Coming Home; Lois Cloarec Hart; 2001; 9781930928503 ...

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Publishing, Incorporated, 2001 ... workday pace and end-of-the-workday mood were related to nightly variations in withdr
Coming Home; Lois Cloarec Hart; 2001; 9781930928503; Renaissance Alliance Publishing, Incorporated, 2001 Coming home' Queer migrations and multiple evocations of home, this article proposes an examination of recent interventions in queer studies that project queer culture and politics within a diasporic framework. Drawing on written narratives of what may be termed 'queer migrations', I seek to map the intersections of queer memories. Economic contradictions coming home to roost? Does the US economy face a long-term aggregate demand generation problem, many argue that the current recession is the product of a temporary stock market wobble. This paper argues that the US economy confronts deeper-seated problems concerning the aggregate demand generation process. For two decades, these problems have been. Football's coming home'but whose home? And do we want it?: nation, football and the politics of exclusion, this chapter argues that the dominant discourse that surrounded Euro 96 (the 1996 European Football Championships) drew on, and reinforced, a form of cultural racism that currently appears to be pervasive. It is argued that the national 'imagined. Always coming home, ursula Le Guin's Always Coming Home is a major work of the imagination from one of America's most respected writers of science fiction. More than five years in the making, it is a novel unlike any other. A rich and complex interweaving of story and fable, poem, artwork. Coming home to America: Dividend repatriations by US multinationals, american corporations earn a large and growing volume of after-tax profits through their affiliated foreign companies. The foreign earnings of US corporations are typically subject to taxation both by host foreign governments and by the US government, an arrangement that. Coming Home: The-Relationship of Expatriate Expectations with Repatriation Adjustment and Job Performance, recently, the topic of expatriate cross-cultural adjustment has received increased scholarly attention; however, adjustment after an international assignment (repatriation adjustment) has received relatively little systematic investigation. This study examined the relationship. Coming home upset: Gender, marital satisfaction, and the daily spillover of workday experience into couple interactions, this study explored how daily changes in workday pace and end-of-the-workday mood were related to nightly variations in withdrawn and angry marital behavior. For 3 days, 82 husbands and wives from 42 couples completed questionnaires at the end of the workday. Coming home: Accommodating the special needs of military veterans to the criminal justice system, large numbers of Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans are returning home with serious mental and emotional problems. In response to their impact on the criminal justice system, several jurisdictions have established veterans courts. Patterned after the early intervention. Women coming home: Longâ term patterns of recidivism, drawing on recent scholarship on prisoner reentry and gendered pathways to crime, this research explores how social relationships, incarceration experiences, and community context, and the intersection of these factors with race, influence the occurrence and timing. Coming home to the Pleistocene, when we grasp fully that the best expressions of our humanity were not invented by civilization but by cultures that preceded it, that the natural world is not only a set of constraints but of contexts within which we can more fully realize our dreams, we will. Coming home to the arctic cold: Antecedents to Finnish expatriate and spouse repatriation adjustment, building on repatriation adjustment research for US managers and spouses, this study is one of the first to identify potential cross-cultural differences by assessing these processes theoretically and empirically in a nonUS sample. Focusing on Finnish expatriates. Coming home: Building on family connections, large numbers of offenders are released from prisons and jails each year to community supervision. Most of these offenders return to live with family members. This article began with a brief description of the offenders returning home and the challenges facing them. Coming home from jail: the social and health consequences of community reentry for women, male adolescents, and their families and communities, each year, more than 10 million people enter US jails, most returning home within a few weeks. Because jails concentrate people with infectious and chronic diseases, substance abuse, and mental health problems, and reentry policies often exacerbate these problems. Coming home to the motherland: Pilgrimage tourism in Ghana, cape Coast is a town in Southern Ghana, at the shore of the Atlantic Ocean. The former commercial and administrative centre of the colonial Gold Coast, it is now famous for its excellent secondary schools (a remnant of extensive missionary activity in the region. Veterans coming home to the community college: Linking research to practice, community colleges must prepare for change as increasing numbers of students who are veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars use their post-9/11 GI Bill benefits to join the colleges' diverse student bodies. Based on the findings of a mixed methods case study. Coming home again: Returns to the parental home of young adults, the route to residential independence is not a one-way street; many young adults who leave their parents' homes subsequently return. Data from the (US) National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972 are used to study young adults' returns to the parental home. Security is coming home: Rethinking scale and constructing resilience in the global urban response to terrorist risk, this article argues that contemporary security as a concept, practice and commodity is undergoing a rescaling, deterritorialisation and reterritorialisation, with previously international security concerns penetrating all levels of governance. Security is becoming. Coming home?: refugees, migrants, and those who stayed behind, few things weigh on the human spirit more heavily than a sense of place; the lands we live in and return to have a profound ability to shape our notions of home and homeland, not to mention our own identities. The pull of the familiar and the desire to begin anew. Coming home: An introduction to collaborative conservation, the buzz of collaboration is all around the West. You can hear it being whispered by the grasses, moaned by the trees, gurgled by the fishes, hummed by the bees. In many places, collaborative decision making seems to be emerging mostly in the form of watershed. Coming home: Student veterans' articulation of college re-enrollment, this study described student veterans' navigation of college re-enrollment. Fifteen participants interviewed at one institution were less likely to seek academic support and more inclined to pursue social support in the form of associating with fellow veterans with. by KR Persky, DE Oliver