Combining STDP and Reward-Modulated STDP in Deep ... - arXiv

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Mar 31, 2018 - the neuron in the last layer with earliest spike time ..... of feature maps increases, STDP has more chance to extract features for target digits ...
arXiv:1804.00227v1 [cs.CV] 31 Mar 2018

Combining STDP and Reward-Modulated STDP in Deep Convolutional Spiking Neural Networks for Digit Recognition Milad Mozafari1 , Mohammad Ganjtabesh1,∗, Abbas Nowzari-Dalini1 , Simon J. Thorpe2 , and Timoth´ee Masquelier2 1

Department of Computer Science, School of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran 2

CerCo UMR 5549, CNRS – Universit´e Toulouse 3, France


our approach is biologically plausible, hardware friendly, and energy-efficient.

The primate visual system has inspired the development of deep artificial neural networks, which have revolutionized the computer vision domain. Yet these networks are much less energy-efficient than their biological counterparts, and they are typically trained with backpropagation, which is extremely data-hungry. To address these limitations, we used a deep convolutional spiking neural network (DCSNN) and a latency-coding scheme. We trained it using a combination of spike-timingdependent plasticity (STDP) for the lowest layers and reward-modulated STDP (R-STDP) for the highest ones. In short, with R-STDP a correct (resp. incorrect) decision leads to STDP (resp. anti-STDP). This approach led to an accuracy of 97.2% on MNIST, without requiring an external classifier. In addition, we demonstrated that RSTDP extracts features that are diagnostic for the task at hand, and discards the other ones, whereas STDP extracts any feature that repeats. Finally, ∗

Keywords: Spiking Neural Networks, Deep Architecture, Digit Recognition, STDP, RewardModulated STDP, Latency-Coding



In recent years, deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) have revolutionized machine vision and can now outperform human vision in many object recognition tasks with natural images [1]. Despite their outstanding levels of performance, the search for brain inspired computational models continues and is attracting more and more researchers from around the world. Pursuing this line of research, a large number of models with enhanced bio-plausibility based on spiking neural networks (SNNs) have emerged. However, SNNs are not yet competitive with DCNNs in terms of recognition accuracy. If DCNNs work well, what is the reason for this increased interest in neurobiological inspiration and use of SNNs? To begin with, energy consumption is of great importance. Thanks to the to millions of years of optimisation by evolution, the human brain consumes about 20 Watts [2] – roughly the power con-

Corresponding author. Email addresses: [email protected] (MM), [email protected] (MG) [email protected] (AND) [email protected] (SJT) [email protected] (TM).


sumption of an average laptop. Although we are far from understanding the secrets of this remarkable efficiency, the use of spike-based processing has already helped neuromorphic researchers to design energy-efficient microchips [3, 4].

fully extract frequently occurring visual features. However, an unsupervised learning rule alone is not sufficient for decision-making, where external classifiers such as support vector machines (SVMs) and radial basis functions (RBFs), or supervised variants of STDP, are usually required. There are several STDP-based SNNs that have been applied to MNIST dataset for digit recognition. For example, Brader et. al. [29] with 96.5%, Querlioz et. al. [30] with 93.5%, and Diehl and Cook [17] with 95% of recognition accuracy are the successful models with shallow structure in digit recognition. With deep structure, Beyer et. al. [31] achieved a not so good performance of 91.6%, however, Kheradpisheh et. al. [32] trained a deep convolutional SNN (DCSNN) and increased the accuracy to 98.4%.

Furthermore, employing embedded and real-time systems for artificial intelligence (AI) is important with the advent of small and portable computing devices. In recent years, specialized real-time chips for DCNNs have been released that are capable of fast simulation of pre-trained networks. However, online on-chip training of DCNNs with exact error backpropagation, due to the high-precision and time-consuming operations is not yet practical. This problem has made researchers modifying error backpropagation algorithm and making it hardware-friendly [5]. Conversely, computation and communication with spikes can be extremely fast and applicable in low precision platforms [6]. Additionally, biologically inspired learning rules such as spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) [7, 8] can be hardware-friendly, but also appropriate for online on-chip training [9].

