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evaluation of a tutorial developed for the Stagecast Creator simulation tool. ... to appreciate and apply the visual programming paradigm? ... Apple Computer [8]. ... a prototype of the community network application that could be used to access ...
Community design of community simulations Mary Beth Rosson, John M. Carroll, Cheryl D. Seals, and Tracy L. Lewis Virginia Tech


We report on a participatory design workshop in which residents of a community collaborated in learning about and designing projects for a visual simulation environment. Nine participants (five middle school teachers, four senior citizens) first conducted a participatory evaluation of a tutorial developed for the Stagecast Creator simulation tool. They then worked in pairs to brainstorm ideas for Creator simulation projects that would help raise and promote discussion of issues relevant to their community. After sharing these ideas, each pair chose 2-3 simulation ideas to refine as a specification for subsequent implementation. We discuss the participants’ learning and design activities, as well as their contributions to our long term goal of supporting cross-generational collaboration and learning through community simulation projects. Keywords

Community networks, end-user programming, participatory design INTRODUCTION

As community networks have become increasingly pervasive, new opportunities for community-oriented collaborations are arising [3, 4]. Residents can share and discuss nostalgia and other local history [6]. They can chat or leave messages for one another in their “virtual” town [5, 12]. Children grow up in a background of digital conversations and activities; the boundaries between their home, friends, and schools blur [1]. These new activities have many consequences for the residents of a community. Views of computer literacy have changed, now including activities like using and authoring Web sites, listservs and other email services, online shopping applications, and so on. The traditional boundaries among civic organizations have blurred, as access to information and services is broadened. For instance, parents may now receive regular updates or other communications from the school system, raising their awareness and level of Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires specific permission and/or a fee.

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involvement. Other residents can now make direct contributions to public education through network-supported mentoring activities [9]. We are exploring some of these new opportunities in a research project that will engage diverse members of our local community (Blacksburg, Virginia USA) in simulation programming. During the project, community members will build or enhance visual scenarios or demonstrations of community-related issues (e.g., zoning changes, disruption to cable TV services). The simulations will be built in Stagecast Creator, a visual programming tool. Participants will share and discuss their projects via a community Web site. This is a multi-faceted project. Our long term vision is to establish a novel collaboration between community members of differing ages and roles. Community members from different segments of the population will work together on programming projects related to community concerns. This will serve both to enhance participants programming literacy, and to promote collaborative problemsolving about community issues. For example, middle school students (who we expect to be attracted to the game-like nature of the visual tools) might benefit from collaboration with senior citizens (who have a history of community-oriented interests and activities). But while such interaction seems fruitful—and possible in principle—important research questions remain: • Are there simulation topics that will appeal to—perhaps even unifying—diverse segments of the population? • Will senior citizens and other residents be able and willing to appreciate and apply the visual programming paradigm? • Will senior citizens and other residents be able and motivated to develop their own community-related projects and/or to mentor student projects? • Will students have corresponding interest or reactions to the comments or other contributions of adult residents? In the first year of the project, we have focused on development of training materials that might attract and motivate participation, and on constructing a set of exemplary community simulations. This paper reports the results of one step in this process, a workshop in which a small set of community residents were introduced to the simulation tool, and asked to identify and design a small set of community-related simulation projects. The workshop addressed

two research goals. On the one hand, we hoped to see what sorts of community simulation projects would be generated by experienced community members. On the other, we wanted to investigate a key open question—will teachers and senior citizens appreciate and respond to the central concept of collaborative community simulations? THE COMMUNITY CONTEXT

Blacksburg is home to a well-established community network, the Blacksburg Electronic Village (BEV; [3]). The resulting high quality and pervasive access to network services has prompted the education and involvement of many segments of the population in networked information technology [7]. For example, the town has a relatively large and active population of retired residents, and this segment of the community has been particularly notable in its use of the community network (see http:// They have initiated a variety of outreach and training programs, aimed both at its own members and at school children. Some of the Seniors are also involved in some form of mentoring through public

school programs [9]. This makes them a particularly attractive and appropriate population from which to enlist participants in community simulation activities. THE STAGECAST CREATOR TOOL

The community simulations are built in Stagecast Creator, a visual programming environment designed to allow children and other nonprogrammers to build simulations by example. The tool is a commercial version of the Cocoa/KidSim environment developed at Apple Computer [8]. A Creator simulation consists of a “stage” (a rectangular grid) populated by characters that are given one or more visual appearances, along with any number of rules that determine their behavior on a stage. We selected this tool as a starting point for our research because it is highly refined; it has been developed over many iterations and is already in use by many teachers and students over the world (see

Figure 1. A sample simulation of a school yard fight, in which two troublemakers fight when heckled by other students, until a teacher arrives and stops the fight. The rule components on the right are from a “pushing” rule. The troublemakers start out facing forward, and in this rule, if tension is greater than 30, the rule fires and the four actions (turn and push, turn back, turn and push again, turn back) are carried out.

