Recommended: Starting out with Java: Control Structures through Objects (5th ed
.) by Tony Gaddis. Addison. Wesley, 2012. Available at the Bookstore.
COMP 1010 - Fall 2012 ROASS Course Description An introduction to computer programming using a high-level programming language. Important Dates A tentative course timetable is available on the web site. Please see the Important Dates section of the U of M General Calendar for information on holidays, exams, and voluntary withdrawal dates. Textbook Required: Wiki-Based Text for COMP 1010 ( Recommended: Starting out with Java: Control Structures through Objects (5th ed.) by Tony Gaddis. Addison Wesley, 2012. Available at the Bookstore. Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty is a very serious offence and will be dealt with in accordance with the University’s discipline bylaw. Examples of academic dishonesty include: • submitting assignments which are not entirely your own work or providing your work to another student or students • use of unauthorized material during a test or examination • writing an examination for another person • having another person write an examination for you Please see section 7 of the General Academic Regulations and Requirements in the U of M General Calendar for more information. A single blanket honesty declaration must be submitted before your first assignment. The statements on that declaration apply to all of your assignments. Course Outline The course will cover fundamental programming concepts using the Java programming language. The following topics will be covered (subject to minor changes): • Introduction to programming • Primitive data types • Control structures for conditionals • Control structures for repetition • Methods • Arrays
Grade Breakdown • Labs: 10 % • 4 Assignments: 20 % • Midterm test: 20 % • Final exam: 50 % Labs The structured labs are mandatory. Marks will be largely based on attendance and participation. Please attend the lab for which you are registered. Labs are held weekly and begin Wednesday, September 12. Assignments There will be 4 assignments. Each assignment will carry equal weight. You must adhere to the assignment guidelines to ensure your assignment will not be rejected. Please note that late assignments will generally not be accepted. At least one assignment will be returned to you prior to the VW deadline. Midterm test A midterm test will take place on Monday, October 29, 2012 from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. You will receive the midterm test back prior to the VW deadline. Final exam The final exam will be 3 hours in length. The date and location will be scheduled by the Registrar’s Office later in the term. You are reminded that you are obligated to make yourself available for the writing of the final exam. Important Note to Students from the Faculty of Science It is your responsibility to ensure that you are entitled to be registered in this course. This means that you: have the appropriate prerequisites, as noted in the calendar description, or have permission from the instructor to waive these prerequisites; have not previously taken, or are concurrently registered in, this course and another that has been identified as ”not to be held with” in the course description. For example, BIOL 1000 cannot be held for credit with BIOL 1020. The registration system may have allowed you to register in this course, but it is your responsibility to check. If you are not entitled to be in this course, you will be withdrawn, or the course may not be used in your degree program. There will be no fee adjustment. This is not appealable. Please be sure to read the course description for this and every course in which you are registered.