Classroom training is an essential element of technical education and certification. Interaction with instructors and pe
EDUCATION SERVICES Virtual Instructor-Led Training Classroom training is an essential element of technical education and certification. Interaction with instructors and peers can be invaluable for understanding the nuances of a new approach to data management. However, tight schedules and even tighter budgets can sometimes limit your opportunities for attending courses outside the normal work environment. Commvault® Virtual Instructor-Led Training (vILT) courses provide students an option for live, instructor-led sessions with the same high-quality, results-oriented interaction found in a traditional classroom environment. Students participating in vILT courses have full access to instructors, classroom discussions, question & answer sessions, and all lab exercises, just as if they were in the classroom. Simply log in to the Education Advantage portal through any web browser and connect to the virtual classroom. Commvault-certified instructors facilitate the live session for all participants regardless if they are located in the local classroom or are participating remotely.
HIGHLIGHTS Convenient and CostEffective The Virtual learning environment delivers a rich, results-oriented experience without the cost and hassle of traveling to a physical classroom. Improve Your Learning Experience Gain all the benefits of a live instructor while using the technology familiar technology and communication tools. VLab Integration The tight integration of our vLab learning platform with CommVault’s Education Advantage portal ensures that remote learners have practical, hands-on reinforcement of course content.
THE VIRTUAL LAB With the Virtual Lab (vLab) component of Commvault’s Instructor-led courses, students can access and implement Commvault learning exercises virtually over the Internet by using a personal computer.
COMMVAULT.COM | 888.746.3849 |
VLab is a vital learning tool that offers both remote and on-site students a rich, flexible method for gaining hands-on experience with the Simpana® software platform. It shares a common console with our Education Advantage (EA) portal, so that instructors can support and guide the remote participant. As an added benefit, the vLab environment is available to students 24 hours a day during the course, allowing access before or after class time.
ACCESSING THE vILT CLASSROOM Commvault recommends the following, for the best virtual learning experience: A high-speed Internet connection of 512Kbps or greater At least 1GB of RAM Windows 7, Mac OSC 10.8, or greater IE 8, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Apple Safari
Taking live courses, over the internet, provides students with greater flexibility over where they consume content. It also provides them with a wider selection of course times, because travel is no longer a barrier.
vILT can dramatically reduce and even eliminate travel costs like air fare, taxis, hotels, meals, etc., associated with the traditional classroom setting.
A virtual learning environment provides students an opportunity to focus on learning while still being connected to their daily job function. No longer must they worry about returning to a list of urgent issues requiring their attention because they can readily address those items outside class time, and even engage other students to help them solve those real-world challenges.
Our vILT program uses a variety of tools and approaches to motivate participants to fully engage, often at a higher level than those sitting in the classroom. The seasoned Commvault delivery team engages in dialogue instead of a simple lecture monologue. They also facilitate collaboration among the entire learning group and monitor individual participation to ensure accountability.
Fits the Way You Work
The way people work and learn has changed dramatically, so has Commvault’s approach to training. VILT is one of the many complementary tools that Commvault uses to disseminate learning content and to address a wide variety of learning styles.
COMMVAULT.COM | 888.746.3849 |
Integrated Learning Labs
The Commvault Virtual Lab (vLab) is a vital learning tool that offers the remote participant a rich, flexible method for gaining hands-on experience with the Simpana® software platform. It shares a common console with the Education Advantage (EA) portal, so that instructors can support and guide the participant. Launching vLab from EA is just as easy with only a few mouse clicks and your security credentials.
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