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Grain Quality and Nutrition Services Laboratory
The Grain Quality and Nutrition Services Laboratory (GQNSL) is a Philippine accredited and registered testing laboratory that offers a wide range of high quality analytical services and rice grain quality evaluation. It is the integrated service unit of the former Analytical Service Laboratory (ASL) SL) and Quality Evaluation Services (QES) under the Grain Quality and Nutrition Center (GQNC). In 2016, GQNC is p placed laced administratively under the Plant Breeding Division of the International Rice Research Institute. Headed by Dr. Nese Sreenivasulu and ma managed naged by Ms. Lilia Molina, GQNSL employs international standards compliant to ISO/IEC 17025 to ensure the quality and reliability of test results. It offers more than 70 test parameters with emphasis on grain quality and analytical testings on plant, soil, water and soil extracts extracts-- all aimed to support rice scientists to improve and produce the best high-yielding, yielding, stress tolerant, nutritious and superior grain quality rice varieties through breeding.
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GQNSL is composed of trained professionals and technical personnel who constantly drive for quality and excellence in laboratory work. Registered chemists work hand-in-hand hand with dedicated and well-trained trained technicians and analysts to provide high quality, reliable, and costcost effective fective services in support of IRRI's research programs.
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MANAGEMENT GQNSL is managed by highly experienced scientists who continuously furnish its staff adequate amount of training to provide high quality and globally competent analytical and grain quality evaluation services.
With a wide range of expertise in genomics and biology, Dr. Nese Sreenivasulu heads the Grain Quality and Nutrition Center which handles GQNSL.
GQNSL is managed by Ms. Lily Molina, a registered and award-winning winning chemist with more than 20 years of experience.
SUPERVISORS The analytical testings and grain quality evaluation are closely monitored by the supervisors to ensure the reliability of GQNSL's test results in compliance to its PNS ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation.
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TECHNICAL & ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF GQNSL's operations would not be possible without the dedicated and excellent support of its technical analysts and administrative staff staff.
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RICE GRAIN QUALITY EVALUATION The rice grain quality evaluation includes the following parameters: physical traits, biochemical properties, cooking and eating qualities, as well as nutrition.
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Head rice yield Milling potential score Physical traits Gelatinization temperature by alkali spreading value (ASV) Grain elongation Amylose content Gel consistency Viscosity Protein by Kjeldahl Nitrogen Macro- and micronutrients by ICP-OES
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SOIL CHEMICAL ANALYSES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
pH measurement Electrical conductivity Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Available Phosphorous Olsen-P Available Phosphorous Bray-P Available Potassium Organic Carbon (Walkley and Black) Total Carbon and Nitrogen by EA C-13 and N-15 by IRMS Active Iron and Manganese Available Copper and Zinc Total exchangeable bases (TEB) Cation exchange capacity Exchangeable Aluminum and Acidity (KCl Method) Particle size analysis- Pipette Particle size analysis- Hydrometer Available Boron Available Cadmium
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PLANT/GRAIN ANALYSES • • • • • • • •
Nitrogen by Kjeldahl method Modified ASL Procedure (MAP) Nitric/Perchloric Acid Digestion for ICP analysis of Na, K, Ca, Mg, P, Fe, Mn, S, Cu, Zn, Al, and Mo Cadmium determination by GF-AAS Crude silica by Gravimetric Method Crude ash Total Carbon and Nitrogen by EA C-13 and N-15 by IRMS Boron by ICP-OES
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AA3 operating procedure: for NH4± and NO3-Nitrogen in water, waste water, soil extracts and other aqueous samples Phosphate in water, waste water and soil extracts, and other aqueous samples Water analysis by ICP-OES—includes Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, P, S, Cr, Mo, Pb, B, Al
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GRAIN QUALITY EVALUATION LABORATORY The Main Laboratory is occupied by the Grain Quality Evaluation Laboratory. Physical traits as well as cooking and eating biochemical testing are performed in this area. Sample preparation room is also available for rice grain blowing, dehulling, sorting, milling and grinding.
PLANT & SOIL LABORATORY Routine analytical tests for rice plant tissue and rice grains, soil samples and irrigation water or soil extracts are performed in this laboratory using modern analytical instrumentations and highly skilled personnel.
MASS SPECTROMETRY LABORATORY This laboratory allows the determination of total carbon and nitrogen in plant and soil samples as well as its stable isotopes.
RADIOISOTOPE LABORATORY Only IRRI staff and scholars who are included in the current IRRI Radioactive Material (RAM) License as Authorized Users are allowed to use the Radioisotope Laboratory. Radiation Safety Course training can also be requested for a minimum of 10 participants. Other liaison services available are subscription of OSL docimeter and subsequent readings at PNRI, sealed sources leak testing at PNRI, and application for inclusion in the IRRI RAM License.
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PLANT DRYING & GRINDING FACILITIES Plant ovens and grinders are available ffor rent on a per day basis. We only provide the equipment and hands-on on training for personnel who will process the samples. Customers must provide their own PPE (e.g. lab gown, gloves, dust masks, ear muffs) as required in using our facilities.
SOIL DRYING & GRINDING FACILITIES Soil drying ovens and grinders for coarse and fine grinding of soil samples are also available avai for rent on a per day basis. We only provide the equipment and training for personnel who will process the samples. Customers must provide their own PPE (e.g. lab b gown, gloves, dust masks, ear muffs) as required in using our facilities facilities.
RADIOISOTOPE FACILITIES The Radioisotope Laboratory is available for rent on a per day basis only to IRRI's authorized radioactive material users. Survey meters for contamination and exposure monitoring are also available for rent.
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Grain Quality and Nutrition tion Services Laboratory International Rice Research Institute College, Los Baños, Laguna 4031 Philippines Mail: Tel.: Email: Website:
DAPO Box 777,, Metro Manila 1301, Philippines +63(2) 580-5600 5600 ext. 2435/2388
[email protected]
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