Researchers have started exploring the potential of using reinforcement learning (RL) in SNNs and DCNNs [33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40]. By RL, the learner is encouraged to repeat rewarding behaviors and avoid those leading to punishments [41]. Using supervised learning, the network learns at most what the supervisor knows, while with RL, it Due to the aforementioned reasons, together with is able to explore the environment and learn novel the powerful SNN’s spatio-temporal activity do- skills (unknown to any supervisor) that increase the main, researchers have tried many different meth- fitness and reward acquisition [42]. ods to make SNNs work on visual tasks. The use We previously developed a shallow SNN with a of hierarchically structured neural networks is a single trainable layer [43], where the plasticity was common approach, yet configuring other parame- governed by reward-modulated STDP (R-STDP). ters such as the number of layers, neuron models, R-STDP is a reinforcement learning rule inspired information encoding, and learning rules is the sub- by the roles of neuromodulators such as Dopamine ject of much debate. There are shallow [10, 11] and (DA) and Acetylcholine (ACh) in modulation of deep [12, 13] SNNs with various types of connec- STDP [44, 45]. Our network made decisions about tivity structures, such as recurrent [14], convolu- category of objects solely based on the earliest spike tional [10, 15, 16], and fully connected [17]. Infor- in the last layer without using any external clasmation encoding is the other aspect of this debate, sifier. Together with rank-order encoding and at where rate-based coding [18, 19, 20], and tempo- most one spike per neuron, our network was biologiral coding [10, 11, 17, 21] are two of the main op- cally plausible, fast, energy-efficient, and hardwaretions. Different learning techniques are also applied friendly with acceptable performance on natural to SNNs, from backpropagation [15, 22, 23, 24], images. However, its shallow structure made it tempotron [11, 25], and other supervised tech- inappropriate for large and complex datasets with niques [19, 20, 21, 26, 27], to unsupervised STDP high degrees of variations. and its variants [17, 28]. In this research, we designed a 3-layer DCSNN Regarding the pursuit of brain inspiration, with a structure adopted from [32], mainly for STDP-based SNNs are the most biologically plau- digit recognition. The proposed network does not sible ones. Using STDP, the network can success- need any external classifier and uses a neuron-based 2


decision-making layer trained with R-STDP. First, the input image is convolved with difference of Gaussian (DoG) filters of different scales. Then, by an intensity-to-latency encoding [46], a spike wave is generated and propagated to the next layer. After passing through multiple convolutional and pooling layers with neurons that are allowed to fire at most once, the spike wave reaches the last layer, where there are decision-making neurons that are pre-assigned to each digit. For each input image, the neuron in the last layer with earliest spike time or maximum potential indicates the decision of the network. We evaluated our DCSNN on the MNIST dataset for digit recognition. First, we applied R-STDP only to the last trainable layer and STDP to the first two, achieving 97.2% of recognition performance. Next, we investigated if applying R-STDP to the penultimate trainable layer is helpful. We found that in case of having frequent distractors in the input and limitations on the computational resources, using R-STDP instead of STDP in the penultimate layer is beneficial. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: A precise description of the components of the proposed network, synaptic plasticity, and decisionmaking is provided in Section 2. Then, in Section 3 and 4, the performance of the network in digit recognition and the results of applying R-STDP in multiple layers are presented. Finally, in Section 5, the proposed network is discussed from different points of view and the possible future works are highlighted.


Overall Structure

The proposed network has six layers, that are three convolutional layers (S1, S2, S3), each followed by a pooling layer (C1, C2, C3). To convert MNIST images into spike waves, they are filtered by DoG kernels and encoded into spike times by the intensity-to-latency scheme. Plasticity of the afferents of convolutional layers is done by either STDP or R-STDP learning rules. The ultimate layer (C3) is a global pooling in which neurons are pre-assigned to each digit. These neurons are indicators for the network’s decision. Figure 1 plots the outline of the proposed network. Details of the input spike generation, functionality of each layer, learning rules, and decisionmaking process are given in the rest of this section.


Input Spike Waves

On each input image, On- and Off-center DoG filters of three different scales are applied with zero padding. Window sizes are set to 3 × 3, 7 × 7, and 13 × 13, where their standard deviations (σ1 , σ2 ) are (3/9, 6/9), (7/9, 14/9), and (13/9, 26/9), respectively. We keep the ratio of 2 between two sigmas in each scale. These values are chosen practically based on the statistics of input images. In the resulting feature maps, all the values below 50 are ignored and the remaining values are descendingly sorted, denoting the order of spike propagation. In order to speed up running time of our parallel implementation of the network, we equally distribute the ordered input spikes into a fixed number of bins. All the spikes in each bin are propagated simultaneously.


