Communication Department Weekly Advisory - Google Groups

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Jul 11, 2014 - Central Jamaica Conference. Communication Department. 58 Brunswick Avenue,. Spanish Town,. St. Catherine,
Central Jamaica Conference Communication Department

Communication Department Weekly Advisory

58 Brunswick Avenue, Spanish Town, St. Catherine, Jamaica, W.I. Tele: (876) 984-5576/7 Fax: (876) 984-8589 Website: Email: [email protected]

July 11, 2014

Please note the following reminders for the local churches: 1. Session Notice – July 23-24, 2014 Notice for the Fourth Quadrennial Session of Central Jamaica Conference Notice is hereby given that the Fourth Quadrennial Session of Central Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists will be held at Camp Verley, Spring Gardens, St. Catherine on Wednesday, July 23 and Thursday, July 24, 2014. Registration for all delegates will be on Wednesday, July 23, 2014, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 12:00 noon. The first Business Session will begin at 1:00 p.m. This Session is called to: 1. Receive reports from Officers and Departmental Directors 2. Elect Administrators and Departmental Directors for the next quadrennium 3. Consider revision and changes to the Conference’s Constitution and Bylaws 4. Transact other business Delegates are selected by the local churches consistent with the terms of the Central Jamaica Conference Constitution. Levi Johnson, President Ronnie Henry, Secretary The session will be streamed lived on the Conference website and observers in attendance are asked to take note of the seating arrangements. 2. Communication Day 2014 – July 12 Kindly see attached information to help in the planning and execution of Communication Day 2014. 3. International Institute of Christian Ministries Graduation, Sabbath, July 12, 2014 The IICM Graduation Service will be held on Sabbath, July 12, 2014 at the Portmore Seventh-day Adventist Church at 3:30 PM. All graduands are required to be there by 3:00 PM. The theme is “Empowered to Serve” and the speaker will be Dr. Keith Burton, author of last quarter’s Adult Sabbath School Lesson and Professor at Oakwood University.

Central Jamaica Conference Communication Department

Communication Department Weekly Advisory

58 Brunswick Avenue, Spanish Town, St. Catherine, Jamaica, W.I. Tele: (876) 984-5576/7 Fax: (876) 984-8589 Website: Email: [email protected]

4. Summer Camp – July 14 – August 11, 2014 Our Annual Summer Camp this year will be from July 14 - August 11, 2014 at Camp Verley, Spring Gardens, St. Catherine. The camp caters to both young people of our church and community from the parishes of Manchester, Clarendon and St. Catherine. Dates for each camp are as follows:  Teen Camp (age 13-16) July 14 - 21, 2014  Junior Camp (age 7–12 years) July 14 - 21, 2014  Senior Camp (age 17 & Over) August 4 - 11, 2014 Please complete the attached application form and return it with the fee to the Conference Office on or before Monday, July 7, 2014 so that the necessary preparations can be made. Registration begins at 12 O’ clock for each camp and the cost is ($4,000.00). 5. Prayer Vigil and Day of Prayer for the Nation – July 31 and August 2, 2014 At the recent Mid-year meetings of the Jamaica Union Conference it was voted to join the Government of Jamaica in celebration of Emancipation by way of a Prayer Vigil. The format of the programme should be determined by each Conference and local Church. See the attached letter and material for more information. Also kindly note that our Annual Day of Prayer for the Nation follows right after, and we look forward to each Church facilitating this special worship experience.

In His Service,

Pastor Kemar T. J. Douglas, Communication, Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Director