COMP80122: Foundamentals of Research Methodology

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Jan 28, 2015 ... COMP80122: Foundamentals of Research. Methodology. Jonathan Shapiro. School of Computer Science. University of Manchester. January ...
COMP80122: Foundamentals of Research Methodology Jonathan Shapiro School of Computer Science University of Manchester

January 28, 2015

Introduction to the course

Teachers Carole Goble

Jon Shapiro (me)

Aims of the course

1. To help you develop skills as a producer and presentor of research presentations. 2. To give you an opportunity to practice this skill. 3. To introduce you to some techniques and tools for carrying out research in computer science.

Assessment To pass this course unit, you have to successfully complete 4 assignments: 1. Attend the Research Student Symposium and write critiques of 10 presentations (you should have done this already),

Assessment To pass this course unit, you have to successfully complete 4 assignments: 1. Attend the Research Student Symposium and write critiques of 10 presentations (you should have done this already), 2. Give a 15 minute presentation about your research project, with suitable slides and storyline, and being suitably prepared,

Assessment To pass this course unit, you have to successfully complete 4 assignments: 1. Attend the Research Student Symposium and write critiques of 10 presentations (you should have done this already), 2. Give a 15 minute presentation about your research project, with suitable slides and storyline, and being suitably prepared, 3. Attend your fellow students’ presentations and contribute to the discussions of these presentations,

Assessment To pass this course unit, you have to successfully complete 4 assignments: 1. Attend the Research Student Symposium and write critiques of 10 presentations (you should have done this already), 2. Give a 15 minute presentation about your research project, with suitable slides and storyline, and being suitably prepared, 3. Attend your fellow students’ presentations and contribute to the discussions of these presentations, 4. Attend the BCS Turing Lecture

Your First Assignment


Sign up for the BCS Turing Lecture I



“The Internet Paradox: How bottom-up beat(s) command and control”, Robert Pepper, Vice-President, Global Technology Policy, Cisco. It takes place at Theatre B, University Place, Feb 25 at 5:30 to 8. Completely free, but registration is required. Register at

Your Second Assignment


Read the paper, the slides, or watch the video of Simon Peyton Jones’ paper, “How to give a good research talk”. Somewhat out of date on technology, but otherwise excellent advice. See resources section of the Course Materials page for the links.

Organisation of the course Part 1: Jan 26 – Feb 9, lectures and discussions on a variety of topics involving research methods and presentation skills.

Part 2: Feb 11 – Mar 4, excluding Mar 2, student presentations.

BCS Turing Lecture: Feb 25 attend the lecture. Mar 2 we will discuss it in class.



We will divide you into 4 groups of about 12 each (haven’t yet).


Each of you will prepare a talk of about 15 minutes on your research, taster project, etc.


Thirty minutes will be allocated to each talk, 15 mins for the talk, 15 for discussion and feedback from the rest of the group.


You must attend the talks from others in your group.


You are not expected to attend the talks from other groups.

Schedule of Sessions for COMP80122    


Mon Jan 26 (Jon)  Session A: Course Introduction  Session B: Research Methodologies in  Computer Science 

Wed Jan 28 (Carole and friends)  Session A: Coping with the literature,   Session B: Research tools (notebooks,  mindmaps, etc.)  

Mon Feb 2 (Carole)  Session A:  How to give research presentations  Session B:   How to give research presentations 

Wed Feb 4 (mentors)  Session A: (PhD students) Maintaining your  sanity.  Session B: (Carole) Managing your  supervisor   

Mon Feb 9: (Library)  Session A4: Open Access, Data  Management, Data management  requirements.   Session B: IP issues    

Wed Feb 11: Student presentations 

Mon Feb 16: Student presentations 

Wed Feb 18: Student presentations 

Mon Feb 23: Student presentations 

Wed Feb 25: Student presentations  Turing Lecture (student attendance  required) 

Mon Mar 2: (Jon and Carole, or just Jon)  Discussion of Turing Lecture 

Wed Mar 4: Student presentations 
