Community Involvement Calendar.pdf - Google Drive

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June: Susan G. Komen Raleigh Race for the Cure (volunteer). June/July: Driving out Hunger Campaign for the Food Bank of
LMDA Community Involvement Committee

On behalf of LMDA and NCDOT, this group plans and participates in multiple volunteer and collection drive opportunities throughout the year including the following:

Year-Round/Monthly: “Troopons” Coupon Collection Campaign for Military Families (donations) March/June/September/December: UNC-TV Phone Drives (volunteer) Spring/Summer: Habitat for Humanity (volunteer) June: Special Olympics NC Summer Games in Raleigh (volunteer) June: Susan G. Komen Raleigh Race for the Cure (volunteer) June/July: Driving out Hunger Campaign for the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina (donations and volunteer) August/September: School Supplies for NC Communities in Schools (donations) September: Special Olympics NC Equestrian Tournament in Raleigh (volunteer) November/December/(July): Marine Corps Toys for Tots (donations) November/December/January: Winter Coat and Apparel Drive for Salvation Army/Raleigh Rescue Mission (donations)