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Jul 10, 2006 - *e-mail: [email protected] b ... After removal of the template, thin free-standing carbon membranes whose thicknesses match ...

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Colloidal Crystals as Templates for Macroporous Carbon Electrodes of Controlled Thickness Ste´phane Reculusa,a Be´atrice Agricole,a Alain Derre´,a Michel Couzi,b Elisabeth Sellier,c Pierre Delhae`s,a Serge Ravaine*a a

Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal, CNRS, Avenue Albert Schweitzer, 33600 Pessac, France *e-mail: [email protected] b Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie Mole´culaire, Universite´ Bordeaux 1, Cours de la Libe´ration, 33400 Talence, France c Centre de Ressources en Microscopie Electronique et Microanalyse, Universite´ Bordeaux 1, Cours de la Libe´ration, 33400 Talence, France Received: July 10, 2006 Accepted: September 5, 2006 Abstract Macroporous carbon films were synthesized using colloidal crystals as a template and were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Raman spectroscopy. The colloidal crystals were elaborated by the Langmuir-Blodgett technique and were infiltrated with carbon by a controlled chemical vapor infiltration (CVI) process. After removal of the template, thin free-standing carbon membranes whose thicknesses match perfectly those of the templates were obtained. Their ability to act as electrodes was checked by carrying out cyclic-voltammetry experiments. Keywords: Carbon electrodes, Langmuir-Blodgett, Controlled thickness, Porous materials DOI: 10.1002/elan.200603743

1. Introduction The long-range ordering of particles in the structure of colloidal crystals results in a number of unique potentially useful properties, such as optical diffraction and photonic band gaps, maximal packing density and high surface/ volume ratio. A variety of useful microstructured materials can be created by replicating colloidal crystals in a durable matrix that preserves their key feature of long-range periodic structure [1]. For example, colloidal crystals have been used to fabricate structures from inorganic oxides [1 – 5], polymers [6, 7], diamond and glassy carbon [8], and semiconductor quantum dots [9], and some structures have photonic properties [4, 8, 9] or are patterned on different hierarchical length scales [5]. By using colloidal crystals as templates, we have synthesized a new class of carbon materials with long-range nanoscale ordering and hierarchical porosity. In the particular case of carbon materials, the template strategy using silica is very powerful (since chemical removal of SiO2 is easy and selective with hydrofluoric acid), therefore several techniques starting from mesoporous ordered silica [10] or colloidal crystals [11, 12] have been successfully investigated in the past. Of these studies, many have used either a CVI or a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique or liquid impregnation, using sucrose solutions or light tars [13]. Depending on the developed technique, the carbon bulk organization and its surface characteristics are different and related to their graphitization stage. The thickness of the coated carbon can be controlled and the presence of necks or channels between Electroanalysis 19, 2007, No. 2-3, 379 – 384

the mesoporous and macroporous holes is determined by the template characteristics. For this reason, we have selected a 3D periodic solid which is an opal on which we have deposited a controlled carbon film by CVI. After removal of the silica particles, the carbon membranes were characterized by SEM. Their thickness was found to match perfectly those of the templates. To evaluate the quality of the deposited pyrocarbons, the etched membranes have been graphitized by a further thermal treatment and evidence of graphitization was provided by Raman spectroscopy experiments. The macroporous carbon materials may serve as new sensors or fuel cells, as it is well known that the miniaturization of electrochemical systems is of high interest for applications already for many years. For example the preparation of miniaturized biofuel cells has already successfully been reported [14 – 16] and nanoelectrodes are now prepared and used as sensing units [17]. However often miniaturization implies that the signal-tonoise-ratio for sensors or the power output for biofuel cells is decreased and is not sufficient for many applications. One possible solution for this problem is the artificial increase of the active surface area by using electrodes with porous surfaces. Thus, the electrochemical behavior of ferrocene at the surface of the macroporous carbon materials was investigated by cyclic-voltammetry (CV) in order to check whether they can be used as components in new miniaturized electrochemical systems.

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S. Reculusa et al.

2. Experimental

2.2.3. Silica Suspensions Treatment

2.1. Materials

In order to eliminate the remaining reagents, all the suspensions are submitted to several cycles of washing and centrifugation.

Tetraethoxysilane (TEOS, Fluka), ammonia (29% in water, J. T. Baker), aminopropyl-triethoxysilane (Aldrich) were purchased in their reagent grades and used without further purification. Deionized water was obtained with a Milli-Q system (Millipore) whereas ethanol (EtOH) and chloroform (CHCl3) were purchased from Prolabo.

2.2.4. Silica Particles Size Measurements Granulometry experiments are performed on a Malvern Mastersizer apparatus. 2.2.5. Formation of a 2D Array of Particles (see Fig. 1)

2.2. Methods 2.2.1. Synthesis of Silica Particles Silica particles were synthesized according to a procedure inspired by the well-known Stçber sol-gel process, which is based on the ammonia-catalyzed hydrolysis and condensation of tetraethoxysilane in a hydroalcoholic medium [18]. The amounts of reagents solutions employed for the synthesis of the mineral beads are given in Table 1. In the second and third experiments, an alcoholic solution of TEOS was prepared separately and introduced continuously in the medium at a precise rate thanks to a single-syringe pump. Reactions occurred at room temperature under continuous stirring during over 12 hours. 2.2.2. Functionalization of Silica Particles The functionalization of the silica beads was carried out by adding a large amount aminopropyltriethoxysilane directly into the nanoparticles dispersion. The amount of coupling agent was around 10 times greater than the amount necessary to cover the inorganic surface with a monolayer (the theoretical amount for such a coverage being nominally 2 molecules nm2). After it was left to react overnight, the mixture was held at 80 8C for 1 h to promote covalent bonding of the organosilane to the surface of the silica nanoparticles. The choice of aminopropyltriethoxysilane was driven by the necessity to avoid the aggregation of the silica particles either in solution before their spreading at the air – water interface or just after this step.

A diluted suspension of functionalized silica particles in an 80%/20%(v/v) mixture of chloroform and ethanol is prepared according to a previously reported procedure [19]. After spreading on a pure water subphase, a stepwise compression of the 2D particulate film is carried out under continuous dried nitrogen flow, at room temperature (20  1 8C), until a surface pressure of ca. 6 m Nm1, that is the pressure chosen for the transfer. 2.2.6. Colloidal Crystal Synthesis (see Fig. 1) After compression, the Langmuir film is transferred onto hydrophilic silicon wafers. The use of silicon wafers (Siltronix) was motivated by the experimental conditions for the CVI, which requires an exposure of the substrate and the silica crystal to temperatures higher than 1000 8C. The substrates are immersed quickly in the subphase (downstroke speed: 10 cm min1) and then slowly pulled up out of the water (upstroke speed: 0.1 cm min1). In these optimized conditions, the deposition on the substrate only occurs during the upstroke with a transfer ratio close to unity, what allows us to transfer a monolayer of particles at each cycle. By repeating this transfer several times, it is possible to control the thickness of the colloidal crystal material at the layer level. 2.2.7. Macroporous Carbon Membranes Synthesis (see Fig. 1) CVI of carbon inside the silica opals was carried out in a tubular reactor (internal diameter 4 cm). First, the temperature was progressively increased from ambient to the final deposition temperature (1050 8C), under vacuum, and maintained for 1 h, also contributing to the sintering of the

Table 1. Experimental conditions corresponding to the synthesis of silica spheres with various diameters. Reaction medium Volume of

Solution of TEOS Volume of

ethanol (mL )

ammonia (mL )

ethanol (mL )

TEOS (mL )

400 100 200

37.5 22 23

0 40 40

15 10 10

Rate of addition (mL h1)

Final particle size (nm)

[a] 8 12

380 680 1100

[a] TEOS was added at once.

