Aug 2, 2014 - Speakers Secretary. Ken Deller. Newsletter Editor ... fellowship of business and professional persons unit
COMING SOON A Quiz Night at Old Alleynians Pavilion in September A RaceNight at Old Alleynians Pavilion in October
A Quiz Night at Virgo Fidelis School on November 15th
And A Christmas Dinner at The Dulwich and Sydenham Hill Golf Club on December 19th
September is Youth Service month PLEASE NOTE - The Club meets at Old Alleynian Pavilion, Dulwich Common SE21 7HA on Tuesday evenings at 6.30pm for 6.45pm. Visitors are always very welcome. Please contact the Secretary for details and to book meals if you wish to visit.
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THE ROTARY CLUB OF DULWICH AND PECKHAM District 1130 Meeting Place Old Alleynians Pavilion, Dulwich Common SE21 7HA
Honorary Treasurer
Honorary Assistant Secretary Honorary Assistant Treasurer Speakers Secretary Newsletter Editor
Membership Services Chairman, Friends Liaison and Attendance Officer International Service Chairman Community Service Chairman Youth Service Chairman Foundation Specialist
Date 2014
Subject Speaker
Reception Speaker’s Host
02 Sept
Fellowship meeting
09 Sept
Save a Child's Heart Walter Felman
Ken Deller Adrian Faiers
16 Sept
Sydenham Garden Tom Gallagher
Sam Woodlock Sylvia Muxworthy
Shirley Kirk
23 Sept
A and O Committee meetings
Pat Hersey
Ken Deller
30 Sept
Cystic Fibrosis Speaker tbc
Philip Andrews Mari-Antoinette Bellafonte
07 Oct
Dulwich Helpline Speaker tbc
Roy Ashby Shirley Kirk
14 Oct
21 Oct
Visit from District Governor David Palmer
Simon Pratt Ken Deller
28 Oct
A and O Committee meetings
Juliette Atako-Gregory
04 Nov
Athol House Alison
Adrian Faiers Glyn Thomas
Day and Time Tuesday 6:30pm (18:30) for 6.45pm (18.45) Officers President President Elect and Operational Services Chairman President Nominee and Club Service Chairman Honorary Secretary and Minutes Secretary
Glyn Thomas
Adrian Faiers 15 Lovett Road, Harefield Middlesex UB9 6DN
[email protected] Ken Hersey 61 Wood Street, Mitcham Junction Surrey CR4 4JT Roy Ashby Adrian Faiers Ken Deller Shirley Kirk 15 Lovett Road, Harefield Middlesex UB9 6DN
[email protected] Adrian Faiers
[email protected] Barbara Deller Pat Hersey Shirley Kirk Philip Andrews
Members—Please tell Adrian Faiers 07966 133756 by 6.00pm on the Sunday prior to the meeting if you are not able to attend. Friends and visitors—Please notify Adrian as above if you do wish to attend. OBJECT OF ROTARY 1, The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service. 2, High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society. 3, The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarians personal, business and community life. 4, The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.
If you are not able to carry out your duty on the date specified, please arrange an exchange and notify Shirley Kirk
18 Sept
District Community Service
02 Oct
NEW MEMBERS EVENING, 6 York Gate, 6pm -10.30pm
17 –19 Oct
District Conference at Eastbourne
22 Oct
District Council, International Student House, 6.30pm
15 Nov
Joint Quiz Night at Virgo Fidelis Convent School, 7 for 7.30pm
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Zero Waste Week is an opportunity to cut down on landfill waste, protect the environment and save money - a win-win situation. Apparently, we generate about 177 million tonnes of waste in this country alone each year, using up precious resources, damaging the environment and costing businesses and households money they can ill afford. Zero Waste Week is in it’s seventh year and the theme for 2014 is “One More Thing”. Most (if not all) of us recycle household waste through our local authority collections but there are lots more simple things that we can do in addition. Do you have a tip you could share, such as a recipe for using ‘left overs’, or do you know an environmentally friendly way to remove stains? Please let the Editor have your contributions. AWARENESS WEEKS in September There are many national awareness weeks this month, including
President Glyn Thomas, at the Goose Green Fair.
Once more unto the breach, dear Rotarians and Friends, once more. Last year, under the leadership of President Jayson Darling, our Club grew in number and we were involved in an increasing number of projects and activities. It was a very successful year. Yet we are very aware that the need for voluntary organisations such as Rotary seems to also be increasing and we must not rest on our laurels - not that we would! Two months in to the new Rotary year, we have already accepted applications for membership from three local residents - a hearty welcome to Juliette, Dereck and Daudin. PP Ken D has arranged an interesting and entertaining programme of speakers and our committees have several projects running or planned throughout the year. PP Roy is busy organising a Quiz and a Race Night for fundraising and fellowship and our Christmas Dinner is booked at the Dulwich and Sydenham Hill Golf Club for December 19th.
19th September 2014
International Day of Peace 21st September 2014
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Can you beat the puzzle corner? It’s just for fun but give it a try.
Reg Vero, Founder member of the Rotary Club of Dulwich, Honorary member of the Rotary Club of Dulwich and Peckham
The signs of the zodiac which cover May are Taurus and Gemini.
The country once known as Abyssinia is now called Ethiopia.
Captain Hook’s ship in Peter Pan was called The Jolly Roger.
Astrocytes are star-shaped cells in the brain and spinal cord.
There are six pips in the Greenwich time signal.
The last Governor of Hong Kong was Chris Patten.
The 1812 Overture celebrates Napoleon’s defeat in Moscow.
The Mary Rose sank in the Solent in 1545.
Joe Bugner went the distance with Mohammad Ali.
Chronophobia is the fear of time (prevalent in prison populations).
It is with great sadness that we report the passing of PP Reg Vero during the summer. Reg was a founder member of the Rotary Club of Dulwich and served as the Secretary in the early years. When the two clubs combined, Reg joined the new club and continued to come to meetings up until last year, when ill health meant that he was no longer able to get out and about easily. During his time in Rotary, he held several offices, including that of President.
In which country is the state of Tobasco?
Which ship began its epic journey on September 6th 1620?
Which World War II operation was nicknamed ‘Dynamo’?
By what name was Emperor Claudius Caesar Drusus Germanicus better known ?
In which country are the Cambrian mountains?
Which film ends with ‘after all, tomorrow’s another day’?
Which three South American countries lie on the Equator?
How many times does the moon orbit the Earth in a year?
What type of precious stone is the Star of India?
Which motorway links Birmingham and Exeter?
Reg was a very generous man, not just in terms of donating money to good causes and treating friends and family but also in terms of giving his time. He enjoyed people visiting his home and always made visitors feel welcome. There was always a table of ‘Veros’ at our Christmas Dinner and other social functions, hosted by Reg. He supported our fundraising events on a regular basis - and seemed to particularly enjoy the Race Nights, when he always named his horses after locations associated with the return of British forces to Europe in the second world war. His love of ‘easy listening music’ was reflected in the choice of songs by Frank Sinatra, Matt Munro and Nat King Cole at his funeral. We shall miss Reg and send our sincere condolences to Keith and all the family.
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Jayson and Joanne’s Wedding 2nd August 2014
Never worry about the world ending today it’s already tomorrow in Australia! Charles M Schulz (American cartoonist, famous for the Peanuts strip)
A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.
Congratulations and
William James (American philosopher, psychologist and physician)
Very Best Wishes from all the Members and Friends of the Club Congratulations to Ken Hersey, James Muxworthy and David Muxworthy, recent winners of the 100 Club Draw. To take out membership of the 100 Club for this Rotary year contact President Glyn -
[email protected] All profits go to the Club Charity Trust Fund. This draw is open to non-members - please make sure that your friends and family know about it! Membership of Rotary is by invitation only but we are always willing to talk to anyone who is interested in finding out more about Rotary in general or our Club in particular . See our website for details of the programme and contact details.
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For my President’s Charity this year, I have chosen Athol House Cheshire Home. The two-storey house, located in College Road, Dulwich, provides accommodation and personal care for 21 adults with physical disabilities. The Club has long been associated with raising funds for the House and I have regularly taken residents on outings in the minibus, treating them to lunch or tea funded by the Club. It’s a lively place with plenty going on and facilities being upgraded. For example, the gardens have been improved recently, as we saw when we held a Bar-B-Q in the grounds during the summer. But there’s always more that can be done to enable the residents to have more choices in their lives. My project’s fund has already been kick-started with the proceeds from a garden party held by PP Sylvia at her new home - many thanks, Sylvia, for a lovely afternoon. I look forward to serving as President for 2014-2015 and know that I can count on the Officers and Members of the Club to make a difference and ‘Light Up Rotary’ (this year’s theme chosen by the President of Rotary International, Gary Huang).
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Who’s Leading Rotary this year?
Rotary International President
Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland (RIBI) President
District 1130 Rotary in London District Governor
David Palmer "Light Up Rotary is more than our theme. It is how we make a difference — every day, in every club, and every country we serve."