The focus of this paper is to train and tune a DCSNN by a combination of biologically plausible learning rules, i.e. STDP and R-STDP, for digit recognition. To this end, we modify the network proposed in [32] by dropping its external classifier (SVM) and adding a neuron-based decision-making layer, as well as using R-STDP for synaptic plasticity. This part of the paper explains the structure of the network and its components.


Convolutional Layers

Each convolutional layer (S-layer) in the proposed network contains several 2-dimensional grids of Integrate-and-Fire (IF) neurons, called feature maps. Each neuron in a S-layer has a fixed 3dimensional input window of afferents with equal width and height, and a depth equal to the number of feature maps in the previous layer. The firing 3

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Po ol

















(C 2)


ig nt S

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(C 1)




fil te

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Figure 1: Overall structure of the proposed DCSNN for digit recognition. The input image is convolved by six DoG filters (on- and off-center in three different scales) and converted into spike latencies based on intensity-to-latency encoding scheme. Generated spikes are processed through three spiking convolution-then-pooling layers (S1 − C1,S2 − C2, and S3 − C3). All of the spiking convolution layers are trainable, employing either STDP or R-STDP learning rules. The network makes its decision in C3, where neurons are pre-assigned to digits, and the decision is the digit assigned to the neuron with either the maximum internal potential or the earliest spike time. Regarding the decision, a reward/punishment (reinforcement) signal will be generated globally, which is received by R-STDP-enabled layers.

threshold is also set to be the same across all the neurons in a single layer. In each time step, the internal potential of each IF neuron is increased by the incoming spikes within its input window using the magnitude of the corresponding synaptic weights. These neurons have no leakage and if a neuron reaches the firing threshold, it will emit a single spike, after which remains silent until the next input image is fed to the network. For each new input, the internal potential of all the neurons are reset to zero. Note that weight-sharing mechanism is applied for all neurons in a single feature map.


lar stride. Each neuron in the spike- and potentialbased C-layers, indicates the earliest spike time and the maximum potential of the neurons within its input window, respectively.


Decision-Making forcement Signal



As mentioned before, neurons in the final C-layer (C3) perform global pooling on their corresponding S3 grids. These neurons are labeled with input categories such that each C3 neuron is assigned to single category, but each category may be assigned to multiple neurons. Providing the labeled neurons in C3, the decision of the network for each input is the label of the neuron with the earliest spike time or maximum internal potential in case of using spikeor potential-based pooling layer, respectively. When the decision of the network is indicated, it will be compared with the original label of the input image. If they match (mismatch), a reward (punishment) signal will be generated globally. This signal will be received by layers that employ R-STDP rule for synaptic plasticity (see the next section).

Pooling Layers

Pooling layers (C-layers) in our network are employed for introducing position invariance and reducing information redundancy. Each C-layer has the same number of feature maps as its previous Slayer and there is a one-to-one association between maps of the two layers. There are two types of pooling layers in our network: spike-based and potential-based. Both types have a 2-dimensional input window and a particu4



of the weight sharing strategy through the entire map. Choosing the k winners are first based on the earliest spike times, and then the higher internal potentials. During the training process, when a winner is indicated, a r × r inhibition window, centering the winner neuron, will be applied to all the feature maps, preventing them to be selected as the next winners for the current input image. Additionally, we multiply the term wij (1 − wij ) by δij which not only keeps weights between the range [0, 1], but also stabilizes the weight changes as the weights converge.

We initially set the synaptic weights with random values drawn from a normal distribution with mean 0.8 and standard deviation 0.02 [32]. Both STDP and R-STDP learning rules are used to train Slayers in our network. We define a general formula that can be employed for both rules as follows:

