At Kumon we believe it is important for children to develop life skills ... experience
as a high school mathematics teacher, .... Kumon Mathematics worksheets.
Company Profile
For the children: Life Skills
At Kumon we believe it is important for children to develop life skills
to enable them to live their lives with a positive attitude about the future. Having observed tens of thousands of children, we strongly believe that life skills enable children to live their lives happily and to the fullest, with dreams and goals, with a willingness to face challenges, and with the motivation to try new things proactively and enthusiastically. To reach that end, attributes such as a superior academic ability, a sense of self-belief and the ability to
learn independently are essential.
Mission, Vision
The Origins of the Kumon Method
Self-confidence means believing in oneself. Through perseverance
in their studies, children develop self-confidence and emerge feeling positive about themselves and what they are capable of. This self-confidence
The Characteristics of the Kumon Method
-Individualized Instruction-The 'Just-right' Level of Study 4
becomes the driving force behind their willingness to challenge themselves
with more difficult or unfamiliar work. It is also what motivates them to set
-The Role of the Instructor
goals and have dreams for the future. It is during the pursuit of goals and
-Progress in Small Steps / The Kumon Curriculum
dreams that the ability to self-learn is developed.
-The Pursuit of Potential
The Kumon Method Spreading Throughout the World
Self-learning ability involves being able to set goals and solve
unfamiliar and challenging tasks independently. It is the synthesis of many
skills such as concentration, information processing, and the ability to
challenge oneself and persevere with tasks for extended periods.
The Origins of the Kumon Method We have a dream: to contribute to world peace through education. We will head towards the realization of that dream
Half a century ago, one father’s love for his son gave birth to the Kumon Method
by fostering people through individualized education.
he late Chairman Toru Kumon developed the prototype of the Kumon Method in 1954 while
he was a high school mathematics teacher. At the time, Toru Kumon’s wife, Teiko, asked him to take a look at his eldest son Takeshi’s1 second-grade arithmetic studies because she was not satisfied with the results of a test he had taken.
As a result of his teaching experience,
Toru Kumon believed that all children possess undiscovered potential and abilities that surpass even the expectations of adults. He considered it to be the responsibility of educators to uncover that hidden potential and, above all else, he felt that instruction based on maximizing children’s independence was of the highest importance.
Toru Kumon's aim was to create a collection
of original problems that Takeshi would be able to complete progressively, on his own, allowing him to develop his skills gradually. After much
trial and error, he produced a series of hand-
By discovering the potential of each individual
the focus on developing strong calculation skills,
and developing his or her ability to the maximum,
through to high school mathematics. Based on his
we aim to foster sound, capable people and thus contribute to the global community.
written learning materials on loose-leaf A5-sized paper. The primary feature of these materials was enabling Takeshi to advance as quickly as possible experience as a high school mathematics teacher, Toru Kumon was convinced that mastering calculation was the key to enabling his son to later apply other mathematical concepts. Takeshi started studying his
The original hand-written worksheets that Toru Kumon created for his son in 1954
father’s handmade materials when he was in 2nd grade, in July 1954. He began with addition problems and then progressed rapidly until he reached 11th grade-
Vision We wish that all people in all countries and regions in the world will have the opportunity to learn with the Kumon Method, and that each individual in the world will be enthusiastically self-learning and making efforts towards realizing his or her goals and dreams.
level differential and integral calculus within the first few months of the 6th grade.
During this time, Toru Kumon continued to create these learning materials
on a daily basis, and it was through this process that the philosophy behind the Kumon Method emerged. That is, the optimum development of each individual’s ability, irrespective of age or grade - the pursuit of potential.
Toru Kumon believed that what was possible for one child was possible
for others, and thus set out to offer, to as many children as possible, the opportunity to study with this Method. Toru Kumon and his son Takeshi
The late President Takeshi Kumon
The Characteristics of the Kumon Method
Individualized Instruction - The 'Just-right' Level of Study
By pursuing the potential of each individual, Kumon allows children to be the best they can
oru Kumon believed in the value of independent learning and through refining this idea, individualized instruction
became one of the critical factors of the Kumon Method. The key to individualized instruction is study at the 'just-right' level. The 'just-right' level of study is not just the level where a student can easily complete work; it is the level where, at any
time with maximum effort, a student can progress on their own without being specifically taught.
