Communication - Nanyang Technological University

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and Wireless Technology Centre (PWTC) and Network. Technology Research ...... as implementing ad hoc networks using Cellonics UWB radio technology.
Division of

Communication Engineering




he Communication Engineering Division has 47

invention is a fibre laser configuration for low noise, narrow

academic staff members, of whom 36 are full-time

linewidth, single polarization mode operation with power

staff and 11 are adjunct staff. Academic staff members of


the Division drive most of the research programs hosted by the Satellite Engineering Centre (SEC), Positioning

In addition of the patents, members of the Division won

and Wireless Technology Centre (PWTC) and Network

two Best Paper awards at two different conferences.

Technology Research Centre (NTRC). In addition, the

Mr Sun Hongbo, Mr Liu Weixian and Prof Lu Yilong and

Division hosts two research groups, namely, the Microwave

their collaborators won the best paper award at the CIE

Circuits, Antenna and Propagation (MCAP) group, and the

International Conference on Radar, held on 16-19 October

Modulation, Coding and Signal Processing (MCSP) group.

2006, for their paper entitled ‘A Special Operation

The former focuses on the development of new algorithms

Mode of BoomSAR in Application to Foliage Penetration

and tools for computational electromagnetics, as well as

Imaging’. Mr. Fu Weiming and Asst Prof Tan Eng Leong

innovative design of microwave circuits, antennas, and

won the 2nd Prize of the Best Paper Gold Award at the

wireless systems for industrial applications. The latter focuses

International RF and Microwave Conference, held on 12–14

on information theory and advanced modulation, coding

September 2006, for their paper entitled ‘Unconditionally

and signal processing techniques for wireless and secured

Stable FDTD Technique Including Passive Lumped Elements’.


Fourteen new projects with more than $4.6m total funding were also awarded to faculty member in the Division in 2006.

Among the major achievements of the Division in 2006 is the award of two patents filed in Singapore. The first patent is for a Temperature Compensation Package for Optic Fibre Gratings developed by Chen Zhihao, Lu Chao and Cheng Tee Hiang. This was granted on 31 March 2006. Specifically, the invention relates to fibre Bragg gratings, comprising uniform gratings, chirped gratings and blazed gratings. The second patent is for a Single Polarization Undirectional Distributed Feedback Fibre Ring Laser invented by Lu Chao, Lai Yicheng and Yang Xiufeng. This was granted on 31 July 2006. The

(Top) Prof. Lu YL and his students, with the Best Paper Award at CIE International Conference on Radar, 2006

(Left) Prof. Tan EL and his student Mr. Fu WM, recipients of the Second Prize of the Best Paper Gold Award at the International RF and Microwave Conference 2006

School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering • 077


Microwave Circuits, Antennas and Propagation Research Group Several members of the group are also carrying out


The Microwave Circuits, Antennas and Propagation research group aims to develop new algorithms and tools for computational electromagnetics as well as innovative designs of microwave circuits, antennas, and wireless systems for industrial applications.

pioneering work on microwave photonics. One of the projects focuses on the design and development of a radio over fibre (RoF) system, which is a joint project with the Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), funded under the A*STAR Optical Network Focused Interest Group (ONFIG) programme. A related RoF project received funding support from Japan’s National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NiCT). Another microwave photonics project involves optical processing of microwave signals using differential group delay elements, chirped fibre Bragg

Highlights of Research Activities Most of the research activities of the research group are conducted in conjunction with and reported under other research centres. Certain research activities on computational electromagnetics are reported under the Centre for Modeling and Control of Complex Systems (CMCCS) in the Division of Control and Instrumentation; satellite related research are reported under the Satellite Engineering Centre (SEC), and research work related to wireless communication propagation and RFID, wireless network and GPS are reported under the Positioning and Wireless Technology Centre (PWTC). This section reports only those activities that do not involve the

gratings, and optical buffer. This project is funded by A*STAR. The project team has successfully designed 3-tap photonic microwave filters using a single section of Hi-Bi fibre. These beaming technology for phase arrays, and optically controlled microwave circuits. Other members of the group carry out extensive work on smart antenna systems, array based radar signal processing, millimetre wave circuit design and analysis, miniaturized microwave planar filters and antennas, and propagation characteristics of magnetostatic surface waves under arbitrary orientation of magnetization.

CMCCS, the SEC and the PWTC. A number of members of this research group are involved in radar-related research projects, which include high frequency surface wave radar for over-the-horizon target detection and tracking, and passive radar based through-the-wall surveillance.

Members of the group work closely with local industry to develop new technologies through several research tied-ups. In 2006, the group started a new collaborative Satcom & Sensor Systems research program with ST Electronics Pte Ltd to study microwave integrated antennas and circuits. The group is in the process of finalizing another research programme with Delphi Corporation on multi-mode millimetre wave phased array

The figures shows the Doppler-Range response of GSM signal

antennas and radar.

based passive through-the-wall detection of walking human

078 • Nanyang Technological University


LD Controller Adapter 5





EAM Blias Tee

EAM Controller


TEC 50Ω EA-mod.

Laser Diode

(Top view) V-Connector Female

Signal Generator

DC Supply


VNA up to 67 GHz AgilentE8361A

Experimental set up for a RoF transceiver system

Modulation, Coding and Signal Processing Research Group error correction (FEC) and signal processing techniques for


The aim of this research group is to conduct theoretical research and hardware implementation in areas related to modulation, coding and signal processing for use in wired and wireless communication systems.

optical communications, and performance analyses of various wireless communications under fading conditions. For space-time coding, the focus is on unifying design criteria for space-time block codes (STBC) of any dimensions as well as combining STBC and beamforming based on the channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter. The research team has found that by combining Alamouti’s code and beamforming, it is possible to increase the number of

Highlights of Research Activities The group’s research covers space time coding on multiinput multi-output (MIMO) systems, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), antenna beamforming, channel estimation, speech coding, and application of signal processing techniques for interference rejection in spreadspectrum systems. It also conducts research on forward-

transmit antennas to more than two and thereby improve the bit-error-rate performance significantly even under non-ideal CSI feedback conditions. The team has also proposed an integrated design of linear-structured STBC and beamforming, which gives significant performance improvement compared with the existing integrated design using the unstructured code.

