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Jan 28, 2011... the Regents. Comprehensive Examination in English. ... When scoring the
January 2011 Regents Comprehensive Examination in English:.
*If the total score ends in .5, round that score up to the nearest whole number.
Total Score for ... Regents Comprehensive Examination in English—August 2011
The State Education Department / The University of the State of New York
Regents Comprehensive Examination in English—August 2011 Chart for Determining the Final Examination Score (Use for August 2011 examination only.)
To determine the student’s final examination score, locate the student’s total score for Questions 26, 27, and 28* across the top of the chart and the student’s total multiple-choice score down the side of the chart. The point where those two scores intersect is the student’s final examination score. For example, a student receiving a total score for Questions 26, 27, and 28 of 9 and a total multiple-choice score of 20 would receive a final examination score of 85. Schools are not permitted to rescore any of the open-ended questions on any Regents Exam after each question has been rated the required number of times as specified in the rating guide, regardless of the final exam score. Schools are required to ensure that the raw scores have been added correctly and that the resulting scale score has been determined accurately. Because scale scores corresponding to raw scores in the conversion chart change from one administration to another, it is crucial that for each administration the conversion chart provided for that administration be used to determine the student’s final score. The chart above is usable only for this administration of the Regents Comprehensive Examination in English. *If the total score ends in .5, round that score up to the nearest whole number.