The Role of the Instructor
Devoted to each child’s development and growth
In helping students develop their academic abilities,
the most important thing is that they enjoy their study. In order for this to happen, the starting point for each Kumon student is established individually at a level where they can attain a perfect score of 100 by studying on their own. Using the math program as an example, if a second-grade student is having trouble doing vertical calculations, it is often due to a lack of mastery of mental calculation skills, usually dating back to the initial stages of learning addition and subtraction when they were in the first grade.
In such a case, it is essential to start with content that allows the child to easily obtain a perfect score of
100 at their current ability level. In this way, the child will experience the feelings of joy and satisfaction that result from being able to achieve something on one's own. Then, if the child continues to study at their own pace, at a level that is appropriate to their ability, they will catch up to their school grade level and eventually advance far beyond it.
The Kumon Method is an educational method that does not compare students with one another. Based
on individualized instruction and study at the 'just-right' level, Kumon seeks to improve the skills of each child and bring out the best in them so that they gain the confidence to attempt problems that were once too difficult for them.
hile worksheet study is carried out daily within the home, students also attend a Kumon Center on a regular basis. While studying at a Kumon Center, children follow a simple routine that supports their study
at home. The Instructor’s role is to ensure that students can, without any hindrance, experience over and over the sense of accomplishment and feeling of confidence gained as a result of thinking through and solving problems on their own. In order to give students appropriate instruction, the Kumon Instructor observes their study behavior, particularly when doing repetition and studying new content, to obtain a sound idea of the child’s progress and development.
As they observe, Instructors consider whether or not the worksheets are at a level that is 'just-right' for
the student, taking a number of factors into account. For example, they consider how well the student understands the content and whether or not the student is able to complete the worksheets within the set time frame. They also observe the student’s attitude and behavior each Center day to assist in evaluating their Kumon study progress. To help them do this, the Instructor may look at indicators such as how smoothly the student’s pencil is moving from one problem to the next, and whether the student is spending time effectively to solve problems.
Through close observation and by keeping
records of daily progress, the Kumon Instructor can
Developing the ability to learn on one’s own
see how each student grows and develops. A vital aspect of the Instructor’s role is to acknowledge the students' development by praising them for their achievements and encouraging them to take on further challenges. The Instructor does not do this
umon defines self-learning as the ability to set goals and solve unfamiliar and challenging tasks
alone, but rather discusses each student's progress
independently. The Instructor fosters this ability in students by setting them a goal to complete worksheets
regularly with the child’s parents or guardians. As well
that have been carefully created to allow the learner to move along solving them on their own. It is precisely
as encouraging their students to develop, Instructors
because students are daily going about their work independently with a goal that the desire to learn is aroused.
also strive to improve their own instruction skills by
Furthermore, the ambition to take on a new challenge is fostered in students because they feel a sense of
learning from the observations and experiences of
accomplishment in their study. This process begins the moment students enter a Kumon Center, collect their
fellow Instructors.
prepared sets of worksheets and begin studying on their own. With the Kumon Method, it is extremely important that worksheets are always completed by the student independently.
The Characteristics of the Kumon Method
The Kumon Curriculum (International Version) as of June 2013
Elective course materials
Progress in Small Steps
XS Statistics XP Probability
The Kumon worksheets are structured to foster self-learning
XM Matrices XV Vectors, Equations of Lines and Planes in Space
XT Triangles (Sine and Cosine Theorems and Their Applications)
t Kumon we realize that students will encounter difficulties advancing on their own if the jump from one level to another
Level :Contents
is too great. Thus, the worksheets have been specially designed to
advance in small steps enabling students to progress smoothly while
learning at a level that is most appropriate for them. Nowhere in the L
worksheets will a student suddenly encounter a problem that they are completely unfamiliar with. The worksheets have been designed in a
way that allows students to figure out how to solve problems on their
own. Examples and explanations are clearly provided when moving
into new topic areas, encouraging students to self-learn and advance
independently at all times.
