Harmony Elementary School is committed to two-way ... Teacher Web Pages. •
Updates on .... ceed in school and reach for the stars in math & writing. Students ...
What is a School-Parent Compact?
How Partnerships are Built
A School-Parent Compact for Achievement is an agreement that parents, students, and teachers develop together. It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all students reach grade-level standards.
At Harmony Elementary we believe when our school and families work together, the students benefit. We do this by offering numerous opportunities for families to participate in workshops, activities, and family nights. Please check your Harmony School calendar for dates and times. Reminders will also be sent home with students.
Effective Compacts
Link to goals of the School Improvement Plan.
Focus on student learning skills.
Share strategies parents can use at home.
Explain how teachers and parents will communicate about student progress.
Jointly Developed The parents, students, and staff of Harmony Elementary School developed this School-Parent Compact for Achievement. Teachers suggested strategies parents can use at home, parents added ideas to make the learning more practical, and students told us how they learn best. Meetings are held each year to review the compact and make changes based on student needs.
Parents are welcome to contribute comments at any time. 706-253-1700 Amberle Godfrey, Parent & Community Involvement Coordinator
Communication about Student Learning Harmony Elementary School is committed to two-way communication with families about their student’s learning and progress. Some of the ways you can expect to hear from us are: Weekly newsletters and folders (K-3) Monthly newsletters and folders (4-5) Teacher Web Pages Updates on school website and current grades in PowerSchool Progress Reports and Report Cards Do you have questions about your child’s progress? Contact your child’s teacher by phone 706-253-1840 or by email. E-mail addresses are on the school website @ http://harmonyele.pickens.k12.ga.us
Community Focus
For Student Success
Harmony Elementary School Lynda Wallace Principal 706-253-1840
Revised 10-1-2013 & 10-15-2013
Goals for Student Achievement
Teachers, Parents, Students—Partners in Education
District Goals
Math & Writing
The Board of Education sets goals for the entire district. The district goals for 2013-2014 are:
The staff at Harmony Elementary will work with students and their families to support students’ success in math and writing. Some of our key connections with families will be: Celebrate math with Math & Science Night. Parents & students experience firsthand the fun & excitement of math. Student Author’s Celebration. Students would share or show samples of their writing with the audience. Plans are to have a local author share his experience with parents and students. Weekly newsletters will have suggestions to help students with achievement in math and writing. HES webpage will have links to on-line resources on the Family Connection for Math and Writing page that parents and students can use to help with general understanding and homework.
Harmony School parents joined staff members to develop ideas about how families can support students’ success in math & writing. Families may have other ideas to add to the list.
% Increase test scores in the Exceeds level on state assessments
% Decrease in test scores in the Does Not Meet level on state assessments
Harmony Elementary School Goals Harmony Elementary School’s Improvement Team, teachers, and administrators have studied the data to decide the most important areas of improvement for our school. To Increase the % of Exceeds scores in math on state assessments, our school will:
Increase instruction time to 90 minutes daily for all grade levels (K5).
To decrease the % of Does Not Meet in writing on state assessments our school will:
Provide cross-curricular writing opportunities in science and social studies and align writing instruction to follow expectations of the CCGPS.
Have a Family Fun Math Night.
Read 20 minutes a day with children.
Create spelling flash cards and give a spelling pre-test.
Use visual aids to help with abstract math ideas. (For example, using pennies to illustrate equations)
Review and correct school work with student(s).
Harmony Students Harmony School students joined staff and parents to develop ideas about how students can succeed in school and reach for the stars in math & writing. Students suggested the following ideas to make connections between learning at home and school: Read lots of books to make better writing ideas.
Gather information & write about what you like. Cut out magazine pictures to write about.
Practice math skills. (For example, facts with flashcards)
Make math games at home and share at school.
Play math games to make math fun at home and school. (For example, Yahtzee and Monopoly)
Include math ideas for student learning and writing activities for parents in newsletters.