... to Railway Officers Rest House facility while on tour on the. same terms and conditions as for serving railway offic
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No. ERB-llzAAgn3l44
7{:7 'tlt
NewDelhi, dated21lg812076 _=..OREER
Ministry of Railways(Railway.Board)have decided to ponstitute a One.Man committee on Infrastruc'turednd Innovation.The committee.shall be -- headedby
shriv K GuptaIRSE(RetdMembdrEnsineerinsi-R;iil;fi;;J'-" 2. The Termsof referenceof the one Man comrnitteeare as.underThe Committeewill adviseon the roadmapfor-
a) Preparation of Nationat Railplan2090 b) Sanctionfimpfementation of threen"* OfC,
c) Anyothermatteras maybe assigned.
,Q -tr W
m 3' The tenureof the Cornmittee wilt initiallybe for a pgiodffin committeewillsubmitits recommendations rrondimdfuY . a
4' TheHeadquarter of the committee willbe at NmD& Officeaccommodation and Secretarial assi*a
Infrastructitre dlrectoratewill be the N
Remuneration nef nuilerallg4
DFCC|L wittnrnvirte rhe workingof the committee.
Ctoratein the RailwayBoard.
6. TheTerms andconditions "CdfurtJe (i) [r,
snarr beasunder-
ffi. }rsf PayLastDrawnminust$WHubject to a maximum of Rs50,000/permonth. Hbwever, hewillmtk etgfutefor anyotheremployment/ engagement involving remunerations/flrfdliei4l rewa rds. &,*& d re@& (ii) fraygg\s faCititiesandailowances 1fr& He wiltffivided a first 'A' classDutyCardPasswithpermission to travelon dutVlS$st A incfuding Rajdhaniand Shatabdi Express-. Besides in exigencies of wwit|.!99[!-qry9d.tt-eve|.Qyairin.Ep.o-n.omJ..-c|aqq,.Air:travel.j;.higher.
TIONAL FEDERATION OF INDIAN RAILWAYMEN (N,F.I,R) 3, Chelmsford Road, New Delhi No. IV/Committee/Misc/Pt.Ill Dated:04/07/2016 Copy forwarded idormation.
lo the General Seuetaries of Al/iliated
Media Centre/I,lFIR.
Unipns of NFIR for
qt- t\-{
(n..vr.nugr,iliutr,l Gbneral
class will be subjectto approvalof Departmentof Expenditure,Ministryof Finance.He will be paidTA/DAas admissibleto servingofficersof equivalent status
Road Transport
Road transportfor official.useshall also be providedin connectionwith the work of the committee.Alternatively,he will be allowedreimbursement of conveyance chargeson the same terms and conditionsas are applicableto servingofficers of equivalentrank.
Rest House Facility
He will be entitledto RailwayOfficersRest House facilitywhile on tour on the same terms and conditionsas for servingrailwayofficersof equivalentstatus.
Office:-He will be provided with Railway/MTNLtelephone with Broadbdnd connectionin his office. Residence; He will be provided MTNL telephone with srD facilig and Broadbandconnectionat his residence or in case he has MTNI- telephone, refund of rental and chargesas per rules applicableto servingrailwayofficers shallbe arranged. He will also be entitledto CUG facilityas per the entitlementof the officersOf equivalentstatus.
Hewillbe governed by the RailwayMedicalAttendance Rules. I
7. The Pay & AccountsOfficer,RailwayBoardwill be the Accountsand Disbursing Officerfor the Committee
8 . The expenditure is chargeable to GrantNo.2. 9 . This issueswiththe concurrence of FinanceDirectorate
of Ministryof Railways.
.roint s"c,jlli'rHT RailwayBoard
No.ERB-1tZOOgtZgt44New Dethi,
dated 2110612016
Copyforwardedto:1) The PrincipalDirectorof AuditNorthernRailways. 2)
Deputy Chief Comptroller& Auditor Generalof India, R.No. 224, Rai l Bhavan;NewDelhi.
For Financial CommidsionerlRailways Copyto: 1. OSD/MR,EDPGIMR, PS/MSR,EDPG/MSR. 2. Psos/sr.PPSs/ppss/pss to cRB, Fc, MS, ME, MM, MT, ML, secy., DG/RPF,DG/RHS,Ail AMs/Advisers. EDs, JS(c). JS. JS(E). JS{c), ADGiPR, Drp, Di(p),, Ds(c), DS(E), us(A)-f us(A)-il, , us(protocor), US(Parl),RailwayBoard. 3. The GMs.Ail IndianRairways and prodrctionUnits 4. DGs/RDSO, Lucknow and NAIR,Vadodara 5' The chief commissioner of Rairwaysafety,16-A,AshokMarg,Lucknow. 6. The FA&CAO.NorthernRailway. 7. The Pay& AccountsOfficer,RailwayBoard. #Wl fte GenerafSecretaries, AtRFand-N,ffff 9. The GeneralSecretary, IRCA.New Delhi. 10. The secretaryGeneral, FROA& lRpoF.All IndiaRpFAssociation. 11. cash-|,ll, fll,G, G(pass).G(Acc). sEE(power),ERB-Il,lll. parl.,o&M, 12- F(E):|,F(E)-:lf,F(E)/-sp[,, .Rep-eptiqn, f-ib[ary,- RBcc, Telecom.planning. Infrastructure celf, computercentreand stationeryBranches. 13' shri v K GuptaEx MemberEngineering &chairman of the committee. . 14. TheAdvllnfra,Coordinating Officer