δij =

  αφ a+ + βφp a− p   r r

if tj − ti ≤ 0,

 +  αφr a− r + βφp ap

if tj − ti > 0, or neuron j never fires

∆wij = δij (wij )(1 − wij ),



where i and j refer to the post- and pre-synaptic neurons, respectively, ∆wij is the amount of weight change for the synapse connecting the two neu− + − rons, and a+ r , ar , ap , and ap scale the magnitude of weight change. Furthermore, to specify the di+ rection of weight change, we set a+ r , ap > 0 and − a− r , ap < 0. Our learning rule only needs the sign of the spike time difference, not the exact value, and uses an infinite time window. The other parameters, say φr , φp , α, and β, are employed as controlling factors which will be set differently for each learning rule. To apply STDP on a S-layer, the controlling factors are φr = 1, φp = 0, α = 1, and β = 0. For R-STDP, the values of α and β depends on the reinforcement signal generated by the decision-making layer. If a “reward” signal is generated, then α = 1 and β = 0, whereas if a “punishment” signal is generated, then α = 0 and β = 1. The reinforcement signal can be “neutral” as well, for which α = 0 and β = 0. The neutral signal is useful when we have unlabeled data. Similar to our previous work, and we apply adjustment factors by φr = Nmiss N Nhit φp = N , where Nmiss and Nhit denote the number of samples that are classified correctly and incorrectly over the last batch of N input samples, respectively. Note that plasticity is done for each image, while φr and φp are updated after each batch of samples. To do plasticity in each trainable layer, we employ a k-winner-take-all mechanism, by which only k neurons are eligible to do plasticity. These neurons cannot be from a same feature map because


Task 1: Solving 10-class Digit Recognition

In this task, we train our proposed DCSNN on all of the 60000 images of handwritten digits from the MNIST dataset. Then the recognition performance of the network is tested over the 10000 unseen samples provided by the author of the dataset.


Network Configuration

The input layer consists of six feature maps corresponding to the six DoG filters (three scales with both on- and off-center polarities), each contains the spike latencies. After that, there are three Slayers, each followed by a C-layer with specific parameters that are summarized in Tables 1–3. The first two S-layers have specific thresholds, however the last one has an “infinite” threshold. This means that S3 neurons never fire for an input image. Instead, they accumulate all the incoming spikes as their internal potential. When there are no more spikes to accumulate, a manual spike time, greater that the previous spike times, will be set for all of the S3 neurons. C1 and C2 neurons perform spike-based local pooling, whereas C3 neurons apply potential-based global pooling which is consistent with the behavior of S3 neurons. Accordingly, the proposed network makes decisions based on the maximum potential among C3 neurons. In other words, the label associated to the C3 neuron with the maximum po5


tential will be selected as the network’s decision for each input image.



96.5% 95.0%

Recognition Performance

93.5% 91.6%

Neuron-based Classifier Reinforcement Unsupervised Supervised Latency Rate 2) (3

or k w

la ye r

N et

tiul M


op o



la ye r oTw

la ye r oTw



7) (1

0) (3

1) la ye r

(3 la ye r tiul M



Decision Learning Neural Making Coding Mode

It is worth mentioning that in this task, we drop the weight stabilizer term from the plasticity equation for layer S3. Instead, we manually limit the weights between 0.2 and 0.8. This modification is done based on our experimental results, where we found that it is better to continue synaptic plasticity even in late iterations.

Employed Not employed

Figure 2: Recognition performance of several available SNNs trained by STDP-based learning rules on the MNIST dataset, as well as the proposed network.


Training and Evaluation


Task 2: R-STDP Can Discard Non-Diagnostic Features

We trained the network in a layer-by-layer manner. Layers S1 and S2 were trained by STDP for 105 and 2×105 iterations, respectively. In each iteration, an image was fed to the network and the learning rates were multiplied by 2 after each 500 iterations. We The goal of this task is to distinguish two specific digits while other digits are presented as diskept doing multiplication while a+ r was less than tractors. This task is conducted over a subset of 0.15. MNIST images employing a smaller network, which Training of S3 was governed by R-STDP employ- allows us to analyze the advantages of applying Ring the reinforcement signal produced by layer C3. STDP to more than one layer. This part of the We trained S3 for 4 × 107 iterations in total and paper is started by introducing a handmade probevaluated the recognition performance after each lem and a simple two-layer network to solve it, for 6 × 104 iterations. Our network achieved 97.2% of the sake of a better illustration. Then, we show the performance, which is higher than most of the pre- same outcome using images of the MNIST dataset. vious STDP-based SNNs evaluated on the MNIST dataset (see Table 2). It is worth mentioning that our network ranked as the second best while it does 4.1 Handmade Problem not use any external classifier. It not only increased We prepare a set of artificial images of size 9 × 3, the biological plausibility, but also the hardware each contains two oriented bars in its left and right friendliness of the network [32, 43]. most 3×3 regions. As shown in Figure 3a , we make We also examined applying R-STDP to the all of the possible combinations of bars from four penultimate S-layer (S2) as well, however it did different orientations. We characterize three classes not improve the performance in this particular task. of target inputs by pair-wise combinations of three By analyzing the influence of R-STDP on S2, we differently oriented bars (Figure 3b), leaving the hypothesized that it can help extracting target- other inputs as distractors. All of the inputs are specific diagnostic features, if there are frequent fed to the network in a random order. We design a minimal two-layer spiking network distractors among the input images and the available computational resources are limited. Our next that distinguishes the three target classes, if and only if it learns the three diagnostic oriented lines task is designed to examine this hypothesis. 6


