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The Penquis Informer Congratulations to the Class of 2015. In total, thirty-two students participated in commencement, with the students earning over sixty thousand dollars in scholarships and awards. Twenty-four of our participating students are attending post-secondary education with the remaining students entering the workforce. Penquis administration and staff are very proud of the achievements of these students and wish them the best.

For Your Information…. Middle School Final Days:

June 1st – AOS 43 Board Meeting – 6PM

June 15th – We will be running a half-day schedule for the Middle School. Period 1 – 4 will be held. Students will be dismissed to the gym for the end of the year Academic/Awards Ceremony. Parents are invited to this event. It will take from 12 – 2 PM June 16th – We will be running a half-day schedule for tall Penquis students. Students will be dismissed to the gym to participate in a Middle School Summer Carnival. Students will end the school year will games, events, and fun to show apprieciation for how hard they have worked throughout the year. Staff and HS Students will host all events throughout the afternoon.

June 2nd – End of the Year Celebration for Life Skills Students – 11AM – 2:26PM

Important Dates!


June 3 – Board Meeting – 7PM Media Center June 5th – HS Semester 3 & 4 awards. June 5th – Special Olympics – 7 Students from Penquis will be participating. June 8th – 12th – HS Final Week June 15th – MS Awards Ceremony 12PM – 2PM June 16th – MS Field Day 8AM – 12PM June 16th – Half Day – Last Staff and Student Day

A Note to Parents/Guardians:

Send an email with interest to [email protected] to be added to our ever-growing list!

Student Absences: It is important to understand that in order for students to be marked as excused absence, students will need documentation that meets the 7 board approved reasons for absence. Please reference the Penquis Handbook for more direction. 2

Summertime loss impacts student progression in learning. Prevent this by taking simple steps throughout the summer with your student. Have them read, have them write, or have them participate in something that keeps the mind and body busy. Statistics support the practice of an active mind and body, promote this by getting your student involved. Contact your school guidance office for ideas or needs to suppor this process. Visit your local libraries or recreation programs for ideas, be involved and support year round learning.

From The Staff: Mrs. Gerrish - Yearbooks are at Penquis Valley. They cost $40 and can be purchased before and after school, and during homeroom. Mrs. Kain – MS Yearbooks are available for purchase and order. Order forms have been given to students, but those wishing to get another copy need to see Mrs. Kain ASAP. If all yearbooks are purchased and a demand is still present, Mrs. Kain will order more.

Class Signup Sheets are out and due back 6-5-15 at the latest. Questions – Contact Laura Mallett [email protected] or call 943-7346 ext 107

June 8th Blue Day

June 9th Red Day Exam

June 10th Blue Day Exam

June 11th Red Day Exam

June 12th Blue Day Exam

Regular Classes

Period 1 Period 2

Period 3 Period 4

Period 3 Period 4

Period 1 Period 2

High School Finals: Some Direction and Understanding. Above is the schedule for finals week for High School students. Students will have a sign out sheet that needs to be completed in order for students to participate in “Open Campus.” This sheet has a threestep process for students to complete. • Step 1: Parent or Guardian Signature – because of liability, the school will not accept phone calls • Step 2: Individual class/teacher sign off – done so that students can be held accountable for finishing end of the year responsibilities and leaving without owing anything to classes. • Step 3: Final Sign Off – sign off from Food Services & The Main Office to show that the threestep process is complete. After all this is completed for students, students will be allowed to leave campus early!

Administration and Staff have worked through recommendations for the summer academy for students. For high school students, the choice for Summer Academy will be credit based and the need will be determined based on grade level; with the Juniors getting president over reserved spots, followed by Sophomore and Freshman students. This process will be followed down to the MS School level and MS students will be recommended for summer school or retention. Summer Academy will run from July 7th – July 22nd on Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s from 8 – 10 AM. Transportation will be up to the individual student’s parents/guardians, and we will provide breakfast. HS Students will follow a Plato based curriculum for credit recovery and MS students will have supplemental material to continue/support progression based learning. Any questions, please contact Mrs. Mallett [email protected] or Mrs. Smith [email protected] or Mr. Bousquet at the main office (207) – 943 – 7346 3

Help children get curious about mistakes. Help them reframe a mistake as new information or as a step in the process of learning. In addition, help them incorporate self-correction in their own learning process. Important Sites for School information: MSAD 41 Site PV Schools

Target’s Thanks a Billion Campaign Link to support the school and thank a teacher or colleague.

Penquis Valley Schools: 48 Penquis Drive- Milo, ME 04463