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Carlos Alvarez-Dardet, John R Ashton Joint Editors
COMMON SENSE, THE LEAST COMMON SENSE? We begin this issue with an undiluted dose of common sense from social scientist Ann Bowling, who asks in an Editorial whether ‘‘If one questions works, why ask several’’?, while Maurico Barreto challenges us to be more rigorous about the evaluation of public health interventions. See pages 342, 345 Martin Voracek, in an Editorial linked to a research paper, explores the issues of suicidal risk after spousal suicide or psychiatric admission. The conclusion seems to be that husbands and wives whose marital partner has been admitted with a psychiatric disorder are themselves at increased risk of suicide, and it may be that assortative mating on heritable traits such as personality variants, psychiatric disorders, and suicidality contribute to the observed increased suicide risk after spousal suicide or psychiatric admission. See pages 347, 407 The JECH Gallery welcomes Afghanistan back to the international public health community, and explores the way in which visual complexity might cause us to reflect on the complexity of public health systems. The last of Levi Tafari’s poems tackles the increasingly worrying topic of greenhouse gases. See pages 355, 349
A Glossary by Nancy Krieger introduces us to the notion of embodiement in ecosocial theory and epidemiological inquiry. Bodies tell stories, and we are challenged to unravel them. See page 350 A strong set of papers in Evidence Based Policy and Practice this month looks at:
health impact assessment in an expanded European Union; current practice and future directions for health impact assessment; the impact of voluntary folate fortification on plasma homocysteine and serum folate in Australia; work related and non-work related stress in low leisure time physical activity; physical activity and quality of life in people with arthritis; late referral for assessment of renal failure. See pages 356, 361, 371, 377, 380, 386 Research Report findings this month include:
that a rise in income inequality has no negative effect on men’s self rated health as long as the level of inequality is not very great; widening education inequalities in smoking related diseases are projected for several European countries in the future; breast cancer incidence is substantially lower in South Asians than other women in England and Wales, and South Asian women seem to have higher breast cancer survival; while European populations are aging, the proportions of elderly people with disability are decreasing. See pages 389, 395, 402, 413
For the theoreticians and methodologists we offer an outcome measure for morbidity assessment in newborns and explore whether international differences in the outcomes of acute coronary syndromes are apparent or real. See pages 420, 427 And if you need a good reference text on cannabis and public health, one is featured in our Book Reviews this month. See page 435