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community updates - South San Francisco - City of South San Francisco

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May 5, 2018 - Online library catalog. - Restaurant guide. - Links to permit center. - Citywide business directory. - Key
COMMUNITY UPDATES PUC Meeti ng & Survey Wednesday, May 2nd, 6:00 p.m. This Wednesday, there is a Special City Council meeting that starts at 6:00 p .m. to discuss the developer proposals for the PUC site. The PUC Site is a 5.9 acre parcel of land owned by the Successor Agency to the former South San Francisco Redevelopment Agency. So u th Sa n Fr a n cis co r es id en ts : Plea s e g ive u s y o u r f eed b a ck b y p a r ticip a tin g in th is s h o r t s u r vey . The Site is located along Mission Road, just north of the planned Community Civic Campus. The City is currently in the process of selecting a developer for the PUC Site, in accordance with the State-approved Long Range Property Management Plan for former Redevelopment Agency properties. After a developer is selected, the selected developer will begin a community engagement process, which will inform a formal application for development. That application will be reviewed by staff, the Design Review Board, the Planning Commission, and considered for approval by the City Council. Questions?

Help Draw South San Franci s co's Future District Elections update The City Council is drawing new district election maps for future City Council elections. G et in vo lved ! This is your chance to draw a new map that affects your neighborhood's role in City government. The City will hold six public hearings to receive public input, draw district boundaries, and adopt an ordinance to transition to district-based elections. The full timeline is provided on our website. No ma p s w ill b e d r a w n u n til p u b lic in p u t is r eceived o n th e d is tr ict b o u n d a r ies a t th e f ir s t tw o p u b lic h ea r in g s . As part of the process, all residents will have the opportunity to draw district lines via an online mapping tool or via paper mapping tools. The next meeting (2nd public hearing) is scheduled for May 9th at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, SSF. Questions?

SSF Chamber o f Commerce Breakfas t & Learn Event wi th Ci ty Manager Mi ke Futrell Thursday, May 3rd, 8:00 a.m. The South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce is hosting SSF City Manager, Mike Futrell, who will provide an update on what's going on in the City and answer questions about upcoming projects, issues, etc. Wh en : Wh er e : Blvd. Deta ils : RSVP :

Thursday, May 3, 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Best Western Plus Grosvenor Airport Hotel, 380 South Airport Cost: $25 SSF Chamber member / $35 Non-Member Questions?

We Want Your Feedback! Street Ali ve! Parks Ali ve! Pop- Up Event Di s cus s i ng the Communi ty Ci vi c Campus 9:0 0 a.m. - 1:0 0 p.m.

The City, along with the master architect for the Community Civic Campus project, has held several meetings to present the status of the project. We are seeking feedback regarding user experience in the current Municipal Services Building, and how participants envision using the future campus. Be a part of the conversation! Stay up-to-date on the latest on our website. Please join us for one of the following meetings:

"Po p -u p " even t a t Str eets Alive! Pa r ks Alive! on 5/5/18 at Orange Memorial Park. 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. - Fernekes Bldg. Ma y o r 's Sta te o f th e C ity |C o mmu n ity C ivic C a mp u s To w n Ha ll on 5/22/18, 6:30 p.m., MSB, Social Hall and Atrium C ity C o u n cil Stu d y Ses s io n on 6/13/18 (time: 6:00 p.m.), Council Chambers, Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive Comments

Streets Ali ve! Parks Ali ve! & Farmers ' Market Grand Openi ng Saturday, May 5 The South San Francisco Parks and Recreation Department invites members of the community to join us for the seventh annual "Streets Alive! Parks Alive!" event held at Orange Memorial Park on Sa tu r d a y , Ma y 5, 2018 f r o m 9:00 a .m. - 1:00 p .m. This annual event celebrates parks, vibrant public spaces, and being active. Streets Alive! Parks Alive! is a county-wide program to transform streets and parks into safe destinations where people can play, spend quality time with their family and neighbors, and rediscover their neighborhoods. All are invited to come and enjoy free activities for all ages! The event will include free activities for all ages, free admission to the indoor pool, and more. For more information, please call the Recreation office at (650) 829-3800. This event also kicks off the opening day of the So u th Sa n Fr a n cis co Fa r mer s ' Ma r ket a t O r a n g e Pa r k (10:00 a .m. - 2:00 p .m.) . Please stop by and shop for organic produce, nuts, honey, and flowers. Grab a cup of joe at the coffee cart while you peruse the market, which is held

every Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., through mid-October. Questions?

20 18 General Art Show Friday, May 11 & Saturday, May 12th The exhibit by the South San Francisco Cultural Arts Commission takes place Friday and Saturday, May 11 and 12, at the South San Francisco Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive. New th is y ea r ! Ka r a o ke Nig h t on Friday! 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Are you a budding singer with a heart just bursting with springtime melodies? Then join the fun at the first Cultural Arts Commissionsponsored Karaoke Night. This event is free! Parking is available, but limited. First come, first served and the last song will be played at 7:50 p.m. The event takes place at the Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive. Deta ils : Wh en : May 11; 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. - 2018 General Art Show & Karaoke May 12; 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Wh er e : Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, SSF, 94080 For updated information on this program and other SSF Cultural Arts activities, visit the Cultural Arts webpage or phone the Recreation Department at (650) 829-3800. Questions?

Fri ends of the Li brary Book Sale Saturday, May 12th Support the Friends of the Library by purchasing some fabulous used books at the Spring Book Sale! You can acquire those novels you never got around to reading, pick up some of your old favorites to reread, or buy books for your favorite young reader. South San Francisco Friends of the Library provides financial support that helps make special programs and collections possible. Join us on Saturday, May 12th, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium (840 W. Orange Ave). The South San Francisco Friends of the Library funds youth, adult, and literacy programs and

contributes to the library's ongoing collection. Email [email protected] or call (650) 829-3860 for information.

SSF Has an App! Get connected with the City for FREE FREE smartphone app, mySSF, gives you access at the touch of a fingertip. Ap p Hig h lig h ts : - City events and latest news - Current job openings - Listings of all parks and facilities - Online library catalog - Restaurant guide - Links to permit center - Citywide business directory - Key city phone numbers - City official and city staff bios - Suggestion box - Links to Engage SSF Available on Apple iOS and Google Android.

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C ity of South San Francisco | (650) 877-8500 | See what's happenin g on our socia l sites: