Railway Board, ... list containing department specific Allowances to the concerned .... Basic information relating to as
Federation National of IndianRailwaymen ROAD,NEWDELHI- 110055 3 , C H E L MSFORD Affiliatedto : lndianNationalTradeUnionCongress(INTUC) lnternationalTransportWorkers'Federation(lTF) Na,ry7ypny7 cPC(IMpl)/Allowances/2016
The Secretary(E), Railway Board, New Delhi Dear Sir,
Sub: Committee to examine therecommff#f::.11i
CPCregarding Allowances-reg.
In the committeemeetingheld on l't September2016, under the Chairmanshipof FinanceSecretaryat North Block (Room No. 72) New Delhi, the Standing Committee Members of JCM (Staff Side) expressed views on 7thCPC recommendationson Allowances. After hearing the views, the Chairman of the meeting statedthat further meetingswill be held and suggestedthat in the meantime the StaffFederationsmay sendthe list containing departmentspecific Allowances to the concernedadministrativeministriesand.JCM(Staff Side) may send list of common allowances to JS (Imp) MoF, New Delhi for consideration.'ihe Railway Board Chairmanwas also presentduring discussionsheld on 1't September2016. In this connection,NFIR desiresto convey to the Railway Board that:-
(a) while the previous Pay Commission had doubled various Allowances, the 7fr CPC has recommended edhancementof only 50% of the existing rates in those casesof a few allowancesrecommendedto be retained.This needsto be reviewed for improvement. (b) The 7ft CPC recommendations- mainly on Night Duty Allowance, National Holiday Allowance, F Transport Allowance would in effect result reduction of existing amounts. These aberrationsare requiredto be iectified and the amount of allowancesenhanced. (c) With regard to Allowances for Running Staff like Kilometerage,ALK etc., there should be separate discussionsbetweenthe Federationsand Railway Board for revision and improvementas was done in the past.Attentionis alsoinvited to Para8.11.19and 8.11.20of the 7e CPCreport. (d) The Pay Commission in its report vide Para 8.2.5 has statedthat any allowancenot mentioned (and hence not reported to the Commission) shall ceaseto exist immediately. The Pay Commission has further stated that in case there is any demand or requirement for continuation of existing allowance, which has not been deliberated upon by the Commission, it should be re-notified by the Ministry concernedafter obtaining due approval of MoF. NFIR suggeststhat this Para of the repdt be rejected by the Government. Altematively, the administrative ministries be empowered for continuance of any such allowance,duly apprising the necessityof continuationto the MoF. Federationalso requeststhe Railway Board to kindly place before the Committee(chairedby Finance Secretary) the valid points brought out by the Federation through this letter and also impress upon the committee to retain the allowanceslisted in the Annexure and their enhancement,consideringthe fact that the Railways' working is unique, complex and not comparablewith any other Ministry. DA/As above
(Dr. M. Raghavaialr) . General Secretary Copy together with enclosureis forwarded to the Executive DirectorlPC-I, Railway Board, DFCC Building, PragatiMaidan, Metro Bhavan,New Delhi for information and necessaryactipn please. Copy together with enclosure is forwarded to the Executive Director (IR), Railway Board, New Delhi for information and'hecessaryaction please. to the GeneralSecretariesof afFrliatedUnions of,NFIR. \,,Fopy Media CentreA.IFIR.
Phone: 011-23343305, Rly.030-22283,22626, Fax: 011-23744013, 65027299, Rly.22382, Telegram : RAILMAZDOR E-mail :
[email protected]; dr.mr@ india.com, Website : www.nfirindia.org
Annexure List of Allowances needed to be continued in the Railwavs:l.
BreakDown Allowance
2. Family Planning Allowance (should be continued to motivate the Governmentemployeesto adopt small family nonns. It shouldbe enhancedsuitably). 3. Flying SquadAllowance for Ticket Checking Cadre. 4. FuneralAllowance 5. HandicappedAllowance 6. Hutting Allowance 7, Night Patrolling Allowance - needsto be continuedin view of the necessityof the Pgtrg.l_ling of Railway TracksduringNight Time) 8. OperationTheatreAllowance 9. Outturn Allowance 10. Overtime Allowance I 1. Rent Free Accommodation 12. Training Stipend 13: PCO Allowance to staff working in ProductionControl Organization, 14. SpecialAllowance to SSEsworking in Workshopsand PUs. 15. SpecialAllowance for performing announcingduties. 16. Daily Officiating Allowance 17. Split Duty Allowance 18. SpecialAllowance to specifiedcategories. [Railway Board' s letter No. E(P&A)I-2009/SP-I /Genl dated30I 04I 20 | 0). 19. SpecialAllowance for Cenfial Ticket Squadof Railway Board. @ailway Board's letter No. 8l/Ticket Checking/2|3 drtelll2l05ll98l
and letter No. E(P&A)I-2009/SP-liGenl-1 d^tedl3ll2l20l2).
20. Cycle Allowance (Therecommendation of Ministryof Railwaysfor discontinuance is unjustified). 21. SpecialAllowance to Train Superintendentetc 22. Deptttation (Duty) Allowance 23. ConveyanceAllowance 24. Mileage Allowance for Journeysby Road 25. Children Education Allowance - Though retainedat lower rates - needsto be enhancedto atleast3000 and 8000 per month respectively for Education Allowance and Hostel Subsidyrespectivelywith proviso that wheneverQA increasesby 50olo,the CEA shall be increasedby 25%.
26. Fixed Medical Allowance may be increasedto not lessthan Rs. 2000/- p.m. 27. Night Duty Allowance to be continuedand ratesrevised. 28. SpecialDuty,Allowance to be retainedand ratesrevised. 29. BadClimate Allowance to be retainedand ratesrevised. 30. Tribal Area Allowance to be retainedand ratesrevised. 31. DressAllowance to be upwardly revisedto not lessthan Rs. 10,000/-. 32. Washing Allowance may be granted from Rs. 300/- to Rs. 600/- p.m. to maintain the Uniform in nice condition. 33. Water Allowance for Track Maintainers. Interest free advancesto the Railwav emplovees.
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All interest free advancespayable to Railway employees need to be retained in view of the fact that these are recov€red from the salaries of employees. rFr&*rf *{