Page 1 of 1. CRHS Community Service Agreement. Community Service Rules. All proposed service projects should be pre- app
CRHS Community Service Agreement Community Service Rules All proposed service projects should be preapproved. Failure to get a pre-approval signature may result in the denial of CS hours after-the-fact. It is not acceptable to perform service hours without adult supervision or a supervisor’s signature. Service must benefit the community at large or a portion of the community. Service must be for a non-profit organization or charitable event.
Service must not place the student in an unsafe or dangerous environment. Service must be on the student's own time, not taken from school academic time. Service may not include fundraising that does not have a clearly defined goal for how the money will be used. Service must be voluntary: i.e. no salary, no wages, no financial remuneration, no school credit, and not because of a criminal infraction.
Student Name:
Grade: Details of Proposed Community Service
(this section must be completed in full prior to requesting a pre-approval signature) Place: Dates and Times: Detailed Description of Project:
Supervisor’s Name: Supervisor’s Contact Phone Number: Pre-Approval Signature: (Community Service Coordinator or ST only)