Figure 1 contains a screen from a sample simulation—a schoolyard fight. Each of the students and the teacher are active characters, as is the door (it “creates” the other characters). The background is simply a static picture. The example rule on the right of the figure illustrates the Creator visual programming paradigm: production

rules attempt to match a starting state, and fire one or more actions when a match is found. The starting state always includes a visual context (in the example, the two boys in proximity, looking forward), but may also include the values of variables defined globally or for each character. In the sample rule, a “sickness” variable is tested to determine if a threshold value has been reached.

For every tick of the system clock, all of a character’s rules are tested, in order, until a match is found and the actions fired. If no match is found, the character takes no actions until the next cycle.

now examine the activities and outcomes of these phases in more detail. INTRODUCING STAGECAST CREATOR

Users program simulations by creating characters, using a graphical editor to paint their appearance(s), and defining rules to govern their behavior. A rule is always initiated by specifying the visual context (called the “spotlight”) that will be tested in the matching process. The actions to be carried out can then be programmed by demonstrating them directly (i.e., manipulating the character on the stage), or indirectly by creating and editing condition or action templates. At any point, the user can run the simulation either continuously or one step at a time, using the controls at the bottom of the stage. Further detail about Creator can be found in [13, 14] and at the Stagecast Web site ( THE DESIGN WORKSHOP: OVERVIEW

We conducted a one-day workshop with nine community residents. The workshop was organized as a means of identifying community members interested in community-oriented simulations, introducing them to the Creator tool, and engaging them in a simulation design activity. A secondary goal was to collect feedback on tutorial materials that were being developed for middle school students. We recruited participants from two distinct populations: middle school teachers and senior citizens. We hoped that the teachers would provide guidance in selecting simulation problems that would appeal to middle school students, and that would provoke thoughtprovoking discussion. In contrast, the older adults were recruited as a first step in their long term involvement as mentors for the school children, and as a source of simulation topics that might encapsulate and raise issues relevant to the community at large.

An important enabling goal of our research project is the analysis of community members’ learning needs with respect to Creator’s visual programming paradigm, and to develop learning materials that address these needs. The potential users are diverse—students, their parents and teachers, as well as other community residents, including older adults. A key requirement is to support an active approach to learning that will enable self-paced and self-motivated learning [2]. We have focused initially on developing a Creator tutorial for students, as these individuals are likely to do most of the simulation programming. The workshop provided an opportunity for us to gather formative input on the tutorial content and approach. At the same time it allowed us to provide a quick introduction of basic Creator programming concepts to the teachers and senior citizens. Such an introduction was essential to successful participatory design of community simulations. A Minimalist Tutorial

Our approach to instruction design uses the minimalist model [2, 11]. Minimalist instruction seeks to support active learning by enabling rapid progress on meaningful tasks [2]. Textual instructions and explanations are kept at a minimum, forcing learners to make inferences, which helps to connect the learning experience with prior knowledge. Instead of introducing component skills bit by bit, learners are exposed to realistic tasks from the start, but in the context of supportive tools and instruction that guide action, and support error recognition and recovery.

Participants were recruited through email listserv announcements (e.g., the online Seniors group), and personal contacts (the middle school teachers). The workshop took place from 9am until 5pm. Lunch and break refreshments were provided, and participants received a small stipend ($50) and a copy of the Creator tool. The workshop had several phases. After completing background surveys and hearing a brief introduction to the goals of the workshop, the group evaluated a tutorial that was being developed for middle school students. A research assistant then demonstrated a prototype of the community network application that could be used to access, post, and discuss simulations. Next, the facilitator demonstrated three sample simulations that showed how Creator projects might address community issues: a fight that had recently occurred at the middle school; discussion of a proposed change to the high school mascot; and video recording of red light violations. After a short break, the group broke into pairs (and one group of three) to brainstorm their own ideas for community simulations. During lunch, there was informal discussion about the simulation ideas; after lunch the pairs selected simulation projects for refinement. This continued into the afternoon, concluding with a general discussion and completion of feedback questionnaires. We