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Colloidal Crystals as Templates for Carbon Electrodes

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the stepwise elaboration of the macroporous carbon membranes.

colloidal crystal. Second, a constant methane flow at a constant pressure of 10 mbar and different rates (40 and 200 sccm) was delivered for 96 h before a slow cooling down. Dissolution of the silica template was obtained by immersing the silicon substrates in a dilute hydrofluoric acid solution (Prolabo, 3% in water) for 12 h.

instead of water was dictated by the intrinsic hydrophobicity of the carbon materials. The potential window of the freestanding carbon membranes in the organic electrolyte was:  0.6 V/1.1 V vs. SCE.

3. Results and Discussion 2.2.8. Scanning Electron Microscopy SEM observations were performed with a JEOL JSM-840A scanning electron microscope operating at 10 kV. 2.2.9. Raman Spectroscopy Visible micro-Raman spectra were recorded with a JobinYvon spectrometer operating at lexc ¼ 632.8 nm with an irradiation power of ca. 1 mW on a surface of a few square micrometers. 2.2.10. Cyclic Voltammetry CV experiments were carried out in a three-electrode conventional cell with an Autolab PGSTAT 20 potentiostat (Ecochemie) at ambient temperature (20  1 8C), in a 0.1 M hexafluorotributylphosphate (tBuPF6) þ 0.005 M ferrocene solution in acetonitrile that had been bubbled with nitrogen for at least 15 min. Potentials were measured with respect to a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) and the counter electrode was a platinum wire. The free-standing carbon membranes were used as working electrode. Electrical connection was made using copper wires attached to the carbon membranes by using silver dag. Scans were started at 0 V. The choice of working in an organic medium Electroanalysis 19, 2007, No. 2-3, 379 – 384

Some representative SEM images, illustrating the three steps in the fabrication of the carbon membranes, are shown in Figure 2. Comparison between pictures of the colloidal template before (Fig. 2a) and after (Fig. 2b) the carbon infiltration suggests that carbon species formed in the oven, were able to diffuse to the top of the silicon wafer and form nuclei all over the silica particlesN surface in a homogeneous fashion. Meanwhile, Figure 2c clearly indicates that the HF treatment was successful, since all the silica particles have been removed from the carbon film. As pictured in Figure 3, the chosen conditions for the CVI process are also satisfactory for infiltrating colloidal crystals with a greater thickness, up to at least 20 layers of particles. Similar results were also obtained with smaller silica particles (380 and 680 nm diameter (see Fig. 3d), for instance) and whatever the colloidal crystal thickness, even with a single layer (see Fig. 3a). To evaluate the quality of the deposited pyrocarbons, the etched membranes have been graphitized by a further thermal treatment at 2500 8C for 90 min inside a graphite furnace working under an argon atmosphere. Raman spectroscopy experiments, carried out on various samples, have been used to provide evidence of graphitization. As shown in many studies [20], the features of interest when using this technique are twofold; on the one hand, the

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S. Reculusa et al.

Fig. 2. a – c) SEM images illustrating the successive steps in the synthesis of a carbon membrane, starting from a colloidal crystal with 5 layers of 1100 nm silica particles. a) Colloidal crystal fabrication by the Langmuir – Blodgett technique onto Si wafers. b) Carbon infiltration of the silica template by CVI at 1050 8C. c) Separation of the free-standing carbon membrane from its support after silica dissolution with HF.

Fig. 3. a) SEM view of the bottom surface of a 1 layer free-standing carbon membrane, starting from a colloidal crystal made of 1100 nm. SEM side views of free-standing carbon membranes with b) 10 and c) 20 layers, starting from colloidal crystals made of 1100 nm. d) SEM side view of a free-standing carbon membrane with 10 layers, starting from a colloidal crystal made of 680 nm particles.

change of the normal Raman mode observed for perfect hexagonal graphite (G band located at 1580 cm1), and on the other hand the appearance of new bands due to a Electroanalysis 19, 2007, No. 2-3, 379 – 384

breakdown of the selection rules associated with resonance effects. As has already been described, two other first-order Raman lines appear (labeled D and D’ with D standing for

