the development of culturally responsive practice for teachers of Color, and developing urban schools as clinical sites for teacher learning.
Rhonda Jeffries AREA EXPERTISE
Power and Equity in Schools RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Power and Equity in Schools BIOGRAPHY
Dr. Rhonda Baynes Jeffries began her higher education career at the community college level assisting adults in basic education and GED preparation. She has served in the capacity of minority recruitment coordinator at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and as assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee where she taught and directed research in the masters program in cultural foundations and the doctoral program in urban education. She joined the faculty at the University of South Carolina and is associate professor of curriculum studies in the Department of Instruction & Teacher Education. She holds an A.B. in English literature from Elon College and a Ph.D. in Social Foundations of Education from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr. Jeffries currently teaches in the areas of curriculum and diversity in education, staff development and qualitative research methods. Her research interests include school desegregation, power and equity in schools and communities, and performance theory in education. She is the author of Performance Traditions among African American Teachers and is co-editor of Black Women in the Field: Experiencing Ourselves and Others through Qualitative Research and Grappling with Diversity: Readings on Civil Rights Pedagogy and Critical Multiculturalism, as well as numerous other articles and chapters in her area of research. College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Transactional and critical perspectives on literacy, children’s and young adult literature, content-area literacy RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Action Research and Critical Discourse Analysis BIOGRAPHY
Dr. Pamela Jewett is an Associate Professor in the Language and Literacy Program, Department of Instruction and Teacher Education. With a focus on K-12 literacy education, Jewett has co-edited one book, has four book chapters in print as well as 22 articles in a wide range of national and international journals. She teaches graduate-level courses for the Language and Literacy Program in Reader Response Theory, Children’s and Young Adult Literature, Developing and Guiding Reading Programs, and Contentarea Literacy. Additionally, she teaches a two-course sequence in Action Research for the M.Ed. in Teaching program. Jewett consults with schools in the areas of children’s and young adult literature, content area literacy, and developing classroom libraries to support instruction. She is a member of national and international literacy organizations and serves on multiple review boards, including the review board of the new Young Palmetto Books series, (University of South Carolina Press), a series of children’s and young adult books that highlight South Carolina writers and subjects. She has been working in public education as a teacher, librarian, and professor for over twenty years.
Testing, program evaluation RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Scoring performance assessment, the ethics of classroom assessment practices, program evaluation BIOGRAPHY
Dr. Robert Johnson is a professor of applied measurement at the University of South Carolina. Robert teaches courses in educational measurement and survey design. Dr. Johnson’s research focuses on the ethics of classroom assessment practices and the scoring of performance assessments in the language arts and the visual and performing arts. He also writes about the teaching of program evaluation and the involvement of stakeholders in evaluations. His research has been published in Written Communication, Assessing Writing, Language Assessment Quarterly, The American Journal of Evaluation, Studies in Educational Evaluation, Applied Measurement in Education, and The Journal of Experimental Education. He is co-author of Assessment Is Essential; Assessing Performance: Designing, Scoring, and Validating Performance Tasks; Assessment in the Literacy Classroom; and Put to the Test: Tools and Techniques for Classroom Assessment.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Instructional leadership, mentoring, supervision, school administration RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative Methodology and Mixed Methods Qualitative Methodology and Mixed Methods BIOGRAPHY
Zach Kelehear is an associate dean of academic affairs and professor of educational leadership. With a particular emphasis toward the art of instructional leadership Kelehear has two books in print and two in press as well as several book chapters. He has also published over 50 pieces in a wide range of outlets and has taught graduate-level courses in leadership and instructional supervision. He previously served as Director of Personnel and Staff Development for Dalton Public Schools in Dalton, GA. Kelehear also consults with schools, churches, and businesses in the areas of leadership development, mentoring and coaching, and strategic planning. He has been working in public education as a teacher, administrator, and professor for over 25 years.
Patrick Michael Kelly AREA EXPERTISE
Special Education, learning disabilities and related mild disabilities, deafness RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Survey Methodology BIOGRAPHY
Patrick “Mike” Kelly is a clinical instructor in the Educational Studies Department – Programs in Special Education. He teaches graduate and undergraduate students, primarily from the College of Education. His courses include introductory level in special education as well as specialized courses in learning disabilities. He served over 30 years in public education settings as a school psychologist and special education administrator. Mike also has specialized training and experience working with children who are deaf and their teachers and families.
Early Childhood Education, Supporting Children with Challenging Behavior, Program Administration RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Developmental Screening and Assessment, Early Childhood Classroom Quality Measurement, Child Care Workforce Development BIOGRAPHY
Dr. Herman T. Knopf joined the faculty at USC in 2004 and is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Instruction and Teacher Education focusing his research and teaching on issues related to Quality Child Care and Early Childhood Care and Education settings. Dr. Knopf has recently been awarded a $1.1 million contract by the South Carolina Department of College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Social Services to manage and serve as the Director of the South Carolina Child Care Resource and Referral Network (SC CCR&R). In addition he is Principal Investigator on a project, funded by the South Carolina Department of Social Services, titled: Technical Assistance and Development Project for an Electronic System of Data Collection and Authentic Assessment for Infants and Toddlers. Through this project Dr. Knopf is developing an online version of the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (Squires, Twombly, Bricker, & Potter, 2009) and providing training and technical assistance to support more effective screening and teacher/parent communication among stakeholders working with young children.
Progressive education; history of curriculum and instruction; schoolrelated documentary film of the 1930s and 1940s RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Biographical Inquiry, Archival Research BIOGRAPHY
Craig Kridel is the E.S. Gambrell Professor of Educational Studies and Curator of the Museum of Education. Recent publications include The SAGE The Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies, Classic Edition Sources: Education, and Stories of the Eight Year Study: Rethinking Schooling in America, and his research has received the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education Outstanding Writing Award, the American Educational Research Association-Curriculum Studies Book Award, and the Educational Press Association of America Distinguished Achievement Award. He was the founder of the Biographical and Archival Research group of AERA and served as coordinator for 20 years. In addition, he has served on the advisory boards of the Maxine Greene Foundation, History of Education Quarterly, and the Journal of Curriculum Theorizing and as past president of the Society for the Study of Curriculum History, board member of the John Dewey Society and Professors of Education, and program chair of AERA's Division B, Curriculum Studies. He has recently returned from positions as Visiting Fellow, Institute of Education, University of London and Scholar-in-Residence at the Rockefeller Archive Center.
