Community Report 2016 - Interior Savings Credit Union

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community resources in both Kelowna and Kamloops. • Over 100 community volunteers dedicated more than 350 hours to Int
Community Report 2016

Local Money for Local Good.

Local Matters Since our inception in 1939, we’ve played an active role in our local communities; we’re rooted within the fabric of the towns and cities we call home. Our cooperative values drive us to look for opportunities to create partnerships and make a difference. After all, we’re only as strong as the members and communities we serve. When they thrive, we thrive. And this is why local matters. Interior Savings endeavours to fund an amount equal to 3% of operating earnings, averaged over three years, in community investment spending. Together we’re helping to build and support communities where people are welcomed, encouraged, supported and cared for. Where everyone can find the connections, confidence and skills to not only enjoy life, but fulfill their potential too.

We’ve set our sights on making an impact in four key areas: • Empowering parents with young children • Supporting mental wellness through all stages of life • Maintaining social connection with age • Supporting a strong cooperative local economy For more information on our Community Investment Programs or to apply for funding, visit Learn more about our community involvement here:

$470,000 is the total amount of cash invested in community programs as well as paid time for our employees to volunteer.

Our members help create local money that stays local – supporting the local economy, local initiatives and positive local change.

$598,000 is the total value invested when you add in program management costs such as our mascot, community events team, and community tent program coordination and maintenance.

$1,054,000 is the total value to the community when you include the investment our employees, members and communities made to support our efforts.

Giving Highlights Member Rewards $2.5 million

$453,000 in bursaries awarded to local students.

was earned by members in the form of dividends, patronage rewards and bursaries.


invested in the development of sustainable programs in our communities through our Community Investment Fund.


value of staff volunteering during work hours.

$56.5 million

has been returned to our members since launching Member Rewards in 2002.


of our operating income was returned to members.


donated by our employees to the United Way campaign.


hours volunteered by our employees.

Interior Savings Day of Difference Over the last three years, Interior Savings has celebrated International Credit Union Day with a decidedly different and meaningful way to recognize our cooperative values. We call it the Interior Savings Day of Difference. On this day, Interior Savings’ credit union and insurance branches close early and all 500 employees fan out across 14 communities to roll up our sleeves and help those who do so much in our communities. In 2016 we supported 31 different community organizations who work tirelessly all year round to build inclusive, supportive and vibrant communities. In 2016 we added a unique twist to our Day of Difference and launched the $10,000 Local Give. We asked: “What good could you do with $100?” and were astounded by the response

we received. In less than 24 hours all 100 registrations were snapped up. Participants across our 14 communities embraced the challenge to help us create a wave of local good. Non-profit organizations, strangers, family and friends were supported, honoured and surprised with acts of local good. Care packages were given, homemade soup was shared and acts of kindness brought people and communities together. It was a fitting addition to what was already a significant and heart-warming day for us, our members and our communities.

Empowering Parents with Young Children From family and financial literacy to bursaries and university partnerships, our investments are helping parents create environments in which their children can thrive. Kamloops Pregnancy Care Centre The Empowering Moms program facilitated by the Kamloops Pregnancy Care Centre provides mentorship and skill development to support local moms. Through the Interior Savings Community Investment Fund we helped to outfit their kitchen to create a handson learning experience in food preparation and nutrition. We also provided funding for audio visual equipment to help them deliver programs focused on the development of life-skills.

Other ways we are helping to empower parents: • 453 local students received $1,000 bursaries from our Million Dollar Bursary program and another 31 students received bursaries through our high school bursary program. • With our on-going support of Success By 6, a joint venture between the Credit Unions of BC, United Way and the Government of British Columbia, we’re taking a collaborative approach to building child and family-friendly communities. • The Interior Savings Moonlight Movie Tour touched down in nine of our communities. With the help of Interior Savings employees working closely with our community partners we attracted over 6,000 attendees and raised over $17,500 for programs in our communities. • Almost 5,000 kids and their families attended YMCA Healthy Kids Day events. Our presenting sponsorship helped to create an event filled with family-friendly activities and community resources in both Kelowna and Kamloops.

“We’re very thankful to Interior Savings for the funding they provided. Their investment has provided us with tools to help our moms become financially more stable, happier and resilient as they take what they learn each week and apply it to their lives so they can give themselves and their children the best start in life.” Maralee Mason, Program Facilitator for Empowering Moms program

• Over 100 community volunteers dedicated more than 350 hours to Interior Savings’ Unplug and Play Family Literacy Week which saw over 10,000 people unplug and participate in free family activities in Kelowna, Kamloops and Vernon. • 10,000 people attended the Interior Savings Fat Cat Children’s Festival: an interactive event where families have the opportunity to learn about community, culture and the arts.

Supporting Mental Wellness through all Stages of Life We believe that by supporting initiatives that teach people to maintain their mental health and provide opportunities to connect and make meaningful contributions, we’re setting individuals up for success in looking after their well-being now and into the future. Canadian Mental Health Association, Kelowna Branch - Connected by 25 Mental illness can profoundly impact every aspect of a young person’s life including their ability to socialize, focus, problemsolve and cope with everyday stressors. This combined with the challenges of adolescence can put young people with mental illness at risk of falling through the cracks. Connected by 25, a program delivered by Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Kelowna, connects vulnerable youth with services and supports to help them successfully transition into adulthood. One component of Connected by 25 is Supper Club: an opportunity for youth to build social connection and inclusion through an activities-based approach. Interior Savings Community Investment Fund provided support to CMHA, Kelowna to help participants develop skills for life including preparing and cooking healthy meals and navigating a job search or interview.

Other ways we are helping to build healthier communities: • In partnership with Wentworth Music we co-presented a charity concert series that has now raised over $150,000 to support the pediatric ward at Kelowna General Hospital. • Do It For Dad, Run and Walk presented by Interior Savings saw 250 walkers raise $20,000 for prostate cancer treatment and awareness throughout the North Okanagan. • Presented by Interior Savings, Motionball Marathon of Sport attracted 250 young business professionals who helped to raise $67,000 for Special Olympics. • 1,200 swimmers embraced the physical and mental challenge of the Interior Savings Across the Lake Swim which raises money to send over 1,400 School District 23, grade 3 students to free swimming lessons at the YMCA.

Maintaining Social Connection with Age Social connection as one ages is an important factor in making your golden years… well, more golden. When we age, one of the largest risk factors to our health and happiness is the loss of social connection – whether to loved ones or community. Isolation can have detrimental impacts and in fact can make symptoms associated with ailments much more pronounced. We’re working towards ensuring that age does not equate to isolation but instead equates to strong social connections that are maintained throughout one’s life. Music and Memories Following our 2015 investment in a Music and Memories partnership with UBC and Baptist Housing, in 2016 we again put our money on the power of music to help people find connection and renewed meaning in their lives. This year we helped Mountainview Village in Kelowna launch their Music and Memories Program to all 90 residents. We also supported locally-based Sing for Your Life Foundation in launching two new Silver Song Groups in the Okanagan. These fun singing and music-making sessions are intended for those who are aging in place/at home. Early research has shown this program is improving health and morale while reducing medication use and loneliness.

Other ways we are helping to prevent social isolation among seniors: • Participated in an age-friendly training program and became the first financial institution in BC to be recognized as a certified Age-Friendly Business. • Partnered with UBCO to support a research study based on the film “The Age of Love” with a goal to help change the negative stigma our society places on aging. We held eight free screenings of the film in Kamloops and throughout the Okanagan. • Provided $9,700 to Enactus Okanagan College to support their Silver Surfers Program where students provide mentorship and training to seniors on how to safely and easily use today’s technology to communicate with loved ones and explore the internet. • Contributed nearly $30,000 to YMCA of the Okanagan to purchase specialized equipment to help seniors with health or mobility challenges improve strength and overall wellness.

Supporting a Strong Cooperative Local Economy As a credit union, we live and breathe the cooperative movement and support its principles whole-heartedly. We believe through collaboration and innovation, we as communities can be more successful in creating solutions, building for the future and ensuring that our communities and the individuals within them are successful and have opportunities to thrive. Lower North Thompson Community Forest Society (LNTCFS): Carpentry and Milling Project The LNTCFS, located in Barriere, was founded following the 2003 wildfires which burned down the local Tolko Mill, marked the end of many local jobs and nearly crippled an industry that was important to the sustainability of local communities. Not unlike how many credit unions came to be, the LNTCFS was the result of community volunteers coming together to obtain a community forest license and to create a long-term sustainable plan for local forest resources. In 2016, we were pleased to provide a $10,000 grant to support the LNTCFS in the purchase of a portable sawmill for their Milling and Carpentry Project. Through this project, they will help local residents gain meaningful training and work experience while building amenities like picnic tables, benches and shelters, for residents and visitors to enjoy along local trails and recreation sites.

Other ways we are helping to build our local economies: • Partnered with other local credit unions to support Volinspire, a locally-developed platform that brings volunteers, community organizations and businesses together to build more caring communities. • Helped Okanagan Carshare Co-op purchase a van to enable larger local families to participate in the car share program. • Through collaboration with Vancity Credit Union and local non-profits, we introduced our Welcome to Canada program to help new refugee families find support and footing in our community. • Continued our support of Accelerate Okanagan, a locallybased not-for-profit taking a collaborative approach to creating job opportunities and helping to build a vibrant community. • Made a $750,000 commitment to Atrium Ventures, a new investment fund dedicated to nurturing the development of local early stage technology companies. • Collaborated with Daybreak Rotary in Kamloops and Sunrise Rotary in Kelowna to support Ribfest: a 3-day festival and fundraiser in both communities. Over 33,000 people attended and over $141,000 was raised to support programs and services that will build stronger communities.