Communication Department Weekly Advisory - Google Groups

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Jun 27, 2014 - Our Annual Summer Camp this year will be from July 14 - August 11, ... The camp caters to both young peop
Central Jamaica Conference Communication Department

Communication Department Weekly Advisory

58 Brunswick Avenue, Spanish Town, St. Catherine, Jamaica, W.I. Tele: (876) 984-5576/7 Fax: (876) 984-8589 Website: Email: [email protected]

June 27, 2014 Please note the following reminders for the local churches: 1. Medical Missionaries All Medical Missionaries who participated in the IICM Training are being asked to contact the CJC Office urgently at 984-5576-7/2044 to place your orders for shirts for graduation by Monday, June 30, 2014. 2. International Institute of Christian Ministries Training, Sunday, June 29, 2014 All participants are being reminded of the IICM training on Sunday, June 29, 2014 starting at 9:00 AM at the Willowdene High School. 3. Quarterly Delivery Schedule The delivery of Quarterlies for the 3rd Quarter of 2014 will take place in the various parishes on the following dates and times specified:  St. Catherine (at the Conference Office) Monday, June 23, 2014, 9:00 AM and 4:30 PM  Clarendon (May Pen SDA Church) Tuesday, June 24, 2014, 10:30 AM and 3:00 PM  Manchester (Mandeville SDA Church) Thursday, June 26, 2014, 10:30 AM and 5:00 PM. 4. Summer Camp – July 14 – August 11, 2014 Our Annual Summer Camp this year will be from July 14 - August 11, 2014 at Camp Verley, Spring Gardens, St. Catherine. The camp caters to both young people of our church and community from the parishes of Manchester, Clarendon and St. Catherine. Dates for each camp are as follows:  Teen Camp (age 13-16) July 14 - 21, 2014  Junior Camp (age 7–12 years) July 14 - 21, 2014  Senior Camp (age 17 & Over) August 4 - 11, 2014 Please complete the attached application form and return it with the fee to the Conference Office on or before Monday, June, 23, 2014 so that the necessary preparations can be made. Registration begins at 12 O’ clock for each camp and the cost is ($4,000.00). 5. A Call to Pray – July 5, 2014 As we prepare for the 4th Quadrennial Conference Session (July 23-24, 2014) to be held at Camp Verley, Spring Gardens, St. Catherine, Sabbath, July 5, 2014, is declared as “A Call to Prayer.” The day covers sunset, Friday, July 4, to sunset Sabbath, July 5, 2014. See the attached bulletin for details. 6. Communication Day 2014 – July 12 Kindly see attached information to help in the planning and execution of Communication Day 2014. In His Service,

Pastor Kemar T. J. Douglas, Communication, Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Director