The mathematics program, for example, consists of 4,420 D
worksheets with 20 levels from 6A through to O and five elective
courses. The worksheets focus on the development of strong
calculation skills and, by avoiding all unrelated concepts, aim to allow
the student to advance as quickly as possible on their own to high
Trigonometry, Straight Lines, Circles
Logarithms, Calculus
Functions—Quadratic, Fractional, Irrational, Exponential
Basic High School Algebra
Factorization, Square Roots, Quadratic Equations,The Pythagorean Theorem
Linear/Simultaneous Equations, Inequalities, Functions and Graphs
Positive/Negative Numbers, Introduction to Algebra
Four Operations of Fractions, Decimals
Long Multiplication, Long Division, Introduction to Fractions
Multiplication, Division
Vertical Addition and Subtraction
Horizontal Addition and Subtraction
2A Basic Addition
school mathematics. This is the most predominant feature of the
Advanced Differentation and Integration, Differential Equations
Loci, Sequences and Series, Limits of Functions, Differentiation
Each level from 6A to O is comprised of 200 worksheets.
Kumon Mathematics worksheets.
Kumon also offers language programs for both native and
foreign language learners. In the reading programs, native speakers
acquire advanced reading comprehension skills and are immersed in reading from a wide range of texts. Progressing in small steps through each stage, the student starts by learning the sounds within words. After moving on to the fundamentals of sentence structure, grammar and punctuation, the student progresses to summarization and critical reading involving more complex passages.
The foreign language programs offer students exposure to
their target language on a daily basis while allowing them to acquire high-level reading comprehension and listening skills. Through the carefully designed small steps in the worksheets, students also learn to write and pronounce the words and sounds of the language. As a result, students develop high-level communication skills which allow them to not only converse in the target language, but also to read and understand texts written in that language.
Using information collected by observing students as well as
on-going feedback from Instructors, Kumon constantly evaluates and revises the worksheets of all of its programs to ensure there is nothing hindering students from progressing smoothly. In every way, the Kumon Method is a student-centered method of learning.
3A Writing Numbers up to 120,
Introduction to Addition
4A Writing Numbers up to 50 5A Reading Numbers up to 50 6A Reading Numbers up to 10
The Pursuit of Potential
Studying beyond School Grade Level : Fostering Confidence and Self-esteem
he Kumon Method aims to help children attain strong academic abilities by enabling them to advance beyond their school grade level through 'just-
right' level learning. Understanding differences in children’s abilities is essential in order to be able to determine a child’s 'just-right' level. Knowing a child’s 'justright' level then provides the Instructor with the necessary information required to nurture the child’s ability and help them to realize their potential. By studying at their 'just-right' level, children are able to advance beyond their school grade level on their own, without being specifically taught.
After having observed many children over fifty years, we at Kumon believe
that all children possess boundless potential and through instruction at the 'justright' level we know it is possible to uncover this underlying potential in children.
Studying beyond school grade level not only benefits students academically
but also helps them to develop important qualities such as confidence and self-esteem. Once they reach this stage of advanced learning, they are then able to develop a deeper awareness of others around them and experience has shown that these students actually become kinder and more considerate of their peers and others once they begin studying beyond school grade level. This correlation between social maturity and study beyond school grade level is considered one of the most important and beneficial characteristics of the Kumon Method.
The Kumon Method Spreading Throughout the World With the aim of supporting more and more dreams the world over
North America
he Kumon Method that began from the love of a father for his child is today widely available in countries and regions around
the world. World enrolment figures currently total 4.26million (Jun. 2013). The first Kumon Center outside of Japan was set up in New
Andorra, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, U.K.
Canada, U.S.A., Mexico
China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam
York in 1974. Since then, Kumon Centers have spread to 48 different countries and regions. Kumon Centers are at the heart of this global development, but there are also a number of schools that have adopted the Kumon Method.
The Kumon Method aims to foster superior basic academic
abilities that are fundamental to a solid education. It is an individualized method suitable for all ages. Each student studies independently at a level that is 'just-right' for them. Placing great importance on the ability of each student, Kumon aims to foster and nurture each individual’s character and learning potential.
By completing the Kumon worksheets, students not only
South America
improve their academic ability, but also gain life skills, such as selfesteem and the ability to expand their skills and knowledge through their own efforts. The fact that the Kumon Method and approach have remained consistent for over fifty years and have been accepted in many countries, despite differences in lifestyle, educational system,
Middle East
Argentinia, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru
Bahrain, Qatar, UAE
and culture, is evidence of the universal nature of the Kumon Method. This is something which Kumon treasures and takes great pride in.
While establishing a firm base in the community, Instructors and
Center Assistants nurture the development of children and adults alike. Together with our Instructors and Center Assistants, Kumon supports all children and adults of communities around the world in achieving their goals and dreams.
Africa Botswana, Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia
Australia, New Zealand
WORLD TOTAL 4,260,000 total number of subject enrolments (as of June 2013)
2000 Kenya, Ireland
1980 France, Canada 1981 The number of Kumon subject enrolments exceeds one million.
1974 United States
(In May. 1982, the first office opens in Los Angeles.)
1975 The number of Kumon subject enrolments exceeds one hundred thousand. (In Sept. 1975, the first overseas office opens in Taipei.)
1977 Brazil
(In Jun. 1980, the first office opens in São Paulo.)
1969 The number of Kumon subject enrolments exceeds ten thousand.
Kumon Centers open around the world
(In Dec. 1980, the first office opens in Dusseldorf.)
(In May. 1984, the first office opens in Sydney.)
1985 Belgium, Peru 1986 Malaysia, Austria, Switzerland 1987 Singapore
(In Apr. 1995, the first office opens in Singapore.)
1988 Hong Kong 1989 Italy
1954 July
In Japan, Toru Kumon begins providing selflearning based education to his first son, Takeshi, who is a second grader in elementary school. (This is the prototype of the Kumon Method.)
1955 Sept The first Math Center using Kumon worksheets is opened in Moriguchi City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan. 1958 July
The office of the Osaka Institute of Mathematics is established in Osaka City. The Kumon Institute of Education is founded.
The first Kumon Center in Tokyo is opened.
1968 10th Inaugural Anniversary
1974 Jan
The first overseas Kumon Center opens in New York.
1978 20th Inaugural Anniversary
( In Feb. 1997, the first office opens in Johannesburg.)
1992 Spain, Hungary 1993 Netherlands
1994 The number of Kumon subject enrolments exceeds two million. 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
New Zealand Luxembourg, Bolivia Chile Botswana, Argentina Sri Lanka, Namibia, United Arab Emirates Bahrain
2001 Myanmar, Zambia 2005 India
(In Dec. 2004, the first office opens in New Delhi.)
2006 The number of Kumon subject enrolments million.
exceeds four
2006 Qatar
(In Feb. 2007, the first office opens in Doha.)
2007 Vietnam
(In Jun. 2006, the first office opens in Ho Chi Minh.)
2008 Greece 2013 Andorra
The first Kumon Instructors’ Conference is held in Japan.
The Kumon English Program (for native Japanese speakers) is launched.
Apr The Kumon Japanese Program (for native Japanese speakers) is launched. Apr The first Instructors’ Conference on learners with special needs is held.
2000 Oct 1990
The organization is shifted into a group management structure.
The Kumon Gakuen Educational Foundation establishes the Nobiteyuku Kindergarten.
May Kumon Leysin Academy of Switzerland (senior high school) opens. Sept The Kumon English Program (for native English speakers) is launched in Australia.
1983 Apr
1991 Nov
Sept Applied research into Learning Therapy is begun. Oct The new Kumon logo is created incorporating the image of ‘THE THINKING FACE’.
1982 Apr
The company name changes from Kumon Institute of Mathematics Co., Ltd. to Kumon Institute of Education Co., Ltd.
1984 Dec The Kumon Japanese Program (for foreign learners) is launched. 1985 Oct The Kumon Penmanship Program (current L.I.L.) is launched.
1979 Sept
1980 Apr
1986 Dec
The Kumon French and German programs (for native Japanese speakers) are launched.
1987 Apr
The Kumon Speed Reading System (S.R.S.) for Japanese learners of English is launched.
Feb Kumon Publishing Co., Ltd. is established. Oct Sumiton Elementary School in Alabama, the United States, implements Kumon worksheets in their regular classes.
1988 30th Inaugural Anniversary
2001 The number of Kumon subject enrolments million.
exceeds three
1962 Oct
The Progress of Kumon
(In Nov. 1990, the first office opens in London.)
