Beclomethasone And Fluticasone In Asthma Management: A. Real-world ... OBJECTIVE: To compare relative effectiveness of fluticasone propionate.
AB160 Abstracts
Severe Geriatric Asthma: Efficacy of Omalizumab in a VA population P. Verma1, I. Randhawa2, W. B. Klaustermeyer1; 1VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System/UCLA Allergy-Immunology Division, Los Angeles, CA, 2UCLA Allergy-Immunology Division, Los Angeles, CA. RATIONALE: To compare clinical outcomes of omalizumab therapy in a severe asthma geriatric veteran population. METHODS: A retrospective, observational data analysis was performed over two years. Cohort outcome measures one year prior to omalizumab therapy were compared to one year of active treatment. Statistical analysis included two sample t-tests. RESULTS: The total number of patients enrolled was 17 with mean age of 61 years. Omalizumab therapy was associated with a significant reduction in acute asthma exacerbations requiring prednisone treatment (p