Figure 2. The smoking kids simulation used in the minimalist tutorial developed for middle school students. Prior to the workshop, we had developed two training modules using these minimalist principles. Because the modules were designed for middle school students, we selected a simulation of intrinsic interest: smoking in the playground (Figure 2). We carefully designed the simulation to be complex enough to be a realistic example, but simple enough that a novice would be able to explore, understand, and enhance it. In the first module, the learner

observes the smokers in action, then explores the rules that lead to the characters’ behavior: two kids walk to the center of the screen, begin smoking, appear to get sick, and ultimately collapse on the ground; after a recovery period, they stand up and the cycle repeats. Key programming concepts are the before-after rules, the way that actions are defined and enacted in a series, and the use of character variables to track state and control behavior. In the second module a more ambitious enhancement is undertaken: learners create a new character (cigar smoke) that reuses an existing character (cigarette smoke). Several different visual appearances are created and rules that control the appearance and motion of cigar smoke are defined. Key concepts are character creation, including reuse and the drawing of appearances, and the construction and testing of rules.

Tutorial Evaluation

The evaluation was carried out in a single group session. The workshop facilitator displayed the Creator environment and the smoking kids tutorial simulation on an overhead projector. Each workshop participant had a copy of the tutorial booklet (printed instructions that include prompts for action or reflection, images of user interface components, pieces of the simulation, key rules, etc., feedback regarding actions taken, and error correction tips). The facilitator’s role was to implement goals specified by the workshop participants. For instance, if a request was made to “Open that boy’s rules”, the facilitator carried out the correct user interface action to do this. In parallel with this group tutorial walkthrough, participants made comments regarding the suitability of the tutorial material and suggestions for enhancements. The entire tutorial walkthrough took approximately 75 minutes, with about two-thirds of the time spent on the first module. Participants’ reactions to the tutorial materials consisted of their spontaneous comments during the session, and their responses on a brief questionnaire administered after the session. During the session, a few questions were directed at the Creator user interface, for example clarifications of buttons or other controls that are used to create and edit characters, start and stop the simulation, and so on. Minimalist instruction deliberately excludes information on user interface details (except when task relevant), so this was not a surprise. However, it became clear during the session that we would need to provide more definitional information of this sort (perhaps in the form of a separate reference sheet), simply because there are so many interactive widgets in this highly visual environment. We also suspect that this may be a special need for older users, as most of these questions came from this half of the audience; ongoing work is examining this possibility. These initial observations suggest that there may be special requirements for minimalist training when the interactive software is highly visual and modeless. These issues are a topic of ongoing research. The majority of participants’ comments concerned the content and operation of the simulation itself. The participants grasped immediately the need for the smoking world to appear realistic and

engaging to students aged 10-13, and many suggestions were aimed at this goal. One popular suggestion was to remove the “collapse” outcome, on the argument that this is too drastic a consequence. A more realistic outcome would be to illustrate a cumulative impact on the kids’ lungs, hearts, and so on. Another was to add something that showed the process of smoking addiction, or to emphasize the impact of cliques or peer pressure on decisions to smoke. A simpler suggestion was to make the cigar smoke more visually distinct from cigarette (e.g., a thick black ring instead of simply a darker wisp of smoke). Interestingly, it seemed to be the older participants who were most interested in promoting the “bad consequences” of smoking (e.g., showing that the children’s lungs become black), while the teachers were attentive to making the simulation more realistic. Rating scale (from Strongly Agree, coded as 1, Average to Strongly Disagree, coded as 5) rating (N=9) Easy for me to learn and use 2.22 Easy for middle school kids to learn and use 2.00 Fun to use in building community simulations 1.89 At this point, I have a good understanding of how 1.67 to use Creator to build simulations At this point, I am enthusiastic about working 1.78 with kids on Creator simulations Table 1. Subjective reactions to Creator following the tutorial. More systematic feedback concerning Creator and the tutorial were obtained through feedback surveys. Five different scales assessed reactions to Creator itself, including its learnability, fun, and their enthusiasm about collaborating with kids on projects. As can be seen in Table 1, participants were generally positive, with the least positive reactions appearing for questions about ease of learning. While this group enjoyed the process, there were modest concerns about the ease of learning Creator programming, both for themselves and for students. During the demonstration of the community network prototype application, comments focused on the process of recruiting kids and others to work on the projects. For instance, several of the teachers had experienced problems with the school system’s firewall and were concerned that this network application would be accessible only outside of the school network; they wanted to ensure that Creator programming itself did not depend on network access (it does not). They also began brainstorming how different populations of kids might be recruited, for example involving the after school programs. The demonstration of the three sample simulations provoked considerable discussion, again mostly aimed at whether the projects were realistic enough to be engaging and/or educational. The group’s understanding of simulations was apparent in the questions they asked, for instance wanting to see the “insides” of a stubborn character in the mascot discussion who refused to change her mind. This mascot project seemed to be particularly provoking in that it displayed a rather complex persuasion process with only subtle

visual indications of what was happening; this led to suggestions for how to make the process more “visual” (and how visualization was going to be an issue in general for these simulation projects), as well as a general concern that “discussion” oriented issues like this might not be appropriate for this simulation tool. Many suggestions were made for improvement to these examples, with virtually all of the suggestions implying more complex programming projects (e.g., including yellow lights in the red light project; adding more roles to the fight; making the mascot positions viewable or editable by the students). DESIGNING COMMUNITY SIMULATIONS

During the simulation design activities, we partnered each school teacher with a senior citizen. We hoped that their different backgrounds and community roles would promote a synergy in brainstorming and design. The pairing was done opportunistically (based on position at the table; one teacher had left by this time), but by chance the most outgoing of the teachers and older residents were paired, as were the least outgoing. This seemed to have the positive effect of balancing the personal contributions within each pair. Idea Generation

The design work began with a freeform brainstorming task, where we asked each pair to generate as many ideas as possible about simulation projects that could raise or reinforce community issues or values, and that would appeal to local middle school students. A simple form was provided for recording these ideas; it included a list of topic categories that pairs were invited to use as prompts (e.g., social interaction, law enforcement, ecology, neighborhood ordinances).

several times during the process of selecting and further refining the project ideas. Age discrimination by downtown businesses After school activities Bullying in the halls Cafeteria food fights Cliques Conflict between boys and girls Decisions about the proposed downtown pedestrian area Different uses of the community center Education on political involvement for students, e.g., voting Effects of popularity on less popular kids Fighting over bus seats Flirting in the halls Interaction between town council and students Interactions and political issues with neighboring towns Issues related to poverty or socio-economic differences Land use and planning (e.g., the Wong property) Mentoring of students (both academic and social) Noise pollution from parties in residential areas New building and road construction Parking problems for downtown businesses Problems with Virginia Tech football traffic Recycling Sexual harassment Stereotypes Students pretending to be teachers and vice versa Table 2. Ideas for community-related projects that resulted from initial brainstorming period.

The participants were immediately engaged in the task and spent about 45 minutes coming up with ideas. Each of the four pairs generated between 8 and 12 ideas, some of which were overlapping. Table 2 lists all of the ideas generated and presented to the group. Not surprisingly, many of the ideas about social issues at the school were contributed by the teachers, whereas the older residents served as more of a “general community conscience”, with ideas for the education of students about town responsibilities or about important current town issues such as whether to create a pedestrian area in the downtown or how to best use a park-like piece of property that was being purchased by the town.

Project Refinement

During the discussion period that followed, each pair shared their ideas, with other group members offering feedback and elaboration. This discussion continued informally into the break time, where we noted that the participants began to focus more on how their ideas would appear in Creator. For instance they believed that the cartoon-like nature of the tool would catch students’ attention, but that it would be the challenge of the simulation that determined whether they would remain interested. One teacher voiced the principle that each project should teach the children some moral or social lesson instead of simply providing a fun activity. This comment became a sort of mantra for the group and was reiterated

Participants were given forms to record their more detailed ideas; these forms also served as a template to guide the elaboration, a sort of scaffolding that suggested elements that should be addressed by the specification. Figure 3 displays the materials generated for one project dealing with cliques. On the left is the form that requests a project name and author, and information about the basic simulation activity, its setting and likely characters, as well as reflections on the issues it might raise or skills it might teach. On the right is a visualization of the project at two points in the simulation, when a “new kid” arrives and is left alone, but then is eventually joined by members of the existing cliques, forming a new and more diverse

The refinement activity consisted of two periods of about 45 minutes where each pair selected and elaborated a project idea; at the end of the day we had nine simulation proposals (one pair elaborated three possibilities). The selection of ideas was left to each pair, but the discussion to this point had led them to prefer ideas that a) had a clear visual component; b) would be seen as engaging or fun by students; and c) presented at least one moral or social lesson. Thus some of the initial ideas—poverty issues or technology instruction—were rejected because they did not lend themselves to a visual scenario.

Figure 3. Sample simulation design specification and illustrations produced by a public school teacher working with a senior citizen.

social group. The lessons revolve around how stereotypes and cliques come to be, whether they are good and bad, and the role of a student’s appearance in this process. As the sample data in Figure 3 imply, participants had little trouble elaborating their ideas as potential Creator simulations. Indeed there was considerable enthusiasm and excitement expressed during this process. The most common concern expressed during this period was how to visualize the issues that were important in a problem area. For instance, in the voter registration and the noise pollution projects, the participant-designers wanted students to be able to read Pair 1

actual text that was relevant to the simulation scenario, but Creator is not designed to present formatted text documents. The project on the “Smart road” began with a rather sophisticated view of how a high-tech road might react to weather conditions and cars, but its designers had difficulty mapping many of the road engineering factors (e.g., friction, surface tension) to the rather crude graphics available in Creator. On the other hand, teams showed considerable creativity in conveying key social variables, for example a book bag identifying a studious “nerd”, a mini-skirt for the “flirt”, big muscles for the popular guy, and so on.

Simulation name and description Flirting or hurting? Girls standing in hall are approached by cool guy who taps one on bottom; they smile and giggle To vote or not to vote? Students on downtown avenue stop at voting booth, talk, get info, pass by then come back to help Bullies at BMS: Girls and boys from different neighborhoods on the bus, one group gangs up on another, prevents seating Traffic, to stop or not, that is the question: a new school leads to increased parent/teacher/bus traffic Noise pollution: Group of students is having large party in a residential neighborhood, loud music, lots of people, the police are called and issue a warning, point to ordinance information Cliques: Three stereotype groups on schoolyard, new nondescript student arrives, is left alone but eventually joined by others to form new more diverse group Smart road: User is “driver” moving along a smart highway, though a local valley, experiencing rain, sun, snow, etc.

Issues simulation is designed to raise • sexual harassment, accepting inappropriate behavior, power relations, self-respect • civics 101, meaningfulness of individual voters, ways to get involved with government 2 • what causes opposition between groups, what effect bystanders have on conflict, what supervision is needed • safety of student pedestrians, road changes (widening, traffic lights), role of police or crossing guards • exposure and consciousness of town codes, interaction and respect for law enforcement, rights and responsibilities of citizens 3 • how cliques form, consequences for outsiders, the role of shared values and beliefs, importance of diversity, problems of fitting in, judging on appearances • sensitivity to the seasons and implications for driving, role of technology in driving, exposure to local research activities 4 Bullying for acceptance: In cafeteria, student throws food, • taking advantage of others to increase feelings of power, visual appearance changes to show acceptance, escalates into not having control over your own life, self-satisfaction pushing, fight, name-calling that results in having power over someone else Redevelopment of downtown Blacksburg: downtown changes • who will be affected by changes and how, e.g. rent to show different stores, parking, walkways, etc. increase, pedestrian access, town prosperity, cost-benefit analysis Table 3. Nine project ideas selected for refinement, including the issues each project is designed to raise for students or other participants.

During the discussion that followed the design work, it became clear that these projects represented a personal expression of community issues for our workshop participants. The retired engineer who developed the “Smart road” with his partner was an individual who felt that the young people in Blacksburg should be made more aware of the state-of-the-art research that is taking place at Virginia Tech. The teacher who worked on “Flirting or hurting?” with her partner had been a frustrated observer of such hallway episodes for many years and was looking for ways to promote this as a discussion topic among students, parents, and others. Her partner is a long-time community leader in civic education (League of Women Voters) and developed the “Voter registration” project as a vehicle for reaching out to younger citizens on this topic. This is just what we had hoped for, that residents would not only take on the general project of community-oriented simulations as an educational vehicle, but also become engaged enough to produce projects that conveyed

something about their own values and interests. Personalized topics and activities will be important in motivating the involvement and collaboration of diverse groups in community simulation activities. After all projects had been refined and presented to the group for feedback and discussion, participants completed a final survey that included several rating scales pertaining to the brainstorming and design activities, as well as open-ended questions about simulation features that they thought were (or would be) particularly effective, and strategies that they would take in introducing this tool to middle school students. As with the tutorial evaluation, participants were generally positive about their design activities. Table 4 displays average ratings (on a scale from 1=Strongly Agree to 5=Strongly Disagree) for the seven scales included in the survey. Participants reported that it was relatively easy to generate the project ideas and refine them into

specifications, although they also made it clear in their responses to the open-ended questions that they felt they were still quite far from ready to actually build such projects. We believe that it will be critical for our research team to work 1:1 with community residents such as these, to ensure that they are conversant and comfortable enough with the tool to take the initiative in future collaborations with students or other residents. Rating scale (from Strongly Agree, coded as 1, to Strongly Disagree, coded as 5)

Average rating (N=8) 1.75 2.00 2.00

Easy to come up with simulation topics. Easy to refine and carefully specify project ideas. Kids will have fun working on the projects we designed today. Kids will learn good analysis and problem-solving 1.75 skills by working on the projects we designed. Kids will learn a lot about our community by 1.88 working on the projects we designed. At this point, I have a good understanding of how 2.63 to use Creator to build simulations. At this point, I am enthusiastic about working with 2.00 kids on Creator simulations. Table 4. Subjective reactions to the brainstorming and design efforts.

It is interesting to note that participants’ day-end ratings of how well they understand the Creator tool were lower than those obtained immediately following the tutorial (particularly the former; see bottom of Table 1). In response to the scale assessing understanding of Creator, four individuals selected “Agree”, three “Neutral” and one “Disagree”. One explanation is that until participants began the design activities, their experience was based primarily on appreciation of our well-refined tutorial and demonstration examples. But once they began the process of generating and elaborating their own ideas, they recognized the challenges of defining a script and characters that are able to convey or raise issues in a visual fashion. An important question (also repeated from the earlier survey) assessed enthusiasm about working with kids on Creator projects. Though we organized this workshop as a source of meaningful ideas for projects, we also hoped that the participants would become personally interested in the research, enough so as to continue to work with us (and students) in the future. Although we cannot claim that participants were wildly enthusiastic about this possibility, all expressed some interest in doing this (all 8 selected “Agree”). In their open-ended comments, the reservations expressed pertained largely to a belief that they would need to learn much more about Creator to be effective mentors; the teachers were also quite concerned about the amount of time it might take for them to develop their own projects (i.e., aimed at issues they cover in their classes). These concerns reinforced our general belief that these community simulation projects should emphasize reuse and enhancement activities as much as possible, avoiding activities that

assume community members will construct a simulation from the ground up (e.g., actually implementing the designs produced during the workshop). DISCUSSION

The workshop provided a promising response to several of our major research questions—the participating teachers and senior citizens were easily able to see how Creator could be used to develop simulations of community-relevant topics. They felt that they achieved a good understanding of the Creator programming paradigm, although they qualified these judgements with a caution that there was clearly much more to learn. Both the teachers and the senior citizens were able to demonstrate their understanding of the visual programming paradigm, by critiquing sample simulations, and by envisioning and specifying their own projects. They were enthusiastic about the prospects for community simulations as an educational activity. In the course of developing their simulation ideas, they incorporated their own personal concerns into the design process. Thus the set of proposed simulations represents not only a set of community issues expected to be engaging and educational for middle school students, but also topics that address issues of personal relevance to these individuals. We hope that this will enhance the motivation of these individuals to do more work on these projects in the future, with students or other community residents. Teachers and Senior Citizens

The pairing during the simulation design activities was intentional: we hoped that the teachers and senior citizens would contribute complementary perspectives. In particular, we expected that the teachers would focus more on the educational implications and requirements for simulation design, while the older adults would bring concerns and wisdom about community issues. In fact, both sets of participants contributed from both perspectives—the older adults were just as likely to have views on educational approaches, and the teachers had many community-related topics to propose. However, the participants felt that the cross-age (and role) pairing was an essential element of the workshop experience. In their final survey comments, many voiced an appreciation of our decision to do this rather than creating “teachers” and “seniors” groupings. They felt that the difference in ages and background created a social dynamic that led to great creativity and cooperative problemsolving. On-the-spot Training

Our decision to do the walkthrough of the minimalist tutorial was opportunistic, in that we had this tutorial under development, and we needed to bring the participants “up to speed” on the Creator tool as quickly as we could, so as to move on to the main goal of designing simulation projects. But in hindsight, this seems to have been just the right thing to do: because the tutorial was designed for a student population, and we were asking for feedback about its effectiveness, the participants quickly adopted an active and reflective attitude. We implicitly gave them “expert reviewer” status, and this seemed to be engaging and rewarding. Although we can only speculate about this

critiquing task, we suspect that if we had instead shown them a tutorial designed for their own population, they may have been less willing to react and make suggestions.

programming concepts. They are also interviewed about other topics for community simulations that they would find interesting.

An important feature of the tutorial was its emphasis on a realistic example. This was the first activity we carried out and it presented and analysed a paradigmatic example of what we would later ask them to design. Again, we speculate that this played a crucial orienting role in the workshop. This immediate orientation to realistic projects was subsequently reinforced in the demonstration of rather different but also exemplary simulations. It is interesting to speculate about the role of minimalist training or introductory materials in participatory design more generally, where there is often a chasm between the technical sophistication of the workshop organizers (the “designers”) and its participants (the “end users”). Ongoing Work

In the months after the workshop we have begun to implement the ideas contributed by the community residents. In doing this, we have focused on issues that arose during workshop discussion • the projects are being designed to be relevant to both middle school students and their surrounding community; • the level of complexity is being restrained to ensure that students will be able to understand them; • each simulation should illustrate at least one clear and meaningful social issue; • the simulations should reuse characters or behaviors as much as possible; and finally, each simulation should have several obvious and engaging possibilities for extension or enhancement. At the time of this writing we have prototypes of six of the projects envisioned by workshop participants. For example, a screen shot of the “Cliques” project appears in Figure 4. In addition to implementing the visions developed by our workshop participants, we are using these simulations to illustrate additional Creator functionality likely to be engaging to young programmers, for example the use of pre-recorded sounds and speech. We are also exploring the use of larger characters that allow for display of a greater variety of visual cues (e.g., social indicators like facial expression, hair style, jewellery or other accessories). In parallel with simulation development, we are beginning the process of validating the minimalist tutorial modules and the community simulation projects with middle school students. We have recruited a number of students aged 11-13 who have expressed an interest in learning more about the Creator tool. They come into our usability lab and work through the tutorial modules in pairs. Each student takes a turn being the “driver” of the Creator environment, while the partner assists by tracking the prompts and feedback provided in the written materials. After completing the tutorial (which has also been expanded to include a “performance test” that asks them to program a teacher who arrives in the smoking world to stop the smokers), the students are given a comprehension survey designed to assess their understanding of Creator

Figure 4. Prototype implementation of the Clique project designed by participants at the workshop. At the time of this writing, we have conducted six of these sessions with the students. We have discovered problems with the tutorial instructions, most relating to how the user interface controls are introduced and described (reminiscent of comments made by our workshop participants during their review). However for the most part the students have been quite successful, completing the training in less than an hour with generally positive reactions to Creator. An interesting finding is that some of the students’ suggestions for good simulation topics overlap with those developed by the teachers and senior citizens (e.g., flirting and other hallway behavior), suggesting that these may be good candidates for collaborative projects. Seeding a Community

The participatory design workshop had two very important outcomes. Most concretely, it produced nine project specifications that we have begun to implement as community simulation projects. These will be made available through our community network, so that students or other residents can try them out, enhance them, revise them, discuss them. But at the same time, the workshop also produced nine community members who are now familiar and enthusiastic about Creator and the concept of community simulations. They are prepared to be advocates, both in recruiting students and other residents to work on simulation projects, and in contributing to the discussion and further development of projects themselves. The workshop and the ongoing work with students are part of our long term research strategy for building a cross-generational learning community of Creator simulation users and programmers. Bringing students and teachers together to work with simulations should be easy; all of the teachers at the workshop intend to explore the use of Creator simulations in their classroom teaching. The real challenge will be to establish the more diverse interactions between

segments of the community not normally thrown together in collaborative settings. Our participants left the workshop ready to help us to do just that.

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All four authors are at the Center for Human-Computer Interaction, 660 McBryde Hall, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0106 USA. Email addresses are {rosson, carroll, cseals, tracyl} @ This work is supported by NSF ITR 0091102. Other members of the Community Simulations research project helped in planning and conducting the workshop. We are particularly grateful to Lenese Colson and Jennifer Wissman for their assistance. REFERENCES


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