1979 Germany
1984 Australia
1975 Taiwan
1982 Philippines 1983 United Kingdom
1990 Korea 1991 Thailand, South Africa, Indonesia, China, Mexico, Colombia
The Kumon Reading Program (North American version for native English speakers) is launched in the United States.
Apr Kumon Kokusai Gakuen opens its junior high school in Yokohama City. Sept The Kumon Chinese Program is launched in Taiwan.
1994 Aug
The Kumon Portuguese Program (for native Portuguese speakers) is launched in Brazil.
Sept The Kumon EFL Program (English as a Foreign Language) is launched in Brazil. Oct The Kumon Spanish Program (South American version for native Spanish speakers) is launched.
2005 Sept
The Kumon CFL Program (Chinese as a Foreign Language) is launched in Korea.
1996 Apr
Kumon Kokusai Gakuen opens its senior high school in Yokohama City.
2008 July The Kumon Thai Program (for native Thai speakers) is launched in Thailand.
1998 40th Inaugural Anniversary 2008 50th Inaugural Anniversary 2009 Sept
The Kumon Spanish Program (for native Spanish speakers) is launched in Spain.
2011 May Global Communication & Testing Co.,Ltd. (GC&T) is established.
What We, Associates, Care About What we care about most is each individual child. All Kumon learning must be, without exception, a useful learning experience for the child’s growth and future. We must provide an opportunity to learn with the Kumon Method to as many children as possible. These two things we always hold firmly in our hearts as we approach our work— they are the sole reason for Kumon’s existence and development, and are also our responsibility for the children. If, along the way, we waver or there is dissent, we will always stop to ask ourselves, “Will this really benefit the children?” and thus we will find our way once again. With this in mind, we will do everything in our power to make this educational method even more valuable and to allow as many children as possible to learn with the Kumon Method.
What we next cherish are the people who work towards achieving our common goal. We have the highest respect for Kumon Instructors as well as all other people who care about children and who wish to contribute to society through education with us. With heartfelt appreciation and affinity, we strive to give our fullest support and to work in unity with all of these people.
We also greatly value all of our associates. We must do our best to create and maintain the kind of workplace culture and environment where all associates can energetically approach their work with the sense of mission and challenge and can better themselves every day while a decent livelihood is ensured and adequate compensation offered to all.
The “THINKING FACE” represents our faces The Kumon Logo; the face inside, and its color. The face inside is the “THINKING FACE”. It represents the faces of children who learn, think, and grow within Kumon Centers. At the same time, it also represents the faces of the Instructors who are thinking about the children and developing themselves. “How can I help this child progress?” Everyone involved in Kumon thinks about education very seriously, wants to learn from children, has the desire to grow alongside others and to put all these into practice.
Finally, we put great emphasis on our commitment to the community. We are grateful to our local communities in which we live and work. As a conscientious corporate citizen, we take an active part in a variety of activities to improve the quality of life in our communities such as the preservation of the natural environment and resources, and the improvement of local education and culture. In this way, we will fulfill our responsibility and obligation to the global community.
Kumon Blue represents intelligence, honesty, and the sky that stretches across the world. It also represents our hope that the world will be united as one, that the future of our children will grow on a grand scale, and that people all over the world will think more seriously about education.
Lastly, we take to heart the following three things and will remain true to them in any situation. 1. We affirm to be upright citizens by always asking ourselves if our words and deeds are fair and just. 2. We will strive to be people who can feel joy and a sense of wonder while maintaining our conviction and pride as educators. 3. We will cultivate a sense of modesty and humility so that we can always grow with each passing day.
The Kumon Group (as of March 2013)
Operations of the Kumon Group Research, development, and production of learning materials for Math and Reading (Japanese, English, Portuguese and Chinese etc.), penmanship and calligraphy, and Kumon Learning Therapy ● Research on instruction techniques ● Establishment and operation of Kumon Centers ● Printing of Kumon worksheets, and logistics services ● Publication of children’s books, picture books and study-aid books, etc. ● Development and marketing of educational merchandise including educational toys ●
Educational Services Areas of operations : 48 countries and regions Number of Centers : 25,000 Number of subject enrollments : 4,260,000 (as of June 2013)
Kumon Institute of Education Co., Ltd. (Holding Company) ■ Osaka Head Office
■ Company Data
Osaka Ekimae Daini Bldg. 9F, 1-2-2, Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0001 Japan ■ Tokyo Head Office Keikyu Daiichi Bldg. 12F, 4-10-18 Takanawa, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0074 Japan URL :
Date of Establishment : July 1958 Date of Incorporation : August 1962 Capital : ¥4,418,000,000 Consolidated net sales : ¥78,723,000,000 Consolidated operating profit : ¥11,011,000,000 Number of employees : 3,947 President : Akio Tsunoda
The Kumon Group Organizational Chart Kumon Centers Regional Headquarters
Group Companies in Japan
Kumon North America, Inc. Kumon Instituto de Educação Ltda.