Language & Literacy Education, writing instruction, multilingual learners, and critical literacy RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Ethnographic and Qualitative research examining classroom literacy practices BIOGRAPHY
Dr. Tasha Tropp Laman is an associate professor in the Department of Instruction and Teacher Education. With an ongoing commitment to create more equitable classrooms and literacy instruction, her research documents students’ cultural and linguistic resources and how those resources become integral to effective literacy instruction. Her most recent inquiry examines the ways that classroom teachers can support multilingual students’ writing College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
development. Dr. Laman also conducts community-engaged research and has participated in a long-term school-university partnership with A.C. Moore Elementary School in Richland School District One. Dr. Laman and her A.C. Moore colleagues have presented their research at local and national conferences. Along with colleague Dr. Karen Heid, Dr. Laman and A.C. Moore received the 2010 South Carolina Literacy Champions Award from the South Carolina Education Oversight Committee. Dr. Laman is currently writing a book to be published in 2013. She is the co-editor of Sites of possibility: Critical dialogue across educational contexts and has written numerous book chapters and published her research in leading journals including Equity and Excellence in Education, Race, Ethnicity, & Education, Language Arts, The Reading Teacher, Research in the Teaching of English, Journal of Research in Childhood Education, and the Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education.
Leadership development with an emphasis on aspiring leaders, coaching and effective communication strategies for leaders RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative Methodology and Mixed Methods BIOGRAPHY
Dr. Sandra Lindsay is currently serving as Clinical Professor in the Educational Leadership and Policies Department of the College of Education at the University of South Carolina. Previously, she served as Deputy State Superintendent at the South Carolina Department of Education. She has assumed numerous statewide leadership roles including the presidency of both the South Carolina Association of School Superintendents and the South Carolina Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Dr. Lindsay has received numerous awards and honors for her work with public schools and has served at the national level as President of the Deputies Leadership Commission of the Council of Chief State School Officers. Dr. Lindsay teaches primarily at the Master’s degree level, specializing in the institution of Grow Your Own Leader Cohorts with school districts and consortia of districts as they identify future leaders in their school systems. She has worked as a consultant in the private, public, and non-profit sectors with building organizational trust; assessing, recruiting and retaining high quality staff; strategic planning; and building effective internal and external communication systems. Dr. Lindsay also serves as an adjunct faculty member of Executive Education at The Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina. She is a key instructor for highly successful program offerings such as High Performance Coaching, Leadership Through People Skills and Supervisory Development for New Managers.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Xiaofeng (Steven) Liu AREA EXPERTISE
Educational Research RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Research Methods; Educational Policy Analysis BIOGRAPHY
Steven Liu received his Ph.D. from the Michigan State University. His research interests include applied statistics and educational policy studies. He has published in leading journals such as British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Psychological Methods, and Teachers College Record. His research has been funded by American Educational Research Association and Spencer Foundation. He currently serves as content expert on the advisory panel for the Education Resources Information Center (ERIC).
Language and literacy learning in diverse communities, teacher education RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative methodologies, ethnography in particular BIOGRAPHY
Dr. Susi Long is a Professor and Moore Child Advocacy Distinguished Chair in the College of Education. She completed her Ph.D. at The Ohio State University in 1995. Her research focuses on equity methodologies in educational environments including culturally relevant literacy practices in early childhood education and critical syncretism in cross-cultural learning environments, focusing in particular on the transformative role of utilizing resources from marginalized homes, communities, and heritages to transform ideology in public school classrooms. Dr. Long is an educational ethnographer who uses tenets of critical ethnography and collaborative inquiry to understand learning and to generate, implement, and evaluate teaching practices. She teaches Ph.D. seminars in critical sociocultural theory, language diversity, and critical theory as well as Masters and undergraduate courses in languages and literacies.
Julia Lopez-Robertson AREA EXPERTISE
Biliteracy and examining home and school literacies of English Language Learners and their families RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative with a focus on Ethnography BIOGRAPHY
Dra. Julia López-Robertson is an Assistant Professor of Language and Literacy at the University of South Carolina. She completed her Ph.D. in Language, Reading, and Culture at the University of Arizona. Her research College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
focuses on the intersections among language, race, ethnicity, and culture as they relate to the teaching and learning of English Language Learners and their families and in preparing teachers for diverse classrooms. Dra. LópezRobertson’s scholarly agenda is built on a commitment to working with children, families, teachers, and pre-service teachers in public schools, universities, and communities for the purpose of advancing understandings about emerging bilingual/multilingual students and their families and on the transformation of teacher education to support equitable teaching for all children, particularly English Language Learners. Dra. López-Robertson’s research has been published in leading national and international journals: Language Arts, Bilingual Research Journal, Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, Early Childhood Education Journal, Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal and Innovations in Language Learning and Teaching Journal. She actively presents her research at national and international conferences and is the Director of the annual Latino and Young Adults Literature and Literacies Conference.
Christine R. Lotter AREA EXPERTISE
Science education RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Inquiry professional development, teacher beliefs BIOGRAPHY
Dr. Christine Lotter is an Associate Professor in the Department of Instruction and Teacher Education at the University of South Carolina. She earned her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from Indiana University in 2005. At USC, she teaches high school science methods and general education methods courses for graduate and undergraduate students. She also teaches and supervises science education doctoral students. Dr. Lotter's research interests revolve around the issue of improving secondary teacher education through reform-based teaching strategies. She is specifically interested in teachers' use of inquiry teaching techniques and how their beliefs interact with their practice. She has received over 3.6 million dollars in grant funds to develop high school and middle school inquiry professional development workshops and for scholarship funds from the National Science Foundation for USC’s MT and MAT certification programs. Currently, she is the lead investigator on a 3-year SC Mathematics and Science Partnership grant providing inquiry-based professional development to middle school science teachers throughout the state.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Michelle A. Maher AREA EXPERTISE
Higher Education Administration, Mentoring RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Higher Education Administration, Mentoring BIOGRAPHY
Michelle Maher, Ph.D. is an associate professor of higher education at the University of South Carolina and an associate research professor affiliated with the Center for the Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (CASTL-HE) in the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia. Her research explores graduate student development during the transformation from student to scholar. Her most recent work appears in Science, Journal of Higher Education, and Studies in Higher Education.
Nicholas Mariner AREA EXPERTISE
History of Education, Historical Research Methods, Educational Foundations RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Segregated Education, Schools and Nativism BIOGRAPHY
Nicholas S. Mariner is an Instructor in the Department of Educational Studies. He teaches courses in educational foundations, covering a range of topics from history and philosophy of education to schools in law and popular culture. His research examines two continually emerging themes in public education, segregated spaces and nativistic politics. Using a combination of document research, oral history and ethnographic methods, his research seeks to engage the historical waves of identity and exclusion in US schools.
Kathleen Marshall AREA EXPERTISE
Learning Disabilities, Early reading, Curriculum in special education, Post-secondary programs for individuals with intellectual disabilities RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Self-instruction/Self-monitoring, Reading, Teacher Education, Postsecondary programs for individuals with intellectual disabilities BIOGRAPHY
Kathleen Marshall is an Associate Professor in the Department of Special Education in the Department of Educational Studies. She is coordinator of the Programs in Special Education and the Ph.D. Program. She was a special education teacher in Virginia, teaching students with learning disabilities and mild intellectual disabilities in both elementary and middle schools. Kathleen received her Ph.D. from the University of Virginia in Special Education with an emphasis in learning disabilities, with supporting areas in educational research and child development. She is Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator on eight federally-funded grants supporting unique doctoral-level or master-level personnel preparation programs, or College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
model-demonstration projects. The fifth edition of her co-authored text, Exceptional Children and Youth (Hunt/Marshall), was published in 2012. Kathleen teaches doctoral seminars and graduate courses in reading instruction for students at risk, methods for teaching students with learning disabilities, and advanced methods courses. She was president of the National Division for Learning Disabilities (DLD-CEC) during 2007-2008. Kathleen has worked with school districts and the SC Department of Exceptional Children closely for over 20 years by providing consulting and in-service programs, contributing to grant-writing, and participating in numerous state task forces and advisory committees on certification, assessment, and evidence-based practices.
Certified Athletic Trainer and Accredited Clinical Instructor
Shelley McDaniel is a Certified Athletic Trainer and an Accredited Clinical Instructor of Athletic Training. She has served as Head Athletic Trainer for Intramural Sports at the University of Alabama as well as Primary Athletic Trainer to other UA organizations. She has worked as an athletic trainer in several physical therapy clinics and most recently was a clinical assistant for Elite Sports Medicine in Nashville, TN. Shelley served as an Accredited Clinical Instructor with the University of Alabama Athletic Training Education Program 2009-2010, where she worked as clinical instructor at a clinical site for students in the program and assisted in the clinical proficiency labs. Shelley obtained a Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training from the University of Alabama in 2004 and a Master of Science in Exercise Science from the University of South Alabama in 2006. She holds certifications from NATABOC and Tennessee Athletic Training Licensure and is American Heart Association Healthcare CPR certified.
Athletic Training Education, Military Athletic Training, Clinical Education RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative Methodology and Mixed Methods BIOGRAPHY
Jim Mensch is a clinical associate professor and area-head for athletic training education programs. Dr. Mensch has been the PI on several largescale Department of Defense grants where athletic trainers were implemented into Army Basic Combat Training and Solider injuries were identified and tracked throughout the 10 weeks of training. In addition, Dr. Mensch has extensive experience in directing outreach programs where College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
certified athletic trainers are integrated into a variety of clinical sites, including secondary schools, colleges, orthopedic offices, campus recreation, and the US Army. Over the past eight years he has directed the USC Athletic Training Outreach Program, securing more than 3 million dollars in service contracts and over 2 million dollars in federal research grants as a Primary Investigator. He has published in the areas of athletic training/sports medicine and implementing appropriate standards of medical practice in athletics and written a text book on Psychosocial Issues in athletic training. Dr. Mensch has also presented at National and International Sports Medicine conferences on athletic training outreach programs and currently serves as the Director of Athletic Training for the Institute for Western Surgery in Shanghai, China.
Critical Early Literacy; Home and Communities Literacies; Race and Racism in Early Childhood RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative Research; Whiteness Studies BIOGRAPHY
Erin T. Miller, MAT, PhD Candidate (ABD) is a Clinical Instructor in the College of Education’s Early Childhood Program. She holds a MAT in Early Childhood Education and is a doctoral candidate in the College of Education’s Language and Literacy program. Ms. Miller is a National Board Certified teacher with classroom teaching experience in primary grades. She is also a former Reading Recovery teacher. Ms. Miller’s research interests center around the development of racial concepts among young children, critical race theory, and teacher education. Her current dissertation research examines how young white children construct understandings of race in home and community environments. She is the Affirmative Action chair of the National Council of English (NCTE) Early Childhood Assembly and has articles published in Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, Action in Teacher Education, Early Childhood Education Journal, and School Talk. She is also a co-author of a book entitled Tensions and Triumphs in the Early Years of Teaching.
Literacy and Inquiry-Based Instruction RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Collaborative and Teacher Research using Qualitative Methods BIOGRAPHY
Dr. Heidi Mills is an endowed professor in the Department of Instruction and Teacher Education at the University of South Carolina. As Hungerpiller Professor she also serves as the Curriculum and Development Specialist at the Center for Inquiry, a magnet program and university-public school partnership in Richland School District Two. She has published six books from leading publishers in education and numerous articles in refereed College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
journals featuring her collaborative research with classroom teachers as well as a professional development videotape series. Dr. Mills’ research interests include the role of inquiry in literacy and learning as well as ongoing professional development through university-school partnerships. She also supports the work of classroom teachers across the state and country as a school-based consultant.
Murray Mitchell AREA EXPERTISE
Physical Education Teacher Education, Socialization, Program Assessment RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative and Mixed Methods BIOGRAPHY
Dr. Murray Mitchell, Associate Dean for the Graduate School, has been in the Department of Physical Education and Athletic Training in the College of Education at USC since 1994 where he has served as Professor, Department Chair and Graduate Director. He earned his Bachelor of Education from the University of Victoria, a Master of Physical Education from the University of British Columbia, and a Ph.D. from The Ohio State University. In addition to publishing in top peer-reviewed journals and presenting at major conferences in his field, he has also been invited to present his work on teacher education and program assessment in Korea, the United Arab Emirates and Colombia, South America. Mitchell has also served as a guest reviewer and as a member of numerous editorial boards for national and international publications, and as a reviewer of research papers for many national conferences. He teaches at the undergraduate, masters and doctoral level within the department and has chaired seven dissertations.
Policy research, program evaluation RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Quantitative and qualitative methodology BIOGRAPHY
Diane M. Monrad is the Director of the South Carolina Educational Policy Center (SCEPC) in the College of Education at USC-Columbia and an Associate Research Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policies. Dr. Monrad has extensive research experience in program evaluation, educational policy analysis, and assessment of K-12 educational reform programs. She is currently a principal investigator for the evaluation of Richland School District Two’s International Baccalaureate magnet program, the evaluation of a state summer reading project, and two research projects to develop 4-year school climate profiles for low-performing schools in SC. She was principal investigator on the evaluation of SC’s Reading First program and conducted studies on summer reading loss, the state’s gifted and talented program, gap-closing schools, summer school programs, the SC
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Teacher Loan Program, and SC’s teacher specialist program. Dr. Monrad has co-authored over 50 reports or publications related to these research studies, and SCEPC’s work has been presented at 16 regional or national conferences for a variety of educational organizations. As Director of the SCEPC, Dr. Monrad has managed more than 27 contracts with a total cost of $5 million dollars.
Developmental sport psychology, mental preparation routines, biological and psychological factors involved in talent identification with an emphasis on aesthetic sport athletes RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Quantitative, multivariate regression BIOGRAPHY
Eva Monsma is an associate professor in the area of developmental foundations. Her expertise focuses on components of mental practice routines such as imagery, anxiety management, goal setting and attention shifting. She has taught sport psychology, coaching and growth and motor development courses at USC for 14 years. Her consulting work with athletes, performing artists and medical professionals is enhanced by many of her research accomplishments including over 25 data based publications, 15 book chapters and applied papers.
Educational Psychology, Affective Sciences, Information Technology RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Experimental and Quantitative BIOGRAPHY
William Morris is a clinical instructor in the Educational Psychology track of the Educational Psychology and Research Program. He comes to the program from a previous career in information technology as a training and support specialist for University Technology Services at USC, and most recently as the Director of Information Technology and academic advisor for the South Carolina Honors College. His educational interests involve the intersection of cognitive and affective elements of the learning process, both psychological and biological. William Morris’ current research focuses on the psychological construct of Value, its affective and evolutionary properties, and how those properties influence cognitive processes.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Educational inequality, social justice, sub-Saharan Africa RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Quantitative Methods, Policy analysis BIOGRAPHY
Peter Moyi is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policies. He completed a PhD at Pennsylvania State University in 2006 before accepting the Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in Education and Social Justice at Amherst College. His research is focused on the causes, consequences, and possible solutions to educational inequality. The main areas of focus include: school entry and completion, school leadership, and conflict and emergencies. He was hired under the Faculty Excellence Initiative (FEI), a program that aims to make the University of South Carolina a leader in higher education by recruiting faculty with extensive skills in teaching and research. Peter Moyi consults with international agencies like UNESCO, Aga Khan Foundation, and Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) in the area of educational development in sub-Saharan Africa. He has worked in public education as a teacher, administrator, and professor for over fifteen years.
Constructivist theory and pedagogy, observational techniques, and pre service teacher preparation RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative Methodology BIOGRAPHY
Dr. Meir Muller has earned rabbinical ordination as well as a doctorate in philosophy in the area of early childhood education from the University of South Carolina. Dr. Muller serves as the principal of the Columbia Jewish Day School and holds the position of clinical assistant professor in the College of Education at the University of South Carolina. Dr. Muller is a past recipient of the Scholastic early childhood educator of the year and served on the Council for NAEYC Accreditation. His research interests include constructivist theory and pedagogy. Dr. Muller has lectured across America and recently delivered a paper in Israel for the International Research Group on Jewish Education in the Early Years.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Athletic Training /Sports Medicine, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Performance Enhancement Specialist RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Athletic Training /Sports Medicine BIOGRAPHY
Paul Murata is entering his first year as an instructor as well as the first season as the primary athletic trainer for the Gamecocks women's basketball program. Murata completed both his undergraduate and graduate degrees at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. His master's thesis dealt with sudden cardiac death and the significance of the Myocardial Performance Index in Collegiate Athletics. Prior to arriving to Columbia, Murata held a similar position for four years at the University of Virginia. Before that he spent four years as an Assistant Athletic Trainer at Temple University, two years as a Lecturer/Head Athletic Trainer at Lincoln University (PA) and two years as the Head Athletic Trainer at Lower Merion High School (PA). At Lincoln University, in addition to his everyday health care duties, Murata also taught six different classes in the Kinesiology Department (Intro to Health and Wellness, Biomechanics, Intro to Kinesiology, Functional Anatomy and Physiology, Exercise Physiology, and Emergency First Aid/CPR). A SC state certified Athletic Trainer, Murata is a member of the National Athletic Trainers Association, NATA Ethnic Diversity Advisory Committee, College Athletic Trainer Society, and National Academy of Sports Medicine. He is also an American Red Cross First Aid CPR/AED instructor.
Physical Activity Instructional Leadership, mentoring, supervision, program development, and support RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Physical Activity instruction and motivational strategies for exercise adherence BIOGRAPHY
Gary is the coordinator of the Physical Activity Program in the Department of Physical Education and Athletic Training serving approximately 4,000 students per year, employing 55+ instructors and teaching over 35 different classes with 120 sections. The program seeks to educate and inspire young adults at USC to discover and embrace healthy lifestyle changes that will improve their quality of life. Gary’s work in the area of physical activity instructional supervision spans the past 12 years, seven at the University of Florida. Prior to moving into program management and development, he was a professional athlete in the Baltimore Orioles organization, college baseball coach, and physical education instructor at several colleges and universities across the southeast. He has worked in an upper academic capacity throughout the last 27 years. He is married and the father of five outstanding boys.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Self-perceptions and academic achievement among English Language Learners; school connectedness and emotional engagement at school RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Quantitative methodology; structural equation modeling; hierarchical linear modeling BIOGRAPHY
Kate Niehaus is an assistant professor in the Educational Psychology, Research, and Foundations program in the Department of Educational Studies at the University of South Carolina. She earned her Ph.D. in educational psychology, measurement, and evaluation from the University of Louisville in 2012. Her primary research interests involve: (a) the academic achievement, self-perceptions, and social-emotional wellbeing of English Language Learners and Latino students, and (b) the role of school support and students’ feelings of school connectedness in predicting academic and behavioral outcomes. She has taught both undergraduate and graduate-level courses in educational psychology, human development, and learning.
Lynda Nilges-Charles AREA EXPERTISE
Elementary school physical education; movement education; history and philosophy of physical education and sport; effective teaching in physical education
Social Theory related to the study of diversity and equity issues in sport and physical education; qualitative research; alternative forms of representation in writing qualitative research
Lynda Nilges-Charles is an associate professor and the Department Chairperson of the Department of Physical Education and Athletic Training. Her professional publications center broadly on the application of social theory, in particular feminism, postmodernism, phenomenology and constructivism, to the study of sport and physical activity. She has a special interest in the history and philosophy of sport and equity issues in sport and physical education. She has been involved with education as a public school teacher, gymnastics coach and university professor for more than 19 years. She engages in a physically active lifestyle with a love for yoga, road cycling and running.
Victoria A. Oglan AREA EXPERTISE
Adolescent literacy, secondary English methodology, disciplinary literacy RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative Methodology and Mixed Methods BIOGRAPHY
Victoria Oglan is a Clinical Assistant Professor in English Education and Language and Literacy at the University of South Carolina. She taught English in Canada for 31 years, retired and joined the USC faculty in 2003. She teaches graduate classes in secondary English methodology, teacher College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
research and content literacy and conducts workshops and presentations on a variety of topics related to secondary education. She is the Co-Director of the Midlands Writing Project (MWP), Co-Director of Project RAISSE (Reading Assistance Initiative for Secondary School Educators), Director of the USC Accreditation Team for SCISA (South Carolina Independent School Association), Board of Directors member for the Writing Improvement Network (WIN), and has served as a member of the South Carolina Reading Initiative (SCRI) Teaching Team working with middle school literacy coaches. Her areas of research interest include: adolescent literacy, the impact of technology on teaching/learning, high school reading/ writing workshop; figurative language production in adolescent writers; and content literacy.
Physical Education Teacher Education RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Acute Exercise and Executive Function BIOGRAPHY
Dave Phillips is originally from Swindon, England. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Physical Education (1991) from the University of Greenwich in London and then taught K-12 PE for 18 years in both England and in Florida. He also coached soccer professionally, and worked as the Head Coach for the Great Britain U16 National Baseball team. Dave graduated from Florida State University with an M.S in Physical Education (2007), and from the University of Utah with a PhD in Exercise and Sport Science (2012), where he was also employed as the Coordinator of the PETE program. Here at the University of South Carolina, Dave is an assistant professor in the Department of Physical Education and Athletic Training, teaching mainly methodology classes for Elementary Physical Education. Dave has presented at local, state and national level and has received national recognition for his research. He is married, with two daughters and a dog called Eddie.
Equity and Access in higher education RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative methods, critical race theory, Black males and the educational pipeline BIOGRAPHY
C. Spencer Platt, Ph.D. is an assistant professor of higher education administration. His research is centered on three themes: 1) The experience of Black male college students in predominantly White colleges and universities; 2) Community, university and school partnerships; and 3) A critical examination on issues of law, race, gender and class in higher education. Platt holds a Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin, a B.A. in Psychology from the University of South Carolina and a M.S. in Education and Allied Professions from the University of Dayton. College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Anthony Plotner AREA EXPERTISE
Intellectual Disabilities, Secondary Transition, Postsecondary Education Supported RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative, Single-case Research Design, Mixed Methods BIOGRAPHY
Dr. Anthony (Tony) Plotner is an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Studies in the College of Education. He received his Ph.D. in Special Education from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2009. Plotner arrived at the University of South Carolina in fall 2010, after completing a postdoctoral research fellowship funded through the U.S. Department of Education (Secondary Curriculum and Research Outcomes.) Since arriving at USC, Plotner has established a research program aimed at understanding the high school and college experiences of students with intellectual disabilities, with an emphasis on the transition from high-school to work and postsecondary education. Recently, he received a University grant to examine an intervention that teaches students to plan their own futures utilizing self-determination strategies (Examining Self-determination in college students with intellectual disabilities.) Additionally, in the fall of 2010, Plotner was awarded one of seven $1 million-plus federal grants ($1,125,000) from the Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs to provide advanced training to graduate students in the area of secondary transition services. In addition to his teaching and research endeavors, Plotner is the principal investigator and director of CarolinaLIFE (Learning Is For Everyone), a nationally recognized postsecondary education program for students with intellectual disabilities. In this role, he mentors and supervises a dozen graduate assistants who provide academic, vocational, social, and daily living instructions to college students with intellectual disabilities. Through this mentoring, he assists the students in refining their instructional methods and providing enhanced services through focused activities. Dr. Plotner's research has been published in several peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Rehabilitation, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, the Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, and the Journal of Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education. He has also authored several book chapters and encyclopedia entries.
Beth Powers-Costello AREA EXPERTISE
Early Childhood Education, Culturally Relevant Pedagogy, Curriculum, Teacher Education RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Culturally Relevant Pedagogy, Equity, Teaching & Teacher Education, Qualitative Methodology BIOGRAPHY
Dr. Beth Powers-Costello is an Assistant Professor of Instruction and Teacher Education in Early Childhood Education at the University of South Carolina. College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
She is also affiliate faculty in Curriculum Studies and Women’s and Gender Studies at USC. Her current research is focused on equity methodologies in public school settings and other educational contexts. In particular, she is interested in how to transform teaching and teacher education to better serve historically-marginalized children and families. Dr. Powers-Costello holds a PhD in Education with an emphasis in Culture, Curriculum, & Change from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a Masters of Education in Elementary and Early Childhood Education from Antioch New England University, and a Masters of Education in Reading from Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania.
Instructional technology, special education
Susan Quinn is a clinical faculty member in the Programs in Special Education and in the Educational Technology Program. She is also the director of the Instructional Support office and the facilities liaison for the College of Education. Susan teaches an introduction to special education course and an introduction to technology tools course as her schedule permits. Prior to coming to the University of South Carolina, she worked as a research associate at Vanderbilt University and as a special education teacher in K-12 schools.
College Student Development, Qualitative Research
Dr. Julie Rotholz is a clinical assistant professor in the Higher Education and Student Affairs program in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policies. She currently teaches courses on student development theory, ethics, diversity, and research paradigms. Her current interests include holistic college student development and ascertaining peer and cultural influences on college students’ sexual identity development. She has published articles on the college transition experience as well as a book on professional development. Dr. Rotholz also currently serves as the codirector of the Higher Education Business Administration program with the College of Education and the Moore School of Business.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Susan L. Schramm-Pate AREA EXPERTISE
Educational administration; curriculum studies/history; cultural studies; integrated curriculum development, gender studies, and critical theory RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative methods/case studies BIOGRAPHY
Susan Schramm-Pate, Ph.D. is associate professor in the College of Education. Her research focus is on southern cultural studies and diversity in schooling and is framed by hybridity theory and critical theory. Currently, she is studying the development and integration of school-based critical multicultural social studies curriculum and civil rights pedagogy. Dr. Schramm-Pate teaches courses on curriculum history, curriculum theory, curriculum development, gender and sexual orientation studies, and leadership for curricular change. She was formerly the Director of the GEARUP grant in Marion County, SC. Her books include: Grappling with Diversity: Readings on Civil Rights Pedagogy and Critical Multiculturalism (co-author with Rhonda Jeffries, SUNY Press, 2008); A Separate Sisterhood: Women Who Shaped Southern Education in the Progressive Era (co-author with Katherine Reynolds Chaddock, Peter Lang, 2002); and Transforming the Curriculum: Thinking Outside the Box (Rowman & Littlefield, 2002). She is the author of numerous articles and book chapters regarding curriculum and serves as a faculty affiliate with the USC Women and Gender Studies (WGST) program. A former Ohio public school visual art teacher, SchrammPate is a graduate of Miami University’s (Oxford, OH) doctoral program in Educational Administration with a focus on Curriculum Studies. She also holds a M.Ed. in Art Education and a B.F.A. in photography from the University of Cincinnati’s College of Design, Art, Architecture, & Planning (DAAP).
Michael A. Seaman AREA EXPERTISE
Educational Research & Statistics RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Quantitative methods; Nonparametric statistics; Experimental Design BIOGRAPHY
Michael A. Seaman is Associate Professor of Educational Research and Associate Dean for Administration and Research in the College of Education at the University of South Carolina, where he also served as Chair of the Department of Educational Studies. He is founder of the College of Education’s Office of Program Evaluation. Dr. Seaman earned his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1990. His writings have appeared in prominent quantitative journals in the behavioral sciences, such as Psychological Bulletin, Psychological Methods, Communications in Statistics, and Educational and Psychological Measurement. Dr. Seaman has served as program chair for the quantitative methods area of Section D of the American Educational Research Association and is a past president of the Educational Statisticians Special Interest Group. He has been principal College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
investigator on many funded projects with funding from the National Science Foundation and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Jeremy R. Searson AREA EXPERTISE
Athletic Training and Instructional Technology RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Concern Based Adoption Model (CBAM), Applications of Instructional Technology, Recreational Athletic Training BIOGRAPHY
Jeremy R. Searson, Ph.D. was named Clinical Coordinator for The University of South Carolina’s Athletic Training Education Program in August 2009. Prior to coming to USC, Dr. Searson spent four years working as the Director of Sports Medicine for Champion Sports Medicine in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. A 2002, graduate of Baldwin-Wallace College (Ohio), Dr. Searson majored in Athletic Training and Fitness Management as an undergraduate. He earned his master’s degree in Exercise Science from Syracuse University in 2004 and completed his doctoral degree at the University of Alabama in the summer of 2012. He has also collected experience while working with the sports medicine staffs of The Cleveland Browns and The New York Jets. His resume also includes consulting work for athletic training related ventures and electronic health record projects for the NBA and NFL. A certified member of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA), Mid-Atlantic Athletic Trainers’ Association (MAATA), and the South Carolina Athletic Trainers’ Association (SCATA), Dr. Searson has participated in leadership roles and been engaged with scholarship. Dr. Searson’s research interest includes the application of instructional technologies in educational environments. He also investigates the role and utilization of athletic trainers in recreational settings.
International and Comparative Education; Sociology of Education; Gender, Development, and Education RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative Methods: Ethnographic and Participatory Research BIOGRAPHY
Payal Shah is an Assistant Professor of Social Foundations of Education. She joined the Department of Educational Studies and College of Education after completing her Ph.D. at Indiana University, Bloomington. Her primary research interests include girls’ education, international development and education policy, and ethnographic methods, with geographical expertise in South Asia. Payal’s current projects include methodological and empowerment, gender and education related articles and a co-edited book on Girls’ Education in India and China. She is also revising her dissertation an ethnographic analysis of a rural, public, primary education residential girls’ school - into a book manuscript. Payal has published in a variety of journals across the fields of research methods, sociology of education, and College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
international and comparative education. Her research has been funded by the Fulbright Program and Spencer Foundation. She teaches courses on qualitative research methodology, sociology of education, and international and comparative education. Payal is an active member of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), and The Association for Asian Studies (AAS).
Kimberly P. Smoak AREA EXPERTISE
Secondary social studies education
Kim Smoak, MAT is a clinical faculty member in the secondary education program within the Department of Instruction and Teacher Education. Prior to joining the USC faculty in January, 2007, Kim taught high school social studies for twelve years. Kim's roles within the secondary education program include advisement, teaching and intern supervision. In addition to her work in the secondary education program, Kim serves as the USC-Columbia campus director for SC Teaching Fellows. This program serves to recruit promising high school seniors from South Carolina into the teaching profession. Kim's responsibilities in this role include introducing all incoming Teaching Fellows to USC in University 101, as well as serving as the liaison between Teaching Fellows at USC-Columbia and the Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention and Advancement (CERRA).
Reading and language arts teaching methods, language acquisition, writing instruction RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative Methodology and Mixed Methods BIOGRAPHY
Lucy K. Spence received her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from Arizona State University in 2006. Seventeen years teaching children in a predominately Spanish-speaking community formed the foundation for her research on linguistically diverse student writing. She has developed Generous Reading, a method of looking closely at student writing in order to notice the strengths and unique aspects of student writing. Teachers use this formative assessment to design instruction for individual students. She has published articles on this work in English in Education and The Reading Teacher. Her research on English learners has been published in TESOL Journal, The Bilingual Research Journal, and other peer-reviewed journals. She teaches literacy courses at the undergraduate and graduate level in the Department of Instruction and Teacher Education.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Diane L. Stephens AREA EXPERTISE
Reading assessment and instruction, Response to Intervention, teacher professional RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative case study research BIOGRAPHY
Diane Stephens, Ph.D, is the Swearingen Chair of Education in the College of Education. Her research interests include reading instruction and assessment, and teacher as learners. She has studied assessment and decision-making within districts, the classroom practices of Reading Recovery teachers-in-training, a statewide initiative to improve literacy instruction across South Carolina and the impact of literacy coaches and of literacy interventionists. Dr. Stephens is currently editing a book about Response to Intervention, a federal initiative designed to provide appropriate and supplemental instruction to below-grade level readers in order to accelerate their progress so they achieve at grade level rather than be referred to special education. She also has an article in press about this topic. Dr. Stephens is the author of several books, including What Matters: A Primer for Teaching Reading (Heinemann, 1990), Assessment as Inquiry (National Council of Teachers of English, 1999), and the forthcoming, The Marriage of Reading Assessment and Instruction: Stories from Artful Teachers (National Council of Teachers of English, 2012) and has published articles in journals such as English Education, Journal of Literacy Research, Language Arts, Reading Research Quarterly, Reading Teacher and Research in the Teaching of English. Dr. Stephens is planning two small studies next year – one about the impact of children’s reading theories on their reading progress and another on the impact of teacher talk as inquiry-focused conversations. She is also in contact with local school districts. Dr. Stephens would like to collaborate on a multi-year project designed to turn-around an elementary school using the recommendations recently made by the South Carolina Reading Achievement Systemic Initiative panel. Dr. Stephens received her Ph.D. from Indiana University.
Applied behavior analysis, alternative instructional designs, prelinguistic communication development RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Single-subject research designs and analysis, experimental and quasiexperimental research designs/methods BIOGRAPHY
Les Sternberg is currently Special Advisor to the Provost and Director of the USC Coordinating Office for Community Engagement and Service. Prior to these appointments, he served for 11 years as Dean of the College of Education at the University of South Carolina and Professor in the Department of Educational Studies. From 1994 to 2000, Les served as Dean of the College of Education and Human Development and Professor in the Department of Intervention Studies at Bowling Green State University. Les graduated Phi Beta Kappa with a magna cum laude degree in psychology, completed a Master’s Degree in special education, and received a Ph.D. in College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
educational psychology, all from the University of Connecticut. Dr. Sternberg’s major teaching and research interests involve services for children with severe to profound disabilities. His predominant areas of expertise involve behavior management, alternative instructional designs, and communication facilitation for children who have never been able to communicate in any fashion. He has authored or co-authored numerous textbooks, curricular programs, and journal articles, and has been principal or co-principal investigator of various federal and state grants. He has been a frequent speaker at professional meetings and has made well over 100 formal presentations for national organizations, state departments, and other universities. However, he will tell you that he considers his time spent with children with profound disabilities and their parents and teachers as more rewarding and impactful than any of his published products or speeches that he has made.
International and Comparative Education, Civic education, Holocaust education, Education Policy RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative Methodology BIOGRAPHY
Doyle Stevick is a Fulbright scholar, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policies, and Director of the Office of International and Comparative Education. He has published books on civic education around the world and American influence on education and democratization at home and abroad. More recently, he has co-edited two special issues of UNESCO’s journal Prospects, which focused upon Holocaust education around the world, and was invited to co-edit a book on the subject for UNESCO as well. He will be a visiting scholar at the Anne Frank House during summer, 2012. His current research involves international teacher exchanges, an area in which South Carolina is a national leader.
