Breast and Cervical Cancer Program, Washington County. Breast Cancer Awareness ...... Licensing/Certification/Accredited
COMMUNITY RESOURCE GUIDE Washington County, MD Abused Adults
CASA, Inc. Washington County DSS, Adult Protective Services
Abused/Neglected Children
Washington County Health Department Washington County Job Development Center Western Maryland Consortium
Adoption/Adoptee Services
CASA, Inc. Parent Child Center San Mar Children’s Home, Inc. Washington County DSS, Child Protective Services
San Mar Children’s Home, Inc. Washington County DSS, Foster Care and Adoption
CASA, Inc. Parent Child Center Washington County DSS, Child Protective Services
Washington County Family Center Western Maryland Consortium Hagerstown Community College
Abusive/Neglectful Families
Big Brothers Big Sisters, Washington County Boy Scouts of America, Washington Co., Mason Dixon Council Boys and Girls Clubs of Washington County, The Brook Lane Camp Challenge Ministries, Inc. Catoctin Summit Adolescent Program Cedar Ridge Ministries Cedar Ridge Special Education School Girls Inc. of Washington County Horizon Goodwill Industries Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP) Maryland Cooperative Extension, Washington County Oak Hill House Tri-State Community Health Center Walnut Street Community Health Center Washington County Department of Recreation Washington County DSS, Child Protective Services Washington County DSS, Foster Care and Adoption Washington County DSS, School/Family Liaison
Adult Basic Education
Hagerstown Community College Teen Parent Program
Adult Basic Education
Adult Day Care
Arc of Washington County, Inc. Easter Seals Society, Adult Day Services, Hagerstown Horizon Goodwill Industries, Hagerstown Turning Point, a Program of Way Station Inc.
Adult Protective Services
Washington County DSS, Adult Protective Services
Adult Sexual Assault Survivors Behavioral Health Services
CASA, Inc. Court Appointed Special Advocates of Washington County Deafnet Association, Inc. Developmental Disabilities Administration Mental Health Association, Washington County Office of Consumer Advocates, Inc. Office of the Public Defender, Washington County Potomac Case Management Services, Inc. Service Coordination, Inc., The Family Network Washington County Arts Council
Advocacy-Animal Rights
Washington County Humane Society
Advocacy-Crime Victims
Jail Substance Abuse Program (JSAP) W House, Inc. Washington County Health Department
Court Appointed Special Advocates of Washington County
Developmental Disabilities Administration Parents’ Place of Maryland, Western Maryland Office Service Coordination, Inc The Family Network Washington County Office on Disability Issues
Anger Management
Advocacy-Developmentally Disabled
Advocacy-Hearing Impaired
Alzheimer’s Association, Hagerstown Easter Seals Society, Adult Day Services, Hagerstown Washington County Hospital Association Washington County Health Department
Animal Adoption
Washington County Humane Society
Deafnet Association, Inc. Washington County Office on Disability Issues
Animal Cruelty
Parents’ Place of Maryland, Western Maryland Office The Family Network Washington County Office on Disability Issues
Washington County Health Department Washington County Humane Society
Advocacy-Learning Disabled
Advocacy-Low Income
Court Appointed Special Advocates of Washington County Washington County Mental Health Authority
Advocacy-Mentally Ill
Mental Health Association Office of Consumer Advocates, Inc Potomac Case Management Services, Inc. The Family Network Washington County Mental Health Authority
Advocacy-Physically Disabled
Parents’ Place of Maryland, Western Maryland Office Washington County Office on Disability Issues
Advocacy-Senior Citizens REACH, Inc.
Advocacy-Visually Impaired Washington County Office on Disability Issues
Washington County Commission for Women
Court Appointed Special Advocates of Washington County The Family Network
After School Programs
CSAFE After School Program Girls Inc. of Washington County YMCA, Hagerstown
Agricultural Assistance
Maryland Cooperative Extension, Washington County
Hospice of Washington County, Inc. Washington County DSS, HIV/AIDS Case Management Washington County DSS, Project Home Washington County Health Department
AIDS Screening
Washington County Health Department
Alcohol Abusers
Alcoholics Anonymous, Hagerstown Behavioral Health Services Brook Lane
Washington County Humane Society
Animal Services
Behavioral Health Services
Anxiety/Panic Disorders
Behavioral Health Services Brook Lane Washington County Health Department
Four States Christian Missions, Inc.
Internal Revenue Service, Washington County Office Washington County One Stop Job Center
Washington County One Stop Job Center
Easter Seals Society, Adult Day Services, Hagerstown
Assistive Technology Equipment Arc of Washington County, Inc.
At Risk Families
Horizon Goodwill Industries Parent Child Center Washington County DSS, Child Protective Services Washington County DSS, Interagency Family Preservation
At Risk Youth
Cedar Ridge Children’s Home Cedar Ridge Special Education School Oak Hill House San Mar Children’s Home, Inc. Washington County DSS, Interagency Family Preservation
Attendant Care
HomeCall, Inc., Hagerstown
Attention Disorders
Behavioral Health Services Cedar Ridge Special Education School
Arc of Washington County, Inc.
Baby Sitter Instruction
American Red Cross, Washington County
Baby Supplies/Furniture
Hagerstown Area Pregnancy Center Mary’s Center, Hagerstown
Battered Men
Behavioral Health Services CASA, Inc.
Battered Women
Behavioral Health Services CASA, Inc.
Batterers CASA, Inc.
Bipolar Disorder Brook Lane
Breast Cancer
American Cancer Society of Washington County Breast and Cervical Cancer Program, Washington County Breast Cancer Awareness, Cumberland Valley, Inc. John R. Marsh Cancer Center Robinwood Medical Center Washington County Health Department
Bus Fare/Gas Money
Salvation Army, Washington County
Boy Scouts of America, Washington Co., Mason Dixon Council Boys and Girls Clubs of Washington County Camp Challenge Ministries, Inc. Four States Christian Missions, Inc. Girls Inc. of Washington County Washington County Department of Recreation YMCA, Hagerstown
Boy Scouts of America, Washington Co., Mason Dixon Council Boys and Girls Clubs of Washington County Breast Cancer Awareness, Cumberland Valley, Inc. Camp Challenge Ministries, Inc. Four States Christian Missions, Inc. Girls Inc. of Washington County Learning Center Washington County Arts Council Washington County Department of Recreation YMCA, Hagerstown
Alzheimer’s Association, Hagerstown APPLES for Children, Inc. Court Appointed Special Advocates of Washington County Easter Seals Society, Adult Day Services, Hagerstown Horizon Goodwill Industries, Hagerstown Hospice of Washington County, Inc. Senior Info. & Asst., Washington County Washington County Commission on Aging , Inc. Washington County DSS, Respite Care Washington County DSS, Temporary Cash Assistance
Case Management
Developmental Disabilities Administration Western Region HomeCall, Inc., Hagerstown Horizon Goodwill Industries Hospice of Washington County, Inc. Infants and Toddlers Program, Washington County Potomac Case Management Services, Inc. Washington County Community Action Council, Inc. Washington County DSS, HIV/AIDS Case Management Washington County DSS, School/Family Liaison Washington County DSS, Social Services to Adults Washington County DSS, Temporary Cash Assistance
Case Management-AIDS/HIV
Washington County DSS, HIV/AIDS Case Management Washington County DSS, Project Home Washington County Health Department
Case Management-At Risk Family Horizon Goodwill Industries
Case Management-Delinquent Youth
Cedar Ridge Children’s Home Mental Health Center of Western Maryland, Inc Washington County Department of Juvenile Services Washington County Diversion Program
Case Management-Develop. Disabled
Developmental Disabilities Administration Horizon Goodwill Industries Infants and Toddlers Program, Washington County Service Coordination, Inc., Washington County Washington County DSS, Social Services to Adults
Case Management-Homeless
Washington County Community Action Council, Inc.
Case Management-Immigrants
Camp Challenge Ministries, Inc.
Horizon Goodwill Industries
American Cancer Society of Washington County Breast Cancer Awareness, Cumberland Valley, Inc. Hospice of Washington County, Inc. John R. Marsh Cancer Center Robinwood Medical Center
Infants and Toddlers Program, Washington County Washington County Health Department
Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I, Western Maryland Hagerstown Community College Teen Parent Program Horizon Goodwill Industries
Horizon Goodwill Industries Institute for Family Centered Services Potomac Case Management Services, Inc. Turning Point, a Program of Way Station Inc. Washington County DSS, Project Home
Career Counseling
Case Management-Infants Case Management-Medical Soc Wk HomeCall, Inc., Hagerstown Hospice of Washington County, Inc.
Case Management-Mentally Ill
Washington County DSS, Social Services to Adults Way Station Detention Center Mental Health Program Way Station Mobile Treatment Programs
Case Management-Offenders
Way Station Detention Center Mental Health Program
Case Management-Physically Disabled Horizon Goodwill Industries Infants and Toddlers Program, Washington County Washington County DSS, Project Home Washington County DSS, Social Services to Adults
Case Management-Pregnant Women Washington County Health Department Healthy Families Washington County
Case Management-Senior Citizen Washington County DSS, Project Home
Case Management-Youth
Cedar Ridge Children’s Home Horizon Goodwill Industries Washington County DSS, School/Family Liaison
Cerebral Palsy
Arc of Washington County, Inc.
Developmental Disabilities Administration, Western Region Four States Christian Missions, Inc. Girls Inc. of Washington County Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP), Washington County Maryland Cooperative Extension Parent Child Center Tri-State Community Health Center Walnut Street Community Health Center Washington County Community Action Council, Inc. Washington County Department of Recreation Washington County DSS, Child Protective Services Washington County DSS, Foster Care and Adoption Washington County DSS, Purchase of Care (Day Care) Washington County DSS, School/Family Liaison Washington County Health Department Washington County Health Department, WIC Washington County Museum of Fine Arts YMCA, Hagerstown
Chore Services
Cervical Cancer
Guardian In Home Services, Inc. HomeCall, Inc., Hagerstown Washington County Commission on Aging , Inc. Washington County DSS, In-Home Aide Services
Clothing-Clothing Banks
Breast and Cervical Cancer Program, Washington County Washington County Health Department United Way of Washington County Washington County Community Partnership for Children & Families (WCCP)
Child Abuse
Washington County DSS, Child Protective Services APPLES for Children, Inc. Learning Center Washington County DSS, Purchase of Care (Day Care) Washington County Family Center YMCA, Hagerstown
Child Care Resource & Referral
ACT 9 (Adventist Caring Through Sharing) Children In Need, Inc. Clear Spring Area Club Food Bank (Saint Peters) Four States Christian Missions, Inc. Grace United Methodist Church Hagerstown Rescue Mission Interfaith Service Coalition, Inc. Lifehouse Bethel Assembly of God Mary’s Center, Hagerstown Salvation Army, Washington County Trinity Lutheran Church
APPLES for Children, Inc.
Washington County DSS, Purchase of Care (Day Care)
Washington County DSS, Child Protective Services
Companions/Friendly Visitors
Child Care Subsidies
Behavioral Health Services
Child Protective Services
Hagerstown Community College
Child Support Assistance
Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP), Washington County DSS, Child Support Enforcement
Big Brothers Big Sisters, Washington County Boy Scouts of America, Washington Co Boys and Girls Clubs of Washington County Camp Challenge Ministries, Inc. Cedar Ridge Children’s Home Cedar Ridge Ministries Cedar Ridge Special Education School Children In Need, Inc. Children’s Village of Washington County, Inc. Court Appointed Special Advocates of Washington County
Guardian In Home Services, Inc. HomeCall, Inc., Hagerstown Mt. Hope Prison Ministry Washington County Commission on Aging, Inc.
Computer Training
Boys and Girls Clubs of Washington County Western Maryland Consortium
Congregate Meals/Food Programs
Washington County Community Action Council, Inc.
Consumer Complaints
Child Care Administration, Washington County Consumer Protection, Western Maryland Division
Consumer Services
Consumer Protection, Western Maryland Division
Maryland Cooperative Extension, Washington County Washington County Community Mediation Center
Behavioral Health Services Brook Lane CASA, Inc. Catoctin Summit Adolescent Program Hospice of Washington County, Inc. Oak Hill House Potomac Center Washington County Hospital Association
Hospice of Washington County, Inc.
Counseling-Child Sex. Assault CASA, Inc.
Counseling-Couples/Marital Behavioral Health Services Brook Lane Mental Health Center of Western Maryland, nd, Inc.
Institute for Family Centered Services The Mental Health Center of Western Maryland, Inc., QCI Behavioral Health Washington County Health Department Washington County Hospital Association
Counseling-Pastoral/Spiritual Brook Lane
Counseling-Senior Citizens Brook Lane
Counseling-Sexual Assault Behavioral Health Services CASA, Inc.
Counseling-Substance Abuse Behavioral Health Services Brook Lane Catoctin Summit Adolescent Program Jail Substance Abuse Program (JSAP)
CASA, Inc. Mental Health Center of Western Maryland, Inc
Mental Health Center of Western Maryland, Inc. Oak Hill House
Counseling-Development Disabled
Mental Health Center of Western Maryland, Inc.
Counseling-Divorce Behavioral Health Services
Counseling-Domestic Violence Behavioral Health Services CASA, Inc.
Brook Lane Catholic Charities, Washington County (Villa Maria) Catoctin Summit Adolescent Program Mental Health Center of Western Maryland, Inc.
Counseling-Financial Consumer Credit Counseling
Brook Lane Catholic Charities, (Villa Maria) Catoctin Summit Adolescent Program Mental Health Center of Western Maryland, Inc.
Counseling-Health Conditions John R. Marsh Cancer Center Washington County Health Department
Behavioral Health Services Brook Lane Catholic Charities, (Villa Maria) Catoctin Summit Adolescent Program Mental Health Center of Western Maryland, Inc. Oak Hill House Washington County Health Department
Counseling-Mentally Ill Brook Lane Catholic Charities, (Villa Maria)
Brook Lane CASA, Inc. Catholic Charities, (Villa Maria) Catoctin Summit Adolescent Program Mental Health Center of Western Maryland, Inc. Oak Hill House
District Court Circuit Court Washington County Register of Wills
CPR Instruction American Red Cross YMCA, Hagerstown
Crime Prevention
Maryland State Police, Barrack O Hagerstown Washington County Sheriff’s Office
Crime Victim Support
Court Appointed Special Advocates Parent Child Center Washington County State’s Attorney’s Office
Crisis Intervention
CASA, Inc. Hagerstown Police REACH, Inc. Washington County DSS, Adult Protective Services Washington County DSS, Child Protective Services
Crisis Intervention-At Risk Families
Washington County DSS, Adult Protective Services Washington County DSS, Child Protective Services
Crisis Intervention-Rape CASA, Inc.
Day Care Providers Child Care Administration, Various:
Child Locate Apples for Children, Inc. Antietam Recreation Beginnings Day Care Center Building Blocks Child Development Center Choo Choo Child Care Good Shepherd Pre School Grace Child Care Center Hagerstown Day Nursery Hagerstown YMCA Child Care Centers John Wesley Day Nursery My Favorite Place St. Johns Nursery SCCI The Fun and Learning Center School Age Child Care, Inc. Surrey Child Care Center Teddy Bear Day Care Tiny Tots Kinder Care
Dental Care
Walnut Street Community Health Center Washington County Health Department
Behavioral Health Services Brook Lane Mental Health Association, Washington County Washington County Health Department
Mary’s Center, Hagerstown
Disaster Preparedness Washington County Government Info. Line Washington County Local Emergency Planning Washington County Volunteer Fire & Rescue Association
Disaster Relief
American Red Cross Washington County Volunteer Fire & Rescue Association
Displaced Homemakers
CASA, Inc. Washington County One Stop Job Center
Domestic Violence Resources Behavioral Health Services CASA, Inc.
Donor Services
ACT 9 (Adventist Caring Through Sharing) American Red Cross, Washington County Clear Spring Area Club Food Bank Mental Health Association Mt. Hope Prison Ministry Salvation Army W House, Inc. Washington County Hospital Association
Donor Services-Blood American Red Cross
Developmental Delay
Donor Services-Clothing
Developmental Disability
Donor Services-Food
Infants and Toddlers Program Parents’ Place of Maryland, Western Maryland Office Star Community, Inc.
ACT 9 (Adventist Caring Through Sharing) W House, Inc. Washington County Hospital Association
Arc of Washington County, Inc. Developmental Disabilities Administration, Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I, Head Start Program, Washington County Horizon Goodwill Industries Infants and Toddlers Program Parents’ Place of Maryland, Western Maryland Office Partners For Success Family Support Center Spectrum Support, Hagerstown Star Community, Inc. Washington County Department of Recreation Washington County DSS, In-Home Aide Services Washington County DSS, Respite Care Washington County DSS, Social Services to Adults Washington County DSS, TDAP Washington County Office on Disability Issues
ACT 9 (Adventist Caring Through Sharing) Clear Spring Area Club Food Bank Zion Church Soup Kitchen
Developmental Disabilities Administration Infants and Toddlers Program
Brook Lane Jail Substance Abuse Program (JSAP) W House, Inc. Washington County Health Department Wells House, Inc.
Developmental Evaluations Diabetes
Robinwood Medical Center Tri-State Community Health Center Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic
Birthright of Washington County Hagerstown Area Pregnancy Center
Donor Services-Holiday
Mental Health Association, Washington County Mt. Hope Prison Ministry Salvation Army, Washington County
Donor Services-Household Goods W House, Inc.
Drop-in Centers
Office of Consumer Advocates, Inc.
Dropout Prevention
Girls Inc. of Washington County Washington County DSS, School/Family Liaison Washington County Public Schools
Drug Abuse
Dual Diagnosis
Brook Lane QCI Behavioral Health Washington County Health Department
Cedar Ridge Special Education School
Salvation Army, Washington County St. John’s Shelter, Inc.
Early Childhood Education
English as a Second Language
Earn Benefits
Environmental Improvement
Learning Center
Literacy Council of Washington County
Washington County Health Department
Behavioral Health Services
Arc of Washington County, Inc.
Brook Lane Cedar Ridge Special Education School Contemporary School of the Arts & Gallery, Inc. Hagerstown Community College Hagerstown Community College Teen Parent Program Partners For Success Family Support Center Washington County Job Development Center Washington County Public Schools
Washington County Community Action Council, Inc. Washington County DSS, HIV/AIDS Case Management Washington County DSS, Temporary Cash Assistance
Eating Disorders
Eviction Prevention
Education-Adults/Post High School Hagerstown Community College
Education-At Risk Youth San Mar Children’s Home, Inc.
Education-Elementary/Secondary CSAFE After School Program Washington County Public Schools
Brook Lane Cedar Ridge Special Education School Parents’ Place of Maryland, Western Maryland Office Washington County Job Development Center Washington County Public Schools
Emergency Shelter
CASA, Inc. Four States Christian Missions, Inc. Hagerstown Rescue Mission REACH, Inc. Salvation Army, Washington County St. John’s Shelter, Inc. Washington County Community Action Council, Inc.
Emergency Shelter-2 Parent/Family St. John’s Shelter, Inc.
Emergency Shelter-Battered Women CASA, Inc.
Emergency Shelter-Men Four States Christian Missions, Inc. Hagerstown Rescue Mission
Emergency Shelter-Men W/ Child St. John’s Shelter, Inc.
Eye Care
Washington County Health Department
Hagerstown Lions Club
Family Based Services Alzheimer’s Association, Hagerstown Head Start Program Washington County Community Action Council, Inc. Washington County DSS, Foster Care and Adoption Washington County DSS, Interagency Family Preservation Washington County DSS, Temporary Cash Assistance
Family Planning/Birth Control Hagerstown Area Pregnancy Center Tri-State Community Health Center Washington County Health Department
Family Reunification
Washington County DSS, Interagency Family Preservation
Family Support Centers
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Partners For Success Family Support Center Washington County DSS, Interagency Family Preservation Washington County Family Center
Financial Assistance
Smithsburg Area Food Bank Southern Washington County Emergency Fund Washington County Community Action Council, Inc. Washington County Community Action Council, OHEP Washington County DSS, HIV/AIDS Case Management Washington County DSS, Temporary Cash Assistance
Financial Assistance-AIDS/HIV
Washington County DSS, HIV/AIDS Case Management Washington County DSS, Project Home Washington County Health Department
Financial Assistance-Devel. Disab. Washington County DSS, TDAP
Financial Assistance-Health Co
Hagerstown Rescue Mission
Washington County DSS, HIV/AIDS Case Management Washington County DSS, Project Home
CASA, Inc. Salvation Army
American Red Cross YMCA, Hagerstown
CASA, Inc.
Food Resources, Inc.
Emergency Shelter-Offenders/Ex Emergency Shelter-Women Emergency Shelter-Women w/Child
First Aid Instruction Food Banks
Hagerstown Rescue Mission Interfaith Service Coalition, Inc.
Food Pantries
ACT 9 (Adventist Caring Through Sharing) Bridge of Life Clear Spring Area Club Food Bank Community Food Bank Dargan Pantry Food Resources, Inc. Four States Christian Missions, Inc. Grace United Methodist Church Hancock Food Bank Lifehouse Bethel Assembly of God Mt. Hope Prison Ministry Office of Consumer Advocates, Inc Raven House Food Center Salvation Army Smithsburg Area Food Bank South County Food Bank Trinity Lutheran Church Washington County Community Action Council, Inc. Williamsport Food Bank
Food Programs
Angel Food Ministries Share
Food Stamps
Washington County DSS, Food Stamps
Food Vouchers
Washington County Health Department, WIC
Formula/Baby Food
Birthright of Washington County Clear Spring Area Club Food Bank Hagerstown Area Pregnancy Center Mary’s Center, Hagerstown Washington County Health Department, WIC
Foster Care
San Mar Childrens Home Washington County DSS, Foster Care and Adoption
Fuel Assistance
Interfaith Service Coalition, Inc. Southern Washington County Emergency Fund Washington County Community Action Council Washington County DSS, Temporary Cash Assistance
Four States Christian Missions, Inc. Salvation Army
GED Instruction
Hagerstown Community College Washington County Family Center Western Maryland Consortium
Genetic Diseases
Washington County Health Department
Geriatric Assessment
Washington County Health Department
Government Information Lines
Washington County Government Info. Line
Washington County Commission on Aging , Inc.
Washington County Commission on Aging , Inc.
Head Start
Head Start Program
Head Trauma
Arc of Washington County, Inc. Robinwood Medical Center
Health Care
Community Free Clinic Hager Park Health Center HomeCall, Inc., Hagerstown Robinwood Medical Center Tri-State Community Health Center Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic Walnut Street Community Health Center Washington County Health Department Washington County Hospital Association
Health Care-Free or Low-Cost Breast and Cervical Cancer Program Community Free Clinic Hager Park Health Center Tri-State Community Health Center Walnut Street Community Health Center
Health Care-Referrals
Breast and Cervical Cancer Program Tri-State Community Health Center
Health Care-Women
Breast and Cervical Cancer Program Breast Cancer Awareness, Cumberland Valley, Inc. Hagerstown Reproductive Health Services Robinwood Medical Center Tri-State Community Health Center Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic Walnut Street Community Health Center Washington County Hospital Association
Health Education
Alzheimer’s Association, Hagerstown Breast and Cervical Cancer Program Breast Cancer Awareness, Cumberland Valley, Inc. Girls Inc. of Washington County HomeCall, Inc., Hagerstown Interfaith Service Coalition, Inc. Maryland Cooperative Extension Tri-State Community Health Center Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic Washington County Commission on Aging , Inc. Washington County Health Department Washington County Hospital Association
Health Insurance
Washington County Commission on Aging , Inc. Washington County DSS, Medical Assistance
Health Screening/Diagnostic Service. American Red Cross Breast and Cervical Cancer Program
Breast Cancer Awareness, Cumberland Valley, Inc. Community Free Clinic Hager Park Health Center HomeCall, Inc., Hagerstown Mental Health Association Robinwood Medical Center Tri-State Community Health Center Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic Walnut Street Community Health Center Washington County Commission on Aging , Inc. Washington County Health Department Washington County Hospital Association
Washington County Hospital Association
Deafnet Association, Inc. Hagerstown Lions Club
Helping Hands of Washington County Washington County Commission on Aging , Inc.
Arc of Washington County, Inc. Deafnet Association, Inc. Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I, Robinwood Medical Center Washington County Health Department Washington County Office on Disability Issues
CASA, Inc. Community Free Clinic Four States Christian Missions, Inc. Rehoboth UMC Soup Kitchen Salvation Army Southern Washington County Emergency Fund St. John’s Shelter, Inc. Washington County Community Action Council, Inc. Way Station Homeless Outreach Program Zion Church Soup Kitchen
Home Care- Mental Health
Turning Point, a Program of Way Station Inc. Washington County DSS, In-Home Aide Services
Home Purchase Loan-Low Income Habitat for Humanity Hagerstown Community Development Dept. Hagerstown Home Store
Home Rehab/Repair Loans
Habitat for Humanity Hagerstown Community Development Dept.
Hearing Aids
Home Rehab/Repair Service
Hearing Impairments
Hearing Screening
Robinwood Medical Center Washington County Health Department
Heart Disease
Easter Seals Society, Adult Day Services, Hagerstown Robinwood Medical Center Tri-State Community Health Center Washington County Health Department
High Blood Pressure
Tri-State Community Health Center
Hispanic/Latino Community Tri-State Community Health Center
Hospice of Washington County, Inc. Washington County DSS, HIV/AIDS Case Management Washington County DSS, Project Home Washington County Health Department
Holiday Assistance Salvation Army
Holiday Assistance-Christmas Salvation Army
Holiday Assistance-Thanksgiving Salvation Arm
Home Care- Family Services
Adult Care Services, Inc. Healthy Families Washington County Washington County Commission on Aging , Inc. Washington County DSS, In-Home Aide Services
Home Care- Medical
Adult Care Services, Inc. HomeCall, Inc., Hagerstown Hospice of Washington County, Inc. Washington County DSS, Project Home Washington County Health Department
Homeless Families
CASA, Inc. Salvation Army Southern Washington County Emergency Fund St. John’s Shelter, Inc. Washington County Community Action Council, Inc.
Homeowner Services
Habitat for Humanity Hagerstown Home Store Washington County Community Action Council, OHEP Washington County Weatherization Program
Homeownership Counseling
Hagerstown Home Store Washington County Community Action Council, Inc.
Hospice Care
Hospice of Washington County, Inc.
Washington County Hospital Association
Antietam Fire Company Breast Cancer Awareness, Cumberland Valley, Inc. CASA, Inc. Hagerstown Police Maryland State Police, Barrack O Hagerstown Washington County DSS, Child Protective Services
Hotlines-Battered Adults
CASA, Inc. Washington County DSS, Adult Protective Services
Hotlines-Child Abuse
CASA, Inc. Washington County DSS, Child Protective Services
Household Goods Housing, AIDS
Washington Washington Washington Washington
Housing, Subsidized Rental
Arc of Washington County, Inc. Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I Horizon Goodwill Industries Mental Health Center of Western Maryland, Inc Spectrum Support, Hagerstown Way Station Day Rehabilitation Program
ACT 9 (Adventist Caring Through Sharing) Four States Christian Missions, Inc.
County County County County
DSS, Purchase of Care (Day Care) DSS, TDAP DSS, Temporary Cash Assistance Health Department, WIC
Washington County DSS, Project Home Housing, Assisted Bethel Gardens Hopewell Manor Apartments Greenside Apartments Quaker Creek Apartments
Independent Living Skills
Hagerstown Housing Authority Housing Authority of Washington County
Housing, Supervised Living
Arc of Washington County, Inc. Brook Lane Hagerstown Community Development Dept. Star Community, Inc. W House, Inc. Washington County Community Action Council, Inc. Washington County DSS, Project Home
Housing, Supervised-Develop.Disabl Arc of Washington County, Inc. Star Community, Inc.
Housing, Supervised-Mental Ill Arc of Washington County, Inc. Brook Lane Star Community, Inc. Turning Point, a Program of Way Station Inc. Washington County DSS, Project Home
Housing, Supervised-Physically Disabled Arc of Washington County, Inc. Washington County Community Action Council, Inc. Washington County DSS, Project Home
Housing, Supervised-Seniors
Village at Robinwood Washington County Commission on Aging , Inc. Washington County DSS, Project Home
Housing, Supervised-Subsidy W House, Inc.
Housing, Supervised-Youth
Brook Lane Catoctin Summit Adolescent Program Cedar Ridge Children’s Home Washington County DSS, Child Protective Services
Hagerstown Goodwill Industries, Inc. Horizon Goodwill Industries, Hagerstown Literacy Council of Washington County Washington County One Stop Job Center
Tri-State Community Health Center Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic Washington County Health Department
Income Maintenance Programs Washington County DSS, Food Stamps
Hagerstown Area Pregnancy Center Infants and Toddlers Program Learning Center Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP), Parent Child Center Tri-State Community Health Center Washington County Department of Recreation Washington County DSS, Child Protective Services Washington County DSS, Foster Care and Adoption Washington County DSS, Purchase of Care (Day Care) Washington County Health Department Washington County Health Department, WIC
Infertility Services
Robinwood Medical Center
Washington County Health Department
Robinwood Medical Center
Interpretation/Translation Deafnet Association, Inc.
Job Coach
Arc of Washington County, Inc. Horizon Goodwill Industries Spectrum Support, Hagerstown
Job Readiness
Arc of Washington County, Inc. CASA, Inc. Horizon Goodwill Industries Spectrum Support, Hagerstown Washington County Job Development Center Washington County One Stop Job Center Western Maryland Consortium
Job Readiness-Develop. Disabled Arc of Washington County, Inc. Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I, Western Maryland Horizon Goodwill Industries Spectrum Support, Hagerstown Star Community, Inc. Washington County Job Development Center Way Station Community Employment Program
Job Readiness-Displaced Worker Washington County One Stop Job Center Western Maryland Consortium
Job Readiness-Ex-Offenders Horizon Goodwill Industries
Job Search/Placement-Displaced
Job Readiness-General Public
Washington County One Stop Job Center Western Maryland Consortium
Washington County One Stop Job Center Western Maryland Consortium
Job Search/Placement-Ex-Offend
Job Readiness-Hearing Impaired
Hagerstown Goodwill Industries, Inc. Horizon Goodwill Industries, Hagerstown
Arc of Washington County, Inc. Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I Way Station Community Employment Program
Job Search/Placement-General Public Washington County One Stop Job Center Western Maryland Consortium
Horizon Goodwill Industries Washington County One Stop Job Center
Arc of Washington County, Inc. Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I Way Station Community Employment Program
Job Readiness-Immigrants
Job Readiness-Low Income
Horizon Goodwill Industries Interfaith Service Coalition, Inc. Washington County One Stop Job Center Western Maryland Consortium
Job Readiness-Mentally Ill
Arc of Washington County, Inc. Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I, Western Maryland Horizon Goodwill Industries Star Community, Inc. Way Station Community Employment Program
Job Readiness-Military/Veteran Washington County One Stop Job Center
Job Readiness-Physically Disabled Arc of Washington County, Inc. Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I, Horizon Goodwill Industries Way Station Community Employment Program
Job Readiness-Visually Impaired Arc of Washington County, Inc. Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region
Job Readiness-Women
CASA, Inc. Interfaith Service Coalition, Inc.
Job Readiness-Youth
Hagerstown Goodwill Industries, Inc. Horizon Goodwill Industries, Hagerstown Washington County Job Development Center Western Maryland Consortium
Job Search-Placement
Arc of Washington County, Inc. Horizon Goodwill Industries Washington County Job Development Center Washington County One Stop Job Center Western Maryland Consortium
Job Search/Placement-Develop. Disabled Arc of Washington County, Inc. Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I Horizon Goodwill Industries Star Community, Inc. Washington County Job Development Center Way Station Community Employment Program
Job Search/Placement-Hearing Impaired
Job Search/Placement-Immigrant Horizon Goodwill Industries Washington County One Stop Job Center
Job Search/Placement-Low Income Horizon Goodwill Industries Washington County One Stop Job Center Western Maryland Consortium
Job Search/Placement-Mentally Ill Arc of Washington County, Inc. Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I Horizon Goodwill Industries Star Community, Inc. Way Station Community Employment Program
Job Search/Placement-Military/Vet Washington County One Stop Job Center
Job Search/Placement-Physically Disabled Arc of Washington County, Inc. Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I Horizon Goodwill Industries Way Station Community Employment Program
Job Search/Placement-VisualIy Impaired Arc of Washington County, Inc. Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I
Job Search/Placement-Youth
Horizon Goodwill Industries Washington County Job Development Center Western Maryland Consortium
Job Training
Arc of Washington County, Inc. Horizon Goodwill Industries Washington County Family Center Washington County Job Development Center Washington County One Stop Job Center Western Maryland Consortium
Job Training-Develop. Disabled
Arc of Washington County, Inc. Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I Horizon Goodwill Industries Star Community, Inc. Washington County Job Development Center Way Station Community Employment Program
Job Training-Displaced Workers Washington County One Stop Job Center Western Maryland Consortium
Job Training-Ex-Offenders Horizon Goodwill Industries
Job Training-General Public
Learning Disability
Cedar Ridge Special Education School Office of Consumer Advocates, Inc. Parents’ Place of Maryland Washington County Office on Disability Issues
Legal Services
Job Training-Hearing Impaired
CASA, Inc. Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP), Washington County Office of the Public Defender Washington County Register of Wills Washington County State’s Attorney’s Office
Job Training-Immigrants
Legal Services-Child Support
Washington County One Stop Job Center Western Maryland Consortium
Arc of Washington County, Inc. Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I Way Station Community Employment Program Horizon Goodwill Industries Washington County One Stop Job Center
Job Training-Low Income
Horizon Goodwill Industries Washington County One Stop Job Center Western Maryland Consortium
Job Training-Mentally Ill
Arc of Washington County, Inc. Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I Horizon Goodwill Industries Star Community, Inc. Way Station Community Employment Program
Job Training-Military/Veterans Washington County One Stop Job Center
Job Training-Physically Disabled
Arc of Washington County, Inc. Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I Horizon Goodwill Industries Way Station Community Employment Program
Job Training-Visually Impaired
Arc of Washington County, Inc. Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I, Western Maryland
Job Training-Women
Washington County Family Center Horizon Goodwill Industries
Job Training-Youth
Washington County Job Development Center Western Maryland Consortium
Juvenile Delinquents
Cedar Ridge Children’s Home Institute for Family Centered Services Oak Hill House Office of the Public Defender
Juvenile Diversion Programs Washington County DSS, School/Family Liaison
Law Enforcement Agencies
Court Appointed Special Advocates of Washington County Hagerstown Police Maryland State Police, Barrack O Hagerstown Washington County Sheriff’s Office Washington County State’s Attorney’s Office
CASA, Inc. Washington County DSS, Child Support Enforcement Program
Legal Services-Criminal Office of the Public Defender
Legal Services-Domestic Violence CASA, Inc.
Legal Services-Family Law CASA, Inc.
Legal Services-Offenders/Ex Office of the Public Defender
Legal Services-Senior Citizens
Washington County Commission on Aging , Inc.
Legal Services-Victims
Court Appointed Special Advocates of Washington County Washington County State’s Attorney’s Office
Legal Services-Women CASA, Inc.
Legislative Reference Services Parents’ Place of Maryland
John R. Marsh Cancer Center
Library Services
Parents’ Place of Maryland Washington County Free Library
Licensing/Certification/Accredited Child Care Administration
Life Skills
Boys and Girls Clubs of Washington County Catoctin Summit Adolescent Program Jail Substance Abuse Program (JSAP) Mental Health Center of Western Maryland, Inc Oak Hill House Washington County Health Department
Literacy Programs
Interfaith Service Coalition, Inc. Literacy Council of Washington County
Loan Closet
Hancock Food Bank
Low Income
ACT 9 (Adventist Caring Through Sharing) Breast and Cervical Cancer Program
Breast Cancer Awareness, Cumberland Valley, Inc. Bridge of Life Camp Challenge Ministries, Inc. Children In Need, Inc. Clear Spring Area Club Food Bank Community Food Bank Community Free Clinic Dargan Pantry Food Resources, Inc. Four States Christian Missions, Inc. Habitat for Humanity, Washington County Hagerstown Area Pregnancy Center Hagerstown Community College Teen Parent Program Hagerstown Community Development Dept. Hagerstown Home Store Hagerstown Housing Authority Hagerstown Lions Club Hancock Food Bank Head Start Program Horizon Goodwill Industries Housing Authority of Washington County Interfaith Service Coalition, Inc. Internal Revenue Service, Washington County Office Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP) Mary’s Center, Hagerstown Mt. Hope Prison Ministry Office of the Public Defender Potomac Case Management Services, Inc. Rehoboth UMC Soup Kitchen Retired and Senior Volunteer Program Salvation Army Senior Info. & Assistance Smithsburg Area Food Bank South County Food Bank Southern Washington County Emergency Fund St. John’s Shelter, Inc. Washington County Community Action Council, Inc. Washington County Community Action Council, OHEP Washington County DSS, Food Stamps Washington County DSS, In-Home Aide Services Washington County DSS, Medical Assistance Washington County DSS, Purchase of Care (Day Care) Washington County DSS, Social Services to Adults Washington County Health Department, WIC Washington County Mental Health Authority Washington County One Stop Job Center Washington County Weatherization Program Western Maryland Consortium Williamsport Food Bank Zion Church Soup Kitchen
Washington County Community Mediation Center
Mammograms/Breast Exams
Mental Retardation
Breast and Cervical Cancer Program Breast Cancer Awareness, Cumberland Valley, Inc. Robinwood Medical Center
MEAP Offices
Washington County Community Action Council, OHEP
Mediation/Conflict Management
Consumer Protection, Western Maryland Division
QCI Behavioral Health Washington County DSS, Medical Assistance
Medical Bill Assistance
Southern Washington County Emergency Fund Washington County DSS, Medical Assistance
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Arc of Washington County, Inc. Equipped for Life Hagerstown Lions Club Hancock Food Bank Washington County Commission on Aging , Inc.
Washington County DSS, Medical Assistance
Medication Monitoring Brook Lane
American Cancer Society of Washington County CASA, Inc. Four States Christian Missions, Inc. Star Community, Inc. Walnut Street Community Health Center Wells House, Inc.
Mental Illness/Emotionally Disturbed Arc of Washington County, Inc. Brook Lane Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I Horizon Goodwill Industries Institute for Family Centered Services Mental Health Association Mental Health Center of Western Maryland, Inc. National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Washington Co.Office of Consumer Advocates, Inc. Potomac Case Management Services, Inc. QCI Behavioral Health Star Community, Inc. Turning Point, a Program of Way Station Inc. Washington County DSS, In-Home Aide Services Washington County DSS, Project Home Washington County DSS, Respite Care Washington County DSS, Social Services to Adults Washington County DSS, TDAP Washington County Health Department Washington County Hospital Association Washington County Mental Health Authority Way Station Day Rehabilitation Program Way Station Homeless Outreach Program Way Station Mobile Treatment Programs
Arc of Washington County, Inc. Developmental Disabilities Administration Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I Head Start Program, Horizon Goodwill Industries Infants and Toddlers Program Parents’ Place of Maryland, Western Maryland Office
Potomac Center Spectrum Support, Hagerstown Star Community, Inc. Washington County Department of Recreation Washington County DSS, In-Home Aide Services Washington County DSS, Respite Care
Mentoring Programs
Big Brothers Big Sisters Boy Scouts of America, Washington Co Parent Child Center
Military Personnel & Family American Red Cross Hagerstown Housing Authority
Money Management Counseling Maryland Cooperative Extension Office of Consumer Advocates, Inc.
Mortgage Assistance
Washington County DSS, Temporary Cash Assistance
& Families (WCCP) Western Maryland Consortium
Out-of-State Resources Hagerstown Home Store Tri-State Community Health Center
Outreach Programs
Choice Program, Hagerstown Interfaith Service Coalition, Inc. Mt. Hope Prison Ministry Office of Consumer Advocates, Inc. Washington County Health Department Way Station Homeless Outreach Program
Outreach Programs
Washington County Diversion Program
Outreach Programs-Health Conditions Washington County Health Department
Outreach Programs-Low Income
Mortgage Foreclosure Counseling
Washington County Community Action Council, Inc.
Interfaith Service Coalition, Inc. Office of Consumer Advocates, Inc. Washington County Health Department
Neighborhood Revitalization
Outreach Programs-Mentally Ill
Nutrition Education
Outreach Programs-Offenders/Ex
Habitat for Humanity Hagerstown Community Development Dept. Brook Lane Interfaith Service Coalition, Inc. Maryland Cooperative Extension, Tri-State Community Health Center Washington County Commission on Aging , Inc. Washington County Health Department Washington County Health Department, WIC
Occupational Therapy
HomeCall, Inc., Hagerstown Potomac Center Robinwood Medical Center Washington County Hospital Association
Horizon Goodwill Industries Jail Substance Abuse Program (JSAP) Mt. Hope Prison Ministry Office of the Public Defender, Washington County Way Station Detention Center Mental Health Program
OHEP Programs
Washington County Community Action Council, OHEP
Organizations, Services for
Alcoholics Anonymous, Hagerstown APPLES for Children, Inc. Brook Lane Child Care Administration Hagerstown Sunrise Rotary Maryland Cooperative Extension Mental Health Center of Western Maryland, Inc. Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) United Way of Washington County Washington County Community Mediation Center Washington County Community Partnership for Children
Office of Consumer Advocates, Inc. Way Station Mobile Treatment Programs
Way Station Detention Center Mental Health Program
Parent Aide/Mentoring Parent Child Center
Parent/Child Activity Groups Boy Scouts of America
Parenting Skills Development Parent Child Center Healthy Families Washington County Washington County Diversion Program Washington County Family Center Washington County Health Department
Parents of Children 4-12 Years APPLES for Children, Inc. Head Start Program Parent Child Center Washington County DSS, Purchase of Care (Day Care) Washington County Health Department, WIC YMCA, Hagerstown
Parents of Disabled Children
Developmental Disabilities Administration Infants and Toddlers Program, Washington County APPLES for Children, Inc. Child Advocacy Program Head Start Program Infants and Toddlers Program Learning Center The Family Network Washington County DSS, Purchase of Care (Day Care) Washington County Family Center Washington County Health Department, WIC YMCA, Hagerstown
Behavioral Health Services Washington County DSS, Temporary Cash Assistance
Physician Referral Services
Breast and Cervical Cancer Program, Washington County Tri-State Community Health Center Washington County Hospital Association
Hagerstown Police Maryland State Police, Barrack O Hagerstown Washington County Sheriff’s Office
Washington County Health Department
Big Brothers Big Sisters, Washington County Horizon Goodwill Industries Washington County DSS, Temporary Cash Assistance
Police/Community Relations
Washington County DSS, Temporary Cash Assistance
Postpartum Care
Hager Park Health Center Tri-State Community Health Center Walnut Street Community Health Center Washington County Health Department Washington County Hospital Association
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Behavioral Health Services
Pregnancy Counseling
Personal Care
Birthright of Washington County Hagerstown Area Pregnancy Center Mary’s Center, Hagerstown
Physical Disability
Birthright of Washington County Hagerstown Area Pregnancy Center Hagerstown Reproductive Health Services Mary’s Center, Hagerstown Tri-State Community Health Center
Guardian In Home Services, Inc. HomeCall, Inc., Hagerstown Washington County DSS, In-Home Aide Services Washington County DSS, Project Home Washington County Health Department Adult Care Services, Inc. Arc of Washington County, Inc. Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I Easter Seals Society, Adult Day Services, Hagerstown Equipped for Life Guardian In Home Services, Inc. Hagerstown Housing Authority Head Start Program HomeCall, Inc., Hagerstown Horizon Goodwill Industries Housing Authority of Washington County Infants and Toddlers Program Parents’ Place of Maryland REACH, Inc. Retired and Senior Volunteer Program Star Community, Inc. The Family Network Washington County Department of Recreation Washington County DSS, In-Home Aide Services Washington County DSS, Medical Assistance Washington County DSS, Project Home Washington County DSS, Respite Care Washington County DSS, Social Services to Adults Washington County DSS, TDAP Washington County Health Department Washington County Office on Disability Issues
Physical Fitness
Washington County Department of Recreation YMCA, Hagerstown
Physical Therapy
HomeCall, Inc., Hagerstown Potomac Center Robinwood Medical Center Washington County Hospital Association
Pregnancy Testing
Pregnant Teens
Birthright of Washington County Hagerstown Area Pregnancy Center Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP Mary’s Center, Hagerstown Robinwood Medical Center Teens Have Choices Tri-State Community Health Center Washington County Family Center Washington County Health Department Washington County Health Department, WIC
Pregnant Women
Birthright of Washington County Hagerstown Area Pregnancy Center Healthy Families Washington County Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP Mary’s Center, Hagerstown New Creation Refuge Robinwood Medical Center Tri-State Community Health Center Washington County Family Center Washington County Health Department Washington County Health Department, WIC Washington County Hospital Association
Prescription Expense Assistance
Community Free Clinic REACH, Inc. Southern Washington County Emergency Fund Walnut Street Community Health Center Washington County Community Action Council, Inc. Washington County DSS, Project Home Western Maryland MedBank Program
Prisons (under Washington County Sheriff) MCI
MCTC RCI Washington County Detention Center
Prostate Cancer
American Cancer Society of Washington County John R. Marsh Cancer Center
Psychological Evaluation-Adult Horizon Goodwill Industries Potomac Case Management Services, Inc. Washington County Health Department
Psychological Evaluation-Geriatric Brook Lane Potomac Case Management Services, Inc. Washington County Health Department
Psychological Evaluation-Youth Brook Lane Potomac Case Management Services, Inc.
Psychological Evaluation
Brook Lane Horizon Goodwill Industries Institute for Family Centered Services Potomac Case Management Services, Inc. Potomac Center Washington County Hospital Association
Psychiatric Inpatient Treatment Brook Lane
Psychiatric Outpatient Treatment Brook Lane QCI Behavioral Health Washington County Health Department Washington County Hospital Association
Public Awareness/Education Antietam Fire Company Hagerstown Fire Department
Public Health
Washington County Health Department Washington County Local Emergency Planning Washington County Mental Health Authority
Public Safety
Antietam Fire Company Hagerstown Police Hagerstown Fire Department Washington County Local Emergency Planning W House, Inc.
Rabies Vaccination
Washington County Health Department
Washington County Health Department
Big Brothers Big Sisters, Washington County Boy Scouts of America, Washington Co., Boys and Girls Clubs of Washington County Cedar Ridge Ministries Four States Christian Missions, Inc. Girls Inc. of Washington County Maryland Cooperative Extension
Memorial Recreation Center Potomac Center Washington County Arts Council Washington County Department of Recreation Washington County Museum of Fine Arts YMCA, Hagerstown
Recreation-Adult Washington County Washington County Washington County Washington County YMCA, Hagerstown
Arts Council Commission on Aging, Inc. Department of Recreation Museum of Fine Arts
Recreation-Developmentally Disabled Star Community, Inc. Washington County Department of Recreation Washington County Job Development Center
Recreation-Mentally Ill
Star Community, Inc. Way Station Day Rehabilitation Program
Recreation-Parent/Child Boy Scouts of America Washington County Arts Council
Recreation-Physically Disabled
Washington County Department of Recreation
Recreation-Senior Citizens
Village at Robinwood Washington County Commission on Aging , Inc. Washington County Museum of Fine Arts
Big Brothers Big Sisters Boy Scouts of America Boys and Girls Clubs of Washington County Cedar Ridge Ministries Four States Christian Missions, Inc. Girls Inc. of Washington County Maryland Cooperative Extension Memorial Recreation Center Washington County Arts Council Washington County Department of Recreation
Washington County Job Development Center Washington County Museum of Fine Arts YMCA, Hagerstown
HomeCall, Inc., Hagerstown Institute for Family Centered Services Robinwood Medical Center Washington County Hospital Association Way Station Day Rehabilitation Program
Rent Assistance Washington Washington Washington Washington
County County County County
Community Action Council, Inc. DSS, HIV/AIDS Case Management DSS, Project Home DSS, Temporary Cash Assistance
Housing Authority of Washington County
Washington County Community Action Council, Inc. Washington County Community Action Council, OHEP Washington County Community Mediation Center
Washington County Health Department Washington County Hospital Association
Respite Care
Parent Child Center Washington County Teen Pregnancy Prevention Coalition,
Arc of Washington County, Inc. Cedar Ridge Children’s Home Oak Hill House Potomac Center Washington County Commission on Aging , Inc. Washington County DSS, Respite Care
Retirement Homes/Communities Village at Robinwood
Right to Life Counseling
Birthright of Washington County Hagerstown Area Pregnancy Center
Safety Awareness/Education American Red Cross Antietam Fire Company Children’s Village of Washington County, Inc. Girls Inc. of Washington County Hagerstown Police Interfaith Service Coalition, Inc. Washington County Health Department Washington County Local Emergency Planning Committee
School Supplies
Children In Need, Inc.
Brook Lane Washington County Job Development Center Washington County Public Schools
Security Deposits
Washington County DSS, HIV/AIDS Case Management
Senior Assisted Living Facilities
Village at Robinwood Washington County Commission on Aging , Inc. Washington County DSS, Project Home
Senior Citizens
Adult Care Services, Inc. Alzheimer’s Association, Hagerstown Easter Seals Society, Adult Day Services, Hagerstown Guardian In Home Services, Inc. Hagerstown Fire Department Hagerstown Housing Authority Helping Hands of Washington County Housing Authority of Washington County Interfaith Service Coalition, Inc. Retired and Senior Volunteer Program Senior Info. & Asst., Washington County Southern Washington County Emergency Fund Village at Robinwood Washington County Commission on Aging , Inc. Washington County Community Action Council, Inc. Washington County DSS, In-Home Aide Services Washington County DSS, Medical Assistance Washington County DSS, Project Home
Sex Education
Sexually Abused Children
CASA, Inc. San Mar Children’s Home, Inc. Washington County DSS, Child Protective Services
Sexually Assaulted Adults Behavioral Health Services CASA, Inc.
Sheltered Workshops
Arc of Washington County, Inc. Horizon Goodwill Industries, Hagerstown
Smoke Detectors
Hagerstown Fire Department Interfaith Service Coalition, Inc.
Smoking Cessation
Washington County Health Department
Soup Kitchens
Food Resources, Inc. Four States Christian Missions, Inc. Rehoboth UMC Soup Kitchen Salvation Army, Washington County Zion Church Soup Kitchen
Spay/Neuter Programs
Washington County Humane Society
Speakers Bureau
Parents’ Place of Maryland Alcoholics Anonymous, Hagerstown American Cancer Society of Washington County Behavioral Health Services Boy Scouts of America Breast and Cervical Cancer Program Washington County Health Department Washington County Hospital Association Washington County One Stop Job Center
Speech Impairment
Washington County Hospital Association
Speech Therapy
HomeCall, Inc., Hagerstown Potomac Center Robinwood Medical Center Washington County Hospital Association
Washington County Health Department
Stress Management
Washington County Health Department
Easter Seals Society, Adult Day Services, Hagerstown
Substance Abuse
Alcoholics Anonymous, Hagerstown Brook Lane Catoctin Summit Adolescent Program
Four States Christian Missions, Inc. Jail Substance Abuse Program (JSAP) W House, Inc. Wells House, Inc.
Substance Abuse-Adolescents Catoctin Summit Adolescent Program Washington County Health Department
Substance Abuse-Assessment Jail Substance Abuse Program (JSAP) Washington County Health Department Wells House, Inc.
Substance Abuse-Education/Prevention Alcoholics Anonymous, Hagerstown Parent Child Center Washington County Health Department
Substance Abuse-Halfway House Four States Christian Missions, Inc. W House, Inc. Wells House, Inc.
Substance Abuse-Inpatient Treatment
Support Groups-Health Condition
Alzheimer’s Association, Hagerstown American Cancer Society of Washington County Breast Cancer Awareness, Cumberland Valley, Inc. John R. Marsh Cancer Center The Family Network
Support Groups-Mental Illness
Mental Health Association National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Office of Consumer Advocates, Inc. The Family Network
Support Groups-Parents
Infants and Toddlers Program, Washington County Healthy Families Washington County Parent Child Center The Family Network
Support Groups-Sexual Assault CASA, Inc.
Support Groups-Substance Abuse Alcoholics Anonymous, Hagerstown
Washington County Health Department Wells House, Inc.
Support Groups-Women
Behavioral Health Services Washington County Health Department
Substance Abuse-Outpatient Treatment
Breast Cancer Awareness, Cumberland Valley, Inc. CASA, Inc.
Substance Abuse-Women
Breast Cancer Awareness, Cumberland Valley, Inc. Hospice of Washington County, Inc. Parent Child Center
W House, Inc. Washington County Health Department
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Washington County Hospital Association
Support Groups
Alcoholics Anonymous, Hagerstown American Cancer Society of Washington County Breast Cancer Awareness, Cumberland Valley, Inc. CASA, Inc. Hospice of Washington County, Inc. Mental Health Association National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI Office of Consumer Advocates, Inc. The Family Network Washington County Commission on Aging , Inc. Washington County Hospital Association
Support Groups-Addictions Alcoholics Anonymous, Hagerstown
Support Groups-Bereavement Hospice of Washington County, Inc. Washington County Hospital Association
Support Groups-Caregivers
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Washington County Commission on Aging , Inc.
Support Groups-Developmentally Disabled Office of Consumer Advocates, Inc. The Family Network
Support Groups-Domestic Violence CASA, Inc.
Tax Assistance
Internal Revenue Service, Washington County Office Retired and Senior Volunteer Program Washington County Commission on Aging , Inc.
Tax Credits
Internal Revenue Service, Washington County Office
Washington County DSS, TDAP
Teen Fathers and/or Mothers Birthright of Washington County Hagerstown Community College Teen Parent Program Washington County Family Center
Teen Pregnancy Prevention
Girls Inc. of Washington County Parent Child Center Washington County Health Department Washington County Teen Pregnancy Prevention Coalition, Inc.
Telephone Reassurance
American Cancer Society of Washington County
Telephone Reassurance-Seniors
Washington County Commission on Aging , Inc.
Tenant/Landlord Assistance
Consumer Protection Washington County Community Action Council, Inc. Washington County Community Mediation Center
Terminal Illness
Adult Care Services, Inc.
Guardian In Home Services, Inc. Hospice of Washington County, Inc.
Therapeutic Recreation Brook Lane
American Red Cross APPLES for Children, Inc. Behavioral Health Services Deafnet Association, Inc. Literacy Council of Washington County Mental Health Center of Western Maryland, Inc., Washington County Board of Elections
Training-Caregivers APPLES for Children, Inc. Parents’ Place of Maryland
Training-General Public American Red Cross Behavioral Health Services Washington County Board of Elections
APPLES for Children, Inc. Behavioral Health Services Hagerstown Police Mental Health Center of Western Maryland, Inc., Partners For Success Family Support Center
American Red Cross Literacy Council of Washington County
Transitional Housing
Four States Christian Missions, Inc.
Transitional Housing-Men Four States Christian Missions, Inc.
Transitional Housing-Women W House, Inc.
Transitional Housing-Youth
San Mar Children’s Home, Inc. Turning Point, a Program of Way Station Inc.
County Medical Transport Girls Inc. of Washington County Hopewell Express Job Opportunity Bus Shuttle Mental Health Center of Western Maryland, Inc., Washington Co. Dept. of Transportation
Antietam Cab Halls Transportation Miller Transportation Turner Airport Van Service Valley Cab - Hancock
Transportation-Low Income Washington Co. Dept. of Transportation
County Medical Transport Office of Consumer Advocates, Inc. Washington County Health Department
Transportation-Mentally Ill Office of Consumer Advocates, Inc.
Transportation-Open To Public Washington Co. Dept. of Transportation
Transportation-Physically Disabled Washington Co. Dept. of Transportation
Transportation-Senior Citizens
REACH, Inc. Washington Co. Dept. of Transportation
Transportation-Veterans American Red Cross
Washington County Health Department
Tutorial Services
Boys and Girls Clubs of Washington County Literacy Council of Washington County
Tutorial Services-Adults
Literacy Council of Washington County
Tutorial Services-Youth
Boys and Girls Clubs of Washington County
Robinwood Medical Center
Utility Assistance
Office of Consumer Advocates, Inc. REACH, Inc. Smithsburg Area Food Bank Southern Washington County Emergency Fund Washington County Community Action Council, Inc. Washington County Community Action Council, OHEP Washington County DSS, HIV/AIDS Case Management Washington County DSS, Project Home Washington County DSS, Temporary Cash Assistance
Veterans & Family
American Red Cross Hagerstown Housing Authority Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic Washington County One Stop Job Center
CASA, Inc. Hagerstown Police Washington County State’s Attorney’s Office Washington County Volunteer Fire & Rescue Association
Violence Prevention
CASA, Inc. Girls Inc. of Washington County Hagerstown Police Parent Child Center Washington County Health Department
Visual Impairment
Arc of Washington County, Inc. Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I Easter Seals Society, Adult Day Services Washington County Health Department Washington County Office on Disability Issues
Vital Records
Washington County Health Department
Volunteer Opportunities: Arts & Crafts Washington County Arts Council Washington County Museum of Fine Arts
Volunteer Opportunities: Clerical Duties Washington County Museum of Fine Arts
Volunteer Opportunities: Construction Habitat for Humanity, Washington County
Volunteer Opportunities: Environmental Hagerstown Police
Volunteer Opportunities: Friendly Visitor John R. Marsh Cancer Center REACH, Inc.
Volunteer Opportunities: Home Care REACH, Inc.
Volunteer Opportunities: Mentoring Girls Inc. of Washington County
Volunteer Opportunities: Special Events American Cancer Society of Washington County Washington County Arts Council
Volunteer Opportunities: Transportation REACH, Inc.
Vocational Assessment
Arc of Washington County, Inc. Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I Horizon Goodwill Industries
Volunteer Opportunities
Alzheimer’s Association, Hagerstown American Red Cross APPLES for Children, Inc. Big Brothers Big Sisters Boy Scouts of America Boys and Girls Clubs of Washington County Breast and Cervical Cancer Program Cedar Ridge Children’s Home Children In Need, Inc. Community Food Bank Community Free Clinic Contemporary School of the Arts & Gallery, Inc. Court Appointed Special Advocates of Washington County Dargan Pantry Deafnet Association, Inc. Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I Easter Seals Society, Adult Day Services, Hagerstown Habitat for Humanity Hagerstown Area Pregnancy Center Hagerstown Goodwill Industries, Inc. Head Start Program Helping Hands of Washington County Horizon Goodwill Industries, Hagerstown Hospice of Washington County, Inc. Learning Center Literacy Council of Washington County Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP) Maryland Cooperative Extension Mental Health Association
Mt. Hope Prison Ministry Office of the Public Defender Parent Child Center REACH, Inc. Retired and Senior Volunteer Program Salvation Army Senior Info. & Assistance Spectrum Support, Hagerstown St. John’s Shelter, Inc. Star Community, Inc. Tri-State Community Health Center Turning Point, a Program of Way Station Inc. United Way of Washington County W House, Inc. Washington County Community Action Council, Inc. Washington County Community Mediation Center Washington County Department of Recreation Washington County DSS, Adult Protective Services Washington County DSS, Foster Care and Adoption Washington County DSS, HIV/AIDS Case Management Washington County Family Center Washington County Free Library Washington County Health Department Washington County Museum of Fine Arts Washington County Public Schools Washington County Sheriff’s Office Way Station Community Employment Program Way Station Day Rehabilitation Program Williamsport Food Bank YMCA, Hagerstown Zion Church Soup Kitchen
Volunteer Opportunities-Youth
Alzheimer’s Association, Hagerstown American Red Cross APPLES for Children, Inc. Boys and Girls Clubs of Washington County Breast and Cervical Cancer Program Dargan Pantry
Volunteer Opportunities-Youth
Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I, Easter Seals Society, Adult Day Services, Hagerstown Habitat for Humanity Head Start Program Horizon Goodwill Industries Hospice of Washington County, Inc. Learning Center St. John’s Shelter, Inc. W House, Inc. Washington County Community Mediation Center Washington County Department of Recreation Washington County Family Center Washington County Museum of Fine Arts Washington County Public Schools Zion Church Soup Kitchen
Volunteer Opportunity-Holiday
Contemporary School of the Arts & Gallery, Inc. Mental Health Association, Washington County Salvation Army
Voter Services/Elections
Washington County Board of Elections
Washington County Weatherization Program
Washington County Health Department, WIC
American Cancer Society of Washington County Breast Cancer Awareness, Cumberland Valley, Inc. Hagerstown Area Pregnancy Center Hagerstown Reproductive Health Services Interfaith Service Coalition, Inc. Robinwood Medical Center Star Community, Inc. W House, Inc. Washington County Commission for Women Washington County Hospital Association
Youth Agricultural Programs
Boys and Girls Clubs Cooperative Extension
Youth Development
Big Brothers Big Sisters Boy Scouts of America Boys and Girls Clubs of Washington County Contemporary School of the Arts & Gallery, Inc. Maryland Cooperative Extension
ACT 9 (Adventist Caring Through Sharing)
INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for meeting times and locations. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Service sites vary.
35 East Washington Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 739-3854 Tues and Thurs, 10AM-2PM.
Alzheimer’s Association, Hagerstown
Provides emergency clothing, food, furniture, and household goods for persons in need. DONATIONS: Accepts food, clothing, monetary, and house ware donations. Using donated funds, ACT 9 purchases food to supplement donated, nonperishable food items. ELIGIBILITY: Residence who are low income or in need. FEES: None. INTAKE: Must have food bank card. Call for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Adult Care Services, Inc. 13512 Pennsylvania Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 714-2273 (301) 678-6777 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM. Provides services to assist in the care of those who have difficulty taking care of themselves or who are temporarily disabled, terminally ill or handicapped. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals who are unable to care for themselves or who are temporarily disabled, terminally ill or handicapped. FEES: Free consultation. Services may be covered by personal insurance, community care programs, or by private pay. INTAKE: Call for more information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Alcoholics Anonymous, Hagerstown P.O. Box 1153 Hagerstown, MD 21741 (301) 733-1109 Hours vary. An anonymous, nonprofessional program of recovery for alcoholics. Practice of AA’s Twelve Steps is suggested, and AA literature is available. Committees carry AA’s message of recovery to professionals, schools, health fairs, correctional facilities and other interested organizations. ELIGIBILITY: Persons who want to stop drinking. Anyone may attend open meetings. FEES: None. Voluntary contributions by members.
5 Public Square, Suite 307 Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 797-4892 (800) 443-CARE Mon-Fri, 9AM-5PM.
Conducts monthly support group meetings and provides information and referral for persons with Alzheimer’s disease, their families, and care providers. Provides educational programs to families and professional caregivers. National Safe Return Program provides care consultation. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers, age 16 and older, are needed to assist in the office, staff the Helpline, assists with public relations, speaking engagements, and fundraisers. Hours may be used to fulfill high school service requirement.
American Cancer Society of Washington County 1037 Haven Road Hagerstown, MD 21742 (301) 733-8287 (800) 227-2345 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM. 1) LOOK GOOD, FEEL BETTER: Program teaches female cancer patients beauty techniques to help restore their appearance and self-image during chemotherapy and radiation treatments. The self-help materials include a 30minute video step-by step instructional booklet and an evaluation form. Provides men who are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment and who are seeking information on how to deal with the appearance-related side effects of their treatment, as well as information that will be useful to them during this challenging time. Brochure is available in English and Spanish. PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP: Offers free monthly meetings where speakers and participants learn about and discuss information about prostate cancer, treatment, side effects, and how to cope with the disease and its treatment. Services and activities may include: One-to-one visitation with a prostate cancer survivor, Community education (speaker’s bureau), The Man to Man newsletter, Outreach to high risk groups, such as African American men, Outreach and collaboration with health care providers.
ROAD TO RECOVERY: Provides volunteers for face-to-face visits or by phone. Reach to Recovery volunteers give support for people recently diagnosed with breast cancer, facing a possible diagnosis of breast cancer, those interested in or who have undergone a lumpectomy or mastectomy, those considering breast reconstruction, those who have lymph edema, those who are undergoing or who have completed treatment such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and persons facing breast cancer recurrence or metastasis. VOLUNTEERS: Needed to assist with Road to Recovery and also fundraising events. ELIGIBILITY: Cancer patients and their families. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call for more information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
American Red Cross, Washington County 1131 Conrad Court Hagerstown, MD 21740-5935 (301) 739-0717 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM.
Provides relief to victims of disasters and helps people prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies. ARMED FORCES EMERGENCY SERVICES: Provides Red Cross worldwide communication in time of family emergencies; counseling, emergency financial assistance, information and referral services to active military and their families. BLOOD SERVICES: Collects blood from volunteer donors, ages 16 and up, to meet the needs of patients in area hospitals. DISASTER SERVICES: Provides emergency assistance to victims of large and small disasters including fire, flood, hurricane and other emergencies. Assists victims with food, clothing and shelter as needed. HEALTH and SAFETY SERVICES: Trained volunteers teach courses in CPR, first aid, babysitting and water safety. Certificates are awarded upon successful completion of course. Participants must be 13 years of age or older. VETERAN and HOSPITAL SERVICE TRANSPORTATION: Volunteer drivers provide transportation for veterans with medical appointments and chapter volunteers serving at the VA Hospital in Martinsburg, WV. Van runs every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. A seat on the van may be reserved by calling 301-739-0717 Ext. 201. The new pickup location is Alexander House, 7 Washington Street, Hagerstown, MD. YOUTH SERVICES: Provides various Red Cross youth courses and programs including leadership training, community services, health awareness and intergenerational enrichment.
VOLUNTEERS: Welcomes adult volunteers as well as recruits and trains youth, ages 13-18, for volunteer work in Red Cross programs and services for various programs. VOLUNTEERS: Needed to assist with Road to Recovery and also fundraising events. ELIGIBILITY: See notes. FEES: Vary, for educational services. INTAKE: Call for information on all services. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Angel Food Ministries Concordia Lutheran Church 17906 Garden Lane Hagerstown, MD 21740
With a heart to help others and a generous spirit, Joe and Linda Wingo founded Angel Food Ministries in 1994 to provide food for friends and neighbors who were struggling financially. Today, they are still doing the same thing. The Angel Food program now is helping provide food relief to more than 500,000 families each month.
Antietam Fire Company 113 Summit Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 773-3334 24/7.
Provides general fire and rescue services as well as safety awareness and education. VOLUNTEERS: Call for more information on volunteer fire and rescue. ELIGIBILITY: Open to public. Must be 18 or older to ecome a volunteer. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call for more information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
APPLES for Children, Inc. 6 West Washington Street, Suite 210 Hagerstown, MD 21740-4883 (301) 733-0000 (800) 924-9188 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4PM. LOCATE CHILD CARE: Offers a computerized listing of all regulated forms of child care such as licensed family child care providers, licensed center-based and school-age programs, certified camp programs, certified nursery schools, kindergartens and Head Start programs.
TRAINING: Provides training and support to child care providers and centers, businesses and parents on such topics as child growth and development, implementing appropriate curricula for children, from infancy through school age. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: Provides training seminars on the business aspects of child care and start-up procedures. Support of existing child care programs and recruitment of people interested in starting a child care program. VOLUNTEERS: Ages 16 and older welcome. Duties include Board of Directors, subcommittees, photo copying, mailings, compiling packets for workshops, etc. ELIGIBILITY: Parents and guardians. Technical assistance is open to public. FEES: LOCATE service is free unless a list is requested to be faxed or mailed. ($6 -$7). Training workshop fees $5-$45. INTAKE: Call for 15 minute intake interview or walk in. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Arc of Washington County, Inc. 820 Florida Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 733-3550 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM.
ELIGIBILITY: Persons, age 21 and older, with the following disabilities: Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation, Physical Disabilities, Traumatic Brain Injury, Autism, Challenging Behaviors, Blindness, Complex Medical Needs, Deafness, Deafness-Blindness, Epilepsy, Dual Diagnosis of Mental Retardation and Mental Illness. Residential program accepts children and adults. INTENSIVE BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT PROGRAM: Works with persons whose community placement may be jeopardized by their behavior. DAY AND VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS: Day Programs provide pre-vocational and vocational skills training and activities in a classroom setting in order to increase performance and self-sufficiency. Also provides medical day programs for those requiring special nursing care. Vocational Programs provide both sheltered workshops and supported employment opportunities in which consumers are paid wages for their services. RESIDENTIAL SERVICES FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS: Services are tailored to meet the needs of the consumer and range from supported living to 24-hour supervision. Nursing, medical, dietary, occupational and physical therapy, behavior training, and recreational activities are provided. INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES: Helps families of developmentally disabled persons obtain adaptive equipment, medical supplies, respite care and specialized therapies/evaluations.
LOCATIONS: Florida Avenue Workshop, 840 Florida Avenue, Hagerstown, MD 21740. 301-797-2230. Crossroads Activity Center, 12919 Salem Avenue, Hagerstown, MD 21740. 301797-2392. Kemp Horn, 22911 Cave Town Church Road, Smithsburg, MD 21783. 301-824-3416. Medical Day Care Center, 838 Florida Avenue, Hagerstown, MD 21740. 301714-1003. Has offices throughout Washington County and Cumberland, MD. ELIGIBILITY: Children and adults diagnosed with a developmental disability and their families. FEES: Private pay or public funding through DHMH, DHR, MSDE. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Behavioral Health Services 24 North Walnut Street, Suite 300 Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 766-7600 Mon, Tues, & Thurs, 9:30AM-5:30PM; Fri, 9:30AM-4:30PM; Wed. 12:30-8PM.
INDIVIDUAL COUNSELING: Treatment of eating disorders, ADD, addictions, anxiety, battered spouse issues, child behavior, co-dependency, communication difficulties, depression, divorce/separation issues, incest survival, PTSD, relationship problems, and sexual dysfunction provided. TRAINING: Provides seminars and training for health professionals, the public and organizations. ELIGIBILITY: Persons, ages 18 and up, with mental health and/or substance abuse problems. FEES: Medical Assistance/Insurance/Sliding Fee Scale. INTAKE: Call to schedule an appointment. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Big Brothers Big Sisters, Washington County 1135 Virginia Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 739-4711 Mon-Fri, 9AM-5PM.
Each Big Brothers Big Sisters mentor provides a positive role model, supports educational and emotional growth and shares leisure activities. Each volunteer spends 3-5 hours/week with an assigned child. There is also a mandatory home visit with the mentor to ensure a safe environment for the child. SCHOOL-BASED MENTORING PROGRAM: Volunteers spend 45-60 minutes per week in school with a specific child. Eligibility - 18 years or older and must have transportation to a school.
NOTE: All mentors must complete a criminal background and driving record check. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older, have an automobile with current insurance. Full-time students and “stay-at-home” mothers and fathers also welcome. Duties are described in program description. ELIGIBILITY: Ages 6-13 who have little or no contact with their absent parent. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call for more information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Birthright of Washington County 12919A Oak Hill Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21742 (301) 733-1132 (800) 550-4900 Mon and Wed, 9AM-12PM. Tues, 10:30AM2:30PM. Thurs, Noon-4PM.
Provides free pregnancy testing, crisis and right to life counseling, as well as information and referrals to numerous other services available in the community. Offers maternity and infant/toddler clothing, diapers, and formula to individuals in need. Clothing available for children up to size 4. VOLUNTEERS: Adults, ages 20 and older, are needed to assist with answering phones and clerical duties. ELIGIBILITY: Woman with unplanned or planned pregnancies. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call for more information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Boy Scouts of America, Washington Co., Mason Dixon Council 18600 Crestwood Drive Hagerstown, MD 21742 (301) 739-1211 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM. TIGER CUBS: For boys in the first grade. Monthly meetings are attended with a parent or adult partner. Focus is on strengthening the adult/youth relationship through meetings, projects and fun activities. CUB SCOUTS: For second to fifth grade boys. Focus is on strengthening character, self-esteem, citizenship, team work
and physical fitness. Meetings are weekly. Family members are encouraged to join in on a monthly basis. BOY SCOUTS: For boys in grades six to twelve. Focus is on development of self-confidence, leadership skills and peer interaction through camping and other outdoor activities. EXPLORERS: Provides a program of leadership, career and recreational activities for young men and women ages 1421. The adult and youth leaders of each post design activities that reflect the interests and talents of the group. LEARNING FOR LIFE: School-based presentations for any grade about career opportunities. VENTURES: Provides high adventure and bobby programs for young men and women ages 14 to 21. Program selection and coordination primarily by youth with adult mentor guidance. VOLUNTEERS: Adult volunteers are welcome to assist as den parents or with administrative duties. Must go through a background check and procedures to become registered. ELIGIBILITY: Young men and boys, ages 6-21. See notes for Explorers and Ventures. FEES: Dues: $10 per year. INTAKE: Referrals from any source. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Boys and Girls Clubs of Washington County, The 805 Pennsylvania Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21742-3103 (301) 733-5422 Mon-Fri, 1-9PM; Summer, 8AM-4:30PM.
Offers programs and services promoting and enhancing the development of boys and girls by instilling a sense of competence, usefulness, belonging and influence. WEIGHTLIFTING: Held Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 4:30-7PM. Participants may receive individual attention. SEARCH: An outdoor-oriented program offering gardening, hiking, 4-H and Adopt-A-Highway projects and field trips. LIFE SKILLS: Classes designed to train youth how to care for themselves and get along with each other. Activities include cooking, sewing, health and volunteerism. COMPUTER PROGRAM: Teaches basic computer skills. TUTORING: Offered Monday-Friday to students in elementary through high school. ARTS AND CRAFTS: Offers instruction in painting, drawing, leather crafts, basket weaving and other creative activities for youth 6-12 years old. RECREATIONAL SPORTS: Offers a variety of sports. Call for information. SUMMER RECREATIONAL PROGRAM: Available for youth 612 years of age. A 6-week program which includes field trips, sports, swimming, nature activities and arts and crafts. Some grants and partial scholarships are available.
Additional Sites: Frederick Manor Housing Unit, 219 Taylor Avenue, Hagerstown, MD 21740, Call Preston Carey, 301790-3125. Noland Village Unit, Community Building, Noland Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21740, Call: Harry Browning Sr., 301-733-6793. Elgin Station Unit, 40 Elgin Blvd, Hagerstown MD 21740, Call Michael Loving, 301-393-3981. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers, ages 14 and older, needed to assist with field trips, sports activities and tutoring. This volunteer time may be used to fulfill the high school service learning graduation requirement. ELIGIBILITY: Youth, ages 6-18 years old. See notes. FEES: Membership Fee: Ages 6-18 years, $10; $150 fee for Summer Recreational Program. INTAKE: Call for information. Walk-ins accepted. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Breast and Cervical Cancer Program, Washington County 1302 Pennsylvania Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21742 (240) 313-3235 (240) 313-3391 Mon-Fri, 8AM-5PM.
Provides services for the prevention and screening of breast and cervical cancer. Program offers literature and information at health fairs and workshops throughout the state. Speakers are available for all types of community or professional events. DIAGNOSTIC AND TREATMENT: Eligibility guidelines: Women of any age with suspected cervical or breast cancer who are uninsured or underinsured and meet income guidelines: 1 person, $25,760; 2 persons, $29,850; 3 persons, $37,550; and 4 persons, $45,250. Assistance with local applications available. Provides referrals to local doctors' offices or treatment facilities for those women who are suspected of having cervical or breast cancer. SCREENING: Eligibility guidelines: Women between the ages of 40 and 64, who are uninsured or underinsured and meet income guidelines. Women, ages 65 and older, may qualify if they are receiving Medicare Part A only and have no other health insurance. Income Guidelines: 1 person, $24,500; 2 persons, $33,000. Enrolled participants are referred to local doctors' offices to receive free pap, pelvic, and breast exams and mammograms. BCCP will set up the appointment and complete all necessary paperwork. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers, 16 and older, are needed for assistance in the office and for other programs. ELIGIBILITY: See notes. FEES: Services are free, except for reconstructive surgery or experimental treatments. INTAKE: Call for an application. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Breast Cancer Awareness, Cumberland Valley, Inc. 324 East Antietam Street, Suite 101 Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 791-5843 (800) 963-0101 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4PM. HOPELINE: Provides a toll-free number with trained breast cancer survivors who listen, support, encourage and provide information through all stages of the disease (800963-0101). MOVING FORWARD: Provides patients with after surgery information in their surgeons’ office from a BCA staff person. Information includes exercises and supplies to aid in recovery from breast cancer surgery. BCA TO YOU WIGS, HATS, & TURBANS FREE: Provides wigs, turbans, and hats for women during chemotherapy treatment. Open to all women without health insurance or without health insurance coverage for these items. DINNER'S READY: Provides restaurant gift certificates for chemotherapy patients and their families after chemotherapy treatment. CAMP HOPE: Provides a day of fun, relaxation, education and friendship for survivors. Offered several times a year. MAMMOGRAMS: Offers individuals an opportunity to receive a mammogram at no cost. If after the mammogram the patient needs further follow-up testing, BCA will pay the expenses for one ultrasound per year. OPEN DOOR EDUCATIONAL MEETINGS: Provides meetings about medical issues, nutrition, stress, and the emotional challenges of dealing with breast cancer. Presentations are followed by informal discussions. LENDING LIBRARY: Provides books, pamphlets and articles on early detection, chemotherapy, radiation, and other breast cancer issues. CARE-SHARE NEWSLETTER: Provides a newsletter published three times a year providing information on breast cancer treatments, area programs and survivor stories. BREAST CANCER TREATMENT HANDBOOK: Provides a free book. An excellent source of information to help through all phases of treatment. BREAST SELF EXAMINATION WORKSHOPS: Offers workshops on breast health and teach groups of women how to do breast self-examinations. GROUP MEETINGS: Provided to allow patients and their families to share stories, concerns, and questions with the group under the guidance of a professional counselor. Washington County Information Group meets the second Monday evening each month at 7PM in the Marsh Cancer Center. Family members and friends are welcome. Robinwood Medical Center, 11110 Medical Campus Road, Suite 129 (orange entrance). Waynesboro, PA Support Group meets the second
Wednesday noon each month at The Waynesboro Country Club. A luncheon is served. Waynesboro Country Club, 11000 Country Club Rd., Waynesboro, PA, 17268. ELIGIBILITY: Breast Cancer patients and their families. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Bridge of Life 14 South Potomac Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 791-1674 Third Wednesday of each month, 5:306:30PM.
Offers emergency groceries to those in need. Clients can receive food once a month. ELIGIBILITY: Low income residents. FEES: None. INTAKE: Walk-ins accepted. Photo ID, agency referral, or Washington County food bank card required. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: No.
Brook Lane 13218 Brooklane Drive P.O. Box 1945 Hagerstown, MD 21742 (301) 733-0330 (800) 342-2992 Office hours: Mon-Fri, 8AM-7PM; Admissions- 24 hrs/day, 7 days/wk.
OUTPATIENT SERVICES: Individual, group, marital and family therapy; medication management; nutrition counseling; pastoral counseling; play therapy; psychological evaluation and testing; substance abuse counseling; and a school program. SHORT-TERM INPATIENT HOSPITALIZATION: Provided for children, ages 3-11; adolescents, ages 12-18; adults and the elderly. An individual treatment plan is developed and may include individual, group, family and activity therapy. SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT: Persons being hospitalized for a primary diagnosis of mental illness can receive substance abuse treatment. LAUREL HALL: Provides special education to elementary, middle school, and high school students. Located on the main campus in Hagerstown. CONSULTATION AND EDUCATION: Provides consultation to nursing homes and community agencies regarding psychiatric issues of older adults. STONE BRIDGE: Transitional care home for children and adolescents. Young people transitioning from the hospital,
waiting for residential space or to prevent being in the hospital. CHILD & ADOLESCENTS PROGRAM: Partial hospital program for children and adolescents. Provides a 6-8 hour day program. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers, ages 18 and over, are welcome. ELIGIBILITY: Anyone with a mental or emotional health issue. FEES: Medical Assistance. Medicare. Insurance. Private pay. INTAKE: Contact Admissions Office. Referral from physician, if person is already in treatment. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Camp Challenge Ministries, Inc. 7404 Mountain Laurel Road Boonsboro, MD 21713 (301) 432-2855 Hours vary.
Christian summer camp for children from low-income families. Programs for children, ages 8-11. Also programs for teens. VOLUNTEERS: Some volunteer opportunities available, call for details. ELIGIBILITY: See notes. FEES: Free. Contribution if possible. INTAKE: Call for application. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
CASA, Inc. 116 West Baltimore Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 739-4990 (301) 739-8975 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM.
24-HOUR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HOTLINE: Provides crisis intervention, counseling, information and referral and support groups. EMERGENCY SHELTER: Victims may receive emergency shelter, court accompaniment and individual therapy. Support groups and workshops are available. DISPLACED HOMEMAKERS PROGRAM: Provides education and training workshops to women, ages 30 or older, who have depended on the income of a family member and lost income as the result of separation, divorce, death or the disability of a family member. Workshops focus on skills needed to seek and obtain employment. LEGAL ADVOCACY PROGRAM: Provides counseling and information concerning divorce, child custody and support, property settlement, protection from domestic violence and criminal protection.
MEN'S DOMESTIC VIOLENCE GROUP: 30-week counseling and support group for abusers who are either court-ordered or voluntary. CHILDREN'S PROGRAM: Assessment and counseling of youth, ages 4 to 18 years old, who have been victims of sexual, physical and/or emotional abuse. Family counseling also is available. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers, ages 18 and older, are needed to assist with clerical work, answer domestic violence hotline and help with public awareness activities. Call for more information on the variety of volunteer opportunities. ELIGIBILITY: Victims of rape and domestic/sexual violence, abusers, displaced homemakers and homeless women and their children. FEES: Sliding fee scale. INTAKE: Call for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
recreational activities, chemical education and life skills training. AA and NA meetings. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers and interns needed, call for more information. ELIGIBILITY: Adolescents, 14-18. FEES: Sliding scale/some insurance. INTAKE: Must have completed a short-term substance abuse program. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
VARIOUS LEGAL: Free Legal Advice (family law) Thursday: 8:30-12 at the Circuit Court Lawyer Referral Service 301-739-4713 Legal Aid Bureau 301-694-7414
RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM: Provides residential care for abused, neglected, abandoned, adjudicated, and emotionally challenged boys. The average stay is 12-18 months, although many stay until after their high school graduation. The boys have the opportunity to attend a local church each week and may also participate in optional activities such as midweek youth groups, summer camps and special outings. VOLUNTEERS: Opportunities available, call for more information. Married couples and males are needed for mentoring, tutoring and to assist as families. ELIGIBILITY: Abused, abandoned and/or adjudicated males, ages 6-14. FEES: None. INTAKE: Referrals made by DSS, DJS, or Board of Education. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Catholic Charities, Washington County (Villa Maria) 229 North Potomac Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 733-5858 Mon-Thurs, 9AM-5PM. Fri 9AM-3PM. Evenings and Sat by appointment. Provides individual, child, family, and group counseling. ELIGIBILITY: Persons experiencing personal or family conflicts, ages 3 and older. FEES: Medical Assistance, MDCHP & some subsidies available. INTAKE: Call for application. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: No.
Catoctin Summit Adolescent Program 5980 Cullen Drive Sabillasville, MD 21780 (301) 416-7167 (301) 791-4665 Residential 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.
LONG TERM RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT PROGRAM: Provides individual, group and family counseling, structured
Cedar Ridge Children’s Home 12146 Cedar Ridge Road Williamsport, MD 21795 (301) 582-0282 Mon-Fri 8:30AM-4:30PM.
Cedar Ridge Ministries 12146 Cedar Ridge Road Williamsport, MD 21795 (301) 582-0282 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM.
Offers team building and self-concept training through the use of adventure-based activities both on a 50-element challenge ropes course and to the community through onsite initiatives. ELIGIBILITY: Open to Public. Small to medium sized groups. FEES: Fees vary, call for rates. INTAKE: Call to schedule your group. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: No.
Cedar Ridge Special Education School 12146 Cedar Ridge Road Page | 28
Williamsport, MD 21795 (301) 582-0282 (800) 840-7918 Mon-Fri 8:30AM-4:30PM.
SPECIAL EDUCATION: Provides a special education facility for the academic, emotional and spiritual needs of emotionally disturbed boys. COUNSELING: Provides individual and group counseling to help the boys in dealing with issues related to their identified treatment needs. SUPPORT: Offers support to boys with emotional difficulties through the provision of a highly structured behavioral environment. SOCIAL WORK: Provides on-staff social workers to address the students’ needs and their relationships with each other. VOLUNTEERS: No volunteers are needed for this program. ELIGIBILITY: Special Education Students ages 7-21years. Must be referred by Board of Education. FEES: None. INTAKE: Referrals made by Board of Education. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Child Care Administration, Washington County 6 West Washington St. Suite 311 Hagerstown, MD 21742 (301) 791-4585 (800) 468-6771 Mon-Fri, 8AM-5PM. Provides information on and the means for becoming a licensed day care provider for a center or private home. Also Investigates complaints. ELIGIBILITY: Must be 18 or older to become a day care provider. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call for information. Client must undergo an orientation, application procedure, and inspection of day care site. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
VARIOUS: Child Locate 301-733-6914 Apples for Children, Inc. 301-733-0000 Antietam Recreation 301-797-7999 Beginnings Day Care Center 301-432-4214 Building Blocks Child Development Center 301-797-5122
Choo Choo Child Care 301-582-4894 Good Shepherd Pre School 301-678-5100 Grace Child Care Center 301-739-1729 Hagerstown Day Nursery 301-739-5339 Hagerstown YMCA Child Care Centers 301-797-4602 John Wesley Day Nursery 301-791-1827 My Favorite Place 301-824-7003 St. Johns Nursery 301-793-6380 SCCI The Fun and Learning Center 301-797-5026 School Age Child Care, Inc. 301-791-9470 Surrey Child Care Center 301-790-9450 Teddy Bear Day Care 301-791-6733 Tiny Tots Kinder Care 301-678-6466
Children In Need, Inc. 131 West North Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 671-2014 Mon-Fri, 8AM-1PM.
SERVICE: Students (grades pre-k through 12th grade) eligible through the Free or Reduced Lunch Program or Head Start can receive each month five gently used outfits, coat, shoes, new underwear and socks, new school supplies, and new toiletries. For Back-to-School, eligible children receive a voucher to Wal-Mart to buy a new outfit, shoes, or backpack. Volunteers are welcomed. Adults and high school kids can work toward their service hours. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers needed to sort and hang clothes, assist clients, computer input, clean, answer phones etc. ELIGIBILITY: Pre-K through 12th grade students and must be in the Free or Reduced Lunch or Head Start Program. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Children’s Village of Washington County, Inc. 1546 Mount Aetna Road Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 733-4443 Page | 29
WOMEN OF VALOR MINISTRIES COMMUNITY RESOURCE GUIDE Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4PM. Provides a centralized facility where safety education is delivered to second graders. Students learn fire, traffic, water, pedestrian and other personal safety skills from uniformed firefighters and police officers. The core theme of instruction is that fires and injuries are understandable, predictable and almost always preventable. The campus also serves as home base for juvenile fire setting intervention and other community-based life safety programs. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers needed for office duties and grounds work. ELIGIBILITY: 2nd grade Washington County students. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Clear Spring Area Club Food Bank Saint Peter’s Lutheran Church 30 South Martin St. Clear Spring, MD 21722-0198 (301) 582-1946 Tue & Thur, 1-2PM. FOOD PANTRY: A two-to-three-day supply of groceries is available once a month once approved by the Washington County Community Action Council, Inc. (CAC) or Social Services. Formula is occasionally available. Diapers are available in sizes 1-6. Special diet needs will be addressed with prior notice. CLOTHING: Referrals can be made for clothing. NOTE: In order to return to the food bank on a regular basis, client must be interviewed and screened by the CAC or Social Services and be issued a Food Bank Card. DONATIONS: Food and monetary donations accepted. VOLUNTEERS: Program uses Lions Club volunteers only. ELIGIBILITY: Open to anyone in need first time. See notes. FEES: None. INTAKE: After first visit will need to fill out application and go through a screening process. See notes. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Community Food Bank 601 Washington Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21740-4635 (301) 733-7550 (301) 797-4161 Mon-Tues, Thurs-Fri, 1-3PM.
INTAKE PROCEDURE: Needs referral from the Washington
County Community Action Council, Inc. (301- 797-4161) or the Salvation Army (301-733-2434) in Hagerstown. SERVICES: Provides a three-to-five-day supply of food. Limited to four times a year. VOLUNTEERS: Adults needed to purchase food, stock shelves and staff the Food Bank. ELIGIBILITY: Must have referral from Community Action Agency or the Salvation Army. FEES: None. INTAKE: Contact Community Action Agency or the Salvation Army for referral. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: No.
Community Free Clinic 249 Mill Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 733-9234 Mon- Fri, 8:30AM-4PM, close 11:30AM12:30PM for lunch. Nurse Clinic: Mon-Fri,13PM. See Notes Below.
Serves medically uninsured by offering free primary medical care and limited prescription medications. DIABETIC PROGRAM: Available through Clinic Doctor/Provider referral only. Clinics are by appointment only. This program includes monitoring, medication, smoking cessation and consultation with a nutritionist. DOCTOR/PROVIDER CLINIC: Monday - Friday. Clinic Doctors and Providers administer primary care, specialty care, chronic care and medication monitoring. GYN CLINIC: GYN Clinics are by appointment only. GYN provides women's health, PAP smears, breast exams, birth control measures and STD testing. LABWORK: Available with a Clinic Doctor/Provider order only. MEDICATION CLINIC: Monday - Friday. Appointments begin at 12:30PM. Patients should arrive 15 minutes prior to their appointment time. Nurses perform blood pressure checks, blood sugar checks, medication refills and pregnancy testing. STD testing is available for males and females during this Clinic Monday through Friday. MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC: Available with a Clinic Doctor/Provider referral only. Patients receive mental health care and medication monitoring. ORTHOPEDIC CLINIC: Available with a Clinic Doctor/Provider referral only. Patients receive orthopedic care and follow-up. PEDIATRICS: Children 0-18 who are not enrolled in the Maryland Healthy Children's Program. Providers address acute children's illnesses and provide childhood examinations and immunizations.
PODIATRY CLINIC: Every third Tuesday of the month. Patients receive podiatry care and monitoring by referral only. TEEN PREGNANCY/FAMILY PLANNING: Every second and fourth Thursday of the month, 4:30PM until 6:30PM walk in, pregnancy prevention, STD testing. Clinic open to male and female adolescents. No appointment necessary. VOLUNTEERS: Adult volunteers (18+) welcome to assist with office duties. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals and families with no medical insurance. Must be Washington County resident. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call for an appointment. Must have proof of residency. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Consumer Protection, Western Maryland Division 44 North Potomac Street, Suite 104 Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 791-4780 Hagerstown Office: Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-5PM.
CONSUMER PROTECTION: Provides information concerning a business’ complaint record and assist in resolving complaints concerning unfair and deceptive trade practices. Responsible for complaint mediation and arbitration but does not represent individual consumers in court. PUBLICATION LITERATURE: Provides a variety of publications such as buying guides for various items including health care, selecting a nursing home, landlord and tenant rights and obligations, as well as other subjects. Provides a newsletter, Consumer’s Edge, that covers common consumer problems and scams, and numerous fact sheets. All publications may be accessed on the Web site. VOLUNTEERS: Utilizes college volunteers and law school interns to assist with complaint mediation. ELIGIBILITY: Open to public. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Consumer Credit Counseling 82 West Washington Street, Suite 411 Hagerstown, MD 21740
800-747-4222 Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS) is a nonprofit, community service agency whose services are open to all members of the community. CCCS provides free, confidential budget counseling, community-wide education programs in money management, and debt management programs for consumers who are overextended and comprehensive housing counseling.
Contemporary School of the Arts & Gallery, Inc. 4 West Franklin Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 791-6191 Mon-Fri.11AM-3PM & 5-7PM. (after school art programs) Sat. & Sun. 1-3PM. Provides programs to bring about and encourage awareness of the arts. The programs include after school and weekend classes for various types of art and crafts as well as art exhibits by numerous artists in the area. VOLUNTEERS: Teens and adults needed for board member positions, assist students in learning how to create art, general office assistance, fundraising committee, assistance with after school programs and grant writing. ELIGIBILITY: Open to public. FEES: Classes free or nominal fee. Artist pay to exhibit. INTAKE: Walk in, call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
County Medical Transport 15852 Falling Waters Road Williamsport, MD 21795 (301) 582-6131 7AM.-1AM. 7 days/wk Provides non-emergency transportation to and from necessary medical appointments. No Wheelchair or Van Service available. ELIGIBILITY: Medical need for transportation and live in the Williamsport area. FEES: Base rate plus mileage. Accepts Insurance, Medicaid and Medicare. INTAKE: Call to receive assistance. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: No.
Various Transportation: Antietam Cab Halls Transportation Hopewell Express Job Opportunity Bus Shuttle Miller Transportation Turner Airport Van Serv Valley Cab Hancock
301-393-8811 301-733-1605 240-420-2300 866-800-JOBS 301-797-8040 301-733-7788 301-678-7767
Court Appointed Special Advocates of Washington County Page | 31
13114 Pennsylvania Avenue, Room 210 Hagerstown, MD 21742 (240) 313-3383 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4PM.
Court Appointed Special Advocates recruits, screens, trains and supervises volunteers who serve as friends of the court for referral children who are involved in judicial cases of child abuse and/or neglect. VOLUNTEERS: Adults willing to go through screening and special training to serve as advocates. ELIGIBILITY: Victims of rape and domestic/sexual violence, abusers, displaced homemakers and homeless women and their children. FEES: Sliding fee scale. INTAKE: Call for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
CSAFE After School Program 131 West North Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 739-3290 Mon-Fri, 8AM-5PM.
Provides a three-day-a-week after school program for grades 3, 4, and 5 in the four elementary schools in the core of Hagerstown. Offers academic achievement and enrichment, activities, field trips, gang prevention, speakers to talk about subjects relevant to students, and infuse the importance of character. Program is three hours long and begins at the end of the school day. Students are provided transportation home. Bester, Eastern, Fountaindale, and Winter Street Elementary Schools ONLY. Volunteers welcomed. ELIGIBILITY: Must be in 3rd , 4th, or 5th grade and attend Bester, Eastern, Fountaindale, or Winter Street Elementary School. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Dargan Pantry Ruritan Community Center Back Road Sharpsburg, MD 21782 (301) 432-5211 Mon-Fri, 10AM-6PM.
Offers a food pantry on an on-call basis Monday through Friday. When client calls to request food, arrangements are made to meet them at the Community Center. Clients can access the pantry three or four times per year. Volunteers, ages 14 and older, can assist with purchasing food and stocking the pantry.
ELIGIBILITY: Client's are evaluated on a case-by-case and circumstances are taken into consideration. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call for information. No referral required. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Accommodations possible.
Deafnet Association, Inc. 551 Jefferson Street P.O. Box 2619 Hagerstown, MD 21741-2619 (301) 791-9025 (301) 791-9020 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM.
Promotes the general welfare of persons who are deaf or hearing impaired. Provides a mechanism for people with hearing impairments to advocate for the improvement of existing services and the creation of new ones. INTERPRETER REFERRAL SERVICE: Interpreters are available in service area counties. Interpreters may be available for other areas. Interpreters are on call 24 hours/day, 7 days/week, and are available to interpret at most events or appointments. SIGN LANGUAGE CLASSES: ASL classes available for adults and children. AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT: Coordinates with other organizations to provide deaf or hard of hearing persons with auxiliary equipment. SOCIAL MEETINGS: A social meeting is held on the second Thursday of each month, 7-9PM. Open to the public. VOLUNTEERS: Adult volunteers are needed for a variety of duties. ELIGIBILITY: Persons who are deaf or hearing impaired. FEES: Vary depending upon service. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Developmental Disabilities Administration, Western Region 1360 Marshall Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 791-4670 (888) 791-0193 Mon-Fri, 8AM-5PM. Provides information re: programs that offer individual and family support, case management, residential services, supportive employment, foster care, adult day programs, group homes and alternative living units. Office accepts applications, provides evaluations and places clients in
appropriate programs. If there is no vacancy, the client’s name is placed on a waiting list. ELIGIBILITY: Children (age 3 +) and adults with developmental disabilities/mental retardation. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Division of Rehabilitation Services, Region I, Western Maryland Suite 511, Professional Arts Building 5 Public Square Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 791-4764 (877) 516-5397 Mon-Fri, 8AM-5PM.
Provides leadership and support promoting the employment, economic self-sufficiency, and independence of individuals with disabilities. Assists individuals in choosing services to help them enter or return to work or meet their independent living goals. Vocational counseling; physical and mental restoration services; communications and equipment services; rehabilitation technology services and job training and placement may be arranged. Makes referrals to the Workforce Technology Center. ELIGIBILITY for VOCATIONAL SERVICES: One must 1) have a physical or mental impairment which is a substantial impediment to employment; 2) be able to benefit in terms of employment outcome from the services provided; and 3) needvocational rehabilitation services to prepare for, engage in or maintain employment. ELIGIBILITY for INDEPENDENT LIVING SERVICES: One must 1) have a severe physical or mental impairment; 2) have substantially limited ability to function independently in the family or community; and 3) be able to function better in the family, community, or employment with independent living services. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers are welcome. Duties may include reading to blind individuals, tutoring, and office support. Call 410-554-9459 or 1-888-200-7117. ELIGIBILITY: See notes. FEES: No fee for career counseling, assessment, and job placement. Sliding scale based on family income for most other services. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Easter Seals Society, Adult Day Services, Hagerstown 101 East Baltimore Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 745-3828 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM.
Provides adult day care program. Established clients receive social recreation, educational and group activities, therapeutic services including medical supervision and occupational, speech and physical rehabilitation, and health screenings. Helps adults with a variety of conditions, including: Alzheimer’s Disease, Arthritis, Heart Disease or Hypertension, Memory Impairments, Limited Mobility, Stroke, Psychological/Psychiatric Impairment, and Visual Impairment. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers, ages 16 and older, are needed to assist with recreational and social activities. ELIGIBILITY: Adults in need of structured day setting. FEES: Medical Assistance/Private Pay/Veterans Contract/Commission on Aging/DSS. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Equipped for Life 1101 Jefferson Boulevard Hagerstown, MD 21742 (301) 714-0200 (800) 258-5022 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM. Sat-Sun 24hr. call service.
PROVIDER of HOME MEDICAL and EQUIPMENT SERVICE: Products include: Hospital beds and tables, Bathroom safety products, Wheelchairs (customer and standard) and scooters, Seat-lift chairs, Walking aids, Incontinence products, Diabetes care products, Ostomy supplies, Vascular stockings, Urological supplies, Blood pressure monitors, Enteral pumps & supplies, CPM units, TENs units, Cushion/pillow products, Wound care supplies, Mastectomy products (including customized fittings), Respiratory Care Products & Oxygen, & Infant Monitoring. ADDITIONAL SERVICES: Home I.V. Therapy, Home delivery, Custom fittings, 24-hour on-call clinical support, Insurance billing assistance, Rental Equipment, Most equipment available for rental. ELIGIBILITY: Anyone in need of medical equipment or supplies. FEES: Rent some items and others for sale. Call for pricing. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Food Resources, Inc. 220 McRand Court Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 733-4002 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4PM.
A regional non-profit food warehouse from which other charitable organizations can obtain food and other items for their feeding programs. To qualify as an agency, an organization must be a registered 501( C ) 3 as determined by the IRS, or a church. All agencies must document that over 50% of their clients are low income, and must provide food free of charge to the needy, ill, children or elderly. Agencies operate the following programs: EMERGENCY FOOD PANTRIES: Provides organizations that maintain a closet type pantry where needy families can get an emergency supply of food. RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES: Provides 24-hour care where food is prepared and served on-site. NON-RESIDENTIAL AND SOUP KITCHENS: Provides a daytime or evening meal for the needy. VOLUNTEERS: Must be able to lift 40lbs. ELIGIBILITY: Organization must be a registered 501(C), must document that over 50% of their clients are low income, and must provide food free of charge to the needy, ill, children or elderly. FEES: Food $.15 per pound. Shared Maintenance Fee, fresh produce is free. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Four States Christian Missions, Inc. 125 North Prospect Street P.O. Box 685 Hagerstown, MD 21741-0685 (301) 739-1165 24 hrs/day, 7 days/wk; soup kitchen 1PM. Monday-Friday
RESCUE MISSIONS: Provides emergency shelter and longterm shelter for men. No limit to the length of stay. Shelter staff and volunteers offer support, counseling, medical attention and religious education. Residents attend daily chapel services. One shelter houses men with substance abuse problems. SOCIAL SERVICES DIVISION: Operates a soup kitchen 1PM. Also provides clothing, furniture, household appliances and groceries to persons with emergency needs. CHILDREN’S OUTREACH MINISTRIES: Operates Conoco Camp, a free summer day camp offering recreational and religious activities for children, ages 6-12, from low income families. Produces The Just Kids TV show, which teaches
Bible lessons and values, and is broadcast on 130 stations in North America and Russia. VOLUNTEERS: Adult volunteers welcome to assist with soup kitchen and office duties. ELIGIBILITY: Ages 6 and up for children's programs and 18 or older to stay in shelter. FEES: None. INTAKE: DSS or community agency referral required for clothing, furniture, groceries, etc. Also see notes. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: No.
Girls Inc. of Washington County 626 Washington Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 733-5430 Mon-Thurs, 8AM-8PM; Fri, 8AM-5PM.
Provides after school, evening, weekend and summer programs for girls, ages 6-18 years old. TRANSPORTATION: Provides transportation after school from the following Washington County Schools: Fountaindale Elementary, Potomac Heights Elementary, Western Heights Middle, Salem Avenue Elementary, Northern Middle, Lincolnshire Elementary and Bester Elementary. Some programs and services are: SPORTS PARTICIPATION: Includes SPORTING CHANCE girls, ages 12-14, learn basic movement and sport skills; increase their coordination, endurance and strength; consider sports career opportunities; learn about successful athletes and the history of women in sports, STEPPING STONES girls, ages 6-8, work on developing basic motor skills, body management, manipulative skills and fitness appreciation, and BRIDGES girls, ages 9-11, enhance the skills learned in Stepping Stones by developing basic sports skills needed to play softball, tennis, basketball and soccer. SCIENCE, MATH, & RELEVANT TECHNOLOGIES: Includes OPERATION SMART (Science, Math and Relevant Technology) allows girls, ages 5-18, to have hands-on math, science, and technology program by making mechanical repairs to bikes, computers, and exposing them to nontraditional, highly technical, and high-paying careers, COMPUTERS GIRLS allows girls, ages 5-18, access to the latest computer technology, ZOOM Club is a science club that involves girls, ages 8-11, in various scientific activities, and JASON PROJECT involves girls, ages 8-14, in a comprehensive, multimedia approach to teaching and learning science, technology, math, geography, and associated disciplines. LEADERSHIP PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: JUNIOR LEADERSHIP allows girls, ages 12-18, to learn the ”7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens” from the book written by Sean Covey, IT’S A GIRLS THING helps girls, ages 10-18, deal
with feelings, emotions and situations associated with growing up, and CHARACTER COUNTS allows girls, ages 518, to focus on issues of developing and strengthening the “Six Pillars of Character.” VIOLENCE ABUSE PREVENTION: KID-ABILITY program is designed to help prevent child abuse, both physical and sexual in girls ages 5-10 and ACTION FOR SAFETY offers girls, ages 9-11, a twelve-hour self-defense and violence prevention course. DRUG PREVENTION: FRIENDLY PEERSUASION allows girls, ages 11-14, to learn decision-making, assertiveness, and communication skills, which include practicing how to walk away from situations where they feel pressured to use alcohol or drugs and plans substance-abuse prevention activities for groups of children, ages 6-10, and OUR CHANCE offers girls, ages 10-12, a chance to view videos that portray real-life situations involving substance abuse and related issues. PREVENTING ADOLECSENT PREGNANCY: MY GIRLFRIEND ZELDA is an introductory anatomy and physiology program for girls, ages 6-8 years of age, GROWING TOGETHER offers girls, ages 9-11 & a Parent/Adult, five interactive sessions to jump-start crucial, two-way conversations between girls and a trusted adult about sexuality enter the most pressure-sensitive adolescent years, TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS gives girls, ages 15–18, 10 interactive sessions that focus on values as a basis for positive decision-making; avoiding risky behavior, pregnancy, STDs and HIV through abstinence and smart choices; the facts on contraception and protection, HEALTH BRIDGE gives girls ages 15–18 a health-care delivery model by linking girls to community health-care professionals and services and BABY THINK IT OVER is a parent simulation program that helps girls, ages 12-18, explore the physical, emotional, social and financial consequences of teen parenthood. ECONOMIC LITERACY:YESS! (Youth Entrepreneur Ship and Self-Sufficiency) helps girls, ages 8-12, gain Entrepreneurial experience by creating a small society, SHE’S ON THE MONEY helps girls, ages 5-18, practice creating a budget and learn how to earn, spend, save and invest money wisely, and BANKING & LA BOUTIQUE teaches girls, ages 5-18, how to earn Girls Inc. dollars by following rules, participating in activities, and helping out at the center. They receive a checkbook and an account at the Girls Inc. bank and they visit once a month to deposit their earnings. HEALTH EDUCATION: BODY TALK offers girls videos and discussions about messages they receive from the media, family and friends about their body. They learn about puberty, dieting, teasing and trying to fit in, eating disorders and harmful effects of weight management practices in girls. MEDIA LITERACY: GIRLS RE-CAST TV allows girls, ages 1218, and a chance to learn how to analyze media images by comparing and contrasting these images with their lives and the people they know. SUMMER ACTIVITY PROGRAM, FIELD TRIPS, AND RECREATIONAL/SPECIAL EVENTS.
VOLUNTEERS: Mentors needed, call for more information. ELIGIBILITY: Serves girls ages 5-18 years old. FEES: Annual membership is $50.00 per school year. Five dollars is required with each application. ($5.00 per month dues). INTAKE: A membership application must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian.. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Grace United Methodist Church Church and Winter Streets Hagerstown, MD (301)739-1925 First Saturday of each month: 9-12 No Card Required
Guardian In Home Services, Inc. 920 West Washington Street Suite 206 C Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 733-3272 Office: Mon-Fri, 9AM-4PM; Services Provided 24 hrs/day, 7 days/wk. Provides referrals for non-medical, in-home companion/caregiver services. Services include: personal care, light housekeeping, laundry and meal preparation. Each companion/caregiver is self-employed. Scheduling of job duties is done by the client. There is a minimum of four hours per day, three days a week. Caregivers are screened by a criminal background check, references and a personal interview. ELIGIBILITY: Anyone in need of services (elderly, disabled, ill, etc.). FEES: Caregiver fee: $12/hour; Agency fee: $4.hour. Insurance accepted for long term care ONLY. INTAKE: No referral needed. Call for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: N/A.
Habitat for Humanity, Washington County 20 South Prospect Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 791-9009 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-5PM. Construction mainly on Sat. Page | 35
A non-profit housing organization dedicated to building new homes for those who otherwise could not afford decent housing. Each applicant is required to work at least 300 hours in “sweat equity” before they are eligible for their home. (300 per each adult in family). After the 300 hours are completed, the applicant will be qualified for the next available home that meets the applicant’s needs. BGE services must be acquired in the applicant’s name. PAYMENT: The 300 hours are allowed as down payment, but the applicant will need about $750.00 - $1,000 for closing costs. There are no interest charges on the mortgage. Houses are sold to qualified applicants with no interest mortgage loans. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers needed for various activities. Adults over age 18 are needed to help build homes, clean up and for clerical activities. Opportunities for teens, ages 15-18, include landscaping, clean up and basic construction. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income families unable to qualify for traditional mortgage programs. FEES: See notes. INTAKE: See notes. Call for meeting dates and times. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Accommodations possible.
Hager Park Health Center 324 East Antietam Street Suite 203 Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 791-0600 Mon-Fri, 8AM-5PM; Acute Care Hours: MonThurs, 5-8PM. Offers family medicine, phlebotomy, and after hours acute care. ELIGIBILITY: Open to public. FEES: Accepts Medicaid, Medicare, and most insurance. INTAKE: Appointments encouraged as far in advance as possible. Every effort will be made to meet urgent needs. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Hagerstown Area Pregnancy Center 109 West Baltimore Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 739-8717 Mon-Wed, Fri, 9AM-1PM; Thurs, 1-5PM. Open 4th Sat. of each month 9AM-1PM. Provide pregnancy services with strict confidentiality. This includes pregnancy tests; pregnancy verification; pregnancy counseling. Also provides assistance to making positive choices, regarding unplanned pregnancy including counseling with parents, boyfriend or husband; referrals to
agencies that provide financial assistance, housing, legal aid and adoption services; furnishes maternity and infant clothing and car seats when available; distributes diapers and formula, when available; and budget counseling. Abstinence until marriage educational program is offered for teens, young adults and singles. MEDICAL CLINIC: Offers ultra sound for pregnancy verification. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers are needed, age 21 and older, to assist with secretarial duties and counseling. Volunteers must complete in-house training. ELIGIBILITY: Those in need due to unplanned pregnancy. FEES: None. INTAKE: Appointments preferred, walk-in is available. Material assistance available on Fri. only. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Hagerstown Community College 11400 Robinwood Drive Hagerstown, MD 21742-6514 (301) 790-2800 (301) 766-4422 Mon-Thur, 9AM-6PM; Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM. Offers more than 100 programs of study for immediate career preparation, 2 year degree, or to transfer to a fouryear institution. Has an extensive non-credit program providing lifelong learning opportunities and professional training. ADULT EDUCATION: Provides educational programs for persons, ages 16 and older, including: GED, ABE, ESL, SAT, evening high school classes, and the External Diploma Program. CONTACT: Nettie Schubel, 301-790-2800 x 313. The College also operates a full-service business training center at the Hagerstown Valley Mall. LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER: Provides computers, smart classrooms, distance learning facilities, television and radio production studios, and the William M. Brish Library. ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY and TECHNICAL INNOVATION CENTER: Provide assistance and teaching in emerging technologies. ATHLETIC RECREATION and COMMUNITY CENTER (ARCC) has a wellness center, indoor track, and several basketball courts. KEPLER THEATER and ALUMNI ASSOCIATION AMPHITHEATER: Supports a variety of arts performances year round. COLLEGE CENTER HOUSE: Houses the student bookstore, career center, student activities office, Student Government Association office, and The Hilltop Grill.
SCIENCE, CAREER, and CLASSROOM BUILDINGS: Home to laboratories, faculty offices, various classrooms, and The Valley Eatery. ELIGIBILITY: Must meet application requirements. FEES: Financial Aid available, scholarships available, tuition fees based on credit hours and residency. INTAKE: Call Information Center or visit Web site for more details. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Hagerstown Community College Teen Parent Program 11400 Robinwood Drive Hagerstown, MD 21742-6514 (301) 790-2800 x 329 ng/ Mon-Fri, 9AM-4PM
Provides educational support services to Washington County residents who are 28 years of age or younger and who are or were teenage parents. Services to eligible participants may include, but not limited to, assistance obtaining a high school diploma or GED/EDP, assistance with signing up for classes at the college, and financial assistance with transportation, child care or tuition costs that may be interfering with achieving educational goals. Call for appointment. ELIGIBILITY: Residents who are 28 years of age or younger and who are or were teenage parents. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call for appointment. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Hagerstown Community Development Dept. 1 East Franklin Street Suite 401 Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 739-8577 TDD: (301) 797-6617 m_dev.asp Mon-Fri, 7AM-5:30PM.
SINGLE FAMILY REHABILITATION: Provides financial and technical support for the Maryland Housing Rehabilitation Program. COMMERCIAL REHABILITATION: Provides loan programs for rehabilitating deteriorated commercial properties. PUBLIC SERVICES: Provides block grant funding to operate and improve Hagerstown's public services organizations.
HOMEOWNERSHIP PROGRAMS: Offers rehabilitated substandard houses for resale to low and moderate income buyers and CDBG assistance for Habitat for Humanity projects. DIRECT HOMEOWNERSHIP ASSISTANCE: Provides second mortgage loans to low-moderate households for special mortgage programs and grants for the "Live Near Your Work" program. HOME STORE: Provides CDBG grant funding for the City's Home Store. REMOVAL OF ARCHITECTURAL BARRIERS: Provides handicap access for infrastructure and City facilities. WASHINGTON COUNTY HOUSING REHABILITATION: Provides construction consultation to support the Maryland Housing Rehabilitation Programs. ELIGIBILITY: Low-moderate income owners. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Hagerstown Fire Department 25 West Church Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 790-2476 24/7. Fire prevention, fire safety education, fire suppression, rescue and other special services. Provides free smoke alarms to low to moderate income households. ELIGIBILITY: City (Hagerstown) residents. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. Emergency call 911. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Hagerstown Home Store 21 East Franklin Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 797-0900 Mon-Fri, 8AM-5PM.
Provides information for home ownership and promotes fair and equal housing opportunities for all persons. Also provides consumer education, community outreach, and information distribution via the Hagerstown Home Store. Workshops and counseling is available for prospective home buyers and landlords. ELIGIBILITY: Anyone seeking homeownership information. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Hagerstown Housing Authority 35 West Baltimore Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 733-6911 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM.
Offers subsidized housing for low to moderate income families, persons, ages 62 or older, and disabled adults. INCOME LIMITS: 1 person-$30,700; 2 persons-$35,050; 3 persons-$39,450; 4 persons-$43,850 and 5 persons $47,350. Call for information on deductions. Rents efficiencies and 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5-bedroom units to low income families and persons, ages 55 or older, which are totally disabled. Eligibility: Families with two or more persons of the opposite sex, who at the time of application can provide proof of 1-year stable relationship and a single person who is 55 or older and totally disabled. Must meet income guidelines. Pets not allowed in family units. Selection: Preference is given to eligible residents of Hagerstown, families displaced by public action or natural disaster and families of veterans and service persons. Provides low-rent efficiencies and 1 and 2-bedroom apartments to persons who meet income requirements and are ages 62 or older or disabled. Handicap accessible units are available. Pets are allowed. Pet owners are charged a security deposit and additional $10.00 a month rent. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR APPLICATION: Social Security cards and birth certificates for all family members, proof of marital status, proof of child support or alimony payments received, proof of current residence and previous landlord's names and addresses for past 2 years. Assets: Documentation of all income and assets, e.g. current month's bank statements, names of stocks held, number and current value of shares, income from rental or sale of property, and/or copy of tax assessment for homeowners. Work Record: Employer's name and address, last 6 pay stubs, and child care verification for any child 13 years of age or younger. Unemployed: Verification of unemployment benefits, public assistance grants (case numbers), and verification of medical leave benefits. Elderly, Handicapped or Disabled: Pension award letter, doctor's name and address, health insurance premium verification, drugstore computer print-out of medical purchases, verification of any other medical expenses, copy of power of attorney and name and number of emergency contact person. Preference: Verification of a) involuntarily displacement from home; b) residency in substandard housing; and c) rent exceeding 50% of income. Special Needs: Verification of blindness; hearing impaired; mental impairment; or mobility impairment. ELIGIBILITY: See notes. FEES: Rent is 30% of income. INTAKE: Call, walk-in, or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
ASSISTED HOUSING: Bethel Gardens 301-733-3350 Hopewell Manor Apts. 301-223-6678 Greenside Apartments 301-791-2211 Quaker Creek Apts. 301-678-6054
Hagerstown Lions Club P.O. Box 167 Hagerstown, MD 21741 (301) 393-9333 Call and leave message. Club meetings Tuesdays @ 12:15PM.
Provides eye examinations, eye glasses, hearing aids, and medical equipment for individuals who qualify for assistance. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income families. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call for information and application. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: N/A.
Hagerstown Police 50 North Burhans Boulevard Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 790-3700 (301) 739-6000 24/7.
Protect life and property, enforce the law in a fair and impartial manner, preserve the peace, order, and safety of the community we serve, safeguard the constitutional guarantees, and provide other police related services as required by the community in a manner consistent with the values of a free society. WESTERN MD POLICE ACADEMY: Offers an entrance level police academy for police officer candidates, D.A.R.E: Education Program. CHILD IDENTIFICATION PROGRAM: Provides vital information such as physical description (height, weight, hair & eye color, etc.) along with a still photo and a one minute video clip collected on children, ages twelve and under. The information is then stored in a database at the police department. CHILDREN'S VILLAGE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY: See separate listing. FINGERPRINTING: Provides civilian fingerprinting on Thursday evenings from 4:30 - 6:30 PM. at the police department. The cost is $13 per card. Your employer will provide a fingerprint card. You must bring this card with you. VOLUNTEERS: Opportunities to help with events, help in parks and recreation. Please contact for further details. ELIGIBILITY: Services available to public. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or walk in for assistance.
held every Friday morning at 7:30AM at Always Ron’s restaurant on Burhans Blvd. ELIGIBILITY: Must meet membership requirements. FEES: Call for information. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: No.
Hagerstown Reproductive Health Services 160 West Washington Street. Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 733-2400 (800) 773-9140 Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM; Sat 9AM-2PM.
Hancock Food Bank
Provides reproductive healthcare for women. Surgical abortions between 6th and 16th week from the last menstrual period and medical abortions between the 5th and 7th week from the last menstrual period. Provided as an out-patient service. Birth control and free pregnancy testing available. VOLUNTEERS: Internships available, call for more information. ELIGIBILITY: Anyone in need of services, see notes. FEES: Varies depending upon service. INTAKE: Call for appointment. Individuals needing pregnancy test may walk in. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Hagerstown Rescue Mission 125 North Prospect Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 739-1165 24/7. Provides an emergency shelter for homeless men. offers food and clothing assistance. Please use entrance on the corner of Walnut St. and Church St. VOLUNTEERS: Responsibilities vary, applications available for anyone who is interested. ELIGIBILITY: Adult men 18 and over. FEES: None. INTAKE: Intake is required for anyone entering residential program from prison. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: No.
Also rear are
Hagerstown Sunrise Rotary P.O. Box 2285 Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 733-5020 Fridays 7:30AM, Always Ron’s Rotary is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. Meetings are
126 West High Street Hancock, MD 21750 (301) 678-6839 Tues & Thurs, 10AM-12PM. (As needed, hours may vary.)
Offers emergency food to residents in need. Also loans out medical equipment. ELIGIBILITY: Anyone in need, but seek help at Salvation Army and CFC first. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call for information. Photo ID and DSS I.D. required. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Head Start of Washington County 325 West Memorial Blvd. Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 733-0088 Phones: Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4PM.
Offers comprehensive child development and family support services to income-eligible families. Preventive health and nutrition services are included. Children with disabilities (mental retardation, developmental disabilities, development delay and physical disabilities) are welcome. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers, ages 16 or over, needed to assist in classroom. ELIGIBILITY: Low income families with children, ages 3-5. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call, walk-in, or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Healthy Families Washington County 1302 Pennsylvania Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21742 (240) 313-3270 (240) 313-3200 Page | 39
Mon – Fri; 8AM – 5PM.
The Home visiting parenting program, a program of the Washington Health Department, is offered to Washington County pregnant women and new parents. Visits are weekly and last approximately one hour. Other services include monthly parenting groups and linkage to community resources ELIGIBILITY: This service is for residents of Washington County. Participants are required to be parenting for the first time. Prenatal enrollment is preferred. FEES: None INTAKE: Call or visit the Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSBILE: Yes.
Helping Hands of Washington County Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 797-1357 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM.
Offers free handyman services to seniors including painting, cleanups, and household repairs. VOLUNTEERS: Teens and adults needed. Especially those with handyman skills. There is a screening process for the safety of clients. ELIGIBILITY: Seniors needing a helping hand with small repairs, yard work, etc. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call, if no answers leave message and someone will return call promptly. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Service sites vary.
HomeCall, Inc., Hagerstown 1850 Dual Highway Suite 205 Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 739-4810 (800) 444-0096 Office hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-5:30PM; Facility operating hours: 24/7.
Offers skilled nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, medical social services, personal care, and HomeCall nurses are available for health screenings and community events. ELIGIBILITY: Open to public. FEES: Medicare/Medical Assistance/Insurance/Private Pay. INTAKE: Referrals from any source. Free in-home assessment is provided at initial visit. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: N/A.
Horizon Goodwill Industries Corporate Center 14515 Pennsylvania Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21742-1670 (301) 733-7330 (800) 435-2480 Mon-Fri, 7:30AM-4PM.
Open enrollment screening and interviews for services take place 10AM every Tuesday at 200 N. Prospect St. Enrollment required for prospective clients. Provides employment services for individuals who are physically, developmentally or mentally disabled. Also serves individuals who are disadvantaged, i.e., welfare to work recipients, non-custodial parents, at-risk youth, individuals with a criminal background, and immigrants with language barriers. PARENT EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM: Provides vocational assessment, career counseling, placement, job coaching, case management services to help client secure stable community based employment, and referral for counseling, housing, legal aid, parenting and GED/ABE classes for welfare recipients. Contact Lynn Benson, x209. WORK ADJUSTMENT TRAINING: Assist clients in learning work skills and behaviors and developing functional capacities. Program provides a systematic and transitional program utilizing work experience, job readiness, placement and time limited case management services. Contact Angela Harmon, x207. SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT: Provides ongoing support services, including case management, skills training, job development and job coaching, including completing in-job tasks and improving work behaviors, to clients placed in community-based employment. Support is provided to clients, families and employers on and off the job site. WORK ACTIVITIES CENTER (WAC): Long term service for clients with mild to moderate developmental disabilities, which provides developmental and therapeutic services through work experience, case management, psychological consults, transportation, job readiness, placement, and job coaching. Contact Gail Groves, x206. SHELTERED WORK PROGRAM: Provides ongoing work experience and case management in a structured environment to develop vocational and social skills. Intended to help client achieve/maintain maximum vocational and social skills. For clients who generally could not otherwise obtain or maintain employment. Contact Gail Groves, x206. VOCATIONAL EVALUATION: Using tests and observations, clients' vocational strengths and limitations are assessed. Final reports summarize and recommend plans of service to facilitate vocational success. Contact Trish Cadieux, x230. JOB PLACEMENT: Job search support and development of jobs leads matched to individuals skills and preferences. Contact Angela Harmon, x207. THRIFT STORE: Recycles used clothing, furniture and household goods. Acts as a drop-off center for used items.
Sells new mattresses and box springs. Program does not provide free items. DONOR SERVICES: Accepts used clothing, furniture, and household goods. VOLUNTEERS: 14 and older are welcomed to work with clients in all programs. Community service hours can be certified for students. ELIGIBILITY: Adults who are disabled or disadvantaged, welfare to work recipients, non-custodial parents, at-risk youth, and individuals with a criminal background. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or walk in for information. See notes. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Hospice of Washington County, Inc. 747 Northern Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21742 (301) 791-6360 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM. Provides services to relieve pain and offer emotional and spiritual support. CASE MANAGEMENT: Coordinates individualized care plan; provides comfort care, manage pain and symptoms, make routine visits based upon the patient's needs; work under the direction of the medical director and the patient's attending physician; educate patient and family on medications, disease process, and end-of-life care; available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for emergency phone consultations or visits. HOME HEALTH AIDE: Certified Nursing Assistants assist with personal care and light housekeeping services. SOCIAL WORK: Initial visit provided to determine needs of the patient and family; scheduled follow-up visits to provide emotional support, counseling, and coordination of community resources. REHABILITATION: Physical therapy; occupational therapy, speech therapy, and nutritional counseling offered for established clients. SUPPORT GROUPS/SPIRITUAL CARE: Provided under the direction of a bereavement counselor; chaplain; volunteer minister to patients and their families upon request. BEREAVEMENT SERVICES: Provides 13 months of follow-up care via phone calls, visits and mailings. Offers planned social events, i.e. holiday gatherings and memorial services. GRIEF RECOVERY GROUPS: Individual and family counseling as requested; grief counseling and support for anyone in the community coping with a life-changing loss. Open to all ages. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers, ages 13 and older, provide emotional support, short periods of respite care and companionship.
ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with a terminal illness and diagnosed with a life expectancy of 6 months or less and their families. FEES: Medical Assistance/Medicare, Private Insurance, Selfpay, sliding scale. INTAKE: Anyone can make a referral to Hospice. Program will contact patient’s physician for required information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Housing Authority of Washington County 44 North Potomac Street Suite 201 Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 791-3168 Mon-Fri, 7:30AM-4PM.
PUBLIC HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY/DISABLED: Owns and operates subsidized housing developments for disabled and elderly county residents. SECTION 8 EXISTING HOUSING ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS PROGRAM: Provides rent subsidies to families and elderly/disabled persons who meet federal income guidelines. Issues certificates enabling eligible households to locate housing on their own. Household pays rent of no more than 40% of income. Serves Washington County residents outside Hagerstown. Wait 6 months-year. FEDERAL INCOME LIMITS: 1 person: $21,550; 2 persons: $24,600; 3 persons: $27,700; 4 persons: $30,750; 5 persons: $33,200; 6 persons: $35,650; 7 persons: $38,150; 8 persons $40,600 as of 3/8/2006. ELIGIBILITY: Ages 18 and older. FEES: See notes. INTAKE: Call, walk-in, or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Infants and Toddlers Program, Washington County 1350 Marshall Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 766-8217 Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM.
Provides year-round, home based early intervention services for eligible children ages birth to 3 and their families. Services can include evaluation/assessment; case management/service coordination; audiology; physical, occupational and speech language therapy; and special instruction. Will offer transitional planning before
graduating from program. Has a lending library with books and other educational materials for loan. SUPPORT GROUPS: For parents, including education and training. ELIGIBILITY: Children from 0-3 with suspected developmental delays or disabilities. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call, walk-in, or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Institute for Family Centered Services 82 West Washington Street, Suite 601 Hagerstown, MD 21740 301-696-0726 Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-5PM. Family Service Coordinators are on call 24/7.
Psychiatric home based rehabilitation services for children, adolescents, adults and seniors who are at risk for hospitalization or institutional placement. ELIGIBILITY: Children, adolescents, adults and seniors with a mental illness and at risk of being institutionalized. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call, walk-in, or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: No.
Interfaith Service Coalition, Inc. 116 West High Street Hancock, MD 21750 (301) 678-6605 iceCoalition.htm Mon-Fri, 10AM-3PM. KEEP A SENIOR SAFE & WARM: Provides a full day of miniseminars on winter related health and safety issues. Includes sessions on fuel assistance. Seniors are provided with new blankets, smoke detectors, if needed and an opportunity to select items from our winter clothing bank. LITERACY PROGRAM: Provides tutorial opportunities for everyone who wants to participate. At the ISC, literacy is more than learning how to read. Quarterly “Evening with Reading” programs for children are held. S.H.I.P.: Offers a food distribution program for low-income families. Those who are able, are asked to volunteer. Participants donate $5.25 a month to help cover distribution cost and receive food valued at approximately $20-$30.
SUPER PANTRY: Offers a broad array of basic life skills to low-income women including nutrition, safety issues, basic job hunting skills and finance counseling. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income. FEES: See notes. INTAKE: Call or walk in for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Internal Revenue Service, Washington County Office 1260 Maryland Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21740 (800) 829-1040 (301) 797-6624 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM. See notes.
TAX ASSISTANCE 2007: For individuals with an income of $38,000 or less. Feb 1-April 15, 2007, 8:30AM-4:30PM (closed lunch 12:30PM-1:30PM and federal holidays). Walkins only for Tax Assistance. Offers e-filing. First come, first served. FEDERAL TAX INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE: Call for information 800-829-1040. TELETAX RECORDED INFORMATION: Provides information on 140 topics that answer many federal tax questions. One can listen to three topics for each call made. Call 800-8294477 (Maryland State). FEDERAL TAX FORMS: Call 800-829-3676. REFUND HOTLINE: Call 800-829-1954. PROBLEM RESOLUTION OFFICE: Call 800-829-0115. MARYLAND REFUND INQUIRIES: Call 800-218-8160. MARYLAND TAX PAYER SERVICE: Call 800-638-2937 (1-800-MD-TAXES). SELF-HELP TAX RETURN PREPARATION ASSISTANCE: Walk-in tax return preparation assistance during the tax season. Instructors assist taxpayers with filling out forms. EARNED INCOME CREDIT (EIC): A special tax credit for certain low-income workers. The credit is subtracted from the tax that is owed. ELIGIBILITY: Employed persons who were raising one child in their home and have family income of less than $32,001 (or $34,001 for married workers) in 2006 can get EIC (up to $2,747). Employed persons who were raising two or more children in their home and have family income of less than $36,348 (or $38,348 for married workers) in 2006 can get EIC (up to $4,536). Employed persons who are not raising children in their home, and who are between the ages of 25 and 64 on December 31, 2006, and had income below $12,120 (or $14,120 for married workers) can get EIC (up to $412). APPLICATION: For explanation of EIC or forms and publication information, call 800-829-3676. Schedule EIC must be attached to form 1040 or 1040A. The 1040EZ does not require the schedule EIC. VOLUNTEERS: This program does not recruit volunteers.
ELIGIBILITY: Adults 18 and older. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call, walk-in, or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Jail Substance Abuse Program (JSAP) 500 Western Maryland Parkway Hagerstown, MD 21742 (240) 313-2161 TDD: (240) 313-3391 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4PM. COURT ORDERED SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROGRAM: Provides Alcohol/Drug Assessment, Education, Individual and Group Counseling, Life Skills, Recreation, Task Specific Groups, and AA/NA meetings available. Located at the Washington County Detention Center. ELIGIBILITY: Washington County Detention Center inmates under court order. FEES: Fine of $490 to attend program. INTAKE: Court order. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
John R. Marsh Cancer Center 11110 Medical Campus Road Suite 129 Hagerstown, MD 21742 (301) 665-4650 (800) 221-1808 Mon-Fri, 7:30AM - 4PM. TREATMENTS: Available treatments include Chemotherapy, Gynecologic Oncology, Radiation Therapy, and Prostate Seed. SUPPORT GROUPS: Breast Cancer Support Group provides information, counseling, and connection to community resources and maintains a supply of free wigs, turbans, and prostheses for those who need them at no cost. Sponsored by the Breast Cancer Awareness - Cumberland Valley meets the second Monday of each month at 7PM. Man to Man, a support group for individuals with prostate cancer, their families, and friends. Meets the third Wednesday of each month at 7PM. Contact The Urological Center at 301-7330022. Ovarian Cancer Support Group meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM. at the John R. Marsh Cancer Center. Contact Valerie Miller, social worker, 301-665-4657. Leukemia, Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma, MDS Support Group for individuals with blood related cancer, their family, and friends. Meets the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30
PM. at the John R. Marsh Cancer Center. Contact Valerie Miller, social worker, 301-665-4657 or Crissy Weaver, 301665-4656. Cancer Prayer Group for individuals with cancer. Co-facilitated by a cancer survivor, hospital chaplain, and oncology social worker. Meets the 1st Friday of each month at 10:30 AM in the Robinwood Community Room, suite 102 Robinwood Medical Center. Contact Crissy Weaver, oncology social worker, 301-665-4656. Look Good Feel Better is a free program that teaches beauty techniques to female cancer patients in active treatment to help them combat the appearance related side effects of cancer treatment. This program is sponsored by the American Cancer Society and is held monthly at the John R. Marsh Cancer Center. Contact Valerie Miller, oncology social worker, 301-665-4657. COUNSELING: Provided for patients and family members adjusting to the diagnosis of cancer and dealing with treatment and side effects of treatments. Oncology social workers are available by appointment to assist in coping with the emotional, physical, and financial issues affecting cancer patients. Counseling services are available to anyone whether or not they are patients at the Marsh Cancer Center. RESOURCE CENTER: The Kidwell-England Cancer Resource Center is located off the waiting room at the John R. Marsh Cancer Center. The center houses a variety of cancer related materials and is open to the public. There are no fees associated with the library. Materials may be borrowed and some materials are available to keep. Volunteers are available to assist in locating information as needed. Resources include: Books, Videos, Brochures, Audio tapes, CD ROM Interactive Programs, & Free Internet access for research and information. VOLUNTEERS: Those trained to assist with patient care provide beverages, snacks, blankets, and reading material. They may also provide company for those patients desiring a visitor. Other duties include assisting with library materials and other clerical duties. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with Cancer Diagnosis and their families. FEES: Medicaid, Medicare, private Insurance and provisions made for uninsured. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Learning Center 535 Summit Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 790-9450 Mon-Fri, 6AM-6:30PM. Offers licensed day care services with developmentally appropriate programs for infants, toddlers, pre-K, and preschool. and kindergarten programs. Provides a day camp, June-August, for grades K through third.
VOLUNTEERS: Teens and adults needed to assist with recreational activities, field trips, and serving meals. ELIGIBILITY: During school year serves ages 6 weeks to preschool. Holidays and summer camp ages 6 weeks-8 years old. FEES: Fixed fees. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: No.
Lifehouse Bethel Assembly of God 515 East Wilson Boulevard Hagerstown, MD (301)739-1167 Tuesday and Thursday, 10-1 No Card Required
Literacy Council of Washington County Trinity Lutheran Church 15 Randolph Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 739-4208 Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri, 8:30AM-12PM. TUTORING: Offers instruction in basic reading skills using the Laubach “Each One Teach One” Method. English as second language. TUTOR TRAINING: Offers two certified tutor training sessions per year. VOLUNTEERS: High school graduates welcome to volunteer as tutors. Volunteers seeking to become tutors need not have prior teaching experience. ELIGIBILITY: Adults, 18 and up, who cannot read and write and/or whose primary language is not English. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: No.
Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP), Washington County Washington County Health Department 1302 Pennsylvania Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21742 (240) 313-3330 TDD: (240) 313-3391 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM. HOME VISTS AVAILABLE: To assist clients to fill out applications and access care. Provides health benefits for children up to age 19, and pregnant women of any age who meet the income guidelines. MCHP enrollees obtain care from a variety of Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) through the Maryland Health Choice Program. ELIGIBILITY: Children up to age 19, and pregnant women of any age. See notes for income guidelines. FEES: None if eligible. MCHP Premium, $45-$56 per family. INTAKE: Applications are available by phone or the Local Health Dept., school-based health centers, Head Start, WIC Centers, or DSS. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Maryland Cooperative Extension, Washington County 7303 Sharpsburg Pike Boonsboro, MD 21713 (301) 791-1504 (301) 791-1304 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM.
AGRICULTURAL AND NATURAL RESOURCES: Provides educational and informational assistance in areas of agriculture and agribusiness. EXPANDED FOOD AND NUTRITION EDUCATION PROGRAM (EFNEP): Provides nutrition education to low-income parents to help them improve diet and health for themselves and their families. FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES: Provides educational assistance to families and individuals to improve financial management, health and nutrition. 4-H AND YOUTH DEVELOPMENT: Provides an educational program to help youth, ages 5-18, develop life skills that will help them function as capable and caring individuals. HORTICULTURE: Provides residential and commercial educational assistance and information with all aspects of home horticulture lawns, flower and vegetable gardens, trees and shrubs, insect and pest problems, and plant diseases. HOME AND GARDEN INFORMATION CENTER: Offers an automated information line that offers tips of the day, horticulture information/advice, advice on planting vegetation, etc. Provides fact sheets upon request. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers, 18 and older are welcome to assist with 4-H program. ELIGIBILITY: Open to public. FEES: Small fees for some educational materials.
INTAKE: Call or visit the Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Mental Health Association, Washington County
Maryland State Police, Barrack O Hagerstown
P.O. Box 1304 Hagerstown, MD 21741 (301) 733-6555 (301) 733-0331 Vary. Call for specific information.
18345 Colonel Henry K Douglas Drive Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 739-2101 911 24/7.
Investigate, enforce, and preserve all laws pertaining to traffic, criminal and public safety matters. Support the state prison in Washington County and investigate all crimes in the institutions. ELIGIBILITY: Open to public. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit the Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Mary’s Center, Hagerstown 1200 Dual Highway Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 739-1234 Mon. and Wed., 6-8PM. ;Tues 1-4PM
Offers pregnancy testing and pre and post-abortion counseling. Also offers formula, diapers, baby clothes, maternity clothes and (limited) baby furniture. ELIGIBILITY: Open to anyone in need. FEES: None. INTAKE: By appointment only. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: No.
Memorial Recreation Center 109 West North Ave Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 790-0203 Hours vary by season.
Provides recreational, educational and social activities designed to meet the needs of the youth of the community year round. VOLUNTEERS: Various opportunities available. ELIGIBILITY: Open to anyone between the ages of 5-18. FEES: None. INTAKE: Walk-in or call for more information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Volunteer organization promoting continued mental health, helping those coping with mental illness and advocating for legislation to improve the quality of life for the emotionally impaired. HOLIDAY DONATIONS: Sponsors an “Operation Santa Claus” in which gifts are distributed at Christmas time to patients at the local state hospital. Call for specific information on what types of gifts are appropriate. A reception is held where individuals can drop off their gifts. Call Curt Miller for details. NATIONAL DEPRESSION SCREENING: Operates a free, confidential depression screening at locations in the Hagerstown area every October. SUPPORT GROUPS: Call for information on depression support group, held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday from 7:308:50PM at Meadow Brook North Village Shopping Center. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers, 18 and older, needed to serve as Board Members, depression screenings and Operation Santa Claus. ELIGIBILITY: Persons, ages 5 and up. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call and leave a message or visit Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: No.
Mental Health Center of Western Maryland, Inc. 1180 Professional Court Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 791-3045 (301) 791-7891 Mon-Thurs, 8AM - 8PM, Fri 8AM-5PM, Sat and evening appointments available upon request.
Offers community based psychiatric treatment and rehabilitation for children, adolescents & adults, as well as support groups, business consultation, employee assistance and diversity training to area businesses. OUTPATIENT SERVICES: Provides professional assessments, treatments and medication monitoring. OUTPATIENT PSYCHIATRIC REHABILITATION SERVICES: Provided for eligible children and adults. Rehabilitation services are designed to compliment outpatient treatment
toward the goal of recovery. Contact Christa Waverley, Rehabilitation Manager for further information. THERAPEUTIC FOSTER CARE: Provides foster care parents for school aged children with intensive needs. Length of stay averages six months. Contact Robin Morris for further information. EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMMING: Offers a variety of programs designed to meet companies and employees’ needs, including diversity training. Contact Mark Lannon for further information. SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT SERVICES: Provides supported employment services for eligible candidates who are interested and willing to enter the job force, but require extra support and guidance due to their psychiatric illness. ELIGIBILITY: Anyone in need of services. FEES: Medicare/Medicaid/Insurance. INTAKE: Call or visit the Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) 82 West Washington Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 301-791-6233 MADD's mission: to stop drunk driving, support the victims of this violent crime and prevent underage drinking.
Mt. Hope Prison Ministry 25 Summit Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 791-2550 Mon-Thur, 8-11:30AM; 1-4PM. Provides various programs for offenders, ex-offenders and families of offenders who are located in Washington County. FOOD PANTRY: Offers produce, grants, fruits and vegetables to eligible people. Clients may use pantry once a week for fruits and vegetables. TREE of HOPE: Program provides toys, clothing and a food basket for children, ages 15 and under, of inmates who are incarcerated at the Washington County Detention Center. PRISON VISITATION: Sends volunteers to visit with inmates if the family cannot visit. Will send inmates a Bible Studies Correspondence Course, while they are incarcerated. Provides chaplains and counseling to offenders and their families. INFORMATION & REFERRAL: Provides information and referral to employment, clothing, food, transportation, emergency shelter and other community resources. DONATIONS: Monetary gifts, furniture, food and toys (new) are welcome for the (children of inmates) holiday program. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers, ages 18 and older may assist by going into the prison to teach Bible courses, hold religious
services or visit with inmates. Office volunteers answer the phone, assist with filing and grade Bible Study course work. ELIGIBILITY: Offenders, ex-offenders and their families. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call for information. Inmates are referred to the holiday program through the jail chaplain. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Washington Co. 11944 Comanche Drive Smithsburg, MD 21783 (301) 824-7725 (800) 950-6264 Hours vary.
SUPPORT GROUP: Offers a support group for individuals affected by mental illness and their loved ones. Meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7PM in Memorial Hall at Trinity Lutheran Church, 15 Randolph Avenue in Hagerstown. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers, ages 16 and older, are welcome to assist with clerical and maintenance duties. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with a mental illness and their families. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit the Web site for information and meeting times and places. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
New Creation Refuge P.O. Box 641 Falling Waters, WV 25419 1-800-886-1352
Our Mission is reaching out to area churches with our testimonies of grace and mercy; helping the wounded heal; and giving confidential, tangible help to those in crisis. Counseling those who are grieving over abortions.
Oak Hill House 12806 Independence Road Clear Spring, MD 21722 (301) 582-4980 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4PM. Page | 46
Provides services for adolescent males, ranging in age from 14-18 years of age. Residential treatment program teaching life skills training, education and after care planning. This program provides a safe and supportive environment to prepare them to successfully reenter the community and continue to function as active and responsible members of society. Three times a year, therapeutic family weekends are held on the grounds of the Oak Hill House program. Lastly, it is important to stress that the boys go home on a regular basis so that the boys and their families can practice the skills that they are learning. ELIGIBILITY: Must be referred by DSS or DJS. Boys ages 14 - 18. FEES: None. INTAKE: Must be referred by DSS or DJS. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: No.
Office of Consumer Advocates, Inc. 265 Mill Street Suite 200 Hagerstown, MD 21740 Mary Beth Twigg, Program Coordinator (301) 790-5054 Mon-Fri 9AM-3PM. Program hours varies. See notes.
Educates consumers about services available for mental health needs and assists them in obtaining services that meet their needs. The program offers assistance with housing, food, jobs, clothing, furniture, medication, court appearances, medication and Community Service Hours. Also Obtaining Entitlements (SS, SSDI, SSI), Medical Assistance, Food Stamps, Mental Health Services, Education on Mental Health Issues. Provides assistance for appropriate education for children with mental health issues/learning disabilities, Support Groups, Balancing Checkbooks, Landlord Disputes/Evictions, Emergency Funds, Utility shut offs, Parole and Probation, Child Support, Child Custody, Workshops, Advanced Directives, and Living Wills. SUPPORT GROUP: For individuals with a loved one who has a mental Illness. Hagerstown group meets 2nd Wednesday of each month from 10:30AM to 12 noon at 265 Mill Street. Boonsboro group meets every Wednesday from 10AM to 12 noon at 215 North Main Street. LISTENING LINE: Provided Monday through Friday from 510PM, including holidays. Offers compassion, comfort, conversation, referrals and confidential support. SOUL HAVEN: Offers a drop-in-center that operates Friday 4-8PM; Saturday and Sunday 12-4PM. Offers a safe place for persons to gather. relax and take part in fellowship. Also offers a resource library, TV, crafts, snacks, access to computers, games, weekly groups, community outings, out of county trips, peer support, workshops, education and a
hot meal. Program is open daily, including all major holidays. FOOD COMMODITIY PROGRAM: Offers a food pantry on a 30 day basis, per income guidelines. TRANSPORTATION: Offers free transportation for mental health appointments or mental health programs when other means of transportation have been refused. Must give 48 hrs notice and be MA eligible. Call 301-7790-5054 or 301766-7272 to request rides. ELIGIBILITY: Adults and seniors with a mental illness and their families. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: No.
Office of the Public Defender, Washington County 100 West Franklin Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 791-4735 (887) 430-5187 Mon-Fri, 8AM-5PM.
Provides legal representation to income eligible individuals who have been arrested or summoned for a jailable offense. INCARCERATED CLIENT: Incarcerated clients first go through the Detention Center. After they have been classified by area of incarceration, they are interviewed to see if they are eligible for a public defender. "ON THE STREET" CLIENT: Clients who are out on bail or on their own recognizance must contact the Public Defender's Office (see locations at end of file). They should contact the nearest office by telephone to ascertain what documentation they need to bring to the office for the interview to prove income-eligibility. The interview MUST take place at least 10 working days before the court date. INTAKE DOCUMENTATION: Clients must bring the following documents to the interview: charging documents (summary of charges, summons), verification of income. 2 pay stubs (must be less than 30 days old), and court date. If qualified, the client will immediately be appointed a public defender. CLIENT SERVICES DIVISION: The Public Defender refers clients who may need extra advocacy during the trial to this division. The client may have mitigating circumstances, such as a history of substance abuse, mental illness or HIV, which would suggest the need for an alternative to incarceration. The client is evaluated and, if eligible, is returned to the courtroom with an advocate and expert witnesses. VOLUNTEERS: Adult intern needed, various opportunities available.
ELIGIBILITY: Indigent persons who have committed a jailable crime or misdemeanor (based on income and other criteria, e.g. family size/med bills). FEES: $50 Administration fee. $25 for juveniles. INTAKE: See notes. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Parent Child Center 998 Potomac Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21742 (301) 791-2224 (301) 791-5659 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM.
Seeks to prevent child abuse. Offers support, education and advocacy to parents and children at risk for abuse/neglect in Washington County. PARENT AIDE PROGRAM: Provides support, mentoring, and reinforcement to parents under stress through home visits and telephone support. ELIGIBILITY: Parents living in Washington County with children under the age of 12. Mentally ill parents must be receiving treatment. PARENTING SUPPORT CLASSES: Provides parenting classes with free child care during class. Classes meet on Tues, 68PM. TEEN VOICES/TEEN CHOICES: Offers teen pregnancy prevention program. Teen parents speak to middle and high school students about difficulties of teen parenting. Also addresses issues of substance abuse and pregnancy. RIGHT FROM THE START: Offers any teen that is pregnant or has a baby, assistance and resources to prepare them for motherhood and/or parenting. Offers in home visits to set goals to develop healthy and well adjusted families. VOLUNTEERS: Applications for Parent Aide Volunteer and Child Advocacy Volunteer are accepted from persons ages 21 and older. Training is provided, and volunteers are asked to make a one-year commitment to the program. ELIGIBILITY: See notes. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call for more information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: First floor only.
Parents’ Place of Maryland, Western Maryland Office PO Box 665 801 Cromwell Park Drive Glen Burnie, MD 21061 (Central Office) (301) 689-3113 (Frostburg) (800) 394-5694 (Central Office) Mon-Fri, 9AM-3PM.
OVERVIEW: Provide one-on-one support, assistance, education and advocacy to families of children with special needs from pre-birth to age 21. WORKSHOPS: Provides workshops designed to educate parents on the laws, procedures, and rights of their children. Topics Include: Special Education Laws and Regulations; Understanding Psychological and Educational Test Information; The Parent's Role in Individual Education Program (IEP) Development; Parent-Professional Collaboration In Special Education; How to Get Technology Into Your Child's IEP; Transition Planning and the IEP; School, Community, Employment, Family Goals, Main Streaming and Inclusion: Law, Regulations and Litigation. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: Teaches parents how to navigate the Special Education and Health-Care systems so they can learn to advocate effectively for their family member as well as assist in IEP development. INFORMATION AND REFERRAL: Provides an extensive list of agencies, organizations, support groups, fact sheets, and newsletter through web site. Also offers a lending library of books, tapes, audio-visual aids and resource guides. VOLUNTEERS: Parent volunteers welcomed. In house training required. ELIGIBILITY: Families and their children from pre-birth to age 21 years old with special needs. FEES: Varies. INTAKE: Call or visit the Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Partners For Success Family Support Center 1350 Marshall Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 766-8221 Mon-Thur, 8AM-4:30PM.
Provides a full range of support for families of children and young adults with special needs, from birth to 21 years of age. Offers resources, referrals and trainings for families and professionals. Serves as a link between family, school and community. Contact Coordinators: Carol Little and Toni Nelson. ELIGIBILITY: Families and their children from pre-birth to age 21 years old with special needs. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Potomac Case Management Services, Inc. 140 West Franklin Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 Page | 48
(301) 791-3087 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM.
Provides case management services to persons with mental illness who are at risk of hospitalization and in need of support services to remain in the community. Provides advocacy, assistance with obtaining entitlements, and referrals for mental health services, housing and income maintenance programs. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income residents, with chronic mental illness. All ages. FEES: Call for information. INTAKE: Call for intake information and to schedule appointment. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Potomac Center 1380 Marshall Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 791-4667 (877) 463-3464 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-5PM.
RESPITE SERVICES: Provided for eligible non-residents of the Center when parents and guardians need relief from the care of the individual. Responsible, temporary care is provided at Potomac Center to meet requests up to 28 consecutive days, subject to overall annual maximum of 45 days. PHYSICAL FACILITIES: Provides residential housing and centers. TWENTY-FOUR HOUR CARE: Provides residential care, treatment and support services by certified staff. Individuals select educational, vocational and recreational opportunities. COMMUNITY PROGRAMS: Provides activity centers, recreational facilities, religious services and employment opportunities. Each person can select from an array of options and is encouraged to participate as a member of the community to the fullest extent possible. SOCIAL WORK PROFESSIONAL: Provides Social Workers to assist with contacting community services, advocates for individuals' right, and tracks programming at outside sites. Coordinates a person-centered planning process, arranges discharges and provides short-term follow-ups for persons who move to other settings. HABILITATION & TRAINING: Provides individual preference to meet the wants and needs of each person. Family members and friends are utilized to help ascertain these preferences and needs in persons who are unable to relay their desires to staff. MEDICAL SERVICES: Provides around the clock as well as preventive health care, first aid, and emergency services. Evaluations of special medical needs and diagnoses are handled through local and national health care facilities and
specialists in cooperation with the staff. PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES: Provides diagnostic, testing and evaluation, consultation, therapy and conducting functional analysis and assessment for program development under the supervision of a licensed Psychologist. RECREATIONAL SERVICES: Provides enjoyment, relaxation, and development of motor skills. A specially equipped swimming pool and gymnasium are located on the premises. In addition, persons participate in their surrounding community by becoming involved in activities such as bowling, shopping, movies, theater, vacations, etc. PHYSCIAL THERAPY, OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY, SPEECH THERAPY, and AUDIOLOGY SERVICES: Provides developmental assessment and personalized treatment. VOLUNTEERS: Many volunteer opportunities available. Call for more information. ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must have a diagnosis of one or more mental illnesses. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call for application or visit the Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
QCI Behavioral Health 265 Mill Street, Suite 800 Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 791-2660 Mon-Fri, 9AM-5PM. Provide outpatient and mobile treatment services to the mentally ill. Psychiatric therapy and dual diagnosis support group is part of the services provided. ONLY ACCEPT MEDICAID. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with a mental illness and their families. FEES: Only Medicaid. INTAKE: Call for information or an appointment. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Raven House Food Center 32 East Avenue Hagerstown, MD (301)714-4740 Tuesday, 11-2
Food Bank Card Required
REACH, Inc. 140 West Franklin Street Suite 300 Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 733-2371 (301) 739-8975 Page | 49
(301) 790-0275 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM.
Available 24 hours a day for Crisis Intervention such as emergency motel placements, food, medication, and more. CRISIS INTERVENTION: Provides assistance and guidance though 24 Hour/Day Crisis Intervention. Responds to acute shelter crisis and related needs such as food, medicine, fuel, car repairs, bus fare, etc. COLD WEATHER SHELTER: Provides homeless adults a safe shelter. Also provides information and services to shelter guests for specific needs. DAY RESOURCE AND REFERRAL: Provides assistance for persons facing utility cut-offs and helps with prescription medications. Also those seeking housing and employment. FAITH IN ACTION: Provides for the elderly, disabled, and others in need to live in their own homes with comfort and security through informal services provided by caring and compassionate volunteers. Services include transportation to medical appointments, picking up prescriptions, helping with grocery shopping, light housework/chores, simple home repairs, or a friendly smile and visit. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers needed to help with transportation, short term respite care, household chores, as well as many other opportunities. Call for more information. ELIGIBILITY: Anyone in need of services. FEES: None. Donations welcome. INTAKE: Call for assistance or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
VOLUNTEER MATCHING: Matches volunteers, 55 and older, with opportunities to organize neighborhood watch programs, tutor students, renovate homes, program computers, and work with other programs that fit their skills and interests. TAX ASSISTANCE: Provides tax assistance by appointment only. Client must be 55 years of age or older (or have a spouse that is 55), low income, or physically disabled (no age or income restrictions for the disabled). Clients’ total household income must be under $40,000 (not including Social Security). Valid photo ID for self and spouse required, as well as any related tax documents, W2 forms, 1099 forms, and a copy of last years tax return. Home visits can be arranged for homebound individuals. Offers E-filing. ELIGIBILITY: Adults 55 and older. See notes for tax assistance. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call, walk-in, or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Rehoboth UMC Soup Kitchen 30 East Salisbury Street Williamsport, MD 21795 (301) 223-9554 Thurs, 5:15-6:30PM.
Operates a Thursday evening soup kitchen from 5:156:30PM. ELIGIBILITY: Open to homeless, low income or anyone in need. FEES: None. INTAKE: Walk-in. No appointment necessary. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, Washington County 140 West Franklin Street Fourth floor Hagerstown, MD 21740 (800) 456-0643
Robinwood Medical Center 11110 Medical Campus Road Hagerstown, MD 21742 (301) 665-4500 (301) 790-7984 wood Mon-Fri, 8AM-6PM.
An outpatient facility designed to provide comprehensive health care. SURGERY CENTER: Call 301-714-4300. REHAB CENTER: Physical, occupational and speech therapies. Call 301-714-4025. HAGERSTOWN MEDICAL LABORATORY: Call 301-714-4125. DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING SERVICES: Call 301-714-4200. WOMEN'S IMAGING CENTER: Mammograms, ultrasounds and fertility-related procedures. Call 301-714-4150. WOMEN'S HEALTH CENTER: Pregnancy, labor, delivery, gynecology, infertility and surgical procedures. Call 301714-4100. HEARING CARE CENTER: Hearing evaluations and hearing aid evaluations. Call 301-714-4390. JOHN R. MARSH CANCER CENTER: Comprehensive cancer treatment. Call 301-665-4650. DIABETES CENTER: Self-management training, ambulatory insulin program and diabetes during pregnancy program. Call 301-714-4041. OTHER SERVICES: Plastic Surgery, 301-714-4460; Urology, 301-733-0022; Ear, Nose and Throat, 301-714-4375; Cardiology, 301-797-7123; Neurology, 301-665-4620; Digestive Disorders, 301-665-4585; Orthopedics, 301-6654575; Internal Medicine, 301-665-4825; General Surgery,
301-714-4335; Family Practice, 301-714-4400; Endoscopy Center - free standing Endoscopy Procedure Center, 240313-9800; Dialysis Center - Ambulatory Hemodialysis Service, 240-313-9620; Urgent Care Center - Immediate Care Center for Walk-ins, 240-313-9600; Woman's Specialty Services - Gynecology, Primary Care, Rehab., and Behavioral Health, 301-665-4600. ELIGIBILITY: Open to public. FEES: All payment methods. INTAKE: Call for assistance or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Salvation Army, Washington County 534 W. Franklin Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 733-2440 Mon-Fri, 9AM-4PM.
Offers emergency services for residents of Washington County. EMERGENCY SHELTER: Free, 60-day emergency shelter is offered for single women and women with children (boys 12 years and younger, girls 19 years and younger). Selfreferrals and referrals from other agencies are accepted. SOUP KITCHEN: Open Mon-Fri, 11:30AM-1PM. FOOD PANTRY: Open Mon-Fri, 9-11AM and 1-3:30PM. Proper identification and proof of address are needed. No referral is needed. THRIFT STORE: Referrals to the Salvation Army Thrift Store are offered for clothing and furniture (when available). Client must go the Salvation Army, get the referral and go to the Thrift Store, which is located at 524 Frederick Street in Hagerstown. Open Mon-Fri, 9AM-7PM; Sat, 9AM-4PM. HOLIDAY ASSISTANCE: THANKSGIVING MEAL: Served the Tuesday before Thanksgiving from 11:30-AM-1PM. Anyone in need. No referral needed. Will provide CHRISTMAS food baskets toys to families in need (children 13 and under). Clients must provide ID, proof of income for entire household, birth certificates for all children, social security cards for entire household, and proof of all household expenses. There will also be an ANGEL TREE program collection (toys for children 13 and under). This is in addition to the regular Christmas assistance. DONATIONS: Monetary donations, clothing, food, toys, shoes, toiletries, coats, gloves, hats and scarves are needed for the holiday programs. New items only. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers, ages 21 and up, to assist with serving food, helping at the food pantry and helping during holiday programs. ELIGIBILITY: Serves low-income persons. See notes. FEES: None.
INTAKE: Call, walk-in, or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: First floor only.
San Mar Children’s Home, Inc. 8504 Mapleville Road Boonsboro, MD 21713 (301) 773-9067 (301) 739-7524 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM- 5PM.
Provides care to adolescent and pre-adolescent girls who have experienced the traumas of abuse, molestation, and general family dysfunction. SAN MAR GROUP HOME: Provides care to adolescent and preadolescent girls who have experienced the traumas of abuse, molestation, and general family dysfunction. This program enables them to understand and address the issues facing them and move on to become successful and productive members of society. THE JACK E. BARR THERAPEUTIC GROUP HOME: Provides more structure than what is available in the main group home. Services are very intense. Girls completing this program may move directly into any of San Mar's other programs as is deemed appropriate by the treatment team. THE EDWARD AND PAULINE ANDERSON TRANSITIONAL LIVING HOME: Provides a home for three of the older girls who have completed the large group home program. Designed to prepare girls for life on their own, when they leave San Mar. THE SAN MAR SCHOOL: Provides education in the public school system whenever possible. When such participation is not possible or feasible due to academic problems or behavioral difficulties, the girl is then educated in San Mar's on grounds school program. THE SAN MAR TREATMENT FOSTER CARE PROGRAM FOR BOYS AND GIRLS: Provides a Licensed Child Placement Agency. Offers homes to girls no longer needing the high level of structure provided by the group home. San Mar recruits, trains, licenses, supports, and encourages families willing to open their home and share their family with a child in need. THE SAN MAR ADOPTION PROGRAM: Offers assistance to other adoption agencies to work closely, to complete home studies. DR. HENRY and FLORENCE HILL GRAFF SHELTER: Provides a safe, temporary home to adolescent girls while they await a pending court hearing or a more permanent placement. Girls attend school at the shelter while in care. VOLUNTEERS: Adults needed. Call for information. ELIGIBILITY: Girls, ages 14-18, in need of services. Must be referred by DJS, DSS, or Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. FEES: Rates given upon request.
INTAKE: Referrals made through DJS, DSS, or Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
FEES: DDA funded. INTAKE: Must be referred by DDA. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Boonsboro Mt. Lena UMC Pleasant Valley Clear Spring Hagerstown
Connects individuals and families with benefits that increase household income and promote employment
Senior Info. & Asst., Washington County 140 West Franklin Street 4th floor Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 790-0275 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM.
Single Point of Entry for senior adults, their families and friends to receive information on programs and services available to them including light housekeeping, personal care, home delivered meals, RSVP, volunteer opportunities, insurance counseling, escort service, senior care (65 years or older and very disabled), ombudsman, and legal aid. VOLUNTEERS: Adult volunteers are welcome to assist with office duties and activities. ELIGIBILITY: Ages 60 and older. FEES: None, however contributions are encouraged. INTAKE: Call for assistance or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Service Coordination, Inc., Washington County 931-B Sweeny Drive Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 791-0400 (301) 416-8155 Mon-Fri, 9AM-5PM.
Provides advocacy and case management for adults and children with developmental disabilities. Coordinators visit clients and families regularly to assess their needs and help locate ongoing support services. Program identifies service gaps, advocates for improvements in the service system and provides community education. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers 16 and older welcomed. Interns recruited for summer. ELIGIBILITY: Persons with Developmental Disabilities and their families.
301-733-4838 301-733-7553 301-432-6891 301-842-3194 301-797-1143, 301-797-1792
SHARE Food Network is an amazing and unique program that is open to everyone. SHARE distributes high quality affordable and nutritious food as a way to build community and strengthen families. Whether you would like to save money on groceries, volunteer in the community, or promote health and wellness, it's worth getting involved with SHARE!
Smithsburg Area Food Bank 51 South Main Street P.O. Box 205 Smithsburg, MD 21783-0205 (301) 824-3521 Church office hours: Mon-Fri, 9AM-1PM. Food Bank hours: Tue, 10AM-11AM. Call first for appointment.
Provides food, sometimes clothing and financial assistance for residents of Smithburg area of Washington County. Pampers and formula is sometimes available. FOOD PANTRY: Self-referred clients may obtain a 4-5-day emergency supply of frozen meats and canned goods 4 times per year. Must provide ID and filled out information form upon grocery pick up. If services are required more than four times a year, client must obtain a referral from the Washington County Community Action Council or Social Services. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income individuals and families. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call for appointment (see notes). WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: No.
South County Food Bank 64 South Main Street Boonsboro, MD 21713-1222 (301) 432-2226 Thurs, 1-3PM. Page | 52
Provides emergency two-week supply of dry goods to residents of southern Washington County. INTAKE PROCEDURE: Picture ID and proof of address required. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income individuals and families. See intake procedures. FEES: None. INTAKE: Clients of DSS, Salvation Army, Washington Co. CAC or the American Red Cross need a referral. All others need picture ID and proof of address. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Southern Washington County Emergency Fund c/o Trinity Reformed UCC 33 Potomac Street Boonsboro, MD 21713 Contact any south county church. Call anytime. If no answer, leave message and someone will return your call. A group of churches providing emergency assistance for medication, food, gasoline, utilities, heating oil, rent, and any other basic need. Must be a south county resident or member of a south county church. ELIGIBILITY: Must be a south county resident or attend a south county church. FEES: None. INTAKE: Contact any church in the south county region. Must have ID and proof of residence. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Varies by service site.
Spectrum Support, Hagerstown 9436 Early Drive Suite 1 Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 791-1242 Mon-Fri, 9AM-5PM.
Provides a job readiness and educational program to help eligible individuals to move into the work force. Continues to support them throughout their employment. Offers social group skills and independent living skills training to clients. Provides transitional services to help state hospital patients readjust to life in the community. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers, ages 18 and older, may assist with the job development program and/or accompany clients and staff on social and independent living skills training field trips.
ELIGIBILITY: Adults over 21 diagnosed with a developmental disability, mental retardation or mental illness. FEES: Must be eligible for DDA funding. INTAKE: Referred through DDA. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: No.
St. John’s Shelter, Inc. 14-16 Randolph Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 791-9411 (301) 791-1388 Mon-Fri: 6PM-8AM. (On duty during nonbusiness hours) Provides emergency shelter to families with children for one to two months. Refers clients to DSS and community services. VOLUNTEERS: Adult and youth volunteers are welcome. Adults to serve on the board. Occasionally uses children 12 and older for special projects such as clean up, minor repairs, etc. ELIGIBILITY: Homeless families with children. FEES: None. INTAKE: Must be referred by Community Action Council. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Star Community, Inc. 13757 Broadfording Church Road Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 791-0011 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4PM. Provides an enabling environment that supports the maximum independence and self-respect of each individual. Provides a full range of services and living options from assisted living services to small group homes emphasizing independent living skills and individualized 24 hour assistance. Clients contribute, as able, in every aspect of life at their home, from meal planning and preparation to cleaning and care of the home. Each member of the Star Community is active in one of many program offerings, is it job training, day, retirement or social and leisure activities. STAR VENTURES: Offered to individuals with developmental disabilities. Unique opportunities to develop new skills, increase their independence and participate more actively in the community. Star Community's day program offerings are open to both residents and non-residents. Participants choose their jobs and activities based on their personal preferences, abilities and desires. Provides a service to the community and participants, with the opportunity to learn marketable job skills. Social interaction skills improve as participants take part in varied daily activities and all participants enjoy a sense of
accomplishment whether it is due to improving work skills, increased community involvement, gaining social skills, or experiencing that sense of satisfaction from a job well done. STAR EQUESTRIAN CENTER: Provides horses as therapy. Each rider is assessed to determine how best the program can serve him or her. Everyone, abled and disabled, enjoys greater self-esteem and confidence as a result of therapeutic horseback riding. Other benefits include: muscle stimulation, improved coordination, improved balance, enhanced confidence, cognitive improvements, better selfdiscipline & focus. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers must be over 14 years old and go through orientation. ELIGIBILITY: Adults over 21 diagnosed with a developmental disability, mental retardation or mental illness. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
The Family Network 33 West Washington Street Suite 207 Hagerstown, MD 21740 240-313-2086 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM.
The Family Network provides experienced family navigators to assist families in accessing services for their children from all systems of care. A Family Navigator can provide: • Information, referral and linkage to appropriate services for your child • One-to-one support and advocacy for your family • Guidance in completing forms and applications for services • Support at meetings related to your child, when possible • Education on laws, policies and procedures to access services for your child • Workshops to inform you and other families on services and ways to effectively advocate for your child. Family Navigators also work in partnership with local agencies and participate on planning and advisory boards to provide a family perspective on policies and programs for children with special needs. Navigators make every effort to involve many families in leadership roles in their community. ELIGIBILITY: Families and their children from pre-birth to age 21 years old with special needs. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or walk in for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Trinity Lutheran Church 15 Randolph Avenue Hagerstown, MD
(301)733-5651 Thursday, 10-1:30 for food bank Food Bank Card Required Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 101:30 for clothing bank
Tri-State Community Health Center 130 West High Street Hancock, MD 21750-1143 (301) 678-7256 Mon-Thurs, 8AM-8PM; Fri, 8AM-5PM.
Provides preventive screening for high blood pressure, diabetes and heart problems; well child care, school and sports physicals and immunizations; health education and diet counseling; family planning, birth control, pregnancy testing and referral to other specialists as needed. ELIGIBILITY: Open to public. FEES: Medical Assistance, sliding fee scale, and insurance. INTAKE: Call for an appointment. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Various Pediatricians
Antietam Pediatric and Adolescent Care Childrens Doctor – Antietam Street Childrens Doctor – Boonsboro Office Partners in Pediatrics (Dr. Weneck) Drs. Weiss, Becker, Shuster and Budi Williamsport Family Practice
301-393-2600 301-790-3620 301-432-4000 301-791-7060 301-791-6666 301-582-1150
Turning Point, a Program of Way Station Inc. 25 East North Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 733-6063 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM.
Offers comprehensive and continuum of care including case management, supported employment, a day program, three levels of residential housing, a transitional age youth program for ages 17-22, a supported housing program for mentally ill persons living in the community. Must be referred by a psychiatrist or doctor. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers, 18 and older, to assist with providing transportation and to assist with activities in the day program. ELIGIBILITY: Open to anyone with a chronic mental illness. FEES: Medical Assistance/SSI/SSDI/Sliding Fee Scale. INTAKE: Must be referred by a psychiatrist or doctor. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
United Way of Washington County 33 West Franklin Street Suite 203 Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 739-8200 Mon-Fri, 9AM-5PM. Serves as a valuable non-profit resource for the community through an annual fundraising campaign, program accountability and community impact leadership. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteer opportunities at United Way include the Board of Directors, the Agency Relations and Allocations Committee, the Campaign Steering Committee, Youth United Way, as well as various other committees. Service projects are conducted through an annual Day of Caring. United Way also guides individuals to opportunities among its partner agencies and is a partner with the Washington County Public School System’s Student Service Learning program. ELIGIBILITY: Non-profit agency's looking for funding and people looking for health and human needs resources. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic 1101 Opal Court Hagerstown, MD 21742 (301) 665-1462 (301) 665-1469 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM.
Offers outpatient medical care to veterans. Specialized programs and services include: preventive health care screening, annual physicals, patient education, immunizations, limited diagnostic testing, management of chronic illnesses such as diabetes and hypertension, anticoagulation health promotion, post-hospital follow-up and women’s health. ELIGIBILITY: Eligible Veterans. FEES: Based on eligibility. INTAKE: Call for appointment. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Village at Robinwood 19800 Tranquility Circle Hagerstown, MD 21742 (240) 420-4200 (800) 540-6285 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM. RETIREMENT LIVING AND ASSISTED LIVING SERVICES: Levels of care to fit different needs, fitness and recreational services at the community center, dining services, social events. VOLUNTEERS: Needed to operate the Country Store, call BINGO, to assist residents on outings, physician appointments, to provide one-on-one interaction (such as helping to write letters, teach computer access, and work on hobbies). ELIGIBILITY: Elderly ages 62 and older. FEES: Varies depending upon level of care required. INTAKE: Call for information and application forms. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
W House, Inc. 519 North Locust Street Hagerstown, MD 21740-5609 (301) 791-7826 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM.
Provides a halfway house for women, aged 18 and older, who have been addicted to alcohol or drugs. RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT: An intensive six-to-nine-month structured facility that offers addiction treatment services to women in early recovery from chemical dependency. Treatment is directed toward recovery skills, preventing relapse, promoting personal responsibility and reintegration into work, education and family life. DONATIONS: Donations of clothing, household items and personal hygiene items are accepted. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers, ages 16 and older, are welcome to assist with clerical and maintenance duties. ELIGIBILITY: Adult woman, 18 and older, who want to overcome substance dependency. FEES: $70/week. INTAKE: Referred by alcohol/drug treatment program or court-ordered. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Walnut Street Community Health Center 24 North Walnut Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 745-3777 (301) 393-3450 Mon, Weds, Thurs, Fri 8AM-5PM; Tues 10AM-7PM.
FAMILY PRACTICE: Offers family practice health care. Provides primary health services.
DENTAL CLINIC: Provides pediatric dental care for children from birth to age 19. MEDBANK PROGRAM: Provides residents with assistance in accessing prescription medications through programs established by pharmaceutical companies. ELIGIBILITY: Open to public. FEES: Sliding scale, Insurance, Medicaid. INTAKE: Contact office for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington Co. Dept. of Transportation, County Commuter 1000 W. Washington Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (240) 313-2750 l#general Commuter Hours: Mon-Fri, 6:15AM-9:45PM; Sat, 7:45AM-9:45 PM. Para transit Hours: Mon-Fri, 6AM-6PM; Sat, 7:45AM - 6PM.
Public transportation system that runs eight fixed routes, a Para transit System, Ride Assist/ Voucher Program and Hopewell Express that originates in Hagerstown and offer service to Funkstown, Halfway, Long Meadow, Maugansville, Robinwood, Smithsburg, and Williamsport. COMMUTER FARES: Adult (18-59) $1.25, Senior (60+)/Disabled $.95 Peak hours - $.60 Off Peak hours (valid ID required), Student $.85, Children under 5 Free. Call 240-313-2750 for further information concerning passes and punch tickets. HOPEWELL EXPRESS: Provides round-trip rides between downtown Hagerstown and the Hopewell Road area for individuals who are employed at businesses or seeking employment in the Hopewell Road area. Service is on a first-come, first-serve basis and preference will be given to those who register through the WCDSS. Hours are Mon-Fri, 5:30AM-7PM. For a limited time there is no fee for the service. For additional information and to register, call 240420-2300. PARATRANSIT: Provides general purpose transportation to eligible disabled and elderly persons not able to access regular fixed route transit service. Any customer requiring assistance to or from the vehicle or while traveling may have a Personal Care Assistant (PCA) ride along with them at no additional cost. Must call at least 1 day prior for pickup and all request on handled on a first come first serve basis. There is no restriction or priority on a trip purpose. Hours are Mon-Fri, 6AM-6PM; Sat. 7:45AM-6PM (modified evening service is available). Current fare is $2.00 per trip. Call 240-313-2750 or visit web site for further information.
RIDE ASSISTS/VOUCHER PROGRAM: Program utilizes outside contractors to provide general purpose transportation to the disabled and elderly who are outside the boundaries of the Para transit System. Call 240-3132750 for further information. ELIGIBILITY: Open to public. FEES: See notes. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information or route schedules. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County Arts Council 14 West Washington Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 791-3132 Gallery Hours: Tues-Fri, 10AM-5PM; Sat 10AM-2PM.
Offers funding and technical expertise for artist and art organizations, a performance series and story telling for children, a public concert series in area parks, a galley showcasing regional arts, an annual children’s art festival, artist and education supplementary art programs in public schools and a summer art camp for kids. Additionally, the Council publishes the Antietam Review. The Council acts as advocate/leader for state and local support of the arts. VOLUNTEERS: Needed to assist with the gallery as well as assist with special events such as the Blues Festival and Hagerstown Suns games. ELIGIBILITY: Open to public. FEES: Varies. INTAKE: Contact office or visit Web site for more information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County Board of Elections 35 West Washington Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (240) 313-2050 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM. ELECTIONS: Conducts elections held in the county. Accepts the filing of candidates for local offices in a gubernatorial election year. Candidates must pay filing fees and submit financial reports by deadlines. Eligibility requirements for candidates are set forth in Article 33 of the Annotated Code of Maryland. VOTER REGISTRATION: Registers voters who are residents of the county. Maintains voter registration records.
Information on registration by mail can be obtained by faxing or mailing a request in writing. Persons convicted of a felony more than once must have gubernatorial pardon before registering. ELECTION JUDGES: Persons interested in working at polling places on Election Day can be trained as Election Judges. This is a paid position. Call Dorothy Kaetzel for details. ELIGIBILITY: Residents, ages 18 and older. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County Commission for Women 100 West Washington Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 714-0558 Hours vary.
Commissions for Women identifies problems, defines issues, and recommends policies and solutions that will change practices preventing full participation of women in today’s society. Meetings held every 2nd Wednesday of the month. Meetings are held at 6PM at the address above. All are welcome. ELIGIBILITY: Women, girls and other interested parties. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County Commission on Aging, Inc. 140 West Franklin Street 4th floor Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 790-0275 (800) 735-2258 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM.
Provides information, services and advocacy for seniors in Washington County. THE SENIOR INFO & ASST. PROGRAM (see separate entry). AARP MATURE DRIVING CLASSES: Provides eight hours of classroom instruction intended to refine existing driving skills and develop safe defensive driving techniques. FRIENDLY VISITATION: Provides a Friendly Visitor to go into the home of a client on a weekly basis to provide companionship and a "change of pace" for the needy individual. GRANDPARENT CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP: Offers a meeting on the first Tuesday of each month at Covenant
Presbyterian Church, 11833 Greenhill Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21742 in the Fellowship Hall. GROCERY SHOPPING PROGRAM: Provided by volunteers to go grocery shopping for individuals who have no other way of obtaining provisions. GUARDIANSHIP PROGRAM: Provides services as Guardian for individuals that are ages sixty five (65) and over. These individuals must be declared by the Circuit Court to be incapable of making their own decisions concerning their health care, food, shelter and clothing. HEALTH & WELLNESS PROGRAM: Provides Nutrition Screenings and Education Programs, Medication Management and Health Screenings, & Blood Pressure Screenings. HOME REPAIR: Provides assistance to elderly homeowners for necessary maintenance and repairs. HOUSEKEEPING: Provides light housekeeping such as vacuuming and cleaning bathrooms, on a regularly scheduled basis for those who are disabled, elderly or confined to their homes. HOUSING: Provides Senior Assisted Living Group Homes that are licensed to operate. INCOME TAX ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Provides free preparation of both state and federal income tax returns. Open to all residents. LEGAL SERVICES: Provides legal services to the seniors of Washington County. LONG TERM CARE OMBUDSMAN PROGRAM: Provides assistance to residents in long term care facilities to maintain their legal rights, control over their lives, and personal dignity. MEDICAL WAIVER: Provides assistance in determining eligibility for medical waivers in assisted living. MEDICAL EQUIPMENT LOAN PROGRAM: Provides walkers, canes, tub seats, and other assistive devices to handicapped elderly. NAT’L FAMILY CAREGIVER SUPPORT PROGRAM: Provides information and services to family caregivers. Caregivers of any age may benefit from the program. NUTRITION SERVICES: Provides socialization, recreation and a noon time meal, Monday through Friday, 9AM.-1PM. Home-delivered meals to seniors 60 and over who are medically homebound, nutrition screening and education programs, medication management and health screenings, transportation to and from senior sites, call for locations. PERSONAL ACCOUNTING PROGRAM: Provides personal accountant to meet with seniors, generally twice a month, to help sort through mail, pay bills, write checks, set up simple household budgets and balance checkbooks. RESPITE CARE PROGRAM: Provides relief for the family caregiver who is tending to a disabled individual. RETIRED SENIOR VOLUNTEER PROGRAM (see separate entry). SENIOR CARE PROGRAM: Provides case management and funds for services for people 65 or older who may be at risk of nursing home placement.
SENIOR CLUBS: Boonsboro: 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month 12 noon, Mt. Nebo Church 301-432-8534. Cavetown: 1st Tuesday of each month 11:30AM, Christ Reformed UCC 301-739-5746. Clear Spring: 1st Monday of each month 1PM. American Legion Com. Bldg. 301-842-2869. Downsville: 1st Tuesday of each month noon, Redman’s Club Williamsport 301-791-6046. Funkstown: 2nd Monday of each month 1PM, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Funkstown 301-733-2859. Halfway: 2nd Wednesday of each month 11AM, Church of the Holy Trinity 301-582-1162. Hancock: 1st Tuesday of each month 12:15PM, Hancock Com. Bldg. 1-304-258-2920. Haven Road: 2nd Friday of each month 11:30AM- 2PM, Haven Road Lutheran Church 301-7337904. Leitersburg: 1st Monday of each month 11:30AM. Leitersburg Fire Hall 301-733-8107. Manor Church: 1st Wednesday of each month noon, Manor Church 301-7456355. Pleasant Valley: 3rd Wednesday of each month noon, Brownsville Breth. Church 301-834-9706. Potomac Towers: 1st Monday of each month 7PM, Potomac Towers 301-7910233. Smithsburg: 3rd Monday of each month 11:30AM, Trinity Lutheran Church Smithsburg 301-824-7193. Walnut Towers: 3rd Wednesday of each month 1:15PM, 8th floor Walnut Towers 301-797-2342. West End: 2nd Thursday of each month 10:30AM, Grace U.M. Church 301-797-3518. SENIOR HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM (SHIP): Provides One-to-one counseling program in the United States that offers assistance in the following areas: understanding Medicare, understanding supplemental policies (Medigap) and choices that Medicare beneficiaries have, organizing medical bills, resolving delays on claims, filing appeals, determining eligibility for low-income programs which would save health care dollars, obtaining information on long term care insurance, and obtaining assistance for affordable prescription drugs. TELEPHONE REASSURANCE PROGRAM: Provides volunteers to phone individuals who are elderly, isolated, ill or lonely, on a regular basis (at least once a week) to chat and to provide contact with an outside individual. VOLUNTEERS: Many opportunities available, call for more information. ELIGIBILITY: Residents ages 60 and older for most programs. FEES: None (donations are accepted). INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County Community Action Council, Inc. 101 Summit Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 797-4161
Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM. Closed 12PM1PM for lunch. COMMUNITY SERVICES PROGRAM (EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE AND PANTRY): Provides assistance to individuals and families with emergency needs. Financial assistance is given in cases involving eviction, mortgages, and utility terminations and prescriptions. Food is provided through the pantry. Case managers help applicants develop plans to meet their ongoing financial needs. FAMILY SHELTER UNITS: Available, up to 30 days, for families who are homeless due to emergency or temporary circumstances. Family shelter is provided in 5 individual living units. Residents are given food, clothing and hygiene items as needed. Case management is provided to help families become self-sufficient. THE SUMMER FOOD PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN: Provides nutritionally balanced lunches to children, ages 18 and under, who participate in county-sponsored, summer playground programs. HOUSING PROGRAMS: Provides counseling for mortgage default, pre-purchasing, and fair housing and landlord/tenant issues. Works with homeless families to help them locate affordable housing. First time home buyer, lead paint abatement rehabilitation loans. OHEP/MEAP/EUSP (Maryland Energy Assistance Program): See separate listing. PERMANENT SUPPORTIVE HOUSING: Provided for homeless individuals with physical disabilities. Case management is provided to help adults become selfsufficient. UTILITY HELP: Check to see if money is available for utility assistance VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers needed for Board of Directors and fundraisers. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income. See notes for specific programs. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or walk-in for appointment. Must have proof of need for financial assistance, SS cards, proof of income, and photo ID. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes. UTILITY HELP: Check to see if money is available for utility assistance.
Washington County Community Action Council, OHEP 101 Summit Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 797-4161 (301) 791-4045 Mon- Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM. Page | 58
Provides EUSP (Electrical Universal Service Program) and MEAP grants to eligible families, renters, roomers, boarders and homeowners toward the cost of heating in the winter and electricity year round. Grant is based on the type of fuel used, household size, household income and annual consumption. FURNACES: Limited funds are available for clients to be referred to the weatherization office for furnace repair, replacement and/or other weatherization procedures. WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Offers limited financial assistance for furnace repair, replacement and/or other weatherization procedures. ELIGIBILITY FOR MEAP and EUSP GRANTS: Call or visit Web site for details of income requirements. APPLICATION: Must have photo identification, proof of residence, copies of Social Security cards for all household members (including children), proof of household's total gross income for 30 days prior to application date (from all sources), name of home energy supplier and account number, a copy of the most recent utility bill and a copy of the lease (if renting). VOLUNTEERS: Teens and adults needed to assist with office work and helping client’s complete applications. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income. See notes for specific programs. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call for information. See notes for application procedure. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County Community Mediation Center 101 Summit Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 665-9262 Provides mediation services to assist people in resolving disputes. It is a voluntary and confidential conflict resolution process in which neutral mediators help people find solutions that work for everyone. Some types of disagreements brought to mediation are between: family members; employers and co-workers; neighbors; friends; landlords and tenants; relationships and service providers. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers, age 16 and older are welcome for clerical duties. ELIGIBILITY: Anyone dealing with a dispute other than domestic violence. FEES: Free or on a sliding fee scale. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County Community Partnership for Children & Families (WCCP) 33 West Washington Street Suite 210 Hagerstown, MD 21740 (240) 313-2090 Mon-Fri, 7:30AM-4:30PM. The Washington County Community Partnership for Children & Families (WCCP) is a State of Maryland Local Management Board (LMB) Initiative. Local Management Boards in each jurisdiction promote an interagency, collaborative approach to serving children that involve all stakeholders, parents and families in the process. This collaborative effort ensures a more effective system of care for youth and families across a continuum of services from prevention to intervention to aftercare. Local Management Boards represent no single perspective but, rather, convene a community's public and private partners to address the needs of the "whole child" through collaboration, coordination, community and capacity-building. Fundamentally, LMBs bring communities together to better serve children and their families. Local Management Boards not only focus on services for children with intensive needs but focus on services for all children in their jurisdictions. Local Management Boards do not provide direct service instead, they work through partnerships with local and regional providers to maximize and leverage resources for positive results for children in every jurisdiction in Maryland. ELIGIBILITY: N/A. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County Department of Juvenile Services 44 North Potomac Street Suite 300 Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 791-7171 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM.
Placement Services is designed to provide systematic early screening and assessment of youth who come to the attention of the Department. This system is designed to address certain important objectives:
· Protecting public safety; · Holding youth accountable for their behaviors; · Identifying the health, family, and educational needs of each youth; and · Developing a service plan that will provide for the youth in the least restrictive environment. Whether youth are first time offenders committing relatively minor misdemeanor offenses, repeat offenders with serious felony charges, or children who have not committed a crime but who are exhibiting uncontrollable behavior, all are referred to case managers within the Community Justice Division for appropriate assessment, intervention, and assistance. Upon referral by law enforcement or other governmental agencies, parents or concerned citizens, youth are screened by case managers designated in the juvenile law as "intake officers" to determine what course of action is appropriate in each case. The intake officer may forward a case to the State's Attorney's Office recommending formal court action, place the youth on voluntary informal supervision for up to 90 days, close the case with a warning, or disapprove a case for insufficient evidence. Informal supervision may entail referral to another agency or individual for specialized counseling, coordinating payment of restitution for damages to victims, directing community service and/or providing appropriate supervision of the youth as needed. To facilitate such services to Maryland's children, the State has been divided into five geographical "areas." Maryland law places youth between the ages of 7 and 21 under the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court. However, youth between 14 and 18 years of age comprise the majority served. Young people whose cases go to court and who are adjudicated delinquent may be placed on probation under the supervision of a probation case manager. If necessary, they may be placed outside of the home in a variety of specialized settings to meet their needs. When this occurs, emphasis on returning them to their own homes are an important component of Departmental philosophy and practice. Aftercare services are also an important part of reintegrating youth into their families and the community. Case managers in the areas of intake, probation and aftercare perform a variety of tasks including but not limited to: · Screening police and citizen complaints · Assessing client actions, needs and prior history · Developing appropriate action plans for treatment, behavior modification or services · Counseling and supervision · Evaluating youths' progress and making recommendations to juvenile court · Coordinating additional social, educational or mental health services · Placing youth in community service programs · Identifying employment and recreational opportunities In addition to case managers, a variety of specialized staff provide counseling, diagnostic and volunteer services. ELIGIBILITY: Youth, ages 7-21. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information.
Washington County Department of Recreation 11400 Robinwood Drive Hagerstown, MD 21742 (240) 313-2805 (240) 313-2808 Mon-Fri, 7:30AM-4:30PM.
RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES: Offers sports leagues, sports clinics, arts and crafts, exercise classes, nature seminars and fine arts classes. SUMMER CAMPS: Offers summer day camps at six sites for children, ages 6-14. Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4PM. Pre-registration is required. ACTIVITIES FOR PERSONS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS: Offers year-round activities for persons with special needs and developmental or physical disabilities. ELIGIBILITY: Ages 3 months and older. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County Diversion Program 44 North Potomac Street Suite 300 Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 791-3020 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM.
The Washington County Diversion Program provides case management and diversion services focusing on two core components: diverting eligible juvenile offenders from the Department of Juvenile Services (DJS) and redirecting alleged Children In Need of Supervision (CINS) youth away from DJS to community-based services. The diversion component is based on a Restorative Justice philosophy, by engaging the eligible offender, offender's parents and the victim in the diversion process to restore the harm done and make the offender accountable for their actions, while generally avoiding formal court proceedings. CINS Case Management services provide family support, advocacy and linkage to community based services. Services require strong collaborations with other community organizations in order to assist youth and families in exploring and accessing community-based interventions as an alternative to entering the juvenile justice system. In addition, the program provides parent and teen educational/support groups, led by a trained facilitator. Service goals for these groups
include providing practical strategies to parents for preventing ongoing discipline problems, teaching prosocial behavior, promoting personal responsibility, reinforcing parenting skills, improving communication, etc. ELIGIBILITY: Youth, ages 7-21. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County DSS, Adult Protective Services 122 North Potomac Street P.O. Box 1419 Hagerstown, MD 21741 (240) 420-2100 (240) 420-2155 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM. Services include investigating reports of abuse, neglect, exploitation, or self neglect of vulnerable adults. Workers intervene to provide access to needed professional services for individuals 18 and older who, because of physical or mental disability, lack the capacity to provide for their basic needs, such as food, shelter and medical care. Risk factors are identified and service plans developed to prevent further risk of harm to the adult. VOLUNTEERS: Adults, 21 and older, are needed for the representative payee program. ELIGIBILITY: Abused, self neglected, or exploited vulnerable adults unable to meet own basic needs due to physical or mental disabilities. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call for information or to report abuse. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County DSS, Child Protective Services 122 North Potomac Street P.O. Box 1419 Hagerstown, MD 21741 (240) 420-2222 (240) 420-2100 24 hrs/day, 7 days/wk.
Child Protective Services (CPS) Intake is responsible for investigating reports of child abuse and neglect, determining safety of children and assessing families’ needs for service. The functions performed by CPS Intake determine the level of risk and safety to children in their home environment and determine the level of services needed by the family. Child Protective Services Continuing
is provided to families whose children are at risk of continued maltreatment. It is a specialized, time limited, goal-oriented service designed to help parents change behaviors that create the risk. VOLUNTEERS: Adults, 21 and older, are needed for the representative payee program. ELIGIBILITY: At risk children under age 18. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call during office hours for information or call 24 Hour line to report suspected abuse. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County DSS, Child Support Enforcement Program 122 North Potomac Street P.O. Box 1419 Hagerstown, MD 21741 (800) 332-6347 (800) 723-9937 Mon-Fri, 8AM-5PM.
Establishes ongoing financial support through locating absent parents, establishing paternity, and obtaining court ordered child support. Non custodial parents make payments through the Central Collection Department which processes and distributes the payments to the custodial parents. ELIGIBILITY: Parents in need of child support funds. FEES: Free to TCA recipients and $25 fee for others. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site. May apply online. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County DSS, Food Stamps 122 North Potomac Street P.O. Box 1419 Hagerstown, MD 21741 (240) 420-2330 (240) 420-2100 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM.
Provides a supplemental food budget to households with income too low to provide their families with basic nutrition. Monthly allotments are used to purchase food items only. Food stamps may be expedited for applicants who’s income meets certain income requirements. ELIGIBILITY: Low income individuals and families. FEES: None.
INTAKE: Walk in. Application process requires following documentation: bank account books, utility bills, verification of rent/mortgage payments, the last 4 pay stubs, birth certificates and social security numbers for entire household, and proof of any other income. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County DSS, Foster Care and Adoption 122-128 North Potomac Street P.O. Box 1419 Hagerstown, MD 21741 (240) 420-2143 (240) 420-2100 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM.
Provides short-term, continuous 24-hour care and supportive services for children. Facilitates the achievement of a permanent family situation for these children, including, under certain circumstances, adoption. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers, age 18 and older, needed to provide transportation and other services. Must pass criminal background check and be fingerprinted. ELIGIBILITY: Children from birth to age 18 who need out of home placement due to guardian's inability to provide proper care. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County DSS, HIV/AIDS Case Management 122 North Potomac Street P.O. Box 1419 Hagerstown, MD 21741 (240) 420-2172 (240) 420-2100 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM. Provides case management services. Eligible persons can receive emergency assistance for eviction prevention rent and utilities as well as linkages with housing and community resources. Works closely with Health Departments and HIV/AIDS knowledgeable health care providers to manage medical care needs. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers, ages 18 and older, needed for shopping and non-medical transportation. ELIGIBILITY: HIV+ and in need of assistance to remain in the community. FEES: None.
INTAKE: Call for information. Medical documentation required. Accepts health department and physician referrals. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County DSS, InHome Aide Services 122-128 North Potomac Street P.O. Box 1419 Hagerstown, MD 21740 (240) 420-2100 (800) 332-6347 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM. Provides direct hands-on care to disabled adults and seniors who have limited resources and are at risk of institutionalization. Services include working with clients to prevent out-of-home placement of children by teaching vital parenting skills for the prevention and amelioration of child abuse and neglect, providing supportive adult therapeutic services, personal care and household chore services. ELIGIBILITY: Adults and seniors with physical or developmental disability, mental illness or mental retardation who have limited resources and are at risk of institutionalization. FEES: Sliding Fee Scale. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County DSS, Interagency Family Preservation 122 North Potomac Street P.O. Box 1419 Hagerstown, MD 21741 (240) 420-2350 (240) 420-2100 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM. Program available 24 hrs/day, 7 days/wk.
The Interagency Family Preservation (IFP) program is a voluntary service provided to families whose children are at risk of out of home placement. The goal of IFP is to reduce risk to children and help families stay together. ELIGIBILITY: Custodial parents. Families must be referred by DSS, DJS or MHA. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call for information. Families must be referred by DSS, DJS or MHA. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County DSS, Medical Assistance 122 North Potomac Street P.O. Box 1419 Hagerstown, MD 21741 (240) 420-2100 (240) 420-2330 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM.
Addresses immediate and long-term health care needs to low-income individuals and families by providing them with a broad range of health care services. Groups automatically eligible for coverage include institutionalized individuals, SSI recipients, certain TCA and PAA recipients. The Maryland Children’s Health Program (MCHP) provides medical coverage to individuals under the age of 19 and pregnant women with family income below 200 percent of the federal poverty level. Medicaid continues to address the medical needs of individuals in nursing homes and rehabilitation facilities. Special outreach programs have been implemented to encourage eligible individuals to participate in the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) and Special Low-income Medicare Beneficiaries (SLMB) programs. These programs help Medicare recipients with premiums, co-payments and deductibles. ELIGIBILITY: Low-income families and individuals. See notes. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call, walk-in, or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County DSS, Project Home 122 North Potomac Street P.O. Box 1419 Hagerstown, MD 21741 (240) 420-2160 (240) 420-2100 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM.
PROJECT HOME: Provides supportive housing, personal care and case management services. Placements are usually in private homes, however, some group homes are also available. PROJECT HOME AIDS: Provides supportive housing for persons with AIDS, who are unable to live alone. Also provides case management and emergency funds for housing, utilities and medicine. In-home aide services are available to assist persons living independently in their own homes.
ELIGIBILITY: Elderly persons or adults with a mental illness, mental retardation, physical and/or developmental disabilities or AIDS. FEES: Sliding Fee Scale. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County DSS, Purchase of Care (Day Care) 122-128 North Potomac Street P.O. Box 1419 Hagerstown, MD 21741 (240) 420-2270 (240) 420-2100 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM.
Provides day care vouchers for income-eligible parents or guardian who are unable to afford day care or are having difficulty paying for day care. In addition to income level, DSS bases eligibility on family size and need. The client receives a voucher, which is a coupon stating how much the local DSS will pay for day care. Vouchers are given for each child, but they usually do not cover the full expense of the day care. ELIGIBILITY: Parent/guardian must work, attend school or participate in job training. Single parents must be actively pursuing child support. FEES: Applicants contribute to the cost by paying a co-pay ranging from $1and up. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County DSS, Respite Care 122 North Potomac Street P.O. Box 1419 Hagerstown, MD 21741 (240) 420-2100 (800) 332-6347 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM.
Provides up to 164 hours per year respite care to caregivers of disabled (emotionally or physically) adults over 18 in their homes or in registered respite care centers. VOLUNTEERS: Adult day care centers needed. ELIGIBILITY: Caregivers of physically or emotionally disabled residents, 18 years of age or older. FEES: Sliding scale based upon income less medical expenses. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for further information.
Washington County DSS, School/Family Liaison 122-128 North Potomac Street P.O. Box 1419 Hagerstown, MD 21741 (240) 420-2360 (240) 420-2100 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM.
A prevention and early intervention program for students who are having problems in attendance, grades or behavior. ELIGIBILITY: Elementary school students. FEES: None. INTAKE: Referrals from schools. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County DSS, Social Services to Adults 122 North Potomac Street P.O. Box 1419 Hagerstown, MD 21741 (240) 420-2100 (240) 420-2155 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM. Provides case management services to obtain resources for basic needs, as well as in-home aide service for personal care and/or housekeeping, if necessary. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals who are ill, mentally retarded or who have physical or developmental disabilities and lack resources for basic needs. Must meet state income guidelines. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County DSS, TDAP 122 North Potomac Street P.O. Box 1419 Hagerstown, MD 21741 (240) 420-2100 (800) 332-6347
Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM.
Provides eligible disabled adults without children temporary limited benefits through federal grants, until their condition improves or they become eligible for long-term SSD (Social Security Disability) benefits. ELIGIBILITY: Adults with out children who have physical or developmental disabilities, mental illness or retardation. FEES: None. INTAKE: Come in to fill out application or apply online at WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County DSS, Temporary Cash Assistance 122 North Potomac Street P.O. Box 1419 Hagerstown, MD 21741 (240) 420-2330 (240) 420-2100 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM.
Temporarily provides for children in need and their caretaker relatives. Parents included on the grant must find employment within two years of receipt of benefits. Clients are assessed and a personal work plan is developed to identify needs and a course of action to reach employment and self-sufficiency goals. Persons applying for Temporary Cash Assistance must file for child support before they can receive cash assistance. WELFARE AVOIDANCE GRANTS: Cash assistance provided to families with children for limited work related needs. Can only be used for needs related to obtaining or maintaining employment such as vehicle repairs and job-related equipment. Emergency Assistance to Families with Children (EAFC): Provides assistance to families with children to resolve specific emergencies such as eviction, foreclosure or utility cut-offs. Provides assistance with water bills only if bill is in customer’s name and there is a cut-off notice. ELIGIBILITY: Low income individuals and families. FEES: None. INTAKE: Come in to fill out application or apply online at WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County Family Center 920 West Washington Street 3rd Floor Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 790-4002 Page | 64
WOMEN OF VALOR MINISTRIES COMMUNITY RESOURCE GUIDE Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM. Provides parenting skills development, life skills and education programs, including ABE/GED Classes. On site childcare for parents enrolled in the education, life skills and parenting programs. VOLUNTEERS: Teen and adult volunteers welcome to assist with lunch, child care, general clerical duties and tutoring for the ABE program. ELIGIBILITY: Pregnant females and parents (including expectant fathers) of children ages 0-4 years. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County Free Library 100 South Potomac Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 739-3250 (301) 739-3253
Lends books, audio-visual materials and equipment; provides community information from a file of agencies and organizations; and maintains a special collection of historical and genealogical materials covering Western Maryland and neighboring areas. COMMUNITY INFORMATION SERVICE: Provides information on agencies and organizations which serve county residents. LIBRARY SERVICES: Lends books, audio-visual materials and equipment. Offers special programs for children and adults. Provides talking books and materials for the visually and hearing-impaired. Operates Bookmobile Service and provides outreach to the homebound and institutionalized. MEETING ROOM: Provides meeting room facilities for community groups and organizations at the Hagerstown, Williamsport, Sharpsburg, Smithsburg and Clear Spring Libraries. Contact library secretary to reserve space. WESTERN MARYLAND ROOM: Maintains a special collection of historical and genealogical materials covering Western Maryland and neighboring areas. Call the library for room openings. LOCATIONS: Central Library: 100 S. Potomac St., Hagerstown, MD 21740. 301-739-3250. Mon-Thurs, 9AM9PM; Fri,9AM-6PM; Sat, 9AM-5PM; Sun, 1-5PM, Boonsboro Free Library: 19 Main Street Boonsboro, MD 21713. 301432-5723. Tues-Wed, 11AM-7PM; Thurs, 4-8PM; Fri, 15PM; Sat, 9AM-1PM, Hancock War Memorial Library: 221 Park Road, Hancock, MD 21750. 301-678-5300. Tues-Wed, and Friday, 11AM-7PM; Thurs, 4-8PM; Sat, 11AM-3PM, Keedysville Library: Municipal Building Taylor Drive, Keedysville, MD 21756, 301-4326641. Tues, 6-8PM; Wed,2-8PM; Sat, 9AM-12PM,
Smithsburg Library: 66 W. Water Street, Smithsburg, MD 21783. 301-824-7722. Mon-Sat, 10AM-2PM, Sharpsburg Public Library: 106 E. Main Street, Sharpsburg, MD 21782. 301-432-8825. Tues-Thurs, 2-8PM; Sat, 9AM-1PM, Williamsport Memorial Library: 104 E. Potomac Street, Williamsport, MD 21795, 301-223-7027. Mon, 10AM-2PM; Tues-Fri, 10AM-7PM; Sat, 10AM-4PM, L.P. Snyder Memorial Library: 12624 Broad Fording Road, Clear Springs, MD. 21722, 301-842-2730. Tues-Wed & Friday, 11AM-7PM; Thurs, 3-8PM; Sat,10AM-2PM; Sun, 1-5PM. VOLUNTEERS: Adults needed for sorting. Various opportunities available. ELIGIBILITY: Open to public. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County Government Info. Line 100 West Washington Street Room 113 Hagerstown, MD 21740 (240) 313-2210 (301) 432-4752 Mon-Fri, 7:30AM-4:30PM.
GOVERNMENT INFORMATION: Provides phone numbers and information on Washington County’s government offices and services. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS: Provides contact information for persons concerned about disaster preparedness or possible terrorist threats. ELIGIBILITY: Open to public. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County Health Department 1302 Pennsylvania Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21742 (240) 313-3200 (240) 313-3355 Mon-Fri, 8AM-5PM.
AIDS CASE MANAGEMENT: Case management and some financial assistance with medical expenses. Call 240-3133331. ADDICTIONS AND MENTAL HEALTH: Coordinates a comprehensive system of care, including screening, assessment, referral and treatment services to individuals
affected by substance use. Provides treatment services to substance abusers: early intervention, outpatient, intensive outpatient, jail-based, aftercare, residential treatment services for women, children and adolescents. Provides services to adolescents, adults and families. Drug testing is available to the public. Offers MVA certified education courses. The Mental Health Unit provides outpatient services to adults experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other emotional disorders. Anger management group services are available. Call 240-313-3310. ADULT EVALUATION REVIEW SERVICES: Comprehensive, multidisciplinary evaluation of individuals seeking nursing home placement or alternatives. Call 240-313-3350. BREAST AND CERVICAL CANCER PROGRAM: (See separate listing). CHILDREN'S MEDICAL SERVICES: Includes audiology (Call 240-313-3234); cardiac, genetics, orofacial, orthopedic and Downs clinics (Call 240-313-3280). CIGARETTE RESTITUTION FUND (CRF) PROGRAM: Provides two separate services. (1) Free colon screening to eligible residents and (2) Free tobacco cessation classes to the public regardless of residency. However if you are a Washington Co. resident, also provide free nicotine patches to those enrolled and attend classes. Call, 240-420-1796. COLON CANCER SCREENING: Free colonoscopies are available to county residents who meet the following guidelines: Age 50 or older, or high risk, income within specified guidelines, no health insurance, resident of Washington County. 240-313-3235 COMMUNICABLE DISEASE CONTROL: Outbreak surveillance, investigation and control. Call 240-313-3210. DENTAL CARE FOR ADULTS: Ages 21 and up. Emergency tooth extraction. Appointment is necessary. Call 240-3133253. DENTAL CARE-CHILDREN: Preventive care for children age 11-19. Call 240-313-3253. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: Inspections, permits for food service, water, sewage, spas, public swimming pools, exotic birds, mobile home parks, campgrounds indoor air complaints/inspection, open burning complaints/permits, and see notes for rabies clinic. Call 240-313-3400. FAMILY PLANNING: Birth control. Confidential. Call 240313-3296. HEALTHY START: Case management home visits offered for pregnant and post-partum women who are Medical Assistance recipients. Services also offered to high-risk infants and children. Call 240-313-3229. HEARING AND VISION CONSERVATION PROGRAM: Screening provided to all public and private elementary and secondary schools. Call 240-313-3268. HIV COUNSELING/TESTING SERVICE: Confidential and anonymous testing provided. Call 240-313-3210. IMMUNIZATIONS: For children, call 240-313-3296. For adults, call 240-313-3296. MARYLAND CHILDREN'S HEALTH PROGRAM: Call 240-3133330. (See separate listing in this catalog) NUTRITION/WELLNESS SERVICES: Programs designed to help residents of all ages achieve greater wellness through
improved eating, physical activity, and stress management. Call 240-313-3300. PAP SMEAR: Breast and pelvic exam with pap smear. Call 240-313-3296. PERSONAL CARE: Provides assistance with activities of daily living for the chronically ill or disabled who are receiving Medical Assistance. Call 240-313-3231. PREVENTION SERVICES: Comprehensive substance abuse and injury prevention programs that include, but are not limited to, parenting skills training, life skills programming, mediation/conflict resolution, anger management, underage drinking prevention initiatives, senior citizen programs, child passenger safety programs, child abuse prevention, and safety programs. Call 240-313-3360. PROSTATE CANCER SCREENING: Free digital rectal exam and prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test is available to men who meet the following guidelines: African American male over 45 years of age, or Caucasian male over 50 years of age, income within specified guidelines, no health insurance, resident of Washington county, 240-313-3235 RABIES (Human): Human Pre and Post-exposure services. Call 240-313-3210. RABIES (Pet): Conduct rabies vaccination clinics for dogs/cats/ferrets; investigation of bite cases; submittal of suspected rabid animals to Baltimore State Laboratory for testing. Call 240-313-3400. SCHOOL HEALTH PROGRAM: Comprehensive school health services provided in each public school by nurse/health assistant. Call 240-313-3244. SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES: Testing, diagnosis and treatment. Call 240-313-3296. TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM: Schedule transportation for Medical Assistance recipients to certified medical providers. Call 240-313-3264. TUBERCULOSIS CLINIC: Clinic services provided to identify persons with active tuberculosis disease; case management and appropriate treatment is also available for all suspect or confirmed cases or tuberculosis; patient education is provided; contacts are identified; preventive therapy available for those contacts and other individuals who are at risk for developing tuberculosis disease. Call 240-313-3210. VITAL RECORDS PROGRAM: Issues Death and Birth certificates for individuals born in Maryland. Call 240-3133395. WIC: See separate listing: Washington County Health Department, WIC. Call 240-313-3335. SATELLITE WELLNESS/DENTAL CLINICS: HANCOCK COMMUNITY CENTER: 126 West High Street, Hancock, MD, Addictions and Mental Health Services: Call 240-313-3310, Dental Clinics: Call 301-678-5402, Family Planning Services: Call: 240-313-3296. ELGIN STATION: 40 Elgin Blvd., Hagerstown, MD. Open Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM by appointment only. Call 240-313-3296. VOLUNTEERS: Ages, 16 and older, interested in volunteering should call 240-313-3200. ELIGIBILITY: Contact specific programs for eligibility requirements. See notes. FEES: Some are free and others vary in cost.
INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County Health Department, WIC 140 West Franklin Street Suite 200 Hagerstown, MD 21740 (240) 313-3335 (800) 242-4942 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM. Provides supplemental food vouchers and a nutrition program that helps eligible families. Call or visit web site for income guidelines. ELIGIBILITY: Pregnant women, new mothers, nursing mothers & households with children under 5 years old. See notes for financial criteria. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County Hospital Association 251 East Antietam Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 790-8000 (301) 790-8732 24 hours/day, 7 days/week GENERAL MEDICAL SERVICES: Offers emergency, trauma, surgery, internal medicine, pediatrics, gynecology and geriatrics. REHABILITATIVE MEDICINE: Offers physical, occupational and speech therapy for children and adults. Call 301-7908060. PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES: Offers study, treatment and prevention of mental illness. Call 301-790-8250 or 301-7667603. FAMILY BIRTHING CENTER: Offers single room maternity care that stresses privacy and family bonding. Call 1-800446-6929. SPEAKERS' BUREAU: Offers speakers for most healthrelated topics. Call 301-790-8638. BEREAVEMENT SERVICES: Provides support to families who are grieving the loss of their baby through miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth or infant death. Call 301-7393863 or 301-739-2439. PHYSICIAN REFERRAL SERVICE: Health Finder. Call MonFri, 8AM-4PM, 301-739-6043. HOME CARE SERVICES: Call 301-766-7800.
ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE AND RELATED DISORDERS PROGRAM: Services include diagnosis, plan of care, coordinating community services and family support and education. Located at Suite 305, 322 E. Antietam Street, Hagerstown, MD. Call 301-582-3080. DONATIONS: Accepts clothing donations. Contact Director of Development at 301-790-8691 for details. OUTPATIENT LABORATORY SERVICES LOCATIONS: Hagerstown Medical Laboratory, 747 Northern Avenue, Hagerstown, 301-790-8670; 330 Mill Street, Hagerstown, 301-739-3934; Smithsburg Family Medical Center, 301-8243350; Robinwood Medical Center, 301-714-4125; Antrim Family Medical Center, 717-597-5544; Boonsboro Professional Center, 301-432-4720; Home Care Pharmacy Building, Williamsport, 301-223-6721. VOLUNTEERS: High school students and adults are welcome to assist with receptionist/clerical duties, delivering flowers to patients, and escorting patients. ELIGIBILITY: Open to public. FEES: All payment methods. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County Humane Society 13011 Maugansville Road Maugansville, MD 21767 (301) 733-2060 (301) 790-7577 Mon 9AM-5PM; Tues, & Thurs 10AM-7PM; Weds & Fri 10AM-5PM; Sat 10AM-4PM.
Provides animal shelter and adoption services; certificates for low income senior citizens to defray cost of pet neutering and spaying; and a euthanasia service. Humane wildlife traps are available for a one-week loan period. VOLUNTEERS: Ages 12 and older, a variety of tasks from office duties to animal care. ELIGIBILITY: Adults, 18 and older. FEES: Varies by animal. INTAKE: Call, walk-in, or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County Job Development Center 1350 Marshall Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 766-8451 /Main/index.html Page | 67
Mon-Fri, 8AM-3PM.
VOCATIONAL TRAINING AND ACADEMICS: Offers Language Arts, Math, Computer Skills and Handwriting, Life and Work Skills including Food Service, Housekeeping, Building Maintenance/Woodworking, Horticulture/Grounds Keeping, Industrial Assembly, Work Preparation/ Job Placement Skills, Adaptive Physical Education and other individualized instruction designed with the students needs in mind. Students receive an educational program designed to enable them to earn a Maryland Public Schools high school certificate. Our goals are to prepare students to become a productive part of our community. We also strive to give students an environment that fosters individual responsibility at home, in school and in the community. SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: Offers school events such as the Fall Formal Dance, the school Prom, our annual Christmas Craft Festival, JDC Pride Days, as well as other special activities. Assist in preparing students for future job opportunities, discover and develop their innate talents and to become the best they can be by helping build character and self-esteem. ELIGIBILITY: Special Education Students, ages 14-21years. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County Local Emergency Planning Committee 33 West Washington Street County Office Building Hagerstown, MD 21740 (240) 313-2930 (240) 313-2900 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. Provides information on safety tips re: handling of hazardous materials. Also provides hurricane preparedness guides including information re: summer storms, tornadoes and other weather tips. For information re: terrorist related disaster preparedness, see separate listings: Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Adult volunteers should call for more information. ELIGIBILITY: Open to public. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: N/A.
Washington County Mental Health Authority 339 East Antietam Street Suite 5 Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 739-2490 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4PM. Core Service Agency (CSA) for Washington County. The law defines a CSA as the designated county authority that is responsible for planning, developing, managing and monitoring publicly funded mental health services. This concept for local management allows for services to be developed to meet the needs of the local community through the Public Mental Health System. Responsible for planning, developing and monitoring a system of services for the more than 5,000 elders, adults, children and adolescents of Washington County with mental illness. The priority population served is individuals with mental illness and low income. Maintains of list of mental health services in Washington County. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with mental illness and their families. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: No.
Washington County Museum of Fine Arts 91 Key Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 739-5764 Tues-Fri, 9AM-5PM; Sat 9AM-4PM; Sun 15PM. Offers art classes for all ages and skill levels. Special events include concerts, lectures, tours, and special children’s events. VOLUNTEERS: Many opportunities available, office duties, art classes and reception assistance needed. ELIGIBILITY: Open to public. FEES: Admission is free, art class registration fees vary per class. Donations accepted. INTAKE: Walk in, call, or visit Web site. Registration required for classes. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County Office on Disability Issues 33 West Washington Street Room 202 Hagerstown, MD 21740 (240) 313-2077 Mon-Fri, 7:30AM-4PM.
Program is to ensure equal rights under law for people who have disabilities. The Office enforces Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act within County Government, to guarantee that all county programs and activities are open to, and usable by, all county citizens. INFORMATION & REFERRAL: Provides information and referral services for all disability-related matters in the area and is the local site for the Governor’s Office for Individuals with Disabilities. OFFICIAL LIASON: Provides advice and guidance to the Board of County Commissioners on matters of interest and concern to citizens who have disabilities. This is the official county government liaison with the Washington County Disabilities Advisory Committee (DAC). ELIGIBILITY: Residents with disabilities. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: N/A.
Washington County One Stop Job Center 14 North Potomac Street Suite 100 Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 393-8200 (800) 765-8692 or Mon, Tues, Wed. & Fri, 8AM-4PM; Thurs. 8AM-3PM.
APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM: Free, statewide information on local apprenticeship programs is available. 24-HOUR JOB SERVICE HOTLINE: Provides regional information on a wide range of available jobs throughout Maryland. EVALUATION AND ASSISTANCE: Job seekers are interviewed to determine skill levels and work experience. If necessary, typing tests are given. In addition, tips on resume writing, interview techniques and completing job applications are offered. Qualified applicants may be referred to training programs.
VETERAN’S PROGRAM: Offers preferential job counseling and placement. MARYLAND WORKFORCE EXCHANGE: Job matching system for job seekers and employees. Provides access to the Internet for job searches only. GENERAL INFORMATION: Call for information on job center locations and services provided. ALIEN LABOR CERTIFICATION: For certification, employer must have identified the need for an alien to enter the United States to work. ELIGIBILITY: Persons, ages 16 and older. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call, walk-in, or visit Web site for further information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County Public Schools 820 Commonwealth Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21741 (301) 766-2800 (301) 766-8776 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM. Provides traditional and special education from prekindergarten through high school. DIVISION OF INSTRUCTION: Offers comprehensive instructional programs for students and operates an Alternative Center as well as the Technical High School. TECHNICAL SCHOOL: School for juniors and seniors that teaches skills for employment after high school. SPECIAL EDUCATION: Provides appropriate education for county children from birth to age 21 who have been identified as disabled and in need of specialized programs for part or all of the school day. Assesses and develops a plan for students with any type of cognitive, emotional or physical disability. SUPPORTIVE INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES: Provides guidance counseling and psychological services to students with school or social adjustment concerns. Staff works with students who show significant attendance or behavioral problems. They help them to develop a plan for improvement. FOOD SERVICES: Offers free or reduced fee breakfast and lunch programs to students who qualify. Call or check for income guidelines. AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS: Call 301-766-2951 for a list of after school programs. VOLUNTEER: Volunteers age 18 and older may serve as classroom aides, tutors, trip chaperons, and provide clerical assistants to teachers or administrators. ELIGIBILITY: Children, ages pre-k to high school and individuals interested in an education. FEES: None.
INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County Register of Wills 95 West Washington Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 739-3612 (888) 739-0013 ml/washington.html Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM. Responsible for appointing personal representatives to administer decedents’ estates and for overseeing the proper and timely administration of these proceedings. We also perform the following duties: assist and advise the public in the preparation of all required forms; maintain and preserve the permanent record of all proceedings; serve as the Clerk to the Orphans’ Court; track estates and refer delinquent matters to the Court; determine and collect inheritance taxes and probate fees/court costs; audit accounts of personal representatives and guardians; mail various notices and court orders to interested persons; and, verify compliance with court orders. For further information, please contact the Register in the county (jurisdiction) where the decedent resided at the time of death. ELIGIBILITY: Open to public. FEES: Varies, see notes. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes. OTHER COURTS: District Court 240-420-4600 Circuit Court 240-313-2530
Washington County Sheriff’s Office 500 Western Maryland Parkway Hagerstown, MD 21740 (240) 313-2100 (240) 313-2133 24 hrs/day, 7 days/wk.
Office is made up of three different divisions: Detention, Judicial and Patrol. Each division provides pre-trial and posttrial detention, as well as assuring the safety and general welfare of the public. DETENTION CENTER: Provides pre-trial detention for those accused and post-trial incarceration for those convicted of minor crimes committed in the county.
JUDICIAL DIVISION: Provides security for the Circuit Court House and Courtrooms during trials, and to serve various civil process coming from private attorneys, and the District and Circuit Courts. PATROL DIVISION: Enforces traffic and criminal laws, conducts investigations, responds to complaints, provides crime prevention and community oriented programs, and any other services concerning the safety and welfare of residents of Washington County. Volunteers, 18 years of age and older, are welcome to assist with clerical work and data entry. ELIGIBILITY: Open to public. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for information. For emergency, call 911. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Various Police: Boonsboro Hancock Smithsburg Drug Task Force
301-432-6838 301-678-5633 301-824-3500 301-791-3205
Prisons: MCI 301-733-2800 MCTC 301-791-7200 RCI 301-797-2250 Washington County Detention Center 313-2100
Washington County State’s Attorney’s Office 33 West Washington Street Room 302 Hagerstown, MD 21740 (240) 313-2000 Mon-Fri, 7:30AM-4:30PM. CRIMINAL DIVISION: Prosecutes criminal and major motor vehicle cases in the Circuit, Juvenile and District Courts for Washington County. VICTIM/WITNESS ASSISTANCE: Offers special services to victims and witnesses of crimes. Accompanies victims and witnesses to court. Advises them of schedule changes and keeps them posted on the status of cases. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals who break the law and residents who are victims/witnesses of crimes in the county. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County Teen Pregnancy Prevention Coalition, Inc. WCTPPC P.O. Box 3647 Hagerstown, MD 21742-3647 (301) 670-3000
The mission of the Washington County Teen Pregnancy Prevention Coalition, Inc. is to reduce teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections by encouraging youth to make healthy choices. The Coalition provides free information resources for youth and parents to assist them in their discussions and decision-making about sex, values and relationships. A Teen Advisory Group (TAG) meets monthly to direct and support Coalition activities. The Coalition participates in and partners with many groups and individuals in the County to develop and promote teen pregnancy prevention activities. ELIGIBILITY: Open to public. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Washington County Volunteer Fire & Rescue Association 1501 Pennsylvania Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 714-0812 24 hrs/day 7days/week.
Offers fire and rescue services to residents of Washington County. ELIGIBILITY: Adults, age 19 and older. FEES: Initial training is free. Cost for advanced classes. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Service sites vary.
Washington County Weatherization Program 101 Summit Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 797-4161 Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-12PM and 1-4:30PM.
Assists low-income homeowners by implementing energy conservation measures. Program seeks to reduce energy and lower utility bills. ELIGIBILITY: Low income homeowners. FEES: None. INTAKE: Apply through local Energy Assistance Office. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Way Station Community Employment Program 25 East North Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 733-6063 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM. Provides comprehensive assessment, training opportunities, and necessary supports that enable individuals who are deaf/hard of hearing, have physical, psychiatric, and/or developmental disabilities to enter or re-enter competitive, integrated work settings. Must be referred by a psychiatrist or doctor. Services include career assessment, job coaching, job development, and self employment. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers, ages 18 and older, to help with clerical duties, clients and recreation. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals who are deaf/hard of hearing, has physical, psychiatric, and/or developmental disabilities. FEES: Medical Assistance/SSI/SSDI/Sliding Fee Scale. INTAKE: Must be referred by a psychiatrist or doctor. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Way Station Day Rehabilitation Program 25 East North Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 733-6063 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM. Program hours MonFri, 8:30AM-1:30PM. Provides individuals diagnosed with a chronic mental illness the opportunity to learn how to develop skills in areas such as coping strategies, employment preparation, health and wellness, independent living, interpersonal and social skills, symptom management and medication, as well as recreational and leisure activities. Program activities include work-oriented activities, educational and experiential groups, community volunteer activities, and recreational and leisure activities. Programs offer transportation to and from the program as well as breakfast, lunch, and snacks. Must be referred by a psychiatrist or doctor. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers, ages 18 and older, are welcome. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals with a chronic mental illness.
FEES: Medical Assistance/SSI/SSDI/Sliding Fee Scale. INTAKE: Must be referred by a psychiatrist or doctor. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Way Station Detention Center Mental Health Program 500 Western Parkway Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 733-6063 (301) 733-6063 Office Hours Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM.
Provides inmates incarcerated in the Frederick County and Washington County Detention Centers who have psychiatric needs with mental health and case management services. Services include facilitation of admission and transfers to State Hospitals, linkage and coordination with other needed services, linkage to community services prior to release and support post-release, medication therapy, mental health assessment and a psychiatric evaluation. ELIGIBILITY: Must be incarcerated and have psychiatric needs. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Way Station Homeless Outreach Program 25 East North Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 733-6063 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM.
Identifies homeless individuals in the community with mental health issues in need of services/support and links them with resources and services in an effort to address their long-term mental health needs. ELIGIBILITY: Homeless individuals dealing with any type of mental illness. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Way Station Mobile Treatment Programs
(301) 733-6063 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM.
Treatment services for established clients include: crisis intervention, health promotion and training, interactive therapies, medical psychotherapy, medication administration and monitoring, psychiatric evaluation and assessment , and support, linkage, and advocacy. Services are provided by a multi-disciplinary team comprised of a psychiatrist, nurse, social worker, and case managers in order to meet the needs of the individuals served. ELIGIBILITY: Individuals who are unable or unwilling to engage in traditional psychiatric treatment and rehabilitation services. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call for appointment. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Wells House, Inc. 324 North Locust Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 739-7748 Mon-Fri 8AM-4:30PM. Provides a 6 to 12-month residential treatment program. Program includes psychosocial assessment with treatment planning followed by individual and group counseling, referrals for rehabilitation and educational training, coordination of aftercare treatment services, and assistance in utilization of community resources for employment, medical or legal issues. Residents are required to attend daily twelve-step meetings in the community. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers are needed as drivers for clients and to serve as board members. ELIGIBILITY: Males, 18 and older, must have completed an inpatient chemical dependency treatment program. FEES: Sliding scale. INTAKE: Referral by therapist or treatment facility. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: No.
Western Maryland Consortium 33 West Washington Street Fourth Floor Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 791-3164 (301) 791-3076 Mon-Fri, 8AM-4PM.
25 East North Avenue Hagerstown, MD 21740 Page | 72 WOMEN OF VALOR MINISTRIES COMMUNITY RESOURCE GUIDE
The program mission is to return citizens to the workforce or introduce them to the workforce for the first time. Program is dedicated to helping people become fully employed as quickly as possible, but also employed in a job that meets their present and future needs. GENERAL SERVICES: Assesses each individual and refers them to the appropriate services. These may include, but arenot limited to, job search skills, job maintenance skills, basic education, GED preparation, and advance training (certificate or degree where applicable). Works closely with area employers and other agencies that facilitate helping the unemployed. A summer job program for youth, ages 14-16, is part of the present program. Call for more information. EDUCATIONAL CLASSES: Offered on site are a job search lab (internet and Maryland CareerNet connected), Selftaught tutorials, a Microsoft Certificate Word and Excel class and a PLATO computerized learning lab. Also offers self pace GED instruction on computers. When appropriate, advanced training is arranged through a variety of vendors throughout the tristate area. EMPLOYER SERVICES: Responds to local business by offering on-the-job Training and other employer services allowed through WIA grants. Call for more information. Transportation allowance for eligible participants. ELIGIBILITY: Usually serves the unemployed, underemployed and those with barriers to employment over age 16. Also based on income. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Western Maryland Med Bank Program Suite 202 24 North Walnut Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 301-393-3441 MEDBANK is a 501(c)3 charitable organization dedicated to accessing free prescription drugs for low-income, chronically ill Marylanders, from the world’s largest pharmaceutical manufacturers. Maryland residents who
meet the financial guidelines, have no other prescription coverage, and are not eligible for entitlement programs like Medicaid or the Maryland Pharmaceutical Assistance Program.
Williamsport Food Bank 35 West Potomac Street Williamsport, MD 21795 (301) 223-7260 (301) 223-7136
Mon and Thurs, 9AM-12PM.
Operates a food pantry for Williamsport area. Clients can use the pantry up to 6 times per year. VOLUNTEERS: Adult volunteers are needed to assist with food distribution. ELIGIBILITY: Adults, 18 and older, who live in the 21795 area who are in need of emergency food. FEES: None. INTAKE: Call for information or walk in. No referral necessary. ID required. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Accommodations possible.
YMCA, Hagerstown 1100 Eastern Blvd. North P.O. Box 1857 Hagerstown, MD 21742 (301) 739-3990 Mon-Fri, 5AM-10PM; Sat & Sun, 6AM-8PM. PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS: Offers a wide range of physical activities and athletic programs. Offers instructional and team sports, aerobics, fitness, swimming, CPR and First Aid. Open to public. SCHOOL AGE CHILD CARE: Offers before and after school programs at area elementary schools. Activities include games, arts and crafts, values development and homework assistance. School’s Out Program offers all day activities for school age children on days when schools are closed. CHILD CARE: Daily preschool program provides educational and recreational activities for children ages 2 through 5. SUMMER CAMP: Variety of day camps offered. Specialties include specific sports, and kinder camp for 5-6 year olds. Other day camps serve children ages 7-12 years old. Volunteers, 18 and older, are welcome for a variety of duties. ELIGIBILITY: Open to public to become member. FEES: Fixed fees. Some programs have available funding to provide financial aid to qualifying individuals and families. INTAKE: Call or visit Web site for information. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
Zion Church Soup Kitchen 201 North Potomac Street Hagerstown, MD 21740 (301) 739-7244 Mon-Fri; 9AM-12PM. Soup Kitchen: Tues, 5:15-6:30PM.
SOUP KITCHEN: Tuesday’s Supper, soup kitchen service on Tues, 5:15-6:30PM.
DONATIONS: Soup kitchen accepts donations of non perishable foods. They may be dropped off during soup kitchen hours. PLEASE NOTE: Soup kitchen cannot accept dented canned goods due to health department regulations. VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers, ages 15 and older, are needed for set up and clean up of kitchen facilities. This volunteer time may be used to fulfill high school service learning hours graduation requirement. ELIGIBILITY: Open to anyone in need. FEES: None. INTAKE: Walk-in. No appointment necessary. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Accommodations possible.
COMMUNITY RESOURCE GUIDE Franklin County, PA Abused Adults WIN Victim Services
Abused/Neglected Children Abusive/Neglectful Families Adolescents Big Brothers/Big Sisters
Adoption/Adoptee Services Childrens Aid Society Franklin Family Services Mountain Valley Center for Human Services
Adult Basic Education Adult Education Classes
Adult Day Care Easter Seals Elderday
Adult Protective Services Adult Services Franklin County Adult Services
Adult Sexual Assault Survivors Advocacy Advocacy-Animal Rights Advocacy-Crime Victims Advocacy-Developmentally Disabled Advocacy-Hearing Impaired Deaf Services
Advocacy-Learning Disabled Advocacy-Low Income Advocacy-Mentally Ill ARC
Franklin/Fulton County Mental Health Hum. Serv. New Visions
Advocacy-Physically Disabled Advocacy-Senior Citizens Franklin County Area Agency on Aging
Advocacy-Visually Impaired Advocacy-Women Advocacy-Youth Franklin County Youth Advocate Program Youth Advocate Programs, Inc. (YAP)
After School Programs
21st Century Community Learning Center N.E.T. Work Ministries
Aging Services
Franklin County Area Agency on Aging
Agricultural Assistance
United States Department of Agriculture
Keystone Health Center HIV/AIDS Program
AIDS Screening Alcohol Abuse
Roxbury Treatment Center
Alzheimer’s/Dementia Anger Management Animal Adoption Animal Cruelty Animal Services Anorexia/Bulimia Anxiety/Panic Disorders Page | 75
Appliances Applications/Forms Apprenticeships Arthritis Assistive Technology Equipment At Risk Families At Risk Youth
OBRA Waiver United Cerebral Palsy of Southern PA
First Level Intervention Program (FLIP)
Child Abuse Child Care Resource & Referral Child Care Subsidies Child Protective Services Child Support Assistance
Attendant Care Attention Disorders Autism Baby Sitter Instruction Baby Supplies/Furniture Battered Men Battered Women Batterers Birth Defects March of Dimes
Bipolar Disorder Breast Cancer Cumberland Valley Breast Care Alliance
Bus Fare/Gas Money Camps Camps-Day Camps-Overnight Cancer American Cancer Society Summit Cancer Services
Cervical Cancer Charities/Foundations/Funding Catholic Charities Chambersburg Hospital Make a Wish Foundation United Way of Franklin County
Franklin County Domestic Relations
Children and Youth Services
Chore Services Churches
New Baltimore Church of God Otterbein Church and Ministry
Clothing-Clothing Banks
Five Forks Brethren in Christ Operation Concern New Hope United Methodist Church Clothing Center Pregnancy Ministries St. John’s Clothing Clinic The Salvation Army Waynesboro Area Human Services Waynesboro Welfare Association
Washington County Hospital
Co-Dependents Colleges/Universities Community Improvement
Franklin County Community Outreach Serv.
Companions/Friendly Visitors
Career Counseling Caregivers Case Management
CCIA Community Concern Committee Summit Endowment
Case Management-AIDS/HIV Case Management-At Risk Family Case Management-Delinquent Youth Case Management-Developmentally Disabled Case Management-Homeless Case Management-Immigrants Case Management-Infants Case Management-Medical Social Work Case Management-Mentally Ill
Care Advantage Comfort Keepers Community Ministries Golden Halo, Inc. Guardian In-Home Services Home-Based Waiver
Mountain Valley Center For Human Services
Case Management-Offenders/Ex Case Management-Phys. Disabled Case Management-Pregnant Women Case Management-Senior Citizen Case Management-Youth Cerebral Palsy
Computer Training Congregate Meals/Food Programs Consumer Complaints Bureau of Consumer Protection
Consumer Services Counseling
A Little Help Adams-Hanover Counseling Services, Inc Lutheran Counseling Services Catholic Charities Pathways Counseling Services Pennsylvania Counseling Services
David Leaman, Ed. D and Yelinek, Edward, PHD. Eric Levin, MD PC Eugene H. Stecher, M.Div., M.A. Lutheran Counseling Services, Inc.
Counseling-Bereavement Counseling-Child Sexual Assault Counseling-Couples/Marital Counseling-Delinquent/CINS Counseling-Development Disabled Mountain Valley Center for Human Services
Counseling-Divorce Counseling-Domestic Violence Counseling-Family Frances Leiter Center Kevin F. Harney, F., L.P.C. Michele Emmett, L.C.P.C., L.P.C., N.C.C.
Financial Counseling Services
Counseling-Group Counseling-Health Conditions Counseling-Individual Counseling-Mentally Ill Meadows Psychiatric Center Psychological Services Summit Behavioral Health Outpatient Services CenterPoint Counseling and Consulting
Counseling-Pastoral/Spiritual Ministry for Self Worth Spring of Hope Ministries
Counseling-Senior Citizens Counseling-Sexual Assault WIN Victim Services
Counseling-Substance Abuse Counseling-Women WIN Victim Services
Counseling-Youth Dirk E. Schenck, L.P.C., N.C.C. Frances Leiter Center Keystone Health Center Behavioral Health Program
Courts CPR Instruction Crime Prevention Crime Victim Support Victim/Witness Office
Crisis Intervention
Christ Among Neighbors Crisis Intervention Services The Escape Center Manito Inc.
Crisis Intervention-At Risk Family Crisis Intervention-Rape Day Care Providers (various) Waynesboro Day Care Center
Brake 4 Kidz Bright Beginnings Little Bear Daycare Magic Years Child Care Noahs Ark Child Care Little Adventures Wee Kare
Dental Care Depression Developmental Delay Developmental Disability Center for Child Development Center for Independent Living Community Service Program CROSS, Inc. Interagency Childrens Advocacy Network Keystone Residence Pennsylvania Elks Major Projects Inc.
Developmental Evaluations Diabetes
American Diabetes Association Chambersburg Hospital Summit Health Diabetes Education and Management Program Summit Health Improvement Center Waynesboro Hospital
Waynesboro Area Human Services
Disaster Preparedness Disaster Relief American Red Cross
Displaced Homemakers Domestic Violence Resources Women In Need, Inc. (WIN)
Donor Services Donor Services-Blood Donor Services-Clothing Donor Services-Food Donor Services-Holiday Donor Services-Household Goods Drop-in Centers Dropout Prevention Drug Abusers
Franklin/Fulton County Drug & Alcohol Program NTP Consultants Roxbury Treatment Center
Dual Diagnosis Dyslexia Early Childhood Education Earn Benefits Eating Disorders Education Chambersburg Hospital E.S.C.A.P.E. Parent-Child Center
Education Program for Divorcing Parents Franklin Learning Center Lincoln Intermediate Unit No. 12
Education-Adults/Post High School Penn State Cooperative Extension (PEN)
Education-At Risk Youth Education-Elementary/Secondary Franklin Learning Center
Education-Special Emergency Shelter Emergency Shelter-2 Parent Family Emergency Shelter-Battered Women Emergency Shelter-Men Emergency Shelter-Men W/ Child Emergency Shelter-Offenders/Ex Emergency Shelter-Women Emergency Shelter-Women w/Child Employers Franklin Counties Top 10 Employers
English as a Second Language Environmental Improvement Epilepsy Epilepsy Foundation Epilepsy Support Group Network, Inc.
Eviction Prevention Eye Care Eyeglasses Family Based Services
Franklin County Parents’ and Kids’ Program Franklin Family Services PA State Cooperative Extension
Family Planning/Birth Control Family Reunification Family Support Centers Financial Assistance
The Salvation Army Rural Opportunities, Inc. Waynesboro Area Human Services Council
Operation Concern Rural Opportunities, Inc. Waynesboro Area Human Service Council Waynesboro Welfare Association Women, Infants, and Children
Food Stamps Food Vouchers Formula/Baby Food Foster Care Childrens Aid Society Family Care Services
Fuel Assistance Furniture Operation Concern
GED Instruction Genetic Diseases Geriatric Assessment Government Information Lines Grandparents Groceries-Delivered Head Start Building Our Pride Franklin County Head Start Rural Opportunities, Inc. Shippensburg Head Start Program
Head Trauma Health Care
Antrim Family Practice Chambersburg Hospital Crossings Family Practice Franklin County State Health Center Healthy Communities Partnership Keystone Rural Health Center Occupational Services, Inc. Physical Therapy Associates Shippensburg Family Practice and Walk-In Universal Community Behavioral Health
Health Care-Free or Low-Cost Health Care-Referrals Health Care-Women
Financial Assistance-AIDS/HIV Financial Assistance-Developmentally Disable Potomac OB/GYN First Aid Instruction Waynesboro Hospital Food Banks Health Education Waynesboro Area Human Services
Food Pantries
Chambersburg Food Pantry South Central Community Action Programs Five Forks Brethren in Christ Greencastle Food Pantry Waynesboro Food Pantry
Food Programs
Chambersburg Meals on Wheels Shippensburg Meals on Wheels
Boot Camp for New Dads
Health Insurance
Summit Health Community Education
Health Screening/Diagnostic Service Chambersburg Hospital Diagnostic Preschool Clinic Greencastle Health Services Waynesboro Hospital/Summit Laboratory
Hearing Aids Hearing Impairments
Deafnet Association, Inc.
Hearing Screening Heart Disease
American Heart Association
Help Line
Contact Help Line Franklin County Information & Referral Parent Education Network Pennsylvania Health and Human Services Call Center Summit Health MedQuest Information Line
High Blood Pressure Hispanic/Latino Community Hispanic American Center
HIV Holiday Assistance Holiday Assistance-Christmas Holiday Assistance-Thanksgiving Home Care- Family Services Home Care- Medical Summit Home Health Visiting Angels
Home Care- Mental Health Home Purchase Loan-Low Income Home Rehab/Repair Loans Home Rehab/Repair Service Helping Hands with Hearts Housing Rehabilitation Housing Rehabilitation Program Waynesboro
Franklin County Homeless Assist Program Homeless Shelter of Franklin County Maranatha Shelter of Franklin County South Central Community Action Program Waynesboro New Hope Shelter
Homeless Families Homeowner Services Home Ownership Program
Homeownership Counseling Hospice Care Lutheran Home Care Services
Waynesboro Hospital
Help Hotline
Hotlines-Battered Adults Hotlines-Child Abuse Household Goods Housing, Affordable Habitat for Humanity for Franklin County MACHO (Mid Atlantic coalition for Housing Opportunities, Inc.) Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA)
Housing, AIDS Housing, Subsidized Rental Affordable Housing Housing Authority of Franklin County Mid Atlantic Coalition for Housing Opportunities Section 8 Office Housing Authority
Housing, Supervised Living
Housing, Supervised-Developmentally Disabled. Mountain Valley Center for Human Services
Housing, Supervised-Mental Ill Housing, Supervised-Physically Disabled Housing, Supervised-Seniors Housing, Supervised-Subsidy Housing, Supervised-Youth Housing, Transitional Candle Heart Center
Immigrants Immunizations Income Maintenance Programs Independent Living Skills Inst Independence Waiver
Infants/Toddlers Infertility Services Inspections Insulin Interpretation/Translation Intervention
Franklin County Cross-Systems Department Non-Violence Intervention Services (NOVIS)
Job Coach Job Readiness E.A.R.N. Welfare to Work
Job Readiness-Developmentally Disabled AHEDD Goodwill Industries
Job Readiness-Displaced Worker Job Readiness-Ex-Offenders Job Readiness-General Public Job Readiness-Hearing Impaired Job Readiness-Immigrants Job Readiness-Low Income Job Readiness-Mentally Ill Job Readiness-Military/Veteran Job Readiness-Physically Dis. Job Readiness-Visually Impair. Job Readiness-Women Job Readiness-Youth BOPIC, Inc.
Job Search/Placement Experience Works, Inc.
Southcentral Employment Corp. Supported Engagement Team PA Careerlink
Job Search/Placement-Develop. Disabled Job Search/Placement-Displaced Job Search/Placement-Ex-Offender Job Search/Placement-General Public Job Search/Placement-Hearing Impaired Job Search/Placement-Immigrant Job Search/Placement-Low Income Job Search/Placement-Mentally Ill Job Search/Placement-Military/Vet Job Search/Placement-Physically Disabled Job Search/Placement-Visually Impaired Job Search/Placement-Youth Job Training Southcentral Employment Corporation
Job Training-Develop. Disabled Goodwill Industries of Central PA
Job Training-Displaced Workers Job Training-Ex-Offenders Job Training-General Public Job Training-Hearing Impaired Job Training-Immigrants Job Training-Low Income Job Training-Mentally Ill Job Training-Military/Veterans Job Training-Phys. Disabled Job Training-Seniors Senior Community Service Employment Program
Job Training-Visually Impaired Job Training-Women Job Training-Youth Juvenile Delinquents Franklin County Juvenile Probation Dept
Juvenile Diversion Programs Law Enforcement Agencies Learning Disability Legal Services Education Law Center Franklin County Legal Services Legal Services, Inc. WIN Victim Services
Legal Services-Child Support Legal Services-Criminal Legal Services-Domestic Violence MidPenn Legal Services
Legal Services-Family Legal Services-Offenders/Ex Legal Services-Senior Citizens
Legal Services-Victims Legal Services-Women Legislative Reference Services Leukemia Library Services Licensing/Certification/Accreditation Life Skills Literacy Programs Family Literacy Franklin County Literacy Council
Loan Closet Lung
American Lung Association
Low Income Mammograms/Breast Exams MEAP Offices Mediation/Conflict Management Medicaid Medical Bill Assistance Medical Equipment/Supplies Medicare Medication Monitoring Mental Health Summit Behavioral Health
Mental Illness/Emotionally Disturbed Brook Lane Health Services Family Outreach Mental Health Association New Visions Person Directed Supports, Inc. Roxbury Treatment Center
Mental Retardation
Franklin-Fulton ARC Franklin-Fulton County Mental health/Mental Retardation Program (MHIMR) Special Olympics
Mentoring Programs
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the Capital Region The House of Grace
Fruitbelt Farmworker Christian Ministry Pennsylvania Farmworker Project
Military Personnel & Family Money Management Counseling Mortgage Assistance Mortgage Foreclosure Counseling Multiple Sclerosis National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Neighborhood Revitalization Nursing Home Nursing Agency Shippensburg Community Nurse
Nutrition Education
Franklin County Day Reporting Center
Occupational Therapy Offenders/Ex-offenders OHEP Programs Organizations
Vic Cardinale, Ph.D. Psychological Services
Chambersburg Hospital Waynesboro Hospital
Habitat for Humanity United Way
Out-of-State Resources Outreach Programs Outreach ProgramsOutreach Programs-Health Condition Outreach Programs-Low Income Outreach Programs-Mentally Ill Outreach Programs-Offenders/Ex Parent Aide/Mentoring The Escape Center
Parent/Child Activity Groups Parenting Skills Development Parents of Children 4-12 Years Parents of Disabled Children Parents-Separated/Divorced Parents-Single Parents-Step Pediatrics Personal Care Physical Disability Physical Fitness Physical Therapy Physician Referral Services Police/Community Relations Postpartum Care Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Pregnancy Counseling Catholic Charities Childrens Aid Society Planned Parenthood Pregnancy Ministries WIN Victim Services Women, Infants and Children
Pregnancy Testing Pregnant Teens
Teen Pregnancy Coalition of Waynesboro
Pregnant Women
Pregnancy Ministries, Inc.
Prescription Expense Assistance Prison Ministry Franklin County Prison Ministry
Prisons (under Washington County Sheriff) Probation
Prostate Cancer Psychological Evaluation Adult Psychological Evaluation Geriatric Psychological Evaluation Youth Psych/Psychological Evaluation Greencastle Family Practice and Psychological Services
Psychiatric Inpatient Treatment Psychiatric Outpatient Treatment Public Awareness/Education Public Health Public Safety Rabies Vaccination Records/Licenses/Permits Recreation Recreation-Adult Recreation-Developmentally Disabled Recreation-Mentally Ill Recreation-Parent/Child Recreation-Physically Disabled Recreation-Senior Citizens Recreation-Youth Manito, Inc. Behavioral Health Services
Chambersburg Hospital Keystone Center Waynesboro Hospital
Rehabilitation, Vocational Occupational Services, Inc. Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Rent Assistance Renters Respite Care Retirement Homes/Communities Right to Life Counseling Safety Awareness/Education School Supplies Schools Security Deposits Senior Assisted Living Facility Senior Citizens Elderly Centre Menno Haven Franklin County Area Agency on Aging LIFE Lutheran Services, Inc.
Sex Education Sexually Abused Children Sexually Assaulted Adults Sheltered Workshops Single Parents Page | 81
Single Parent Family Ministry
Smoke Detectors Smoking Cessation Social Security
Social Security Administration
Social Services
Healthy Communities Partnership of Greater Franklin County, Inc. United Way of Franklin County Waynesboro Area Human Services Council
Teen Fathers and/or Mothers Teen Pregnancy Prevention Teens Resisting Unhealthy Choices Everyday
Telephone Reassurance Telephone Reassurance-Seniors Tenant/Landlord Assistance Terminal Illness Therapeutic Recreation Franklin County Therapeutic Riding Center
Soup Kitchens
Tourette Syndrome
Spay/Neuter Programs Speakers Bureau Speech Impairment Speech Therapy STDs Statistics
Training Training-Caregivers Training-General Public Training-Professionals Training-Volunteers Transitional Housing Transitional Housing-Men Transitional Housing-Women Transitional Housing-Youth Transportation
Salvation Army
Pennsylvania State Data Center
Stress Management Stroke Substance Abuse
Franklin/Fulton County Drug/Alcohol Program Roxbury Treatment Center
Substance Abuse-Adolescents Substance Abuse-Assessment Substance Abuse-Education/Prevention Substance Abuse-Halfway House Substance Abuse-Inpatient Substance Abuse-Outpatient Substance Abuse-Women Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Support Groups Support Groups-Addictions Support Groups-Bereavement Support Groups-Caregivers Support Groups-Develop. DisabledlFamily Franklin County Therapeutic Riding Program
Support Groups-Domestic Violence Support Groups-Health Condition Support Groups-Mental Illness Support Groups-Parents Support Groups-Sexual Assault Support Groups-Substance Abuse Support Groups-Women Survivors Tax Assistance Tax Credits TDAP Technology
Pennsylvania’s Initiative on Assistive Technology
Pennsylvania Tourette Syndrome Association
Chambersburg City Cab
Transportation-Low Income
Volunteer Transportation Network (VTN)
Transportation-Mentally Ill Transportation-Open to Public Franklin County Integrated Transportation System
Transportation-Phys. Disabled Transportation-Senior Citizens Transportation-Veterans Tuberculosis Tutorial Services Tutorial Services-Adults Tutorial Services-Youth Urology Utility Assistance Allegheny Power Weatherization Assistance Program
Veterans & Family
Franklin County Veterans Affairs
Victims/Witnesses Violence Prevention Visual Impairment
Chambersburg Noontime Lion’s Club ForSight Vision for Franklin County Pennsylvania Bureau of Blindness & Visual Services
Vital Records Volunteer Opportunities: Arts & Crafts Page | 82
Volunteer Opportunities: Clerical Duties Volunteer Opportunities: Construction Volunteer Opportunities: Environmental Volunteer Opportunities Friendly Visitor Volunteer Opportunities: Home Care Volunteer Opportunities: Mentoring Volunteer Opportunities: Special Events Volunteer Opportunities: Transportation Volunteer Opportunities Chambersburg Hospital Waynesboro Hospital
Volunteer Opportunities-Youth Volunteer Opportunity-Holiday Voter Services/Elections Weatherization Welfare
First United Methodist Church Franklin County Children & Youth Services Make a Wish Foundation Manito, Inc. Migrant Child Development Programs Rural Opportunities The Escape Center Waynesboro Area YMCA
Youth Agricultural Programs Youth Delinquent Cornell Abraxas Youth Center
Youth Development
Mason Dixon Council Boy Scouts of America Penn Laurel Girl Scout Council
Franklin County Assistance Office Waynesboro Welfare Association
Women, Infants and Children
South Central Community Action Programs WIN Victim Services, Inc. Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
Youth Building Our Pride Chambersburg Toy Mission Chambersburg YMCA Child and Family Development Program Childcare Information Services Children’s Aid Society
21st Century Community eter Learning Center
610 Philadelphia Ave. Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-0531 21stcclc@ (717) 709-1143 Summer Camp8:30 AM - 3:30 PM Monday – Friday After School Program 2:45 PM - 6:00 PM In-School Low Income Children Ages 7-13 Chambersburg Area School District Only Spanish No Fee Programs: * After School Program (CASD) * Summer Camp
By Referral Only CHIPP Adults must
have a mental health diagnosis and meet CHIPP
All Ages (Crisis Services) CHIPP Sliding Scale Private Insurance Medical Assistance Self-Pay Credit Card
Programs: (Chambersburg Programs) CHIPP Supported Living Program This residential program provides housing and housing related supports to individuals identified and referred by Franklin/Fulton MH/MR. Individuals interested in this program should speak with their MH/MR case manager regarding referral to the program. Each individual rents his or her own fully furnished apartment and has access to 24/7 staff support. Apartments are non-smoking.
CHIPP Psychiatric Services
A Little Help Little Help 440 Ramsey Ave Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 709-1010 Also After Hours Monday - Friday- Appointment General Public All Ages Sliding Scale Private Insurance
Fulton County Crisis Program
Individuals in need of emergency mental health and/or drug and alcohol support may present at the Fulton County Medical Center to request crisis services. A crisis worker is available 24/7 for mental health and/or drug and alcohol crisis consultation. Crisis workers assist individuals with: developing safety plans, identifying community supports, information and referral services, emergency mental health assessments, and, if medically necessary, acute care inpatient hospitalizations Adams Hanover Counseling Services, Inc. is a not-for-profit agency governed by a volunteer board of directors based in Hanover, Pennsylvania with satellite offices located in York, Shrewsbury, Gettysburg, and Chambersburg.
Counseling Services include: * Alcohol Abuse * Anger Management * Couples * Divorce * Family * Psychotherapy * Teen Pregnancy * Parenting * Child Abuse
Adams Hanover Counseling Services 272 South Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 625 West Elm Avenue Hanover, PA 17331 (717) 264-5125 Chambersburg Office (717) 632-4900 Hanover Office (717) 632-3657 (717) 261-9695 Chambersburg Office All Hours Appointment (CHIPP) 24/7 (Crisis) FCMC PA Residents Only CHIPP
Individuals residing in the CHIPP Supported Living Program or individuals who are designated by Franklin/Fulton MH/MR as CHIPP participants in services have the opportunity to utilize the CHIPP Psychiatric Services program. This program provides medication checks as medically necessary by the CHIPP psychiatrist.
Hanover Office
Adult Education Classes Programs of Lincoln Intermediate Unit #12 305 W. Commerce Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 Adult Learning Center (717) 504-4459 x-3510 ABE/GED (717) 504-4459 x-3503 YEP (888) 669-7735 (717) 264-2193 Monday – Thursday ABE/GED 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 12:30 PM- 3:00 PM Tuesday & Thursday not held during June. 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Tuesday & Thursday ABE/GED 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Walk-In General Public
Adults ages 22 and older (ABE/GED) Youth ages 16-21 not currently enrolled in a public school system (YEP) No Fee
Programs: ABE - Adult Basic Education
Designed for adults wanting to review or upgrade their basic math, writing, or reading skills.
GED - General Education Development Designed for adults wanting to prepare to take the GED test.
YEP - Youth Employment Program
The Youth Employment Program works with out-of-school youth to provide valuable work skills, build positive values, stress the youths' ability to achieve, and inspire youth to embrace education and community service. The process begins with a general assessment and continues with individually defined short and long term goals. Youth receive support along every step of the way to job placement as well as follow-up services for 12 months. Adult Basic Education classes are sponsored by Lincoln Intermediate Unit 12 which partners with Team Pennsylvania CareerLink.
AHEDD P.O. Box 382 Greencastle, PA 17225 (717) 597-7665 (866) 288-5759 franklin.
[email protected] (717) 597-7665 Monday – Friday hours vary Appointment General Public persons with disabilities If Needed Other Self-Pay Third-Party Sponsor Programs: AHEADD is a private, non-profit organization with a mission to serve the community as a catalyst in the employment and development of persons with a disability. Services include: * Outreach * Initial Assessment * Plan of Service * Pre-employment Services * Community Based Work Assessment * Job Search Assistance * Job Placements * Job Coaching * Follow-Up Job Support Services
Allegheny Power Universal Services P.O. Box 448 Jeannette, PA 15644 (800) 207-1250 (724) 523-1012 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM General Public PA Residents Only Adults ages 18 and older
Through Universal Services, Allegheny Power helps eligible payment-troubled customers on limited or fixed incomes: 1establish affordable payment arrangements to maintain electric service. 2-obtain grants and assistance from community based organizations. 3-guide customers toward self-sufficiency in paying their bills. 4-reduce their energy consumption to a more affordable level.
Low Income Usage Reduction Program (LIURP) helps customers reduce their energy consumption and costs through weatherization and education. Customers may qualify for energy education, energy-efficient lighting, insulation, refrigerator replacement, waterbed mattress replacement, water heater replacement and/or water heater jackets.
Low Income Payment & Usage Reduction Program (LIPURP) enables eligible customers to make monthly payments based on income and heating type.
CARES Customer Assistance & Referral Evaluation Service (CARES) helps customers experiencing a temporary hardship by assisting with referrals for energy grants, housing, food programs, employment, budget counseling, and other assistance specific to the customer's needs. CARES has no income guidelines and CARES home visits are available. CARES partners with the $1 Energy Fund grant program and utilizes LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) during the heating season to help customers pay fuel bills. LIURP & LIPURP eligibility requires that customer's gross monthly household income below 150% of the federal poverty guidelines to begin the screening process. For more information, call the toll free number.
American Cancer Society Franklin Unit 384 Floral Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 264-6266 (800) 227-2345 (800) 227-2345 After Hours connie.
[email protected]
Page | 85 WOMEN OF VALOR MINISTRIES COMMUNITY RESOURCE GUIDE (717) 264-0765 Friday 12:00 PM- 3:30 PM Monday – Thursday mornings by appointment 12:00 PM4:00 PM Walk-In General Public Cancer patients and family members No Fee Programs: The Franklin Unit of the American Cancer Society provides information and guidance to Franklin and Fulton residents and their families who are facing cancer. In addition, some financial assistance with cancer and cancer-related medications is provided, if necessary, as well as some financial assistance with mileage to and from cancer treatments. Patient services programs such as "Road to Recovery" (volunteer drivers) and "Reach to Recovery" (for women facing breast cancer) are also available. Support groups and educational programs, such as "I Can Cope", are provided as well. Wigs and turbans are available, as well as the "Look Good, Feel Better Program". Trained, volunteer cosmetologists teach women how to cope with skin changes and hair loss using cosmetics and skin care products donated by the cosmetic industry. All programs are free of charge. The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy, and service.
American Diabetes Association 3544 North Progress Avenue, Suite 101 Harrisburg, PA 17110 (800) DIA-BETES (717) 657-4310
[email protected] (717) 657-4320 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Walk-In General Public All Ages If advanced notice given No Fee
The American Diabetes Association offers patient and public educational programs, speakers bureau support groups, camp for children with diabetes, and free diabetes information through the Diabetes Information Action Line 1800-DIABETES (1-800-342-2383). The Association also offers a video lending library and has advocacy programs. The American Diabetes Association's mission is to "prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people
affected by diabetes". Diabetes is a leading cause of death by disease in the United States. Almost 16 million people have diabetes; yet for every 2 diagnosed, 1 person goes undiagnosed. If you would like to help in the fight against diabetes, please call the American Diabetes Association.
American Heart Association Adams, Franklin, and Fulton Divisions
225 East King Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-2870 (717) 334-1704 (800) AHA-USA1 www. (717) 263-5750 Monday – Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Walk-In Appointment General Public All Ages On a national level No Fee
The American Heart Association is a national voluntary health agency whose mission is to reduce disability and death from cardiovascular diseases and stroke. The American Heart Association is committed to reducing death and disability from cardiovascular disease through continued research as well as a variety of educational programs in the community. The AHA provides educational material pertaining to nutrition, high blood pressure, exercise, smoking, stroke, and the warning signs and risk factors for heart attack and stroke. Services include: * Get with the Guidelines - a program through hospitals * Heart rs - an online interactive tool for patients and health professionals * Chain of Survival - community initiative for stroke and cardiac arrest * Heart Power - heart health curriculum for kindergarten through middle school * CPR in the Schools - teaches high school students how to respond to cardiac emergencies * Search Your Heart - a faith-based, risk-reduction program that includes training for church volunteers in how to conduct blood pressure and stroke screenings * Heart at Work Online - a health promotion program through the work place.
American Lung Association 3001 Old Gettysburg Road Camp Hill, PA 17011 (800) 932-0903 (717) 541-5864
[email protected] (717) 541-8828
Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment Walk-In General Public All Ages Other Self-Pay Credit Card
* Information * Education * Programs concerning Lung Disease and Lung Health * Asthma programs include support groups for adults and children, Open Airways for Schools, Sesame Street A is for Asthma, Summer Asthma Camps, and Specialty programs * Tobacco Education and Prevention Programs * Smoking Cessation programs for adults and youth * Support Groups for People with Chronic Lung Disease and their caregivers * Flu Shot programs for senior citizens * Programs for Community groups
American Red Cross, Franklin County Chapter 323 East Main Street Waynesboro, PA 17268 25 Penncraft Avenue, Suite A Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 264-6214 Also After Hours # info@franklin- (717) 264-4654 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Appointment Walk-In All Ages Franklin County Residents Only Fee for training Self-Pay
Programs: Health and Safety Services The Red Cross offers trainings on life saving skills including CPR and First Aid for the lay responder or professional rescuer, water safety courses, and lifeguard and babysitter trainings. CPR and First Aid courses for the lay responder are offered monthly at the chapter. Instructor courses are also available for all the above.
Disaster Services
Red Cross disaster relief focuses on meeting people's immediate emergency disaster-caused needs. The Red Cross is able to provide shelter, food, and health and mental health services.
Blood Services
Blood donors must meet eligibility requirements. For specific eligibility information, call the Blood Services Region at 1-800-542-5663.
Armed Forces Emergency Services (24/7)
The Red Cross can assist with emergency communications, emergency leave information, emergency financial assistance, veterans’ affairs, and other supportive services. Please call 1-800-696-3873 for services.
Attendant Care Program A Service of United Cerebral Palsy of South Central Pennsylvania, Inc. 871B Stanley Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 267-2672 (866) 542-7296 kwinhauer@ (717) 267-0242 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Franklin County Residents Only ages 18-59 who are mentally alert but physically disabled No Fee if eligible Programs: Attendant Care Service is a non-medical, in-home personal care, and other support activities for mentally alert adults who are physically disabled and in need of personal care assistance. The program provides basic services (personal care) and ancillary services (housekeeping) to carry out functions of daily living, self care and motility to enable individuals to live in their own homes and communities rather than in institutions. Referrals to the program can be made by doctors, hospitals, clergy, social service agencies, family members or friends. This program utilizes state and federal monies. Individuals who have a current, valid Medical Assistance Identification Card or those who receive SSI payments are automatically eligible for free Attendant Care Services. For all other eligible applicants of Attendant Care Service, the weekly fee is determined by family size and gross monthly income. The weekly fee is minimal and is based upon a sliding scale.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region 1500 N. 2nd Street, Suite H Harrisburg, PA 17102 (717) 236-0199
[email protected] Appointment Children ages 7-16 General Public Wait varies No Fee
Mission Statement: Strengthening the future of our children, primarily through one-to-one mentoring. As an affiliate of Big Brothers Big Sisters America, BBBS of the Capital Region has been serving communities since 1981. Locally, the program began serving Franklin County on
January 1, 1998. The purpose is to serve children who are in need of additional adult support and guidance. Qualified adult mentors, who are supported by skilled professional staff, help children make responsible decisions. Long term one-to-one relationships with caring adults fulfill a critical developmental need for children. Four local high schools, Chambersburg, Waynesboro, Greencastle, and James Buchanan, as well as Shippensburg University also have programs through BBBS that allow more children to be served in Franklin County. Male children need to come from single mother homes with no adult male in the house and have limited contact with father. Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region provides services for five counties in an attempt to best meet community needs: Dauphin, Perry, Lebanon, Cumberland, and Franklin County. Procedure for program application requires parent / guardian consent. Referral candidates should be supplied with program information and should call the office to begin process.
Boot Camp For New Dads A Program of Summit Health 757 Norland Ave, Suite 204 Chambersburg, PA 17201 Summit Health Center (717) 217-6820 www. Thursday 4th Thursday of each month 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Call to sign up for classes Males Only new fathers and fathers-to-be Fixed Fee $20.00class/resource book Self-Pay Credit Card Programs: Veteran dads help rookie dads prepare for new fatherhood to help overcome the fear of the unknown. Gift certificates are available.
BOPIC, Inc. (Building Our Pride in Chambersburg) 530 South Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 900 Hollywell Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 Thaddeus Stevens Elementary School (717) 263-2100
[email protected] (717) 264-7577 Monday – Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Appointment General Public Low Income Children ages 3 - 18 Adults ages 18 - 23 Spanish No Fee
Job Readiness and Job Training-Life Skills Program Serving youth with employment, coordinated by SCCAP during the summer months.
Summer Enrichment Program
A summer enrichment program that operates from the first week of June to the last week of August which stresses academics, career awareness, weekly field trips and the development of social skills. Children are separated by grade and age and student teachers from Shippensburg University as well as the Hagerstown Area Community College instruct classes. Enrollment capacity is 300. The program also offers breakfast, lunch, and daily snacks to all children and agencies enrolled. Transportation service available.
Bureau of Consumer Protection Office of Attorney General 301 Chestnut Street, Suite 105 Harrisburg, PA 17101 (717) 787-7109 (800) 441-2555 www. (717) 772-3560 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Walk-In General Public Spanish No Fee
The Bureau of Consumer Protection office has three main functions: * Mediate consumer complaints involving the purchase or lease of goods or services or a variety of other consumer oriented laws * Investigate and prosecute violations of the Consumer Protection Law and other consumer oriented laws * Provide education (literature, speeches, etc.) to the public on consumer issues. Laws falling under the bureau's jurisdiction include the Consumer Protection Law; the State Auto Regulations; Debt Collection regulations; The Landlord and Tenant Act; Mobile Home Park Rights Act; Telemarketing Act; Health Club Act; and others. All complaints must be in writing, and a complaint form can be obtained by calling or checking out our website at:
Candle Heart Center A Program of Maranatha
3301 Lincoln Way East Fayetteville, PA 17222 (717) 352-2354 natalie@maranathaministries. com (717) 352-3728
Tuesday-Friday closed for lunch 12-12:45 PM. 8:30 AM 4:30 PM Appointment General Public all ages No Fee Programs: Total Personal Transitional Housing Assists homeless families with support services including Debt Management/Budget Counseling, Grace and Truth Fellowship, Anger Management, and Housing. The goal is to help families achieve self-sufficiency. Applicants accepted by agency referrals only. Grace and Truth Fellowship are by appointment only.
Cardinale, Vic Ph.D. 144 South 8th Street, Suite 101 Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-2987 (717) 267-1130 Days/Hours Vary Appointment General Public Spanish Fixed Fee Self-Pay Private Insurance
Psychotherapy for clients ages 12 and up. Therapy services include: individual, group, family, and marital for a wide range of disorders and problems including anger management. Services also include court-ordered referrals and sex-offender treatment. Spanish speaking referrals accepted.
Care Advantage A Program of Lutheran Home Care 750 Kelly Drive York, PA 17404 2700 Luther Drive Chambersburg, PA 17202 1075 Old Harrisburg Road Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 264-8178 (800) 840-9081 lutheran@ (717) 264-3597 All Hours Appointment In-Home General Public All Ages Fixed Fee Private Insurance Medical Assistance Self-Pay
Care Advantage is the private duty program of Lutheran Home Care. There are two levels of service in one to 24 hour increments. Homemaker/Companion Care includes light housekeeping and meal prep, supervision of activities of daily living, minor assistance with personal care activities, and respite for primary caregivers, transportation to appointments, or errands with or for clients and reminders to take pre-poured meds. Personal care includes the above, as well as more hands-on care such as bathing, peri-care, and transfers or assistance with transfers.
Catholic Charities 533 South Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 24 East Main Street Waynesboro, PA 17268 (717) 263-3765 ccchambersburg@ (717) 263-3226 Monday – Friday evening hours by appointment 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Appointment In-Home All Ages Sliding Scale Self-Pay DPW funding HSDF funding
Programs: Catholic Charities provides counseling to individuals, couples, and families for a broad range of issues. Within a family system framework, interventions employing a variety of treatment modalities are used as appropriate to the clients' particular needs. Catholic Charities also offers free pregnancy support services, including pregnancy testing, individual and family counseling, planning for parenting or adoption, and material assistance.
CCIA (Chambersburg Community Improvement Association) 566 South Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 264-9781 (717) 267-2464 Days/Hours Vary Appointment Walk-In Low Income residents of the Borough of Chambersburg No Fee for most programs
* Elementary Tutoring: Various locations, various times * Sixth Grade Tutoring: 566 South Main St., Mon / Wed 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
* S.T.E.P. (Striving to Educate People): Grades 7 -12 * Food Pantry: Opened various locations/times * Employment Referrals * Contact for Low/Moderate Income Housing through the Affordable Housing Program. In this program the CCIA Housing Rehabilitation and Resale Project assists first-time home buyers to obtain affordable housing. For more information, contact Mr. Samuel King or Ms. Jenny Waters (264-9781) Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Center for Child Development/Early Intervention A program of United Cerebral Palsy of South Central PA, Inc. 871-B Stanley Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 261-0931 (800) 294-5142 sraines@ (717) 267-0242 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Appointment Walk-In In-Home Children ages birth-3 No Fee For those eligible
Programs: UCP of South Central PA, Inc. provides Early Intervention Services to infants and toddlers who are at risk of developmental delays in cognitive, adaptive, motor, communication, and social skills. Services include: * Physical therapy: promotes sensor motor functions to prevent, alleviate, or compensate for movement dysfunction and related functional problems. Family training is provided to assist with gross motor development. * Speech Therapy: provides intervention and family training in the areas of pre-speech skills (attention, sitting), functional play, motor imitation, expressive/verbal language development, receptive language development, and feeding/swallowing skills. * Occupational Therapy: provides intervention and family training in the areas of self-help/adaptive, fine motor/hand development, feeding development, reflex integration, sensory integration and mental processing. * Early Interventionist/Special Instruction: provides information, skills, and support related to enhancing skill development. Franklin / Fulton County MH/MR and United Way fund this program. UCP also sponsors Special Events and fundraisers
throughout the year which benefit the Early Intervention Program.
Center for Independent Living Opportunities 150 Roosevelt Ave., Suite 300 York, PA 17401 (717) 849-0991 (800) 956-0099 (717) 849-0995 TTY cilopportunities@ (717) 849-0996 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment Walk-In Franklin County Residents with diverse disabilities Adams County Residents with diverse disabilities York County Residents with diverse disabilities No Fee for consumers Fixed Fee For community trainings
The Center for Independent Living Opportunities (CIL Opportunities) provides comprehensive services to people with diverse disabilities so they can live independently - in their own homes, in their own communities. Services include peer counseling / support, advocacy, life skills training, information and referral, and training (for individuals, their families, and the general public). Mission Statement: To promote complete and unconditional integration of persons with diverse disabilities in all aspects of life in our community.
CenterPoint Counseling and Consulting Dianne E. Elsom, LCSW
75 S. Main St., Suite 4 Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 267-2081 centerpoint@ (717) 267-2740 Monday – Friday evening and Saturday appointments available Call for Appointment General Public Children ages 3 and older Adults Couples Sliding Scale Private Insurance Self-Pay Medicare Medical Assistance
CenterPoint Counseling is a mental health private practice serving Franklin and surrounding counties. CenterPoint Counseling and Consulting assists individuals living with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or any other specific
mental condition. Many symptoms of general stress may be relieved through counseling and therapy. Couples counseling, grief and loss, and career/life transition challenges are helped through counseling at CenterPoint. CenterPoint also works with children and adolescents using play and other expressive, creative therapies. CenterPoint Counseling and Consulting works with businesses to manage employee conflict, performance, and other employee training needs. Team building, communication skills, and leadership development are among training programs.
Chambersburg City Cab Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 261-1538 (717) 263-1716 Monday-Saturday 5:00 AM - 2:00 AM On-call General Public must be able to get in and out of cab without aid. Cannot accommodate wheel chairs. All Ages All taxis are smoke free. Franklin County Residents Only Other Mileage $2.90 per first 1/7 of a mile, $0.20 per 1/7 of mile after. There is a 20 cent charge for every 40 seconds of waiting time. Cash Only
Chambersburg Cold Weather Drop-In Shelter 195 Loudon Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 262-2143 www.chambersburgcoldweatherdropinshelter. org 7 Days a Week First Come First Serve 7:00 PM - 7:00 AM Other General Public No Fee
The Chambersburg Cold Weather Drop-in Shelter is a Christian-based program developed to provide a warm, safe, clean environment to those who are homeless and have no option for shelter during the cold inclement months of the year. In addition, information will be provided to these clients assisting them in making a transition to more self-sufficiency.
[email protected] (717) 263-2136 Monday – Friday 10:00 AM- 4:00 PM Appointment Walk-In Low Income All Ages Hispanic Population Spanish No Fee
Programs: * * * * * * * * *
Bilingual Services Job Services Referral for Aid After-School Program GED Program in Spanish Food Pantry Alcohol Abuse Program Parent Education Programs Legal Aid
Chambersburg Noontime Lion's Club 19 Obsidian Drive Chambersburg, PA 17202 (717) 263-1752 (717) 264-1008 (717) 263-7005 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM General Public No Fee
The Chambersburg Noontime Lion's Club offers assistance with obtaining eye glasses.
Chambersburg Toy Mission LWW & Franklin St., P.O. Box 137 Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 352-4336
[email protected] Tuesday October-January 12:00 PM- 5:00 PM Wednesday OctoberJanuary 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Franklin County Residents Only applications must be submitted by legal guardian of child
Low Income Children ages 0 to 12 No Fee
Chambersburg Hispanic American Center 252 South Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 262-2480
The Chambersburg Toy Mission provides new and good, cleaned / repaired toys to the needy children of Franklin County for Christmas time. The Toy Mission has also supplied toys to children who lost toys due to a fire, etc. throughout the year.
Donated toys should come to the work site at 204 Lincoln Way West in Chambersburg no later than November 30. New volunteers are always needed and welcomed.
Chambersburg YMCA 570 East McKinley Street, P.O. Box 279 Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-8508
[email protected] (717) 263-9639 Friday 5:30 AM - 8:30 PM Monday – Thursday 5:30 AM 10:00 PM Saturday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Sunday 1:00 PM 5:00 PM Walk-In General Public All Ages Fixed Fee Self-Pay Credit Card Scholarships available
Programs: *Swimming Instruction and Water Safety Instruction for all ages *Arthritis class in warm shallow pool *Sam's Program for children (ages 6-13) - who meet income guidelines for reduced or free lunches *Wellness and Exercise Classes Scholarship program fees or membership assistance available to qualified individuals. Applications available at the desk.
Child and Family Development Program Rural Opportunities, Inc.
301 Lortz Avenue Suite 6 Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 267-3275 twhitfield@ (717) 267-1171 Monday - Friday child development: open July-December 6:30 AM 4:30 PM Walk-In Appointment Low Income migratory workers & families Spanish No Fee
Programs: Child and Family Development Program
The Rural Opportunities Child and Family Development Program is a center-based program offering nurturing, safe, and developmentally appropriate educational services and child care to children ages 6 weeks-5 years while parents
do farm work. Health and disabilities referral and treatment, a complete nutrition program, transportation services, social services and parent training activities are offered. We also offer educational, physical, mental and dental assessments. Children and parents participate in literacy and "English-asa-Second Language" activities. The center in Franklin County serves 47 children. Other centers are in Adams, Berks, and Chester Counties. Volunteers are active members of parent policy councils and as classroom volunteers on non-working days. Parents are trained in Early Childhood Education and appropriate childhood health practices. Rural Opportunities, Inc. also offers employment and training and emergency housing. Area agencies are encouraged to call for more information. We offer complete services to children with disabilities and our teaching staff is bilingual.
Child Care Information Services of Adams, Franklin, and Fulton Counties (CCIS) A Program of SCCAP, Inc. 533 South Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-6549 (800) 682-5702
[email protected] (717) 263-7060 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Appointment Walk-In Phone General Public Low Income 200% of FPIG
PA Residents Only Children ages 0 – 13 3 months Spanish No Fee
Programs: The CCIS is contracted by the PA Department of Public Welfare, Office of Child Development, to administer this child care subsidy program to county residents. This program, which receives federal and state funding, was established to give financial support to working families for help in paying their child care expenses. In addition to offering child care subsidies, we also provide referrals to parents seeking child care. Child care providers may request information on training and workshops in their area, as well as information on providing quality child care for working families. Our program also has a resource library which includes books, magazines, pamphlets, videos, and toys that offer a wide variety of information that is helpful to both providers and families.
Children's Aid Society of Franklin County Founded 1884 255 Miller Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-4159 (717) 263-0073 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment General Public children and families Fees Vary Self-Pay Programs: Services provided include Residential Care, Shelter Care, Foster Care, Specialized Foster Care, Adoption, and Pregnancy Counseling.
Christ Among Neighbors (CAN) 130 S. Penn Street, P.O. Box 401 Shippensburg, PA 17257 (717) 532-7577 (717) 762-8580 Saturday client interviews 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Walk-In Low Income residents in the Shippensburg Area School District No Fee
Programs: The Mission of Christ Among Neighbors (C.A.N.) is the desire to serve as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ by offering a crisis intervention service to our community. Through His guidance, we will assist our neighbors who have exhausted every available means for adequate food, rental assistance, clothing, utilities, medical care, etc. This assistance may include emergency service delivery and/or referrals / consultations to other agencies or organizations with the means to solve the problem(s).
Comfort Keepers 3374 Lincoln Way East Fayetteville, PA 17222 (717) 352-2133 Day and After Hours (800) 207-4693 www.
[email protected] (717) 352-2247 Monday – Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM In-Home Franklin County Residents Adams County Residents Preferred Standard Rates
Private Insurance Self-Pay PA Waivers/Office of Aging Veterans Administration
Services are non-medical, in-home care. We hope to help people remain in their homes rather than have to go to an assisted living facility or nursing home. Services are designed for those individuals or couples that are capable of handling their physical needs but require some assistance with daily tasks of living. Services provided: * Companionship * Personal Care * Medication Reminders * Respite * Housekeeping * Laundry * Grocery Shopping * Errands and preparing meals. This assistance helps make it possible to live comfortably in the privacy of one's own home. All caregivers are bonded, screened, insured, and carefully selected to match a client's needs and personality. Services are flexible and tailored to meet clients' needs.
Community Behavioral Health Network of PA (CBHNP) 2764 Lincoln Way West, Suite 3 Chambersburg, PA 17202 Chambersburg Office P.O. Box 6000 Harrisburg, PA 17112 Capital Area (866) 773-7917 Toll Free/After Hours 24/7 Other All Ages Franklin/Fulton County residents who are eligible for Medical Assistance Accommodations for all languages No Fee
Community Behavioral Health Network of Pennsylvania (CBHNP) develops, delivers, and manages effective, fiscally sound behavioral health and other human service solutions for individuals, families, and communities, utilizing the expertise and values of key stakeholders, partners, and providers. Our core values: * Excellence - Pursuing the highest standards of performance * Integrity - Promoting honest, ethical behavior * Accountability - Using resources wisely
* Relevancy - Facilitating access to services that promote best practices and are based on principles of recovery and resiliency * Innovation - Pursuing creative solutions
Community Concern Committee Of the Greenvillage Church of God 5164 Philadelphia Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-1090 (717) 264-2644 All Hours Appointment General Public in Chambersburg area All Ages No Fee
The Community Concern Committee reaches out with different services in the community. Many low income families are provided food and help with medical bills for serious illness or accident. In case of a fire, we provide clothing, household items, or groceries. Help is also available for the Food Pantry and the Salvation Army Christmas Castle. To qualify for help, one must provide full information summarizing reason(s) for need at time of request. All services are on a one-time basis.
Community Ministries Lutheran Social Services of South Central PA 2700 Luther Drive Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 264-8178
[email protected] (717) 264-6347 In-Home General Public All Ages in need of temporary assistance No Fee
Programs: Touch-A-Life, A Faith in Action Program Touch-A-Life is an ecumenical volunteer outreach ministry of Lutheran Social Services of South Central PA working through congregations in Franklin and Fulton Counties. It provides volunteer services to those with specific short-term need for support such as: * Companionship/respite * Errands * Transportation * Minor repairs * Financial/tax/medical forms * Referrals to appropriate agencies for further assistance (availability of some services depends on the service area).
Volunteers are members of local churches who provide help to individuals and families.
Stephen Ministry
Trained volunteers provide emotional and spiritual support for people going through a difficult time in their life. Volunteers receive ongoing supervision and continuing education.
Community Services Program for Persons with Disabilities A Service of United Cerebral Palsy of South Central Pennsylvania, Inc. 871B Stanley Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 267-2672 (866) 542-7296 kwinhauer@ (717) 267-0242 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Adults age 18 and older with physical disabilities No Fee
Community Services Program serves Franklin County adult residents age 18 and over with physical disabilities, both in nursing homes and those living in the community, whose physical disability is likely to continue indefinitely. The physical disability must have resulted in substantial functional limitations in three or more of the following areas of major life activity: * Self Care * Understanding and use of language * Capacity for Independent Living * Mobility * Self-Direction * Learning Consumers who are eligible for the Community Services Program in nursing homes can receive specialized services to acquire and enhance self-care and self-actualization skills and/or relocate to a supported living arrangement in the community consistent with their capabilities and interests. Consumers who are eligible for the Community Services Program living in the community can receive in-home services in order for them to remain at home and avoid nursing home placement. In-home services can include personal care assistance, assistance with cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, meal preparation, range of motion exercises, and accompanying to medical appointments. Some assistance with minor physical adaptations to the home and assistive technology is also available.
CONTACT Helpline Serving Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin and Perry Counties Page | 94
P.O. Box 90035 Harrisburg, PA 17109 (717) 652-4400 Helpline (717) 249-6226 (800) 932-4616 contact@ All Hours Helpline calls only General Public Low Income PA Residents Only All Ages No Fee
Programs: Contact Helpline is a 24-hour / 7 days a week telephone helpline providing active listening and information and referral services. Serving Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, and Perry Counties. Over 1,200 Human Service Referrals. Publish annual resource guide in print and cd-rom format. Publish bi-annual support group and counseling service guide.
Cornell Abraxas Youth Center 10058 South Mtn. Road, P.O. Box 334, Bldg 3 South Mountain, PA 17261 (717) 749-3066 (800) 560-7731 abarnes@ (717) 749-3229 All Hours Appointment General Public Low Income Children ages 12 - 18 Usually within 1-2 days Fixed Fee Private Insurance Medical Assistance Self-Pay
Cornell Abraxas Youth Center is composed of three distinct youth care programs housed in one facility. Cornell Abraxas houses the following: * An eighteen bed, short term, non-secure residential care unit for dependent and alleged or adjudicated delinquent youth * A thirty-six bed, secure residential treatment unit providing services to adjudicated juvenile male fire setters. Cornell Abraxas Youth Center provides life skills, goal setting, cognitive behavioral programs, and a 52-week group curriculum with counseling seven nights a week. Also available: family counseling, psychiatric consultation, discharge and continuing care planning.
Crisis Intervention Services A Program of Keystone Behavioral Health Services 112 North 7th Street Chambersburg, PA 17201
Chambersburg Hospital (717) 264-2555 (866) 918-2555 www. (717) 267-7579 All Hours Walk-In General Public experiencing a mental health or drug and alcohol crisis or other serious problem.
No Fee
Programs: Crisis Intervention Services provides the following: * Assessment * Brief Counseling * Crisis Resolution * Referrals to Community Agencies including: Hospitals / Outpatient Mental Health Providers, Rehabs, Detox Units, Support Groups, Educational Programs, Public Awareness Programs, and Information. To receive Crisis Walk-in Services enter the Chambersburg Hospital using the Emergency Care Unit entrance.
CROSS, Inc. Christian Residential Opportunities & Social Services, Inc.
712 Pinola Road Shippensburg, PA 17257 (717) 530-1788
[email protected] (717) 530-1428 All Hours Personal care home Low Income primary diagnosis is a developmental disability and are not in need of medical care on a daily basis Varies Fixed Fee $1,060.00/ Month
Social Security SSI PCH Supplement
Residential Care Home for adults with developmental disabilities. There are also two camps for individuals with special needs called "Camp Crossroads". One serves ages 921, the other, ages 21+.
Crossings A division of Manito, Inc. 450 Cleveland Ave., Suite 2 Chambersburg, PA 17201 Manito Behavioral Health Center (717) 263-7160 x-222 mrhodes@
(717) 263-6049 Monday – Friday services as needed In-Home Franklin County Residents Only adolescent parents and their children and families up to age 21. Varies
Crossings is a multi-dimensional, dynamic, adolescent parenting program that supports, guides, and strengthens adolescent parents and their children. The goal of the program is to reduce child maltreatment by improving parent / child outcomes including better self-sufficiency for teen parents, healthier and happier children, and a physically and psychologically safer living environment.
Cumberland Valley Breast Care Alliance 344 Leedy Way East Chambersburg, PA 17202 (717) 263-7191
[email protected] (717) 263-7197 24/7 Appointment Walk-In Phone General Public Spanish No Fee
Programs: The Cumberland Valley Breast Care Alliance is a faith based, non-profit ministry which was founded in November 1997. Our objective is to make the community aware of what is available in the areas of breast education, mammography accessibility, and support groups. The Breast Care Alliance mission is as follows: * To provide education to women of all ages, races, and socioeconomic levels. This includes preventive health measures, current information on breast cancer, and professional instruction of the MammaCare® technique of breast self-exam. * To provide women, particularly the underserved and underinsured, information about programs for low or no cost mammograms, location of facilities, and transportation if needed. * To increase public awareness of a disease that has taken too many lives of our loved ones, and to step up the fight against breast cancer. * To assist the Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Coalition with public advocacy and legislation to improve medical care for breast cancer patients. Also, to support fund-raisers and projects on a local level. * To provide local residents with information on the various support groups available to patients and their families. * To provide spiritual support for breast cancer patients and their families.
MammaGift Project
The MammaGift Project is a very unique program which was created and is managed by the Cumberland Valley Breast Care Alliance. This program enables uninsured women to obtain mammograms. There are still many women in our own community that are not getting these potentially lifesaving tests. If this is because of financial reasons such as no insurance coverage or low income, there is help! If you are one of those women or you know someone else that needs assistance, simply make a call. This call could save a life. Remember, we are here to offer quality education, public awareness, and support systems for patients and their loved ones. We are not qualified to do clinical exams, diagnose, or recommend treatment.
Deafnet Association, Inc. 551 Jefferson St. P.O. Box 2619 Hagerstown, MD 21741
[email protected] 301-791-9025 Voice; 301-665-2565 24/7; 301-791-9020 TDD; 301-791-7456 Fax Monday-Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm Walk-in All Ages: Participants must be deaf or hard of hearing to receive services
Deafnet Association, Inc. is a private, non-profit agency. We promote the concerns that affect the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community in the four-state area of Western Maryland, the Northern and Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia, South Central Pennsylvania, and North Western Virginia. Formed in November 1986, Deafnet provides a mechanism for people with hearing loss to advocate for the improvement of existing services and the creation of new ones. Deafnet is supported by people who, like you, are interested in making our community accessible to the Deaf or Hard of Hearing population and receives no federal or state funding. Deafnet provides sign language classes, interpreting and advocacy for the deaf. Training on the use of TTY’s as well as on the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) is provided. Group meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month, except in July and December.
Developmental Disabilities Office (MR/EI) 218 North Second St. Chambersburg, PA 17201 Administration Annex (717) 709-4321 www. (717) 709-7222 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Walk-In Appointment
In-Home Franklin & Fulton County Residents No Fee
Programs: Franklin & Fulton County Mental Retardation is designed to offer mental retardation case management services to individuals and/or their families in the Franklin or Fulton County areas. The case manager is aware of services the community has to offer and is able to assist individuals and families in accessing these services. There are several different types of case management services available for children and adults with mental retardation. * General Mental Retardation Case Management - case management, access, and coordination of services. * Early Intervention Case Managers - Work with children aged 0-3 who are experiencing a developmental delay. * Waiver Case Managers - Work with children and adults who are "at risk" of institutionalization and require substantial community support. * Targeted Service Managers - Work with children and adults who do not meet the above mentioned criteria and/or do not require a great deal of support.
Diagnostic Preschool Clinic A Program of Lincoln Intermediate Unit #12 2397 Loop Road Chambersburg, PA 17201
Franklin Learning Center (717) 263-1732 (717) 263-7479 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Appointment Franklin County Residents Only Chambersburg, Fannett Metal, Tuscarora, Waynesboro, Greencastle School Districts Children ages 3 - kindergarten 2-4 weeks Spanish Sign Language No Fee Programs:
Diagnostic Evaluations (Individual or Team) * Psychological - Emotional, Behavioral, Intellectual * Speech Language * Occupational Therapy * Physical Therapy * Audiology * Nurse / Social Worker * Visual Functioning * Mobility (not acuity testing) Services Available: * Preschool classroom for children with disabilities * Speech Therapy * Occupational Therapy * Physical Therapy
E.A.R.N. A Program of Lincoln Intermediate Unit # 12 305 W. Commerce Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 Adult Learning Center (717) 504-4459
[email protected] (717) 267-2212 Friday 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Thursday 7:30 AM - 7:00 PM Appointment Walk-In By Referral Only from the Franklin County Assistance Office Spanish, limited availability No Fee
Programs: EARN EARN is a job readiness and employment program designed to provide training, education, and supportive services to clients seeking employment.
E.S.C.A.P.E. Parent-Child Center A program of Manito, Inc. 450 Cleveland Avenue, Suite 2 Chambersburg, PA 17201 Manito Behavioral Health Center (717) 263-7707 mrhodes@ (717) 263-6049 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM In-Home Classes General Public Low Income Adults age 18 and older Spanish No Fee
Programs: Parent Educator Services
Parent educators make friends with the family to develop trust and end isolation; model limit setting for the parents as well as children; assist in "re-parenting" the parent by providing support and encouragement as the parent addresses issues stemming from abuse; address special needs of the client including housing, jobs, daycare, transportation, household management and childcare. (Referrals are made through Juvenile Probation and Children & Youth.)
Parent Education Classes
A broad range of classes are offered year round. Classes are funded by Franklin County Human Services Development Fund (HSDF), the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), and the Stewart Foundation. Classes are free to parents and free childcare is provided. Registration is required.
Bridges (Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance) Group provides encouragement and support in a nonjudgmental manner. Group meets the last Monday of each month. Parents must have at least one child under age 12. Registration is required for classes.
Education Law Center 1315 Walnut Street, 4th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 238-6970
[email protected] (215) 772-3125 Monday – Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Appointment PA Residents public education issues Spanish No Fee
The Education Law Center - Pennsylvania is a non-profit law firm dedicated to insuring that all of Pennsylvania's children have access to a quality public education. ELC-PA's main office is in Philadelphia, with a branch office in Pittsburgh.
Education Program for Divorcing Parents PSU, 305 Lubert Bldg. Innovation Park University Park, PA 16802 Penn State Justice and Safety Institute (814) 863-0079 (888) 737-2299 Toll Free Within PA www. (814) 863-3108 General Public some residents are mandated to participate Fixed Fee $50.00per participant Financial assistance may be available Self-Pay
The Education Program for Divorcing Parents is a four-hour seminar to help divorcing parents understand a child's needs in relation to divorce. The local program is mandated by order of the courts in Franklin and Fulton Counties Court of Common Pleas for all parents filing for divorce in Franklin and Fulton Counties who have children under18 years of age. The program can benefit any persons related to or working with children of divorce. This includes mental health professionals, domestic relations officers, and adult children of divorced parents, grandparents, stepparents, foster parents, extended families, remarried individuals, educators, and family service providers. Advanced registration is required. For more information, call toll-free number at Penn State 1-888-737-2299 (within PA) or Mr. William Sheaffer, District Court Administrator of the Franklin County Court (717) 261-3848.
Elderday at Menno Haven and Waynesboro 1427 Philadelphia Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 114 South Third Street Waynesboro, PA 17268 (717) 709-4510 Chambersburg (717) 762-1404 Waynesboro Office vkrenitsky@ (717) 709-4509 Chambersburg (717) 762-1421 Waynesboro Monday – Friday 6:30 AM - 5:30 PM Appointment General Public Low Income Adults ages 60 and older All Ages Sliding Scale Private Insurance Self-Pay Office of Aging funding
ElderDay is an adult day service designed and programmed to accommodate impaired or frail adults during the daytime hours. Services include: * Licensed center with a security system * A structured social setting with supervised adult activities * Intergenerational, pet, and music programs * Arrange door-to-door transportation with Franklin County Integrated Transportation * Trained activity staff and personal care assistants * Staff nurse to administer medications and monitor health needs * Supervised personal care with toileting, bathing, and nail care * Wholesome, nutritionally balanced noon meal and snacks throughout the day * Respite for caregivers
Emmett, Michele K., L.C.P.C., L.P.C., N.C.C. 580 Northern Ave., P.O. Box 3574 Hagerstown, MD 21742 (301) 791-9760 (301) 791-9674 Monday – Friday by appointment Appointment General Public no Medicare or Medicaid Adults age 21 and older 48 hrs -1 week Fixed Fee $80.00Hr Private Insurance Self-Pay
Programs: * Individual * Marital
* Family Counseling * Personal Coaching by a licensed counselor Day and Evening hours available by appointment. Most insurance accepted.
Epilepsy Foundation Of Western / Central PA
900 South Arlington Avenue, Suite 236 Harrisburg, PA 17109 (717) 541-0301 (800) 336-0301
[email protected] (717) 541-1202 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM General Public Franklin County Residents Only Low Income PA Residents Only All Ages Spanish No Fee
Programs: * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Information & Referral Family or Individual Consultations Patient Education Workshops Support Groups Seizure Recognition & First Aid Training Medication Assistance / Referral Lending Library Support Networks Teen Weekend Retreats Case Management Newsletter Employment Assistance Doctor / Clinic Support
Experience Works, Inc. 1140 Edgar Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 c/o Park Avenue U.M. Church 817 South Market Street Mechanicsburg, PA 170554700 Main Office (717) 709-9545 (800) 854-1578 (717) 790-0165 Main Office PA_Receptionist@ (717) 790-0119 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment Low Income 125% of poverty PA Residents Only persons must be currently unemployed Adults ages 55 and older
No Fee
Programs: Experience Works operates the Senior Community Service Employment Program serving low-income older workers. Eligible persons participate in paid work training through community service assignments at local non-profit or governmental facilities. Following completion of training assignments, Experience Works provides job search assistance. Agencies may apply to serve as host training sites. Mature workers can be referred to employers to fill their staffing needs.
Family Care Services, Inc. 4385 Edenville Road Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-2285 Also After Hours info@familycareservices. org (717) 263-6597 Monday – Friday 24/7 beeper 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment PA Residents Only dependent and delinquent youth, children with a mental health diagnosis, and children and adults with MR. All Ages Children with a mental health diagnosis Adults with a mental retardation diagnosis Delinquent youth with a mental health diagnosis Spanish/French Fixed Fee Varies based on services needed Medical Assistance MCO's County Funds
Programs: Family Care Services offers supportive, community-based foster home care for dependent and delinquent children and youth including interim, general, specialized, medical, and therapeutic foster care; respite care; transition services to help children enter adulthood more easily; Community Residential Rehabilitation (CRR) Services to children with chronic psychiatric disabilities; residential care for children and adults with mental retardation; client funds financial management; and adoption services.
Family Literacy A Program of LIU #12
305 West Commerce Street, Suite B Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 504-4459 x-3506 (888) 669-7735 familyliteracy@ (717) 264-2193 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Class open entry schedule Children ages birth-8
General Public families / households where there is an adult with an educational need and a child birth to 8 years No Fee
Programs: Family Literacy provides year-round programming for families with children birth to 8 years of age. Enrollment is a commitment to participate in the four program components: * Parenting Education focuses on the child's developmental stages leading to readiness for academic success. Families benefit from events, field trips, children's books, support and advocacy. * Adult Education may include brush up and instruction of reading and math skills, GED preparation and career readiness. * Early Childhood Education works in conjunction with Head Start and local school districts. * PACT (Parent And Child Together Time) fosters the application of parenting classes through everyday and special family activities. Summer Reading offers additional opportunities to spark a child's imagination, to maintain academic readiness during summer vacation, and to foster parent/child opportunities to learn together.
Family Outreach A Program of Catholic Charities 336 Philadelphia Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 264-2332 tbyers@ (717) 264-0654 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM In-Home General Public All Ages By Referral Only from BSU (see Franklin County MH/MR) No Fee to family Medical Assistance County funding Private Insurance
Family Outreach is designed to prevent out-of-home placement or hospitalization of a child or adolescent (to age 21) with emotional disturbance and, when appropriate, assist in reuniting families whose child or adolescent has been placed outside the home. The program provides intensive therapeutic interventions and support services to the child and family to empower the family to care for their child who has an emotional disturbance. Services are comprehensive and are provided by a team of two mental health professionals. Family Outreach provides services in the family's home and community. The program is available to client families 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Services also include referral and linkage to other social service agencies where needed Referral is required from Base
Service Unit (MH/MR) and must have interagency agreement for Family Based Mental Health Services.
First Level Intervention Program (FLIP) 51 S. Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 261-0631 abreese@ (717) 267-0812 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment Walk-In In-Home General Public Low Income Spanish No Fee
FLIP is a program that is available to assist Franklin County families with children under the age of 18 who need brief services. These intervention services are provided in an attempt to prevent non-voluntary involvement with Children & Youth or Juvenile Probation. Referrals may be made to FLIP by the following: * Parents * Medical Professionals * School Personnel * Social Service Agencies * Churches * After School Programs The FLIP program is made possible by funding from Children & Youth Services as an initial prevention and intervention program for families with children who are at risk. Case management services are designed to assist families build positive relationships thus avoiding Children & Youth from officially becoming involved. The case management services are short term and goal specific.
First United Methodist Church Community Ministry
225 South Second Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-8491 (717) 263-6755 Monday – Friday Summer Program 10:00 AM- 2:30 PM Monday – Thursday After School Program (Oct.-April) 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Thursday community supper and service 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM Appointment Walk-In
Children grades 1-5 (After School Program) Children ages 4-11 (Summer Program) All Ages clothing room & Thursday evening CSS Spanish - After School Program No Fee
concerning the visually impaired or blind. Please check for meeting locations and times.
Frances Leiter Center of Children's Aid
Programs: After School Program
Serves children at risk. First hour: snack, games, crafts, stories, music Second hour: tutoring and help with homework Staff has regular communication with the public school teachers. Tutors are adults from the congregation, college, and high school students. Staff tries to involve the children in service projects and character-building activities as much as possible.
Summer Playground Program
Indoor / outdoor recreation, stories, crafts, music, field trips, Art Express, and Bible stories. Lunch is served. Program usually starts the third week of June and ends the 2nd week of August.
Thursday Service
Sit down meal at 5:30 PM proceeded with a celebration of birthdays and anniversaries, as well as a brief scripture reading and prayers in both English and Spanish. Following the meal, children are invited to stay for children and youth programs and adults for an informal worship service. Personal hosts are available for assistance. A nurse is on duty each week and the Clothing Room is open at 7:00 PM. The Clothing Room has clothing for all ages and is open Tuesday and Thursday AM and Thursday evening from 45:30 PM and 7-8:00 PM.
For Sight Vision for Franklin County 1380 Spahn Avenue York, PA 17403 P.O. Box 303 Waynesboro, PA 17268 (717) 267-3128 (866) 393-7768 (800) 255-6578 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Appointment In-Home Franklin County Residents Only All Ages Visually Impaired within 30 days No Fee
Franklin County Association for the Blind offers life skills, education and community forums, transportation to local services, groceries, medical appointments, letter writing services, and other paperwork. There is a monthly meeting offering relevant information and important topics
539 Lincoln Way East Chambersburg, PA 17201 117 South Church Street Waynesboro, PA 17268 (717) 264-8552
[email protected] (717) 852-7605 Monday – Thursday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM Appointment General Public Children ages 2 -18 Sliding Scale Self-Pay
Counseling services for children, adolescents, and families, including Play Therapy for younger children, Behavior Modification, Parenting Skills, Parent/Child Relationship Therapy, Support Groups, and Referral Service.
Child and Adolescent Counseling and Play Therapy
The Frances Leiter Center licensed professional counselors provide Play Therapy to children/adolescents ages 2-18 who have mental health disorders, behave inappropriately, or suffer emotional anguish. Through play, the child expresses non-verbal feelings and thoughts, allowing the therapist to identify underlying problems. Therapists also use various types of play (toys, table games, video games, art, dressup, etc…) as a means of helping children work through the problem to resolution. The child's parents and/or caretakers are included in aspects of therapy. Self-Referrals are welcome. Counseling by appointment only. See Waynesboro Center .
Franklin County Adult Services 51 S. Main St. Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 261-0631 abreese@ (717) 267-0812 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment Walk-In In-Home Franklin County Residents Only Adults ages 18-59 Spanish No Fee
Franklin County Adult Services is a program of the Franklin County Cross-Systems Department. This program attempts to assist Franklin County residents in accessing needed services. The case manager links the applicant with available services to meet their identified needs. These services are available to Franklin County adults ages 18-59.
Franklin County Area Agency on Aging 600 Norland Ave., Suite 11 Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-2153 (800) 642-6990 (717) 267-3440 After Hours www. (717) 261-3198 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment Walk-In In-Home Franklin County Residents Only Adults age 60 and older Any language - will make arrangements No Fee Sliding Scale
* Information & Referral * Home and Community-Based Services including: Care Management, Counseling, Family Caregiver Support Program, Home Delivered Meals, Home Support, Lifeline, Medical Equipment and Supplies, PDA Waiver Program, Personal Care Assistance, Adult Day Care, Domiciliary Care and Transportation * Senior Activity Centers (See Appendix) * APPRISE - Volunteer counselors assist with health insurance questions * Legal Services - limited to durable powers of attorney, wills and advanced directives to those with limited incomes * Protective Service/Elder Abuse - 24 hours a day (717) 263-2153 or 1-800-642-6990 * Volunteer Opportunities - including: Friendly Visitor program, Home Delivered Meals, Ombudsman, Rent-A-Kid and many others
Franklin County Assistance Office (Welfare) 620 Norland Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 264-6121 (800) 921-8839 (717) 264-4801 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Appointment Walk-In
Franklin County Residents Only Low Income as determined by federal & state guidelines. No Fee
Programs: * Cash Assistance * Medical Assistance (Includes Long-Term Care) * Food Stamps * Employment Training Program (ETP) * Disability Advocacy Program (DAP) * Low Income Energy Assistance Program - Seasonal (LIHEAP) * Information and Referral
Franklin County Children & Youth Services 425 Franklin Farm Lane Chambersburg, PA 17202 Franklin County Human Services Building (717) 263-1900
[email protected] (717) 263-1254 Monday – Friday office hours 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment Walk-In In-Home Children ages birth -18 No Fee
Programs: As the local public child welfare agency, the FCCYS has the responsibility to assure the safety and well-being of children residing in Franklin County who have been reported at-risk of child maltreatment or neglect. The agency also provides services to incorrigible, truant and runaway youths. Services include assessment and referral, in-home protective services, contracted provider services, placement, and adoption services.
Franklin County CrossSystems Department 51 S. Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 261-3141 www. (717) 267-0812 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment Walk-In Individuals and Families most services are based on income eligibility Spanish No Fee
Programs: Page | 102
The Cross Systems Department is a department within Franklin County Human Services. The department consists of several programs and activities/projects which assist individuals and families as well as aid community collaboration and integration. Most programs are incomebased. All programs are state and federally funded. Several additional funding streams pass through the Cross-Systems Department, such as The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP), State Food Purchase Program (SFPP), and the Emergency Shelter Grant Program. Current programs in Cross-Systems include: * First Level Intervention Program (FLIP) (See ) * Adult Services (See ) * Homeless Assistance Program (HAP) (See ) * Information & Referral (I&R) (See ) * Projects for Assistance In Transition from Homelessness (PATH) Please see individual program s for more information.
Franklin County Day Reporting Center (DRC) 550 Loudon Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-0450 kmeaton@ (717) 263-3016 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM Saturdays 8:00am – 4:00PM Appointment Walk-In By Referral Only Adults age 18 and older No Fee
Programs: Offenders are referred to this program from the court system, Adult Probation, or the Franklin County Prison. Treatment and supervision are provided to increase the offenders' success in the community. The goal is to reduce both the number of individuals in jail and the recidivism rate in the county.
Franklin County Domestic Relations Section 218 North Second Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 264-6144 www. (717) 267-1223 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Walk-In General Public Fixed Fee $45.00 Docket fee
Fixed Fee $26.00Annual Service fee Self-Pay
Programs: The Franklin County Domestic Relations Section is responsible for the administration of the Child/Spouse Support Enforcement Program which consists of: * Case Initiation * Paternity Determination * Location of Absent Parents * Establishment and Modification of Support Orders * Enforcement of Financial and Non-Financial Orders
Franklin County Head Start 275 Southgate Shopping Center Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-8019 headstart@ (717) 263-9516 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Children ages 3-5 Low Income Spanish No Fee
Head Start is a low-income comprehensive child development program for preschool children and their families. Daily activities help children grow mentally, socially, emotionally, and physically. All children receive medical and dental care, have healthy meals and snacks, and enjoy learning and playing, indoors and outdoors, in a safe setting. Special services are available for children with special needs. Head Start offers social services and educational opportunities to parents of enrolled children. Parents can become involved in the program in many ways, such as classroom volunteers, positions as paid employees, and becoming part of the 'government' of the program assisting the director in operating the program. Currently there are sixteen centers operating in Franklin County in the communities of Chambersburg, Waynesboro, South Mountain, Fayetteville, St. Thomas, Greencastle, and Mercersburg. Children attend the program Monday Thursday, beginning and ending the day between the hours of 8:30AM-3:45PM. Transportation provided for most children before and after those hours. Bilingual staff is available.
Franklin County Homeless Assistance Program (HAP) 51 South Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-7642 rlerner@ (717) 267-0812
Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Walk-In Appointments Preferred Franklin County Residents Only Low Income 150% of FPIG Spanish No Fee
The Homeless Assistance Program (HAP) is funded through state dollars in order to assist families who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness achieve a goal of self-sufficiency and prevent future homelessness. If the family meets eligibility guidelines, the Homeless Assistance Program may help on a limited basis with rent, security deposit, or utilities. Each applicant / individual or family must complete and sign a goal plan which describes how that family can resolve the problem areas which led to homelessness or near homelessness. The primary emphasis of this program is self-sufficiency and homeless prevention. This is not an entitlement program.
Franklin County Housing Authority 436 West Washington Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 202 Elder Avenue Waynesboro, PA 17268 (717) 263-4200 (800) 370-8288 (717) 263-2021 Section 8 Office (717) 762-7117 Waynesboro Office housingc@ (717) 263-7474 Monday – Friday 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment Walk-In Low Income must meet eligibility criteria Six months to one year Fees Vary Rent based on income. Tenants responsible for security deposit.
Programs: *Section 8 Housing: Tenants live in the community of their choice in an apartment that meets housing quality standards. Tenant pays rent based on income. The remainder of rent is subsidized by the program. *Public Housing: 366 housing units are available for rent by qualified low-income persons of Franklin County. Tenants can choose to live in the Waynesboro or Chambersburg developments. Tenant pays rent based on income. The remainder of rent is subsidized by the program.
Franklin County Information & Referral
A Program of Franklin County Human Services Development 51 South Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 261-2561 ir@ (717) 267-0812 Monday – Friday CONTACT Helpline covers after hours and weekends. 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Walk-In Phone General Public seeking information regarding human services in Franklin County. No Fee
Franklin County Information & Referral is available to anyone seeking information regarding available human services in Franklin County. Information & Referral is a resource intended for public use. Individuals who are uncertain of how to access information or services are encouraged to contact I & R. If the information is not directly at hand, I & R will actively research and respond to the inquiry as quickly and efficiently as possible. I & R produce the Human Services Directory which is published every two years and is available to Human Services professionals (counselors, caseworkers, etc) as well as a Where To Turn booklet for the general public. Information & Referral does not offer direct services, but will connect you to resources and support services in the Franklin County area.
Franklin County Integrated Transportation System 201 Franklin Farm Lane Chambersburg, PA 17202 (717) 264-5225 (800) 548-5600 gstrine@ (717) 262-4975 Monday – Friday trips for medical appointments 9:00 AM 2:00 PM Monday – Friday transportation services 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM Appointment Franklin County Residents Only By Referral General Public All Ages Fixed Fee $13.00Per one-way trip General public rate Fixed Fee $1.50Per one-way trip Senior citizens rate, 60+ No Fee for medical appointment for MA recipients Self-Pay Medical Assistance
Programs: The transportation service is demand responsive transportation available to senior citizens, human service agencies, and the general public. Transportation service is provided to persons sixty years of age and older for medical appointments, agency appointments, senior centers, and shopping. Franklin County Integrated Transportation System (FCITS) provides services for clients of human service agencies on a referral basis only. Transportation is provided to medical appointments for clients with a Medical Assistance Card at no charge. Transportation is also available to the general public. The general public must pay full fare at the time of their appointment. All trips must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance. If a client is unable to make a scheduled trip, he/she must call the FCITS office to cancel the trip. Medical Mileage Reimbursement is available for Medical Assistance recipients that transport themselves and/or family members to/from medical appointments within or out of the county. Please call FCITS for more information. (717) 262-2360 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 AM Appointment Walk-In In-Home General Public Low Income 187.5% of FPIG All Ages Spanish No Fee
Franklin County Legal Services provides legal representation, education, and advice to low income families and individuals. The program handles civil (noncriminal) matters only. Most clients seek the services in matters involving domestic relations, landlord-tenant disputes, consumer problems, welfare benefits, bankruptcy and unemployment compensation. However, the program can assist low income clients in all civil matters, either directly or through referral.
Franklin County Juvenile Probation Department
Franklin County Literacy Council
425 Franklin Farm Lane Chambersburg, PA 17202 Franklin County Human Services Building (717) 261-3122 www.
[email protected] (717) 261-1157 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment Children ages 10-18 who have been charged with a delinquent offense. No Fee Potential for fines, cost, restitution, and parental support.
A Program of LIU #12
The Juvenile Probation Department provides general probation supervision, intensive probation supervision, and school-based probation supervision. The Juvenile Probation Department also operates a community service program, conducts random drug screening, participates in the AdoptA-Highway program, conducts the First Offenders Program, Youth Diversion Program, Alternative Education Program (PACES), Saturday School, and a summer work program. A Victim/Witness service is also provided.
Franklin County Legal Services 80 North Second Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 262-2326
305 West Commerce Street, Suite B Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 504-4459 x-3505 (888) 669-7735 frcoliteracy@ (717) 267-2212 Monday – Thursday hours by appointment 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Appointment General Public Adults age 17 and older PA Residents Only No Fee
Franklin County Literary Council (FCLC) serves adults 17 years of age and older who need assistance with reading, writing, spelling, and math. The council also provides English as a Second Language (ESL) and Computer Assisted Instruction. Instruction is offered primarily through trained volunteers at sites throughout Franklin County. Initial Tutor Training and yearly workshops are provided for tutors. Materials for both tutors and students are provided free of charge. Times are available by appointment. One-to-One and Small Group Tutoring offered for the following: * Reading * Writing * Spelling * Math * English as a Second Language
* Citizenship Skills * Preparation for Driving Permit Test * Basic Computer Skills for Computer Assisted Instruction FCLC is a referring agency for the Distance Learning Project sponsored by the PA Department of Education, Bureau of Adult Basic and Literacy Education. Courses offered through this project are Workplace Essential Skills and GED Connection.
Basic Literacy
This volunteer program offers free one-to-one tutoring to persons who need assistance with reading, writing, and conversation or math skills. An extensive library for the students and tutor is housed at the council. Tutoring takes place at donated sites throughout Franklin County. Group tutoring available in the migrant camps during the fall. The council provides Tutor Training workshops to prepare volunteers to work with students.
English As A Second Language
Classes are held on Monday & Wednesday from 9:30-11:30 AM and 6:00-8:00 PM, First United Methodist Church, 225 S. 2nd St., Chambersburg, and on Saturdays from 2:004:00 PM at Christ United Methodist Church, 60 W. 2nd St., Waynesboro. No pre-registration is required. FCLC is a program of Lincoln Intermediate Unit #12, a partner of Franklin County CareerLink.
Franklin County Parents' and Kids' Program A Program of Franklin County Children & Youth Services 425 Franklin Farm Lane Chambersburg, PA 17202 (717) 261-3144 c&
[email protected] (717) 261-0999 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM In-Home Franklin County Residents Only Children ages birth-10 2-4 months No Fee
Caseworkers provide services to families in their own homes. They work with families to assist them in providing appropriate care for their children and in helping them meet the needs of their children. Caseworkers assist with and teach appropriate discipline techniques, nutrition, stress management, child care techniques and life skills. Parents also receive information on child development and assistance with determining appropriate expectations for their children. Program staff also makes referrals to other agencies/services as needed.
Franklin County State Health Center 1518 Cleveland Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-4143 (877) 724-3258 877-PA-HEALTH
[email protected] (717) 263-5991 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment Walk-In General Public Franklin County Residents All Ages Spanish Fixed Fee $5.00Per visit Self-Pay
* Immunizations * Maternal / Child Health Programs * HIV Testing and Counseling * Tuberculosis treatment * Infectious Disease * Rabies Investigation * Information & Referral * Travel Information * Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention * Investigation * Case management Appointment is required for confidential, anonymous HIV testing. Immunization clinics are held every Wednesday from 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM in Chambersburg.
Franklin County Therapeutic Riding Center 181 Franklin Farm Lane Chambersburg, PA 17202 (717) 263-0443 Barn (717) 263-9226 Extension Office
[email protected] (717) 263-9228 Monday – Thursday April-October 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM Saturday April-October 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Appointment General Public disabled individuals 1 -2 years Fixed Fee $50.00per year
The Franklin County Therapeutic Riding Program is an allvolunteer supported horse riding program for the disabled. No riding experience is necessary for participation. A Physical Therapist screens for eligibility and participants must have a doctor's referral. Riders ride once per week
from April through October. The Franklin County Therapeutic Riding Program is always in need of more volunteers. Volunteers need no experience. Please call Susan Rotz (Stable Manager / Instructor) at (717) 263-0443 or Bob Kessler (Penn State Cooperative Extension Office) at (717) 263-9226 to volunteer.
Franklin County Veterans Affairs
Franklin Family Services provides outpatient counseling to children and adult individuals. Couples and family therapy is available. Also, psychiatric services are available including: psychiatric consultations, medication management, and psychiatric therapy. Program also has a behavior health component consisting of therapeutic staff support, behavior specialist, and mobile therapist. Services for behavior health performed in school, home, and community.
Adoption Services
Franklin Family Services Adoption specializes in private infant adoption services. The program offers both opportunities for domestic and international adoption with coordination through the Cradle of Hope. FFS provides services to adoptive families as well as birth families who want to make an adoption plan for their child. FFS conducts thorough home study s for prospective adoptive parents. The Adoption Program provides free consultation.
191 Franklin Farm Lane Chambersburg, PA 17202 Building 3 (717) 263-4326 bobharris@ (717) 263-1905 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment Walk-In Veterans and dependents in Franklin County Fee for Documents (charged to non-veterans)
Franklin Family Services Daycare offers safe, quality childcare to infants and toddlers. FFS also has a preschool program taught by a certified teacher with a theme-based curriculum and activities that prepare for school readiness.
Assistance provided to all veterans and the veterans' families with coordination among local, state, and federal agencies in obtaining veteran's entitlements. Walk-ins are accepted. Appointments are needed if the Director is to be seen. Director will travel to homes of severely disabled to provide assistance.
Franklin Family Services 131 E. McKinley St. Chambersburg, PA 17201 Child Development Center and Adoption Services 427 Limekiln Drive Chambersburg, PA 17201 Outpatient Clinic/Wraparound (717) 267-1515 Outpatient Clinic (717) 263-8504 Child Development/Adoption Services
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (717) 267-2316 Monday Outpatient Clinic 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM Monday – Friday Adoption Services (evenings appointment) 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday – Friday Daycare 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM Tuesday-Friday Outpatient Clinic 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM Appointment General Public All Ages Private Insurance Medical Assistance Self-Pay
Programs: Outpatient Clinic/Wraparound
Franklin Learning Center 2397 Loop Road Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-2700 (717) 263-1732 Preschool Referrals (717) 263-7479 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Children ages 3 to 21 Franklin County Residents Only By Referral Only from local school districts No Fee
The Franklin Learning Center houses comprehensive educational day programs for both preschool and schoolage children with special needs. School-age students (ages 5-21) are currently being served in the following need areas: Life Skills, Autism, Multi-Disabilities, Visual Impairment, and Emotional Support Programs. The Preschool Program provides both diagnostic and classroom services to developmentally delayed children ages 3-5. These programs are provided through Lincoln Intermediate Unit 12. Preschool testing is done on a referral basis. School-age referrals are made through one of the five school districts in Franklin County.
Franklin/Fulton ARC 4351 Philadelphia Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17202 McBeth Building (717) 264-4390 arc4390@ (717) 264-0348 Monday - Friday8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Appointment
All Ages with a mental retardation diagnosis No Fee
The ARC provides family support services to persons with mental retardation and their families. The following support services are provided: * Family Aide: This service allows parents and others, who care for an individual with special needs in their home, to have a "sitter" to relieve them of a few hours of responsibility. * Respite Care: Short-term Foster Care provided in the Host Family home for a minimum of 24 hours and a maximum of 28 days per period of care. Respite Care is commonly used for parental illness or family vacations. * Social Recreation: Community integration provided through group activities. A monthly calendar of events is mailed to participants. Transportation is provided. * Socials: Socials are held the third Thursday of each month at St. Paul United Methodist Church. Transportation is provided. The public is invited. * Advocacy: Agency advocate will attend IEPs, provide information and referral, and attend appointments. * Independent Monitoring for Quality: A team of monitors visits homes in community to complete surveys on the quality of life of a person with a mental disability. * Van Transportation: Transportation provided to and from OSI for adult consumers. * Home and Community Habilitation: Based on consumer need, such as in-home care, socialization, community outings, and recommendations in the Individualized Support Plan. Funding for the support programs is provided through allocations by the United Way, the County Mental Health / Mental Retardation office, donations, and fundraisers.
Franklin/Fulton County Drug & Alcohol Program 425 Franklin Farm Lane Chambersburg, PA 17202 Franklin County Human Services Building (717) 263-1256 or (800) 841-3593 (717) 264-2555 After Hours jwadel@ (717) 264-6297 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment Franklin & Fulton County Residents Low Income Spanish Sliding Scale No Fee Prevention programs and presentations Medical Assistance Fee Waivers
The Drug and Alcohol Program is comprised of two departments: Prevention and Case Management. * The Prevention Specialists provide education and information on alcohol and drug use and abuse through literature, pamphlets, videos, consultations, and various inservice programs for all ages and groups in the two-county area. * Our Case Managers serve adolescents and adults of all ages from Franklin and Fulton counties. They conduct treatment assessments and arrange for consumers to enter treatment facilities and aftercare for individuals. The Intensive Case Management program is a specialized intensive program designed for certain clients who are dually diagnosed, adolescents, those heavily involved with the criminal justice system, those on child welfare, intravenous drug users, clients who continually relapse, pregnant women, and women with children. We adopt the Disease Concept of chemical dependency, which sees addiction as progressive and, if left untreated, as life-threatening. The Franklin-Fulton Drug and Alcohol Program are under the County Commissioners and sponsored by the PA Dept. of Health. Those having private insurance, which pays for drug and alcohol treatment, are referred directly to treatment facilities.
Franklin/Fulton County Mental Health 425 Franklin Farm Lane Chambersburg, PA 17202 Franklin County Human Services Building (717) 264-5387 Administration (717) 264-2184 Case Management (800) 841-3593 Toll Free (717) 261-1555 Intensive Case Management & Resource Coordinator jtrimmer@ (717) 264-6297 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Walk-In Appointment In-Home Franklin & Fulton County Residents No Fee Case Management Fixed Fee Some contracted services require a liability determination.
Franklin & Fulton County Mental Health is designed to offer mental health case management services to individuals and/or their families in the Franklin or Fulton County areas. The Case Manager is aware of services the community has to offer and is able to assist individuals and families in accessing these services. There are several different types of case management services available for children and adults with a mental illness.
* Administrative Case Management - Available to all children and adults who have serious or persistent mental illness. * Intensive Case Management (ICM) & Resource Coordination (RC) - Available to children at risk and adults who have a serious or persistent mental illness. * Waiver Case Manager - Works with children and adults who are "at risk" of institutionalization and require substantial community support. * Targeted Service Managers - Works with children and adults who do not meet the above mentioned criteria and/or do not require a great deal of support. Services are provided in Waynesboro and Fulton County as well. Call for more information.
Fruitbelt Farmworker Christian Ministry 142 Pine Grove Road Gardners, PA 17324 (717) 486-3291 (800) 677-6896 farmworker@ (717) 486-3291 Tuesday & Wednesday others by appointment 9:00 AM 4:00 PM Appointment Labor Camp Visits In-Home All Ages Franklin, Adams, and Cumberland Counties migrant & seasonal farmworkers Spanish No Fee
* Spiritual Nurture * Pastoral Care * Recreation * Advocacy for farmworkers * Opportunities for Cross-Cultural Understanding - through networking with area churches, community agencies, employers and employees to improve the quality of life for all persons in the Fruitbelt. In addition to financial support from area churches, businesses, and individuals, Fruitbelt conducts a Holiday Fruitbox fundraiser each year. Orders are received and welcomed from churches, businesses or individuals who wish to give a gift of local fresh and packaged fruit products as a gift to family, friends, or business associates. Proceeds are used for ministry to farmworkers.
Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania 550 Cleveland Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201
(717) 264-5020 chambersburg@ (717) 264-1944 Friday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Walk-In Females Only ages 5-17
Programs: Penn Laurel Girl Scout Council provides scouting to inspire girls with the highest ideals of character, conduct, patriotism, and service so that they might become happy and resourceful citizens. Programs in troops, groups, day camps, and resident camps are offered. Volunteers are trained to provide programs for girls.
Golden Halo, Inc. 740 Mt. Rock Rd Carlisle, PA 17013 (717) 776-3443 (866) 776-3443 goldenhalo@ (717) 776-3451 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM In-Home General Public PA Residents Only Adults ages 18 and older Fixed Fee Medical Assistance Self-Pay Long-Term Care Insurance
Programs: In-Home Non-Medical Service Provides everyday living skills to those who have difficulty with daily chores in their home. GH can prepare meals, clean, do laundry, change linens, transport to grocery store, Dr.'s appointments, etc. GH can also assist with personal care, as well as simply being an in-home companion and friend to those in need of a little attention. Respite care is also available for family members who just need a break for a while.
Goodwill Industries of Central Pennsylvania, Inc. 1150 Goodwill Drive, P.O. Box 3155 Harrisburg, PA 17105 Main Office Letterkenny Army Depot, c/o LEAD Building #4 Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 261-1262 Letterkenny (717) 232-1831 Main Office (800) 432-4483
[email protected]
Page | 109 WOMEN OF VALOR MINISTRIES COMMUNITY RESOURCE GUIDE (717) 261-9734 Letterkenny (717) 232-0115 Main Office Monday – Friday main office 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Monday – Friday 7:00 AM - 2:30 PM Appointment Walk-In Adults ages 18 and older, severely disabled and capable of performing some aspect of janitorial work No Fee To program participants Fees Vary Costs may be paid by funding agency
Programs: Letterkenny Location
Goodwill provides janitorial vocational training services at Letterkenny to qualified persons. Upon acceptance to the program, trainees complete initial one day pre-training and during this time their wage is determined; their pay is performance-based. Trainees are then supervised by team crew leaders who provide continual job coaching and training. Trainees can remain in our program until they have met specific productivity and behavioral criteria. Once those criteria are met, the Employment Specialists are responsible for helping the trainee obtain competitive employment within the community. Also, Goodwill can assist trainees with resume writing, job hunting, and interviewing skills. To be considered severely disabled, individuals must have written medical documentation stating they have either a mental, physical, emotional disability or any combination of these. Only a psychiatrist can diagnose a mental health illness. A psychologist can diagnose a mental retardation diagnosis but not a mental health diagnosis.
Greencastle Family Practice and Psychological Services 50 Eastern Avenue, Suite 115 Greencastle, PA 17225 (717) 597-0095 (717) 765-4000 After Hours
[email protected] (717) 597-3147 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM Appointment General Public All Ages Children ages 18 months to 18 years Adults ages 18 and older Spanish Fixed Fee $75.00hour Counselor Fixed Fee $100.00hour Psychologist Private Insurance Self-Pay Credit Card CHIP
Greencastle Family Practice:
* Paul Bitner, M.S. L.P.C. - Counseling practice includes individual, marital, and family counseling. Specializing in anxiety, depressive disorders, traumatic histories, and relational issues. * Rhonda Keener, M.S., L.P.C. - Specializing in healing from trauma, anger management, anxiety, and depression. * John W. Mallin M. Div. - Counseling practice includes individual, marital, and family counseling and consultation with churches. Experienced pastor takes a pastoral approach from a distinctly Biblical perspective. * Harvey I. Payne, Psy.D. - Psychology practice includes individual, marital and family therapy with a specialization in the evaluation and treatment of children. * David L. Zehrung, Ph.D. - Psychology practice includes individual and family therapy with a specialization in marital therapy and the evaluation of dementia. * Greg Johnson, M.S., N.C.C. - Individual Therapy, specializing in adolescence and depression. Call for an appointment.
Guardian In Home Services, Inc. 1709 Old Harrisburg Road Gettysburg, PA 17325 Adams/York County 8941 Kings Lane Mercersburg, PA 17236 (717) 328-9116 Franklin/Fulton County Office (717) 328-4700 Franklin/Fulton County - After Hours (717) 530-5571 Cumberland County Office (717) 334-9704 Adams/York County Office (301) 733-3272 Washington County Office (717) 292-1598 York County guardian@ (717) 328-4663 Franklin/Fulton County Offices (717) 334-4692 Adams/York County Office (301) 733-1429 Washington County Office Monday – Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Appointment Medical Facilities In-Home Franklin County Residents Fulton County Residents Cumberland County Residents Adams County Residents York County Residents Washington County, MD. Residents General Public All Ages Fees Vary Self-Pay Long-Term Care Insurance
Programs: Guardian In Home Services is a registry of non-medical companion / caregivers, who are independent contractors, providing non-medical in-home care to an elderly, sick, or handicapped person. We assist your loved ones with meal
preparation, personal care, light housekeeping, laundry, and medication reminders as well as transportation to and from appointments. Guardian In Home Services, Inc. is available to cover 24-hours daily with a minimum of 4 hours per day, 3 days a week. Caregivers' fees, scheduling, and job duties are negotiable between the client and the caregiver. Please call for a brochure and additional information.
Habitat for Humanity for Franklin County 23 North Third Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 267-1899 Monday – Friday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Walk-In Franklin County Residents Only (at least 1 yr.) Low Income 1 year Spanish Fixed Fee $17.00 Fee for credit check Self-Pay
Habitat for Humanity of Franklin County is an ecumenical Christian housing ministry whose objective is to eliminate substandard housing in Franklin County and provide affordable homes to low-income families by having people from different economic classes and races work together in equal partnership. Habitat builds new relationships and a sense of community, as well as new houses. Habitat houses are sold to partner families at no cost and are financed by an affordable, no interest loan. Interested parties must apply and provide information confirming employment, income and credit rating.
Hagerstown Rescue Mission 125 North Prospect Street, P.O. Box 685 Hagerstown, MD 217410685 (301) 739-1165 hagerstownrescue@ (301) 739-1169 All Hours Males Only ages 18 and older No Fee
* Residential 12-step recovery program for drug / alcohol addiction * Homeless Shelter * Drug Testing * Drug/Alcohol Counseling * Bible Study * Meals and food orders provided for men, women and children * Clothing and furniture donations with approval
Hagerstown Rescue Mission is a Gospel Rescue Mission. Men who wish to reside and/or enter the program will be required to abide by some rules including attending Bible classes and chapel services.
Harney, Kevin F., L.P.C. 19 S. Main Street, Suite 4 Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-8339 Also After Hours
[email protected] (717) 264-0045 Monday – Friday 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Appointment General Public Children ages 8-18 Adults Fixed Fee $85.00 Self-Pay
With over 23 years of experience working with adolescents and their families as a teacher, Kevin approaches problems creatively with a fresh perspective rather than by following textbook recipes. Counseling services are offered in the following categories: * Depression and Anxiety * Relationship Issues * Parenting, Re-Parenting, Step-Parenting, and Blended Parenting * Workplace Issues * Substance Abuse * Fears and Phobias * Spiritual Concerns * Grief and Loss * Impulse Control Issues * Personal Purpose / Direction * Abuse & Trauma Recovery * Divorce & Custody Issues
Healthy Communities Partnership of Greater Franklin County, Inc. 59 North Seventh Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 264-1470 info@ (717) 267-7952 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM General Public ages as targeted in specific programs No Fee
The Healthy Communities Partnership is a consortium of over 50 healthcare, human and social services, education, government, and religious organizations in the Franklin
County area. The purpose is to focus on the strengths and resources of individuals and organizations to address issues and to improve health and well-being of the communities. The focus of the Healthy Communities Partnership is to support healthy behaviors and work toward eliminating the root causes of behaviors which are counterproductive to ensuring long-term healthy communities. The current focus of action is on: 1. Building developmental assets for children and youth 2. Addressing the need for healthier lifestyles, particularly increased physical activity and nutritious eating habits. Programming efforts are implemented by volunteer work teams. Volunteers are welcome to participate.
Help Hotline Church of Transfiguration, Box B Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214 (717) 794-2229 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10:00 AM- 2:00 PM Appointment General Public All Ages within a five mile radius of Blue Ridge Summit No Fee
The Help Hotline provides food, clothing and limited utilities assistance.
Helping Hands with Hearts, Inc. 6912 Fairway Drive East Fayetteville, PA 17222 (717) 496-5289 Also After Hours (717) 352-2898 Monday – Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Other Franklin County Residents Only must own the property needing repair or fix-up. Low Income 235% FPIG By Referral Only 2 weeks No Fee
The Helping Hands with Hearts program is a non-profit, volunteer organization of mostly retired men and women with various skills associated with home maintenance and repairs. Services are provided at no cost to needy individuals and families who otherwise would not be able to obtain them. Projects include: wheelchair ramps, replacing windows, replacing porch railing and floors, painting and yard work. Those in need are referred by local social service agencies, welfare organizations, or non-profit charities. Estimators assess each requested project to determine
whether it is within the scope of our ability. Helping Hands with Hearts schedules and completes the work at no charge to the client.
Home Nursing Agency 761 5th Ave., Suite A2A Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 264-2128 (800) 445-6262 Toll Free / After Hours (800) 445-6262 After Hours www.homenursingagency. com (717) 264-1148 Open 24 hours a day In-Home General Public those in need of in-home skilled care All Ages Private Insurance Medical Assistance Self-Pay
Programs: * * * * * * * * *
Skilled Nursing Specialized Clinicians Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapies Hospice Medical Social Services Home Health Aides Nutrition Services IV Therapy Durable Medical Equipment.
Home-Based Waiver A Service of United Cerebral Palsy of South Central Pennsylvania, Inc. 871B Stanley Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 267-2672 (866) 542-7296 kwinhauer@ (717) 267-0242 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Franklin County Residents Only who are mentally ill and physically challenged No Fee
The Home-Based Waiver Program provides non-medical, inhome personal care, meal preparation, household management, and other approved support activities including transportation and escort services. These services help prevent inappropriate institutionalization, relieve family members from daily responsibilities of providing personal care, and help make attendance to school, work, or day programming possible. Referrals should be made to the MH/MR program and can be made by doctors, clergy, social service agencies, family members or friends.
Homeownership Program Rural Opportunities, Inc. 550 Cleveland Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 264-5913 JGilliland100@
[email protected] (717) 264-7176 Monday – Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Appointment Walk-In Franklin & Adams County Residents Spanish Fees Vary
Programs: * First-time Homebuyer Education Classes * Credit Counseling Toward Purchasing A Home * Up to $8,000 Loan for Down payment & Closing Cost Assistance (for households up to 120% of County Median Income Levels) * Home Purchase Price must meet HUD's Housing Quality Standards.
Housing Rehabilitation Borough of Chambersburg 100 South Second Street, P.O.Box 1009 Chambersburg, PA 17201
Chambersburg Borough Office (717) 261-3232 pwolgemuth@ (717) 264-0224 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Appointment General Public Borough homeowners only 6 months or longer Other Self-Pay Credit Card Programs:
Housing Rehabilitation for owner-occupied dwellings located within the municipal limits of the Borough of Chambersburg for low / moderate income participants. Must meet other criteria established by the borough.
Housing Rehabilitation Program Waynesboro A Program of SCCAP, Inc. 153 North Stratton Street Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-7634 x129 (717) 334-6921 Monday – Thursday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Appointment
Borough of Waynesboro Residents low to moderate income 8 - 12 months No Fee
Programs: The purpose of the Housing Rehabilitation Program is to bring homes of income-eligible homeowners up to BOCA building standards and to increase energy efficiency. By providing technical and funding assistance in the form of a grant or low interest loan, the program assists homeowners in making needed repairs to their homes in the areas of: * Electrical * Plumbing * Heating * Roofing * Insulation * Structural All applicants must own their homes and meet the Section 8 Income Guidelines.
Independence Waiver A Service of United Cerebral Palsy of South Central Pennsylvania, Inc.
871B Stanley Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 267-2672 (866) 542-7296 kwinhauer@ (717) 267-0242 Adults age 18 and older with "Other Related Conditions" who are not ventilator dependent
Independence Waiver offers the following services: * Service Coordination * Daily Living Services (Attendant Care Services) * Respite Services * Environmental Accessibility Adaptation * Specialized Medical Equipment * Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS) * Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapies * Visiting Nurse Services Definition of "Other Related Condition" is: 1. Has its onset before 22 years of age 2. Is expected to last a lifetime 3. Severely limits the person's ability to function This means the disability effects at least three of the following activities of daily living: * Self-Care * Understanding and Use of Language * Learning * Mobility * Ability to Make Decisions * Capacity for Independent Living
Interagency Children's Advocacy Network/Local Page | 113
Interagency Coordinating Council (I-CAN/LICC) 218 South Second Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 709-4321 (800) 841-3593 I-CANofFranklinCountyPA@ (717) 264-6297 Call for assistance Franklin County Residents Only Children birth to age 5 with special needs and their families No Fee
Programs: I-CAN
Interagency Children's Advocacy Network was created by families and agencies to promote, educate, and support families in Franklin County who have children with special needs. Our goal is to build inclusive communities and bring families together for lasting relationships.
Keystone Center 430 Phoenix Drive Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 262-9010 www.keystonehumanservices. org (717) 262-9014 Monday – Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Walk-In Franklin/Fulton County Residents Only must be eligible to receive services through MH/MR and be authorized by them for services. Adults ages 18 and up with a mental health diagnosis Other Funding through Franklin/Fulton MH/MR
Programs: The Keystone Center is a psychiatric rehabilitation center utilizing the Boston University approach. It is a voluntary program which enables individuals to create and accomplish personally established goals. We believe that recovery does occur and is facilitated by personal choice and responsibility.
Keystone Health Center Behavioral Health Program Part of the Keystone Healthcare Network 820 5th Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-0384 info@ (717) 263-0500 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment
All Ages Spanish Sliding Scale Medical Assistance Self-Pay Private Insurance Credit Card CHIP
Individual and family counseling with licensed therapists. Medication management with psychiatrists.
Keystone Health Center HIV/AIDS Program Part of the Keystone Healthcare Network 820 5th Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-4313 info@ (717) 263-0500 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment Walk-In General Public Spanish Sliding Scale
Services include: * Case Management * Free, confidential HIV/AIDS testing with no blood draw (on-site and through outreach) * Prevention Education (on-site and through outreach) * Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Treatment Adherence Counseling * Dental and Nutrition services * Numerous Supportive Services available
Keystone Residence 170 Mill Road Chambersburg, PA 17201 Chambersburg 940 East Park Drive Harrisburg, PA 17111 Harrisburg (717) 267-0442 www.keystonehumanservices. org Monday – Friday office hours 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Appointment Adults who are developmentally disabled PA Residents Only No Fee Other Self-Pay County Funding
Keystone Residence is an agency of Keystone Human Services. Keystone Residence primarily supports individuals with developmental disabilities to live in their communities. Services are provided in a variety of settings. Individuals may/can reside in programs called Community Living Arrangements or in their own apartment /homes. In some situations, individuals may reside in homes of private families. This program is referred as life sharing through family living. Keystone Residence is a licensed rehabilitation facility which follows regulations developed through the Office of Mental Retardation, Department of Public Welfare.
Keystone Adult Day Program
Keystone Adult Day Program is a licensed pre-vocational program for adults with developmental disabilities operating Monday through Friday from the hours of 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Individuals work on increasing self care skills and develops work skills to attend sheltered settings or obtain jobs. Individual may also participate in Social Recreational activities offered through the program with transportation provided. Individuals are encouraged to participate in other activities of their choice.
Leaman, David R., Ed.D. & Yelinek, Edward, Ph.D. 131 West Fifth Street Waynesboro, PA 17268 (717) 762-7719 (717) 762-1652 Monday – Friday 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM Appointment General Public All Ages Four weeks Fixed Fee $100.00Hour Private Insurance Self-Pay
* Therapy * Counseling Services * Psychological Testing * Consultation Both Dr.'s Leaman and Yelinek are Clinical Psychologists.
Levin, Eric, M.D., P.C. 144 South 8th Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 267-2903 (717) 267-0643 After Hours
[email protected] (717) 267-1130 By Appointment 10:00 AM- 5:00 PM General Public ages 8 and older By Referral Only no worker's comp 1 - 4 weeks or more Spanish French
Italian Fixed Fee Varies depending upon services rendered Private Insurance Self-Pay Credit Card Medicare No MA
* Psychiatric evaluations age 6 and up * Limited Forensic Evaluations * Medications - all ages * Psychotherapy - Individual, Adolescents * Family Therapy * Group Therapies (Anxiety, Eating Disorders) * Referrals to other therapists * Coordination of care with other therapists and physicians Limited insurances accepted, some insurances require precertification.
LIFE Lutheran Services, Inc. 840 Fifth Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201
[email protected] 717-264-5433; 877-840-8408 Toll Free; 717-264-3279 Fax Monday-Friday from 7:00 am to 5:30 pm Population served: Adults ages 55+ by referral only Nursing Facility Clinically Eligible and residents residing in the following zip codes: 17201, 17202, 17222, 17225, 17235, 17237, 17244, 17246, 17252, 17254, 17257, 17268, 17270 Service Delivery through program enrollment Multilingual services as needed Fee: other Payment method: Medical Assistance, Self-Pay; Medicare
LIFE Lutheran Services is a creative program designed to enhance the ability of seniors to live safely in their own homes and communities with dignity and independence by providing access to a full continuum of preventative, primary, acute, and long-term care services. LIFE includes many elements of the traditional health care system. It is coordinated by an interdisciplinary team and provided primarily at the LIFE Center in Chambersburg and is supplemented by in-home and referral services according to a participant need.
Additional Information:
LIFE enrolls seniors who are age 55 or older who live in a LIFE services area, need a nursing home level-of-care and want to stay in the community. The senior must be able to live safely in the community with the services from LIFE and agree to have all services coordinated and approved through the LIFE interdisciplinary team.
Lutheran Counseling Services, Inc. 43 West Washington Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-9093 (717) 263-2252 Monday & Wednesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM Appointment General Public All Ages Sliding Scale Private Insurance Self-Pay
Lutheran Counseling Services is a non-profit counseling agency that provides counseling services to individuals, couples and families. Services are provided by a licensed psychologist and counselors with doctoral or masters degrees/graduate training. The staff endeavors to integrate psychology and Christianity in the delivery of services. This is done with sensitivity and respect for each person's beliefs and needs. This agency is financially supported by Lutheran Churches in Franklin, Fulton, and Cumberland Counties.
Lutheran Home Care Services, Inc. Hospice of the Good Shepherd 1651 Mt. Zion Road York, PA 17404 1075 Old Harrisburg Road Gettysburg, PA 17325 2700 Luther Drive Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 264-8178 (800) 840-9081 lutheran@ (717) 264-3597 All Hours In-Home Appointment General Public All Ages Spanish Fixed Fee Private Insurance Medical Assistance Self-Pay
Programs: Lutheran Home Care Services As a Medicare-certified, home-health agency, we provide health care in the comfort of home, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Whether you need skilled nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy or medical
social services, we will work with you, your doctor, and your family to develop an individualized care plan that is just right for your needs. Some specialties include IV therapy, chemotherapy, rehabilitation, nutritional counseling, enterostomal therapy, and home health telemonitoring. Home health care can be provided in private residence or an assisted living center.
Hospice of the Good Shepherd
Hospice of the Good Shepherd is a team of skilled professionals, para-professionals, and volunteers dedicated to caring for the client and the family. We help to manage pain and symptoms so the client can concentrate on important issues and live the last months, weeks, and days to the fullest. We support the family, counsel them on what to expect and teach care-giving techniques. With the help of Hospice, the client will be given the opportunity to laugh and love, say goodbye, and to die in peace and with dignity. The hospice team has a medical doctor to oversee the care that is provided, nurses to provide physical care, nursing aides to assist with personal care, and a medical social worker to provide emotional support, counseling and assistance with long-term planning. A chaplain is available regardless of church affiliation and volunteer services are also available to the client and family. In addition, Hospice of the Good Shepherd offers specialty services such as pet therapy, massage therapy, and music therapy. Hospice of the Good Shepherd provides a bereavement program to provide resources and support to aid in the grief recovery process. Adult and children's grief support programs are offered throughout the year that provide a comfortable place to share experiences and learn to cope with loss.
MACHO (Mid Atlantic Coalition for Housing Opportunities, Inc.) 8585 Sheffield Manor Boulevard Waynesboro, PA 17268 (717) 762-9139 (717) 762-9622
[email protected] (717) 762-6104 Monday – Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Appointment Walk-In General Public Fees Vary
* To provide opportunities for low and moderate income people to secure housing that is decent and affordable * To preserve the quality and affordability of housing for future low and moderate income residents of the community * To combat community deterioration in economically disadvantaged neighborhoods by promoting the development, rehabilitation, and maintenance of decent housing in these neighborhoods; by promoting economic
opportunities for low income residents of these neighborhoods; by making land available for projects and activities that improve the quality of life in these neighborhoods; and by assisting residents of these neighborhoods in improving the safety and well-being of their community * To protect the natural environment and to promote the ecologically sound use of land and natural resources and the long-term health and safety of the community For Franklin County Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) or Community Land Trust (CLT), contact Doris Thrailkill, Executive Secretary, 717-762-9139
Make-A-Wish Foundation Of South Central Pennsylvania
2951 Whiteford Road, Suite 304 York, PA 17402 (717) 757-9474 (800) 440-9474 awaltman@ (717) 840-0222 Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Appointment Other Children diagnosed with a life threatening medical condition, (ages 2.5-18) in Adams, Franklin, and York Counties No Fee
Programs: Wish Granting
The Make-A-Wish Foundation grants wishes to children ages 2 1/2 to 18 with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength, and joy. Referrals can be made by anyone as long as the family is aware and in agreement with the referral of the child. The child's doctor determines if the qualifications are met for the program. Wishes are 100% funded by donations. Local volunteers are utilized to visit children and help with fundraisers. There is always a need for volunteers! We urge local schools to become involved with the "Kids for Wish Kids" program in which students have fundraisers for a local wish child. Businesses can host internal fundraisers, such as casual day, bake sales, etc., throughout the year to raise the $3400.00 needed to grant a wish to a local child.
Manito, Inc. 310 Lortz Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 Alternative High School 7564 Brown's Mill Road Chambersburg, PA 17201 Administration & Browns Mill Center 426 Phoenix Drive Chambersburg, PA 17201
Therapeutic Enrichment Center (717) 261-9833 Therapeutic Enrichment Center (717) 375-4733 Brown's Mill Center (888) 717-4733 (717) 375-4834 Administration
[email protected] (717) 261-9832 Therapeutic Enrichment Center (717) 375-4336 Brown's Mill Center (717) 375-4067 Administration Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Appointment General Public with psychosocial, educational, vocational needs Fixed Fee Private Insurance Medical Assistance Self-Pay School/County Contracts
Programs: Non-Traditional Education Services
Manito provides numerous services developed to create an enhanced quality of life and social responsibility for participants. Programs and services include: * Day Treatment * Alternative Education Programs for adjudicated and nonadjudicated adolescents * School-Based Counseling Services * HOPE classrooms specializing in therapeutic programs are located within some area school districts for children and adolescents with behavior disorders * Alternative High School for young adults who have dropped out of high school * Adventure-Based Therapeutic and Educational programs * Corporate/Staff Development programs * Adult Education for inmates at the Franklin County Jail
Manito, Inc. Behavioral Health Services 450 Cleveland Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 Manito Behavioral Health Center (717) 261-9833 TecInfo@ (717) 261-9832 Monday – Friday weekend hours by appointment 9:00 AM 9:00 PM Appointment In-Home General Public All Ages Fixed Fee Private Insurance Medical Assistance Self-Pay
Programs: Behavioral Health Services
Manito provides Behavioral Health Services designed to create relationships and learning experiences that make a difference. Programs and services include: * Behavioral Health Rehabilitation Services: Therapeutic Support Staff, Behavioral Specialist Consulting, and Mobile Therapy * Outpatient Psychological Services: (provided by licensed professionals) Play Therapy, Individual Psychotherapy, Family Psychotherapy, Couples, and Psychological Evaluations * Crossings: * E.S.C.A.P.E. Parent-Child Center: * Student Assistance Program: Evaluation & ReferralProvides early Intervention with at-risk students Behavioral Health programs and services utilize several locations in Chambersburg, and information and referrals can be initiated through the Therapeutic Enrichment Center. SAP can be reached at 267-0300.
Maranatha Ministries 527 Lincoln Way East, P.O. Box 507 Chambersburg, PA 17201 Financial Counseling 43 Philadelphia Avenue Waynesboro, PA 17268 195 Loudon Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 Food Pantry/Job Placement (717) 261-1708 Chambersburg (717) 762-3285 Waynesboro (717) 262-2143 Cold Weather Shelter (717) 264-7785 Food Pantry
[email protected] (717) 261-1409 Chambersburg (717) 762-0460 Waynesboro (717) 267-7785 Food Pantry Tuesday & Thursday Financial Counseling (Wed & Fri by appt.only) 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Tuesday-Friday Food Pantry/Job Placement (closed 12-1PM) 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment In-Home (for handicapped) General Public Low Income 150 % of poverty All Ages Sliding Scale No Fee Self-Pay
Programs: Budget Assistance
*Budget Counseling: for individuals and families experiencing serious financial difficulties *Budgeting Classes: covering the importance of budgeting, budget set up, wise credit use and
consequences of inappropriate use, and how to establish financial goals
Home Owners' Assistance
*Pre-Closing Counseling: for first-time home buyers as required by PHFA and financial institutions *Reverse Mortgage: explaining the effects of a reverse mortgage *PA Housing Counseling: assists families and individuals in danger of mortgage foreclosure
Representative Payee Service: Assists individuals receiving Social Security to better budget expenses and to ensure basic need expenses are covered.
On Your Behalf Counseling Services General, confidential services for the public at no charge.
Food Pantry/Job Placement
A choice food pantry and job placement services access point for CareerLink. Also offer a clothing bank to those who qualify. The food pantry is closed the last week of every month.
March of Dimes Cumberland Valley Division 160 South Progress Avenue, Suite 1A Harrisburg, PA 17109 (717) 545-4534 (800) 533-9255 www. (717) 545-5329 Monday – Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM General Public No Fee
The mission of the March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality. The Harrisburg office serves Franklin County.
Mason-Dixon Council Boy Scouts of America 18600 Crestwood Drive Hagerstown, MD 21742 Camp Siniquipe, 677 Boy Scout Road Fort Littleton, PA 17223 (301) 739-1211 www. (301) 739-1213 Monday – Friday office hours 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Membership General Public Children 1st grade-20 years. Adults age 18 and older Spanish Fixed Fee $10.00Yr Self-Pay Credit Card
Programs: Comprehensive Youth Development * Cub Scouts (boys, grades 1-5) * Boy Scouts (boys, grades 6-12) * Venturing (ages 14-21) High adventure for co-ed * Exploring (ages 14-21) Based on Career Fields * Learning for Life-(in-school, value-based lessons) Boys (1st grade-20 yrs) Girls (14-20 yrs)
Meals on Wheels of Chambersburg 43 West Washington Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 First Lutheran Church (717) 263-7228 Also after hours #. Monday – Friday 6:00 AM - 1:00 PM In-Home Chambersburg & some Fayetteville residents All Ages having difficulty preparing their own meals due to age, handicap, post-surgery, or injury One day Sliding Scale Self-Pay Programs: Hot, home-delivered noontime meal Monday thru Friday including holidays, except Thanksgiving and Christmas. Intake by telephone anytime.
Meals on Wheels of Shippensburg 30 South Penn Street Shippensburg, PA 17257 Messiah United Methodist Church (717) 532-4904 (717) 532-3592 After hours Monday – Friday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM In-Home General Public shut-ins All Ages Fixed Fee $4.50Per meal Self-Pay Programs: Hot meals (and beverage) delivered five days per week.
Mental Health Association 540 East Washington Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 110A First Street McConnellsburg, PA 17233 (717) 264-4301 (866) 593-8351
[email protected] (717) 264-3591 Monday – Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Appointment Franklin/Fulton County Residents All Ages General Public Spanish No Fee
Programs: Pierre The Pelican New mothers in Franklin and Fulton Counties receive the Pierre booklet from their healthcare provider.
Consumer/Family Satisfaction Team (CFST) Provides program evaluation services for area mental health programs by conducting consumer and family satisfaction surveys. Surveys are completed by other mental health consumers.
Revolving Emergency Loan Fund (RELF) Loans up to $500 for emergency purposes only. The loans are interest free and must be paid back within 1 yr.
Community Advocates Program
Promotes volunteerism in the local community and organizes, recruits, and trains volunteers to assist a parent and child in the education systems when the child has mental health or learning issues.
Advocacy Services
Advocates provide services to anyone needing help accessing mental health services.
A national service program, members dedicate one year to national service by working with a local human service agency to mobilize volunteers in the community. Members receive living stipends and other benefits.
Community Support Program
Monthly meetings are held for mental health consumers, family members, health providers, community organizations, and others interested in helping adults live successfully within the community.
Participants work together to create a theatre production about living with mental illness. Participation may be as follows; cast, stage hand, writing team, or production member.
Community Connections Program
Trains volunteers as Community Advocates in culturally diverse neighborhoods to help community members better understand and navigate the mental health system.
Peer-To-Peer Peer-To-Peer provides free support for recovery from mental illness through one-to-one and group meetings with Certified Peer Specialists-people who are progressing in their own recovery and have received intensive training in peer support. Peer Specialists can help participants identify and advocate for their own goals for recovery, broaden their resources, and develop wellness recovery action plans.
MidPenn Legal Services 230 Lincoln Way East, Suite A Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 264-5354 (800) 372-4737 (717) 264-2420 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment Walk-In Low Income 125% of FPIG
Adults Spanish No Fee
Programs: MidPenn Legal Services provides free legal representation to low-income clients and victims of domestic violence. Legal representation includes custody, landlord/tenant issues, social security disability, no fault divorce, public benefits, unemployment compensation, and protection from abuse.
Ministry for Self Worth 403 Benjamin Drive Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 496-8283 After hours also
[email protected] Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Appointment Mail Order General Public must be willing to read and understand God's word All Ages No Fee
Programs: The Ministry of Self Worth Program has been designed with all God's people in mind and with no discrimination of any kind. The LifeStyle Change program consists of both individual and family counseling concerning issues that are identifiable with a dysfunctional, addictive, or abusive lifestyle, of any nature. The program is aimed at improving lifestyles so that families can be restored and the incarcerated can return home and change for the benefit of all, and so our community will be the benefactor of a changed people living and working for God and His instruction based upon Holy Scripture. The ministry is nondenominational: The LifeStyle Change program consists of counseling, free mail-order monthly Bible study letters, Sunday School text book and lesson summaries, and other pertinent studies of instruction that will enable an effective lifestyle change (generally known as recovery). The ministry is a not-for-profit entity and receives no support from any religious organization or agency. Program is directed by Rev. Ron LaVoie.
Mountain Valley Center for Human Services 449 Lincoln Way East Chambersburg, PA 17201 Residential/Foster Care 478 Grant St., Chambersburg, PA 17201 Wrap Around/Outpatient/Stepping Stones 110 S. First St., McConnellsburg, PA 17233 Wrap Around/Outpatient (717) 263-7295 Residential Services (717) 261-4323 Wrap Around/Stepping Stones (717) 485-3404 Wrap Around/Outpatient (717) 263-6661 Residential Services (717) 261-2558 Wrap Around/Stepping Stones (717) 485-3878 Wrap Around/Outpatient Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment Walk-In In-Home Franklin & Fulton County Residents with a mental health and/or mental retardation diagnosis Children involved with Children & Youth systems Fees Vary Based on eligibility Programs: A comprehensive array of non-traditional and traditional services including: Adolescent Mental Health Residential Programming Wrap-Around Services (TSS, Behavior Specialist / Mobile Therapist, Case Management) Stepping Stones (social program for children with an autistic spectrum disorder) Outpatient Mental Health Therapeutic Family Care Foster Care Community Living Arrangement for Adults with developmental disabilities Community-based Day program for adults with developmental disabilities Adoption Program
N.E.T. Work Ministries 10 Redwood Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 264-4640 Also Fax# Monday – Saturday various hours Appointment Walk-In Low Income Children ages 5-19 Spanish (limited) No Fee
Programs: * Monday - after school "Kids Club" / 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. (Ages 5 -12) * Tuesday - after school "Kids Club" / 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. (Ages 5 -12) * Wednesday - after school "Kids Club" & "Girls Step Dance" / 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. (Ages 5 - 12) * Thursday - after school "Good News Club" *HomeworkHelp Everyday! * Friday - "FLAVA" Middle School/Jr. High Programs * Friday night - open gym at Third Street Recreation Center / 9:0 -11:30 p.m. (8th grade-young adult) * "Community Garden" - all ages Mission Statement: N.E.T.Work's mission is to share in the Love of Christ with those who are most vulnerable in our community. We are especially seeking to equip children and young adults with the skills necessary for spiritual growth, academic achievement, life management, and Christian leadership.
National Multiple Sclerosis Society Central Pennsylvania Chapter 2040 Linglestown Rd., Suite 104 Harrisburg, PA 17110 (717) 652-2108 (800) 227-2108 www.nationalmssociety. org (717) 652-2590 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Walk-In PA Residents with an MS diagnosis All Ages Spanish Fixed Fee $25.00 Fee is often waived.
* Information & Referral * Support * Social & Educational Programs
New Hope United Methodist Church Clothing Center 203 North High St., P.O. Box 68 Newburg, PA 17240 (717) 423-6223 Thursday 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Wednesday & Saturday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM General Public Fixed Fee $2.00per bag of clothes
Programs: New Hope United Methodist Clothing Center offers used clothing for a nominal fee. We have clothes for all ages and in different sizes.
Non-Violence Intervention Services (NOVIS) 123 Buford Avenue, P.O. Box 4681 Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 339-0222 (800) 736-1477 novis@ (717) 334-8610 Monday-Tuesday 11:00 AM- 6:00 PM Wednesday-Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Appointment Males Only Sliding Scale Weekly Fee Additional $75.00 Assessment Fee Self-Pay
NOVIS provides an educational program for men who are behaving abusively in their family relationships. The twentysix (26) week curriculum addresses issues such as physical, emotional, and financial abuse Classes meet at the Eugene Clark Rec. Center, Chambersburg, on Monday evenings from 7-9 PM. An assessment is required before attending a class.