quent features regardless of the outcome. Since the probability of the appearance of each oriented bar is the same, the chance of extracting all the diagnostic bars is 25% for STDP (the probability of discarding the non-diagnostic feature among the four is 1/4). We implemented a similar task with the MNIST dataset. In each instance of the task, two digits are selected as the targets and the other digits marked as distractors. The goal is to distinguish the two target digits using a small number of features, while the network receives images of all digits.

(b) I II III Input






Figure 3: (a) Input set for the handmade problem. It contains all combinations of bars in four different oriented. For each input, spikes are simultaneously propagated from the white tiles. A 3 × 3 gap is placed between the two oriented bars in order to prevent neurons seeing parts of the two bars at the same time. (b) A simple network with two trainable layers (S1, and S2) that solves a 3-class recognition task with layer S2 as the decision making layer. Each class is the position invariant combination of two different bars. Classes are defined in a way that the horizontal bar carries no distinguishing information (distractor), while others are vital for final recognition (targets). Since there are only three feature maps in S1, the task is fully solvable if and only if the network learns all the three targets in this layer.

Network Configuration

The number of layers and their arrangement is the same as the network in Task 1, however there are several differences. First, MNIST images are fed to the network without application of DoG filters. Second, we put fewer feature maps with different input window sizes and thresholds in all of the Slayers. Third, S3 neurons have specific thresholds, that allow them to fire, thus C3 performs a spikeby the neurons in the penultimate S-layer, i.e. S1 based global pooling operation. In addition, for (see Figure 3b). According to the target classes, each category, there is only one neuron in C3. The the horizontal bar carries no diagnostic information values of parameters are summarized in Tables 1–3. and learning it is a waste of neuronal resources. To this end, we put three feature maps in layer S1 4.3 Training and Evaluation whose neurons have 3 × 3 input windows. After a  spike-based global pooling layer, we put three neu- We performed the task for all pairs of digits ( 10 = 2 rons that have 1 × 1 × 3 input windows. 45 pairs), and different number of feature maps in We examined both STDP and R-STDP learning S2, ranging from 2 to 20. For each pair, the netrules to train S1, while the last layer was always work was trained over 104 samples from the training trained by R-STDP in order to make decisions. set and tested over 100 testing samples of each tarNote that when we used R-STDP on two layers, get digit (200 testing samples in total). S1 was sepplasticity of both layers was postponed until arrival arately trained by STDP, while on S2 both STDP of the reinforcement signal, thus they were trained and R-STDP were examined. Plasticity in S3 alsimultaneously. Moreover, the reinforcement sig- ways governed by R-STDP. nal for non-target images was “neutral” regardless For each particular number of feature maps in of the decision of the network. S2, we calculated the average recognition perforAccording to the results, the network with mance of the network for both cases of using STDP STDP-trained S1 failed most of the times to ex- and R-STDP over all of the digit pairs. As shown tract the correct orientations. In contrast, training in Figure 4, the results of the experiments clearly S1 with R-STDP enabled the network to solve the support our claim. As we have fewer neuronal problem without any failure. The obtained results resources, using R-STDP is more beneficial than agree with the nature of STDP, which extracts fre- STDP. However, by increasing the number of fea7

Table 1: Values of the S-layer parameters used in each digit recognition task.

Task 2 Task 1

Layer S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3

Number of Feature Maps 30 250 200 10 x ∈ {2, 4, ..., 20} ∪ {30, 40} 2

Input Window (Width, Height, Depth) (5, 5, 6) (3, 3, 30) (5, 5, 250) (5, 5, 1) (15, 15, 10) (1, 1, x)

Threshold 15 10 ∞ 5 40 0.9

Table 2: Values of the C-layer parameters used in each digit recognition task.

Task 2 Task 1

Layer C1 C2 C3 C1 C2 C3

Input Window (Width, Height) (2, 2) (3, 3) (5, 5) (2, 2) (14, 14) (1, 1)



2 3 0 2 0 0

Spike-Based Spike-Based Potential-Based Spike-Based Spike-Based Spike-Based

Task 2 Task 1

Table 3: Values of parameters for the synaptic plasticity used in each digit recognition task.

Layer S1 S2 S3 S1 S2 S3

a+ r 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.04 0.004

a− r −0.003 −0.003 −0.003 −0.003 −0.03 −0.003

a+ p 0 0 0.0005 0 0.005 0.0005

a− p 0 0 −0.004 0 0.04 −0.004

k 5 8 1 1 1 1

r 3 2 0 0 0 0

ture maps in S2, STDP also has the chance to ex- the performance. tract diagnostic features and fills the performance gap. According to Figure 5, R-STDP helps S2 neurons to extract target-aware features. In contrast, 5 Discussion using STDP, S2 neurons are blind to the targets and extract the same features for all the pairs (the By the emerge of DCNNs, AI is now able to same random seed is used for all of the tasks). solve sophisticated problems such as visual object We acknowledge that the network could achieve recognition, in which humans used to be the mashigher accuracies if its parameters are tuned for ters [1]. Most of the early DCNNs employ supereach pair of digits. Besides, in order to get the vised learning techniques to be trained for a speresults in a feasible time for large number of sim- cific task. However, supervised learning limits the ulations, we had to limit the number of iterations learner to the information provided by the superand use faster learning rates which again, degrade visor. Recently, researchers have found that rein8

Recognition Performance


In this paper, we presented a DCSNN for digit recognition which is trained by a combination of STDP and R-STDP learning rules. R-STDP is a biologically plausible reinforcement learning rule [44], appropriate for hardware implementation as well. This combination is inspired by the brain where the synaptic plasticity is mostly unsupervised, taking into account the local activity of pre- and post-synaptic neurons, but it can be modulated by the release of neuromodulators, reflecting the feedbacks received from the surrounding environment [7, 8, 44, 45].




R-STDP STDP Confidence Interval









12 14 16 18 20



Number of S2 Feature Maps

The proposed network extracts regularities in the input images by STDP in early layers and uses RSTDP to learn rewarding decision (correct label) in the last layer, using the information provided by early layers. Using R-STDP in the last convolution layer of the proposed network enabled us to use a neuron-based decision making layer instead of complex external classifiers. In this network, information is encoded in the earliest spike time of neurons. The input image is convolved with multiple DoG filters and converted into spike latencies by the intensity-to-latency encoding scheme. Spike propagation as well as plasticity are done in a layer-wise manner with an exception that all the R-STDP-enabled layers are trained simultaneously. When the spike wave reaches the decision making layer, the label of the neuron with either the maximum potential or the earliest spike time will be selected as the network’s decision. Comparing the decision to the original label of the input, a reward/punishment (reinforcement) signal is globally generated which modulates the plasticity in trainable layers that employ R-STDP learning rule.

Figure 4: Comparison of recognition performance when STDP or RSTDP is applied to S2 in Task 2. Superiority of R-STDP over STDP in finding diagnostic features (and discarding distractors) is clearly shown when there are small number of feature maps in S2. As the number of feature maps increases, STDP has more chance to extract features for target digits, therefore approaches the performance of applying RSTDP. With respect to the number of feature maps, R-STDP shows a monotonic behavior in increasing the performance and confidence level, however, STDP is not as robust as R-STDP, specially in terms of confidence level.

forcement learning would be the new game changer and started to combine DCNNs with reinforcement learning techniques, also known as deep reinforcement learning. This combination has introduced networks that are able to achieve super-human skills by finding solutions that have never been tested by a human before [39, 40, 42]. Despite the revolutionary performance of DCNNs in machine vision, SNNs have always been under improvement to solve complex vision tasks. SNNs are not as perfect as DCNNs, however, they possess a great spatio-temporal capacity by which they are able to fill the performance gap or even bypass DCNNs. Additionally, SNNs have been shown to be energy efficient and hardware friendly, which makes them suitable to be deployed at AI hardwares [3, 4]. STDP has been successfully applied to SNNs for digit recognition [17], however, because of its unsupervised nature, a supervised readout is required to achieve high accuracies [32]. Apart from the fact that supervised readouts (e.g. SVMs) are not biologically supported, they are not appropriate for hardware implementation.

First, we applied our network to the whole MNIST dataset employing R-STDP only on the last trainable layer. Our network achieved 97.2% of recognition accuracy which is higher than most of the previously proposed STDP-based SNNs. We then investigated if applying R-STDP in more than one layer is helpful, by allowing the penultimate trainable layer to use R-STDP. Reviewing the results of a handful of different experiments reveled that if the input set is polluted with frequent distractors, applying R-STDP in more than one layer 9

1 2







5 6 7 8 9 0









Figure 5: Reconstruction of features extracted by S2 neurons in Task 2, when the number of feature maps is limited by four. The lower part of the figure illustrates features that are extracted by applying R-STDP to S2 afferents, solving each of the pair-wise digit recognition tasks (corresponding to row and column indices). The existence of non-trained or semi-trained feature maps (dark or gray squares) is due to the fact that other features that are representative enough, win the plasticity competition for all images, leaving no chance for others to learn or converge. In the upper part, the only four features obtained by applying STDP to S2 are shown.


helps avoiding distractors and extracting diagnostic features using lower computational resources than a STDP-enabled layer. In order to improve the performance of the proposed network, we tested various configurations and values for parameters. Here, we survey our findings regarding the results of these tests: Deciding based on the maximum potential in Task 1. We tried decision making based on the earliest spike in the first step, but the results were not competing. By exploring the missclassified samples, we found that the digits with common partial features are the most problematic ones. For instance, digits 1 and 7 share a skewed vertical line (1 is mostly written skewed in MNIST). Lets say a neuron has learned to generate the earliest spike for digit 1. Obviously, it will generate the earliest spike for many samples of digit 7 as well, resulting in high rate of false alarms. Thus, we decided to omit the threshold and consider the maximum potential as the decision indicator. Since the network has to wait until the last spike, this approach increased the computation time, however successfully relaxed the aforementioned problem. R-STDP is only applied to the last layer in Task 1. As we showed in Task 2 and our previous work [43], R-STDP can be better than STDP when computational resources are limited. In Task 1, the goal was to increase the performance of the network to an acceptable and competing level. Since MNIST is a dataset with high range of variations for each digit, we had to put enough feature maps in each layer to cover them. As a consequence, the large number of feature maps and the fact that there were no distractors in the inputs, STDP worked well in extracting useful intermediate features. Learning in the ultimate layer is slower than the penultimate one in Task 2. In Task 2, S2 and S3 were under simultaneous training. If S3 modifies synaptic weights as fast as S2, each change in S2 may change a previously good behavior of S3 into a bad one, which then ruin S2, and this cycle may continue forever, destroying stability of the network. The proposed network inherits bio-plausability,

energy efficiency and hardware friendliness from its ancestors [32, 43], which now is able to solve harder and complex recognition tasks with its deeper structure. We believe that our DCSNN can be further improved from multiple aspects. As mentioned before, potential-based decision making degrades the computational efficiency. One solution to overcome false alarms because of common partial features while having spike-based decision making in is to engage inhibitory neurons. Inhibitory neurons can suppress a neuron if it receives something more than the preferred stimulus (e.g. the horizontal line of digit 7, inhibits neurons responsible for digit 1, thus producing no false alarm). Another aspect would be performance improvement by designing a population-based decision making layer. For instance, one can consider a group of earliest spikes instead of one and applies major voting, which may affect the training strategy as well. Another direction for future work would be investigation of the layer-wise application of R-STDP for intermediate layers where the reward/punishment signal can be generated based on the other of activity measures such as sparsity, information content, and diversity.

Acknowledgment This research received funding from Iran National Science Foundation: INSF (No. 96005286) and the European Research Council under the European Union’s 7th Framework Program (FP/20072013)/ERC Grant Agreement no. 323711 (M4 project).



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