Mary E. Styslinger AREA EXPERTISE
Adolescent English; language arts and literature; literacy RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative methodology and mixed methods BIOGRAPHY
Dr. Mary E. Styslinger received her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in Adolescent Literacy from Kent State University in 2000. She is an Associate Professor of English education in the Department of Instruction and Teacher Education at the University of South Carolina. She was director of Project RAISSE and a teaching team member with the South Carolina Reading Initiative for middle and high School. She currently directs the Midlands Writing Project. She has published articles in English Journal, Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, Voices from the Middle, Reading
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Research and Instruction, and Language Arts. Current research interests include the intersection of literacy with English education.
Stephen L. Thompson AREA EXPERTISE
Science and engineering education, visual data, interconnected plant processes, teacher professional development RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Mixed methods BIOGRAPHY
Stephen Thompson is an Associate Professor of Science Education within the Instruction and Teacher Education Department. For over a decade, Dr. Thompson's scholarship, teaching and service has focused on STEM education, science teacher professional development, and work in low performing K-12 schools. Dr. Thompson is the author of over 20 articles focused on related topics. He has provided leadership (PI) on grant funded projects totaling more than $5,000,000 and acted as co-investigator (Co-PI) on grant funded projects totaling more than $10,000,000. Additionally, Dr. Thompson has presented nationally on issues related to science teaching and learning.
Toni Torres-McGehee AREA EXPERTISE
Graduate Director for Athletic Training Education Program & Mentoring Undergraduate & Graduate Athletic Training Students RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Eating Disorders/Disordered Eating & Body Image, Sport Nutrition, Heat & Hydration BIOGRAPHY
Toni M Torres-McGehee, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Education & Athletic Training and is the Graduate Director for the Athletic Training Education Program. Dr. Torres-McGehee’s research interests include eating disorders, body image, sport nutrition, and prevention programs for collegiate dancers and athletes. She has publications in the Journal of Athletic Training, Research Quarterly, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, and Perceptual Motor Skills. She also serves a CO-Investigator for a funded project from the Department of Defense titled “Soldier Health Promotion to Examine and Reduce Health Disparities (SHPERHD)”. She has been working with the Athletic Department’s Performance, Health, & Wellness Team for the past five years and is currently the liaison for the National Athletic Trainer’s Association for the Female Athlete Triad Collation. Dr. Torres-McGehee has mentored numerous graduate students on research and serves as a faculty chair to several Magellan Undergraduate Research Scholars.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Irma Van Scoy AREA EXPERTISE Accreditation, Teacher Education, School-University-Partnerships, Early Childhood Development and Curriculum
BIOGRAPHY Irma J. Van Scoy is the Executive Director of USC Connect, a university-wide initiative to enhance education through integrative learning. Prior to this appointment to the Office of the Provost, Dr. Van Scoy served as Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs of the College of Education for 11 years and as faculty member in the Department of Instruction and Teacher Education for over 20 years. Her publications and leadership roles have focused on early childhood education, teacher education, school-university collaboration, and accreditation. She has 26 published articles, 25 invited presentations/keynotes, and over 50 refereed papers. Her graduate degrees are from Syracuse University
David C. Virtue AREA EXPERTISE Middle level education, social studies, curriculum development, comparative & international education RESEARCH EXPERTISE Qualitative case study, ethnography BIOGRAPHY David C. Virtue is associate professor of middle level and social studies education in the Department of Instruction and Teacher Education at the University of South Carolina. His areas of scholarly interest include social studies instruction, comparative and international education, and middle level teacher education and certification policy. His recent publications have appeared in Middle Grades Research Journal, Research in Middle Level Education Online, Middle School Journal, The Clearing House, The Social Studies, Journal of Social Studies Research, and Social Studies and the Young Learner. Dr. Virtue has contributed to numerous edited volumes, including Surviving the Storm: Creating Opportunities for Learning in Response to Hurricane Katrina, An International Look at Educating Young Adolescents, The Young Adolescent in the Middle School, and The Encyclopedia of Educational Reform and Dissent. Dr. Virtue currently serves as editor of Middle School Journal, a publication of the Association for Middle Level Education, and he is the recipient of a 2010-2011 Fulbright Award to Norway, where he served as a “roving scholar” visiting ungdomsskoler (lower secondary schools) throughout the country.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Kenneth E. Vogler AREA EXPERTISE
Social studies education, testing and accountability, verbal questioning RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Quantitative methods BIOGRAPHY
Kenneth E. Vogler (Ed.D., University of Massachusetts Lowell) is an associate professor in the Department of Instruction and Teacher Education at the University of South Carolina, where he teaches courses in elementary social studies methods and supervises student teachers. His research interests include the impact of high-stakes testing on teachers and students, social studies education, and teachers’ use of verbal questioning. He has written successful grant proposals totaling over seven million dollars. Also, his research has been published in journals such as College Teaching, Education, Educational Assessment, Educational Leadership, Journal of Social Studies Research, Phi Delta Kappa, Research in the Schools, Social Studies and the Young Learner, The Clearing House, and The Social Studies.
Leadership in P-20; Males in Early Education; Educational Outcomes; Organizational Behavior; International Leadership in Higher Education
Examining educational and public organizations and how their structures, practices, leaders, and policies affect learning, development, and outcomes of individuals and communities, especially historically underrepresented groups; Examining through critical theory and policy analysis, the impact that sociopolitical and sociocultural factors have on organizations and their agents, constituents, resources, communities, and operations.
Lemuel W. Watson is Dean of the College of Education at the University of South Carolina and Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policies. He also has a joint appointment in the African American Studies Program in the College of Arts and Science. His career spans across various divisions in educational organizations as a teacher, faculty member, policy analyst, and administrator. His international experiences include a U.S. Embassy Policy Specialist (EPS) Fellowship and a Fulbright. He has been a Senior Research Fellow at the C. Houston Center at Clemson University and Research Fellow at the Institute for Southern Studies at University of South Carolina. He has written articles, books, and served as editor for several volumes related to organizational behavior, educational leadership and administration, human development, public policy, K-12 issues, and higher education. Dr. Watson is a Certified Master Coach by the Behavioral Coaching Institute of Sydney, Australia and a Certified Trainer through the Center for Entrepreneurial Resources at Ball State University at Muncie, Indiana. In addition, he is a Certified Systems Engineer by Electronic Data Systems Corporation (EDS) of Plano, Texas. He serves on the Board of Examiners for the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Early Care and Education (Birth to 3) RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Early Care and Education Workforce Development BIOGRAPHY
Kerrie L. Welsh is the director of South Carolina’s Infant/Toddler Specialist Network at the University of South Carolina’s Child Development Research Center (CDRC). She established the South Carolina Program for Infant/Toddler Care Network (SCPITC Network) in 2006 with the support of the SC Department of Social Services. Prior to her work in South Carolina, Ms. Welsh was part of WestEd’s Program for Infant/Toddler Care in California, serving on the California Infant/Toddler Specialist Network and the Research and Evaluation team. Since embarking on her work in South Carolina Ms. Welsh has been a leader in the state’s infant/toddler quality child care initiatives including multiple cross state collaborations that have resulted in the adoption of South Carolina’s Infant/Toddler Guidelines and the creation of the South Carolina Infant/Toddler Field Guide. Ms. Welsh has her B.A. in Sociology from Cal State, East Bay and her M.A. in Early Childhood Education with an emphasis in Public Policy from San Francisco State University.