NTP Consultants 75 South Main Street, Suite 5 Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 261-9100 ntp.consultants@ (717) 261-9104 Hours Vary Appointment General Public All Ages Fixed Fee Varies depending on service Self-Pay
Programs: Drug & Alcohol Abuse Services include: * Assessments: self-referred or court ordered * Education / intervention for individuals experiencing problems with drugs / alcohol * Smoking cessation * Educational seminars for the workplace or other organizations * Create drug-free workplace programs and policies * EAP services Teri Peck is a Certified Addictions Counselor with 13 years experience who is qualified to provide services as a Substance Abuse Professional with the Federal and State Department of Transportation.
Nurse-Family Partnership A program of Hempfield Behavioral Health 2447 North 3rd St. Harrisburg, PA 17110 Hempfield Behavioral Health
342-353 Buford Ave. Gettysburg, PA 17325 (866) 829-1154 x-301 AlisonRosen@ (717) 221-8964 Monday – Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM In-Home Pregnant Females Before or at 28 weeks of pregnancy Franklin County Residents No Fee
Programs: Nurse Family Partnership of Franklin County The Nurse Family Partnership is a voluntary program where highly educated nurses visit low-income women in their homes during their first pregnancy (no later than 28 weeks of pregnancy) and throughout the first two years of their children's lives to accomplish three goals: 1. Improve pregnancy outcomes by helping women improve their health-related behaviors, including reducing use of cigarettes, alcohol, and illegal drugs 2. Improve child health and development by helping parents provide more responsible and competent care for their children 3. Improve families' economic self-sufficiency by helping parents develop a vision for their own future, plan future pregnancies, continue their education, and find work.
OBRA Waiver A Service of United Cerebral Palsy of South Central Pennsylvania, Inc.
871B Stanley Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 267-2672 (866) 542-7296 kwinhauer@ (717) 267-0242 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Adults age 18 and older with "Other Related Condition"
OBRA Waiver offers the following services: * Resource Management * Daily Living Services (Attendant Care Services) * Home Support * Routing Wellness * Community Integration * Environmental Accessibility Adaptation * Assistive Technology * Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapies * Visiting Nurse Services * Prevocational, Educational, and Supported Employment Services * Adult Day Care Services * Transportation Reimbursement Definition of "Other Related Condition" is: 1. Has its onset before 22 years of age 2. Is expected to last a lifetime
3. Severely limits the person's ability to function This means the disability effects at least three of the following activities of daily living: * Self-Care * Understanding and Use of Language * Learning * Mobility * Ability to Make Decisions * Capacity for Independent Living
Occupational Services, Inc. (OSI) 17 Redwood Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-9293 (717) 263-6674 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment Franklin County Residents Fulton County Residents All Ages Varies Fixed Fee Varies
Self-Pay Agency Sponsorship
A vocational rehabilitation facility offering vocational evaluation, sheltered employment, and labor market placement services. Self referrals welcome. If individual qualifies, referral to appropriate agency for funding of program costs will be made.
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) Department of Labor and Industry
600 Norland Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 CareerLink Building 2550 Kingston Road, Suite 101 York, PA 17402 York District Office (717) 771-4407 District Office (800) 762-6306 (717) 771-4433 TTY District Office (717) 264-4584 Chambersburg Office (866) 466-1404 TTY Toll Free (717) 771-4421 District Office Monday – Friday 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM Appointment PA Residents Only persons with physical, mental, and emotional disabilities who are interested in preparing for, find, and/or maintain employment
Spanish Sign Language No Fee for diagnostic, vocational counseling, and job placement services Sliding Scale for select services
Programs: * * * * * * * *
Diagnostic Services Vocational Evaluation Counseling Restoration Services Training Placement Support Services Assistive Technology
Operation Concern 195 W. Queen Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 261-4789 julie@maranathaministries. net (717) 261-1409 Tuesday –Friday closed daily for lunch (12-1PM) 9:00 AM 4:30 PM Appointment Franklin County Residents Only All Ages Low Income 125%
No Fee
Programs: Operation Concern represents approximately fifteen cooperating congregations that help to meet the needs of people who are in crisis by operating a used furniture bank, a diaper bank, and giving limited financial assistance for utilities, food, fuel, medicine, etc. To receive help, a commitment to volunteer is required.
Parent Education Network (PEN) 2107 Industrial Highway York, PA 17402 (717) 600-0100 (800) 441-5028 (800) 522-5827 V/TDD
[email protected] (717) 600-8101 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Parents of special needs children Spanish No Fee
The Parent Education Network conducts workshops, publishes a newsletter and maintains a toll-free telephone number for referral and consultation in identifying services or assistance within the parent’s local area.
Pathways Counseling Services 19 South Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-7758 (717) 261-1147 Monday – Thursday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM Appointment Only General Public All Ages Sliding Scale Private Insurance Self-Pay
Confidential assessment and therapy for: * Individuals with life adjustment problems * Couples * Depression * Families and Parents * Adolescent problems * Abuse (physical, verbal, sexual) * Children with learning and/or school adjustment difficulties (including ADHD) * Emotional Problems Workshops and group sessions on a variety of topics including: * Sexual Molestation * Divorce Recovery * Depression * Parenting Skills * ADHD * Parenting Please leave a message on answering machine. Your call will be returned promptly.
Penn State Cooperative Extension 181 Franklin Farm Lane Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-9226
[email protected] (717) 263-9228 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Walk-In General Public Spanish No Fee Except for some classes and publications
Penn State Cooperative Extension provides educational programming for individuals, community groups, agencies, schools, and businesses. Areas covered include: * Agriculture * Food Safety * Child Care Provider Trainings
* Nutrition * Wellness * Parent Education * 4-H * Youth Development * Lawn and Garden Care * Community Development * Environmental Issues * West Nile Educational information also newsletters and phone inquiries.
Pennsylvania Bureau of Blindness & Visual Services 555 Walnut Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Forum Place (717) 787-7500 (866) 375-8264 (717) 772-0589 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment Walk-In In-Home PA Residents Only must meet visual eligibility criteria Any language - will make arrangements Sliding Scale
Programs: The Bureau of Blindness & Visual Services offers several programs for people with visual impairment to assist them in preventing blindness and overcoming the obstacles associated with vision loss. * Vocational Rehabilitation Program - The goal of the Vocational Rehab. Program is to assist people in gaining meaningful employment and financial independence * Business Enterprise Program - Offers special management skills that enable people to operate their own food service facilities or other small businesses independently in a commercial, industrial or government location * Specialized Services - Specialized services help individuals with visual impairment cope with the activities of daily living. Programs include in-home services to help maintain safe living; counseling to help people deal with the problems and fears of vision loss; housing; life skills to perform daily tasks and transportation to receive social and medical services * The Children's Services Program -assists children who are blind or visually impaired achieve their maximum sensory, cognitive and social development
Pennsylvania Client Assistance Program 1617 JFK Boulevard, Suite 800 Philadelphia, PA 19103
Philadelphia Office (Main) 2 North 2nd Street Suite 100 Harrisburg, PA 17101 Harrisburg Office (717) 364-1733 Harrisburg Voice/TTY (888) 367-2954 Harrisburg Voice/TTY Toll Free (888) 745-2357 Philadelphia Toll Free
[email protected] (717) 236-8800 Harrisburg By Appointment Only Appointment PA Residents Only For individuals with disabilities who are applying or receiving services from a program funded under the Act. No Fee
The Client Assistance Program (CAP) is an advocacy program established by Section 112 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, an amended (Act). Each state and territory of the United States has a CAP to help individuals with disabilities get the services they need from programs funded under the Act. Services offered include: * Information & Referral Services Regarding: services and benefits available under the Act and rights under Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) * Advice and Interpretation of the Act and its Regulations * Negotiation to Resolve Problems * Advocacy and Representation at Mediation Sessions, Informal Reviews, Formal Hearings, and in Court Contact CAP if you have a question about your rights under the Act or you are unhappy with the services you are receiving from a program funded under the Act.
Pennsylvania Counseling Services 1 Greystone Road Carlisle, PA 17013 (717) 249-3169 rnoll@ (717) 243-5489 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment In-Home General Public must have Medical Assistance TSS Services may have a wait No Fee Medical Assistance
Programs: Wrap-Around (BHRS) Services Wrap-Around services may be provided in the home, school, or community setting. The following professionals may be involved: * Behavioral Specialist Consultant (BSC) - develops an individualized behavioral treatment plan for children and consults with other treatment team members
* Mobile Therapist (MT) - visits the home or school on a weekly basis providing therapy for the child and family when needed * Therapeutic Staff Support (TSS) - has more in-depth contact with the child and provides behavioral interventions in the home, school, and community. Both the TSS and BSC maintain regular communications For more information on Wrap-Around Services, contact Nikki Weibley at
[email protected]
Family-Based Services Family Based Services is an intensive, in-home service that focuses on the entire family system. Two full-time clinicians provide therapy, crisis management, case management, and FSS funds for each family. Each team works with a caseload of up to 8 families for an 8 month period. Therapists work with the child, the child's family and teachers, as well as other agencies involved with the family. For more information on Family-Based Services, contact Kristi Parthemore at
[email protected]. PA Counseling Services is now serving Franklin County on a limited basis. Those wishing to pursue services must go to the Carlisle Office for an evaluation until a local office is established.
Pennsylvania Elks Major Projects Inc. 346 Church Street Saint Mary’s, PA 15857 (814) 781-7860
[email protected] (814) 781-7860 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM In-Home PA Residents with developmental disabilities which began before age 22 No Fee
Mission Statement: "To support and promote the independence of individuals with developmental disabilities by providing advocacy services in their home environment." A nurse makes home visits to assess the needs of the individual and family. This can include equipment and other home care needs. She then makes referrals to the proper agencies and services and assists with follow-up. The nurse can act as a liaison between the person and other agencies and services, as well as an advocate. Services can continue as long as needed throughout the person's lifetime.
Pennsylvania Farm worker Project of Philadelphia Legal Assistance 42 South 15th Street Philadelphia, PA 19102
(215) 981-3800 (888) 541-1544 Toll Free/After Hours
[email protected] (215) 981-3850 Monday – Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Appointment Walk-In In-Home Low Income 200% FPIG All Ages migrant & seasonal farm workers Spanish/Others may be available No Fee
Programs: Farm worker Project
The Pennsylvania Farm worker Project of Philadelphia Legal Assistance is a federally funded program which provides legal services to migrant and seasonal farm workers throughout the state of Pennsylvania. The Project represents income-eligible farm workers in administrative and civil proceedings regarding violations of labor laws, the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Workers Protection Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act and violations of state laws, including but not limited to, the Pennsylvania Seasonal Farm Labor Act. The Project assists income-eligible farm workers with problems such as lack of protections from pesticides, unsafe living and working conditions, exploitation by farm labor contractors and employers, public benefits issues and income tax issues. The Project works with community and governmental groups who serve migrant and seasonal farm workers to provide legal education to workers and service providers regarding farm workers' legal rights. The Project's staff conducts extensive outreach to seasonal farm labor camps during the peak crop seasons in Pennsylvania. The staff is also available to visit workers during non-peak season, as needed. We also operate a tax preparation site in Kennett Square, PA on Saturdays between February and April. Low income workers are helped with their tax returns and/or tax problems. Lawyers and Spanish speaking translators are available onsite and all services are free of charge. Call 1-888-541-1544 for more info.
Pennsylvania Health and Human Services Call Center 1011 Mumma Rd, Suite 100 Wormleysburg, PA 17043 (866) 286-3636 Long Term Care Helpline (800) 986-2229 Healthy Baby Helpline (800) 986-5437 Healthy Kids Helpline (800) 440-5323 Lead Information Line (LIL) (800) 462-2742 Adult Basic Helpline (800) 986-4550 Special Kids Network,
Parent to Parent Helpline (866) 412-4755 Brain Injury Helpline (877) 232-7640 TTY
[email protected] Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM Saturday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Information & Referral PA Residents Only Spanish, French, Creole, & Russian No Fee
PHFA . Also, be sure to visit the Pennsylvania Affordable Apartment Locator (PAL) at The PAL is a web-based search tool to link customers to affordable housing options throughout the commonwealth.
The Statewide Homeownership Program
Offers home mortgage financing to first-time homebuyers. Loans are made through participating lending institutions. For more information, contact the toll-free mortgage hotline at 1-800-822-1174.
The Homeowners' Assistance Program
Programs: Healthy Baby Helpline
Provides information and referral services for low / middle income families in need of prenatal care & prenatal health insurance. Call 1-800-986-2229.
Healthy Kids Helpline
Provides information and referral services for low / middle income families in need of pediatric care / health insurance. Call 1-800-986-5437.
Long Term Care Helpline Provides information about long-term care services for older persons or those with long term disabilities. Call 1-866-2863636.
Adult Basic Helpline
Provides info for healthcare coverage for adults ages 19-64 for primary care. Call 1-800-462-2742.
Lead Information Line
Provides information about lead poisoning, control and abatement, especially childhood lead poisoning, etc. Call 1800-440-5323.
Special Kids Network/Recreation Leisure/Parent to Parent Helpline
Info on a broad range of services for children with special needs, recreational referrals for persons with disabilities seeking inclusive community services including clubs, camps, and athletics. Call 1-800-986-4550.
Brain Injury Helpline
Information and referrals for services available to individuals with traumatic brain injury. Call 1-866-412-4755.
Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) 2101 North Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17110 (717) 780-3800 (717) 780-3905 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM PA Residents Only Spanish
Programs: The PennHOMES Program
Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency offers programs in three primary areas: Multi-family Rental Housing Development, Single Family Homeownership, and Homeowner Mortgage Assistance. For information about these programs, as well as other PHFA initiatives, visit the
Provides loans to persons who, through no fault of their own, are unable to make their mortgage payments and are in danger of losing their houses to foreclosures. For more information, contact HEMAP hotline at 1-800-342-2397.
Pennsylvania State Data Center 777 West Harrisburg Pike Middletown, PA 17057 (717) 948-6336
[email protected] (717) 948-6754 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Walk-In Appointment General Public 3-5 Business Days Other Credit Card
The Pennsylvania State Data Center is the Commonwealth's official source of population and economic statistics. The PASDC provides data products and services to businesses, academia, non-profits, and private citizens for a fee. Products and services include: consultation of data availability and use, custom programming and reports, statistical mapping, research projects, technical training, and workshops.
Pennsylvania Tourette Syndrome Association 132 West Middle Street Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 337-1134 (800) 990-3300 ljumbrell@ (717) 337-1960 Monday – Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Appointment Walk-In All Ages those with Tourette Syndrome and their families
No Fee Programs: * Information & Referral * Advocacy Services * Support Groups * Quarterly Newsletter * In-Services To Schools & Businesses about TS Local advocates accompany parents to all types of school meetings (IEP,504,MDT) and also attend court hearings, contact insurance providers and employers, and provide inservices across the state.
Pennsylvania's Initiative on Assistive Technology (PIAT) 925 Linda Lane Camp Hill, PA 17011
UCP of Central PA
423 Ritter Annex, Temple University Philadelphia, PA 19122
Main Office - Institute on Disabilities/UAP (800) 204-7428 Main Office - Toll Free (717) 737-9416 Local Office/Fax (717) 737-3477 Local Office -TTY (215) 204-1356 Main Office - TTY
[email protected] (215) 204-9371 Main Office Monday – Friday main office 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Monday – Friday local office 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Appointment PA Residents Only General Public All Ages No Fee
Programs: Assistive Technology Equipment Loan Program A program free to all residents of Pennsylvania, regardless of age or disability, allowing them to borrow assistive equipment from an inventory of over 3,000 pieces to see if the device enables them to live more independently and comfortably. Length of loan period depends on the type of device borrowed. Equipment available for loan consists of devices that can be easily shipped (UPS), do not require installation or permanent modification, and do not involve weight bearing.
Cash Loan Program to Purchase Assistive Technology Equipment
Low cost, state guaranteed loans are available to provide PA residents with cash to purchase assistive equipment, through the Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation, established for this purpose.
Recycled Equipment Exchange Project
A free state-wide classified listing of used assistive technology equipment to sell or donate, published
quarterly. These programs are funded by the State and Federal governments and coordinated in Franklin County by UCP of Central PA. Contact UCP for more information (717267-2672).
Person Directed Supports, Inc. 1930 Scotland Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 264-6290 lgoshen@personDirectedSupports. com (717) 263-3594 Monday – Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday – Friday day program 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Appointment In-Home General Public All Ages Fixed Fee Sliding Scale Private Insurance Medical Assistance Self-Pay
Programs: Mental Health * * * *
Psychological Testing Outpatient Therapy / Counseling Wrap Around Evaluations Family Therapy
Mental Retardation Services Day Program - non-traditional for adults with mental retardation Individuals attending: * Tour various historical sites * Participate in community activities * Enjoy social & recreational activities * Volunteer at various local businesses
Community Living Arrangements
* Twenty-four hour care by staff * Based on person-centered planning and essential lifestyle planning * Each home is staffed and consumers are assisted in any area of need to further promote independence as they have chosen through their person-centered planning
Pregnancy Ministries, Inc. 20 East Burd Street Shippensburg, PA 17257 338 Lincoln Way East Chambersburg, PA 17201 237 East Main Street Waynesboro, PA 17268 (717) 267-3738 Chambersburg Office (717) 762-8066 Waynesboro Office (717) 532-4446 Shippensburg Office
www.pregnancyministries. org (717) 267-0563
(717) 762-5535 Waynesboro Office (717) 532-4446 Shippensburg Office Days / Hours Vary Appointment Walk-In General Public All Ages Women with Infants Very limited Spanish. No Fee
We are committed to helping and encouraging any woman facing an unplanned pregnancy by providing: * Free pregnancy test with verification * Education about pregnancy * Peer counseling as needed with parents, boyfriend, or husband * Referrals for medical care, social services, legal aid, and adoption * Furnish maternity clothes * Assist with housing if needed and eligible * Help and guidance in related areas * Ongoing personal counseling in a supportive relationship * Post-abortion peer counseling * Referrals for foster home care * Baby clothing and furniture * Planning for future and other assistance depending on circumstances * Assist with transportation if needed for prenatal and related appointments Our services are free of charge, confidential, supportive, caring, and non-judgmental.
Psychological Services 640 Philadelphia Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-9471
[email protected] (717) 263-5133 Tuesday-Thursday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Appointment General Public All Ages children under age 10 seen for evaluation only Fixed Fee Private Insurance Self-Pay CHIP Medicare
Programs: Services provided include individual counseling / psychotherapy, multimodal behavioral therapy, biofeedback and relaxation therapy, neurofeedback and therapy, stress management, pain management, hypnotherapy, weight
control, attention deficit testing and evaluation, psychological and neuropsychological testing/evaluation, family counseling, behavior modification, personnel selection to businesses. Dr. Overcash is a licensed psychologist with 25 years experience. He is a member of the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology. He is certified in biofeedback therapy and a Fellow with the Biofeedback Certification Institutes of America. He is certified in neurotherapy by the Neurotherapy Certification Board, and is a Fellow with the Academy of Learning and Developmental Disorders of the American Board of Professional Disability Consultants. He is also a senior disability analyst and diplomat with the American Board of Disability Analysts.
Roxbury Treatment Center Penn Craft Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 The Professional Arts Building 601 Roxbury Road Shippensburg, PA 17257 401 East Louther St., Suite 213 Carlisle, PA 17013 (717) 532-4217 (800) 648-4673 Toll Free/After Hours bill.
[email protected] (717) 532-4003 Seven Days a Week Appointment Walk-In General Public Adults ages 18 and older for inpatient services Fixed Fee Private Insurance Medical Assistance Self-Pay Credit Card
Roxbury Treatment Center serves adults with substance abuse and mental health problems. Lengths of stay vary depending on patient's progress. Patients participate in lectures, group therapy, individual counseling, discussion groups, work / recreation therapy, and AA / NA meetings. Firm aftercare appointment is made prior to discharge.
Acute-Care Psychiatric Unit This program specializes in the treatment of adults and elderly patients who are suffering from co-occurring disorders; mental illness and substance use/abuse issues. Outpatient offices are located in Chambersburg and Carlisle.
Salvation Army 159 Lincoln Way West Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 264-6169 (717) 264-9474
Monday – Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Appointment Walk-In In-Home General Public All Ages Varies depending on how many appointments have been previously scheduled. No Fee Sliding Scale for court ordered Supervised Visitation Program only
* Casework (Rent, Utilities (electric, gas, oil, propane, kerosene), Prescriptions, Emergency Food Pantry, Diapers / Formula, Clothing) * Soup Kitchen * Thrift Store * Youth Activities * Parent Support Group * Court Ordered Supervised Visitation - (court referral required) - there is a sliding scale for this program * Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation at various sites. Clients can be linked to Salvation Army Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation sites elsewhere (Closest site: Harrisburg)
SCCAP, Inc. (South Central Community Action Program) 153 North Stratton Street Gettysburg, PA 17325 533 South Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-5060
[email protected] (717) 263-7060 Monday – Friday Administration 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment Walk-In Franklin County Residents Only Low Income 125% of FPIG Spanish No Fee
The agency operates the following programs in Franklin County: * Operation Care / Emergency Services * Homeless Shelter * Food Pantries * Utility Assistance * WIC (Women, Infants & Children) * Housing Rehabilitation / Accessibility for Handicapped Homeowners * Child Care Information Services * Wee Care Learning Center (Adams County) * Supported Engagement Program * Family Savings Account Program
SCCAP offers many programs. For more information, please contact the office at 717-263-5060.
Schenck, Dirk E., L.P.C., N.C.C. 932 Hungerford Drive 28B Rockville, MD 20850 10204 Amsterdam Road Waynesboro, PA 17268 (717) 762-9864 dirk_schenck@ (717) 762-9861 Hours Vary Appointment Children ages 10-17 Adults ages 18-25 Varies Fixed Fee Private Insurance Self-Pay
Specializing in the assessment and treatment of school-age children, adolescents, and young adults with: * Anxiety * Depression * Loss and Grief Issues * Peer and Sibling Conflict * Social and School Phobias * Attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder * Conduct / oppositional disorders Both individual and group psychotherapy.
Section 8 Officeof Franklin County 202 Elder Avenue Waynesboro, PA 17268 436 West Washington Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-2021 (800) 370-8288 (717) 762-7117 Waynesboro
[email protected] (717) 263-7474 Monday – Friday closed daily 12:00 PM -12:30 PM 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Wednesday Only Waynesboro location (closed 12:00 12:30) 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Walk-In General Public Low Income All Ages 6 months - 2 years No Fee
Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program and Family SelfSufficiency Program.
Senior Community Service Employment Program
Shippensburg Community Nurse
600 Norland Ave., Suite 4 Chambersburg, PA 17201 Team PA CareerLink (717) 709-4953 Also After Hours
[email protected] (717) 709-4957 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Appointment Walk-In Adults age 55 and older Spanish No Fee
126 East King Street Shippensburg, PA 17257 (717) 530-7900 Fax www.shippensburgcommunitynurse. org Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM In-Home Shippensburg Residents with phone exchange 530, 532, 477, 423 Adults ages 18-110 No Fee Donations Accepted
SCSEP enables individuals 55 and older to learn new job skills. Host agencies (501(c)3 status) are needed who desire experienced, dependable, and qualified workers. Administered by the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration. SCSEP has helped older workers find productive jobs for 40 years.
Shelter of Franklin County P, In 223 South Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 267-3669 franklinshelter@ (717) 263-8036 24/7 Monday – Friday intakes by casemanager8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Appointment Walk-In General Public No Fee or 15% of gross income if working Cash or Money Order
Provide temporary emergency shelter to homeless families and individuals. Also provide short-term case management and referral services in order to aid participants in stabilizing their lives. Shelter is provided on a week-to-week basis. Intakes are conducted by the case manager during office hours only. Intakes may be conducted anytime between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. at the case manager's discretion. Referring agencies are required to complete the shelter's referral and release form before any decisions about intake can be made. We can only accept a limited number of MH/MR or addiction cases at any time. We are not a clinical or legal after-care facility and are not funded or staffed to provide the specialized services those clients require.
Programs: Health guidance, supervision, and assistance with nursing services. Physician approval is needed but individual referrals are welcome. Nursing care delivered is that which is not covered by skilled care services or insurance. Funding by the Shippensburg Civic Club, Shippensburg United Way, and the Carlisle Health and Wellness Foundation.
Shippensburg Family Practice & Walk-In 46 Walnut Bottom Road Shippensburg, PA 17257 (717) 530-5117 (717) 262-4593 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM Saturday & Sunday 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Appointment Walk-In General Public Other Private Insurance Medical Assistance Self-Pay Credit Card
Programs: Walk-In Center
No appointments necessary. Acute illness, flu, fever, ear infections, sore throats, minor injuries, lacerations, sprains, strains, worker's compensation injuries, and drug & alcohol testing.
Family Physicians Appointment needed. employer services.
Shippensburg Head Start Program Shippensburg University 1871 Old Main Drive, Box 58
Shippensburg, PA 17257 Rowland Hall (717) 477-1626 (717) 477-4097 Monday – Friday 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM In-Home Appointment Children ages 3-5 Low Income Spanish No Fee
Center-based and home-based services, education, health and social services and nutrition services: * Education - Provide a developmentally appropriate learning environment and varied experiences for children * Parent Involvement - Provide opportunities for the parent's participation in the child's education, as well as in decision making for the program * Social Services - Make parents aware of community services and how to use them * Health - Provide an overall health service program including dental, medical and nutrition services to enrolled children * Nutrition and Food - Provide food to meet child's needs and offer nutrition education programs * Special Needs - All children with special needs receive the full range of services available to other Head Start children Areas served also include: Roxbury, Pleasant Hall, Lurgan, Newville and Carlisle area.
Single Parent Family Ministry Bethel Assembly of God 400 Miller Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-5376 X-30 Call for Hours Appointment Franklin County Residents Only single parents All Ages A wait for some services Fixed Fee $15.00Parent Plus Kids Program
Single Parent Family Ministries includes: * Annual One Parent Plus Kids Program - an 8 week program for single parents, teaching healthy family skills * Car Care Saturday - quarterly care maintenance for single parents, includes oil and filter change and care safety check for no fee * Sunday School Program for Single Parents - 9AM Sunday mornings * Various Single Parent/Kids activities throughout the year * Food Bank - available as needed. Call for an appointment * Single Parent Family Ministry Newsletter - call to add name to mailing list
Social Security Administration 50 North Third Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-4138 (800) 772-1213 www. (717) 263-0762 Monday – Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Appointment Walk-In General Public All Ages Spanish No Fee
Programs: Assistance with applications for Social Security * * * *
Retirement Survivors Disability Medicare
Assistance with Applications for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) These payments provide a guaranteed level of income for those who have lower income and resources. Maximum SSI payments in Pennsylvania vary according to the eligible individual's living arrangement. Aged SSI payments can be made to persons age 65 or older who meet the income / resource guidelines. SSI Disability payments for disabled persons under age 65, including children, are available. There are no work credit requirements and no waiting period for SSI as there are for Social Security disability benefits.
Assistance with applications for Social Security Number Cards
Evidence of age, identity, citizenship, or alien status is required. Applications to change a name require evidence of identity under old name and new name (e.g. a marriage certificate).
Reports Affecting Benefits
(e.g. Address Change, Direct Deposit, Earnings, Marriage, Death) are processed at the Social Security Office or via the toll-free number.)
Public Information Services
Pamphlets, posters, research materials, videotapes, and speakers are available. Some automated services, via the toll-free number, are available 24 hours / 7 days a week.
Special Olympics Franklin County Area
14 Sanibel Lane Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 264-9449 (717) 261-3401 CAMS Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:15 PM
Franklin County Residents No Fee
school age to adult
Special Olympics Franklin County is a year-round sports/training program. Most of the participants are ages 7 to 21. Some adults are involved in the programs. Franklin County trains athletes in aquatics, athletics, alpine skiing, volleyball, team softball, basketball, bowling, indoor soccer, golf, long-distance racing (walking/running), and floor hockey. The program is open to any citizen with mental retardation ages 7 and older. This program is run by volunteers; there is no paid staff at this level and it is financed through three major fundraisers and donations from individuals, corporations and civic clubs. Volunteers are always needed; trainings are held several times a year. The Special Olympics can be reached at CAMS from August 15-June15.
Spring of Hope Ministries An Outreach of Lifegate Ministries 230 South Potomac Street Waynesboro, PA 17268 (717) 762-0234
[email protected] (717) 762-0264 Monday – Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Appointment General Public All Ages Spanish
Programs: Spring of Hope is a life-giving ministry designed to bring hope and purpose to those in need in the community at large. We seek to do this by facilitating the process of restoring broken relationships, hurting families, and healing of wounded lives through prayer counseling and Biblicallybased teaching. Spring of Hope Prayer Counseling is committed to the task of restoring broken relationships and bringing healing to the hurt and wounded, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Stecher, Eugene H., M.Div., M.A. Guidance Associates of Pennsylvania
473 Lincoln Way East Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-9392 Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Tuesday/Wednesday 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM Appointment General Public Children ages 14-17
Adults ages 18-65 Hourly Rate Private Insurance Self-Pay
Programs: Clinical and counseling psychology: *Adolescents *Conjoint *Couples *Divorce *Family *Marital *Psychotherapy
Summit Behavioral Health Older Adult Services 176 Coldbrook Avenue, Unit #2 Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 267-7480 www. (717) 217-4216 Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday – Thursday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM Adults with special needs for memory evaluation, behavioral management, or therapy services For outpatient services Fixed Fee Private Insurance Medicare
Outpatient and ECF (selected nursing homes) Consultation for the special needs of older adults. Services are dedicated to providing mental health treatment to people experiencing life cycle changes, stress, loss and other emotional problems. Evaluations also available to assess and design a treatment plan for those experiencing problems with memory, confusion, depression, or other behavioral health issues. Consultative services and individual therapy are also available to residents and their families in nursing centers and long-term care facilities (where contracts exist).
Summit Behavioral Health Outpatient Services 176 Coldbrook Avenue, Unit #2 Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 267-7480 www. (717) 217-4216 Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday – Thursday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM Appointment All Ages 2 - 6 Weeks Fixed Fee Private Insurance Medical Assistance Self-Pay CHIP
Programs: The outpatient clinic provides therapeutic treatment under the direction of board certified psychiatrists. Treatment options include diagnostic evaluations, individual, couples, family and group therapy, medication management, play therapy for children and specialized eating disorders treatment also available. Services available in Chambersburg at the Coldbrook Centre on Coldbrook Avenue.
Summit Cancer Services 260 North Seventh Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (800) 327-0620 (717) 262-4660 General Information (717) 263-1022 Medical Oncology Office (717) 262-4660 Radiation Oncology (717) 263-6251 Radiation Oncology (717) 267-7438 Medical Oncology Monday – Friday Medical Oncology 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Monday – Friday Radiation Oncology 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM Appointment General Public Franklin, Fulton, Adams and Cumberland Counties
The Summit Cancer Services provides quality cancer care in a local setting. Certified by the American College of Surgeons, Summit Cancer Service ensures access to quality cancer care without the need to travel outside the local area. Services available include: * Surgery * Radiation Therapy (including 3-D conformal, IM RT, and ultrasound localization of the prostate) * Chemotherapy * Laboratory * Pain Management * Nutritional Services * Social services * Support Groups Information provided by Chambersburg Hospital Public Relations Department
Summit Endowment Investing in Tomorrow's Community Health
112 North Seventh Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 Summit Health Development Office (717) 267-7703 summitendowment@ (717) 267-6338 Monday – Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM General Public those benefiting from not-for-profit organizations serving Franklin, Fulton, and Southern Cumberland Counties
No Fee
Summit Endowment - Investing in Tomorrow's Community Health was created in 1998 by Summit Health to encourage area organizations to develop outcomes-based projects that will have a positive, measurable impact on the health and well-being of people in its service area. Summit Endowment funds innovative, cost-effective, collaborative projects designed and implemented by not-for- profit, tax exempt organizations serving Franklin County and surrounding areas. Grants are awarded annually; letter of intent deadline is January 31st. To request application guidelines or for more information on the application process, contact Summit Health Development Office. Information provided by Chambersburg Hospital Public Relations Department.
Summit Health Diabetes Education Program At the Chambersburg and Waynesboro Hospitals
501 East Main Street Waynesboro, PA 17268 Waynesboro Hospital 757 Norland Ave., Suite 204 Chambersburg, PA 17201 Summit Health Center (717) 217-6820 Waynesboro Initial Appointment (717) 765-4000 x5107 - Nurse Educator (Karen) (717) 217-6825 Chambersburg Klantz@
[email protected] (717) 217-6942 Chambersburg Monday, Wednesday, Friday Chambersburg offers flexible hours as needed 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM Appointment By Referral Only All Ages General Public Will make arrangements for any language Fixed Fee Contact insurance provider for coverage Private Insurance Medical Assistance Self-Pay
Programs: With physician referral, Summit Health Diabetes Education and Management Program provides comprehensive education so people can self-manage their disease to the best of their ability. We can provide loaner glucose meters, some starter supplies, and training for insulin pumps. Certified by the American Diabetes Association. Regular support group meetings are free and open to the public. The groups are held the second Thursday of each month at Waynesboro Hospital and the third Monday of each month at the Summit Health Improvement Center. Information
provided by Department.
Summit Health Improvement Center 757 Norland Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 217-6820 (717) 217-6720 Surgery Center (717) 217-6745 Diagnostic Services (717) 217-6750 Rhonda Brake Shreiner Women's Center (717) 217-6942 Monday – Friday 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM Appointment Private Insurance Medical Assistance Self-Pay
* Massage Therapy * Diabetes Education and Management (see )
Nutrition Counseling Days and hours vary. By physician referral only. Outpatient nutrition counseling with a registered dietician. Education and information provided on various diets and nutrition needs including heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, cancer, pregnancy, eating disorders, weight loss and weight management, child and adolescent nutrition, and other topics. Follow-up visits provide an opportunity to revise and update goals, plan of care as needed, and monitor progress. Call 217-6820.
Surgery Center
A multi-specialty surgery center located in Suite 100, hours are Monday-Friday 6:00AM-4:30PM by appointment only. Phone 217-6720 for info.
Diagnostic Services
Outpatient diagnostic imaging and lab drawing services, imaging services by appointment (267-7145). Serves the general public. (717)-217-6745.
Rhonda Brake Shreiner Women's Center
7:30AM-4PM: Program includes Women's Heart Health, Breast Health, Osteoporosis, Menopause, Child Birth Services, Diagnostic Imaging, and Nurse Navigator (helps women and families affected by breast cancer navigate the health care system).
Summit Health Medquest Information Line 112 North Seventh Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (888) 318-7855 www. Monday – Friday closed on major holidays
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM General Public No Fee
Programs: A free service that maintains current lists of physicians accepting new patients in the Chambersburg and Waynesboro areas. Information provided by Chambersburg Hospital Public Relations Department.
Supported Engagement A Program of SCCAP, Inc.
533 South Main Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-5060
[email protected] (717) 263-7060 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM By Referral Only from Franklin County Assistance Office available by appointment No Fee
The Supported Engagement Program provides persons referred by the County Assistance Office with workshops, counseling, and support toward eliminating barriers to employment. The program goal is to assist persons in job search, to follow up when people gain employment to assure job retention.
Team PA Careerlink 600 Norland Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 264-4584 ddonnell@ (717) 264-0856 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Thursday 8:00 AM - 9:00 PMWalk-In General Public must be U.S. citizens All Ages Spanish No Fee For participants Fixed Fee Conference room use
A one-stop service that provides employment, education, training, and support services to job seekers and employers.
Hospital Endowment Program 100 Lincoln Way East
Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 264-7101 chamber@ (717) 267-0399 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Children grades 6 - 12 in the Chambersburg Area School District Spanish (brochures) No Fee
Students and parents voluntarily sign consent forms to have urinalysis performed. This urinalysis is tested for opiates, marijuana, cocaine / crack, amphetamines, and PCP. After the initial base test, there will be random testing. Students who are resisting unhealthy choices everyday by remaining drug-free are given a photo I.D. card which expires when they graduate from C.A.S.H.S. Holders of the TRUCE card are given discounts and/or privileges at local businesses who have agreed to participate in the TRUCE program. Over 100 businesses are currently involved with TRUCE. Teens Resisting Unhealthy Choices Everyday is a program of the Greater Chambersburg Chamber Foundation in partnership with the Summit Health Endowment Program, Summit Health, Manito, Inc., and the Chambersburg Area School District.
The House of Grace 307 Lincoln Way East Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 709-0085 houseofgrace@ (717) 709-0825 Monday – Thursday 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Appointment Adult Females in Franklin County No Fee
Life skills education and mentoring program in a warm, nurturing "home" atmosphere. Life skills education utilizes primarily a "hands on" approach and is one-on-one whenever possible. Skills include, but not limited to: * Cooking & Nutrition * Sewing & Knitting * Crafts * Parenting * Cleaning * Basic Computer For those interested, also offered: * Bible Study * Prayer Groups * Discipleship Class * Share Group Other programming includes, but is not limited to: * Developing Communication Skills * Building Relationships * Managing Stress
* Various Home Safety and Health Classes
Dress to a Tea Shop
Located at 17 West King Street, Chambersburg, hours of operation are as follows: Wednesday 10 AM-2 PM Thursday & Friday 10 AM-5 PM Saturday 10 AM-1 PM For more information, call 267-0603 This is a non-residential program. Women participate in activities by appointment only.
United Cerebral Palsy of South Central PA, Inc. (UCP) 2215 E. Market Street York, PA 17402
York Office 550 Cleveland Ave. Chambersburg, PA 17201
788 Cherry Tree Court Hanover, PA 17331 Hanover Office (717) 261-0931 Early Intervention (717) 267-2672 Adult Programs www. (717) 267-0242 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment Walk-In In-Home Children ages 0-3 with a 25% delay Adults ages 18 and older No Fee Fixed Fee Private Insurance Self-Pay Credit Card County Funds
Programs: Adult Services * * * * *
Attendant Care OBRA Waiver Independence Waiver Home-Based Waiver Community Services Program for Persons with Disabilities
United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development / Rural Housing Service 100 Sunset Blvd. West Chambersburg, PA 17201 Stoney Creek Drive, RR5, Box 35 Mifflintown, PA 17059 (717) 436-8953 X-4
(717) 263-8451 Franklin County Representative: Mon. & Wed. andrea.shoemaker@ (717) 263-0909 Chambersburg Office Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Walk-In General Public No Fee
Programs: Major Rural Development / Rural Housing Service loan programs include: * Home Ownership Loans - that provides home ownership opportunities and assistance to low-income households to purchase, construct, repair, or relocate a home * Home Improvement and Repair Loans and Grants - which enable very-low-income rural homeowners to remove health and safety hazards from their homes and to make homes accessible for people with disabilities * Rural Rental Housing Loans - which finance construction of rental housing for low and moderate income individuals and families and cooperative housing for elderly or disabled persons * Rental Assistance - which provides funds directly to the owners of Rural Development / Rural Housing Service-financed rental housing under contracts specifying that low income tenants will pay no more than 30 percent of their income for rent * Community Facilities Direct Loans and Loan Guarantees - which help construct, enlarge, extend, or otherwise improve community facilities providing essential services in rural areas and towns Contact Andrea Shoemaker, representative covering Franklin County, located at USDA Service Center or contact Mifflintown Area Office for additional information.
United Way of Franklin County 183 South Coldbrook, P.O. Box 47 Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 262-0015
[email protected] (717) 262-0018 Monday – Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment General Public No Fee
Programs: The United Way serves to build a strong community by identifying the area's most pressing human service needs and then working to meet those needs by funding area programs which can help. A large volunteer network is put into action each fall to canvas area businesses, organizations, professionals, and individuals for their financial support of area programs. Funds are then distributed by a volunteer panel that assesses program requests and their ability to serve the community. The United Way also serves as a community resource on social
service needs and problems. Note: no direct assistance is rendered to individuals by the United Way. United Way also serves as a local Gift-In-Kind resource for area non-profits, matching up donated surplus / outdated equipment and supplies with groups that can utilize it in their programming efforts. Also serves to provide informal consultation to area groups regarding non-profit organizations and issues of that status.
Universal Community Behavioral Health 132 The Meadows Drive Centre Hall, PA 16828 144 South Eighth Street Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-8272 PHP (800) 641-7529 (814) 364-2161 Centre Hall Office (717) 263-8476 Chambersburg Office Monday – Friday Chambersburg office hours 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Appointment By Referral Only Children ages 5-18 Sliding Scale Private Insurance Medical Assistance Self-Pay Credit Card CHIP
Meadows of Chambersburg is a Partial Hospitalization Program for adolescents and children (5-18). The program consists of an assessment, psychiatric evaluation, individual and group counseling, and tutorial educational services. Twenty-four hour / seven days per week mental health crisis back-up is provided by the Meadows of Centre Hall at 1-800-641-7529. Treatment team consists of a psychiatrist, nurse, social workers, group therapists, and certified teachers.
Wrap-Around Program
Ages 1-18; Services are provided in the home, school, and community. Focus is to provide treatment in the least restrictive environment, keeping the child within his/her own community. Provide therapeutic staff support provides one-on-one interventions to assist the child or adolescent. Clinical Coordinator supervises the therapeutic staff support, and provides clinical direction for the staff. Mobile Therapy provides individual therapy to the child or adolescent in the home, school, or community.
Partial Hospitalization Program Ages 5-18; During the school year, adolescents and children receive two hours of tutorial services per day and four hours of group therapy. Individual time may be provided on
an "as needed" basis. There is an attending psychiatrist who provides individual assessment time to each youth. We can treat mentally, socially and medically-based illnesses common to adolescents and children.
Victim/Witness Office Joint Project of Franklin County District Attorney and Women In Need, Inc. 19 South Main Street, Suite 5 Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 267-1575 (717) 267-3272 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM All Ages any victim of a personal injury, crime, or burglary that occurred in Franklin County including: victims of DUI, survivors of homicide victims, and robbery No Fee
Victims are provided with: * An Orientation to the Criminal and Juvenile Justice Systems * Accompaniment to Court Proceedings * Assistance with Filing a Crime Victims Compensation Claim * Assistance with Preparing a Victim Impact Statement * Notification of Case Status * Enrollment in the State and Local Correctional Release Notification Programs * Prior Comment on Possibility of Reducing or Dropping Charges * Community Referrals
Visiting Angels 1053 Lincoln Way East Chambersburg, PA 17201
[email protected] 717-709-7244; 717-754-0220 fax Hours: 24/7 Appointment; Walk-In; In-Home General Public Fee: other Payment Method: Private Insurance; Self-Pay
Visiting Angels provides in-home non-medical care for older adults and seniors. We utilize a skilled staff of CNAs, LPNs and RNs. Consultations are free. Some of the services provided include: Hygiene Assistance Meal Preparation/Diet Monitoring Light Housekeeping Errands and Shopping Joyful Companionship Affordable Hourly Rates!
Live-In, Live-Out, Sleep-Over Temporary or Long Term Weekends, Holidays Respite for Family Caregivers
Volunteer Transportation Network (VTN) 201 Franklin Farm Lane Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 264-5225 (800) 548-5600 gstrine@ (717) 262-4975 Monday - Friday7:00 AM - 4:30 PM Appointment General Public with a Medical Assistance card Franklin County Residents Only must be ambulatory Seniors age 60 and older Must provide a 2-week notice Other $0.60Per Mile Paid by Referring Agency Medical Assistance AAA Sponsorship
The Volunteer Transportation Network (VTN) works with medical assistance clients and seniors that have a transportation need where other forms of transportation are not available. Volunteer drivers use their own vehicle (or one provided for them), to transport the client(s) to their medical, counseling, therapeutic, and other types of appointments. Trips provided are for out-of-County medical reasons only. For out of county trips, the requesting party must have the doctor fax us information regarding the day and time of the appointment. Contact Franklin County Integrated Transportation for further information.
Waynesboro Area Human Services Council 24 East Main Street Waynesboro, PA 17268 (717) 762-6941 (717) 762-4778 coordinator.
[email protected] (717) 762-1115 Monday – Friday closed daily for lunch (12:00-1:00)9:00 AM - 3:30 PM Walk-In Residents of Waynesboro and Greencastle Only 3-4 days No Fee
Provide emergency financial help for utilities, housing, food, rent, local transportation, gasoline. Also, provide special financial aid for indigent transients (one nights lodging,
food, meals, gasoline, local transportation). Also, a drop-in clothing bank and bread pantry is available. Counseling is available through other agencies located at the center. Provides information and referral services. Must meet income eligibility for emergency financial services.
Waynesboro Area YMCA 810 East Main Street Waynesboro, PA 17268 (717) 762-6012 (717) 762-4368 Friday5:30 AM - 9:30 PM Monday - Thursday5:30 AM 10:00 PM Saturday6:00 AM - 8:30 PM Sunday November-April1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Walk-In General Public Low Income All Ages Fixed Fee Credit Card Self-Pay
Programs: Facilities:
* 25m Lap Pool, Warm Water Pool, 2 Gyms, Weight Room, 2 Racquetball Courts, Fitness Center, Babysitting, Youth Center, Play Ground, Plenty of Parking.
* Swim Instruction (9 months - 99 years), Child Care, Licensed Pre-School (3 & 4 Yr olds), Adult Fitness and Sports Leagues, Rec & Specialty Swim Programs, Senior Fitness and Aquacises, Gymnastics, Racquetball, Personal Training. "Open Doors" financial assistance program provides scholarships for qualified individuals and families.
problem to resolution. The child's parents and/or caretakers are included in aspects of therapy.
Waynesboro Welfare Association 13 South Church Street Waynesboro, PA 17268 (717) 762-3712
[email protected] (717) 762-3712 Please call first. Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM Walk-In Low Income All Ages Residents in Waynesboro School District only Some Spanish Brochures & Info. No Fee
Programs: Provide used clothing (some new), shoes, bedding and miscellaneous household items and operates food pantry for low income families in the Waynesboro Area School District Provides in-home nursing service to anyone living in the Borough of Waynesboro (no income guidelines required for this service). Rotary Club Christmas Toys for Children sign up begins the second Wednesday in October through the first Friday in December. Program is for children in the Waynesboro Area School District. To contact nurse at any time, call (717) 860-3081. If no answer, leave a message.
Weatherization Assistance Program A Program of SCCAP, Inc.
117 S. Church Street, 2nd Floor Waynesboro, PA 17268 (717) 749-4816 (717) 749-4817 Appointment Children/Adolescents 2-18 Sliding Scale
153 North Stratton Street Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-7634 (800) 451-9869 (717) 337-0807 Friday 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Monday – Thursday 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM In-Home Low Income 150% of FPIG 8 - 12 weeks No Fee
The Frances Leiter Center's licensed professional counselors provide Play Therapy to children/adolescents ages 2-18 who have mental health disorders, behave inappropriately, or suffer emotional anguish. Through play, the child expresses non-verbal feelings and thoughts, allowing the therapist to identify underlying problems. Therapists also use various types of play (toys, table games, video games, art, dressup, etc…) as a means of helping children work through the
The Weatherization Program Mission is to reduce the energy costs of low income families, particularly for the elderly, people with disabilities, and children by improving the energy efficiency of their homes and improving their health and safety. Eligible clients receive certain costeffective measures, free of charge, this can include insulation, air sealing, hot water conservation measures, heating system improvements and more. Eligibility for this program is based on gross annual income. Families receiving SSI, TANF, assistance and LIHEAP assistance are
Waynesboro Center of Children's Aid
Programs: Child and Adolescent Counseling and Play Therapy
automatically eligible. Both homeowners and tenants are eligible.
Women In Need, Inc. (WIN) P.O. Box 25 Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 264-3056 Office (717) 264-4444 Hotline (800) 621-6660 (717) 485-5840 McConnellsburg
[email protected] (717) 264-3168 All Hours Appointment Walk-In Hotline General Public All Ages Franklin & Fulton Counties victims of crime No Fee
Programs: WIN Victim Services serves victims of assault, attempted murder, burglary, child sexual abuse, domestic violence, incest, marital rape, rape, robbery, and other crimes. Friends and family members are also eligible for services. Crimes do not need to be reported to the police in order for victims to receive services. WIN Victim Services work with adults and children both male and female and provides the following:
24 Hour Hotline - offering a listening ear, options and referrals Arrangement for accompaniment to medical and police facilities Emergency Shelter - for women and children up to 30 days Individual Counseling - by trained counselors Support Groups - for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and adult survivors of incest, as well as families and friends of homicide victims Advocacy and Accompaniment - assistance through the court system Assistance in filing victims' compensation forms is also provided Branch office at 201A East North Street, McConnellsburg. Hours by appointment only which may be made by calling (717) 485-5840 or the Emergency Hotline 800-621-6660.
Women, Infants & Children (WIC) A Program of SCCAP, Inc. 230 S. Potomac Street Waynesboro, PA 17268
533 South Main St. Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 263-0802 (717) 762-2143 Waynesboro (717) 263-9833 (717) 762-6333 Waynesboro Friday8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Monday9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Tuesday - Thursday8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Appointment Low Income 185% of FPIG PA Residents Only Children ages 0-5 Females pregnant women, new mothers, and breastfeeding mothers Spanish No Fee
Programs: WIC provides women and children with a nutritionally valuable food package to supplement their dietary intake during critical stages of growth and development in order to prevent health and nutrition problems. The WIC food package is not intended to be a complete diet, but to supplement other food available to the individual. The types and amount of food purchased each month are printed on a set of food vouchers. The food vouchers are then redeemed at a WIC participating retail store. Beyond offering nutrition education, the WIC program is deeply involved in addressing other areas of maternal and child health, such as educating participants about the dangers of drugs, alcohol and tobacco use, the importance of childhood immunizations and the benefits of breastfeeding. WIC Clinics are located in Chambersburg, Waynesboro, Greencastle, Shippensburg, Mercersburg, and Fannettsburg.
Youth Advocate Programs, Inc. (YAP) 518-B Cleveland Avenue Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 267-7887
[email protected] (717) 267-0787 Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM In-Home School Children ages 3-18 Medical Assistance
Programs: Youth Advocate Programs offer behavioral health wrap-around services for children and adolescents by providing intensive in-home and community-based, nonresidential services. The program offers Behavioral Page | 139
Specialist Consultant Services, Therapeutic Staff Support (TSS), and Mobile Therapy in the home, school, and community. Referrals can be made by any person, including but not limited to: family members, physicians, discharge planners, teachers, social workers, psychologists, or any mental health professional.