Aug 23, 2015 - an injective resolution of F|â©S for each S â Np(C). ...... Roger Godement, Topologie algébrique et théorie des faisceaux, Actualités Sci. Ind. no.
arXiv:1411.7981v2 [math.AT] 23 Aug 2015
COMBINATORIAL COVERS AND VANISHING OF COHOMOLOGY GRAHAM DENHAM1 , ALEXANDER I. SUCIU2 , AND SERGEY YUZVINSKY Abstract. We use a Mayer–Vietoris-like spectral sequence to establish vanishing results for the cohomology of complements of linear and elliptic hyperplane arrangements, as part of a more general framework involving duality and abelian duality properties of spaces and groups. In the process, we consider cohomology of local systems with a general, Cohen–Macaulay-type condition. As a result, we recover known vanishing theorems for rank-1 local systems as well as group ring coefficients, and obtain new generalizations.
Contents 1. Introduction 2. Combinatorial covers and spectral sequences 3. Submanifold arrangements 4. Hyperplane arrangements 5. Vanishing of cohomology 6. Elliptic arrangements 7. Toric complexes and the Cohen–Macaulay property References
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1. Introduction 1.1. Overview. A remarkable feature of the theory of cohomology jump loci, first brought to light by Eisenbud, Popescu and Yuzvinsky in [EPY03], is that the resonance varieties of hyperplane arrangements “propagate.” This raises the natural question: What is the topological underpinning of this phenomenon? Inspired by recent work of Davis, Januszkiewicz, Leary, and Okun [DJLO11], we show that 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 55T99. Secondary 14F05, 16E65, 20J05, 32S22, 55N25. Key words and phrases. Combinatorial cover, cohomology with local coefficients, spectral sequence, hyperplane arrangement, elliptic arrangement, toric complex, Cohen–Macaulay property. 1 Partially supported by NSERC (Canada). 2 Partially supported by NSF grant DMS–1010298 and NSA grant H98230-13-1-0225. 1
complements of hyperplane arrangements, as well as many other spaces have cohomology concentrated in a single degree, for local systems satisfying suitable hypotheses. Our cohomological vanishing results will be applied in [DSY1 ] to study the relationship between the duality properties of a space (and its universal abelian cover), and the propagation properties of its characteristic and resonance varieties. We will also apply our machinery in [DSY2 ] to the computation of Novikov homology for arrangement complements, deducing a new bound on the Σ-invariants for arrangements. In order to establish such vanishing theorems, we construct here a Mayer– Vietoris-type spectral sequence, which is related to a spectral sequence developed by Davis and Okun in [DO12] in a related context. Our version refines the usual underlying filtration, in order to control the E2 page, while requiring weaker hypotheses than those of Davis and Okun. We obtain vanishing results for local systems satisfying Cohen–Macaulay-type conditions on spaces which, in a loose sense, also possess Cohen–Macaulay properties. 1.2. Combinatorial covers and spectral sequences. The input for the spectral sequence is a device which we call a combinatorial cover: that is, a countable cover C of a space X, which is either open, or closed and locally finite, together with an order-preserving, surjective map φ : N (C) → P from the nerve of the cover to a ranked poset P (with rank function ρ), for which certain compatibility conditions are satisfied. Given such a cover and a locally constant sheaf F on X, we have a spectral sequence starting at Y (1) E2pq = H p−ρ(x) φ−1 (P≤x ), φ−1 (P