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al 86, Korf 85, Langley 85, Mitchell et al 83). An ... as in [Iba 85], [Korf 85]) and [Dawson & Siklossy 77]. ... a space of goal nodes (similar to those in [Dawson &.

T.L. McCluskey The City University, Northampton Square, London, England.

ABSTRACT This paper is concerned with state space problem solvers that achieve generality by learning strong heuristics through experience in a particular domain. We specifically consider two ways of learning by analysing past solutions that can improve future problem solving: creating macros and the chunks. A method of learning search heuristics is specified which is related to 'chunking' but which complements the use of macros within a goal directed system. An example of the creation and combined use of macros and chunks, taken from an implemented system, is described. I


Integrating ideas and techniques devoloped in Machine Learning, with those of Problem Solving, has attracted substantial recent research effort (e.g. Laird et al 86, Korf 85, Langley 85, Mitchell et al 83). An important aspect is the revival of the 'general' problem solver. Its demise was due in part to the failure of its weak heuristics to tackle problems of complexity in some given application domain; now it returns equipped with not just weak problem solving heuristics but with weak h e u r i s t i c s for learning s t r o n g , i.e.domain dependent, heuristics. The latter may take the form of useful shifts in the problem space representation (a simple example is the learning of macro operators) or improving search through a particular space by the acquisition of search control heuristics. Thus, while its generality is maintained, learning may improve the problem solver's efficiency during the application to a particular domain. This is the approach we have taken in the construstion of a 'heuristic learning problem solver shell' called FM; it can acquire strong heuristics from problem solving experience when it is applied to specific domains. A complementary approach is to acquire or discover them during a preprocessing stage as in [Iba 85], [Korf 85]) and [Dawson & Siklossy 77]. FM's application domains can have variable initial and goal states. Applications are interchangeable by specifying domain environments, states and goals as expressions in first order logic, and operators in terms of structured add, delete and precondition predicates. Control stategies may be Interchanged (e.g. forward best-first or goal reduction) as can weak learning methods such as macro and chunk creation.

This constitutes a more general approach to recent work on heuristic learning in problem solvers (e.g. [Mitchell et al 83], [Korf 85]), where systems typically improve in domains with a fixed goal, employ a more specialised representation scheme, and a forward state space search strategy. This paper will outline FM's goal directed search and describe how macros and chunks are created and used as complementary heuristics during that search. II GOAL NODE SEARCH IN FM The backward search of FM proceeds in a goal reduction manner, starting with the initial goal, through a space of goal nodes (similar to those in [Dawson & Siklossy 77]). Each goal node can be modelled as a 6-tuple: (identifier, goal, initial state, ancestors, purpose, trace) The trace records attempts to solve the goal, whereas the purpose records why the goal node was created (typically to solve the unsatisfied preconditions of an operator). Goals, expressed as c o n j u n c t i o n s of ptedicates, are initially assumed to be decomposable: when a goal node is activated, operator instantiations which add goal predicates have their unsatisfied preconditions form another goal node, unless they are already satisfied in which case those operators are applied to the initial state and the result recorded in the trace. When the trace of a goal node eventually contains a state satisfying its goal (via an operator sequence Os), we say that the goal node is solved, and all nodes which are ancestors of it are removed from the search. If it was activated to solve an operator O's preconditions, then the sequence Os + 0 is applied to the goal node's parent's initial state and the result recorded in the parent's trace. A goal node's initial state may be the state inherited from a parent node, or may be an advanced state partially satisfying the parent's goal. The latter is the case when goals c a n n o t be s o l v e d by s i m p l e decompositon; FM examines the trace and forms new goal nodes whose goal predicates are inherited but whose initial states are selected from intermediate states taken from the parent's trace.



The kind of representation of goal nodes outined above aids both the formation and use of strong heuristics. The trace is available for analysis and criticism after the solution of each goal node, allowing 'within-trial transfer of learning' (see [Laird et al 84]) to take place. In our implementation of FM we have experimented with the formation of closed macros, 'b-chunks' and also subgoal ordering heuristics at this stage, but we shall limit our discussion to the first two. Ill


We consider a closed macro operator to be an operator sequence that has been c o m p i l e d and generalised into a form similar to that of a primitive operator (in contrast to the 'open' macrops of [Fikes et al 72]). This sequence forms part of a past solution, in the case of learning by experience, which includes fully instantiated operators and intermediate states. Here the compilation involves finding the sequence's weakest precondition through the intermediate states and using it as the macro's precondition. Within this certain constants can then be selectively generalised using a technique similar to the Explanation-Based Learning of [Mitchell et al 86]. Systems that learn closed macros ([Minton 85], [Iba 85]) seem to demonstrate significant improvement in problem solving within robot and puzzle worlds but there are pitfalls in using this technique as the sole learning component: -search trees do shorten but unfortunately grow bushy since distinct instantiations of macros proliferate. (This is reminisent of the effect of paramodulation, a 'macro inference rule' in Theorem Proving, which combines resolution with the axioms of equality, but when used in search changes long thin trees to short bushy ones!). -solutions which comprise of closed macros are prone to produce non-optimal paths even after checks for redundant primitive operator sequences have been made. We claim that such problems may be overcome by the learning of strong heuristics such as chunks to complement the use of macros. Macros are created and stored in FM when goal nodes are solved, and then are immediately available for use in problem solving. Each are compiled from a successful operator sequence into a primitive operator format. The major part of this compilation process is in building up the precondition M.p (a conjunction of predicates) of a macro M. This is accomplished by a procedure modelled on goal regression equations: M.p = Pn where PO = G and Pi m (Pi-1 - 0[n+1-i].a) U 0[n+1-i].p , i = 1 to n where 'U' and '--' mean set union and difference, 0[i].p, 0[i].a stand for the precondition and add predicates of operator i respectively, and G the goal predicates for the solution sequence.



Constants that appeared as arbitrary members of some p a r t i c u l a r t y p e in the s o l u t i o n ' s o p e r a t o r sequence are carefully generalised to a variable with that t y p e r e s t r i c t i o n ( f o l l o w i n g [Kodratoff 8 4 ] ) . Generalisation is justified since no operator in the solution sequence referred to the constant specifically but only to its type. Identical constants are generalised to the same variable throughout the macro, but equality binding restrictions are added where variables of the same type are generalised from distinct constants, so that they may not be instantiated to the same constant when in use. Macros are then incorporated into future problem solving as primitive operators, although some may later be deleted if rarely used. IV


The chunks created by FM improve the system's subsequent problem solving behaviour by providing search control knowledge. They are formed during the goal directed search and advise on the search through partial solutions. The absence of such a learning component in STRIPS with Macrops is pointed out in [Porter and Kibler 84] and Minton's Morris system [Minton 85] apparently combines only weak search heuristics with the use of macros. Consider 0 [ i ] (1

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