Kumon L.I.L. Co., Ltd.
Kumon Educational Japan Co., Ltd.
Kumon Publishing Co., Ltd.
Kumon Asia & Oceania Pte. Ltd.
Kumon Toru Research Institute of Education Co., Ltd.
Kumon China Co., Ltd.
Global Communication & Testing Co., Ltd.
Kumon Educational U.K. Co., Ltd.
Kumon Institute of Education Co., Ltd. Holding Company
Kumon Regional Headquarters ■ North
■ South
■ Japan
Kumon North America, Inc. Address : Glenpointe Centre East-6th Floor, 300 Frank W. Burr Blvd., Teaneck, NJ 07666 U.S.A. URL:
Kumon Instituto de Educação Ltda. Address : Rua Tomás Carvalhal, 686, Paraíso, CEP 04006-002, São Paulo, SP., Brasil URL:
Kumon Educational Japan Co., Ltd. Address : Kumon Kyoiku-Kaikan, 5-6-6, Nishinakajima, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka, 532-8511 Japan URL:
■ Asia
■ China
■ Europe
Kumon China Co., Ltd. Address : Unit 4301, 43F., Cosco Tower, 183 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong URL:
Kumon Educational U.K. Co., Ltd. Address : 5th Floor, The Grange, 100 High Street, Southgate, London N14 6BN U.K. URL:
& Oceania
Kumon Asia & Oceania Pte. Ltd. Address : 30 Cecil Street, #29-01 Prudential Tower 049712 Singapore URL:
& Africa
Outline of Group Companies in Japan Kumon L.I.L. Co., Ltd.
Kumon Publishing Co., Ltd.
Kumon L.I.L. started out as a New Business Venture Department of the Kumon Institute of Education in 1985 and was established as an independent business in 1996. With a corporate theme of lifelong learning, its role is to support as many people as possible in living enriched lives and experiencing the joy of learning through penmanship and calligraphy. In 2012, the number of students, ranging from young children to adults, exceeded 70,000, demonstrating that Kumon L.I.L. provides attractive learning opportunities for people of all ages.
Originally starting as the Publishing Department within the Kumon Institute of Education in 1980, Kumon Publishing was inaugurated as an independent company in 1988. Its role is to support the growth of children through the development and sales of its publications (educational workbooks, flashcards, picture books, and children’s books, etc.) and educational toys. In 2004, the company began developing and marketing workbooks for preschoolers in the North American market, which marked the start of its fullscale international expansion.
Kumon Toru Research Institute of Education Co., Ltd.
Global Communication and Testing Co., Ltd. (GC&T)
Starting out as a department of Kumon Institute of Education in 1995, Kumon Toru Research Institute of Education (KTRIE) was established as an independent company in the year 2000. KTRIE’s mission is to preserve and further develop the philosophy of the Kumon Method, as envisioned by its founder, Toru Kumon. Its central role is to ensure that Kumon learning materials and instruction throughout the world adhere to the Kumon philosophy. The company also conducts research on educational matters and communicates the value of the Kumon Method to the entire Kumon Group.
The company was established in 2011 when Kumon Institute of Education Co., Ltd. joined forces with Educational Testing Service (ETS), the world’s largest non-profit test development and research organization. With the relationship with ETS, GC&T takes charge of the development and diffusion of ability assessment skills. At the first step of this, GC&T is responsible for the promotion of TOEFL® Junior™ Test in Japan. Kumon aims to contribute to the improvement of worldwide education levels through global human resource development.
Public Relations Department 13-07 ©KUMON INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION