Home Phone: Number of Hours Served: Description of Activity: Approved By: Date of Pre-Approval: Agency/Organization: Ons
Community Involvement Guidelines Edward Little High School Auburn School Department, Auburn, ME Purpose: The Auburn School Department recognizes that important learning does occur outside of school. The community is our classroom, and we recognize that a civic responsibility for all citizens is to be involved in the community. Twenty-‐four (24) community involvement hours are required for graduation. All activities must receive prior approval. These hours give students an opportunity to learn in their community classroom, to experience their role as a productive community member, to give back to their community, and to share their talents and time with others. Guidelines for Community Involvement Activities: 1. Community involvement hours are voluntary hours given by the student and the hours are not compensated. 2. The activity should be performed on the student’s own time (with the exception of hours obtained on Community Day). 3. The activity cannot be one that primarily benefits the class (e.g., semi-‐formal, prom) or an activity that directly benefits the student. 4. An adult supervisor must verify the activity. 5. If the involvement includes a service that is provided for a relative, friend or neighbor, there must be hardship or physical disability that warrants granting community involvement credit. The school will make the final decision/approval. 6. If a service is provided for a profit-‐making agency (e.g., nursing home, hospital), the service cannot displace a hired worker or take a position that would normally exist. 7. Activities must be approved in advance. 8. Students must submit documentation with the on-‐site supervisor’s signature that they have completed their activity. 9. Students will write a reflection on each activity. The reflection(s) must be appropriate and acceptable. Alternative methods of presentation (such as an exit interview) may be considered on a case-‐by-‐case basis. 10. Community involvement requirements will be met when the individual written reflections are approved. Community Involvement Q & A: 1. Can community involvement time in another state or communities count? a. Yes, but all activities must be pre-‐approved at school and verified by an on-‐site supervisor. 2. If a student is a member of a school group or organization that is excused from classes in order to participate in a special service activity during the school day and the activity runs into the hours after school, can the student count he afterschool hours? a. Yes, but only the afterschool hours. If also must be over and above those hours required by the group. 3. Can a student who uses Learning Labs to go to help at the elementary schools count that time as community involvement? a. Yes, with prior approval. 4. When can I start my community involvement hours? a. Spring of freshmen year 5. Can students earn community involvement hours without prior approval? a. Students may submit a community involvement activity after the fact without prior approval. The ultimate decision will rest with the school. As explanation of the uniqueness and exceptional condition must be submitted.
Community Involvement Documentation of Completion Edward Little High School Auburn School Department, Auburn, ME
Purpose: The Auburn School Department recognizes that important learning does occur outside of school. The community is our classroom, and we recognize that a civic responsibility for all citizens is to be involved in the community. Twenty-‐four (24) community involvement hours are required for graduation. All activities must receive prior approval. These hours give students an opportunity to learn in their community classroom, to experience their role as a productive community member, to give back to their community, and to share their talents and time with others. To meet graduation requirements, students must spend at least a total of 24 hours involved in community volunteering. Activities must be approved in advance. Student Name: Date of Application: Year of Graduation: Home Phone: Number of Hours Served: Description of Activity: Approved By: Date of Pre-Approval: Agency/Organization: Onsite Supervisor: Supervisor Phone: Onsite Supervisor Signature: BEFORE COMPLETING COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT HOURS: In the space below, write a brief description of the proposed activity or project. What is your goal and how will you know if you have met expectations?
AFTER COMPLETING COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT HOURS: For EACH community involvement placement, write or type your responses to the following questions. Use complete sentences. 1. What did I do during my time with the organization/agency?
2. What difference did my community involvement activity make to myself and/or others?
3. What did I learn, realize or appreciate?
recommend this community involvement
4. I would (or) would not activity to other students because….