Elizabeth L. White AREA EXPERTISE
Elementary Education, Literacy
Elizabeth White is program coordinator for Elementary Education. This includes both the Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in Teaching programs. Before coming to the University of South Carolina she served as a Literacy Coach, a middle school teacher and a gifted education teacher for a school that was a model middle school for the state of SC. She teaches a course online for ETV that is funded by the Commission on Higher Education. White also consults with schools and churches in the areas of reading, writing, coaching and mentoring. Her work has also led her to provide professional development for the Palmetto Unified School District through Title I. She has been working in public education as a teacher and instructor for over 22 years.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Middle level education, Culturally Relevant Pedagogy, African American Males, Teacher Education. RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Qualitative methodology, Life history BIOGRAPHY
Dr. Toni Milton Williams received her doctorate in Teacher Education from the University of North Carolina Greensboro in May 2011. There she supervised student interns and instructed teacher education seminars required for middle grades teacher education candidates in their junior and senior years. She has designed and implemented innovative and integrated language arts and social studies lessons for students at different learning levels. Assessing student learning and creating meaningful authentic learning for students of all ethnicities is Dr. Williams’ priority in teaching. Her research interests include life histories of middle school teachers and literate lives of African American boys. Moreover she is interested in issues of social justice and diversity in education. She has presented at national and local conferences with an emphasis on Critical Race Theory, multicultural children’s literature and community mentoring in academia. Dr. Williams earned her Bachelor of Arts in Communication from Peace College in Raleigh, NC and a Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of North Carolina Greensboro.
Mentoring, Induction, Coaching, Teacher Leadership
Linda (Cookie) Winburn is the Early Childhood and Elementary Clinical Experiences Coordinator in the Office of School-University Partnerships and Clinical Experiences in the College of Education. She was a classroom teacher for 22 years and served as a lead instructional coach for six years, working with induction and veteran teachers. Her last 23 years in public school education were in Richland Two. She was the 2005 South Carolina Teacher of the Year, traveling the state speaking at conferences, leading workshops, and fulfilling various other responsibilities as the teacher representative for SC educators. She has three articles published on teacher education and professional development. She leads professional development workshops on such topics as teacher leadership, mentoring, differentiated instruction, management, and engaging strategies. She is a certified SC Mentor trainer, serves on various state-wide committees, and continues to support CERRA’s work with the Teacher of the Year program and Teacher Cadets. She is a past president of South Carolina ASCD, serves as a SC representative on the Leadership Council for ASCD worldwide, and
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
continues to serve on the SC ASCD board, planning conferences and leading Whole Child seminars.
Cheryl A. Wissick AREA EXPERTISE
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, Instructional Technology, Web Tools for instruction, Universal Design for Learning RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Single Subject BIOGRAPHY
Cheryl Wissick is an associate professor in educational technology and special education. With a particular emphasis on the integration of technology for teaching students and Universal Design for Learning, she has authored book chapters and articles in refereed special education journals. She teaches graduate-level courses in instructional systems design, assistive technology and accessible web. Wissick also consults with local schools, the Federation of Families and the South Carolina Collaboration for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. She started her career 25 years ago as a special educator teaching for students with learning disabilities.
Thermoregulation and Hydration Behaviors in Active Populations RESEARCH EXPERTISE
Experimental Field and Lab Research BIOGRAPHY
Susan Yeargin is an assistant professor of Athletic Training. She serves on NATA’s Pronouncement’s and Free Communications Committees. She was a task force member and author of the Pre-Season Heat-Acclimatization Guidelines for Secondary School Athletics. She also serves as an expert for the Korey Stringer Institute’s Medical Board and Panel. She has 10 years of experience conducting research, 24 peer-reviewed publications in the content area, and over 20 professional presentations at the local, national, and international level on thermoregulation and hydration behaviors. Past studies include hydration status measurements, hydration behaviors of children and adolescents, heat acclimatization of youth, precooling ergogenic aids, cooling for heat illness treatment, core body temperature validity, and thermoregulation in exercising individuals. She has clinical experience with national cross country and marathon competitions as well as Division I collegiate sports. She has been a professor for five years teaching both undergraduate and graduate Athletic Training courses such as Sudden Death in Sport and Orthopedic Evaluation.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Legal issues in special education, educating students with emotional and behavioral disorders, educating students with learning disabilities, monitoring student progress, school wide positive behavior support, classroom management.
General quantitative methods, general single subject design
Mitchell Yell is professor of special education and the Fred and Francis Lester Chair of Teacher Education. Dr. Yell has written four textbooks that are in either their second or third edition. He also has another book in press. He has written 88 articles that have been published in the top peer-reviewed journals in his field. He has also published 18 chapters and 16 encyclopedia entries. Dr. Yell has also been very successful in writing for external funding. He has been awarded federal grants totaling over 10 million dollars. Dr. Yell has been at the University of South Carolina for 20 years. Prior to coming to USC he was a public school special education teacher in Minnesota for 16 years.
I. Phillip Young AREA EXPERTISE Human Resource Management in public schools RESEARCH EXPERTISE Quantitative methodology BIOGRAPHY I. Phillip Young was recently appointed as professor and chair for the Department of Educational Leadership and Policies. His research area is human resource management in the public school setting with a particular interest in selection, recruitment, and compensation. He has held administrative and professorships at the University of California-Davis (Director of Joint Doctoral Program involving four Universities and Level IX Professor), The Ohio State University (Coordinator of Educational Administration Program and William and Marie Flesher Professor of Educational Administration), and the University of Wisconsin/Madison (Director of Student Admission for Educational Administration Department and joint appointment with Industrial Relations Research Institute). Across his employment in these universities he has published over 80 journal articles and has two books in print (Human Resource Function in Educational Administration and The 2011 Study of the American School Superintendency).
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise
Jan A. Yow AREA EXPERTISE Mathematics Education, Secondary Education, Teacher Leadership RESEARCH EXPERTISE Mathematics Education and Teacher Leadership BIOGRAPHY Jan A. Yow, PhD, NBCT. Dr. Yow is an assistant professor of secondary mathematics in the College of Education. She received her master’s degree from Harvard University and her doctoral degree from the University of North Carolina. She is a National Board Certified teacher in Adolescence and Young Adulthood Mathematics. Dr. Yow has published her work in a wide range of journals including Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, Mathematics Teacher, and Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education. She presents her work at local, state, national, and international conferences and to date, serves as Principal Investigator or co-Principal Investigator on grants totaling over $2.3 million, including a $1.45 million National Science Foundation grant. Her research focuses on secondary mathematics teacher education and leadership with the goal of improving mathematics teaching and learning for all students.
College of Education Faculty Biographies and Areas of Expertise