School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering • 079


On MIMO/space-time coding, the group’s contributions include: pioneering the class of quasiorthogonal STBC with minimum decoding complexity (MDC-QOSTBC), achieving the first single-symboldecodable differential space time modulation based on QO-STBC, and discovering the first QO-STBC with code rates more than 1. Three algorithms have been proposed to estimate carrier frequency offset (CFO) in OFDM systems. The first one is the minimum output variance (MOV) algorithm that utilizes the minimum output variance property to estimate the fractional CFO without the aid of pilot symbols. The second algorithm has been derived based on the maximum likelihood criterion, which estimates the integer CFO with the aid of pilot symbols. To estimate the integer and fractional CFO simultaneously, an adaptive LMS-like algorithm has been studied. The LMSlike algorithm can track the variation of the offset caused by the Doppler shift, resulting in a good solution for CFO estimation in practical environments. The group has also attempted to exploit the diversity of MIMO-OFDM systems by means of space-timefrequency (STC) coding, to devise multi-user downlink algorithms for MIMO systems, and to evaluate spacetime coded MIMO systems in rank deficient channels. Another project of the group is the development of semi-blind channel estimation methods for OFDM channels to improve throughput 080 • Nanyang Technological University

and tracking performance. A novel approach, using the probability density function (PDF), is being investigated. Some group members also carry out research on bidirectional joint source-channel decoding of variable length codes for transmission through error-prone channels, perceptually prioritized bit-plane coding for highdefinition advanced audio coding, and

(Top) Beamforming Baseband Signal Processing System Test Bed

DCT-based blind source separation of convolutively mixed signals. Other

(Above) A reconfigurable test-bed

members are working on wavelength-

for implementing a MIMO-OFDM

interleaving and erasure decoding

physical layer

for forward error correction in highrate long-haul optical communication systems subjected to polarization mode dispersion and chromatic dispersion. The BER performance of communication systems using various modulation schemes and employing diversity combining is also being investigated for signal fading that is two-wave with diffuse power (TWDP). Several novel adaptive beamforming techniques have been developed by group members, one of which is capable of performing the usual beamforming function while controlling the side lobe pattern.

Finally, for direct sequence spread spectrum (DS-SS) systems, the group is studying the detrimental effects of intentional or unintentional interference, such as narrowband interference in the form of multitone jamming (MTJ), multiple access interference (MAI) and broadband interference with AWGN, multipath fading and shadowing, on system performance.




A funded project in inter-satellite link and satellite formation flying technology is also currently in progress.

he Satellite Engineering Centre (SEC) aims to be a centre of excellence in satellite engineering research

The Centre has completed the following projects since its

capable of spearheading the development of innovative


space technologies for satellite system designs.

• Acting as task force leader in the UN-ESCAP Regional Working Group on Space Technology and Applications to

The research focus of the centre covers: • the design and development of low earth orbit (LEO) micro

develop a Low Cost Mobile Groundstation prototype model (2000)

satellite missions • Ku-Band Satellite Link Simulator Project (2000) • distributed satellite ground system designs for mission control, operation and launch support

• Feasibility Study of LEO Based Area Communication Network System (2002)

• research in space science, technologies and applications for future micro-satellite and educational nano-satellite missions

• Project on the Merlion Communication Payload for the UoSAT-12 mini-satellite mission (2000)

The NTU satellite mission control groundstation and the joint NTU-DSO X-Sat micro-satellite mission and are the two major projects in the SEC.

Ground System for Satellite Mission Control, Operation and Launch Support Highlights of Research Activities Objective

The activities of the group focus on a novel Service Oriented

This research and development programme is to design and develop a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for implementing an interoperable network-centric satellite mission control, operation and launch support ground system facility in NTU. Interoperations with other international ground system facilities to achieve wide area distributed ground system capabilities are anticipated.

Architecture for the satellite ground system software based on the use of distributed computing technologies. The SOA is an evolution of the component based architecture (Object Oriented Design) and the distributed object system design concepts which have been used extensively for designing and developing enterprise strength information systems. The concept is therefore not entirely new but is rapidly emerging as the premier integration and architectural framework for designing and developing information systems required for today’s complex, heterogeneous distributed computing environment of modern business enterprises. The objective of the SOA design concept is to achieve flexible and School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering • 081


effective integration between coarse grained services so as to facilitate the composition, orchestration, encapsulation and management of the resultant enterprise applications. The overall design of the satellite mission control software system follows the SOA concept but its implementation framework uses a mixture of component level distributed object systems and service level XML Web Services in order to meet the technical mission operation requirements of a satellite groundstation, which differ from the typical operational requirements of business enterprises. The primary objective of achieving flexible and effective software integration in the SOA design is achieved through

NTU Mission Control Groundstation Installation

solutions to the interoperability and

presented at the Ground System

portability problems of distributed

tracking and display, mission planning,

Architecture Workshop GSAW2006 in

object systems. The most direct

mission control and operation, flight

California, USA in March 2006.

dynamics simulation, mission and

benefits of this design approach are the performance and ease of implementation of services using the most appropriate middleware systems to meet the satellite mission control service requirements. The XML Web Services, with the built-in SOA design approach in the middleware system itself, are utilized where the technology is more appropriately intended, namely, the IT services of the ground system. The overall satellite mission control system software design has met the SOA criteria, without the need to adopt a uniform implementation framework for the Enterprise Service Bus using the de-facto standard implementation framework for SOA based on XML Web Services. The research results have been 082 • Nanyang Technological University

The NTU Satellite Groundstation

space bus data acquisition, archival and distribution. The groundstation is currently undergoing testing and commissioning.

The NTU satellite groundstation, located at the rooftop of the Research TechnoPlaza building, is designed to provide mission control, operation and early launch phase support of the X-Sat mission and other compatible Low Earth Orbit satellite missions (i.e. those using the open space-earth link protocol known as CCSDS). It has a 6m dish antenna operating in the S Band frequencies with telemetry, command and ranging facilities. The groundstation provides satellite mission control functionalities (services) such as satellite orbit


Space Science, Technology and Application Research satellite links, Formation Flying technology for distributed


This research and development programme is to perform upstream research in space science, technologies and applications in order to achieve new knowledge and advancements in the key areas of space research and to develop novel technologies for use in future space projects. Such research programs will help to advance the quality of education and stimulate interest in advanced studies and research in space science and technology among students in NTU.

satellite clusters, Satellite Based Advanced Data Acquisition and Messaging technologies • Novel and robust designs for micro- and nano-satellite space bus components. Specific focus: advanced multifunction power, controls and structural components. The research group anticipates prototype implementation of the new space system design concepts and the use of low cost experimental/ educational nano-satellite platforms or possible collaborations with satellite missions of other space organizations to flight-prove the designs. It also hopes to foster space research collaborations and academic activities with international space research

Highlights of Research Activities

centers and universities.

The research and development directions of this programme include the following key areas: • New space bus architectural design for enhanced interoperation between space and ground data systems and on-board autonomy. Specific focus: use of Space Internet for space data communication and software agents for distributed system operation/control, communication and autonomous operations of spacecraft. • Fault tolerant and high performance data processing system for on-board data handling. Specific focus: fault tolerant parallel processing unit for on-board data processing, micro-electronic system-on-chip design for fault tolerance and reliability • Novel satellite attitude and position sensors/actuators to meet cost and performance criteria. Specific focus: onboard high dynamic GPS receivers and satellite navigation applications, Star trackers, Micro-thrusters, MEM and Nano

NTU Groundstation Orbit Tracking and Display Service Screen Shot

technology applications, etc • New satellite bus, payload systems and applications in future missions. Specific focus: Free Space Optics for interSchool of Electrical & Electronic Engineering • 083


XSAT, Micro-Satellite Project Highlights of Research Activities

This is a developmental project undertaken by CREST (the Centre For Research in Satellite Technologies jointly set up by DSO and NTU), with participation from the School of EEE and various other schools in NTU, as well as partners such as DSTA, CRISP (Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing, NUS), and overseas collaborators (SaTReCi, ISRO, DLR and DTU, etc.).

The project seeks to develop a low cost 100kg class multimission micro-satellite. The main subsystems of the XSAT are the Attitude Determination and Control Subsystem (ADCS), Power Supply Subsystem (PSS ), the X-Band (XBT), Telemetry and Telecommand sub-system (TTC), the On Board Data Handling subsystem (OBDH) and Structure. Besides the subsystems, XSAT is designed to carry one primary payload and two secondary payloads. The primary payload is the IRIS Camera. The two secondary payloads are an in-house designed Parallel Processor Unit and a GPS receiver from DLR.

Low cost microsatellite bus capable of performing remote sensing operations

The XSAT project objectives are: •

To develop a low cost micro-satellite bus capable of performing remote sensing operations in near realtime scenarios

To build-up country capability (resources and facilities) in satellite engineering

To promote academic interest for R&D in this area

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For this first satellite mission, the primary focus is the verification of bus performance. The primary mission, which drives the system specifications for this mission, is the provision of near real-time remote sensing, using 3 spectral bands. This mission definition, which is synonymous with multi-ton remote sensing satellites, is quite unlike microsatellite store and forward systems which are currently being deployed. This is particularly demanding as it would require very high power operation of attitude determination and control, imaging and high data rate downlink within the same orbital pass over the ground station. A Deck configuration was employed to package all the subsystems and payloads into the XSAT. The majority of the electronics for the different subsystems and payloads are housed in trays. These trays are stacked on one another to

the rigors of a rocket launch. Factors like radiation from high

form a rigid column.

energy particles can cause electronic components to suffer from latch-up or change their operating state.

The key challenges in this project are the selection of

In a number of systems, the project helps to promote inter-

components compatible with the space environment and the

disciplinary developments. For example, the RF module

design of compact and low power systems, able to withstand

requires the close co-operation of RF, power and mechanical engineering groups. The project adopts the standard 4-model approach of Prototype, Engineering, Qualification and Flight model approach. Towards the end of 2006, the project will have completed its Engineering model development, which would prove the mission concept and system design. 2007 will see the satellite progress through environmental tests simulating launch and in-orbit operations. In 2008, the Flight model will be completed and the satellite is expected to be ready for launch from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Shar Sriharikota, India. The launch vehicle will be the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

(Above) Power Control Module Tray (Left) TTC Receiver

School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering • 085




he Positioning and Wireless Technology Centre has formalized three research groups undertaking R&D

activities in the following focus areas: Wireless Network, RF Identification and Tagging (RFID) and Global Navigation Satellite System & Applications. The PWTC’s major achievements and activities in 2006 include the following: • Two new externally funded projects with total research funding of S$1.865 M • Twelve internally funded projects with total research funding of S$879 K • Twelve on-going projects with total research funding of S$2.744 M • Publication of fifty-four papers in renowned international journals and international conferences.

Research Groups

Wireless Network The Wireless Network Research Program aims to excel in the research and development of advanced wireless technology and solutions. Currently, the program’s R&D activities are mainly focused on the PHY (physical), MAC (medium access control) and networking layers of broadband wireless systems.

RF Identification and Tagging (RFID) The RFID Research Program has been extensively involved in the design of many antennas and arrays for various wireless communication systems, such as 900MHz and 2.45GHz RFID systems, GSM and DCS mobile systems, and 60GHz highspeed wireless LAN.

Global Navigation Satellite System and Applications The research areas and topics of interest to the Global Navigation Satellite System and Applications Program include:

With an emphasis on collaborative research, the PWTC continues to form partnerships both within the university and with other universities.

• High accuracy positioning systems and applications such as DGPS reference network and centimeter level positioning systems and algorithms

Organizationally, the PWTC is a research centre within the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The

• Intelligent in-vehicle navigation system

Centre is composed, however, of not only fifteen academic staff from the School of EEE (from two Divisions) but also

• Multi-objective routing and map matching algorithm

one academic staff each from the School of Computer Engineering, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and School of Civil and Environmental

• GPS-based Attitude determination of LEO micro-satellite using the LAMBDA method

Engineering. Sixteen research staff members have been employed in the Centre in the areas of Identification, Positioning and Tracking technologies. Thirteen international students from Swinburne University, University of Electronic

Upcoming Research Activities Integrated Identification, Ranging and Communication for an IR-UWB RFID System.

Science and Technology of China, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Southeast University and National

Impulse-radio ultra-wideband radio frequency identification

Engineer School of Bourges are also attached to the Centre.

(IR-UWB RFID) systems with combined identification, positioning and low-rate communication capabilities can be used in diverse application areas such as logistics,

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environmental monitoring, pervasive healthcare, safety and

orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) or

disaster recovery, smart space and collaborative workspace.

single-carrier FDMA with frequency-domain equalization

In this project, the Centre will conduct cutting-edge research

(FDE), and capacity-approaching channel coding with

into pertinent baseband signal design/processing algorithms

incremental-redundancy retransmission (commonly called

and techniques to support the following ranging and

Hybrid ARQ or HARQ). At the upper layers, many options for

communication functionalities of such a UWB-RFID system:

multi-hop networking and cross-layer designs are possible to suit different specialized needs.

• Long-range and high-capacity ranging and identification capabilities.

The main objective of this project is to develop a softwarereconfigurable baseband+RF platform that delivers both the

• High-capacity and robust sensor-data communication capabilities. • Solutions for the proposed UWB RFID system to coexist with other non-UWB wireless services. The research topics to be pursued in this project include: • Multi-band IR-UWB pulse and sequence design for high capacity RFID and sensor communication. • Phase-only correlators for two-way RFID ranging in dense

basic and advanced WiMax functionalities, beginning with the physical layer, then moving up the protocol stack. Specific R&D goals include: • Developing a cognitive MIMO-OFDM transceiver, a high efficiency MIMO channel estimation scheme, and a powerful doubly-selective fading mitigation scheme for very-high-mobility users. • Improved peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction and digital baseband predistortion for a WiMAX base station transmitter with large number of subcarriers.

multi-path channels. • Flexible HARQ that exploits MIMO coding and FEC coding • Multi-antenna precoding and beamspot forming on RFID

for multi-class traffic.

nodes. • Multi-cell operation with MESH networking. • Coexistence studies and solutions for IR-UWB RFID system. • Performance evaluation in practical field trials.

Mobile WiMax Testbed Development and Research

Localization and Identification based on Ultra-Wideband Enabled RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Technology

WiMax provides wireless communication services with much larger coverage areas than WiFi, while requiring much

In an A-STAR funded project, a UWB enabled RFID system

less infrastructure than cellular mobile radio. The WiMax

capable of real-time identification, localization, positioning

backbone supports MESH networking which provides

and tracking of objects and nodes will be designed.

scalability, survivability and security. The WiMax radio is frequency agile and supports a wide range of data rates.

Ultra-wideband RFID is an emerging technology with enormous

With embedded WiMAX modules, various data/CE/voice

market potential. RFID is used in supply chain management,

devices, such as notebook PCs, PDAs, mobile phones and

healthcare and sensor networks. The supply chain management

smart consoles, will be able to support wireless access

industry has a projected market size of US$5 billion in year

in building, in vehicle and possibly even between air to

2008, rising to US$20 billion by the year 2012.

ground. At the physical layer, Mobile WiMax is driven by advanced communication techniques such as adaptive MIMO, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering • 087


Ultra-wideband (UWB) is a license-free low-power radio transmission scheme with an enormous bandwidth of 7.5GHz. The use of UWB radio in RFID systems will bring significant benefits such as reduced risk of interfering with sensitive medical equipment in hospital and healthcare applications, very precise positioning for the logistics and retail industries, and ability to locate people through smoke and obstacles in hazardous search-and-rescue missions.

Despite UWB’s low power and short range, the system may be scaled up to serve thousands of nodes over hundreds of meters using networking techniques. Both active and passive tags will be studied. Core capabilities to be developed in this project include: (Top) Printed circular-disc monopole (Left) LNA Microphotograph amplifier (Bottom Left) Measured Return Loss

• Range modeling and parameter extraction

• Characterization of UWB propagation channels for investigations into ranging methods using signal strength,

• Source localization algorithms

time of arrival, angle of arrival, angle of departure • Peer to Peer ranging algorithms and scalable precision

and tracking

positioning algorithms

• Multi-antenna pre-coding and beam forming techniques to


increase range and localization accuracy of amplitude UWB RFID tags

-10 |S11| (dB)

• Mobility and optimal reader trajectory studies for locating

• Programmable pulse shape generators and matched pulse


shape correlators for UWB enabled RFID readers


• High pulse voltage and low noise amplifiers for UWB enabled RFID readers

-40 • Identification using pulse shape formed by Tag antenna and







Frequency (GHz) 088 • Nanyang Technological University



front-end circuit.




EMI on broadband PLC systems, investigation of new signal injection technologies to suppress EMI from PLC systems

The Network Technology Research Centre C (NTRC) is an

and development of building control and monitoring systems

inter-school research centre hosted by the School of

using PLC.

Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) with participation from the School of Computer Engineering (SCE). The

The NTRC’s Power Line Communication (PLC) research

establishment of the NTRC by Digital Equipment Singapore

team has been participating actively in working towards the

and NTU in November 1991 provides a focal point for

identifying and overcoming potential issues in the successful

researchers with an interest in communications and computer

deployment of PLC technology. It has several projects which

networking to undertake research and development work

concern the practicality of implementation. For instance, a

of strategic importance to the Singapore’s economy. At

recent project was in collaboration with an industrial partner

present, our research activities are grouped under four main

to spearhead a research project on the development of

programs: (i) Power Line Communications, (ii) Optical

reliable and efficient communication protocols that will be

Communications, (iii) Network Control and Engineering

implemented in power line modems to provide various

and (iv) Mobile Network Technology.

communication services. In addition, another pilot project aims to replace the traditional electromechanical energy

The NTRC currently enjoys strong research manpower of

meters with new electronic energy meters for 1.3 million

42 staff and 22 PhD students, and owns new state-of-the-

customers in Singapore. The research team is currently

art facilities at Research TechnoPlaza located within NTU.

seeking collaboration with an industry partner for this

The NTRC has a total lab space of 12,000 square feet and

project to carry out a feasibility study of using PLC as a

is fully equipped to provide technical support and facilities

communication medium to link the energy meter units with

to both academic (undergraduate-and postgraduate-

the data concentrator in HDB residential buildings. The PLC

level) and industry-relevant research in the areas of data

research group is looking forward to the technical viability of

communications, local and wide area networks, digital signal

developing in-house local area networking, home automation,

processing, radio systems, optical transmission systems and

building control and monitoring and remote meter reading.

fibre-based computer networks. The Optical Communication group in the NTRC is dedicated

Centre is focused on establishing wireline broadband access in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), an area of strategic importance for the Singapore economy. The NTRC envisages that optical fibre together Currently, the

to designing and developing new methodologies for implementing next-generation optical networks. The key research areas that the NTRC optical group focuses on include Fibre Optics, Generalized Multi-protocol Label Switching (GMPLS), Fibre Bragg Gratings (FBGs) based

with VDSL and emerging power line communication

devices and fabrication systems, Channel Performance

(PLC) technologies will set the stage for new broadband

Monitoring for Terabit WDM Networks and Photonic Crystal

applications and services. Various research projects are

Fibres (PCFs). This particular group has produced many

already being undertaken by the staff and students associated

significant achievements. It has developed a novel design for

with some other schools and research centres from overseas

optical buffers which sets a new world record: the buffer time

universities. To name a few, some of these projects are

is longer than 1.568ms compared to the previous 1ms record.

in IP over WDM networks, generalized multi-protocol

The group has also realized a 72 fs ultrashort soliton pulse

label switching (GMPLS), access network management,

output from a passive mode locked fibre laser at 1550 nm

multi-access scheme for WDM passive optical networks,

wavelength. This is the shortest soliton pulse ever obtained

non-linear technologies for next generation optical fiber

from a fibre cavity. Also, the group is developing ultra-high

communications, optical network protection and restoration,

repetition rate fibre soliton lasers at 660GHz using passively

optical channel monitoring technology, measurement of

mode locked technology. School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering • 089


The Network Control and Engineering group has carried out research activities relating to network system performance evaluation, QoS control, traffic engineering, multicast in the internet, routing resource management and traffic control in wireless networks. It has conducted a series of research projects in these areas, such as studies of the following: the impact of loss recovery on congestion control for reliable multicast, nominee selection for multicast congestion control, joint local recovery and congestion control for reliable multicast, and caching policy and cache placement for active reliable multicast. The new Mobile Network Technology research group was formalised in January 2005, and its objective is directed towards the design and development of mobile network, and wireless technologies, protocols and applications. Currently, the group is focusing on building applications such as implementing ad hoc networks using Cellonics UWB radio technology. The project explores possible future applications of UWB ad hoc networks. The group also has a research project funded by Defence Science & Technology Agency (DSTA). This project is to study the system performance of a general trunked radio system and a TETRA/TETRAPOL system in a wireless environment via computer simulation using an OPNET simulation tool. This project is led by Dr. Peter H. J. Chong and the work involves simulation modelling, performance evaluation criteria and performance analysis.

An innovative way of using the camera to control the movement of the shooting & Image captured with special effects overlapped on a camera phone

090 • Nanyang Technological University

Microscopic structure of PCF consisting of arrays of tiny holes along the length of a fibre




1st Row (From left to right)

2nd Row (From left to right)

3rd Row (From left to right)

Head of Division

Associate Professors

Associate Professors

Cheng Tee Hiang, Associate Professor

Sanjay Kumar Bose Vimal Kishore Dubey Guan Yong Liang Erry Gunawan Law Choi Look Lee Ching Kwang

Ng Chee Hock Ser Wee Shen ZhongXiang Shum Ping Soong Boon Hee Tan Soon Hie

Deputy Division Head Li Kwok Hung, Associate Professor

Professors Koh Soo Ngee Professor and Associate Chair (Academic) Lu Yilong

Associate Professors Sheel Aditya Arokiaswami Alphones

School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering • 091




1st Row (From left to right)

2nd Row (From left to right)

3rd Row (From left to right)

4th Row (From left to right)

Associate Professors

Associate Professors

Assistant Professors

Tan Soon Yim Teh Kah Chan Zhang Liren Zhong Wende

Zhu Lei Yu Lee Wu

Lee Yee Hui Ma Maode Nagarajan Narayanaswamy Tan Eng Leong Ting See Ho Xiao Gaoxi

Associate Professorial Fellows

Assistant Professor Chong Han Joo Peter Chua Tai Wei Gong Yi

092 • Nanyang Technological University

Kandiah Arichandran Mukkamala Kameshwar Rao Oh Soon Huat Poo Gee Swee@Po See Sui


Research Interests 1

Arokiaswami Alphones

Associate Professor

Microwave Photonics, Modeling of Microwave and optical integrated Circuits, EBG Structures.


Cheng Tee Hiang

Associate Professor

Optical Communications and Networking. Wireless Communications.


Chong Han Joo, Peter

Assistant Professor

Wireless/Mobile Communications.


Chua Tai Wei

Assistant Professor

Satellite communication.


Erry Gunawan

Associate Professor

Spread-spectrum, Channel-coding, Wireless and powerline communications, Radiolocation, MIMO, UWB, Multiuser-detection.


Gong Yi, James

Assistant Professor

Space-Time Coding and MIMO Signal Processing.


Guan Yong Liang

Associate Professor

Adaptive modulation, near-capacity coding, cross-layer


Kandiah Arichandran

Associate Professorial

optimization, channel modeling, digital watermarking. Electromagnetic fields, Wavelets, Cellular radio, RF systems.

Fellow Koh Soo Ngee


Law Choi Look

Associate Professor


Lee Ching Kwang

Associate Professor

Modelling of frequency selective surfaces.


Lee Yee Hui

Assistant Professor

Channel Characterisation, Antenna Design, Computational


Speech analysis and enhancement. Blind source separation. Joint source-channel coding. Distributed source coding.


UWB circuits, Channel measurements and modeling, RFID, Wireless Networks.

Electromagnetics, Evolutionary Techniques, EMC/EMI. 13

Li Kwok Hung

Associate Professor

Mobile communication, Spread-spectrum communication, Signal processing for communications, Coding theory.


Lu Yilong


Radars, antennas, array processing, microwave devices, computational electromagnetics, evolutional optimization.


Ma Maode

Assistant Professor

Wireless Networking, Optical networking, Performance evaluation of networks, MAC protocols.


Mukkamala Kameshwar Rao


NarayanaSwamy Nagarajan


Ng Chee Hock

Associate Professorial

Lasers/electro-optics, Thick and thin films, Materials research, Fiber


optics, Optoelectronics.

Assistant Professor

Satellite Mission analysis and operations, Orbit & attitude determination and control, GPS Navigation.

Associate Professor

Network modeling & performance analysis. Broadband networks & QoS issues.

19 20

Oh Soon Huat

Poo Gee Swee

Associate Professorial

CDMA systems, Computer and communication networks, Wireless


communication fading.

Associate Professorial

Data Communications and Computer Networks.


School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering • 093



Interests 21

Sanjay Kumar Bose

Associate Professor

Performance Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer Networks, Optical Networks, Queuing Systems.


Ser Wee

Associate Professor

Sensor Array/Beamforming Techniques, Channel Estimation/ Equalization, Brain Signal Analysis.


Sheel Aditya

Associate Professor

Photonic microwave systems; Novel printed guiding/radiating structures; Printed antennas.


Shen Zhongxiang

Associate Professor

Antennas, Computational electromagnetics, Analysis & design of microwave components and devices.

25 26

Shum Ping

Associate Professor

Optical communications.

Soong Boon Hee

Associate Professor

Mobility, Optimisation for Wireless & Sensor networks, Modelling and QoS control.


Tan Eng Leong

Assistant Professor

Computational methods for multilayered electromagnetics, optics, acoustics, RF/Microwave IC, SAW/BAW.


Tan Soon Hie

Associate Professor

Satellite ground system and Space internet, Microwave circuits and Antenna.


Tan Soon Yim

Associate Professor

Indoor wireless LAN, Cellular or microcellular communications.


Teh Kah Chan

Associate Professor

Interference suppression, Multiuser detection, Signal processing for communications.


Ting See Ho

Assistant Professor

Wireless communications, MIMO systems and propagation, OFDM systems.


Vimal Kishore Dubey

Associate Professor

Xiao Gaoxi

Assistant Professor

Yu Lee Wu

Associate Professor

Zhang Liren

Associate Professor

Zhong Wende

Associate Professor

Coding, modulation and spread spectrum techniques for mobile and wireless communications.


Optical and wireless networking, network security, complex networks.


Mobile and cellular communications. Network protocols. Optical fiber communications.


Network Security, Communication Networks, Switching/Routing Algorithm, QoS, Network Modeling.


Optical communication systems and networks, Photonic packet switching.


Zhu Lei

Associate Professor

Planar Filters, Planar Antennas, Periodic Structures, Numerical Techniques, Numerical De-embedding.

094 • Nanyang Technological University


PhD and MEng

Degrees Awarded in 2006 PhD - Communication Engineering



Project Title


Space-time channel modeling for emerging wireless techniques: A


Chen Yifan

Vimal Kishore Dubey

Gao Jing

Zhu Lei

system-dependent approach 2

Fullwave modeling of coplanar-waveguide discontinuities for applications in filter and metamaterial


Propagation channel models for wireless communication systems

Jiang Lei

Tan Soon Yim


Nonlinear fibre ring laser

Lai Wenn Jing

Shum Ping


Orthogonal complementary codes for wideband wireless CDMA

Lu Liru

Vimal Kishore Dubey

communications 6

Design and optimization of frequency selective surfaces (FSS)

Luo Xingfang

Lee Ching Kwang


Theoretical Analysis and Mitigation of Inter-Carrier Interference in

Ng Wee Teck

Vimal Kishore Dubey

Ning Guoxiang

Aditya, Sheel

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing System 8

Analysis of polarization mode dispersion in optical fiber communications

Shum Ping

and photonic microwave filters 9

Wavelength assignment and routing algorithms for WDM networks

Shen Shu

Xiao Gaoxi


Periodic structure in graded-index multimode fiber

Su Lei

Lu Chao

Full-wave characterisation of microstrip line structures for innovative design

Sun Sheng

Zhu Lei

Modeling and optimization of planar microwave filters

Wang Wen

Fu Shiang, Jeffrey


Lightwave propagation in microstructured optical fibers

Yan Min

Shum Ping


Design and crosstalk analysis of FBG-based Optical Cross-connects and

Yuan Hai

Zhong Wende

Yuen Chau

Guan Yong Liang


of microwave circuits 12

Xiong Yongzhong

add-drop multiplexers 15

Orthogonal and quasi-orthogonal space-time block codes

Tjhung Tjeng Thiang 16

Design and analysis of P-cycle-based survivable optical networks

Zhang Zhenrong

Zhong Wende


Layered space-time architectures for wireless communications in flat fading

Zhao Lan

Vimal Kishore Dubey

channels 18

Multi access schemes for Ethernet passive optical networks (EPONs)

Zhu Yongqing

Ma Maode


Combining transmitter beamforming and space-time block codes in slow

Liu Jin

Erry Gunawan

Koh Soo Ngee

Rayleigh flat fading channels 20

Speech enhancement methods based on masking properties

You Changhuai


A time domain decomposition based timed-frequency analysis for radar

Cai Chengjie

Fu Shiang, Jeffrey

Zhang Lili

Soong Boon Hee

Susanto Rajardja signal processing 22

Code division multiple access based multi-channel medium access control protocols and topology control for mobile ad hoc networks

School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering • 095


PhD and MEng

Degrees Awarded in 2006 MEng - Communication Engineering Project Title

S/No. 1

The study of high performance compact electromagnectic band-gap



Huang Shaoying

Lee Yee Hui

microstrip filters 2

Study of low frequency FOPEN SAR imaging

Na Yibo

Lee Yee Hui


Data communication using earth mobile terminals for LEO satellite

Shantanu Shukla

Kandiah Arichandran

constellations 4

Design & analysis of MAC protocols in CDMA wireless networks

Zhu Qichao

Ma Maode


Single-ended broadband silicon carbide MESFET power amplifier

Jean Almira

Shen Zhongxiang


On Board Agents for Autonomous Operation of Micro Satellites

Deepak Mohan

Rusli Kandiah Arichandran


Publications in 2006 List of Selected Publications - Communication Engineering 1

M. F. Karim, A. Q. Liu, A. Alphones and A. B. Yu, “A Tunable bandstop filter via capacitance change of micromachined switches,” J. of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 16, pp. 851-861, Mar. 2006.


A. B. Yu, A. Q. Liu, Q. X. Zhang, A. Alphones and H. M. Hosseini, “Micromachined DC contact capacitive switch on low resistivity silicon substrate,”  Sensors and Actuators A, Vol.127, pp.24-30, Jan. 2006.


S. Baskar, P. N. Suganthan, N. Q. Ngo, A. Alphones and R. T. Zheng, “Design of triangular FBG filter for sensor applications using covariance matrix adapted evolution algorithm,” Optics Commun., Vol.260, pp.716-722, April 2006.


G. Ning, S. Aditya, P. Shum, H. Dong, C. Q. Wu, and Y. D. Gong, “A new approach to determine the effects of PMD and chromatic dispersion on pulse and RF signals,” J. of the Optical Society of America – A, vol. 23, pp.117-123, Jan. 2006.


L. Cheng, S. Aditya, Z. Li, and A. Nirmalathas, “Generalized analysis of subcarrier multiplexing in dispersive fiber-optic links using Mach-Zehnder external modulator,” IEEE/OSA J. of Lightwave Technol., Vol. 24, pp. 2296-2304, June 2006.


L. Cheng, S. Aditya, Z. Li, A. Nirmalathas, A. Arokiaswami, and M. Ong, “Nonlinear distortion due to cross-phase modulation in microwave fiber-optic links with optical SSB or electro-optic upconversion,” accepted, IEEE Trans., Microwave Theory & Technol., 2006.


Y. Ye, T. Y. Chai, T. H. Cheng, and C. Lu, “Dynamic routing and wavelength assignment algorithms in wavelength division multiplexed translucent optical networks,” Computer Commun., 29(15), pp. 2975-2984, 2006.


X. Liu, C. Lu, T. H. Cheng and S. N. Koh, “A simplified step-by-step decoding algorithm for parallel decoding of Reed-Solomon codes,” accepted, IEEE Trans. on Commun., 2006.


M. Yang and P. H. J. Chong, “Capacity Optimizing Channel Allocation Schemes for Multi-Service Cellular Systems with Mobile Users,” accepted, Wireless Commun. and Mobile Computing, 2006.


J. Y. Yu and P. H. J. Chong, “An Efficient Clustering Scheme for Large and Dense Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs),” accepted, Computer Commun., 2006.

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Publications in 2006 List of Selected Publications - Communication Engineering 11

S. L. Chen and P. H. J. Chong, “Capacity Improvement with Dynamic Channel Assignment and Reuse Partitioning in Cellular Systems,” J. of Commun. and Network, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 13-20, March 2006.


Y. Chen, E. Gunawan, K. S. Low, S. C. Wang, Y. Kim and C. B. Soh, “Pulse Design for Time Reversal Method as Applied to Ultra-Wideband Microwave Breast Cancer Detection: A Two-Dimensional Analysis,” accepted, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, 2006.


J. S. Fu, M. Mollah and N. Karmakar “Chebyshev Distributed Chirped Photonic Bandgap (PBG) Structures,” accepted, International J. of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2006.


Z. Du, K. Gong and J. S. Fu, “A Novel Compact Wideband Planar Antenna for Mobile Handsets,”  IEEE Trans. on Antenna and Propagation, Vol.54, No.2, pp. 613-619, Feb 2006.


M. Mollah, N. Karmakar and J. S. Fu, “A Binomially Distributed PBG Structure and Its Application to Bandpass Filter,” International J. of RF and Microwave Computer-aided Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 355-366, July 2006.


Y. Gong and K. B. Letaief, “On the error probability of orthogonal space-time block codes over keyhole MIMO channels,” accepted, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., 2006.


K. Zhong, Y. L. Guan, B. C. Ng, “Full-Rate Orthogonal Space-Time Block Code with Pulse-Shaped Offset QAM for 4 Transmit Antennas,” accepted, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., 2006.


B. Xie, Y. L. Guan, J. Chen and C. Lu, “Wavelength-Interleaved FEC Scheme For Chromatic Dispersion Impaired Optical Systems,” accepted, Optics Commun., 2006.


C. Yuen, Y. L. Guan, T. T. Tjhung, “Single-Symbol-Decodable Differential Space-Time Modulation Based on QO-STBC,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2006.


V. G. Reju, S. N. Koh and I. Y. Soon, “Convolution Using Discrete Sine and Cosine Transforms,” accepted, IEEE Signal Processing Lett., 2006.


C. H .You, S. N. Koh and S. Rahardja, “Masking-based beta-Order MMSE Speech Enhancement,” Speech Commun., Vol 48, Issue 1, pp. 57-70, January 2006.


Z. Zhang, C. L. Law and E. Gunawan, “Multipath Mitigation Technique Based on Partial Autocorrelation Function,” accepted, Wireless Personal Commun., 2006.


P. T. Teo, X. F. Luo, C. K. Lee, “Equivalent Circuit, Transmission Line Model and Smith Chart Approach for Multilayer Periodic Spatial Filter Design”, WSEAS Trans. on Commun., issue 5, Vol. 5, pp.647-655, May 2006.


P. T. Teo, X. F. Luo, C. K. Lee, “Frequency Selective Surfaces for GPS and DCS1800 Mobile Communication, Part 2: Integration with Antenna for Scattering Reduction,” accepted, IEE Proc. Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 2006.


Z. Zhang and Y. H. Lee, “A Modified Model-Based Interpolation Method to Accelerate the Characterization of UWB Antenna System,” accepted, IEEE Trans. on Antenna and Propagation, 2006.


F. Yang, K. H. Li and K. C. Teh, “Performance analysis of the blind minimum output variance estimator for carrier frequency offset in OFDM systems,” accepted, EURASIP J. on Applied Signal Processing, 2006.


M. H. Li and Y. L. Lu, “Dimension reduction for array processing with robust interference cancellation,” IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,” vol. 42, no. 1, pp.103-112, Jan. 2006.


M. Cheng and Y. L. Lu, “Structural Stability of Carbon Nanotubes Using Molecular Dynamics and Finite-Difference Time-Domain Methods,” IEEE Trans. on Magnetics. vol. 42, no. 4, pp.891-894, Apr. 2006.


M. H. Li and Y. L. Lu, “A refined genetic algorithm for accurate and reliable DOA estimation with a sensor array,” accepted, Wireless Personal Commun., 2006.


M. Ma and Q. Zhu, “Providing Real-Time Service in CDMA Wireless Networks,” accepted, Wireless Personal Commun., 2006.

School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering • 097



Publications in 2006 List of Selected Publications - Communication Engineering 31

Y. Zhu, M. Ma, & T. H. Cheng, “Hierarchical scheduling to support differentiated services in ethernet passive optical networks,” Computer Networks, 50(3), pp. 350-366, 2006.


Y. Zhang, M. Ma, and M. Fujise, "Call Completion in Wireless Network Over Lossy Link", accepted, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, 2006.


Y. Zhu, M. Ma, and T. H. Cheng, “An Efficient Solution for Mitigating Light Load Penalty in EPONs,” accepted, J. of Computers and Electrical Engineering, 2006.


G. S. Poo and Y. Zhou, “A New Multicast Wavelength Assignment Algorithm in Wavelength-Routed WDM Networks,” IEEE J. of Selected Areas in Commun., Part II: Optical Commun. and Networking, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 2-12, April 2006.


G. S. Poo and Y. Zhou, “Wavelength Assignment with Sparse Wavelength Conversion for Optical Multicast in WDM Networks,” accepted, Photonic Network Commun., 2006.


W. Ser, H. W. Chen and Y. L. Yu, “Self-Calibration based Robust Nearfield Adaptive Beamforming for Microphone Array”, accepted, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems II, 2006.


Y. J. Liu, Z. Shen, and C. L. Law, “A compact dual-band cavity-backed slot antenna”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Lett., vol. 5, pp. 4-6, 2006.


J. Wang and Z. Shen, “A novel method for two-dimensional frequency estimation,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems II, vol.53, no.2, pp. 148-151, 2006.


H. Chen, Z. Shen, and E. Li, “Analysis of a three-dimensional antenna radiating through a two-dimensional radome using a fast high-order method,” IEEE Trans. on Magentics, vol.MAG-42, no.4, pp. 699-702, 2006.


X. Dong, P. Shum, C. C. Chan, and X. Yang “FSR-Tunable Fabry-Perot Filter With Superimposed Chirped Fiber Bragg Gratings,? IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 18, pp. 184-186. Jan. 2006.


X. Yu, M. Yan, L. W. Luo, and P. Shum, “Theoretical investigation of highly birefringent all-solid photonic bandgap fiber with elliptical cladding rods,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 18, pp. 1243-1245, June 2006.


M. Tang, X. Tian, P. Shum, S. Fu, H. Dong, Y. Gong, “Four-wave mixing assisted self-stable 4×10 GHz actively mode-locked Erbium fiber ring laser,” Optics Express, vol. 14, Issue 5, pp. 1726-1730, March 2006.


L. C. Hau, B-H Soong, and S. K. Bose, “Path Selection with Preemption and Re-routing Control for Multi-Protocol Label Switching Networks,” accepted, Computer Commun., 2006.


Y. Zhang and B. H. Soong, “Performance of Mobile Network with Wireless Channel Unreliability and Resource Insufficiency”, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun., vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 990-995, May 2006.


L. Zhang, B. H. Soong, W. Xiao, “Location-Aware Two-Phase Coding Multi-Channel MAC Protocol (LA-TPCMMP) for MANETs,” accepted, IEEE Trans. for Wireless Commun., 2006.


E. L. Tan, “Recursive Asymptotic Impedance Matrix Method for Electromagnetic Waves in Bianisotropic Media,” IEEE Microw. Wireless Comp. Lett., Vo. 16, No. 6, pp. 351-353, 2006.


E. L. Tan, “Enhanced R-Matrix Algorithms for Multilayered Diffraction Gratings,” Appl. Opt., Vol. 45, No. 20, pp. 4803-4809, 2006.


E. L. Tan, “Hybrid Compliance-Stiffness Matrix Method for Stable Analysis of Elastic Wave Propagation in Multilayered Anisotropic Media,” J. Acou. Soc. Am., Vol. 119, No. 1, pp. 45-53, 2006.


W. Q .Luo and S. Y. Tan, “A Radiated Emission Model for Power Line Communications”, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp.1245-124, Jul 2006.


W. Q. Luo and S. Y. Tan, “A Distributed Circuit Model for Power Line Communications”, accepted, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, 2006.

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Publications in 2006 List of Selected Publications - Communication Engineering 51

M. Huang and S. Y. Tan, “An Improved Spherical Antenna Array for Wideband Phase Mode Processing,” accepted, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2006.


Z. Qin and K. C. Teh, “Iterative reduced-complexity multiuser detection based on Chase decoding for synchronous turbo-coded CDMA system,” IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun., Vol. 24, pp. 200-208, Jan. 2006.


X. Liu, K. C. Teh, and E. Gunawan, “Performance analysis of blind adaptive subspace multiuser detectors over multipath fading channels,” accepted, IEEE Trans. Vehic. Technol., 2006.


Y. Han and K. C. Teh, “Performance study of asynchronous FFH/MFSK communications using various diversity-combining techniques with MAI modeled as Alpha-Stable process,” accepted, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., 2006.


S. H. Ting, K. Sakaguchi, K. Araki, “A robust and low complexity adaptive algorithm for MIMO eigenmode transmission system with experimental validation,’’ IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun., Vol.5, no.7, pp. 1775-1784, July 2006.


S. H. Ting, K. Sakaguchi and K. Araki, ``A Markov-Kronecker model for analysis of closed-loop MIMO systems,’’ IEEE Commun. Lett., Vol.10, no.8, pp.617-619, August 2006.


S. Shen, G. Xiao, and T. H. Cheng, ‘A novel method of link-state update in wavelength-routed networks,” OSA/IEEE J. of Lightwave Technol., 24(3), pp. 1112-1120, 2006.


S. Shen, G. Xiao, and T.-H. Cheng, “Benefits of Advertising Wavelength Availability in Distributed Lightpath Establishment,” Computer Networks, Vol. 50, No. 13, pp. 2364-2379, Sept. 2006.


Q. Zhang, J. Sun, G. Xiao, and E. Tsang, “Evolutionary Algorithms Refining A Heuristic: Hyper-Heuristic for Shared-Path Protections in WDM Networks under SRLG Constraints,” accepted, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, 2006.


H. Fu, L Zhang, S .Kawamura, and M. Zhang, “Replication Attack on Random Key Pre-distribution Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks,” accepted, ACM Transaction on Information and System Security, 2006.


L. Zhang, H. Fu, and V. Goel, “Unified Solution to Registration, Authentication and Billing for Wireless Hotspots: Architecture and Protocols,” accepted, ACM Transaction on Information and System Security, 2006.


S. Fu, L. Zhang and P. Shum, “Design of SOA-Based Dual Loop Optical Buffer with a 3×3 Collinear Coupler: Guideline and Optimizations,” IEEE J. of Lightwave Technol., Vol.24, No.7, pp. 2768 – 2778, 2006.


B. Chen, W. D. Zhong, S. K. Bose, “Applying Saturated Cut Method in Dynamic Traffic Grooming for IP/MPLS over WDM Networks,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117-119, February 2006.


N. Liu, W. D. Zhong, et al., “Improved chromatic dispersion monitoring technique,”  Optics Commun.,   vol. 259, pp. 553-561, 2006.


N. Liu, W. D. Zhong, et al., “PMD and chirp effects suppression in RF-tone based chromatic dispersion monitoring,”   IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 18, pp. 673-675, Mar. 2006.


Y. Zhang and L. Zhu, “Printed dual spiral-loop wire antenna for broadband circular polarization,” IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol.54, No.1, pp. 284-288, January 2006.


J. Gao, L. Zhu, W. Menzel, F. Bögelsack, “Short-circuited CPW multiple-mode resonator for ultra-wideband (UWB) bandpass filter,”  IEEE Microw. Wireless Comp. Lett., Vol.16, No.3, pp. 104-106, March, 2006.


S. Sun and L. Zhu, “Capacitive-ended interdigital coupled lines for UWB bandpass filters with improved out-of-band performances,” IEEE Microw. Wireless Comp. Lett., Vol.16, No.8, pp. 440-442, 2006.

School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering • 099