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Colloidal Crystals as Templates for Carbon Electrodes

disordered), located around 1350 and 1620 cm1, respectively, and attributed to graphite layer defects with breaking of the long-range translational symmetry [21]. The recorded Raman spectra (not pictured) show the presence of a strong D line, which narrows after heat treatment at 2500 8C, together with the appearance of a D’ line as a shoulder on a narrower G line and the harmonic 2D line located around 2700 cm1, which is enhanced after heat treatment. These results provide evidence that graphitizable pyrocarbons are present. To check whether the macroporous carbon materials can be used as electrodes, we investigated the electrochemical behavior of ferrocene at their surface. Ferrocene is a substance that undergoes reversible electrochemical reaction on various electrodes and is widely used as an electrochemical probe to investigate the characteristics of electrode surfaces [22]. Cyclic voltammograms of ferrocene at a ten-layer as-deposited carbon film (silica particle size 1100 nm) have been recorded at various scan rates (from 0.05 to 1 Vs1). The cyclic voltammetry (CV) data presented in Figure 4 show an almost reversible electrochemical

response for ferrocene. Both the half-peak widths and the peak-to-peak separation are found to increase with the scan rate, as a probable consequence of an ohmic drop effect due to the presence of the quite resistive non-aqueous electrolyte within the pores. In order to make sure that all pores in the carbon electrodes are electrochemically active, we compared the voltammetric responses of carbon films with 3, 10 and 20 layers with a flat HOPG electrode, at various scan rates. In all cases, the global shape of the voltammograms was identical. Results of peak potential, peak current and peakto-peak separation are collected in Table 2. The data show that, whatever the thickness of the macroporous carbon film, it behaves more or less like the flat HOPG substrate. Only a slight increase of the peak currents is observed for the macroporous films with respect to the HOPG surface, which should be attributed to their larger active surface area due to their rugosity. Therefore, it seems that only the outer surface of the carbon films is electrochemically active. This result should also be explained by an ohmic drop within the pores, which limits the current to only the near surface region of the carbon membranes. Further characterizations by impedance spectroscopy are needed to verify this statement. Results of these studies will be published elsewhere.

4. Conclusions

Fig. 4. CV curves obtained when using a 20-layer carbon membrane (D ¼ 1100 nm) as an electrode (area ca. 1 cm2). Scan rate values are: a) 0.05, b) 0.1, c) 0.25, d) 0.5, and e) 1 V s1.

We have shown that the combination of the LangmuirBlodgett technique and a well-controlled CVI process allow the elaboration of thin free-standing porous carbon membranes with a perfectly defined thickness. These membranes, corresponding to the carbon replica of a colloidal crystal based on silica particles, are consisted of a partially graphitizable pyrocarbon. Their usefulness as electrodes has also been tested successfully through cyclic voltammetry experiments. These results afford the possibility to use such membranes for their electrochemical properties, in particular in aqueous media after a functionalization step to get a more hydrophilic carbon surface.

Table 2. Average values of electrochemical data calculated from cyclic voltammograms recorded with various electrodes at 0.05 V s1 (top), 0.1 V s1 (middle) and 0.25 V s1 (bottom). [a] indicates results obtained with a bare and flat HOPG surface. Diameter of the silica particles: 1100 nm. Each measurement was made with three different carbon membranes. Number of layers

Epc ( V )

Ipc (mA/cm2)

Epa ( V )

Ipa (mA/cm2)

Epp ( V )

0 [a] 3 10 20 0 [a] 3 10 20 0 [a] 3 10 20

0.300 0.295 0.325 0.285 0.295 0.270 0.300 0.265 0.280 0.255 0.280 0.210

0.72 1.12 0.92 1.41 1.33 1.45 1.51 2.16 1.54 2.00 2.16 3.00

0.640 0.620 0.650 0.680 0.660 0.620 0.650 0.670 0.730 0.670 0.690 0.750

3.00 3.50 3.37 3.51 3.88 4.30 4.38 4.45 5.10 5.20 5.31 5.40

0.340 0.325 0.325 0.395 0.365 0.350 0.350 0.405 0.450 0.415 0.410 0.540

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5. Acknowledgement Financial support by the CNRS through the “Programme Mate´riaux” is gratefully acknowledged.

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